What is the Amazon Referral Fee (2024)

What is the Amazon Referral Fee (1)

What Is Amazon’s Role in E-commerce?

Amazon has become a dominant force in the E-commerce world, offering customers access to millions of products and sellers access to a vast customer base. Amazon is undoubtedly the world's largest online retailer and has significantly shaped the E-commerce industry.

As of February 2024, Amazon has a market value of $1.814 Trillion, and it has redefined the way people shop, making online shopping a convenient and cost-effective option. Another significant aspect of Amazon's role in E-commerce is its impact on small businesses. However, selling on Amazon comes with fees, including the referral fee. This article will explore the Amazon referral fee, its calculation, and its impact on sellers.

Amazon offers a marketplace for millions of sellers to connect with customers and sell their products online. While Amazon provides sellers with a platform to sell their products, it also charges fees for its services. One of these fees is the Amazon referral fee.

So, what is Amazon's referral fee? Simply put, it is the fee Amazon charges its sellers for every item sold on its platform. This fee is calculated as a percentage of the sale price and varies depending on the product category. The referral fee covers promoting, advertising, and facilitating product sales.

Amazon referral fees are applied to most products sold on the platform, with a few exceptions. The referral fee is a vital source of revenue for Amazon, as it helps the company cover its operational costs and invest in new services. For sellers, the referral fee is a cost they must factor into their pricing strategy. If they account for this fee, they can avoid losing money on their sales.

The referral fee varies depending on the category of the product being sold. For example, Amazon charges a referral fee of 15% on most types of products, such as electronics, home and garden, and pet supplies. However, for some categories, such as Amazon devices, the fee may range from 6% to 7%. On the other hand, the referral fee may be as high as 20% for specific categories like jewelry and watches.

It's important to note that the referral fee is one of many sellers must pay while selling on Amazon. They may also be required to pay a monthly subscription fee, shipping and fulfillment fees, and other charges depending on the services they use.


What Is Amazon’s Role in E-commerce?

Exceptional Product Categories and Their Related Referral Fees

How to Calculate the Amazon Referral Fee?

Determine the Product Category

Determine the Sales Price

Determine the Referral Fee Percentage

Calculate the Referral Fee

What Is the Amazon Referral Fee Rate for Different Product Categories?

What Is the Difference between Amazon Referral Fees and Other E-commerce Platform Fees?

eBay Fees

Walmart Marketplace Fees

Shopify Fees

How Do Amazon Referral Fees Affect Seller Profits?

What Is the Role of Referral Fee in Amazon’s Revenue Model?

How Can You Manage the Referral Fees and Maximize Your Profit?

Understand the Amazon Referral Fee Structure

Optimize Your Product Pricing

Use Amazon’s FBA Service

Use Amazon’s Advertising Services

Monitor Your Sales and Adjust Your Strategy

Wrap Up

Exceptional Product Categories and Their Related Referral Fees

Amazon has some special product categories that have varied referral fees than the standard referral fee of 15% for most categories. These special categories have either lower or higher referral fees. Here are some examples.

Amazon Devices: Amazon charges a referral fee of 6% to 45% for Amazon devices such as Kindle, Echo, Fire TV, and Fire Tablets. The fee varies depending on the device’s price and category.

Personal Computers: Amazon charges a referral fee of 6% for personal computers, including laptops, desktops, and tablets.

Video Games: Amazon charges a referral fee of 15% for most video games, but for consoles, it charges a referral fee of 8%.

Jewelry: Amazon charges a referral fee of 20% for the jewelry product category.

Watches: Amazon charges a referral fee of 16% for watches.

Furniture and Decor: Amazon charges a referral fee of 15% for most furniture and decor items.

Musical Instruments: Amazon charges a referral fee of 15% for most musical instruments, including guitars, drums, and keyboards.

Amazon sellers must know the different referral fees for special categories to ensure they are pricing their products appropriately and making a profit. They can use Amazon's fee calculator tool to determine the referral fee for their product based on category, price, and other factors.

How to Calculate the Amazon Referral Fee?

As a seller, it's essential to understand how to calculate the Amazon referral fee to ensure you're pricing your products correctly and yielding profits. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to calculate the Amazon referral fee.

Determine the Product Category

The first step in calculating the Amazon referral fee is determining the product category being sold. Amazon has different referral fee rates for different product categories, and knowing which type your product falls into is prominent.

Determine the Sales Price

The next step is to contemplate the sale price of the product. This is the price the customer pays for the product, excluding shipping or handling fees. The sale price is a crucial factor in determining the referral fee because the referral fee is calculated as a percentage of the sales price.

Determine the Referral Fee Percentage

Once you've determined the product category and sale price, you can use Amazon's fee schedule to determine the referral fee percentage for a specific type. Amazon charges a referral fee of 15% for most categories, but there are exceptions where the fee may be either lower or higher.

Calculate the Referral Fee

The final step is calculating the referral fee by multiplying the sale price by the referral fee percentage. For example, if the product's sale price is $100 and the referral fee percentage is 15%, the referral fee would be $15 (100*0.15).

What is the Amazon Referral Fee (2)

It's important to note that there may be additional fees, such as the FBA fee, shipping fee, or storage fee, that sellers may need to factor in while determining the total cost of selling a product on Amazon.

Amazon provides a fee calculator tool to simplify calculating the Amazon referral fee. The tool considers the product strategy, sale price, and other factors to calculate the referral fee. It's recommended that sellers use the fee calculator to ensure precise and streamlined calculations.

By understanding how to calculate the Amazon referral fee, sellers can make informed decisions about their pricing strategy and maximize their profits by selling on the Amazon platform.

What Is the Amazon Referral Fee Rate for Different Product Categories?

As an Amazon seller, it's essential to understand the referral rates for different product categories. These referral fees vary widely, and knowing what to expect can help you make mindful decisions about pricing and which products to sell.

As mentioned, the Amazon referral fees are calculated as a percentage of the total sales price, excluding taxes and shipping costs. These fees cover Amazon's costs for promoting and advertising the product, facilitating the sale, and maintaining the platform. The following are some examples of referral rates for different product categories:

What is the Amazon Referral Fee (3)

It's important to note that the referral fees can also vary depending on the item price. For items over $1,000, referral fees may be lower; for items under $1, referral fees may be higher.

It’s also worth noting that Amazon periodically updates its referral fee rates for different product categories, so it’s vital to check the current rates on Amazon’s website regularly. These rates can be found in Amazon’s Fee Schedule.

What Is the Difference between Amazon Referral Fees and Other E-commerce Platform Fees?

As an E-commerce seller, one of the most important factors to consider is the fees associated with selling on different platforms. Below is the comparison of Amazon referral fees to other E-commerce platforms.

  • Etsy Fees

  • eBay Fees

  • Walmart Marketplace Fees

  • Shopify Fees

Etsy Fees

Etsy is a popular platform for handmade and vintage products. Etsy charges a $0.20 listing fee for each item listed and a 5% transaction fee on the sale price, including shipping costs. Etsy also offers optional advertising services, such as promoted listings, which charge an additional fee.

eBay Fees

eBay is an auction-style platform that charges a final value fee based on the total amount of the sale, including shipping costs. The absolute value fee can vary based on the product category, ranging from 2.35% to 12%. eBay also charges an insertion fee for each listing, ranging from $0.10 to $2.00.

Walmart Marketplace Fees

Walmart Marketplace is a growing platform that charges a referral fee based on the product category, ranging from 6% to 20% of the total sale price, excluding taxes and shipping costs. Walmart also charges a subscription fee of $39.00 per month and a referral fee for each product sold.

Shopify Fees

Shopify is an E-commerce platform that allows sellers to create their online stores. Shopify charges a monthly subscription fee, ranging from $29 to $299 per month, depending on the plan. Shopify also charges a transaction fee of 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction for sellers using their payment gateway.

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The difference between Amazon referral fees and other E-commerce platforms is tabulated below:

What is the Amazon Referral Fee (4)

As you can see from the chart, each platform has a unique fee structure that can impact a seller's profit margins. Amazon has many referral fees but does not charge a listing or transaction fee. Etsy and eBay charge a transaction fee, while Walmart Marketplace charges a subscription fee. Shopify charges a transaction fee and a subscription fee.

Recognizing the fees associated with selling on different E-commerce platforms is critical for sellers. Each platform has a distinctive fee structure, and sellers should carefully consider these fees when choosing where to sell their products. By doing so, sellers can maximize their profit margins.

How Do Amazon Referral Fees Affect Seller Profits?

Amazon referral fees can significantly impact a seller's profit margins. Let's take a look at an example. Suppose you sell a product in the electronics category for $100, and the referral fee is 8%. In that case, you must pay Amazon $8 for each sale. If you sell 100 units of that product, your referral fee expenses will be $800, reducing your total revenue to $9,200.

What is the Amazon Referral Fee (5)

This example demonstrates how Amazon referral fees can affect a seller's profit margins, especially if the product's margin is already low. Moreover, Amazon referral fees have increased over the years. According to a report by Marketplace Pulse, Amazon is earning more than 50% of sellers' revenue, up from 40% in 2016. This referral fee increase can significantly impact a seller's profitability, especially for small businesses and sellers with low profit margins.

However, it's essential to note that Amazon provides sellers with a massive customer base and a robust platform to drive sales. While referral fees can cut a seller's profits, the benefits of selling on Amazon may outweigh the costs, depending on the seller's business goals and objectives.

What Is the Role of Referral Fee in Amazon’s Revenue Model?

In E-commerce, referral fees are crucial in driving revenue for online marketplaces such as Amazon. One of the primary reasons why referral fees are essential for Amazon is that they provide a steady income stream for the company.

According to Amazon’s 2022 annual report, the company generated $117.716 billion in third-party seller services revenue, which includes referral fees. This represents a significant portion of Amazon’s overall revenue, which was $513.983 billion in 2022.

Referral fees also incentivize sellers to list their products on Amazon. Amazon can attract many sellers to its platform by charging a commission on each scale. This, in turn, increases the selection of products available to Amazon's customers, which enhances the overall shopping experience.

Moreover, referral fees are an essential component of Amazon’s Flywheel Effect, a strategy that Amazon uses to drive growth and improve customer experience. The Flywheel Effect refers to the concept that Amazon’s various business segments - including third-party seller services and subscription services- feed into one another.

What is the Amazon Referral Fee (6)

As more sellers list their products on Amazon and pay referral fees, Amazon can invest more in customer acquisition and retention through its subscription services and advertising products. This, in turn, attracts more customers to the platform, which leads to more sales and referral fees. A recent article by The Street reported that third-party seller service revenue accounted for 23%, a substantial portion of the company's overall revenue.

How Can You Manage the Referral Fees and Maximize Your Profit?

Amazon is an excellent platform for sellers to earn profits by selling their products to millions of customers. However, to use the platform, sellers must pay a referral fee to Amazon for every sale. We’ll now discuss managing the Amazon referral fee and pocket profit as an Amazon seller.

Understand the Amazon Referral Fee Structure

The first step in managing the Amazon referral fee is understanding its structure. Amazon has over 20 categories, each with a different referral fee percentage. Amazon also charges additional fees for optional services, such as fulfillment by Amazon (FBA).

Optimize Your Product Pricing

To earn a profit on Amazon, sellers must set their prices appropriately. To manage the referral fee, sellers should factor into their pricing strategy. For example, if the referral fee for a product is 15%, the seller should set the product's price accordingly to ensure they still make a profit after paying the referral fee.

Sellers should also monitor their competitor's prices and adjust their pricing strategy accordingly. It is essential to price products competitively while making a profit after paying the referral fee.

Use Amazon’s FBA Service

Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) is an optional service that Amazon offers to sellers. With FBA, sellers can store their products in Amazon’s warehouses, and Amazon takes care of the packaging, shipping, and customer service.

While FBA comes with additional fees, it can help sellers save time and money on packaging, shipping, and customer service. Moreover, Amazon rewards sellers who use FBA by giving them access to Amazon Prime customers and higher visibility in search results.

Use Amazon’s Advertising Services

Amazon offers several advertising services to help sellers promote their products on the platform. These services include sponsored products, sponsored brands, and sponsored displays.

These services can increase a product's visibility and improve its purchase chance. However, they also come with additional fees, so sellers need to factor them into their pricing strategy to ensure they still make a profit.

Monitor Your Sales and Adjust Your Strategy

Sellers should continuously monitor their sales and adjust their strategy accordingly. Sellers should track their sales, profits, and expenses to ensure they profit on Amazon.

If a product is not selling well, sellers should adjust their pricing and advertising strategies or consider discontinuing it. On the other hand, if a product is selling well, sellers should consider increasing its price or investing more in advertising to promote it further.

Wrap Up

Finally, the Amazon referral fee is essential to selling on Amazon. Understanding how referral fees are calculated and how they impact profit margins is critical for sellers. By choosing the right product category, pricing strategy and factoring referral fees into their overall costs, sellers can minimize the impact of referral fees and still profit from Amazon.

Amazon provides sellers with a vast customer base and acts as a robust platform to drive sales. By performing meticulous research on the referral fees for each product category, setting competitive prices, and leveraging Amazon's FBA program, sellers can maximize their profits on Amazon.

If you want to know more about Amazon selling without inventory, read how to sell on Amazon without inventory.


What is a referral fee on Amazon, and how is it calculated?

A referral fee on Amazon is the cost associated with selling a product on the platform. It is a percentage of the item's sale price and varies by product category.

What is Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA), and how does it affect sellers?

FBA is a service where Amazon handles storage, packing, and shipping of a seller's products. Sellers using FBA may incur additional fees, including fulfillment and storage fees.

Can you explain the Amazon fee structure for sellers?

Amazon charges sellers various fees, including referral, fulfillment, and storage fees. The structure is complex and may vary based on the type of seller account and the product category.

What are the typical fees associated with selling on Amazon as of 2024?

As of 2024, Amazon fees include referral fees, FBA fees, storage fees, and potentially other charges depending on the seller's account type and the products being sold.

How does Amazon calculate the referral fee percentage, and are there minimum referral fees?

The referral fee percentage is based on the product category, and there may be a minimum referral fee per item. Sellers should check the specific category rates on Amazon's fee schedule.

What is the significance of the long-term storage fee for sellers using FBA?

Long-term storage fees apply to items stored in Amazon's fulfillment centers for an extended period. Sellers should manage inventory effectively to avoid incurring additional charges.

How does the inbound placement service fee impact sellers using FBA?

The inbound placement service fee is charged for FBA sellers who opt for Amazon to place their products in specific locations. Sellers should understand the implications of this fee on their supply chain.

What is the Amazon Referral Fee (2024)


What is the Amazon Referral Fee? ›

The referral fee is a fee Amazon charges you every time you sell a product. It is a percentage of the total sales price and is usually 15%. The percentage varies based on the product category and can go as low as 8% (for personal computers) and as high as 45% (for Amazon Device Accessories).

Why is Amazon charging me a referral fee? ›

Simply put, it is the fee Amazon charges its sellers for every item sold on its platform. This fee is calculated as a percentage of the sale price and varies depending on the product category. The referral fee covers promoting, advertising, and facilitating product sales.

How much does Amazon pay for referrals? ›

As the referrer, you will be eligible to receive an initial reward worth up to INR 1,000 if your referee launches their seller account on the Amazon.in Marketplace.

What is the Amazon referral fee for 2024? ›

2024 referral fee update: Starting January 15, 2024, Amazon will reduce referral fees for apparel products priced below $20. For items priced under $15, they will decrease referral fees from 17% to 5%. For products priced between $15 and $20, they will decrease referral fees from 17% to 10%.

What is the difference between a FBA fee and a referral fee? ›

If you're selling a product for $30, 15% is $4.15 so that's going to be your referral fee. The FBA fees are a little more tricky. It's not based on the product price but on the product itself, the dimension and weight and Amazon handling that product for you.

Can you avoid Amazon referral fee? ›

Everyone pays a referral fee—regardless of your account type or fulfillment type. Whether you have an individual selling plan or a professional selling plan, you still pay the Amazon referral fee.

How do I get a referral fee on Amazon? ›

To get started, you'll need to sign up for the Amazon Associates Program. This is a free program that allows you to earn referral fees when customers purchase products through your website or blog. Once you've signed up, you'll be given a unique affiliate link that you can use to refer customers to Amazon.

How much do you make from Amazon referrals? ›

When someone clicks an affiliate link and buys a product, you'll receive a commission. Amazon commissions range from 1% to 20% depending on the product category. Amazon has few requirements on how affiliate links are promoted, meaning they can be used by a variety of creators and businesses.

What is the referral fee? ›

A finder's fee or referral fee is a payment made to the person or entity that facilitated a deal by linking up a potential customer with an opportunity. It is a reward and can be an incentive for the facilitator of the transaction to keep providing referrals to the buyer or seller in the deal.

What are Amazon referrals? ›

One of the perks of working at Amazon is our Referral Program that encourages you to bring friends and family on board as co-workers. If they get hired, you could earn a referral bonus up to $125. How to refer a candidate. How to apply if you're referred ➜ What made you refer your mom to Amazon?

Does Amazon refund referral fee? ›

If you refund a customer for an order for which you have already received payment, Amazon will refund you the amount of the referral fee you paid for the item(s), minus the applicable refund administration fee, which is $5.00 or 20% of the applicable referral fee, which ever is less.

What is the referral fee for seller fulfilled prime? ›

Participating in SFP can incur high shipping fees based on order volume, package sizes, and customer location. Sellers must offer free standard shipping on all Prime orders. Although SFP can be more cost-effective than FBA, both require paying a referral fee, typically averaging 15% of the product's selling price.

What is the new Amazon membership fee? ›

The Amazon Prime Membership Fee

$14.99 per month. $139 per year.

What is an acceptable referral fee? ›

The fees, typically in cash, could be anywhere from 5% to 25% of the total sale, depending on the type of transaction. The referral fee motivates the referrer to recommend the business, bring in new customers, and facilitate sales.

Should I ask for a referral fee? ›

The most important thing you need to do is be upfront about it and let both parties involved know early on that there will be a referral fee. You can explain that the fee helps cover your marketing and introduction costs and that it represents a win-win approach for all parties involved.

Are Amazon referral fees tax deductible? ›

Expenses that are necessary and directly related to your business, such as Amazon referral and shipping fees, can indeed be deducted, which may lower your taxable business income. However, artificially inflating expenses or reducing profits just for tax advantages isn't a recommended long-term strategy.

What is meant by referral fee in Amazon? ›

A referral fee is a commission paid to an individual who brings new customers to your business through word of mouth. Referral fees are sometimes called finder's fees, referral commissions, or affiliate commissions.

Does Amazon refund referral fees? ›

If you refund a customer for an order for which you have already received payment, Amazon will refund you the amount of the referral fee you paid for the item(s), minus the applicable refund administration fee, which is $5.00 or 20% of the applicable referral fee, which ever is less.

Why is Amazon charging a placement fee? ›

Dominic from Amazon here, want to provide some context. The FBA inbound placement service fee for standard and large bulky sized products reflects the cost of distributing inventory to fulfillment centers close to customers.

Why is Amazon suddenly charging for delivery? ›

You Ordered a Product that's not Eligible for Free Shipping. You Selected Individual Shipping for Your Order and the Value of the Individual Order is Below the Threshold for Free Shipping. Amazon Cancelled an Item in Your Order.

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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.