What is the purpose of module.exports in node.js ? - GeeksforGeeks (2024)

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What is the purpose of module.exports in node.js ? - GeeksforGeeks (1)

Last Updated : 31 Mar, 2023




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The module.exports is actually a property of the module object in node.js. module. Exports is the object that is returned to the require() call. By module.exports, we can export functions, objects, and their references from one file and can use them in other files by importing them by require() method.


  • The main purpose of module.exports is to achieve modular programming. Modular programming refers to separating the functionality of a program into independent, interchangeable modules, such that each contains everything necessary to execute only one aspect of the desired functionality. By not using the module.exports it becomes difficult to write a large program without modular/reusable code.
  • Using module.exports we can separate business logic from other modules. In other terms, we can achieve abstraction using it.
  • By using it becomes easy to maintain and manage the code base in different modules.
  • Enforces separation of concerns. Having our code split up into multiple files allows us to have appropriate file names for every file. This way we can easily identify what every module does and where to find it (assuming we made a logical directory structure which is still your responsibility.

Example: How to use module.exports in node.js. To start with the following example it is necessary to have node.js installed on your pc.

For verifying type the following command in the terminal. It will show the installed version of Node.Js on your pc.

node -v 

What is the purpose of module.exports in node.js ? - GeeksforGeeks (3)

Step 1: Create a separate folder and then navigate to that folder by terminal or command prompt.

Step 2:Run the npm init -y command in the terminal or command prompt to create a package.json file

Step 3:Now create two files at the root of your project structure named module.js and app.js respectively.

Project structure: It will look like this:

What is the purpose of module.exports in node.js ? - GeeksforGeeks (4)

Step 4:Add the following code to the module.js file


// Module.js file

function addTwoNumbers(a, b) {

return a + b;


function multiplyTwoNumbers(a, b) {

return a * b;


const exportedObject = { addTwoNumbers, multiplyTwoNumbers };

// module.exports can be used to export

// single function but we are exporting

// object having two functions

module.exports = exportedObject;

Step 5:Add the following code to app.js file


// app.js file

const obj = require("./module");

// Getting object exported from module.js


// Printing object exported from

// module.js that contains

// references of two functions

const add = obj.addTwoNumbers;

// Reference to addTwoNumbers() function

console.log(add(3, 4));

const multiply = obj.multiplyTwoNumbers;

// Reference to multiplyTwoNumbers() function

console.log(multiply(3, 4));

Step to run the application: Run the following command in your terminal inside your root path of the project (eg:module_exports_tut) folder.

node app.js


What is the purpose of module.exports in node.js ? - GeeksforGeeks (5)

For more information about the module.exports visit https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/node-js-export-module/

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What is the purpose of module.exports in node.js ? - GeeksforGeeks (7)

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What is the purpose of module.exports in node.js ? - GeeksforGeeks (2024)


What is the purpose of module.exports in node.js ? - GeeksforGeeks? ›

In Node, the `module. exports` is utilized to expose literals, functions, or objects as modules. This mechanism enables the inclusion of JavaScript files within Node. js applications.

What is the purpose of Node.js module? ›

As building blocks of code structure, Node. js modules allow developers to better structure, reuse, and distribute code. A module is a self-contained file or directory of related code, which can be included in your application wherever needed.

What is the main difference between exports and module exports in Node.js mcq? ›

exports is used when there is only a single item e.g., function, object or variable that needs to be exported, while exports is used for multiple items.

What are the two types of module exports in JavaScript? ›

Description. Every module can have two different types of export, named export and default export. You can have multiple named exports per module but only one default export. Each type corresponds to one of the above syntax.

What is module exports run? ›

module. exports is an object that can be imported in other modules. module. exports. run would that be a property of that object.

What is the purpose of module exports in NodeJS? ›

module. Exports is the object that is returned to the require() call. By module. exports, we can export functions, objects, and their references from one file and can use them in other files by importing them by require() method.

What is the difference between module exports and export default? ›

In summary, `module. exports` is associated with CommonJS modules used in Node. js, while `export default` is associated with ES6 modules used in modern JavaScript environments, including browsers and newer versions of Node.

What is the difference between import and export module? ›

A module exports to provide code and imports to use other code. Modules are useful because they allow developers to reuse code, they provide a stable, consistent interface that many developers can use, and they do not pollute the global namespace.

What are exports in JavaScript? ›

What Exactly is the export Keyword in JavaScript? In JavaScript, the export statement is used in modules to expose variables, functions, or classes so that they can be accessed and used in other parts of the application or in separate files.

What is the difference between module info opens and exports? ›

The opens directive also indicates which public types of the module's package are accessible to other modules. The difference between that and exports is that opens is not for compile time, only during runtime, while exports is for both compile time and runtime.

What is the difference between export and module export in node JS? ›

If you are exporting a single object, function, or value, you can use either module. exports or exports . If you are extending exports with additional properties or methods, use exports . If you need to replace the entire exports object, use module.

What is an export example? ›

Some export examples are final goods like cars, cell phones, computers, or clothing. These are goods that are made in one nation from start to finish and the completed product is exported to other countries. Exports do not have to be final or complete goods to qualify as an export.

How to export module class in JavaScript? ›

How to export a Class in JavaScript
  1. export const value = 1; export function func() {}; export class Class {};
  2. const func1 = () => {}; const func2 = () => {}; export { func1, func2 };
  3. import { func1, func2 } from './module. ...
  4. import * as module from './module. ...
  5. import { func1 as renamedFunc } from './module.js';
Mar 29, 2024

What is the purpose of a module? ›

In computer hardware, a module is a component that is designed for easy replacement. In computer software, a module is an extension to a main program dedicated to a specific function. In programming, a module is a section of code that is added in as a whole or is designed for easy reusability.

What are the different types of exporting? ›

The two main types of exporting are direct and indirect exporting. Direct exporting is a type of exporting where the company directly sells products to overseas customers. Indirect exporting is a type of exporting practiced by companies that sell products to other countries with the help of an intermediary.

Why would you create a default export in a module? ›

Default exports are useful for exporting a single object, function, or variable. When importing, you can use any name. Example: In this example, we are exporting the variable by using “export default” keywords.

Why do we need node modules? ›

Purpose of node_modules:

Modularity: Node modules promote a modular approach to software development. By breaking down code into smaller, manageable modules, users can build more maintainable and scalable applications. Dependency Management: Node modules help manage dependencies within a project.

What is the use of module in js? ›

A module is a chunk of code in an external file that performs a specific task or function. It is a separate entity within a program, allowing for modularity and code reusability. By encapsulating related code into modules, developers can organize their programs more efficiently and make them easier to maintain.

What is the purpose of the util module in node JS? ›

The node. js "util" module provides "utility" functions that are potentially helpful to a developer but don't really belong anywhere else. (It is, in fact, a general programming convention to have a module or namespace named "util" for general purpose utility functions.)

What is the purpose of node JS model system? ›

Leveraging the V8 JavaScript engine, Node. js compiles code into efficient machine code, enabling high-performance execution. Its event-driven, non-blocking I/O model allows developers to easily build scalable and responsive applications capable of handling numerous concurrent connections.

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