What is password encryption and how does it work? (2024)

Password encryption is essential to store user credentials stored in a database securely. Without password encryption, anyone accessing a user database on a company's servers (including hackers) could easily view any stored passwords.

Even a strong 32-character password created using a secure password generator is useless without password-encryption! If someone can read your password on a server, they can use it simply by copy/pasting it—no matter how long or complicated the password might be!

Encryption scrambles your password before saving it on the server. So, if someone hacks the server, instead of finding password123, they find a random series of letters and numbers.

In this article, we're going to explore the world of password encryption, why strong passwords matter, and how you can practice better password management!

TeamPassword is the password management solution for small businesses! Create, store, and share login credentials safely with employees, contractors, and clients. Sign up for a 14-day free trial today!

‏‏‎ ‎[Table of Contents]

  • Understanding Password Encryption
  • How Does Password Encryption Work?
  • 5 Common Password Encryption Methods
  • Why Strong Passwords Matter

Understanding Password Encryption

To explain password encryption effectively, we must first grasp the language. Several terms might be unfamiliar, so here is a quick intro to password encryption terminology.

  • Key: Used to lock and unlock passwords using a random string of bits. You get private and public keys that crypt and decrypt data differently, but we won't get too deep in the weeds with keys!
  • Bits: A logical state with one of two possible values, including 1/0, true/false, yes/no, or on/off as typical examples.
  • Block (block cipher): A deterministic algorithm operating on fixed-length groups of bits, called blocks.
  • Hash function: The algorithm that uses the key to create password encryption and decryption. A hash function is essentially a piece of code that runs every time someone saves a password or logs into an application.
  • Hash: A random series of numbers and letters representing your password. The hash function uses your hash instead of the raw password for authentication.
  • Salt: Additional letters and numbers appended to the hash

‏‏‎ ‎

How Does Password Encryption Work?

When you create a new account, your chosen password undergoes a transformation process to protect its integrity. A hash function, a mathematical algorithm, converts your password into a seemingly random string of characters called a hash. This hash is stored on the server, never the original password itself. For example:

  • Original password: Pa$$w0rd123
  • Hashed password: 6AF1CE202340​FE71BDB914AD5357​E33A6982A63B

To authenticate your identity, the system recreates the hash of your entered password upon login. If this newly generated hash matches the stored hash, the system grants access. This one-way encryption process ensures that even if a hacker steals the hash, they cannot reverse it to obtain your original password.

How Salt Works

While hashing provides a foundational layer of security, it's not infallible.

The hash function only creates a unique hash for each password, not each user. So, if multiple users have the password, Pa$$w0rd123, the hash will be exactly the same.

To overcome this encryption vulnerability, engineers salt passwords so each hash is unique, even if the passwords are identical.‏‏‎ ‎

A salt appends a unique value of 8 bytes (16 characters) to the password before the hash function creates a hash. This way, even identical passwords are unique before the hash function.

For example:

  • Two identical passwords: Pa$$w0rd123
  • Salt value one: E1F53135E559C253
  • Salt value two: 84B03D034B409D4E
  • Password one before hash: Pa$$w0rd123E1F53135E559C253
  • Password two before hash: Pa$$w0rd12384B03D034B409D4E
  • Password one hashed value (SHA256): 72AE25495A7981​C40622D49F9A52E4F15​65C90F048F59027BD9​C8C8900D5C3D8
  • Password two hashed value (SHA256): B4B6603ABC670​967E99C7E7F1389E40​CD16E78AD38EB1468E​C2AA1E62B8BED3A

Remember: Even with strong encryption, creating complex and unique passwords remains fundamental for personal online security.

Beyond Salting: Advanced Password Protection

Salting is an essential step, but modern security protocols employ more sophisticated techniques to fortify password protection.

  • Key Stretching: This method increases the computational effort required to calculate a hash by iterating the hashing process multiple times. Algorithms like bcrypt and Argon2 are commonly used for key stretching, making brute-force attacks exponentially more difficult.
  • Password Storage Formats: Secure password storage formats, such as those defined by the Password Hashing Competition (PHC), provide standardized and robust methods for storing hashed passwords. These formats often incorporate key stretching, salting, and other countermeasures.
  • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): While not directly related to password encryption, MFA adds an extra layer of security by requiring additional forms of verification, such as a code sent to your phone or biometric data.
  • Password Managers: These tools generate strong, unique passwords for each account and store them securely, reducing the risk of password reuse and breaches.

By combining these elements, organizations can create a robust password defense strategy that protects user accounts from unauthorized access. It's crucial to stay updated on the latest security best practices to safeguard sensitive information in an ever-evolving threat landscape.

    5 Common Password Encryption Methods

    1. Data Encryption Standard (DES)

    While applications no longer use Data Encryption Standard (DES), it's important to mention this password encryption method because of its history and influence on more secure modern standards.

    IBM developed DES as a 56-bit encryption technology in the early 1970s. The NSA adopted and improved DES before it was approved worldwide as the encryption standard.

    However, since the late 70s, hackers have been able to break DES encrypted passwords. In 1999, ethical hackers managed to break a DES key in under 24 hours.

    To make DES more secure, engineers created Triple DES and later Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), which we still use today.

    2. Triple DES

    Triple DES uses three 56-bit keys (blocks) to create 168-bit encryption (some security experts argue that Triple DES is only 112 bits strong). Although Triple-DES is slowly being phased out, many financial institutions still use it to encrypt ATM PINs.

    3. Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)

    AES is the new encryption standard—trusted by the United States Government and many other prominent organizations globally. At 128 bits, AES is sufficiently secure, but most organizations prefer heavy-duty 256-bit encryption.

    At TeamPassword, we use 256-bit encryption to store passwords, ensuring the highest levels of security for our clients. We're also a secure hosting provider holding multiple security accreditations.

    Hackers can only break an AES encrypted password through a brute-force attack—trying password combinations to find the right one.

    To counter brute-force attacks, applications will lock an account after a certain number of attempts or use tools like Google's reCAPTURE.

    4. Blowfish

    American cryptographer, Bruce Schneier, designed Blowfish in 1993 as an antidote to the weak DES encryption. Blowfish uses a 64-bit block and variable key length of 32 to 448 bits.

    Although Blowfish is more robust than its DES predecessor, the 64-bit block is still vulnerable to attacks, most commonly birthday attacks—a cryptographic attack that exploits the mathematics behind the algorithm.

    To solve Blowfish vulnerabilities, engineers created Twofish in 1998 (128-bit blocks with 256-bit keys) and Threefish in 2008 (256, 516, 1024-bit blocks with 256, 516, 1024-bit keys).

    5. Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA)

    RSA is one of the oldest and widely used to transfer data securely. The encryption works with two keys, two large prime numbers, and an additional auxiliary value.

    Due to the complicated encrypting and decrypting process, there is no known method for breaking RSA encryption.

    Although widely used for transferring data, RSA is slow and not suitable for password encryption.

    ‏‏‎ ‎

    Why Strong Passwords Matter

    Password encryption can only prevent criminals from viewing saved credentials stored on a server—but cannot prevent hackers from guessing weak/commonly used passwords. If you reuse the same password for multiple accounts, this also puts you at risk!

    Encryption is most effective when users create robust, unique passwords for every account. For example, a random 32-character password with letters, numbers, and special characters hashed and salted is near impossible to guess or decode, even using a computer!

    What is password encryption and how does it work? (1)

    In another scenario, let's assume you have a strong 32-character password, but you use it for every account. If hackers manage to steal that password, they have access to every account using the same credentials! Your strong password is effectively useless.

    Improving Your Password Management

    Now that you understand password encryption and the associated vulnerabilities, you can see why strong passwords are essential.

    Effective password management is crucial to protect yourself against cyberattacks or in the highly likely event of a data breach where hackers steal your credentials.

    Criminals are after the low-hanging fruit—people who use weak passwords!

    5 tips for creating stronger passwords:

    1. Create strong passwords for every account. The easiest way to do this is using a password generator. TeamPassword has a free password generator anyone can use to create passwords from 12-32 characters using uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and special characters. We recommend creating passwords as long as the application will allow.
    2. Never create passwords shorter than eight characters, with 12 being our recommended minimum.
    3. Never reuse the same password for multiple accounts.
    4. Never create passwords with your name, family member's names, or pet's names. With social media, this information is freely available. Criminals can add those names to algorithms for brute-force attacks.
    5. Don't store passwords in digital notepads or spreadsheets. We recommend using a password manager like TeamPassword to create and store your credentials.

    ‏‏‎ ‎

    Why You Need a Password Manager like TeamPassword

    We have so many accounts these days; it's almost impossible to create unique, memorable, secure passwords for each one. A password manager solves this problem.

    Instead of remembering the credentials for every account, you only need to memorize the one to log into your password manager.

    TeamPassword keeps all of your credentials safely stored and encrypted, so you never have to memorize a password again. Instead of entering your credentials, you use one of TeamPassword's browser extensions (Chrome, Firefox, and Safari) to log into accounts.

    Built for Teams

    TeamPassword's best feature is its ability to share credentials with team members securely. Instead of sharing passwords, you provide access through TeamPassword.

    Employees use TeamPassword to log in, meaning you never share raw passwords—no more worrying about unauthorized access or sharing.

    You can create groups in TeamPassword to share access with employees, clients, contractors, and freelancers. When someone no longer needs access, remove them from the group with a single click. No need to change passwords every time someone leaves a project!

    Built-In Password Generator

    What is password encryption and how does it work? (2)

    TeamPassword features a built-in secure password manager so you can create robust passwords for every account. TeamPassword also ensures you never reuse the same credentials so that you won't fall victim to credential stuffing attacks!

    With a built-in password generator, you can change passwords regularly, and TeamPassword will update the new credentials for all users!

    Monitor Login Activity

    What is password encryption and how does it work? (3)

    TeamPassword's activity log keeps track of every action across all of your accounts—logins, password changes, new team members, sharing access, and more.

    You can also set up email notifications for all TeamPassword actions so that you can react fast to any suspicious activity.

    Get Your Free TeamPassword Trial

    Password encryption is not enough to protect your business from password vulnerabilities! You need a robust password manager like TeamPassword to create, store, and share credentials securely.

    ‏‏‎ ‎

    Sign up for a 14-day free trial and let TeamPassword secure your company's digital assets.

    What is password encryption and how does it work? (2024)


    What is password encryption and how does it work? ›

    Password Encryption: How Do Password Encryption Methods Work? Encryption scrambles your password so it's unreadable and/or unusable by hackers. That simple step protects your password while it's sitting in a server, and it offers more protection as your password zooms across the internet.

    How does password encryption work? ›

    In simple terms, password encryption works by using an encryption key to transform your plaintext password (the actual sequence of characters you type in) into ciphertext (the resulting random characters you get).

    How safe are encrypted passwords? ›

    Yes, they are undeniably the safest way to store your passwords. They provide strong encryption to protect your passwords from cyber criminals. However, it's also important to note that they aren't 100% impenetrable. Over the years, hackers figured out a way to target password manager software.

    What encryption should I use for passwords? ›

    AES is the new encryption standard—trusted by the United States Government and many other prominent organizations globally. At 128 bits, AES is sufficiently secure, but most organizations prefer heavy-duty 256-bit encryption.

    What is the difference between with password and with encrypted password? ›

    The Key Difference

    What data encryption does is make your data unreadable so in the event that your password is compromised, your sensitive information remains untouched.

    How to decrypt the encrypted password? ›

    Encrypted password cannot be decrypted. But we can able to validate the password. with plain text(entered password) and return Boolean value. Hope this might help.

    How does encryption work for dummies? ›

    Encryption works by encoding “plaintext” into “ciphertext,” typically through the use of cryptographic mathematical models known as algorithms. To decode the data back to plaintext requires the use of a decryption key, a string of numbers or a password also created by an algorithm.

    Where is the safest place to store passwords? ›

    If you prefer convenience over security, a password manager is a secure way to store passwords online. When storing passwords offline, a paper password book is the best option. Because pen and paper cannot be hacked, they can keep your passwords safe for years to come.

    Which password manager has never been hacked? ›

    1Password is an option as it has never been breached, and NordPass is also known for its strong security features.

    How are hackers getting my password? ›

    Hackers include links in spam emails or on fake websites, which will trigger a malware download if you click on the link. Keylogger programs enable hackers to spy on you, as the malware captures everything you type. Once inside, the malware can explore your computer and record keystrokes to steal passwords.

    What is the most secure password to use? ›

    Create complex passwords or passphrases

    Passphrases are longer and more complex than passwords. They are easier to remember and create, but more difficult to guess. Avoid using birthdays, common words, names and even any variant of the actual word "password".

    What is the strongest password encryption algorithm? ›

    To protect passwords, experts suggest using a strong and slow hashing algorithm like Argon2 or Bcrypt, combined with salt (or even better, with salt and pepper). (Basically, avoid faster algorithms for this usage.) To verify file signatures and certificates, SHA-256 is among your best hashing algorithm choices.

    How to encrypt a password safely? ›

    Best practices for implementing password encryption
    1. Implement robust and secure hashing algorithms like SHA-2, bcrypt, and PBKDF2.
    2. Employ salting to strengthen password encryption by adding a random string of characters to the password before hashing.
    3. Use unique salts for each password.
    Apr 24, 2023

    Why shouldn't you encrypt passwords? ›

    The problem with encryption is that in order to use it you need a known secret in order to decrypt or encrypt any values. This means that no matter how much you secure your system, you'll still have a single password that can unravel all of your security - and your system is only as secure as your master password.

    Is encryption safer than password protection? ›

    For this reason, it is much better to use a combination of password protection and encryption. Encryption goes one step further than password protection and is an easy and effective way to lessen the likelihood of a privacy breach. Encryption scrambles information so that it is unreadable without a passcode.

    What does it mean when your password is encrypted? ›

    Encryption scrambles your password so it's unreadable and/or unusable by hackers. That simple step protects your password while it's sitting in a server, and it offers more protection as your password zooms across the internet.

    How does how secure is my password work? ›

    How Our Tool Works: Methodology. Our “how secure is your password” tool above checks users' passwords against a database of common weak passwords. It evaluates each password based on key factors such as: Number of characters: The password should have at least eight to 10 passwords, but 16 to 20 characters is ideal.

    How do passwords get breached? ›

    One of the most common causes of compromised passwords is the use of weak passwords that are easy to guess. Simple passwords, such as “123456” or “password”, are effortless for attackers to crack. Additionally, reusing passwords across multiple accounts significantly elevates the risk.

    How does secret key encryption work? ›

    Symmetric—symmetric encryption or secret key encryption is one key crypto. You use one key to encrypt the information and the same key to decrypt the information. The benefits is that it is very fast but since both parties use the same key, there needs to be a secure channel for key exchange.

    How does Google encrypt passwords? ›

    Using scrypt, Chrome hashes the password and shortens it to 37 bits, which is enough to identify the password if it's reused on dangerous or disallowed websites. Chrome then encrypts the partial hash using the OS-level username, if available.

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    Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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    Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

    Birthday: 1997-12-21

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    Job: Accounting Engineer

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    Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.