What Makes A Pokémon The Strongest? (2024)

Key Takeaways

  • There is debate over the strongest Pokémon due to different categories, such as base stat total, individual stat scores, and powerful moves.
  • Arceus is considered the strongest Pokémon due to its balanced base stat total and competitive viability.
  • Each stat category, such as HP, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed, has a Pokémon with the highest base stat. Blissey has the highest HP, Mega Mewtwo X has the highest Attack, Shuckle has the highest Defense, Deoxys-Attack has the highest Special Attack, and Regieleki has the highest Speed.

With over a thousand Pokémon in the series, there exists some debate over which is the strongest. Some fans may turn to competitive statistics, and others may look to the series' lore for answers. The truth is that there really is no straight answer, seeing as the question can be addressed by many categories. These include which Pokémon has the highest base stat total, which one has the highest score in each individual stat, or which Pokémon has the single most powerful move, for example.

One can even wonder what the strongest legendary Pokémon is, or what the strongest evolved and unevolved forms may be. The question is advanced enough that one answer doesn't necessarily fit all. Finding the strongest Pokémon takes calculation and research on the series' gameplay and the history of the world of Pokémon itself.


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The Strongest Pokémon

What Makes A Pokémon The Strongest? (2)


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Looking for the strongest Pokémon means seeking out the best in each statistic. There are six categories; HP, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed. Each stat is different, but all are equally important.

Considering the base stat total, or BST, Arceus is the obvious answer of which Pokémon is the strongest. Arceus has a base stat total of 720, with each point spread evenly across the six statistics. Arceus' stats reinforce its position as the strongest Pokémon in the series' lore itself. As the creator of the world, and all Pokémon, it makes sense that Arceus would be the strongest and most capable of them all.

Arceus also has incredible competitive viability. Being in the uber tier, Arceus dominates the field with multi-typing and priority moves that can maintain the tide of any winning battle. Arceus itself only has one real weakness to the fighting type, but its multi-type feature based on its plates basically renders this weakness null and void.

Strongest In Each Stat


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For every stat, there is one Pokémon who sits above the rest with the highest base stat. Looking at how certain Pokemon are ranked competitively on sites like Smogon.com can help to separate the best from the worst. The Pokémon with the highest base HP statistic is Blissey. Blissey's HP stat comes in at a whopping 255 and is the Pokémon's highest base stat. Blissey is infamous for its huge HP total, and that along with its great SP. DEF stat makes it a good competitive choice for stall strategies and withstanding dangerous special attackers. Blissey is a good choice both in the main game storyline and the competitive scene.

Mega Mewtwo X holds the highest ATK stat in the series. It possesses a base stat of 190. Mega Mewtwo X's classification as the Pokémon with the highest ATK stat can be questionable, seeing as it only acquires this ATK stat with mega evolution. If mega evolution is not considered in the selection, then the Pokémon with the highest base ATK stat is UB-04, otherwise known as the Ultra Beast Kartana. Kartana possesses a base ATK stat of 181, which when paired with its good SPD and DEF, makes it a very viable option for all manners of battling.

Shuckle is the proud owner of the highest DEF stat. Famous for its sturdy makeup, Shuckle has a base DEF stat of 230. It has the same base stat for SP. DEF, making it an all-around defensive powerhouse. Though Shuckle makes up for it with its incredibly high defense stats, the rest of its stats are famously horrible. The rest of its stats shamefully don't make it past 20 points.

The highest SP. ATK belongs to Deoxys in its Attack Form. Deoxys-Attack, true to its name, has a high SP. ATK of 180. This is the same as its ATK stat, which is second only to Kartana by a single point. As fans of the franchise know, Deoxys is a very powerful Pokémon that is capable of switching between three forms — attack, defense, and speed. It sits in Smogon's uber tier, and its decent SPD coupled with its incredible SP. ATK makes it a formidable foe for bulky, offensive competitive teams. Its defense, however, leaves much to be desired.

The fastest Pokémon of all is Regieleki with a base speed stat of 200. It sits in Smogon's UU, or 'underused', tier. Regieleki's insane SPD stat makes for an out-speeding powerhouse that can quickly get rid of fast and heavy hitters on opposing teams. Regieleki's speed makes up for its low DEF and SP. DEF stats, which both sit at an underwhelming score of 50. This isn't too detrimental, however. After all, what use is defense if a Pokémon is so fast that it never gets hit?

See Also

The Strongest Legendary And Mythical Pokemon

What Makes A Pokémon The Strongest? (5)


Why The Original Pokémon Rival Is Still The Best

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There is some debate as to whether Arceus is classified as a legendary or mythical Pokémon. It tops both lists as the strongest of all, so it reigns supreme no matter which way one looks at it. Not considering the Pokémon of creation, however, which legendary and mythical Pokémon come in second place?

When it comes to mythical Pokémon, Hoopa's Unbound form slides in behind Arceus with a base stat total of 680. Its highest stat is SP. ATK with 170, and its lowest is DEF at 60. Despite Hoopa Unbound's fragility, it remains a destructive powerhouse that cuts through walls like butter. Hoopa Unbound sits in Smogon's UUBL tier, otherwise known as the Underused Ban List tier. This means the Pokémon is overpowered enough to constitute banning, but not overused enough to make it into the Overused, or OU, tier.

The strongest legendary Pokémon, coming in behind Arceus, is Zygarde. More specifically, Zygarde in its Complete form as shown in Pokémon: Sun and Moon. Zygarde's Complete form has a base stat total of 708. From its base form, Zygarde skyrockets to 216 HP. As a result, it loses some SPD and gains some SP. ATK. Zygarde Complete is in Smogon's Uber tier, and it makes for an excellent wall in competitive play.

The Strongest Evolved And Non-Evolved Pokemon

What Makes A Pokémon The Strongest? (7)


Pokémon: Eevee Day, Explained

Eevee is so beloved in Japan that they have a national holiday to celebrate it. There's a lot to know about the event and the Pokémon heading it.

Without considering legendaries, mythical, or stat leaders, players can look to evolution status as an indicator of a Pokémon's strength. Pokemon who have evolved are typically stronger than those who haven't, and those who don't evolve may outrank those who do.

The strongest unevolved Pokémon is Scyther with a base stat total of 500. ATK is its highest stat at 110, and SP. ATK is its lowest at 55. Despite its status as the 'strongest' unevolved Pokémon, Scyther sits sadly in Smogon's PU tier, which stands for any number of things between 'Pitifully Useless' and just plain old 'pee-yew.' While it can be a decent pivot Pokémon for grass and fighting-type Pokémon, it really isn't great for much else.

Slaking has a base stat total of 670, making it the strongest of the evolved, non-legendary, and non-mythical Pokémon. Slaking has always been a powerful solution to any problem, especially with its ATK stat at 160. It also possesses a bulky HP stat and a movepool with enormous variety. By all means, Slaking should be a competitive powerhouse. Unfortunately, it sits in ZU, or 'ZeroUsed.' This is because its ability, Truant, negates every strength that this Pokémon has. Taking every other turn to slack off, Slaking just isn't as useful as other normal types.

Ever since Pokémon first became popular, players everywhere have sought the strongest Pokémon to add to their teams. There is little more satisfying than sweeping through a high-level boss fight with a fierce and powerful Pokémon, and having the strongest fighters is surely something to brag about. For every stat, there is a Pokémon that makes every other one look weak in comparison. In the grand scheme of things, some of these stat powerhouses aren't actually very useful at all, and some 'weak' Pokémon have access to moves and abilities that change the game. As always, Pokémon remains a game of variety and misdirection, encouraging players to look at all situations and Pokémon through different lenses and at different angles.

As is the case with the weakest Pokémon in the series, every Pokémon is someone's favorite. Though players can easily find the answers to which has the highest base stat total or which is the fastest, these factors shouldn't make or break a Pokémon's likability. And it often doesn't; some of the 'weakest' and most 'useless' Pokémon are universally beloved, like Lunatone and Solrock, or Dunsparce and its new evolution, Dudunsparce. The fact of the matter is that strength just doesn't tend to factor in when it comes to the Pokémon that holds a player's heart.

What Makes A Pokémon The Strongest? (9)

Expanding across a multitude of media, including TCGs, video games, manga, live-action movies and anime, the Pokémon franchise is set in a shared world of humans and creatures with a wide variety of special abilities.

What Makes A Pokémon The Strongest? (2024)


What makes a Pokémon the strongest? ›

The most important thing a Pokémon needs in order to be good is field presence– the ability to impact the game by being on the field. This can be via damage output like Kyogre or with support like Incineroar.

What determines Pokémon strength? ›

Each species of Pokémon will have specific base stats that stay the same across the species, but each individual Pokémon will have varying Attack, Defense, and Stamina stats as well. The combination of these stats determines the Individual Values (IV's) of a Pokémon, and are each rated on a scale of 0-15.

What makes Pokémon strong in Pokémon Go? ›

A Pokémon with high Attack IV can deal more damage per fast move and charge move. Pokémon with high Defense and Stamina IVs can survive longer, allowing them to deal more damage over time. When building a team for raids, it's ideal to prioritize Pokémon with high Attack and balanced Defense and Stamina IVs.

How do you know which Pokémon is the strongest? ›

The only way to know the true potential of a Pokémon is to check its IVs. It's also worth noting that IVs remain the same through evolution, so feel free to evolve that perfect IV Squirtle into a Blastoise.

How to make a Pokémon stronger? ›

You can power up a Pokémon with Stardust and Candy, which you can acquire by catching Pokémon or hatching Eggs. You can also earn Candy by transferring Pokémon. How much you can power up a Pokémon is limited by your current level. Candy is specific to each Pokémon Evolution family.

What item makes Pokémon stronger? ›

Choice Items lock a Pokemon into only using one attack but greatly increase a particular stat depending on the item. The Choice Band increases Attack, the Choice Specs increases Sp. Attack, and the Choice Scarf increases Speed.

What determines the strength? ›

Overview. An individual's physical strength is determined by two factors: the cross-sectional area of muscle fibers recruited to generate force and the intensity of the recruitment.

What determines a good Pokémon? ›

A Pokemon needs decent HP and Defense if they're to withstand their opponent's attacks. Other factors that determine a Pokemon's performance in battle are their Attack IV and their Fast Move.

What makes a strong Pokémon team? ›

Pokemon competitive teams should include offensive powerhouses and defensive and support Pokemon. Utility moves usually serve another purpose outside of dealing damage and can be the deciding factor between a win or loss. Speed control, redirection, screen, recovery, and status moves are considered utility moves.

How to tell if a Pokémon is good or not? ›

The team leader will tell you how your Pokémon ranks using stars and a pretty easy to understand graphic using bars: If your Pokémon has three stars and a red stamp, it means that it has 100% perfect IVs. If it has three star with an orange stamp, it has around 80-99% perfect IVs.

Is it better to evolve a 3 star Pokémon? ›

Evolving too many of the same species can burn through Candy very quickly. It's recommended to evolve a Pokemon that has high CP or a 3/4-star Appraisal.

Does higher CP mean better Pokémon? ›

So, a combination of a Pokémon's hidden Base Stats, IVs, and Level are what dictate its CP - the higher the better, but remember that just because that Drowzee you caught has higher CP than your old one, that doesn't necessarily mean it's stronger. It might just be a higher Level.

What is the number 1 strongest Pokémon? ›

Arceus is, without a doubt, the most powerful Legendary Pokémon. This Normal type Mythical Pokémon is the creator of the universe and thus the closest that the Pokémon world has to a god.

Who is stronger, Mew or Mewtwo? ›

In a fight between Mewtwo and Mew, the winner would be Mew. Both Pokemon have immense power and physical attributes, but Mew emerged victorious since he has far superior intelligence over his clone.

Who can defeat Mewtwo? ›

Mew, the original Pokémon from which Mewtwo was cloned, can defeat Mewtwo with its DNA that allows transformation into any living creature. Others like Rayquaza, Ho-Oh, and several other Legendaries have the potential to defeat Mewtwo in battle, but there are still many that are weaker than this powerful Gen 1 Pokémon.

What is considered the strongest Pokémon? ›

Arceus. By far the most naturally powerful Legendary Pokémon, with 720 points, Arceus is the closest thing the Poké-world has to a God – and as such, has powers you won't find with any other.

What is the strongest form of a Pokémon? ›

Steel is now the most powerful typing in the entire franchise, mainly because of its many type resistances and strengths of its own. Steel-type Pokémon's weaknesses against Fire, Fighting, and Ground can be significant in some match-ups, but their generally high Defense tends to help them out.

What is the strongest Pokémon ability? ›

Sturdy is one of the best Pokemon abilities and has seen a lot of use. Essentially, Sturdy Pokemon have a built-in Focus Sash: if their HP is full when they're attacked by a move that will take them out in one shot, they'll withstand it with a single point of health left.

What determines if a Pokémon is good in Pokémon Go? ›

IVs determine how strong a Pokémon can potentially get.

There are just three stats to worry about: Attack, Defense, and Stamina, each of which maxes out at 15.

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