What is Prop Trading & How Does it Work? / Axi EU (2024)

Education /
Milan Cutkovic
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  • Proprietary
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What is Prop Trading & How Does it Work? / Axi EU (1)

What is prop trading?

Proprietary trading, commonly referred to as prop trading, describes the practice where traders engage in trading activities using the capital of a prop firm or financial institution rather than their own capital. These traders participate in a range of financial markets and use a variety of financial instruments, including shares, options, futures, and contracts for difference (CFDs). The primary goal of prop trading is to generate profits for the institution using the capital allocated by the firm for trading.

While there are businesses that only engage in prop trading, it is also a practice by:

  1. Investment banks that have desks specialising in proprietary trading. Banks benefit from having extremely valuable information and order flow visibility. However, prop trading within the banks has become heavily regulated since the financial crisis of 2008.
  2. Hedge funds that trade their own funds as well as managing funds for their investors.
  3. High-frequency trading firms that also act as market makers.
  4. Commodity trading firms, such as Glencore, Vitol, and Trafigura, that trade commodities on the physical and futures markets.

What is a prop trading firm?

What is Prop Trading & How Does it Work? / Axi EU (2)

A prop trading firm is a company that provides its traders with access to capital. In return, the traders share a percentage of the profits they generate with the company.

Individuals face many hurdles on their journey to become professional traders. While a lack of sufficient capital is the most obvious one, they may also lack access to technology, market data, and tools. Prop firms can help skilled individuals propel their trading careers by providing capital, training, and general support.

The set-up of prop firms varies significantly. Some prop trading companies have physical offices and will provide a desk for their traders. Others operate remotely and can accept traders across the globe into their programme.

What is a prop trader?

What is Prop Trading & How Does it Work? / Axi EU (3)

An individual who trades using the firm's own funds instead of client funds is known as a prop trader. To make money for the company, they typically participate in speculative trading, which can involve both short- and long-term trading.

Proprietary trading firms typically allow their traders autonomy in making trading decisions. However, they establish a limit known as the maximum drawdown level. If a trader's losses reach this predefined threshold, the firm will intervene and suspend the trader's trading activities to mitigate further financial risks.

Prop traders make all or most of their income from splitting profits they generate in financial markets with the prop firm that provides them with capital.

Prop traders face the same challenges as other traders but benefit from access to capital, technology, and interaction with other skilled traders.

How does prop trading work?

What is Prop Trading & How Does it Work? / Axi EU (4)

When a trader is accepted by a proprietary trading firm, they are allocated a certain amount of capital to trade with. The size of this capital allocation, as well as the proportion of profits the trader is entitled to keep, varies depending on the trader's level of experience and their track record of past trading results.

Prop traders employ a variety of trading strategies, from short-term trading to swing and position trading. Similarly, traders may use either fundamental or technical analysis when analysing markets, or a combination of the two.

While risk management remains critical, trading on behalf of a prop firm is subject to more stringent regulations and increased scrutiny in order to limit the firm's capital exposure to potential losses.

How do prop firms work?

What is Prop Trading & How Does it Work? / Axi EU (5)

To explain how prop firms work, we will use a hedge fund analogy.

Hedge funds have clients who provide the company with capital. The fund managers ultimately answer to their clients, who receive an average of 60–80% of the profit generated.

Prop firms, on the other hand, don´t take on clients as investors but use their own capital to generate profits in financial markets. This allows them greater freedom, flexibility, and the chance to keep a larger percentage of the profits.

How do prop firms make money?

What is Prop Trading & How Does it Work? / Axi EU (6)

Most revenues generated by a prop firm come from the profits generated by the prop traders. Firms have a profit-sharing arrangement in place with their traders. For example, a trader that generates $100,000 in profits during a certain period and has a 40/60 profit share agreement will receive $40,000, while the remaining $60,000 goes to the firm.

Some prop firms, particularly the smaller ones, may earn revenue by providing education, granting access to their capital allocation programme, or utilising their office space and/or technology. However, this is usually only a minor fraction of the revenue generated.

Other firms will charge a subscription or membership fee. Traders might have to complete a challenge before they can officially join the programme and receive funding, and some companies may charge them for this opportunity.

However, this model is in the process of being phased out amid an intense crackdown by regulators and technology providers.

Advantages of prop trading

What is Prop Trading & How Does it Work? / Axi EU (7)

Prop trading can provide individual traders with several advantages:

  1. Potentially maximising their profits: talented traders may lack the funds to scale up their operations. To illustrate, it will be difficult for a trader to generate a significant return on a $200 account, particularly if they refrain from undertaking excessive risks. Property firms may offer these exceptionally skilled traders the chance to establish themselves as professional traders and potentially generate substantial profits.
  2. Autonomy: Although each prop firm will put in place its own risk management guidelines to guard against uncontrollably large losses, traders typically have a great deal of latitude and discretion in how they use the money that has been allocated to them.
  3. Learning curve: Working with other talented traders and seasoned professionals can provide traders with an incredible learning opportunity and the chance to build meaningful connections.
  4. Technology: Access to technology can be costly, with expenses for data feeds, professional charting software, live news feeds, and expert insights adding up quickly. High-end tools, such as Bloomberg terminals, are also significant investments. Proprietary trading firms provide their traders with all these technological resources, enabling them to make better-informed decisions without the individual cost burden.
  5. Potentially lower their risk: The trader assumes reduced financial risk due to the provision of capital by the prop firm.

Disadvantages of prop trading

What is Prop Trading & How Does it Work? / Axi EU (8)

While we have emphasised several significant benefits of prop trading, it is not without its drawbacks:

  1. Increased pressure: If you are purely trading your own funds, you ultimately do not report to anyone. However, trading with the capital of a prop firm comes with responsibility, and the firm will expect the traders to hit their targets.
  2. Lack of stability: Prop firms typically don´t have a lot of patience with underperformers, and they are easily removed from the capital allocation programme.
  3. Upfront fees: Some programmes demand traders to pay a membership or joining fee as well as pass so-called "challenges" in order to participate. This can be a financial burden for traders as well as an unpleasant experience. These business tactics are currently scrutinised by regulators and technology providers as they can be used to manipulate traders in false promises of future profits. Traders pay a registration fee and then must jump through multiple hoops to qualify for funding. In most cases, they never qualify.

How to get started with prop trading

What is Prop Trading & How Does it Work? / Axi EU (9)

The entry requirements to join a prop firm can vary significantly. For example, a prop firm whose traders are based in their physical offices, equipped with advanced software and hardware, and where a lot of effort is spent on supporting and training them will have strict requirements, a long screening process, and a limited number of open positions.

Prop businesses that operate remotely and merely provide traders with a funded account, on the other hand, make it easier for talented traders to join. A trader would typically pay a joining or subscription fee before participating in a challenge or assessment period. They would have to demonstrate their trading abilities with a particular amount of capital, with the prop firm imposing a maximum drawdown and profit target. If the trader successfully completes the challenge, they will be entitled to join the programme and receive extra financing in the future.

With recent regulatory changes, the subscription fee-based model is coming to an end, and many traders choose programmes that use live trading accounts and do not charge traders any upfront costs.

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This information is not to be construed as a recommendation; or an offer to buy or sell; or the solicitation of an offer to buy or sell any security, financial product, or instrument; or to participate in any trading strategy. It has been prepared without taking your objectives, financial situation, or needs into account. Any references to past performance and forecasts are not reliable indicators of future results. Axi makes no representation and assumes no liability regarding the accuracy and completeness of the content in this publication. Readers should seek their own advice.


What is prop trading?

Prop trading is the practice where traders engage in trading activities using the capital of a prop firm or financial institution rather than their own capital.

What is a prop trading firm?

Prop trading firms are made up of traders who trade with the company's capital. The traders could be full-time employees or only participants in the company's allocation programme.

What is a capital allocation programme?

A capital allocation programme refers to the process of distributing financial resources among different trading strategies or traders based on their performance, risk profile, and potential return on investment.

Why do prop firms provide traders with funding?

Prop firms fund traders to earn a share of their profits, which constitutes a major part of their revenue, and may also gain income through subscription, joining fees, and selling educational courses.

What is the upside for traders joining a prop trading firm?

Joining a prop trading firm offers traders access to more capital, advanced trading tools, and opportunities to network with professional traders.

Is prop trading risky?

Prop trading involves inherent risks like any trading, yet the firm often bears the bulk of it by risking its capital, though traders risk losing subscription or joining fees and not passing the firm's trading challenge.

Do I need to be an experienced trader to join?

Joining a capital allocation programme does not always require extensive experience, as each programme has its own specific set of requirements.

Milan Cutkovic

What is Prop Trading & How Does it Work? / Axi EU (10)

Milan Cutkovic has over eight years of experience in trading and market analysis across forex, indices, commodities, and stocks. He was one of the first traders accepted into the Axi Select programme which identifies highly talented traders and assists them with professional development.

As well as being a trader, Milan writes daily analysis for the Axi community, using his extensive knowledge of financial markets to provide unique insights and commentary. He is passionate about helping others become more successful in their trading and shares his skills by contributing to comprehensive trading eBooks and regularly publishing educational articles on the Axi blog, His work is frequently quoted in leading international newspapers and media portals.

Milan is frequently quoted and mentioned in many financial publications, including Yahoo Finance, Business Insider, Barrons, CNN, Reuters, New York Post, and MarketWatch.

Find him on: LinkedIn

What is Prop Trading & How Does it Work? / Axi EU (2024)


What is Prop Trading & How Does it Work? / Axi EU? ›

A prop trading firm is a company that provides its traders with access to capital. In return, the traders share a percentage of the profits they generate with the company. Individuals face many hurdles on their journey to become professional traders.

How does prop trading work? ›

Proprietary trading, which is also known as "prop trading," occurs when a trading desk at a financial institution, brokerage firm, investment bank, hedge fund, or other liquidity source uses the firm's capital and balance sheet to conduct self-promoting financial transactions.

Can you make a living with prop trading? ›

As a result, anyone can be profitable as a prop trader because profitability is linked to their experience and skills, strategy, and ability to generate gains by trading in the market with the firm's capital.

Is prop trading risky? ›

Why Is It Risky? For retirees, the primary concern with prop trading lies in the volatility and complexity of financial markets. Unlike more traditional retirement income sources, such as pensions or annuities, prop trading can lead to substantial losses in a short period, potentially jeopardizing financial security.

Can you make a lot of money prop trading? ›

Prop trading Partners can take a much higher percentage of the profits for themselves. The much smaller capital base (tens of millions up to hundreds of millions), means that it's possible to earn extremely high annual returns (100%, 200%+, etc.).

What are the downsides of prop trading? ›

Personal Risk: One of the significant drawbacks of prop trading is the potential personal financial risk. If a trader doesn't perform well, they may lose their deposit, and in some cases, their job. Loss Limitations: Prop firms often implement daily loss limits to protect their capital.

What happens if you lose money in prop trading? ›

Profits from trades are generally divided between the firm and the prop trader; however, the risk distribution is asymmetric. This means that in the event of a loss, the trader bears 100% of the losses, while they don't receive 100% of the profits.

Do you need a license to be a prop trader? ›

Do proprietary trading firms need a license? Prop trading firms are less heavily regulated than regular brokerages and broker-dealers. However, if such laws apply, you must still properly register your business and get licensed.

How much does the average prop trader make? ›

The salary of a prop trader can vary greatly depending on several factors such as experience, performance, and the size of the firm. On average, a junior prop trader can expect to earn anywhere between $50,000 to $100,000 per year, while a senior trader can make upwards of $500,000 annually.

Why is prop trading illegal? ›

The Volcker Rule is intended to restrict high-risk, speculative trading activity by banks, such as proprietary trading or investing in or sponsoring hedge funds or private equity funds.

Why was prop trading banned? ›

The Volcker Rule is one of the more controversial pieces of legislation to emerge from the financial crisis. Attached to the Dodd-Frank Act, the rule was intended to limit banks' ability to make speculative investments that do not benefit their customers.

Is prop trading illegal? ›

§ 255.3 Prohibition on proprietary trading. (a) Prohibition. Except as otherwise provided in this subpart, a banking entity may not engage in proprietary trading. Proprietary trading means engaging as principal for the trading account of the banking entity in any purchase or sale of one or more financial instruments.

How stressful is prop trading? ›

Prop trading can be highly stressful due to the fast-paced nature of markets and the pressure to make split-second decisions. Working in the financial markets as a prop trader comes with a series of demanding hurdles. Such traders face an environment filled with: Intense rivalry.

How do prop traders get paid? ›

Under the profit split model, the prop firm provides traders with a funded trading account in exchange for a share of their profits. The profit split typically ranges from 20-50%, and the trader is responsible for managing the trades and making profitable decisions.

How much money do you need to start a prop trading firm? ›

To summarize, the amount of money you need to open a prop firm can range from $10,000 to $1 million, depending on the type of prop firm, the technology, the registration, the liquidity, and the CRM tool.

How do prop traders make money? ›

Prop traders make all or most of their income from splitting profits they generate in financial markets with the prop firm that provides them with capital.

Is trading for a prop firm worth it? ›

Prop firms are an excellent source of accessing further capital to increase profit potential. Passing a prop firm's evaluation means reaching a profit target while staying within its risk management rules. Prop firms require traders to use their brokers, which can be positive or negative depending on the broker.

How do prop firms pay their traders? ›

Profit Sharing: Prop firms typically allow traders to keep a percentage of the profits they generate. The profit-sharing arrangement can vary among firms, and some may offer more favorable terms than others. Leverage: Prop trading firms often provide traders with access to higher leverage than retail brokers.

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