What Is Micro Investing? - Just Start Investing (2024)

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For a long time, investing was viewed as complicated and intimidating. Thankfully, many recent innovations have made investing simpler and simpler over the years, whether it was the introduction of index funds, free stock trading, and most recently, micro investing platforms.

Micro investing apps and platforms make it easy for anyone to become an investor, no matter the amount of money. These platforms remove common barriers, including:

  • Minimum investments and account balance requirements
  • High stock prices
  • Complicated and excessive fees
  • Not knowing where to start

Below, we’ll answer the question, “what is micro investing?” in more detail and also walk through how you can start micro investing today.

What Is Micro Investing?

Micro investing is the act of saving and investing small sums of money. With most micro investing apps and platforms, you can get started with as little as $5!

This is made possible through buying fractional shares of stocks and ETFs.

For example, let’s say you want to invest in the stock of “Company A,” but the stock price is over $1,000. Fear not, through micro investing in fractional shares, you can invest in that company with just $5 by buying a part of a share.

It’s kind of like buying a slice of pizza instead of the whole pie.

Micro investing definition:Regularly investing small amounts of money (sometimes just a couple of dollars).

Some micro investing apps take it a step further and automate the saving and investing process for you.

For example, Acorns is one popular micro investing platform that utilizes a round-up feature. Every time you make a purchase, Acorns will round up the expense to the nearest dollar, and the difference will be saved and invested.

If you spend $29.40 at the grocery store, $0.60 is automatically deposited into your Acorns account. Then, if you go and spend $2.24 on a coffee, $0.76 will be automatically deposited into your account.

You get the idea.

Once your account reaches $5, Acorns automatically invests the balance based on one of its pre-set investment portfolios.

With an automatic investment plan like what Acorns offers, this type of micro investing is a “set it and forget” strategy for saving and investing small sums of money.

Pros and Cons of Micro Investing

While it sounds great on paper, micro investing does have some downsides that counteract the positives.

Below are the major pros and cons of this investing strategy to be aware of:

Micro Investing Pros

Nudges You to Get Started: Some people need a little help to start investing or invest in the stock market regularly, and the most significant benefit to micro investing is that it nudges you to get started and keep going. However, you won’t save a ton of money with this strategy, and it shouldn’t be your only investment plan.

Low Minimum Balances: Of course, a massive perk to micro investing is that there are no large (sometimes thousands of dollars) minimum balances, making it easier for new investors to start investing.

Realize Compound Returns Sooner: One common question people ask when considering micro investing is, “why not just wait until I have $100, or $1,000, or $3,000 to start investing?” The answer is that you are missing out on compound returns every day that you wait and keep that money in your piggy bank (or in a regular bank account).

It’s Automatic: With most micro investing platforms, you can “set it and forget it,” and the platform will automatically and regularly save small sums of money and invest it for you too.

The Investment Selections are Solid: Most micro investing platforms have reliable investment options. You won’t find overpriced mutual funds, typically just low cost and broad exchange-traded funds (ETFs).

Micro Investing Cons

Small Results: The biggest con to micro investing is that your results will be… micro. You won’t make enough money to retire simply by rounding up your purchases or saving small sums of money. For reference, see the basic example below of someone who invests $500 a month on their own and someone who rounds up 50 purchases per month (with an average of $0.50 saved per purchase, which comes out to $25 per month).

What Is Micro Investing? - Just Start Investing (1)

With a +7% return on average, after 240 months (20 years), the micro investor ended up with over $247,000 less than the person investing just $500 per month!

Here are the final results:

  • Micro Investor: $13,023 (green line in the graph above)
  • $500 / Month: $260,463 (blue line in the graph above)

Micro investing cannot be your only investment and retirement plan; it won’t be enough.

Lack of Flexibility: The other con with micro investing, which is a con associated with most automatic or robo-investing, is that you lose some flexibility regarding your investment options. You won’t have all the options you typically get with a full-service brokerage account.

How to Get Started: Best Micro Investing Apps

From what I can gather, the two most popular true micro investing apps are Acorns and Stash.

I say “true” because some of the apps listed below start to expand beyond just micro investing, but they still let you invest small amounts of money. By that definition, they are micro investing platforms, just with some added bells and whistles.

1. Acorns

What Is Micro Investing? - Just Start Investing (2)
  • Minimum Investment: $0
  • Types of Investments: ETFs

As mentioned, Acorns is a popular micro investing app. It’s also one of the original ones.

We already walk through how the “Acorns Invest” service works above, where you connect a credit card or debit card and let Acorns invest your spare change in a predetermined investment portfolio based on your risk tolerance. Though that’s not all Acorns can do, it offers a variety of services, including:

  • Acorns Later:Invest in retirement accounts like a Roth or Traditional Individual Retirement Account (IRA). You can also set up reoccurring contributions to grow your retirement savings.
  • Acorns Spend: An Acorns debit card.
  • Acorns Early:Investment account options for your children. This is also a great platform to help yourkids learn about the value of investing.
  • Acorns Earn:A type of cash back program that Acorns calls “found money.” Through Acorns Earn, you earn discounts when spending money with Acorns Found Money Partners, and that extra money automatically goes into your Invest account.

Acorns also offers a few different pricing tiers:

  • Lite: $1 per month; provides access to the Acorns Invest product and the round-up feature.
  • Personal: $3 per month; provides access to Acorns Invest, as well as Acorns Later and Acorns Spend.
  • Family: $5 per month; provides access to Acorns Invest, Acorns Later, Acorns Spend, as well as Acorns Early.

Get Started with Acorns:

Start Investing

2. Stash

What Is Micro Investing? - Just Start Investing (3)
  • Minimum Investment: $0
  • Types of Investments: Stocks and ETFs

Stash is a finance app similar to Acorns. Though, instead of the round-up feature, you can add money to the Stash app either automatically or manually.

Getting started with Stash is easy and requires only four steps:

  1. Answer a few questions regarding your financial goals and risk tolerance
  2. Pick a plan starting at just $1 per month (more details further below)
  3. Add Money to Stash either automatically or manually
  4. Create goals and budget your money
  5. Invest in fractional shares of stocks or ETFs

Similar to Acorns, Stash also offers three different plans at varying price points:

  • Stash Beginner: $1 per month; provides access to an investment account, bank account, and core Stash offerings
  • Stash Growth: $3 per month; also provides access to individual retirement accounts (IRAs)
  • Stash+: $9 per month; also provides access to investing with kids and expanded insurance

One unique feature of Stash is its stock-back card. Instead of offering cash back, you are rewarded with 0.125% stock on your everyday purchases and up to 5% at specific merchants with bonuses.

Get Started with Stash:

Start Investing

3. Robinhood

What Is Micro Investing? - Just Start Investing (4)
  • Minimum Investment: $0
  • Types of Investments: Stocks, ETFs, Options, Cryptos

Robinhood took the investing world by storm when it launched its platform offering commission-free trades on all stocks and ETFs. Gone are the days when you have to pay $5 to $10 per trade. Even Charles Schwab is following suit with no trading fees on stock and ETF buys!

While Robinhood does not offer auto investing features like Stash and Acorns, you can purchase fractional shares for as low as $1 through Robinhood.

Bonus: You can learn more about Robinhood in and its pros and cons in my comprehensive comparison of Robinhood vs Acorns.

You can also treat Robinhood like a full-service brokerage account and buy full shares of stocks and ETFs, among other investment vehicles.

Get Started with Robinhood:

Start Investing

4. M1 Finance

What Is Micro Investing? - Just Start Investing (5)
  • Minimum Investment: $100
  • Types of Investments: Stocks and ETFs

M1 Finance is another app with low minimum investment requirements. You just need a $100 account balance and can continually invest with deposits as small as $10. I would still call that “micro.”

Again, similar to the option above, M1 Finance offers the ability to invest in fractional shares. That’s how they get their investment minimums so low.

The unique aspect of M1 Finance is that you invest in predetermined “pies” made up of ETFs and stocks. You can learn more about M1 Finance is our robo-advisor comparison here.

Get Started with M1 Finance:

Start Investing

5. Betterment

What Is Micro Investing? - Just Start Investing (6)
  • Minimum Investment: $0
  • Types of Investments: ETFs

Betterment is a leading robo-advisor with a $0 minimum account balance that offers automatic investing, rebalancing, and tax-loss harvesting.

As we mentioned earlier, we’re stretching the definition of micro investing here. Still, Betterment does allow you to get started with a small amount of money ($10 minimum deposit ongoing, similar to M1 Finance), so I think it fits the definition.

Plus, Betterment makes it very easy to start investing, which is the primary goal of micro investing platforms in the first place. You simply answer a set of questions regarding your goals and risk tolerance (sound familiar?), select a plan and primary goal, and sit back and let Betterment do the rest for you.

It’s also worth noting that Betterment has a whole suite of personal finance offerings now, including a high yield savings account, checking account, debit card, and retirement accounts (like a Roth IRA). You can check out our full review of Betterment here if you are interested in learning more.

Get Started with Betterment:

Start Investing
What Is Micro Investing? - Just Start Investing (7)

Summary: Micro Investing Beginner’s Guide

Using a micro-investing app or micro-investing platform is an excellent way for someone to start investing, but it cannot replace a full-blown investment and retirement plan.

If you are looking to start your investing journey and want a way to consistently invest without manually doing it yourself every week or every month, micro investing and robo-advisor platforms could work well for you.

However, after a few years (or even after a few months), you should consider supplementing your micro investing with a more robust investment plan.

What Is Micro Investing? - Just Start Investing (2024)


What Is Micro Investing? - Just Start Investing? ›

Micro-investing means investing small amounts of money, often on a recurring basis, and typically using an app to automate the process. If your budget is tight or you're feeling especially risk averse, micro-investing may serve as a viable entry point to building personal wealth.

What does micro mean in investing? ›

Micro-investing is when you regularly invest small amounts of money. You can start micro-investing using brokerage platforms that connect to your bank account to make small transfers. One method is round-up investing, where you round up your purchases and invest the change.

How to start micro-investing? ›

Decide on what is the least obtrusive, most sustainable way for you to start putting some money into a portfolio, and stick to it. Most micro investment apps encourage you to set up automatic recurring deposits, so you can just set-it-and-forget it. Once you've set up a system that works for you, let it be.

What are the pros and cons of micro-investing? ›

Micro-investing apps offer easy and accessible investment options, particularly for those on a budget or new to investing. Pros include low investment amounts, ease of use, and potential educational resources. Cons encompass fees, limited diversification, lack of personalized advice, and potential for losses.

How does micro investment work? ›

How does micro-investing work? Micro-investment accounts usually offer fractional shares of ETFs and individual stocks. This allows you to purchase a portion of a share, making these investment options possible even if you don't have the money to buy an entire share.

Can you make money micro-investing? ›

Playing the stock market used to be the domain of the wealthy elite. Now there are ways to trade with just a small amount and over time, learn as you earn. Micro-investing helps you build your savings and investments without needing a lot of money up front.

What is the difference between investing and micro-investing? ›

Micro-investing can be a beneficial way to invest if you only have a small amount to invest or if you want to start small to get used to the volatility that comes with investing. However, like all investments, it's not without its drawbacks. Micro-investing is as it sounds: investing small or 'micro' amounts.

How do I start investing as a beginner? ›

Let's break it all down—no nonsense.
  1. Step 1: Figure out what you're investing for. ...
  2. Step 2: Choose an account type. ...
  3. Step 3: Open the account and put money in it. ...
  4. Step 4: Pick investments. ...
  5. Step 5: Buy the investments. ...
  6. Step 6: Relax (but also keep tabs on your investments)

Is micro trading worth it? ›

There are no guarantees your trades will perform and you could end up losing some or all of your money. Fortunately, micro investments usually translate into smaller losses, but also smaller gains.

How do I start investing with zero money? ›

A beginner should start investing with contributions to a retirement plan. They should then choose index funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs). A good way to start is also by choosing a robo-advisor that will make investment decisions for you based on the criteria you decide.

Do micro-investing apps have fees? ›

Micro-investing platforms are different from conventional investment schemes in the sense that there is no minimum limit on the amount that can be saved. Also, they charge nominal brokerage and subscription fees, unlike conventional investment schemes.

What are 5 cons of investing? ›

While there are some great reasons to invest in the stock market, there are also some downsides to consider before you get started.
  • Risk of Loss. There's no guarantee you'll earn a positive return in the stock market. ...
  • The Allure of Big Returns Can Be Tempting. ...
  • Gains Are Taxed. ...
  • It Can Be Hard to Cut Your Losses.
Aug 30, 2023

Are small investments worth it? ›

A common myth about investing is that you need a big, fat bank account to get started. In reality, building a solid portfolio can begin with a few thousand—or even a few hundred—dollars. Starting small with your investments isn't a bad thing. The key is just starting, period, and investing your money wisely.

How to get into micro-investing? ›

You'll need to create an account and provide identifying information. You'll also need to link a funding source, such as your bank account, to get started using a micro-investing platform. Specify your investment preferences. Now you get to put your investment plan into action.

What is the best app for investing small amounts of money? ›

SoFi is a top investment app for beginners thanks to an easy-to-use interface paired with rock-bottom pricing. You can get started at SoFi Invest with just $1, and there are no commissions for trades and no recurring account fees.

How do I start a micro investment company? ›

Developing and Launching Your Micro-Investing Platform
  1. #1 Conduct a Market Research.
  2. #2 Identify Your Target Audience.
  3. #3 Select the Best Business Model.
  4. #4 Decide on Core Features of Platform.
  5. #5 Plan.
  6. #6 Learn the Requirements for Compliance.
  7. #7 Find the Perfect Team for the Development Process.
Mar 15, 2023

Does micro mean 1000? ›

The most common metric prefixes include giga (1,000,000,000), mega (1,000,000), kilo (1000), hecto (100), deka (10), deci (1/10), centi (1/100), milli (1/1000), micro (1/1,000,000), nano (1/1,000,000,000), and pico (1/1,000,000,000,000).

What is micro and macro in investing? ›

While macro investing offers a big-picture perspective that can anticipate major economic shifts, micro investing provides a granular understanding of company fundamentals for more precise decision-making.

What is micro short for? ›

Micro (Greek letter μ, mu, non-italic) is a unit prefix in the metric system denoting a factor of 106 (one millionth). Confirmed in 1960, the prefix comes from the Greek μικρός (mikrós), meaning "small". It is the only SI prefix which uses a character not from the Latin alphabet.

What is micro in trading? ›

A micro account caters primarily to the retail investor who seeks exposure to foreign exchange (forex) trading but doesn't want to risk a lot of money. A micro account's smallest contract, also called a micro lot, is a preset amount of 1,000 units of currency, or one-hundredth of a standard lot.

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

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Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.