What Is The Future Of Payments? Trends To Keep An Eye On | Stax Payments (2024)

What Is The Future Of Payments? Trends To Keep An Eye On | Stax Payments (1)

We are living through a time of significant upheaval and change in the world of finance and payments. The term fintech (short for financial technology) is now widespread and as Google Trends shows, has exploded in usage over the past five years.

Digital payments are now being used more than ever in the US and across the world. Where cash once was king, purchases made using physical coins and banknotes today account for fewer than 19% of sales. What’s more, by 2030, cashless uptake across the globe is predicted to increase by 200% according to research by PWC.

With so much changing at such a rapid pace and with different markets and territories around the world adopting different financial technologies at different rates, it is incredibly challenging to predict what the future holds.

However, by monitoring trends and assessing the landscape region by region, we can get an idea of the bigger picture in terms of how digital payments will evolve further in the years ahead.

Table of Contents


  • We’ll cut right to the chase: the future of payments is digital.
  • Some trends to keep an eye on include Central Banks Digital Currencies (CBDCs), digital payments, cross-border banking, and crypto.
  • Open payment platforms will also play a critical role in the future. With much of the world’s banking being conducted exclusively online, access to open data has become crucial in allowing third party developers to build platforms that allow seamless communication between businesses, consumers and payment processing providers.

What is the Future of the Payments Industry?

When you consider where we are now compared to 5-10 years ago, it’s clear that change within the fintech world is rapid. In the US, it’s common to see people making payments with their smartphones just by tapping a merchant terminal.

In other countries, there are alternative common digital payment methods such as sending text messages to specific payment account numbers or using QR codes for instant account debits. Meanwhile, the humble check has been on the decline since 2000 and is unlikely to ever return to popular usage.

Perhaps as a predictor of what’s to come, the UK market sees checks accounting for less than 1% of all retail bank payments while cash is only worth 6% of the market. In some parts of northern Europe, checks have become extinct altogether.

All this to say that the future of payments is digital.

Consumer convenience is perhaps the biggest driver of change in the financial world but often what’s convenient for the consumer is also beneficial to merchants and to financial institutions. Processing of physical cash is costly and time consuming whereas most digital payments require very little human input once appropriate infrastructure is in place.

Additionally, there are advantages to security, compatibility, regulatory compliance and speed that come with most modern developments in the payments sector. We’ll explore these in more depth below.

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Payment Industry Trends to Keep an Eye on

What are the main payment trends and disruptive predictions for the financial sector? We’ve rounded up the ones we believe will be most significant to the global payments ecosystem in the months and years ahead.

Blockchain and cryptocurrencies

By now most of us have heard of cryptocurrencies and the blockchain, even if not everyone fully understands them. In short, cryptocurrency is decentralized digital currency not controlled by any governments or institutions. The blockchain, meanwhile, is the underlying technology that underpins cryptocurrencies. It is effectively a giant record-keeping network that can securely validate the transfer of cryptocurrencies.

Why are cryptocurrencies so important in the payments industry right now? In an increasingly globalized world, the appeal of a decentralized system is ever more apparent. Blockchain as a technology and cryptocurrency as a concept have only been around since 2008 but there’s no ignoring the continuing trend, especially as today there are over 12,000 cryptocurrencies in existence, with new coins entering the market every week.

To date, cryptocurrencies have tended to be seen as investment opportunities, as acceptance of crypto for regular transactions remains quite limited. Certainly, you’re unlikely to find many high street stores offering customers the opportunity to pay using their chosen cryptocurrency. But it’s still possible that the most popular cryptocurrencies could become more commonly accepted for day to day purchases.

Like with any payment method, the more people that hold it and have a preference for using it, the more merchants will be eager to accept it.

While Stax does not currently offer acceptance of cryptocurrencies, it is always important for businesses to pay close attention to new ways in which customers are looking to make payments and take note of future payment trends in order to stay ahead of their competitors. This is especially relevant as they look at expanding the breadth of accepted payment methods.

As Stax Chief Payment Officer Menda Sims put it, “Businesses that get in there first with the right kinds of fintech firms and banks will be the ones that thrive long term. Many organizations are still looking for the right use cases and reasons to get behind crypto as a payment method, and I predict that we’ll see more of those use cases come to light this year.

Financial inclusion

With physical cash usage and acceptance on the wane, it is more important than ever to promote financial inclusion, ensuring businesses and individuals alike have access to all basic financial needs. Between 2011 and 2021 global financial account ownership for individuals increased from 51% to 76% which is a phenomenal rate of growth, but still leaves 24% of people across the planet with no access to banking services with which to send and receive money. In developing countries this figure rises to 29%.

All national and regional economies and the financial institutions within them have a duty to improve financial inclusion for the betterment of society as a whole. It is a key indicator of global development, so expect to see more providers diversifying their reach in order to help meet internationally agreed targets for inclusion.

While many countries take steps to move towards a cashless society, it’s increasingly important to ensure people aren’t left behind in this desire for progressive change. Payment experiences need to go beyond the issuing of an everyday Visa or Mastercard and should instead be framed around how best to embrace somebody “off-grid”.

Central Banks Digital Currencies (CBDCs)

Developed as a reaction to the decentralized blockchain system, CBDCs are (usually) government-issued digital currencies, commonly tied to a nation’s existing fiat currency.

They can also be implemented by centralized banks not governed by one individual nation, such as the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank, as well as theoretically being available for offer by private sector entities.

With a CBDC, the centralization of the currency’s management negates the need for blockchain technology, with the managing institution storing records in a regular database instead. Much like with cryptocurrencies, CBDCs carry a lot of advantages over traditional fiat currency such as carrying reduced risk, minimizing third party input and transaction fees along with simplifying transactional record keeping.

And unlike cryptocurrencies, CBDCs are well suited to the combating of illegal financial activity. The centralized record keeping of all CBDC transactions all but eliminates the possibilities of tax evasion and money laundering, among other financial crimes.

Digital wallets

While CBDCs are still in their infancy, digital wallets are well established and only show signs of continuing to grow in popularity and usage. In fact a report by FIS has suggested that mobile wallets will become the single most popular method of online payment by 2024 and will overtake usage of physical cards in the US within three years.

Most of us will be familiar with the likes of Apple Pay and Google Pay, the two most popular digital wallets in use in the US, but worldwide there are hundreds of alternatives dominating in their home markets. China’s Alipay and WeChat Pay account for over 90% of all domestic mobile payments whilst MTN MoMo and Orange Money provide mobile digital wallet services to users across much of Africa.

Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL)

Recent years have seen a shift in how consumers access credit with buy now pay later (BNPL) providers rocketing in popularity over more traditional credit cards and personal loans. The advantages to the consumer are obvious—being able to spread the cost of purchases with minimal (if any) interest helps with cash flow and reduces the risk of falling into unmanageable debt. Meanwhile, merchants can enjoy increased sales as more customers have access to otherwise prohibitively expensive goods.

This trend towards BNPL services has definitely been accelerated by the pandemic and subsequent global financial instability and Menda suggests this will only continue:

While the pandemic served as a catalyst for the BNPL boom, inflation only helped the payment option hold its position at the top. As inflation rates rise, people–particularly millennials and Gen Z who are experiencing the highest inflation rates of their adult lives–are becoming more budget-conscious in their everyday spending. A $100 sweater becomes much more affordable when you can pay for it in four installments of $25.

Cross-border payments

International borders have always presented challenges within the financial services sector. Traditional banks and state-controlled currencies make international transfers of money cumbersome and inefficient. This has contributed to the boom in payment processing providers not tied to traditional banking systems.

ISO 20022, a data exchange standard for financial institutions, is helping to simplify the transmission of financial data between countries and regions. As adoption becomes more widespread, this standardization for cross-border, cross-currency payments should see significant improvements in speed and ease of making payments from country to country.

Payment security

All banking institutions and modern fintechs alike recognize the need to address fraudulent activity head on. The seismic shift in how we make purchases since the pandemic has only increased the lengths to which fraudsters will go in order to disrupt legitimate transactions. With new modes of payment come increased risks to consumers and financial institutions alike as criminals take advantage of widespread uncertainty with more and more inventive scams.

This means that as the payments market evolves, so too must fraud-prevention measures, whether implemented by controlling institutions or third parties dedicated to the safety of consumer finances. As such, we expect to see more advancements in payment security going forward.

Open banking

With much of the world’s banking being conducted exclusively online, access to open data has become crucial in allowing third party developers to build platforms that allow seamless communication between businesses, consumers and payment processing providers.

APIs provided by fintech providers that can be securely used by online merchants in apps and websites simplify the management of sending, authorizing and clearing payments. The open banking protocol also helps improve overall customer experience when directly or indirectly interacting with the big tech payments players.

Ready for the Future of Payments?

Predicting the future of payments is tricky, but we hope this article helps explain a lot of what’s evolving within the financial landscape.

And if you need help keeping up with these changes, Stax has got you covered. As a leading provider of payment solutions to SMBs and enterprise customers, we are proud to be at the forefront of emerging technologies within the financial sector.

Get in touch today to discuss your needs.

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Quick FAQs about the Future of Payments Industry

Q: What is the future of the Payments industry?

The future of the Payments industry is decidedly digital. With the surge in fintech developments, consumers and businesses are quickly adapting to cashless transactions. The use of mobile wallets, digital currencies, and open banking systems are expected to dominate the industry.

Q: What trends should we anticipate in the future of Payments?

Some notable trends include the rise of Central Banks Digital Currencies (CBDCs), increased usage of digital wallets, the growth of cross-border payments, and the acceptance of cryptocurrencies. Other trends to watch include the growth of ‘Buy Now Pay Later’ (BNPL) services, advancements in payment security, and the expanded application of open banking.

Q: How is financial technology (fintech) influencing the Payments industry?

Fintech is revolutionizing the Payments industry by introducing innovative solutions for seamless transactions. These include the development of digital currencies, open payment platforms, and digital wallets. Fintech also plays a crucial role in enhancing payment security and encouraging financial inclusion.

Q: What is the role of cryptocurrencies in the future of Payments?

Cryptocurrencies, underpinned by blockchain technology, are decentralized digital currencies that are gradually gaining acceptance in the Payments industry. While their use for everyday transactions is still limited, their popularity is growing, and businesses are exploring ways to accept cryptocurrencies as a mode of payment.

Q: How is the concept of ‘Buy Now Pay Later’ (BNPL) shaping the future of Payments?

BNPL services are emerging as a popular alternative to traditional credit systems. These services allow consumers to make purchases and pay over time, usually with minimal or no interest. The trend has seen a rise due to the financial instability induced by the pandemic, and it’s expected to continue growing.

Q: What is Central Banks Digital Currency (CBDC) and how will it impact the future of Payments?

CBDCs are digital currencies issued by central banks, usually tied to a nation’s existing fiat currency. They offer several advantages over traditional currencies, such as reduced risk, minimized transaction fees, and simplified record keeping. As they become more prevalent, CBDCs are expected to play a significant role in the future of Payments.

Q: How is open banking transforming the future of Payments?

Open banking allows third-party developers to build platforms that facilitate seamless communication between businesses, consumers, and payment processors. It simplifies the management of payments and improves the overall customer experience when interacting with payment systems, playing a crucial role in the digital transformation of the Payments industry.

Q: How important is payment security in the future of Payments?

Security is a paramount concern in the Payments industry. As new payment methods emerge, so do new security risks. Therefore, advancements in payment security measures are expected to keep pace with the evolution of the Payments industry.

Q: What role does financial inclusion play in the future of Payments?

As the world moves towards a cashless society, promoting financial inclusion becomes increasingly important. Financial institutions have a duty to ensure that businesses and individuals have access to basic financial services. The drive towards financial inclusion is a key indicator of global development and a crucial factor in the future of Payments.

What Is The Future Of Payments? Trends To Keep An Eye On | Stax Payments (2)


What Is The Future Of Payments? Trends To Keep An Eye On | Stax Payments (2024)


What Is The Future Of Payments? Trends To Keep An Eye On | Stax Payments? ›

We'll cut right to the chase: the future of payments is digital. Some trends to keep an eye on include Central Banks Digital Currencies (CBDCs), digital payments, cross-border banking, and crypto. Open payment platforms will also play a critical role in the future.

What is the future of the payment system? ›

In the U.S. alone, mobile wallets are predicted to overtake physical cards as the most popular online payment method in the next three years. If this trend continues, we anticipate that digital wallets could make credit cards fully digital within the next decade.

What is the next big thing in payments? ›

Mobile payments using Apple Pay, Google Pay, Alipay, PayPal and many other digital wallets have become the top preferences for consumer payments. Digital wallets allow users to store and transfer money, make different types of mobile payments, and have a more streamlined payment experience.

What is the strongest current trend in payment processing? ›

Going Cashless Leads the Way for Digital Payment Trends

Common cashless transaction types include credit and debit, mobile wallets, ACH transfers, and any eCommerce transaction. Cashless transactions are expected to increase tremendously in the coming years, and businesses need to be prepared.

What is the outlook for the payments industry? ›

The growth of the payments sector is driving expansion of the acquiring market, enabling new entrants and innovation. Total revenues in the acquiring industry are expected to grow at a CAGR of 8.7% in the next few years, exceeding $160 billion by 2026, according to BCG.

What will the payment system like by 2050? ›

In 2050, the payments ecosystem (acquirers, PSPs, facilitators, and aggregators) will revolve around creating integrated capabilities within an ecosystem of partners to truly optimise the customer experience and deliver a seamless, personalised payments journey from awareness to purchase and long-term retention.

What is the future of cashless payments? ›

Now we are able to see that the physical cash is gradually phased out. The future of cashless economy in India is immense, it holds several benefits such as Reducing the cost of printing and handling the cash, and by reducing this it helps in saving our natural resources.

What are the megatrends in payments? ›

To grasp the scale of the change it helps to consider these changes in three broad megatrends: payments digitization, payments modernization and rapid evolution in the fraud, risk and compliance decisioning landscape.

What is the payment landscape in 2024? ›

With 2.3 trillion cashless transactions worldwide forecasted for 2027 by Capgemini¹ compared to 1.3 trillion in 2023, the future of payments is undoubtedly digital. Internationalization and enhanced customer experience are the two most significant trends in 2024.

What is the next generation payment method? ›

Note: Traditional payment methods include cash, cards, check and bank transfers, while next-generation payment methods include digital wallets, account-to-account payments, BNPL and crypto payments.

Who is the largest payment processor in the US? ›

Looking at the top-ranked companies, JPMorgan Chase & Co. ranks first for estimated US total processing volume at $2.4 trillion, and first for estimated US total transactions at 46.2 billion. Stripe ranks first for estimated US total number of merchants at nearly 3.8 million.

What is the fastest growing payment method? ›

Digital wallets are now the fastest-growing payment method in the United States, with almost half (48%) of U.S. consumers indicating that they have used a digital wallet in the past 90 days, up 12 percentage points from 2023, according to J.D. Power data.

What is the most used payment system in the world? ›

Cards are still the most-used payment method, with American Express, Mastercard, Visa as large global card schemes. Even though they're recognized globally, other payment methods like online banking, direct debit, digital wallets, or Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) are more common elsewhere.

What is the main risk faced by the payment system? ›

Financial institutions exchanging payment instructions face two key risks in the clearing and settlement process. Credit risk arises if one of the parties cannot meet its obligations; liquidity risk results from an unexpected delay in a party meeting its payment obligations.

What is the future of faster payments? ›

Fast payments are becoming a standard feature of modern payment ecosystems. Consumers and businesses increas- ingly expect to be able to transfer and access money between accounts and institutions across the domestic economy, and now also internationally, in real or nearly real time and around the clock.

What is the future of commercial payments? ›

The future of payments is all about improving digital banking products and services and leveraging data to deliver customized, personalized solutions to customers. New real time payments solutions offer rich data, irrevocable payments, and security, which is helpful given the rising levels of digital fraud.

What is the payment industry outlook for 2024? ›

The digital payments sector in 2024 is evolving towards more agile, secure, and efficient methods, and new trends point to stronger infrastructures that contribute to business growth.

What is payment vision 2025? ›

The Department of Payment and Settlement Systems, the Reserve Bank of India, introduced India's Payment Vision 2025 in June 2022 with an aim to deliver secure, convenient, and affordable electronic payment solutions to all users. The vision builds upon the success of the earlier Vision Plan of 2019-2021.

What is new payment technology? ›

Digital payment technologies

This improved experience ensures greater fraud protection and security. Additionally, contactless digital payments rely on NFC and magnetic secure transmission (MST) technology. NFC technology enables a connection between two electronic devices over a small distance.

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Name: Kelle Weber

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