What Percentage Of Your Yearly Budget Should Be Spent On Vacation And Travel? (2024)




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I love to travel. If you don’t believe me, check my passport. I’ve been to 8 different countries in the past 90 days. So, I get it. I understand the need to just pack your bag and fly away.

But I also understand finances. I understand debt. And I understand the trade-offs between current desires and long-term needs. Unfortunately, it seems like not a lot of Americans do.

What Percentage Of Your Yearly Budget Should Be Spent On Vacation And Travel? (3)

What Americans Spend On Travel

The average American spends about 10% of their income on travel, according to the 2017 LearnVest Money Habits and Confessions Survey. In fact, a quarter of people spend 15% or more of their income on travel. AARP Research found that last year, Baby Boomers were planning on taking a total of four to five trips for a total cost of about $6,400. (1) It isn’t any wonder since the Consumer Expenditure Survey found that those nearing retirement spent four times as much on travel as young people under 25. (2)

The average domestic trip costs about $144 per day while international trips come to about $271 per day. The major expense associated with travel and vacations is transportation. About 44% of travel funds are spent on getting to, from, and around your vacation destination. (3) Travel definitely isn’t cheap, but that doesn’t seem to be stopping many people from doing it.

What Travel Is Really Costing Us

The cost of travel probably should stop some of us, though. The LearnVest survey found that 74% of Americans have gone into debt to pay for a vacation, with the debt averaging $1,108. (4) Whether you think that sounds like a little or a lot, that vacation is actually costing them much more than it appears.

That’s because there is an opportunity cost involved. Let’s say a 30-year-old goes on the average 12-night international trip that costs $3,250. They put $1,100 on a credit card at 16% interest and pay the minimum $25 monthly payment. In the end, the trip costs $2,150 in cash and $1,675 in credit card payments ($575 in interest) for a grand total of $3,825. But that’s just the cost.

What if that money had been invested for retirement? If invested in the stock market earning 8% interest, that one vacation would be worth $56,553 at age 65. How many international trips would they be able to take with that money then?

You see, travel is expensive. Not planning ahead and paying for travel with debt is even more expensive. And spending all your money on travel instead of planning for the future costs a whole lot more down the road.

How To Budget For Travel

You can be financially responsible and still travel. You just have to plan for it. First, you need to make sure that your current wanderlust isn’t bankrupting your future. Make sure you’re setting enough aside for retirement and other big goals, like purchasing a house or funding a college education. As we saw above, a two-week vacation at age 30 could be worth over $50,000 at age 65. I usually recommend that my clients save at least 15% of their income toward retirement in order to provide for a secure future.

Once you’re funding your long-term goals, you can start planning your vacations. The key, though, is to plan. Over half of Americans (55%) fail to include travel in their annual budget even though they do it regularly. (5) If you eagerly pull out your credit card every time there is a fare sale, you will end up in debt and with regrets. Once you pay the interest on your purchase, the fare isn’t such a good deal after all.

When you plan ahead, you can save toward your vacation and pay cash. How much do you want to spend on travel in a year? If it’s $4,200, divide that by 12 to get $350 a month. Set up an automatic transfer from your checking account to a unique savings account just for travel. After a year, you will have $4,200 set aside for whatever trip you have your heart set on. If you have a separate account just for travel, then you always know how much you can afford to spend— whatever is in the account.

Tips For Affordable Travel

I don’t want you to stop traveling. I just want you to be wise about it. Here are some more tips for making your money go further while you travel:

  • Shop budget airlines through websites like Kiwi.com and be flexible with your dates for the best deals.
  • If you weren’t already planning on going somewhere, don’t buy a ticket or vacation package just because it’s a great deal. It may be half price, but it’s still more than you would spend if you never went in the first place.
  • Look for parts of your budget that you value less than travel (like cable TV or lunch out) and divert those funds into your vacation savings account.
  • Rent out your own place on Airbnb or VRBO while you’re gone for some extra money.
  • Pick up a side gig, like driving for Uber, to help fund your travel habit.
  • Ask your friends for recommendations where you’re going so you don’t waste money on things you won’t enjoy.
  • Take advantage of credit card points and miles, but only if you pay it off every month. If you’re paying interest, you’re not actually saving any money.
  • Pack your own food for the airplane. Paying $8 for cheese and crackers adds up quickly.

How I Can Help

Have I got you wondering how your travel habits are affecting your future? I’d be happy to sit down with you to look at it. Call me at 907-317-8454 or email [email protected] to schedule a free introductory meeting. Together we can develop a plan that builds your future without taking away all of your fun today.


(1) https://www.fool.com/slideshow/heres-what-average-american-spends-these-25-essentials/?slide=20

(2) https://www.valuepenguin.com/average-cost-vacation

(3) https://www.valuepenguin.com/average-cost-vacation

(4) https://www.fool.com/slideshow/heres-what-average-american-spends-these-25-essentials/?slide=20

What Percentage Of Your Yearly Budget Should Be Spent On Vacation And Travel? (5)

Jimmy Miller

James Miller is the founder of Baobab Wealth Management, and offers advisory services through Golden State Equity Partners (“GSEP”), an SEC registered investment advisor. With 20 years of experience, Jimmy works with individuals and families to create financial plans that address their individual situations.He has a bachelor’s degree in business administration and holds the CRPC (Chartered Retirement Planning Counselor) and the CMFC (Chartered Mutual Fund Counselor) designations from the College for Financial Planning. When not working on a financial plan, you will usually find Jimmy with his wife, Sonja, and his son, Hendrik, or his clients enjoying the great outdoors! Jimmy is an avid fisherman, hunter, scuba diver, mountain climber, sailor, and world traveler! He also enjoys volunteering his time with the Boy Scouts of America as a troop leader. Learn more about Jimmy by connecting with him on LinkedIn.

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What Percentage Of Your Yearly Budget Should Be Spent On Vacation And Travel? (10)

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What Percentage Of Your Yearly Budget Should Be Spent On Vacation And Travel? (11)


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Although it would be great to help everyone achieve financial independence, the truth is, like everyone, we have limited time and capacity. Thus, we like to focus our work on those we can serve best with our expertise.

First, we are only looking to work with those seeking a long-term, trusted relationship with a fiduciary financial advisor and have specific goals and ideas for their future. We enjoy working with those who strive to be and do better than average.

Our most valuable work is done for those in the retirement ‘Red Zone’, where getting it right is crucial to long-term financial success. This is the 10 years leading up to your retirement (financial independence) date as well as the first 5 years of retirement.

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You don’t want the cookie cutter advice you have realized is offered at most financial planning firms these days and would prefer a personalized plan that reflects your specific dreams and goals. You would like to see choices in how your retirement income could be structured and not just offered one solution or product. You tend to be more optimistic than pessimistic.

If this sounds like you, and your situation, we invite you to schedule a friendly introductory meeting with us to learn more and explore the possibility of a partnership.

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To project the salary of a 30-year old woman currently earning $85,000, we used a women-specific salary curve from Morningstar Investment Management LLC, a registered investment adviser and subsidiary of Morningstar, Inc., which includes the impact of inflation. We added up her projected salary each year over her 40-year career.


We projected the salary of a 30-year old woman currently earning $85,000 and one earning $110,500 (assuming a 30% raise) using a women-specific salary curve from Morningstar Investment Management LLC, a registered investment adviser and subsidiary of Morningstar, Inc. We sum up both projected salaries over 40 years, in today’s dollars, and calculate the difference.


The banking account results assume a 1% long-term average annual cash return over 40 years.


The low end of the range assumes that you invest 20% of your salary ($85,000 currently) with a financial advisor in a diversified mutual fund portfolio comprised of 60% equity and 40% bonds, which is rebalanced to this allocation each year. Fees include average mutual fund fees and an assumed advisory management fee of 1%. The high end of the range assumes that 20% of your salary is invested with Baobab Wealth in a diversified low-cost ETF portfolio comprised of 91% equity to start and growing more conservative towards the end of the investment horizon (40 years). Fees include those for the recommended ETFs and Baobab Wealth’s fee of 0.50%.

We assume salary growth based upon a women-specific salary curve provided by Morningstar Investment Management LLC, and that you save 20% of your salary each year. These results are determined using a Monte Carlo simulation—a forward-looking, computer-based calculation in which we run portfolios and savings rates through hundreds of different economic scenarios to determine a range of possible outcomes. The results for the low end of the range reflects a 70% likelihood of achieving the amount shown or better, and the high end of the range reflects a 50% likelihood of achieving the amounts shown or better. All results include the impact of inflation, and estimated taxes paid on dividends, interest, and realized capital gains.

The results presented are hypothetical, and do not reflect actual investment results, the performance of any Baobab Wealth product, or any account of any Baobab Wealth client, which may vary materially from the results portrayed for various reasons.

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What Percentage Of Your Yearly Budget Should Be Spent On Vacation And Travel? (2024)


What percentage of budget for vacation? ›

Miller recommends using the 70/20/10 breakdown. This means 70 percent of your income should go toward household expenses, including debt. Twenty percent should be put into savings, including retirement. That leaves 10 percent of your income for wants, including travel, or for additional savings.

How much of your annual income should you spend on vacation? ›

Many financial experts suggest spending between 5-10% of your annual income on vacations each year. If you're striving to meet any important financial goals, like paying off debt or saving for a home down payment, keeping this closer to 5% can help you reach those goals more quickly.

What percentage of your budget should go to what? ›

Try the 50/30/20 rule as a simple budgeting framework. Allow up to 50% of your income for needs, including debt minimums. Leave 30% of your income for wants. Commit 20% of your income to savings and debt repayment beyond minimums.

How much money should you have before going on vacation? ›

Calculate the number of days of your trip and multiply by $50–$100 per person. If you traveling independently (no meals included), estimate an additional $50–$75 per person per day for food and drink. (This amount could vary depending upon your final destination and your own personal preferences and budget).

What is the 50 30 20 rule? ›

The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings. The savings category also includes money you will need to realize your future goals.

What is the ideal amount of vacation per year? ›

If they're talking specifically about vacation days, then 10-20 days of paid vacation is very good. You'll be getting anywhere between two and four weeks off work per year, all of which is paid – and it doesn't include sickness or holidays! In conclusion, it is normal to receive around 10 vacation days per year.

What is the 70 10 10 10 budget rule? ›

This principle consists of allocating 10% of your monthly income to each of the following categories: emergency fund, long-term savings, and giving. The remaining 70% is for your living expenses. 10% – Long Term Savings – Saving for big expenses such as university, new home, retirement, etc.

What is the 60 20 20 rule? ›

Put 60% of your income towards your needs (including debts), 20% towards your wants, and 20% towards your savings. Once you've been able to pay down your debt, consider revising your budget to put that extra 10% towards savings.

What is the 70 20 10 budget rule example? ›

70 20 10 Budget example

Let's say your income is $5,000 a month after taxes. By this rule, $3,500, 70% of your income, would be for all expenses. Then 20%, or $1,000, is for saving. Last, $500, or 10%, is for giving or debt payoff.

What is a good budget for a week vacation? ›

The average vacation for one person in the United States costs about $1,986 per week. A vacation for two people will typically cost around $3,971 per week.

How much should the average vacation cost? ›

Average vacation costs. The average cost of a one-week vacation in the U.S. is $1,991, but it could be as little as $739 or as much as $5,728. ¹ If you're traveling as a couple, the average vacation cost for two people is $3,982.

How much money do I need for a 7 day vacation? ›

Quick Answer: In the U.S., a one-week vacation for a solo traveler costs about $1,984, while a family of four can cost around $7,936. Inflation is on the rise, affecting how Americans choose to spend their money. However, increased costs don't seem to be getting in the way of Americans' travel plans for 2024.

What is the 10 percent budget rule? ›

70-20-10 budget FAQs

It's an approach to budgeting that encourages setting aside 70% of your take-home pay for living expenses and discretionary purchases, 20% for savings and investments, and 10% for debt repayment or donations.

What is a standard travel budget? ›

The average vacation for one person in the United States costs about $1,986 per week. A vacation for two people will typically cost around $3,971 per week.

What does Dave Ramsey say about traveling? ›

You want to ensure that your trip is the perfect amount of time so you don't spend more on accommodations than you should. It's important to note that you don't have to spend all your vacation time on your trip. You can take a few days at home or return to work earlier and bank that time off for a future excursion.

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