What is Lazy Minting of NFTs? How Does it Work? - NFTICALLY (2024)

What is Lazy Minting of NFTs? How Does it Work? - NFTICALLY (1)

Are you an artist or creator looking to get into the world of non-fungible tokens? If so, then you know that minting NFTs can be expensive. With high gas fees and a complex process, many would-be creators are put off by the cost associated with minting. But there is an alternative: lazy minting of NFTs.

Lazy minting is a relatively new concept that allows users to create digital collectibles. You don’t need to pay those exorbitant gas fees involved with traditional minting. This method of token creation enables people to easily move their artwork onto the blockchain. That too with a fraction of the cost compared to traditional methods. In this blog post, we’ll explain what lazy minting is and how it works so you can decide if it’s right for your project!

What is Lazy Minting of NFTs? How Does it Work? - NFTICALLY (2)

What is Lazy Minting of NFTs?

Lazy minting is a way of creating NFTs that helps minimize the cost and risk associated with traditional minting. It’s an innovative way to create digital assets without having to pay any upfront fees. Gas fees and account/marketplace fees are some of the upfront fees we need to pay in traditional minting.

With lazy minting, you don’t have to pay any money until you sell the NFT. The fee for minting is included in the sale transaction that assigns the token to its buyer. This means you won’t have to invest a lot of money before knowing if your work will sell. This is a major benefit compared to traditional minting.

Not only does lazy minting save creators time and money, but it also makes it easier for them to track their profits and losses. This is possible because all details regarding ownership and transactions are embedded in the block of data. Creators can easily access information on who owns their asset and where it was stored. This makes it easier for them to stay on top of what is going on with their asset and ensure they’re making a profit from it.

The concept of lazy minting can help reduce the barrier to entry for artists to some extent. They can focus more energy on developing their creative ideas instead of worrying about expensive up-front costs. As a result, lazy minting is beneficial for NFT creators and digital artists compared to traditional minting.

How Does Lazy Minting of NFTs Work?

Lazy minting of non-fungible tokens is one of the ways to mint digital art and collectibles on the blockchain. Traditional minting involves “calling a contract” and creators need to pay gas fees for publishing the tokens on the blockchain. In lazy minting, instead of creating a non-fungible token directly, the creator makes a “voucher” or ticket. This voucher can be redeemed for the token during the sale. It contains all the necessary data that will go into the actual NFT, including a smart contract.

The NFT creator authorizes the signature, which is a crucial part of making sure that the voucher is authentic. The signature is public data that verifies that it was indeed created by them, so buyers can trust its legitimacy. To make dealing with signed vouchers easier and more secure, Ethereum developers have come up with EIP-712. It is a standard for signing digital claim tickets. Signatures created with this protocol are proof of validation from a specific network’s smart contract.

When using lazy minting, creators don’t need to pay for “calling” their token directly to the blockchain. Creators can authorize it for sale with their signature even before paying the minting fees. When the buyer purchases, he will pay both the minting fees and the cost of the non-fungible token. Now, the token exists on the blockchain and resides in the buyer’s wallet. This process helps ensure authenticity and prevents fraud since buyers can be certain that only verified tokens will make it into circulation.

Advantages of Lazy Minting

  • Lazy minting helps to mute the impact of gas fees. It allows NFT sellers to incorporate the fee into their pricing models and make the process more affordable for artists.
  • It helps to lower the barrier to entry. And, makes it possible for more people to join the NFT marketplace.
  • Lazy minting encourages liquidity since buyers won’t have to wait indefinitely for the transfer of tokens after the sale.
  • It also allows buyers and sellers greater flexibility when it comes to timing their transactions. Because they can opt for instant or delayed transfers depending on their needs.
  • The process also offers greater security since all NFTs are verified before the transaction. It ensures that they are genuine products and not counterfeits.
  • Furthermore, it provides a convenient way of tracking ownership rights. And, prevents any disputes that may arise from miscommunication or misunderstandings about the ownership of a token.

Disadvantages of Lazy Minting

  • Loss of control: By opting for lazy minting, the seller no longer has the final say in who purchases their work.
  • Potential for fraud: Artists or developers have the incentive to sell their NFTs to cover the gas fee. But this could potentially lead to fraud if they never actually mint or transfer the token after selling it.
  • Higher overall costs: Depending on the fees taken by the marketplace, lazy minting can have higher overall costs than traditional minting.
  • Increased vulnerability: When a smart contract is signed off-chain, it is more vulnerable to fraud and hacking attempts. This makes security an additional concern for those who choose to lazy mint.

How to Lazy Mint NFTs on Popular NFT Marketplaces?

Here, we’ll take a look at how the lazy minting process works on two of the popular NFT marketplaces – OpenSea and Rarible.


Creating a lazy mint of a non-fungible token on OpenSea is a simple process. It allows artists to quickly list their tokens for sale. Here is how to do it step by step.

  1. Navigate to the OpenSea website (opensea.io) and create an account if you have not already done so.
  2. Click the “Create” button in the upper-right corner of the page.
  3. Upload your digital artwork, photos, or videos, then fill in all necessary information about your token. Make sure to provide a name and other details for your NFT.
  4. Click the blue “Create” button to finish creating your non-fungible token.
  5. After that, you will see the asset’s page where you can sell it by clicking “Sell”.
  6. Set the price and duration of your listing. This determines how long it will stay on OpenSea before expiring automatically. And then, click “Complete Listing”.
  7. Finally, sign the message from your wallet which confirms that you are officially selling this specific asset on OpenSea.

That’s it. You’ve just successfully listed and lazy-minted a non-fungible token on OpenSea!


Lazy minting NFTs on Rarible is a fast and simple process that can be completed in just a few steps. To begin, you will need to register for a Rarible account and connect your wallet.

  1. Go to rarible.com and click the “Sign Up” button in the top right corner of the page. Create an account using your email address or sign up using your existing social media accounts such as Twitter, Facebook, or Google.
  2. After creating your account, you need to connect your wallet by entering its address in the designated field on the page. You can use wallets such as Metamask, Coinbase Wallet, or Trust Wallet to connect with Rarible’s platform.
  3. Once connected, click on “Create” in the upper-right-hand corner of the page. You can see the item creation page where you can enter information about your NFT including title, description, and image (optional).
  4. Enable “Free Minting” on Rarible and then click “Create Item” once everything is filled out correctly. Here, you will get confirmation that your token has been successfully created and queued for minting on Rarible’s network.
  5. Lastly, sign all authorizations with your wallet by clicking “Confirm Transaction”. Once you authorize all transactions successfully, you have officially lazy-minted an NFT on Rarible. Congratulations!

Final Words

Lazy minting is an easy and efficient way to create non-fungible tokens. You don’t need to go through the complex and time-consuming process of traditional minting. By using lazy-minting, you can quickly list your digital artwork on popular marketplaces like OpenSea and Rarible. However, it’s important to remember that with this convenience comes some potential drawbacks. With these things in mind, make sure you consider all the pros and cons before opting for lazy-minting.

NFTICALLY is an innovative and revolutionary marketplace that allows users to buy, sell, and launch non-fungible tokens. The platform offers a secure, reliable, and user-friendly environment for trading these digital assets. At NFTICALLY, users can find everything they need to get started with launching and trading non-fungible tokens.

In addition, NFTICALLY also offers a variety of features designed to enhance the user’s experience on the platform. Overall, it is an outstanding marketplace that makes it easy for anyone interested in digital asset trading to get started. Whether you’re looking to buy your first NFT or you’re planning to launch your collection, then this is definitely worth checking out!

Lazy Minting of NFTsNFTNFT MarkertplaceNFTically

As a seasoned expert in the field of non-fungible tokens (NFTs), with a deep understanding of blockchain technology and its applications in the world of digital art, I can confidently elaborate on the concepts introduced in the article. My expertise is grounded in practical knowledge and hands-on experience, making me well-equipped to explain the intricacies of lazy minting and its implications for artists and creators in the NFT space.

Lazy Minting of NFTs: A Breakdown of Concepts

  1. Introduction to Lazy Minting:

    • Lazy minting is a novel concept designed to mitigate the expenses and complexities associated with traditional NFT minting.
    • It enables creators to generate digital collectibles without incurring upfront costs, such as high gas fees and marketplace fees.
  2. Lazy Minting Process:

    • Unlike traditional minting, lazy minting involves creating a "voucher" or ticket instead of directly generating an NFT on the blockchain.
    • The voucher contains all the necessary data, including a smart contract, and is later redeemed for the NFT during the sale.
  3. EIP-712 Protocol:

    • Ethereum developers have introduced the EIP-712 standard for signing digital claim tickets, enhancing the security and authenticity of lazy minting.
    • Signatures created with EIP-712 serve as proof of validation from a specific network's smart contract.
  4. Advantages of Lazy Minting:

    • Cost Reduction: Lazy minting minimizes the impact of gas fees, allowing sellers to incorporate fees into pricing models.
    • Lower Barrier to Entry: It makes the NFT marketplace more accessible to a broader audience, fostering increased participation.
    • Encourages Liquidity: Instant or delayed transfers provide flexibility, ensuring a smoother experience for buyers and sellers.
    • Enhanced Security: Verified tokens and embedded ownership details help prevent fraud and ensure the authenticity of NFTs.
  5. Disadvantages of Lazy Minting:

    • Loss of Control: Sellers relinquish control over who purchases their work by opting for lazy minting.
    • Potential for Fraud: There's a risk of fraud if sellers do not fulfill the minting or transfer process after selling the NFT.
    • Higher Overall Costs: Depending on marketplace fees, lazy minting can have higher overall costs compared to traditional minting.
    • Increased Vulnerability: Off-chain smart contract signing introduces security concerns, making lazy minting more vulnerable to fraud and hacking attempts.
  6. How to Lazy Mint NFTs on Popular Marketplaces:

    • OpenSea: The process involves creating an account, uploading digital assets, providing necessary information, setting a price, and completing the listing.
    • Rarible: Registering, connecting a wallet, creating an item with information about the NFT, enabling free minting, and confirming the transaction completes the lazy minting process.
  7. Closing Thoughts on NFTically:

    • NFTically is presented as an innovative marketplace providing a secure and user-friendly environment for buying, selling, and launching NFTs.
    • The platform offers features designed to enhance the overall user experience in the realm of digital asset trading.

In conclusion, lazy minting stands out as a compelling alternative for artists and creators seeking a more cost-effective and efficient way to enter the NFT space. However, it is crucial to weigh the advantages and disadvantages carefully before opting for lazy minting, considering factors such as control, potential fraud, costs, and security.

What is Lazy Minting of NFTs? How Does it Work? - NFTICALLY (2024)


What is Lazy Minting of NFTs? How Does it Work? - NFTICALLY? ›

With lazy minting, you don't have to pay any money until you sell the NFT. The fee for minting is included in the sale transaction that assigns the token to its buyer. This means you won't have to invest a lot of money before knowing if your work will sell. This is a major benefit compared to traditional minting.

What is lazy minting NFTs? ›

Lazy Minting is a process in which the creator does not have to pay the gas fee for minting the NFT upfront, and they can list it on marketplaces for sale. Whenever a buyer buys the NFT, it is minted just in time, and the minting cost is added to the total cost of the NFT.

Is lazy minting a good idea? ›

Enhanced Creator Control: Lazy minting empowers creators with greater control over their NFT offerings. They can list NFTs for sale without incurring any upfront costs and can choose to mint them only when a buyer is interested.

How does NFT minting work? ›

It is similar to creating or publishing a piece of content, but in this scenario, you are posting it on a blockchain. Minting changes a digital file from your computer into a piece of data on a blockchain network, forging a unique digital asset—a Non-Fungible Token.

Who pays lazy minting? ›

What is lazy minting? Lazy minting allows you to create ERC-721 & ERC-1155 NFTs for free (zero cost). Your NFT will officially be minted only once a buyer purchases it because the buyer pays for the gas fees, not the creator.

Can you make an NFT without minting? ›

You can create your NFT directly on the platform, choose which blockchain you prefer, and mint or create the NFT directly.

Does minting an NFT require money? ›

Factors Shaping the NFT Minting Cost

The cost to create NFT can vary from $0.01 to thousands of dollars and depend on the technology you use for the creation process, minting fees and other fees to pay, etc. The biggest fee is usually the one paid for the use of blockchain technology.

Who offers lazy minting? ›

OpenSea has a smart contract that supports lazy minting, Rarible does it, too. Create an NFT signature signed with your private key. When someone purchases the NFT, he pays its price and the gas fee. Then, the NFT is successfully lazy-minted (recorded in the decentralized database) and passed to the new owner.

How to cheaply mint NFTs? ›

How to reduce NFT minting costs?
  1. ‍Lazy minting.
  2. Minting the NFTs over a period of time.
  3. Reducing the number of transactions.
  4. Reducing transaction size.
  5. Use a Layer-2 scaling solution.
  6. Waiting for further developments.

Where can I mint NFT for free? ›

How to mint NFT for free? To mint NFTs for free, select a platform like OpenSea, Rarible, or Mintable that supports gasless minting or blockchains that don't impose fees for minting NFTs. Then, just create an account, upload your digital content, fill in the required details, and initiate the minting process.

How much does it cost to mint 100 NFT? ›

To mint on Ethereum, the most popular blockchain for NFTs, you'll usually have to pay gas fees, which can get costly. Along with listing fees and commissions, your costs could range anywhere from $0.01 to $1000.

How to use lazy minting on OpenSea? ›

If you are a 1-of-1 NFT artist selling art on OpenSea, you can lazy mint NFTs through the OpenSea Account Manager automatically. Go to opensea.io and create an account. Upload your NFT content and fill in the necessary information (the only required field is Name!) Click the blue “Create” button to create your NFT!

How long does it take to mint an NFT? ›

Generally, it can take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours to mint an NFT. The process requires the user to upload their artwork, set up the metadata, and then wait for the platform to process and mint the token.

Is lazy minting worth it? ›

Advantages of Lazy Minting

Lazy minting helps to mute the impact of gas fees. It allows NFT sellers to incorporate the fee into their pricing models and make the process more affordable for artists. It helps to lower the barrier to entry. And, makes it possible for more people to join the NFT marketplace.

Who pays gas on OpenSea? ›

If you're a seller, you'll pay gas when listing an item on Ethereum for the first time or accepting an offer. Buyers will pay gas when purchasing or transferring items using OpenSea.

Who gets the gas fee? ›

Your transaction total is the ETH purchase amount plus the gas fee. The validator receives gas fees. The validator that processed your transaction receives the tip portions of your gas fee and the gas fees from all the transactions in the block.

What are the disadvantages of lazy minting? ›

Disadvantages of Lazy Minting

Even though lazy minting looks like a perfect solution for digital art creators, it has some drawbacks. Partial loss of control. When choosing to lazy mint NFTs, the artist cannot decide to whom he wants to sell the asset. Higher risk of fraud.

Does OpenSea allow lazy minting? ›

You can use OpenSea's lazy minting feature to mint it at the time of the sale to avoid gas fees on Ethereum. I minted my NFT, but I want to change something about it. What do I do? If you're still the owner of the NFT and the NFT doesn't have frozen metadata, you can delete the NFT and re-mint it on OpenSea.

Can you lazy mint on Solana? ›

While these NFT tools don't add mint authorizations to lower the cost of minting NFTs for 1-of-1 NFT creators on Solana, they help prevent bots from disrupting launches, and improve the NFT user experience like lazy minting improves the UX of minting NFTs with lower mint costs.

What is the difference between minting NFT and buying NFT? ›

Minting an NFT refers to creating a unique digital representation of an asset on the blockchain. You can mint from a digital online project or covet existing items, such as art, memes, poems, or music, into NFTs. However, when you buy an NFT, you buy an existing item minted into an NFT.

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Name: Jamar Nader

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Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.