What Is Ledger Account And How It Is Prepared - Accounting, Taxes and Insurance (2024)

What Is Ledger Account And How It Is Prepared - Accounting, Taxes and Insurance (1)

A ledger in accounting is a book containing accounts whereupon the classified and summarized information from the journals is posted as debits and credits. The ledger contains the financial data which is needed to prepare financial statements. It includes accounts for assets, liabilities, owners' equity, revenues and expenses.

What Is Ledger Account And How It Is Prepared - Accounting, Taxes and Insurance (2)

The ledger account may be in written form if a company's accounting is done manually by an accountant or in electronic form when the business uses accounting software packages. You can check out some easy-to-use accounting software for small business.

What Is A Ledger Account?

A ledger account has a listing of all general accounts in the accounting system’s chart of accounts.The purpose of ledger account is to organize the financial information which is needed to prepare financial statements of a business. Examples of items in ledger account are:

  1. Cash
  2. Accounts receivable
  3. Inventory
  4. Fixed assets
  5. Accounts payable
  6. Accrued expenses
  7. Debt
  8. Stockholders' equity
  9. Revenue
  10. Cost of goods sold
  11. Salaries and wages
  12. Office expenses
  13. Depreciation
  14. Income tax expense

Characteristics Of Ledger Accounts

The following are characteristics of ledger account;

  1. There are two sides of a ledger account, one is debit which is seen on left side of the account while the other is credit which is the right side of the account.
  2. The debit entries of all financial transactions are recorded on the debit side while the credit entries of all financial transactions are recorded on the credit side of the account.
  3. The difference between the debit and the credit side represents the balance. A debit balance represents the excess of debit side over credit side while the credit balance shows the excess of credit side are over debit side.
  4. At the end of the period, both sides are balanced and the excess balance is written over the closing balance at the end of the period.
  5. At the end of the accounting period, the closing balance is forwarded to the following year as a beginning balance for the new year.

Types Of Ledger Accounts

There are three types of ledger on the basis of purpose, they are: general ledger, sales or debtors ledger, and purchases or creditors ledger. There is an unpopular one called private ledger, which i will explain as you read on. The types of ledgers are explained below

1. General Ledger Account

The general ledger gathers data from journals. Every month, all journals are summed up and posted to the general ledger. The purpose of the general ledger is to organize and summarize the individual transactions in all the journals.

2. Sales Ledger

The sales ledger, also known as debtors ledger gathers information from the sales journal of a business. The purpose of the debtors ledger is to provide clarity on the customers who owe the business and how much they owe.

3. Purchases Ledger

The purchases ledger is also called creditors ledger. The information for this purchases ledger is gotten from the purchases journal. The purpose of preparing creditors ledger is to provide insight on which suppliers the business owes money to, and how much.

4. Private Ledger

Private Ledger is prepared to maintain the personal records of the proprietor, and are not intended for general observation such as capital account, current account, drawing account, personal loan account, etc.

The General ledger account is divided into five categories. They are assets, liabilities, income, expense and capital.

1. Assets

Asset accounts include fixed assets items such as land and building, plant and machinery, motor van, etc. Current assets items such as cash in hand and cash at bank. Other assets such as prepaid expenses, accounts receivable, etc

2. Liabilities

Liability accounts include notes payable, lines of credit, accounts payable and debt, income received in advance, etc.

3. Stockholders’ Equity

  1. Common Stocks
  2. Retained Earnings

4. Revenue accounts

  1. Sales
  2. Services Fees
  3. Disposal of an asset
  4. Interest
  5. Investment

Expense accounts

  1. Wages and Salaries Account
  2. Depreciation Accounts
  3. Electricity Account
  4. Stationery Account

Format of Ledger Account

The ledger account format looks like this:

What Is Ledger Account And How It Is Prepared - Accounting, Taxes and Insurance (3)

If you take a close look at the ledger above, you would notice that each side of ledger account (debit and credit sides) is divided into four columns. The purpose of these columns is explained below:

  1. Date column: The year, month and day of the transaction is recorded in this column in the same manner it is recorded in the general journal.
  2. Description: Also known as particular, in this column the title of the corresponding account, i.e., the order that the account was written in the journal entry.
  3. Posting Reference: This is also called folio number. The general journal page number is recorded in this column.
  4. Amount: The amount of the account is recorded in this column. This is the amount of money involved in the transaction.

How to Write and Prepare Ledger Account

A general ledger is used by businesses that use the double-entry bookkeeping method. This means that each entry has a debit and a credit side and financial transaction affects at least two general ledger accounts.

Double-entry transactions are posted in debit and credit columns, with debit entries on the left and credit entries on the right. The double-entry system states that the total of all debit and credit entries must balance, this means that they must be equal. Below is a detailed explanation of how to prepare ledger account:

  1. Prepare a ledger for each account. For instance, all cash transactions of your company will be recorded in a cash account ledger. Create a general ledger account for unusual expenses.
  2. Create columns on the far left of the page (debit side) for the transaction date, journal number and particular. Do the same thing for the right hand side (credit side).
  3. Create amount columns on the debit and credit sides, and balance. Money received are recorded on the debit refers while money paid out are recorded on the credit side. Balance means the difference between the total debit and total credit.
  4. Input information from the journals into related accounts. Compare the related debits and credits entries.
  5. Record and implement changes to the transactions as they happen. If you already made a journal entry, post it to the ledger immediately.
  6. Lastly, combine the different accounts to make a full ledger. The front page includes the chart of accounts, listing each account in the ledger and its number.

The next step in the accounting cycle is the preparation of trial balance. The information in the ledger accounts is summed up into account level totals in the trial balance report. The trial balance totals are matched and used to prepare financial statements.


Record the transactions below in general journal and post them into their ledger accounts.

Jan. 01: Mr. A started business with cash $45,000.

Jan. 04: Purchased merchandise for cash $4,500.

Jan. 10: Sold goods to Mr. John $1,450.

Jan. 31: Cash received from Mr. John $1,400 with a discount allowed of $50.


Recording in the general journal

What Is Ledger Account And How It Is Prepared - Accounting, Taxes and Insurance (4)

Recording in ledger accounts

What Is Ledger Account And How It Is Prepared - Accounting, Taxes and Insurance (5)

What Is Ledger Account And How It Is Prepared - Accounting, Taxes and Insurance (6)

What Is Ledger Account And How It Is Prepared - Accounting, Taxes and Insurance (7)

What Is Ledger Account And How It Is Prepared - Accounting, Taxes and Insurance (8)

What Is Ledger Account And How It Is Prepared - Accounting, Taxes and Insurance (9)

What Is Ledger Account And How It Is Prepared - Accounting, Taxes and Insurance (10)

What is the Difference Between a Journal and a Ledger Account?

The journal and ledger both play a crucial role in the accounting process. Financial transactions are primarily recorded in the journal accounts and subsequently posted to the ledger accounts under respective heads. While many business transactions are recorded in the two accounting books, there are significant differences in the purpose and the roles they play in the accounting cycle. Some of the important differences between a journal and ledger are:

1. Meaning

In the journal, financial transactions are summarized and recorded in accordance with the double entry system. Journal is also called book of original entry or primary book of accounting.

The ledger, however, is the principal book of accounting. It records information from the journal in the “T” format. It is used to prepare the trial balance which serves as the source of the financial statements.

2. Recording Transactions

The technique for recording business transactions in a journal is called journalizing while the technique of transferring the entries from the journal to the ledger is called posting.

The transactions in a journal are recorded in a sequential order making it easy to identify the transactions which are associated with a given business day, week, or another billing period. On the other hand, the arrangement of entries within a ledger involves grouping similar transactions together into the same kind of accounts with the aim of assessing the data for accounting purposes.

3. Format

The format of a journal is straightforward. It includes the date of transaction, particulars, folio number, debit amount and credit amount. There is no particular scope for balancing in a journal.

The format of a journal:

What Is Ledger Account And How It Is Prepared - Accounting, Taxes and Insurance (11)

The ledger uses the “T” format where the date of transaction, particulars, and amount is recorded in each side. The left hand side is the debit side while the right hand side is the credit side.

The format of a ledger:

What Is Ledger Account And How It Is Prepared - Accounting, Taxes and Insurance (12)

Ledger Posting

Whenever there is a business transaction, it is recorded in the journal in form of the journal entry. Hence, this entry is posted to their respective ledger accounts.This is done using the double entry principle. Therefore, the process of posting journal entries to their separate accounts is known as ledger posting.

Rules For Writing Journal Entries In Ledger Account

To have an accurate record book, there are rules which must be strictly adhered to while writing the journal entries for the following accounts:

  1. Liabilities: This decreases the debit side and increases the credit side.
  2. Assets: In assets, the figure increases the debit side while this decreases the credit side.
  3. Capital: The rules of liabilities applies to capital.
  4. Income: In income, there is a decrease on the debit side and an increase on the credit side.
  5. Expenses: The expenses account decreases on the credit side while increases on the debit side.

Importance of Ledger Account

The importance of preparing ledger account for your business are:

1. Ascertaining profit or Loss of a business

A business can't properly calculate the exact profit or Loss for the year without preparing the relevant ledger accounts. Every company needs to prepare an income statement to determine the true and fair position of the financial statements which cannot be ascertained without preparing the relevant ledger accounts.

2. Exact position of an account

Ledger accounts communicate the precise position of the accounts, whether they have an outstanding balance as at the time of closing the account.

3. Time saver

Since we record all the ledger entries in one place, it becomes easier and quicker while preparing other accounts like trading, profit and loss accounts and balance sheet.

4. Imperative

Every business has an obligation to prepare ledger accounts of the parties involved in every transaction for maintaining accuracy of the transactions that happened in the course of the year. Creating individual ledger accounts reduces the likelihood of leaving out any transaction as ledger account will not be balanced if any transaction is left out.


Ledger is a compilation of all the journal transactions for all the assets and liabilities, income and expenses of the financial statement and the balance is transferred to trial balance for keeping further accounts. Hence, we came to a conclusion that preparing ledger is an important aspect of the accounting process.

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What Is Ledger Account And How It Is Prepared - Accounting, Taxes and Insurance (2024)


What Is Ledger Account And How It Is Prepared - Accounting, Taxes and Insurance? ›

A ledger account is a record of all transactions affecting a particular account within the general ledger. Individual transactions are identified within the ledger account with a date, transaction number, and description to make it easier for business owners and accountants to research the reason for the transaction.

What is a ledger account and how it is prepared? ›

A ledger contains summarized information from the journals and is recorded as debits and credits. The ledger is used to prepare financial statements and contains a list of all the accounts, referred to as the chart of accounts, that are active.

What type of ledger is insurance? ›

3. General Ledger – General Ledger is divided into two types – Nominal Ledger and Private Ledger. Nominal ledger gives information on expenses, income, depreciation, insurance, etc.

What is the difference between an account and a ledger in accounting? ›

In short, the primary difference between an account and a ledger is that an account records a company's transactions, while a ledger is used to maintain an account.

What is a ledger? ›

A ledger, also called a general ledger, is a record of a business's financial transactions. It summarizes all the revenue and expenses of the business, plus the debts owed and assets owned. The transactions in a general ledger are organized into five main types; assets, liabilities, equity, revenue, and expenses.

What is the main purpose of ledger account? ›

The purpose of an accounting ledger is to provide users with a record of financial transactions as well as a means to generate key business reports such as balance sheets, cash flow statements, and income statements.

How to prepare a ledger account with an example? ›

When creating a general ledger, divide each account (e.g., asset account) into two columns. The left column should contain your debits while the right side contains your credits. Put your assets and expenses on the left side of the ledger. Your liabilities, equity, and revenue go on the right side.

What is ledger in insurance? ›

General Ledger Software Designed for Insurance Companies

It allows them to capture any level of financial data with full summarization while maintaining sufficient details to drill down, around, and across to supporting details.

How to account for insurance in accounting? ›

Tip 1: Use separate accounts for insurance expense and prepaid insurance, and classify them as operating expenses and current assets, respectively. Tip 2: Record an insurance premium payment by debiting the insurance expense account and crediting the cash account, using the date and amount of the payment.

What are the three main ledgers? ›

There are three main types of accounting ledgers to be aware of:
  • General ledger.
  • Sales ledger.
  • Purchase ledger.

Why do we need ledger? ›

Ledger is the backbone of business accounting because it keeps all records of all transactions in separate accounts. Towards the end of the accounting period, all accounts contain complete information on all related transactions. The ledger provides a comprehensive report of all transactions.

What are the two types of ledger account? ›

There are two types of ledgers used in accounting: the general ledger and the subsidiary ledger. The general ledger contains information on all of the accounts, while the subsidiary ledger contains information for a specific general ledger account.

Is ledger a credit or debit? ›

In accounting, a general ledger is a complete record of how a company spends and uses its resources in order to conduct business. The debit column, on the left, records money coming in, and the credit column on the right records money going out.

How do you decide which account to set up accounting? ›

The types of accounts you use depend on the accounting method you select for your business. You can choose between cash-basis, modified cash-basis, and accrual accounting. If you use cash-basis accounting, do not use liability accounts like accounts payable and long-term liabilities.

What is a ledger for dummies? ›

A general ledger is an accounting record of all financial transactions in your business. This includes debits (money leaving your business) and credits (money coming into your business).

How do I start a ledger account? ›

How to begin general ledger accounting
  1. Create a separate ledger for each account, all of which will be compiled at the end into your general ledger.
  2. Divide each document into columns for debits and credits. ...
  3. Transfer journal entries into their related accounts.

What are the 4 items on a ledger? ›

General ledger

Represents five major account types: assets, liabilities, income, expenses, and capital. For each debit recorded in the ledger, there must be a corresponding credit in order for the debit to match the total credit.

What is the process of preparing a ledger from a journal? ›

The following process describes the preparation of ledger from journal:
  1. Locate the account to be debited in the ledger as entered in the journal.
  2. Enter date of transaction into date column of debit side.
  3. Mention the account from which it is debited in journal, is written in the particulars column.

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