What is Petty Cash and How to Manage it? (2024)

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10 April, 2024

10 mins

Vipul Taneja, VP, Finance Transformation

Table of Content

Key Takeaways


What is Petty Cash?

Advantages & Disadvantages of Petty Cash

Examples of Petty Cash

How Does Petty Cash Management Work?

How to Set up a Petty Cash Management System

9 Challenges with Petty Cash Management

Establishing Internal Controls for Petty Cash Management

Role of Automation in Petty Cash Management


What is Petty Cash and How to Manage it? (20)

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What is Petty Cash and How to Manage it? (21)

Key Takeaways

  • Petty cash is a small amount of on-hand cash for minor expenses, simplifying reimbursem*nts, and managing routine transactions without extensive paperwork.
  • Explore petty cash examples and classifications, understanding its role in handling minor expenses and maintaining financial records efficiently.
  • Discover the challenges in petty cash management, addressing issues for smooth and effective handling of small transactions.

What is Petty Cash and How to Manage it? (22)


In the world of business transactions, every dollar count matters. Enter petty cash – the underdog of financial fluidity. In layman’s terms, petty cash is a small amount for impromptu small expenses. In this blog, we’ll unravel the significance of petty cash, exploring its role and management and why this seemingly modest cash reserve plays a vital part in the day-to-day operations of businesses, both big and small.

What is Petty Cash?

Petty cash is a small amount kept handy in organizations to pay off small-scale expenditures. Petty cash funds are kept in corporations’ drawers or boxes for emergencies, office lunches, flowers, stationary requirements, etc.

The petty cash fund goes through periodic reconciliations, and these transactions are also recorded in financial statements. In enterprises, each department may have its petty cash fund allocated.

The petty cash balance sheet is also classified under current assets in the balance sheet due to its high liquidity. As assets are ordered by liquidity, petty cash, being easily accessible, is positioned near the top of the petty cash sheet.

Pro tip: One of the petty cash rules says that petty cash forms should be completed in ink to prevent alterations and kept secure by the custodian. Disbursem*nts require accompanying receipts or documentation, and the custodian only releases funds with proper documentation and approval.

Why do businesses need petty cash?

Petty cash is a must for most businesses due to its convenience. A petty cash fund aims to offer business units enough cash for minor expenses, streamlining the reimbursem*nt process for staff and visitors.

Consider a typical petty cash example: your office urgently needs A4 paper, and work is at a standstill. Would you opt for a formal request, inventory check, verification, and invoice creation, or a swift solution like withdrawing $5 from the drawer for two bundles of paper? The latter is often the preferred choice, allowing easy reimbursem*nt by presenting the invoice.

Advantages & Disadvantages of Petty Cash

The advantages of Petty Cash are unmatched and cannot be disregarded. Cash is often the quickest, simplest, most straightforward way to pay for things. In impromptu scenarios, they come in super handy. On the other hand, as this cash is readily available, it does raise suspicion about cash security and theft. Sometimes, these bills are untraceable, which causes unwanted errors in the bookkeeping process.

There are many other differences like:



Petty cash enables employees to make decisions for immediate expenditures promptly.

The informal nature of the petty cash system may pose accountability risks, like misuse or misplacement without proper records.

By recording all transactions in the petty cash account, businesses can identify patterns and insights regarding allocating small expenditures.

Petty cash procedures incur costs for secure storage, insurance, and potential losses from theft or accidents.

Delegating such responsibilities to employees can enhance morale and foster a sense of ownership.

A lack of rigorous controls over petty cash transactions can cultivate an environment susceptible to fraudulent activities.

Examples of Petty Cash

Office supplies, like pens, notepads, and paper clips, fall under petty cash examples. Refreshments like beverages, snacks, transportation costs, or cab fares for employees also fall under the umbrella. It covers postage and handling office repairs and maintenance services. Petty cash may be used for small celebrations or events as well.

What is Petty Cash Management?

Petty cash management is a vital record-keeping system for tracking daily small business operational expenses. Often, imprest systems commence with a fixed amount and are replenished as funds diminish, ensuring efficient handling of minor expenditures during daily operations.

A robust petty cash management system is integral for companies to guarantee the appropriate use and documentation of funds. This system is an internal control, fortifying the business against potential theft and fraud risks.

Additionally, it is pivotal in supporting the broader general ledger reconciliation process, contributing to overall financial accuracy and integrity. With controls and transparent transaction documentation, businesses can uphold financial accountability and safeguard their assets efficiently and systematically.

Note: The Imprest system is an accounting mechanism that diligently tracks cash expenditures within your business operations.

How Does Petty Cash Management Work?

Businesses allocate a specific petty cash amount, adjusting it as needed, typically ranging from $100 to $1000. When initiating the fund, record a debit to the petty cash account and a credit to the bank account in the general ledger. For instance, a $200 withdrawal for petty cash involves noting the funds’ purpose.

When employees have small expenses, they present receipts to a designated cashier, who logs them in a petty cash book or spreadsheet and reimburses them. Alternatively, the cashier may directly provide funds, requiring the employee to return the receipt.

When replenishing the petty cash fund, the cashier ensures accurate balances of receipts in the petty cash book. Subsequently, they forward these records to the bookkeeper or accounting team, who supplement the fund with additional cash from the bank. The cashier then updates the petty cash book to reflect the revised balance.

The automated accounting system updates the general ledger, if not the accounting team. They note that cash has been taken out of the bank account and added to the petty cash fund, and they also record the petty cash receipts to the correct expense accounts.

For solo entrepreneurs or those with a small team, you’ll likely manage everything independently – distributing cash, collecting receipts, maintaining the petty cash book, and personally handling bank visits for additional cash and accounting updates.

Quick read: Everything You Need to Know About Automated Bookkeeping

How to Set up a Petty Cash Management System

Establishing an effective petty cash system involves critical elements:

  • Appointing a dedicated custodian
  • Securing a funding source
  • Implementing policies and procedures for expense management
  • Incorporating accounting procedures for seamless reconciliation

Step 1: Custodian appointment

Initiating the imprest system begins with appointing a petty cash custodian. This individual, primarily accountable for managing petty cash, enhances accountability and minimizes error or fraud risks by restricting access.

Step 2: Funding account

The imprest system assigns a predetermined balance to the petty cash fund from the company’s checking account. This balance, reflective of expected activity, ensures adequacy and aligns with the company’s size.

Step 3: Secure funds

Once the cash has been released to the petty cash fund, you will likely want to secure it in a lock box, safe, or a locked drawer or file cabinet. Only the custodian and other specifically designated individuals, such as the CFO, may possess the key. This helps ensure accountability and protects against theft or fraud.

What is Petty Cash and How to Manage it? (24)

Source: PwC report of CFO and Finance Leaders — Managing business risks.

Step 4: Policy establishment

Implementing policies is crucial for dictating the spending and administration of petty cash funds. These policies define qualifying transactions, providing guidelines for properly documenting business expenses within the established framework.

Step 5: Record disbursem*nt

To administer the petty cash account effectively, the custodian must maintain a disbursem*nt log. This log facilitates accurate reconciliation when preparing financial statements at the reporting period’s end.

Step 6: Receipt requirement

Alongside a disbursem*nt log, company policies should mandate receipts for every purchase. Detailed vendor or cash register receipts, specifying items, dates, and amounts, are crucial—petty cash vouchers further document transactions, including expense purposes, account details, and the responsible individual.

Step 7: Monitor Spending

The custodian initiates a bank check request to restore the petty cash to its original balance, with a reconciliation of receipts and spending preceding replenishment. Close monitoring involves regular tallies, verification of receipts, and reconciliation by a separate entity to uphold the segregation of duties and ensure compliance with company policies.

Quick read:

9 Challenges with Petty Cash Management

What is Petty Cash and How to Manage it? (25)

Source: Hubspot survey 2019 – Travel & expense management trends reports

  1. Poor documentation process

    A significant challenge in the process is inadequate documentation. With petty cash slips, verifying expenses and reconciling records becomes easier, risking inaccuracies in accounting.

  2. Flawed recording accuracy

    Accurate recording of petty cash transactions is crucial for reliable financial records. Errors can disrupt reconciliation, impacting the system’s effectiveness.

  3. Reconciliation struggles

    Petty cash reconciliation is challenging in larger organizations, demanding meticulous attention to balance physical cash with recorded expenses for accuracy.

    Automated reconciliation software is a tool that can be used for efficient petty cash management. By utilizing reconciliation templates, users can systematically compare general ledger (GL) entries with supporting balances related to petty cash transactions. This streamlines the process of verifying and managing open items, ensuring accuracy in accounting.

  4. Security and approvals

    Securing petty cash presents an ongoing challenge, demanding protective measures to prevent theft or mishandling and ensure the cash’s safety.

  5. Technology dependency

    Incorporating technology into petty cash accounting can prove challenging, particularly for businesses accustomed to manual processes.

  6. Slow replenishment time

    Timely replenishment of the petty cash fund is vital, preventing operational disruptions and maintaining consistency in financial records.

  7. Lack of transparency

    Producing precise and transparent reports for petty cash transactions poses challenges, particularly in manual accounting systems.

  8. Handling foreign currency

    Managing petty cash in foreign currencies for international transactions introduces complexity, with fluctuating exchange rates and potential currency-related discrepancies demanding meticulous attention.

  9. Avoiding overuse

    Preventing the risk of overusing petty cash for unauthorized expenses requires clear usage guidelines and consistent monitoring to maintain financial control.

Establishing Internal Controls for Petty Cash Management

Creating, maintaining, and enforcing a robust petty cash management system establishes vital internal controls. This ensures accurate recording, reconciliation, and visibility into expenditures. While individual amounts may seem small, cumulatively, they impact financial statements.

Safeguarding petty cash, segregating duties, and monthly reconciliation are crucial controls for effective management. Consistent adherence to these practices enhances financial accuracy and transparency, preventing loss of deductions and providing a clear understanding of resource allocation within companies, regardless of their size.

Quick read: 6 Best Practices for Maintaining Accounting Accuracy

Role of Automation in Petty Cash Management

HighRadius’ automated accounting software offers a comprehensive solution for efficient cash management. The account reconciliation function ensures accurate tracking of petty cash transactions, reconciling invoices, and maintaining a precise balance sheet. Financial close capabilities expedite bookkeeping processes, allowing for faster closure of books. Anomaly management identifies errors and omissions, enhancing accuracy.

For handling petty cash in daily accounting, users can utilize the reconciliation feature to track every transaction, ensuring transparency. Financial close streamlines the recording of petty cash activities, and anomaly management helps detect discrepancies promptly. These tools bring automation and precision to managing small cash amounts in accountants’ daily routines.


1) What type of account is petty cash?

Petty cash is classified as a current asset on the balance sheet. It represents a cash reserve maintained by a business to cover minor expenses. While it’s a liquid asset, it’s subject to internal controls and requires proper management and documentation to ensure accurate accounting and reporting

2) What are the rules for petty cash?

Petty cash rules entail designating a custodian responsible for fund management, setting a limit for disbursem*nts, requiring receipts for all expenses, and conducting regular reconciliations. And, petty cash usage should be restricted to authorized business-related expenses only.

3) What is the limit of petty cash?

Petty cash ranges from ₹5,000 to ₹20,000, adjusted based on branch size and transaction frequency. Designate a cashier and custodian to manage the fund effectively.

4) What are the types of petty cash?

General Petty Cash covers miscellaneous expenses like office supplies. Imprest Petty Cash is replenished regularly. Emergency Petty Cash is reserved for unforeseen circ*mstances. Each serves specific purposes for efficient fund management.

5) Is petty cash an asset or capital?

Petty cash is classified as a current asset, represented as a debit on the balance sheet, highlighting its immediate availability for small, routine expenditures within an organization’s financial structure.

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What is Petty Cash and How to Manage it? (30)

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What is Petty Cash and How to Manage it? (2024)


What is petty cash and how do you manage it? ›

What is Petty Cash Management? Petty cash management is a vital record-keeping system for tracking daily small business operational expenses. Often, imprest systems commence with a fixed amount and are replenished as funds diminish, ensuring efficient handling of minor expenditures during daily operations.

What is petty cash short answer? ›

Petty cash refers specifically to money—literally, coins and bills—that a company keeps on hand for small outlays, usually because using cash is easier than using a check or credit card. Cash on hand is any accessible cash the business or liquid funds have.

What is petty cash select the best answer? ›

Petty cash, or petty cash fund, is a small amount of cash your business keeps on hand to pay for smaller business expenses. These small amounts of cash can pay for low-cost expenses, like postage stamps or donuts for a meeting.

What is an example of petty cash? ›

It refers to cash you keep on hand for small business purchases. For example, you might have petty cash available so that your staff can quickly go to the shop if you run out of something essential. Or you might use petty cash for random purchases such as doughnuts for staff meetings or birthday cards for employees.

What is the best control for petty cash? ›

Petty cash funds should be maintained on the imprest basis at the minimum effective amount. One individual should be responsible for the fund and should maintain sole control over it. Back-up, dual control access to the fund should be available in the event of an emergency.

How to organize petty cash? ›

To begin, have a secure place to store your petty cash funds, such as a lockbox or locked drawer.
  1. Set account limits. ...
  2. Determine who will manage petty cash. ...
  3. Create a log. ...
  4. Reconcile and record petty cash expenses. ...
  5. Reassess the petty cash fund periodically.

How do you solve petty cash? ›

How to reconcile petty cash
  1. Step 1: Ascertain fund balance. Start by counting the balance left over in your petty cash fund box or drawer. ...
  2. Step 2: Confirm documentation proofs. ...
  3. Step 3: Categorize and add withdrawals. ...
  4. Step 4: Check for 'Cash Over' or 'Cash Short' ...
  5. Step 5: Restore original balance. ...
  6. Step 6: Reconcile payments.

What are the rules for petty cash? ›

All Petty Cash Funds must be stored in a secured device such as a safe or cash box in a locked cabinet. Only the Petty Cash Fund custodian should have keys to the box and cabinet. Funds should never be left unattended and unsecured. Funds within a box need to be locked and behind locked doors when not attended.

What are the 7 steps in setting up your petty cash fund? ›

Here's how petty cash is typically handled in accounting:
  • Establish and fund the petty cash account. First, determine the total amount of money you want to keep in the petty cash fund. ...
  • Record your petty cash expenses. ...
  • Replenish the petty cash fund. ...
  • Record petty cash transactions in your ledger. ...
  • Reconcile the petty cash fund.
Jun 18, 2024

What is petty cash for dummies? ›

What is it, and what's it for? 'Petty Cash' is money kept in a business to meet small, everyday expenses that don't really justify the cost and complication of going through a formal process of placing orders, paying invoices, writing cheques etc.

How do you reduce petty cash? ›

To decrease the amount of the Petty Cash Fund, the department sends a request to Business & Financial Services and explanation for decreasing the Fund. The department Custodian turns in the excess amount to the Cashier's Office.

What are the two types of petty cash? ›

There are two types of petty cash books. They are: Columnar petty cash book. Imprest petty cash book.

What does petty cash mean? ›

Petty cash is a small amount of money a company keeps for small, incidental expenses. These minor payments include office supplies, stationery, meals, client lunch, stamps, etc. The number of petty cash funds could change depending on the organization's size.

How much can you keep in petty cash? ›

General. Petty Cash Fund: An amount of cash, not to exceed $500, held by a department or office to pay for incidental expenses. The fund needs to be replenished periodically (recommended monthly) as incidental expenses are incurred and reduce the amount of funds on hand.

Is petty cash an asset or income? ›

Petty cash is a current asset listed as a debit on the balance sheet. An accountant will typically write a cheque to "Petty cash" to fund the petty cash account and cash this cheque at the company's bank.

How do you manage a petty cash box? ›

Petty cash box procedures

First of all, the cash should be kept in a locked drawer or box, and the key should be in the hands of someone trustworthy. That keyholder is the only one who can remove and disburse cash, and is also held accountable for the balance in the box at all times.

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