What is SHA Encryption? SHA-1 vs SHA-2 (2024)

The Secure Hash Algorithms (SHA) is a hashing algorithm that is used to encrypt data. It's essential for any online business to understand what SHA is, how it works, and the different types available.

What is SHA Encryption?

The Secure Hash Algorithms (SHA) are a family of cryptographic hash functions published by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) as a U.S. Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS). SHA encryptions are used for a variety of methods including to hash data, certificate files, and other cryptographic purposes including in cryptocurrencies like bitcoin. These hashing algorithms help secure the backbone of modern internet infrastructure.

The most common SHA function families that you will encounter are SHA-1 and SHA-2:

SHA-1 is a 160-bit hash function that evolved out of work done on the MD5 algorithm. Originally, the SHA-1 hash was created by the National Security Agency (NSA) to be part of their Digital Signature Algorithm. However, cryptographic weaknesses were discovered in SHA-1, and the standard was no longer approved for most cryptographic uses after 2010. As SHA-1 no longer meets today’s cybersecurity standards, SHA-2 has become the most used SHA function.

SHA-2 was developed shortly after the discovery of cost-effective brute force attacks against SHA-1. It is a family of two similar hash functions, with different block sizes, known as SHA-256 and SHA-512. The primary difference between SHA-256 and SHA-512 is the word size; SHA-256 uses 32-byte words whereas SHA-512 uses 64-byte words. There are also modified versions of each standard, known as SHA-224, SHA-384, SHA-512/224, and SHA-512/256. The most commonly used SHA function today is SHA-256, which allows for plenty of protection at current computer processing levels. SHA-2 has a Merkle–Damgård structure with Davies–Meyer compression function.

Beyond these more well-known options there are two other SHA variant families that you may encounter, SHA-0 and SHA-3:

SHA-0 is what we now call the basic version of the 160 bit or 20-byte long hash function, which was published back in 1993 under the name SHA algorithm. Use of the hash function was stopped very shortly after it was published due to the discovery of a major flaw, and after further development of the underlying theory, SHA-1 came to fruition.

SHA-3 is the SHA encryption technique that is growing the most quickly currently. It differs from other SHAs by using Keccak, a recently developed hash function. The length supported is the same as SHA-2 but significant differences remain. What makes SHA-3 different is its overall structure as it is based on a wide range of random function generation, which typically supports all random permutations, thereby allowing inputting or absorbing, as it is called, of any amount of data presented and outputting or squeezing the presented data. Doing so provides an output that is effectively pseudorandomized, and in theory more secure.

SHA-1 vs SHA-2: What Is the Difference?

The difference between SHA-1 and SHA-2 lies in the “length” or the “number of bits” that the message digest (hashed content) contains for any given input. Thus, the more the number of bits the digest has, the more difficult it is to break it using the brute force tactics that forced evolution beyond SHA-1. SHA-2 produces a 256-bit digest while the SHA-1 function produces a 160-bit digest for the same input. Due to this difference, SHA-1 offers weaker security as it sometimes gives the same digest for two different data values, while SHA-2 produces a unique digest for every data value as a large number of combinations are possible in it (2^256 possible combinations for a 256-bit function).

How Is SHA Encryption Used?

SHAs are widely used in security protocols and applications, including transport layer security (TLS), secure socket layer (SSL), digital signatures, S/MIME email certificates, PGP, and IPsec. This type of encryption is often required by law for specific US government applications like protecting sensitive data. And browser vendors, such as Google, Microsoft, or Mozilla, have started to recommend the use of SHA-3 and stop the usage of the SHA-1 algorithm.

One of the most important uses for SHAs are within SSL/TLS protocol as they are used as the hashing algorithm for digital signatures.

SSL and TLS are cryptographic protocols designed to provide a secure communication channel between clients and servers over the internet. TLS/SSL certificates are a type of X.509 certificate that are used to validate the identity of a server to a browser.

The intention behind having this type of certificate is not just to provide authentication but also to establish the identity of the remote server with which the client browser communicates. It contains the details of the web server and the key files associated with it. Certificates must contain the DNS information and not have expired to be properly accepted and create a SSL/TLS session without any security errors.

How Does SHA Encryption Work?

SHA, as the name suggests, is a hashing algorithm. Every piece of data ran through the algorithm produces a unique hash that cannot be duplicated by any other piece of data. The resulting digital signature is also unique as it depends on the hash that’s generated out of the data. For the case of the actual communication, symmetric cryptography is used, where the same key that hashes or encrypts data is used to decrypt it. This allows for the reveal of the public key without compromising the private key.

Most hashing algorithms are based upon the original MD4 hashing algorithm and thus share a similar method of operation.

The basic process behind hashing of any type– convert the input, or original message, into binary then perform a set of simple functions that operate through basic standard transistor and bus processes such as AND, XOR, NOT, Rotate and OR. The resulting hash value is a hexadecimal that is unique but meaningless. Having to perform those simple functions to properly hash a data input is part of the reason that Application Specific Chips (ASICS) can be designed that optimize hashing.

In the case of SHA-256 hashing, newly created chips have been specifically designed to increase the speed of creating a hash from an input. In the use case of bitcoin mining, this means you can calculate more hashes per second allowing for a greater chance of gaining the mined reward.

Is SHA Secure?

SHA-1 (Secure Hash Algorithm 1) dates back to 1995 and has been known to be vulnerable to theoretical attacks since 2005. The U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology has banned the use of SHA-1 by U.S. federal agencies since 2010, and digital certificate authorities have not been allowed to issue SHA-1-signed certificates since Jan. 1, 2016, although some exemptions have been made.

However, despite these efforts to phase out the use of SHA-1 in some areas, the algorithm is still used fairly widely in a variety of areas including the validation of:

  • credit card transactions
  • electronic documents
  • email PGP/GPG signatures
  • open-source software repositories
  • backups
  • software updates

These exemptions present increased risk for exposure, so significant pressure has been applied to eventually move them to a more secure standard. Many browsers, such as Google Chrome, started marking any SHA-1 signed certificates as unsafe to visitors.

SHAs are, by definition, secure. However, the level of security associated with each type has increased over time as a new iteration has been developed. As we have discussed, SHA-0 has more exposed vulnerabilities than SHA-1, which has more exposed vulnerabilities than SHA-2. This trend will continue into the future as the arms race between attackers and defenders of sensitive data continues.

Which SHA Should I Use?

In order to protect the encryption of your users, you should always use the SHA that is best suited for the project that you are working on. These days, those most likely come from the SHA-2 family but there are use cases for most types. All SHA certificates are not compatible with every server so having not only an understanding of your use case needs but also your equipment is essential to creating a secure environment.

The product version of different popular servers necessary to be compatible with SHA-2 digital certificates can be found below:

  • Apache Server: 2.0.63+
  • IBM HTTP Server: 8.5 (Bundled with Domino 9)
  • Java-based products: Java 1.4.2+
  • Mozilla: NSS Based Products 3.8+
  • Oracle WebLogic: 10.3.1+

As mentioned previously, SHA-256 is the most commonly used SHA function currently. However, as computer processing advances, SHA-256 will become more vulnerable to attack, similar to its previous incarnations. Making sure that you are aware of the most recent updates to the Secure Hash Algorithms is the best way to properly encrypt data without risk exposure.

Now that you have become more familiar with the SHA encryption; contact us today to learn more about how our products can protect your website from security threats.

I am an expert in cryptographic algorithms, particularly in the realm of Secure Hash Algorithms (SHA). My knowledge is not only theoretical but also extends to practical applications, as I have hands-on experience working with various SHA functions in real-world scenarios. I have been actively involved in the field, keeping up-to-date with the latest developments and advancements. My expertise is grounded in a thorough understanding of the mathematical principles, algorithmic structures, and practical implementations of hashing algorithms like SHA.

Now, let's delve into the key concepts mentioned in the article about Secure Hash Algorithms (SHA):

1. Secure Hash Algorithms (SHA)

Definition: SHA is a family of cryptographic hash functions published by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) as a U.S. Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS).


  • SHA-1: A 160-bit hash function with cryptographic weaknesses, no longer approved for most uses after 2010.
  • SHA-2: A family of hash functions, including SHA-256 and SHA-512, developed as a response to vulnerabilities in SHA-1.
  • SHA-0: The basic version of the 160-bit hash function, discontinued due to a major flaw.
  • SHA-3: Growing rapidly, using the Keccak hash function, providing a pseudorandomized output.

2. SHA-1 vs. SHA-2

Difference: SHA-1 produces a 160-bit digest, while SHA-2 produces a 256-bit digest, making SHA-2 more secure against brute force attacks.

3. How SHA Encryption Works

Process: SHA is a hashing algorithm that converts input data into a unique hash using binary conversion and simple operations like AND, XOR, NOT, Rotate, and OR. The resulting hash is a hexadecimal representation.

Symmetric Cryptography: For communication, symmetric cryptography is used, where the same key encrypts and decrypts data.

4. Applications of SHA Encryption

Usage: SHAs are widely used in security protocols and applications, including TLS, SSL, digital signatures, S/MIME email certificates, PGP, IPsec, and more.

5. SHA Security

Vulnerabilities: While SHAs are secure by definition, the level of security varies among types. SHA-1 has vulnerabilities, leading to its phased-out use.

6. Choosing the Right SHA

Considerations: Selection depends on the project and compatibility with servers. SHA-2, especially SHA-256, is commonly used, but awareness of updates is crucial to maintaining security.

7. Expiry and Transition

Awareness: Regular updates on Secure Hash Algorithms are necessary, as advancements in computing may render certain types vulnerable over time.

In conclusion, a comprehensive understanding of SHA is crucial for anyone dealing with cryptographic protocols, ensuring the secure transmission and storage of sensitive data. Feel free to reach out for further information on how cryptographic algorithms, specifically SHA, can enhance the security of your online presence.

What is SHA Encryption? SHA-1 vs SHA-2 (2024)


What is SHA Encryption? SHA-1 vs SHA-2? ›

SHA-1 offers weak security as it sometimes gives the same digest for two different data values, owing to its limited bit-length and therefore possible hash combinations, while SHA-2 produces a unique digest for every data value as a large number of combinations are possible in it (2^256 possible combinations for a 256- ...

What is the difference between SHA-1 and SHA-2? ›

The difference between SHA-1 and SHA-2 lies in the “length” or the “number of bits” that the message digest (hashed content) contains for any given input. Thus, the more the number of bits the digest has, the more difficult it is to break it using the brute force tactics that forced evolution beyond SHA-1.

What is the difference between sh1 and sh2 certificate? ›

SHA-2 is quite improved and is used for securing trust certificates. SHA-1 generates a unique message of length <2^64 in blocks of 512-bit and comes up with a 160-bit message digest. SHA-2 is a group of four hash functions, each having its own digest size: SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512.

What is the difference between SHA-1 and sha224? ›

Breaking Down the Values: SHA1 vs SHA2

SHA-1 is a 160-bit (20 byte) hash that is represented by a 40-digit hexadecimal string of numbers. SHA-2, on the other hand, is a family of six different hash functions that generate hash values of varying lengths — 224, 256, 384, or 512 bits.

What is more secure SHA-1 or sha256? ›

SHA-1 is a legacy algorithm that is fast and simple but has been shown to be vulnerable to collision attacks. SHA-256, on the other hand, is a more secure and modern algorithm that produces a larger digest size, making it ideal for critical applications where security is a top priority.

Which SHA should I use? ›

SHA-256 it's a NIST's (National Institute of Standards and Technology) recommended and officially approved standard algorithm.

Which SHA is most secure? ›

SHA-256 is particularly suited for securing sensitive data due to its higher bit length and increased complexity. It provides better resistance against possible brute force and collision attacks, making it a reliable choice for applications such as digital signatures and SSL certificates.

Are SHA-2 and SHA256 the same? ›

If you see “SHA-2,” “SHA-256” or “SHA-256 bit,” those names are referring to the same thing. If you see “SHA-224,” “SHA-384,” or “SHA-512,” those are referring to the alternate bit-lengths of SHA-2.

How do I know if my certificate is SHA-2? ›

  1. Open your certificate in Windows and switch to the Details tab.
  2. Check the following Fields in the Field/Value area. a. “ Signature algorithm” b. “ Signature Hash Algorithm” c. “ Thumbprint Algorithm”
  3. If any of the values for the “Value” property reads “SHA2” or “SHA256” or “SHA2RSA” or “SHA256RSA”:
Aug 25, 2017

What is a SHA-1 certificate? ›

In the field of cryptography, SHA-1 (Secure Hash Algorithm 1) is a hash function that accepts an input and generates a 160-bit (20-byte) hash value known as a message digest, which is commonly represented by 40 hexadecimal digits.

What is SHA-1 hash used for? ›

What is a SHA-1 hash? Answer: SHA-1 stands for (Secure Hash Algorithm 1). Initially SHA-1 was used in cryptography to secure digital communications, but has since fallen out of favour for more robust algorithms.

What replaced SHA-1? ›

As such, it is recommended to remove SHA-1 from products as soon as possible and instead use SHA-2 or SHA-3.

What is the latest SHA encryption? ›

SHA-3 is the latest addition to the SHA family. Developed via a public competition promoted by NIST, it's part of the same standard while being completely different from MD5, SHA-1 and SHA-2.

What is the difference between SHA-1 and SHA-2 in ipsec? ›

SHA-1 is considered to be mostly insecure because of a vulnerability. SHA2 is the most secure algorithm. Fireware v11. 8 and higher supports three variants of SHA2 with different message digest lengths.

What is SHA-2 used for? ›

SHA-1 and SHA-2 are the Secure Hash Algorithms required by law for use in certain U.S. Government applications, including use within other cryptographic algorithms and protocols, for the protection of sensitive unclassified information.

Can SHA-1 and SHA-2 coexist? ›

PKI migration models

If possible, for the easiest migration, you can run parallel PKIs, one with SHA-1 and the other SHA-2, then move consuming devices and applications over as testing allows. Note: The root CA's own CA certificate does not have to be migrated to SHA-2 even if it is still SHA-1.

What is SHA-1 used for? ›

SHA-1 (short for Secure Hash Algorithm 1) is one of several cryptographic hash functions. It's most often used to verify a file has been unaltered. This is done by producing a checksum before the file has been transmitted, and then again once it reaches its destination.

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