What Percentage of Parents Pay for College? - Going Merry (2024)

LAST UPDATED May 30, 2024

Going Merry

Categories: Financial Aid

Even if you’re proud of your child for getting into college, you might not be thrilled about the idea of paying for it. Understandably, some parents feel guilty about not wanting to foot the bill for their kid’s bachelor’s degree. And while many parents help their child pay for school at least partially, not all do.

You’re not alone If you’re struggling to wrap your head around the cost of tuition. You’re not alone If you’re struggling to wrap your head around the cost of tuition. According to the Princeton Review, 80% of families with university-bound students report that some type of financial aid would be “extremely necessary” to afford their child’s education. Many more are on the fence about whether or not they should pay for their child’s tuition, even if they know they can afford it. To help you understand what percentage of parents pay for college and why, we put together this guide. Read on for stats and tips to help you make your decision.

Key takeaways

  • 77% of parents cover a portion of their child’s college costs using savings and income.
  • 18% of parents rely on borrowed funds to cover college expenses.
  • On average, parents of undergraduate students chip in about $13,000 per school year.
  • You can reduce the burden of college tuition by filling out the FAFSA®, which will ensure your family receives all possible federal aid and grants.
  • A 529 college savings account is a tax-advantaged account designed to help you save money for your child’s college.

What percentage of parents pay for college?

According to the oft-cited Sallie Mae study “How America Pays for College,” 77% of American families used parent income and savings to pay for some of their kid’s college expenses. Another 18% of parents use borrowed funds to pay for some portion of their child’s higher education. Note that we can’t simply add these two numbers together because there’s likely some overlap (i.e. many parents use both savings and borrowed funds). But, based on these statistics, we can safely assume that the percentage of parents paying for college is somewhere above 77%.

How much do parents pay for college?

During the 2021/2022 school year, the average parent covered about 43% of their student’s college costs using income and savings. Parents covered an additional 8% of that cost by taking out loans, according to the Sallie Mae study. The average total parent contribution came out to $13,000 per year.

So, what types of costs do parental contributions typically cover? That runs the gamut from tuition and fees to living expenses like room and board. Often, what a parent decides to cover depends on what other funding is available. If your child gets a scholarship that covers the majority of their tuition, you’ll most likely be chipping in to pay for other costs like books, computers, or school supplies.

How do parents pay for college?

These days, there are many different ways to pay for college. Here are some of the most popular to help a child afford their degree:

529 savings plan

In the U.S., each state offers a tax-advantaged savings account called a 529 plan. Money saved in these types of accounts can grow and be withdrawn tax-free as long as the money is used for college expenses. According to the Sallie Mae study, about 33% of families use specialized 529 plans and other college savings accounts to fund their children’s higher education.

Depending on which state you live in and what type of plan you select, your interest rates will vary. (You can shop around to find the best rates available.) Once you choose a plan, you’ll be able to deposit funds into the account. Deposits aren’t tax deductible, which means you will have to pay taxes on any income before it goes into your 529. However, some states offer tax breaks or other incentives to make 529 plans even more enticing.

When it’s time to send your kid off to college, you can access this money — along with the interest it has accrued — without paying taxes on those earnings.


Parent income — i.e., the money a student’s parents, legal guardians, or step-parents earn from their jobs — is one of the primary sources of funding for the average kid’s college degree. In the past year, 63% of families used one or more parent’s current income to fund college expenses, Sallie Mae reports.


Student loans are a common source of funding for parents as well as college students. About 18% of families rely on parental borrowing to pay for a college education. The federal government offers Direct PLUS loans, often called Parent PLUS loans, which are federal student loans that parents can take out on behalf of a child. They tend to have slightly higher interest rates than undergraduate student loans, but they offer many of the same protections, like access to federal deferment, forbearance, and even some loan forgiveness programs.

Other savings or investments

If you have cash stored in a traditional savings account or invested in the stock market for a rainy day, you could use those funds to help cover your child’s college education. In 2022, about 37% of families used parent savings and investments outside of college savings plans to boost their student’s college funds.

Retirement savings withdrawal

If necessary, you may be able to withdraw from a retirement account to pay for your child’s tuition. Keep in mind that, depending on your plan and age, you might be subject to a penalty for early withdrawal. Even so, according to Sallie Mae, about 18% of families dipped into their retirement funds during the 2021-2022 school year to help cover their child’s education.

One thing to keep in mind: parental contributions typically shouldn’t impact your retirement plan. If you know you have way more money saved for retirement than you’ll need, it may be worth tapping into those funds. But if siphoning money from a retirement account will affect your ability to retire on time, you might want to reconsider.

Student loans for parents

Loans can be an effective way to close the gap between your child’s financial aid and your ability to pay their tuition. The federal Parent PLUS loan is one popular option. Last year, Parent PLUS loans made up 12% of all parent borrowing for college tuition. These types of loans tend to have lower, fixed interest rates, which makes them more affordable than some private loans.

Repayment plans for federal loans include income-based repayment options, which can help you pay back your loan while keeping up with other financial obligations like a mortgage or credit card debt. Parent PLUS loans may also be eligible for some types of federal student loan forgiveness.

To qualify for a Parent PLUS loan, you must be the biological or legally adoptive parent of a dependent undergraduate. If you’re ineligible for federal loans — or if you’ve already hit your federal borrowing limits — you can consider private student loans. To qualify for a private loan1, you’ll need good credit and a stable income. Be sure to research different lenders to ensure you’re getting the lowest interest rates available to you.

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How to pay for college without loans

Student loan debt can take decades to get out of, and taking on too much can impact not just your child’s future, but yours, too. If you’d prefer to avoid loans, there are a number of other ways to make college more affordable.

Fill out the FAFSA®

Each year, families leave billions of dollars in federal aid on the table by not completing the FAFSA®. The FAFSA®, or Free Application for Federal Student Aid, is a questionnaire provided by the U.S. Department of Education that lets you report the status of your personal finances and therefore qualify for federal aid. The FAFSA® is free to submit, but not everyone takes advantage. In 2021 alone, for example, $3.7 billion dollars of Pell Grant aid was left unredeemed, simply because students and their parents ignored this one form.

Even if you believe your family’s income is too high to qualify for federal financial aid, you should still complete the FAFSA® every year. Having a complete application automatically puts your child in the running for government grants and federal work-study programs. This year, the application opens in December 2023. Since some grants and programs are first-come, first-served, strive to fill out the FAFSA® as early as you can.

Help your child apply for scholarships and grants

Unlike loans, scholarships and grants come with no strings attached; they never need to be repaid. In 2022, 73% of families used some type of scholarship or grant to support their undergraduate students. While many people assume that scholarships are only for students with high GPAs or stellar athletic records, the truth is that scholarship programs exist for every type of student.

The first step to applying for scholarships is to find the ones your student is eligible for. To help with that task, Going Merry curates thousands of high-quality awards that students can apply for directly through our website. As a parent, you can empower your child by using Going Merry to identify scholarship programs and encourage them to apply.

Guide your student to choose a less expensive school

One of the best ways to save money on college tuition is to choose an affordable school. If finances are top of mind, guide your child to a school with a lower cost of attendance. In-state schools and public colleges both tend to be more affordable than private colleges.

If your child has their heart set on a school that’s outside your budget, nudge them to explore satellite or community colleges as well. These smaller schools are a perfect place to begin an undergraduate degree before transferring to their dream school. Most four-year colleges allow community college students to easily transfer credits. This means your child can get their name-brand degree at a fraction of the sticker price.

Encourage your child obtain college credits in high school

These days, it’s possible to arrive on campus with a number of college credits already in hand. Advanced Placement (AP) classes allow high school students to take accelerated courses and test out of college credits. A similar program, the Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) program, allows students with real-world skills to obtain hours of college credit for volunteer work or job experience.

Many high schools around the country also offer dual enrollment programs. These programs allow high school students to take community college courses for both high school and college credit. Dual enrollment is only available at select high schools. If it’s available at your student’s school, encourage them to double the impact of their time by earning credit for two degrees at once.

Find additional or part-time work — and ask your child to do the same

According to the Sallie Mae study, about 56% of families rely on their student’s income and savings to cover college costs. This includes part-time work like babysitting or working at a local restaurant between classes or semesters. If your child has spare time, encourage them to look for this kind of work to help pay for their own tuition. If you need to supplement your own income, consider exploring similar options for yourself.

Get matched to scholarships with Going Merry

From better career prospects to opportunities for personal growth, obtaining a college education can open many doors for your child. These days, most parents pay for at least some of their kid’s college, but there are a number of ways to source additional funding. One of the best ways to reduce the burden of college tuition is to explore college scholarships.

Here at Going Merry, we’ve created a robust scholarship database with thousands of awards. All of them are carefully vetted and none of them require application fees. Plus, Going Merry will automatically match your child with scholarships that fit their eligibility profile. Don’t waste your time scrolling through awards that don’t fit the bill. Instead, both you and your child can create Going Merry accounts. You can then help your student populate their profile with hobbies, interests, academic achievements, and other information. After that, we’ll send scholarships directly to your student — all they have to do is apply.

Disclaimer: This blog post provides personal finance educational information, and it is not intended to provide legal, financial, or tax advice.

1 Before applying for private student loans, it’s best to maximize your other sources of financial aid first. It’s recommended to use a 3-step approach to assembling the funds you need: 1) Look for funds you don’t have to pay back, like scholarships, grant, and work-study opportunities. 2) Next, fill out a FAFSA(R) form to apply for federal student loans. Federal Direct subsidized and unsubsidized loans, excluding PLUS Loan for Parents and PLUS Loan for Graduate and Professional Students which require a credit check and a credit worthy endorser if the parent or graduate or professional student has adverse credit, do not require a credit check or cosigner, and offer various protections if your struggling with your payments. 3) Finally, consider a private student loan to cover any difference between your total cost of attendance and the amount not covered in steps 1 and 2. For more information, visit the Department of Education website at https://studentaid.ed.gov.

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Going Merry is a one-stop shop for scholarships-- allowing students to find and apply for scholarships, right on our platform. It's like the best scholarship search engine, and an efficient scholarship application form, all in one. How does it work? You fill out a profile, get matched to scholarships you're eligible for, and then can filter or favorite scholarships into an application shortlist. Then, when you're ready to apply, our platform auto-fills any information you've already told us, so that you never have to answer the same thing twice. Counselors often call us the "common app for scholarships."

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What Percentage of Parents Pay for College? - Going Merry (2024)


What Percentage of Parents Pay for College? - Going Merry? ›

77% of parents cover a portion of their child's college costs using savings and income. 18% of parents rely on borrowed funds to cover college expenses.

What percentage of parents pay for their child's college? ›

What Percent of Parents Pay for Their Children's College Education? About half of families (53%) have a plan to pay for college, and of those, 61% say borrowing will likely be part of how they help their child afford higher education, according to Sallie Mae's How America Pays for College 2023.

What price do most students pay for college group of answer choices? ›

For the 2022-23 academic year, the average cost of tuition and fees for public four-year schools came out to $10,940 for in-state students and $28,240 for out-of-state students, according to the latest data from College Board. Private nonprofit four-year schools amassed a much higher $39,400 average.

What percentage of income are parents expected to pay for college? ›

The FAFSA formula doesn't expect students or families to use all of their adjusted available income to pay for college. The formula allocates 50 percent of a dependent student's adjusted available income to cover college expenses and anywhere from 22 to 47 percent of parents' available income.

What percent of parents pay their kids for good grades? ›

According to a study on children and money conducted by the American Institute of CPAs, nearly half of all U.S. parents (48 percent) rewarded their kids financially for good grades. The average for an A, among those who paid their kids, was $16.60.

Should parents pay for college if they can afford it? ›

As a result, it's more difficult for students to work their way through school than it was in the past. So, as long as helping to cover your child's college education doesn't come at the cost of your own financial goals and retirement savings, it may be prudent to help your child offset at least some of the costs.

What is the average college savings parents? ›

In June 2022, the average 529 balance was $25,903. In June 2021, the average 529 balance was much higher at $30,287. The vast majority of 529 funds are in 529 college savings plans, not 529 prepaid tuition accounts.

How much do most families pay for college? ›

On average, parents of undergraduate students chip in about $13,000 per school year. You can reduce the burden of college tuition by filling out the FAFSA®, which will ensure your family receives all possible federal aid and grants.

How much does the average American pay for college? ›

The average cost of attendance for a student living on campus at an in-state public 4-year institution is $27,146 per year or $108,584 over 4 years. Out-of-state students pay $45,708 per year or $182,832 over 4 years. Private, nonprofit university students pay $58,628 per year or $234,512 over 4 years.

What percentage of Ivy League students pay full tuition? ›

Who Pays the Full Sticker Price for a College Education?
Ivy League CollegesPercent of Freshmen Who Pay Full PricePercent of Undergraduate Students Who Receive No Institutional Grants
Harvard University48%48%
Princeton University41%41%
University of Pennsylvania53%53%
Yale University52%52%
5 more rows
Aug 16, 2017

Can I get financial aid if my parents make over 150k? ›

What income is too high for FAFSA? There is no income that is too high to file a FAFSA. No matter how much you make, you can always submit a FAFSA. Eligibility for need-based financial aid increases as the cost of attendance increases, so even a wealthy student might qualify for financial aid at a higher-cost college.

What disqualifies you from getting financial aid? ›

Not maintaining satisfactory progress at your college or degree program. Not filling out the FAFSA each year you are enrolled in school. Defaulting on a student loan.

What is the income limit for FAFSA 2024? ›

What Are the FAFSA Income Limits for 2024? Both students and their parents often think their household income makes them ineligible for financial aid. However, there's no income limit for the FAFSA, and the U.S. Department of Education does not have an income cap for federal financial aid.

Should students be paid to go to school pros and cons? ›

Paying students might not lead to them attaining better grades or create any permanent changes in philosophy when it comes to studying, but it can lead to them staying in school and finishing their high school diploma.

Is paying kids for good grades effective? ›

They found that rewards had a positive impact on high-ability students; however, they had a negative effect on achievement for lower-ability students. Researchers determined that external rewards may be detrimental to intrinsic (internal) motivation.

Do happier students get better grades? ›

Happy students tend to get better grades, says Christina Hinton, Ed. D., a Harvard Graduate School of Education neuroscientist and lecturer. She says her study also found what makes students happy: school culture and relationships that students form with their teachers and peers.

What percentage of students pay for their own college? ›

The majority of today's college students are solely paying for their education, with a higher percentage of two-year students paying their own way. Sixty-one percent of four-year students are solely paying their education costs, and 29 percent are splitting costs with parents or family.

Do most kids pay for their own college? ›

Overall, 32 percent of students have no responsibility in paying for college, while 39 percent pay for some of it, and 29 percent are responsible for all of it.

Should you pay for your child's college? ›

Generally speaking, child support can be quite confusing and may feel arbitrary. Even though it's only fair for you to pay for your child's tuition, you don't have any legal obligation to do so in California.

Do most parents have a college fund? ›

Amount Parents Have Saved for College

In our survey, we asked parents how much they have saved for college. About 5% hadn't started saving yet. Of those that had, just over 30% had saved $10,000 or less, 25% had saved between $10,000 and $30,000, and about 40% had saved more than $30,000.

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