What is One Fourth as a Decimal? (2024)

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Answer: One fourth as a decimal is 0.25.

To convert a fraction like one fourth (1/4) into a decimal, you simply divide the numerator (1) by the denominator (4).

The calculation is as follows:

1/4 = 1÷4/ 4÷4 = 0.25/1 = 0.25

So, one-fourth is equivalent to 0.25 when expressed as a decimal.

Decimal representations are useful for performing various calculations, especially when working with fractions in practical applications. They provide a convenient way to express fractions in a format that is easier to work with in mathematical operations and real-world situations.



What is One Fourth as a Decimal? (3)


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What is One Fourth as a Decimal? (4)

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What is One Fourth as a Decimal? (2024)
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