What Is the Howey Test & Does Crypto Pass? (The 4 Elements) (2024)

A little more than a decade ago, cryptocurrencies were essentially an academic concept. The idea seemed far-fetched to most people. But that all changed in 2009 with the creation of Bitcoin.

Fast forward to today, and the world’s cryptocurrency market is worth more than $3 trillion.

There’s no question that crypto is here to stay, and it will undoubtedly continue to disrupt countless industries.

But along with the technological advancements, the cryptocurrency era has ushered in a host of confusing and complicated regulatory challenges. The rapid expansion of digital assets has seen ample debate about whether these assets should be classified as currencies or securities, which would subject them to regulations.

What Is the Howey Test & Does Crypto Pass? (The 4 Elements) (1)

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So how is the classification determined? It comes down to a particular test: the Howey Test, which determines whether a transaction is an “investment contract.”

Let’s look at the Howey Test and how it applies to crypto. You may have heard the phrase before, but do you know what the Howey Test means?

What Is the Howey Test?

The Howey Test refers to the U.S. Supreme Court case for determining whether a transaction qualifies as an “investment contract.” If a transaction is found to be an investment contract, it’s considered a security. It’s then subject to registration requirements under the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

According to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), an “‘ investment contract’ exists when there is the investment of money in a common enterprise with a reasonable expectation of profits to be derived from the efforts of others. The so-called ‘Howey Test’ applies to any contract, scheme, or transaction, regardless of whether it has any of the characteristics of typical securities.”

What Is a Security?

What Is the Howey Test & Does Crypto Pass? (The 4 Elements) (2)

Before we dive into the origins of the Howey Test, it’s worth clarifying the term ‘security’ since it’s so intrinsic to the test’s premise.

A security is a financial instrument that holds some type of monetary value and can be sold or traded in a financial market. The most common types of securities are stocks, bonds, EFTs (exchange-traded funds), options, and mutual funds.

There are four main types of securities:

  1. Equity securities: These securities represent a share of ownership in a company, trust, or partnership (think capital stock). As a result, holders of equity securities can benefit from earnings in the form of dividends, which fluctuate based on the market, and capital gains when they sell the securities.
  2. Debt securities: With debt securities, companies can borrow funds from investors and repay the loan with interest. Examples of debt securities are bonds and promissory notes.
  3. Hybrid securities: These securities are just as the name suggests – a combination of debt and equity securities. An example of a hybrid security is a convertible bond, which can be converted into shares of stock for the company issuing the bond.
  4. Derivative securities: These are contracts between two or more parties. Their value depends on the price of an underlying asset.

In the U.S., all offered securities must register with the SEC. And companies that violate SEC regulations can face severe penalties.

So, where do cryptocurrencies fall with securities? It’s a bit complicated.

Kristin Smith, head of the Blockchain Association, told CNBC: “These decentralized networks don’t fit neatly within the existing regulatory structure.”

The rise in cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology has muddied the waters with securities regulation, leading to some gray areas, which we’ll get into more in just a bit.

What Is the Howey Test & Does Crypto Pass? (The 4 Elements) (3)

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What year was the Howey Test created?

The origins of the Howey Test date back to 1946 when SEC v. W.J. Howey Co. reached the Supreme Court.

The case concerned the sale of land with citrus groves to investors in Florida. The Howey Company’s business model revolved around an arrangement with the investors, who would buy the groves and then turn around and immediately lease the land back to Howey. The company would then tend to the land and sell the harvested citrus fruit, sharing profits with the investors.

Since many of the investors who bought the land didn’t have experience in agriculture and wouldn’t tend to the groves themselves, the arrangement suited them.

But the Howey Company didn’t register the transactions as securities. And that led to intervention from the SEC.

In its final ruling of Howey, the Supreme Court determined that the leaseback arrangements were investment contracts under the Securities Act of 1933.

That decision, in turn, led to the Supreme Court establishing landmark criteria for identifying securities.

What Are the Four Elements of the Howey Test?

As you probably guessed, the criteria established by the Supreme Court in Howey became what is known as the Howey Test. Since its creation, the Howey Test has been the legal doctrine for determining whether transactions are investment contracts.

Under the Howey Test, a transaction qualifies as a security if it involves the following four elements:

  1. An investment of money
  2. In a common enterprise
  3. A reasonable expectation of profit
  4. Derived from the efforts of others

To be considered a security, a transaction must meet all four prongs of the Howey Test.

It’s worth pointing out that while the test references “money,” that has since expanded to include assets other than money. Additionally, the term “common enterprise” doesn’t have a clear definition. While many federal courts consider a common enterprise as one that is horizontal, where investors pool their assets together to invest in an endeavor, various courts have used different interpretations.

The final factor of the test concerns whether the profit from an investment is mainly or entirely outside of an investor’s control. If investors have little or no control over the investment’s management, there’s a good chance it’s a security. But if an investor has a notable influence on the handling of an investment, it’s likely not a security.

Of course, since the creation of the Howey Test more than half a century ago, many have attempted to disguise investments to avoid regulations. That’s why the Howey Test emphasizes substance over form. To combat deceptions, courts examine the “economic realities” of a transaction, rather than simply the name or label it’s given, to determine if it passes the Howey Test. If you’re a business owner of a blockchain or crypto, learn more about commercial insurance for crypto companies.

What Is an ICO?

To understand how the Howey Test applies to crypto, it’s important to understand a term crucial to the debate surrounding cryptocurrencies and securities: initial coin offering (ICO).

The simplest explanation is that an ICO is like a type of crowdfunding. To raise money for their cryptocurrency projects, companies create tokens, which people can purchase.

Here’s how the ICO process works. First, a company creates a white paper, a document outlining the company’s pitch to potential investors, and a website dedicated to the new token. Then, after piquing people’s interest, the company asks for financial contributions (usually via a well-established cryptocurrency like Bitcoin) in exchange for some of the project’s crypto tokens. These tokens can serve various purposes, ranging from access to future goods or services to entitling the investor to a share of profits generated by the venture.

So who can launch an ICO? Anyone. ICOs are largely unregulated in the U.S., meaning anyone with the tech know-how can create one. But that lack of regulation also makes ICOs extremely high-risk, and investors have no protection if an ICO isn’t successful or turns out to be fraudulent. A 2018 study by the Wall Street Journal of 1,450 ICOs found that one in five showed “red flags” of being a scam.

Speaking about crypto assets during a September 2021 testimony before the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, Gary Gensler, chair of the SEC, said:

“Currently, we just don’t have enough investor protection in crypto finance, issuance, trading, or lending. Frankly, at this time, it’s more like the Wild West or the old world of ‘buyer beware’ that existed before the securities laws were enacted. This asset class is rife with fraud, scams, and abuse in certain applications.”

Does Crypto Pass the Howey Test?

What Is the Howey Test & Does Crypto Pass? (The 4 Elements) (4)

So does crypto meet the Howey Test? Well, it depends.

In a 2018 interview with CNBC, Jay Clayton, who was then chair of the SEC, made a firm statement about the debate into whether cryptocurrencies fall under the purview of the SEC:

“Cryptocurrencies: These are replacements for sovereign currencies, replace the dollar, the euro, the yen with bitcoin. That type of currency is not a security.”

A cryptocurrency like Bitcoin doesn’t pass the Howey Test. While Bitcoin meets the test’s first prong, it doesn’t satisfy the second and third elements. With Bitcoin, there is no common enterprise where investors are pooling their funds, there’s no promoter or issuer, and an investor’s success isn’t reliant on the efforts of others.

As opposed to being a security, Bitcoin, which has never sought public funds to help develop its technology, is considered an asset in a similar vein as gold or diamonds.

But ICOs are an entirely different matter. In 2018, Clayton made a now-famous statement when he declared during a Senate hearing that “every ICO I’ve seen is a security.”

“A token, a digital asset, where I give you money, and you go off and make a venture, and in return for giving you my money, I say ‘you can get a return’ that is a security, and we regulate that,” Clayton told CNBC.

So how do ICOs factor under the Howey Test? According to the SEC, the test’s first prong is usually satisfied in offering and selling a digital asset because the asset is acquired in exchange for some form of value. For the second element, courts have generally found that a “common enterprise” exists. This means that when determining whether a digital asset meets the Howey Test, the key determination comes down to if any profits were expected from the investment and if those profits came from the efforts of others. If a digital asset meets these final elements of the Howey Test, it is a security and must adhere to SEC regulations.

When a token doesn’t pass the Howey Test, it’s classified as a utility token. Utility tokens, known as user tokens or app coins, are more like digital coupons that give investors access to a future product or service or can be redeemed for discounted fees. Filecoin and Siacoin are examples of utility tokens.

However, the SEC has indicated that just because a project has a utility token framework doesn’t automatically exclude it from being a security.

The bottom line: There’s no one-size-fits-all regulation when it comes to digital assets.

What’s Next With Crypto Regulations?

The SEC has made it well-known that it’s cracking down on unregistered digital assets that qualify as securities. Take, for example, the SEC’s recent lawsuit against Ripple.

And with the crypto industry attracting more developers and investors, the SEC’s interest in regulating the use of cryptocurrencies isn’t about to let up anytime soon. Undoubtedly, the Howey Test will continue to play a pivotal role in the classification and regulation of digital assets.

But it’s worth noting that by not painting all digital assets with the same brush, the SEC has largely put the onus on developers to prove that they aren’t operating as a security.

Entrepreneurs interested in utilizing digital assets like ICOs as part of their startup venture need to be diligent. Given the numerous regulations and potential for severe penalties, entrepreneurs interested in creating a digital asset should first consult legal counsel to avoid costly violations of SEC requirements.

What Is the Howey Test & Does Crypto Pass? (The 4 Elements) (2024)


What Is the Howey Test & Does Crypto Pass? (The 4 Elements)? ›

The Howey test consists of four criteria: an investment of money, expectation of profits, common enterprise, and reliance on the efforts of others. Applying the Howey test to cryptocurrencies is a topic of debate, with arguments both for and against crypto passing the test.

Does Ethereum pass the Howey test? ›

The Howey Test Consists of Four Criteria

Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum do not meet the fourth criteria, as they are decentralized enough that there is no common enterprise. This means they cannot be classified as securities, and thus fall outside of traditional regulatory frameworks.

Is crypto considered a security? ›

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission takes the position that nearly all cryptocurrencies are securities, with bitcoin the only known exception. The classification of cryptocurrencies as securities has significant implications for their regulation.

Does XRP meet the Howey test? ›

To the contrary, in this case Ripple did not know who was buying the XRP and the purchaser did not know who was selling it. There is no investment contract the Court concluded. Other Distributions. This category failed the first prong of the Howey test, the Court found.

What do courts apply the Howey test to determine? ›

The Howey Test determines what qualifies as an "investment contract," subjecting the asset to U.S. securities laws. An investment contract exists if there is an "investment of money in a common enterprise with a reasonable expectation of profits to be derived from the efforts of others."

Does the Howey test apply to crypto? ›

Bitcoin may not pass the Howey test since it seems to lack a common enterprise and doesn't rely on the efforts of others.

Does crypto pass the Howey test? ›

In some cases, cryptocurrencies could be considered a security. However, if they replace sovereign currencies, like the euro or the dollar, they are not a security. One popular digital token is Bitcoin. This coin does not pass the Howey Test.

What makes crypto not a security? ›

The Securities and Exchange Commission's primary theory on whether a cryptoasset is a security appears to be based upon whether the blockchain project associated with a cryptoasset is, at any point in time, “sufficiently decentralized.”[2] If so, the cryptoasset is not a security.

Why is crypto not security? ›

WHAT ABOUT BITCOIN? Bitcoin is not considered a security because its anonymous and open-source origins mean investor profits are not dependent on the efforts of developers or managers, said Carol Goforth, a law professor at the University of Arkansas.

Why can't crypto be a security? ›

No. Bitcoin is the only digital asset that has been clearly defined as not being a security. Experts state Bitcoin is not considered a security due to its anonymous and open-source origins, meaning investor profits are not dependent on the efforts of developers or other promoters.

Are banks actually using XRP? ›

Ripple (XRP) is a popular choice among banks worldwide. The network's fast transaction speeds, low gas fees, and energy-efficient consensus make it an ideal cryptocurrency for traditional financial institutions. Fortunately, this is exactly the clientele that Ripple Labs has in mind.

What happens to XRP if SEC wins? ›

However, if Ripple loses all appeals, the SEC is likely to collect the $1.3 billion (the amount that the regulator alleges that Ripple earned from the unregistered securities sale) and offer XRP holders an option to sell their holdings.

Why is Ripple not a security? ›

XRP, as a digital asset, is not in and of itself an investment contract. Selling any asset (including a digital asset) via an investment contract does not automatically make the subject asset a security.

How to know if a crypto is a security? ›

Howey Co., 328 U.S. 293 (1946))—a financial instrument such as a crypto asset will be considered an “investment contract,” and therefore a “security,”[2] where there is: an investment of money (which could include, for example, an investment of fiat currency or cryptocurrency) in a common enterprise.

What are the basic elements of the Howey rule? ›

The Howey Test is a legal framework used in the United States to determine if a transaction qualifies as an investment contract under securities regulations. The Howey Test consists of four elements: investment of money, expectation of profits, common enterprise, and efforts of others.

Is Bitcoin a security or commodity? ›

Virtual currency is a digital representation of value that functions as a medium of exchange, a unit of account, and/or a store of value. Is Bitcoin a commodity? Yes, virtual currencies, such as Bitcoin, have been determined to be commodities under the Commodity Exchange Act (CEA).

Will Ethereum be considered a security? ›

Hinman said: "And putting aside the fundraising that accompanied the creation of Ether, based on my understanding of the present state of Ether, the Ethereum network and its decentralized structure, current offers and sales of Ether are not securities transactions.

Is Ethereum considered a security by the SEC? ›

ETH has never been named outright as a security in an SEC enforcement action, a point that strikes crypto attorney Ignacio Ferrer-Bonsoms as contradictory.

Why is ether not a security? ›

Brian Frye, the Spears-Gilbert Professor of Law at the University of Kentucky, said the best reason against classifying ETH as a security “is that ETH looks more like BTC than any other token.” He added that “the SEC has repeatedly said it considers BTC a commodity, rather than a security ...

What is the best test network for ETH? ›

Ethereum testnets

For development, its recommended you use the Rinkeby or Kovan test networks. This is because they use a Proof of Authority (PoA) consensus mechanism, ensuring transactions and blocks are created in a consistent and timely manner.

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

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