What is Geth? | Rise In (2024)

Your Ultimate Guide to Geth: Unlocking the Power of the Ethereum Blockchain

What is Geth? | Rise In (1)

In the world of Ethereum, clients aren't people but rather powerful software applications that can connect you to the blockchain. These clients implement the Ethereum protocol, enabling your computer to become a node, which helps maintain the network's decentralization and security. Geth is a prime example as it allows users to run an Ethereum node, validate transactions, deploy smart contracts, and engage with the blockchain. By running Geth, you contribute to the robustness of the Ethereum network, ensuring its integrity while exploring the full potential of decentralized technology. This blog post will help you dive into the world of Geth and discover how to harness its power for Ethereum transactions, smart contracts, mining, decentralized apps, and more!

How Geth Works?

Introducing Geth

Geth is short for "Go-Ethereum" and it's written in the Go programming language. This implementation of the Ethereum protocol is designed to be efficient and robust, leveraging the strengths of Go to deliver a reliable client for interacting with the Ethereum network. It serves as an Ethereum node, performing several critical functions:

  1. Geth keeps a copy of the entire Ethereum blockchain. This means it stores all the historical data of transactions and smart contracts, ensuring that the node is fully synchronized with the rest of the network.
  2. Geth verifies the validity of transactions by checking that they follow the rules of the Ethereum protocol. This includes ensuring that the sender has enough funds, the transaction is properly signed, and that it adheres to the network's consensus rules.
  3. Geth runs the code of smart contracts using the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). This allows for the execution of decentralized applications (dApps) directly on the blockchain, providing a secure and immutable environment for code execution.

Geth Interaction Essentials

The primary way users interact with Geth is through its Command Line Interface (CLI). This interface allows users to start and manage their nodes, synchronize with the blockchain, deploy and interact with smart contracts, and perform other essential tasks. The CLI provides powerful commands to control almost every aspect of the node's operation.

For programmatic access, Geth offers a JSON-RPC API. This interface allows developers to interact with the Ethereum node programmatically, making it possible to build applications that can query the blockchain, send transactions, and execute smart contracts. The JSON-RPC API is essential for developing decentralized applications and services that need to interact with the Ethereum network.

How To Use Geth?

Installing Geth for Various Operating Systems


The simplest way to install Geth is by grabbing a pre-compiled binary from the downloads page. There, you can find an installer as well as a zip file with the Geth source code. The install wizard lets you choose to install Geth alone or with the developer tools. It also automatically adds Geth to your system's PATH. Alternatively, the zip file includes executable command files that can be run directly from the command prompt.

  1. Download Geth: Find the Windows section and click on the installer link
  2. Run the Installer: Follow the on-screen instructions (click "Next", "Install", etc.).
  3. Check Installation:some text
    • Open Command Prompt (press the Windows key, type cmd, and press Enter).
    • Type geth version and press Enter. You should see some information about the Geth version you installed.


The easiest way to install go-ethereum is to use the Geth Homebrew tap. The first step is to check that Homebrew is installed.

  1. Install Homebrew: Open Terminal (press Command + Space, type Terminal, and press Enter).

Copy and paste this command, then press Enter:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"

  1. Install Geth: In Terminal, copy and paste the following commands one by one, pressing Enter after each:

brew tap ethereum/ethereum

brew install ethereum

  1. Check Installation: In Terminal, type geth version and press Enter. You should see some information about the Geth version you installed.

Linux (Ubuntu)

The simplest way to install Geth on Ubuntu-based distributions is using the built-in launchpad PPAs (Personal Package Archives). A single PPA repository provides both stable and development releases for various Ubuntu versions.

  1. Open Terminal: Press Ctrl + Alt + T to open Terminal.
  2. Add Ethereum Repository and Install Geth: Copy and paste these commands one by one, pressing Enter after each:

    sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install software-properties-common

sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:ethereum/ethereum

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install geth

  1. Check Installation: In Terminal, type "geth version" and press Enter. You should see some information about the Geth version you installed.

If you need more details about installation processes , check out Geth’s official page.

How To Start A Geth Node?

Here's a simple guide on how to initialize a Geth node and connect to the Ethereum network:

  1. Initialize Geth: Open your terminal or command prompt then create a data directory for Geth (optional but recommended):

    geth --datadir /path/to/your/data/dir init /path/to/genesis.json

If you don't have a custom genesis file, you can skip this step.

  1. Start Geth: To start your node and connect to the Ethereum mainnet, run:

    geth --datadir /path/to/your/data/dir

This command will start downloading the blockchain and synchronize your node with the network.

  1. Use A Console: You can attach a console to interact with your node using command geth attach. This will open an interactive JavaScript console connected to your running node.

Basic Geth Commands

geth --help:

  • Access the list of available commands and options by typing geth --help in your terminal or command prompt. This command displays a comprehensive list of all Geth commands along with brief descriptions, helping you understand what each command does and how to use it.

geth attach:

  • Attach a console to a running Geth instance by typing geth attach. This opens an interactive JavaScript console connected to your running Geth node, allowing you to execute commands and interact with the Ethereum blockchain directly.

geth account new:

  • Create a new Ethereum account by typing geth account new. This command prompts you to set a password and then generates a new Ethereum account, storing the account's private key securely in the Geth keystore.

geth account list:

  • View the list of accounts managed by Geth by typing geth account list. This command displays all Ethereum accounts that Geth manages, listing their addresses and associated information, making it easy to keep track of multiple accounts.

Geth and Ethereum Wallets

Geth As A Wallet

Geth can function as a command-line wallet, allowing users to manage Ethereum accounts directly from the terminal. This functionality has several advantages:

  • Security: Reduced exposure to graphical interface vulnerabilities.
  • Efficiency: Faster for experienced users, enabling quick account management and transactions.
  • Automation: Easily integrated into scripts and workflows, ideal for developers and advanced users.
  • Resource Light: Uses fewer system resources than graphical wallets, suitable for low-resource environments.

How to Connect Geth with other Wallets

Metamask Integration

Connecting Geth to MetaMask provides a user-friendly interface to interact with the Ethereum blockchain, making it easier to manage accounts and transactions. It also allows for seamless integration with decentralized applications (dApps) while leveraging the security of your Geth node. You can follow these simple steps:

  1. Open your terminal and run Geth with RPC enabled:
    geth --http --http.addr "" --http.port "8545" --http.api "personal,eth,net,web3"
  2. Open the MetaMask extension.
  3. Click on the network dropdown (usually says "Ethereum Mainnet").
  4. Select "Custom RPC".
  5. Fill in the fields as follows:some text
    • Network Name: Localhost 8545
    • New RPC URL:
    • Chain ID: 1337 (for private networks) or 1 (for mainnet)
    • Currency Symbol: ETH
  6. Click "Save". Your MetaMask is now connected to your local Geth node, allowing you to interact with the Ethereum blockchain through your browser.

Hardware Wallets

Connecting Geth to a hardware wallet enhances security by keeping private keys offline and signing transactions within the hardware device which protects against online threats. This combination offers robust security and control over your Ethereum assets.

  1. Start your Geth node:
    geth --http --http.addr "" --http.port "8545" --http.api "personal,eth,net,web3"
  2. Open MyCrypto or MyEtherWallet in your browser.
  3. Connect your hardware wallet (Trezor or Ledger) via USB.
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to unlock your wallet.
  5. Choose the option to connect to a custom node.
  6. Enter the custom RPC URL
  7. You can now manage your accounts and sign transactions securely using your hardware wallet.

Mining With Geth

What Is Ethereum Mining?

Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts, which are programs that execute exactly as written, without fraud or interference. These apps operate on a blockchain, a distributed ledger storing all transaction data. ETH miners maintain this ledger by using computing power to verify transactions and add new blocks, earning rewards in the form of new ETH tokens. This process is resource-intensive, requiring powerful hardware and significant electricity.

Previous Ethereum Mining Mechanism:

  • Proof of Work (PoW): In the PoW model, miners use computational power to solve complex mathematical problems. Miners compete to solve these puzzles, and the first one to do so gets to add a new block to the blockchain, receiving Ether (ETH) as a reward.

Transition to Proof of Stake (PoS):

  • Proof of Stake (PoS): On September 15th, 2022, Ethereum transitioned from PoW to PoS in which the concept of traditional mining (solving puzzles to earn rewards) is replaced by staking. Validators, not miners, are responsible for adding new blocks.Geth will no longer be used to mine Ether through computational power. Instead, it will be used to manage staking operations and validate blocks in the PoS network. PoS significantly reduces energy consumption because it eliminates the need for intensive computational work that PoW requires.

Geth As Mining Client

Geth was used as a mining client alongside third-party software like Ethminer. After Ethereum's transition to Proof of Stake (PoS) with the Ethereum 2.0 upgrade, traditional mining using Geth is no longer possible. Instead, Ether (ETH) is earned through staking. Here’s how you can participate in staking with Geth:

  1. Install Geth: Make sure you have the latest version of Geth installed on your system.
  2. Set Up a Validator Node:
    • You need to have at least 32 ETH to become a validator.
    • Use Geth to run an Ethereum node and sync it with the blockchain.
  3. Deposit ETH for Staking:
    • Send your 32 ETH to the official deposit contract using the Ethereum Launchpad. Follow the instructions to generate your keys and deposit ETH.
  4. Run a Validator Client:
    • Besides Geth, you'll need a validator client such as Prysm, Lighthouse, or Teku. These clients handle the validation duties and communicate with your Geth node.
    • Follow the setup instructions for your chosen validator client and link it to your Geth node.
  5. Start Validating:
    • Once your validator is set up and your deposit is confirmed, your node will begin participating in the network.
    • Your node will help validate transactions and secure the network, and in return, you will earn rewards.

Considerations for Mining with Geth

If you want to mine with Geth or in general, keep these points in mind:

  1. Hardware: Invest in a powerful GPU, ample RAM (4GB+), and a fast SSD to handle the blockchain data efficiently.
  2. Software Setup: Install Geth on a stable operating system (Linux, Windows, macOS) and ensure you have the latest drivers, especially for GPU mining.
  3. Network Configuration: A reliable and fast internet connection is essential. Configure your firewall to allow Geth to communicate with other nodes.
  4. Blockchain Sync: Choose between running a full node (more secure, requires more storage) or a light node (faster, less storage). Initial sync can take time, so be patient.
  5. Mining Config: Set up your Ethereum address for receiving rewards and understand the Ethash algorithm. Consider using additional mining software like Ethminer.
  6. Pool vs. Solo Mining: Pool mining offers more consistent rewards by combining efforts with others. Solo mining can yield higher rewards per block but is less predictable.
  7. Security: Use a secure wallet for your Ethereum and keep private keys safe. Regularly update your software to protect against vulnerabilities.
  8. Energy Consumption: Mining is power-intensive, so factor in electricity costs and invest in cooling solutions to prevent overheating.
  9. Regulatory Compliance: Ensure your mining activities comply with local laws and regulations regarding cryptocurrency.
  10. Maintenance: Monitor the performance of your setup and perform regular maintenance to keep everything running smoothly.

Geth and Smart Contracts

Geth’s Role in Smart Contracts

Solidity is the primary programming language used to write smart contracts for the Ethereum blockchain. It is a high-level language similar to JavaScript, designed specifically for implementing smart contracts.

Remix is a popular integrated development environment (IDE) for developing smart contracts. It provides a user-friendly interface for writing, testing, debugging, and deploying Solidity contracts.

Geth is essential for smart contract development on Ethereum, serving several key roles as it:

  • Allows developers to run a full node, validating transactions and blocks.
  • Helps compile and deploy smart contracts to the Ethereum network.
  • Provides APIs and a JavaScript console for managing transactions and calling contract functions.
  • Supports setting up private networks and connecting to testnets like Ropsten for testing purposes.
  • Integrates with Web3.js, facilitating interactions between web applications and the Ethereum network.

How To Deploy Smart Contract With Geth

1- Open your terminal and start Geth to connect to the Ethereum network (mainnet or a testnet like Ropsten).

geth --http --http.addr "" --http.port "8545" --http.api "personal,eth,net,web3"

2- If you don't have an account, create one to deploy the contract.

geth account new

3- Use Solidity to write your smart contract. For example, a simple contract might look like this:

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract SimpleStorage {

uint public storedData;

function set(uint x) public {

storedData = x;


function get() public view returns (uint) {

return storedData;



4- Use Remix to write and compile your contract. Copy the Solidity code into Remix and compile it to get the bytecode and ABI (Application Binary Interface).

5- Use the Geth JavaScript console or a Web3 script to deploy the contract.

6- Attach to the Geth instance. geth attach

7- Unlock your account to allow transactions.

personal.unlockAccount(eth.accounts[0], "your-password", 600)

8- Use the ABI and bytecode to deploy the contract.

var SimpleStorageContract = eth.contract([/* ABI array here */]);

var deployedContract = SimpleStorageContract.new({

data: '0x' + '/* Bytecode here */',

from: eth.accounts[0],

gas: 4700000

}, function (e, contract) {

if (e) {

console.log("Error: " + e);

} else if (contract.address) {

console.log("Contract deployed! Address: " + contract.address);



9- Once the contract is deployed, you can interact with it using its methods.

var simpleStorage = SimpleStorageContract.at('contract-address');

simpleStorage.set(42, {from: eth.accounts[0]});


Geth and Decentralized Applications

How Geth Supports Dapps?

Geth provides the essential infrastructure for decentralized applications (dApps) to operate on the Ethereum network. As a full Ethereum client, Geth enables developers and users to run an Ethereum node, which is crucial for:

  1. Blockchain Interaction: Geth allows dApps to interact with the Ethereum blockchain, facilitating tasks such as reading blockchain data, sending transactions, and deploying smart contracts.
  2. Smart Contract Deployment and Execution: Developers use Geth to deploy smart contracts written in Solidity. Once deployed, these contracts can be executed and interacted with by dApps.
  3. Transaction Management: Geth handles the creation, signing, and broadcasting of transactions, ensuring that all interactions with the blockchain are processed correctly.

Interacting with Geth Using Dapps

Users can connect to dApps through Geth or through wallet integrations that use Geth as the backend. Here’s how it works:

  1. Using Geth Directly:
    • Run a Node: Users run a Geth node to fully participate in the Ethereum network.
    • JSON-RPC API: dApps interact with Geth through the JSON-RPC API, which allows programmatic access to the node’s functionalities. Developers use this API to read blockchain data, send transactions, and interact with smart contracts.
    • JavaScript Console: Advanced users can interact with dApps using Geth’s JavaScript console. This console provides direct access to the Ethereum network, enabling users to manually send transactions and call smart contract functions.
  2. Wallet Integrations:
    • MetaMask: One of the most popular ways to interact with dApps is through MetaMask, a browser extension wallet that connects to Geth. MetaMask serves as a bridge, allowing users to manage their Ethereum accounts and interact with dApps securely.
    • Connecting MetaMask to Geth: Users can configure MetaMask to connect to a local Geth node by specifying the node’s RPC endpoint. This setup provides enhanced security and control, as transactions are processed through the user’s own node.

Advanced Geth Features

Geth Archive Node

An archive node in the Ethereum network is a full node that stores the entire history of the blockchain, including all historical states and data. Unlike regular full nodes, which prune older data to save space, archive nodes keep every block and state since the genesis block. This means they maintain a complete record of every change in the blockchain.

Use Cases for Geth Archive Nodes

  1. Data Analysis → Provides access to detailed historical blockchain data for trend analysis and market research.
  2. Historical Queries → Enables querying past states of smart contracts and account balances for audits and investigations.
  3. Development and Debugging → Helps developers test and debug smart contracts against historical states.
  4. Legal and Compliance → Supports regulatory compliance and legal evidence by maintaining a complete transaction history.

Geth Pruning

In Geth, pruning refers to the process of discarding old blockchain data to save disk space. Instead of keeping the entire history of every transaction and state, pruned nodes keep only recent states and necessary historical data. This significantly reduces storage requirements while still allowing the node to participate in the network and validate new transactions.


  • Pruning significantly decreases the disk space required to run a node by removing old and unnecessary blockchain data.
  • It helps maintain node performance and reduces the hardware requirements, making it easier and more cost-effective to run a node.


  • Pruned nodes do not retain the full history of the blockchain. This means you won't have access to detailed historical transaction data and states, which are necessary for certain types of analysis and auditing.
  • If you need historical data, you'll need to rely on full archive nodes, which keep the entire blockchain history. This can be less convenient if you're running a pruned node and need to query older data.

Additional Features

Fast Sync:

Purpose: Speeds up the initial synchronization process of a Geth node by downloading only the latest state of the blockchain instead of processing the entire chain.

How It Works: Fast sync skips the validation of historical transactions and only verifies the latest blocks, allowing the node to get up-to-date more quickly.

Benefits: Significantly reduces the time and storage needed to become operational on the Ethereum network.

Light Clients:

Purpose: Designed to run on devices with limited resources by downloading only the block headers and relying on full nodes for the transaction and state data.

How It Works: Light clients request necessary data on-demand from full nodes, which reduces their storage and computational requirements.

Benefits: Ideal for mobile devices or applications that need to interact with the blockchain without maintaining a full node.

Private Networks:

Purpose: Allows users to set up their own Ethereum blockchain for testing, development, or private use cases, separate from the public mainnet.

How It Works: Private networks can be configured by creating a custom genesis block and configuring network settings to ensure the network remains isolated.

Benefits: Provides a controlled environment for testing dApps and smart contracts without the risks and costs associated with deploying on the public network.

Geth Security and Best Practices

Keeping Geth Up-to-Date

Ensuring the security of your Geth node is crucial for protecting your assets and maintaining the integrity of the Ethereum network. Developers regularly release updates that include patches for known vulnerabilities, performance improvements, and new features.

How to Update:

  • Manual Updates: Regularly check the official Geth releases page and follow the instructions for your operating system to download and install the latest version.
  • Automated Updates: Use package managers (e.g., Homebrew for macOS, apt-get for Ubuntu) to simplify the update process.
  • Verification: Always verify the integrity of downloaded files using provided checksums or GPG signatures.

Securing Your Geth Node

The following are best practices to keep your Geth node secure:

  1. Account Protection: Use strong, unique passwords for your Ethereum accounts to prevent unauthorized access.
  2. Encryption: Ensure your keystore files are encrypted with these strong passwords.
  3. Network Security: Configure firewalls to restrict access to your Geth node and only allow trusted IP addresses to connect.
  4. Port Management: Close unnecessary ports and only open those required for Geth (e.g., 8545 for HTTP-RPC).
  5. HTTPS: Use HTTPS for RPC connections to encrypt data transmitted between your node and clients.
  6. SSH: Securely manage your Geth node using SSH with public key authentication instead of passwords.
  7. Updates: Regularly update your operating system and installed packages to protect against known vulnerabilities.
  8. Permissions: Run Geth with the least privileges necessary, avoiding root or administrator accounts.

Risks and Precautions

As is the case with any online interaction, and especially when dealing with the blockchain, you need to be extra careful. Stay up to date with the latest precautions from risks and how to manage them. Keep these three important tips in mind:

Beware of Phishing Attacks!

Be cautious of phishing attempts. Never click on suspicious links or provide sensitive information in response to unsolicited requests. Use email filters and spam protection to reduce the risk of phishing emails reaching your inbox.

Always Do Backup and Recovery!

Regularly back up your keystore files and important data to secure locations. Use multiple backup methods and locations to ensure redundancy. Have a recovery plan in place. Ensure you know how to restore your node and accounts from backups in case of a security breach or hardware failure.

Keep Monitoring and Set Alerts!

Use monitoring tools to keep an eye on your node’s performance and security. Look for unusual activity or potential breaches. Set up alerts to notify you of critical events, such as failed login attempts or changes in node status.

Start Experimenting With Geth!

Without a doubt, Geth is a powerful tool that opens up a world of possibilities within the Ethereum ecosystem. Whether you're a developer looking to deploy smart contracts, a miner eager to earn ETH, or simply a blockchain enthusiast, Geth offers the tools and flexibility to dive deep into decentralized technology. You can even join the Geth open-source project on GitHub to help improve Ethereum, learn new skills, and be part of an exciting community—no matter your experience level. The journey may seem complex, but with each step, you'll uncover the fascinating world of blockchain and its limitless potential. So why wait? Start exploring Geth today and be part of the future of decentralized innovation!

What is Geth? | Rise In (2024)


What is Geth? | Rise In? ›

Introducing Geth

What is geth used for? ›

Geth (Go-Ethereum) is a crucial component of the Ethereum ecosystem. As a command-line interface, Geth provides a gateway for users and developers to interact with the Ethereum blockchain. It serves as a robust platform for running Ethereum nodes, executing smart contracts, and managing digital assets.

What does geth mean? ›

Geth, short for Go-Ethereum – is a software program written in Go programming language developed by Google.

What is the geth quarian in Mass Effect? ›

The quarians created the geth sometime before 1895 CE to serve as a cheap labor and military force. Since they wanted the geth to be able to perform more complex tasks without supervision, they allowed each geth process to share data using an advanced neural network.

What is the geth robot in Mass Effect? ›

According to the lore of the Mass Effect series, the geth are a collective of AI (artificial intelligence) beings which do not have the concept of individuality, and think in terms of the entire consensus.

Is Geth an Ethereum client? ›

These clients implement the Ethereum protocol, enabling your computer to become a node, which helps maintain the network's decentralization and security. Geth is a prime example as it allows users to run an Ethereum node, validate transactions, deploy smart contracts, and engage with the blockchain.

What does Geth mean in Crypto? ›

Geth Meaning: Geth - or Go Ethereum is a command-line interface that gives developers the ability to process full Ethereum nodes, carry out smart contracts and mine the cryptocurrency.

Why can't you romance Tali in Mass Effect? ›

Courting Tali. Tali is only available to Male Shepards, and she becomes available after you successfully complete her Loyalty Mission, Tali: Treason. Importantly, you MUST ensure Tali is Loyal to you by NOT presenting the evidence against her father to the Admiralty Board.

Can you save Tali from killing herself? ›

If your companion is Tali, she will remove her mask and commit suicide by letting herself fall off the cliff. You will be given a Paragon interrupt to try and save her, but it will be unsuccessful. If your companion is Shala'Raan, she'll shoot herself in the head.

Is Tali the only quarian in Mass Effect 1? ›

Appearances. The quarians are first introduced through Tali, who is the only representative of her people to appear in the first Mass Effect.

Why was the geth created? ›

The Geth were created by the Quarians as a labor force. Wary of rebellion by intelligent AIs, the Geth were designed as VIs, as advanced as possible while remaining non-sentient. They were also designed to operate more efficiently when networked together. Unfortunately, this feature was the Quarians' undoing.

What would the Reapers do to the geth? ›

Since the reapers (in the original plot line) were harvesting organics to eventually prevent the dark matter death of the universe, they would have no use for the geth beyond enlisting them to assist in their end goal.

Is it better to rewrite the geth or destroy them? ›

Rewriting the heretics makes the Geth stronger, causing more problems to quarians (and more casualties), and destroying them makes the quarian's war easier (and less of them die).

What does geth attach do? ›

Use geth attach ​

The console subcommand starts the Geth node and opens the console, while the attach subcommand attaches an already-running Geth instance to the console.

What is the purpose of Ethereum virtual machine? ›

Its main purpose is to determine the state of Ethereum for every block. Gas is essential for transaction fees and performance. Benefits include creating decentralized applications and NFTs, while drawbacks entail technical proficiency and dependency on network activity.

What are the requirements for Geth Ethereum? ›

Hardware Requirements
Archive NodeFull Node
DiskAt least 2.2TB (TLC NVMe recommended)At least 1.2TB (TLC NVMe recommended)
CPUHigher clock speed over core countHigher clock speeds over core count
BandwidthStable 24Mbps+Stable 24Mbps+

What is the Geth platform in Mass Effect? ›

The Geth Hopper is a specialized geth platform, used primarily for stealth attacks, cyberwarfare and sabotage. Hoppers are cyberwarfare platforms, meaning they have the ability to wreak havoc on hardsuit computers, shields, and/or weapons. Like the Geth Sniper they also use a radar jammer.

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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Author information

Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.