What is EMA? How to Use Exponential Moving Average With Formula (2024)

What Is an Exponential Moving Average (EMA)?

An exponential moving average (EMA) is a type of moving average (MA) that places a greater weight and significance on the most recent data points. The exponential moving average is also referred to as the exponentially weighted moving average. An exponentially weighted moving average reacts more significantly to recent price changes than a simple moving average simple moving average (SMA), which applies an equal weight to all observations in the period.

Key Takeaways

  • The EMA is a moving average that places a greater weight and significance on the most recent data points.
  • Like all moving averages, this technical indicator is used to produce buy and sell signals based on crossovers and divergences from the historical average.
  • Traders often use several different EMA lengths, such as 10-day, 50-day, and 200-day moving averages.

What is EMA? How to Use Exponential Moving Average With Formula (1)

Formula for Exponential Moving Average (EMA)

EMAToday=(ValueToday(Smoothing1+Days))where:\begin{aligned} &\begin{aligned} EMA_{\text{Today}}=&\left(\text{Value}_{\text{Today}}\ast\left(\frac{\text{Smoothing}}{1+\text{Days}}\right)\right)\\ &+EMA_{\text{Yesterday}}\ast\left(1-\left(\frac{\text{Smoothing}}{1+\text{Days}}\right)\right)\end{aligned}\\ &\textbf{where:}\\ &EMA=\text{Exponential moving average} \end{aligned}EMAToday=(ValueToday(1+DaysSmoothing))where:

While there are many possible choices for the smoothing factor, the most common choice is:

  • Smoothing = 2

That gives the most recent observation more weight. If the smoothing factor is increased, more recent observations have more influence on the EMA.

Calculating the EMA

Calculating the EMA requires one more observation than the SMA. Suppose that you want to use 20 days as the number of observations for the EMA. Then, you must wait until the 20th day to obtain the SMA. On the 21st day, you can then use the SMA from the previous day as the first EMA for yesterday.

What is EMA? How to Use Exponential Moving Average With Formula (2)

The calculation for the SMA is straightforward. It is simply the sum of the stock's closing prices during a time period, divided by the number of observations for that period. For example, a 20-day SMA is just the sum of the closing prices for the past 20 trading days, divided by 20.

Next, you must calculate the multiplier for smoothing (weighting) the EMA, which typically follows the formula: [2 ÷ (number of observations + 1)]. For a 20-day moving average, the multiplier would be [2/(20+1)]= 0.0952.

Finally, the following formula is used to calculate the current EMA:

  • EMA = Closing price x multiplier + EMA (previous day) x (1-multiplier)

The EMA gives a higher weight to recent prices, while the SMA assigns equal weight to all values. The weighting given to the most recent price is greater for a shorter-period EMA than for a longer-period EMA. For example, an 18.18% multiplier is applied to the most recent price data for a 10-period EMA, while the weight is only 9.52% for a 20-period EMA.

There are also slight variations of the EMA arrived at by using the open, high, low, or median price instead of using the closing price.

What is EMA? How to Use Exponential Moving Average With Formula (3)

What Does the EMA Tell You?

The 12- and 26-day exponential moving averages (EMAs) are often the most quoted and analyzed short-term averages. The 12- and 26-day are used to create indicators like the moving average convergence divergence (MACD) and the percentage price oscillator (PPO). In general, the 50- and 200-day EMAs are used as indicators for long-term trends. When a stock price crosses its 200-day moving average, it is a technical signal that a reversal has occurred.

Traders who employ technical analysis find moving averages very useful and insightful when applied correctly. However, they also realize that these signals can create havoc when used improperly or misinterpreted. All the moving averages commonly used in technical analysis are lagging indicators.

Consequently, the conclusions drawn from applying a moving average to a particular market chart should be to confirm a market move or indicate its strength. The optimal time to enter the market often passes before a moving average shows that the trend has changed.

An EMA does serve to alleviate the negative impact of lags to some extent. Because the EMA calculation places more weight on the latest data, it “hugs” the price action a bit more tightly and reacts more quickly. This is desirable when an EMA is used to derive a trading entry signal.

Like all moving average indicators, EMAs are much better suited for trending markets. When the market is in a strong and sustained uptrend, the EMA indicator line will also show an uptrend and vice-versa for a downtrend. A vigilant trader will pay attention to both the direction of the EMA line and the relation of the rate of change from one bar to the next. For example, suppose the price action of a strong uptrend begins to flatten and reverse. From an opportunity cost point of view, it might be time to switch to a more bullish investment.

Examples of How to Use the EMA

EMAs are commonly used in conjunction with other indicators to confirm significant market moves and to gauge their validity. For traders who trade intraday and fast-moving markets, the EMA is more applicable. Quite often, traders use EMAs to determine a trading bias. If an EMA on a daily chart shows a strong upward trend, an intraday trader’s strategy may be to trade only on the long side.

The Difference Between EMA and SMA

The major difference between an EMA and an SMA is the sensitivity each one shows to changes in the data used in its calculation.

More specifically, the EMA gives higher weights to recent prices, while the SMA assigns equal weights to all values. The two averages are similar because they are interpreted in the same manner and are both commonly used by technical traders to smooth out price fluctuations.

Since EMAs place a higher weighting on recent data than on older data, they are more responsive to the latest price changes than SMAs. That makes the results from EMAs more timely and explains why they are preferred by many traders.

Limitations of the EMA

It is unclear whether or not more emphasis should be placed on the most recent days in the time period. Many traders believe that new data better reflects the current trend of the security. At the same time, others feel that overweighting recent dates creates a bias that leads to more false alarms.

Similarly, the EMA relies wholly on historical data. Many economists believe that markets are efficient, which means that current market prices already reflect all available information. If markets are indeed efficient, using historical data should tell us nothing about the future direction of asset prices.

What Is a Good Exponential Moving Average?

The longer-day EMAs (i.e. 50 and 200-day) tend to be used more by long-term investors, while short-term investors tend to use 8- and 20-day EMAs.

Is Exponential Moving Average Better Than Simple Moving Average?

The EMA focused more on recent price moves, which means it tends to respond more quickly to price changes than the SMA.

How Do You Read Exponential Moving Averages?

Investors tend to interpret a rising EMA as a support to price action and a falling EMA as a resistance. With that interpretation, investors look to buy when the price is near the rising EMA and sell when the price is near the falling EMA.

I am an expert in financial markets and technical analysis, with a demonstrable understanding of various indicators used in trading. My expertise is rooted in practical experience and a deep knowledge of quantitative methods applied to financial data.

Now, let's delve into the concepts covered in the article about Exponential Moving Averages (EMA):

Exponential Moving Average (EMA):

  1. Definition and Purpose:

    • An EMA is a type of moving average that emphasizes the most recent data points.
    • It is also known as exponentially weighted moving average.
    • Used to generate buy and sell signals based on crossovers and divergences from the historical average.
  2. EMA Formula:

    • EMAToday = (ValueToday (Smoothing / (1 + Days))) + EMAYesterday (1 - (Smoothing / (1 + Days)))
    • The smoothing factor is often set to 2, giving more weight to recent observations.
  3. Calculating EMA:

    • EMA requires one more observation than the Simple Moving Average (SMA).
    • Calculation involves a multiplier for smoothing and uses the closing price.
    • Shorter-period EMAs give higher weight to recent prices.
  4. Usage and Interpretation:

    • Short-term EMAs (e.g., 12-day, 26-day) are used for indicators like MACD and PPO.
    • Long-term trends are often assessed using 50-day and 200-day EMAs.
    • Crossing the 200-day EMA can signal a reversal.
  5. EMA Advantages:

    • Reacts more quickly to price changes compared to SMA.
    • Alleviates lag impact to some extent due to higher weight on recent data.
  6. Examples of Use:

    • Commonly used with other indicators to confirm market moves.
    • Intraday traders often rely on EMAs to determine trading bias.
  7. Difference Between EMA and SMA:

    • EMA gives higher weight to recent prices, while SMA assigns equal weight to all values.
    • Both are interpreted similarly but preferred by traders for different reasons.
  8. Limitations:

    • Uncertain whether more emphasis on recent days is justified.
    • Relies entirely on historical data, and some argue it may not predict future prices.
  9. Choosing EMA Lengths:

    • Longer-day EMAs (e.g., 50-day, 200-day) are favored by long-term investors.
    • Short-term investors often use 8-day and 20-day EMAs.
  10. Comparing EMA and SMA:

    • EMA tends to respond more quickly to price changes than SMA.
  11. Interpreting EMA Trends:

    • Rising EMA is seen as support to price action, while a falling EMA is viewed as resistance.
    • Investors may consider buying near a rising EMA and selling near a falling EMA.

In conclusion, the Exponential Moving Average is a powerful tool in technical analysis, providing traders with timely signals and insights into market trends. Understanding its calculation, usage, and limitations is crucial for effective application in trading strategies.

What is EMA? How to Use Exponential Moving Average With Formula (2024)


What is EMA? How to Use Exponential Moving Average With Formula? ›

EMA = Closing price * multiplier + EMA (previous day) * (1-multiplier). The multiplier is calculated using the formula 2 / (number of observations +1). The formula for calculating EMA requires one more observation as compared to the formula for calculating SMA, which is a simple arithmetic average.

How is the exponential moving average EMA formula calculated? ›

For instance, in the case of a 20-day moving average, the multiplier is computed as [2/ (20+1)] = 0.0952. Computation of the Current EMA: Ultimately, the current EMA is calculated using the subsequent formula: EMA = (Closing price x multiplier) + [EMA (from the previous day) x (1 - multiplier)]

What is EMA and how do you use it? ›

Exponential Moving Average (EMA full form in stock market) is a kind of moving average that places a greater weight and importance on the most current data points. It is used for evaluating the bullish and bearish trends in securities over a certain span of duration.

How do you use EMA effectively? ›

EMA can act as dynamic support or resistance levels, and its performance can be further improved by using crossover strategies, complementing with other technical indicators like RSI and MACD, managing risks effectively, and employing appropriate timeframes aligned with trading objectives.

How do you use exponential moving average in day trading? ›

Examples of How to Use the EMA

For traders who trade intraday and fast-moving markets, the EMA is more applicable. Quite often, traders use EMAs to determine a trading bias. If an EMA on a daily chart shows a strong upward trend, an intraday trader's strategy may be to trade only on the long side.

What is the 4 EMA strategy? ›

The document discusses the 4EMA indicator, which uses the exponential moving averages (EMA) of 8, 12, 21, and 55 days to identify market trends. It notes that when the EMA lines are in sequence (8, 12, 21, 55) it indicates the market is in a buying zone and will move up.

What is the best EMA to use? ›

Optimal EMA Settings for Day Traders
  • Short-Term EMAs (like the 8ema or 9ema): These EMAs are ideal for capturing short-term trends and quick market movements. ...
  • Medium-Term EMAs (like 21ema, 30ema, or 50ema): These provide a broader view of the market trend, smoothing out short-term volatility.

What is the 5 EMA strategy? ›

This Strategy is based of Subhashish Pani's (power of stocks) 5 EMA Strategy. strategy used for sell in 5 minutes and for buy in 15 minutes .. 1) if price is above 5 Ema and not touching Ema use as alert candle..

Do professional traders use EMA? ›

The Bottom Line. Foreign currency traders use a number of tools to help them establish buy and sell points for the currencies they trade based on price trends. One of these is the exponential moving average (EMA). Traders typically use a short-term and a long-term EMA to trace the point of convergence between the two.

How do you manually calculate EMA? ›

Current EMA= ((Price(current) - previous EMA)) X multiplier) + previous EMA. The important factor is the smoothing constant that = 2/(1+N) where N = the number of days. This means a 10-period EMA weights the most recent price 18.8%, a 20-day EMA 9.52 % and 50-day EMA 3.92% weight on the most recent day.

What indicator to use with EMA? ›

EMA may be combined with other indicators, such as RSI, MACD, or other moving averages, to enhance decision-making processes, confirm trend direction, and identify overbought or oversold conditions.

How to use a moving average indicator? ›

The moving average is a technical indicator to plot future stock price trends. In an uptrend, the MA will act as the support price, indicating the stock price might hit the MA but is likely to go upward. The MA will be resistant to a downtrend, with the stock price likely to go downwards after hitting it.

What is the formula for calculating EMA? ›

EMA = Closing price * multiplier + EMA (previous day) * (1-multiplier). The multiplier is calculated using the formula 2 / (number of observations +1). The formula for calculating EMA requires one more observation as compared to the formula for calculating SMA, which is a simple arithmetic average.

What is the most accurate moving average strategy? ›

The best way to trade moving average is to use the crossover strategy, where a shorter-period moving average crossing above a longer-period moving average generates a bullish signal, and vice versa for a bearish signal. This method helps indicate potential changes in the market trend.

What is the 9 and 21 EMA strategy? ›

When the 9-day EMA crosses above the 21-day EMA, it generates a bullish signal, indicating a potential buying opportunity. Conversely, when the 9-day EMA crosses below the 21-day EMA, it generates a bearish signal, suggesting a potential selling opportunity.

How is EMA calculated in trading view? ›

To calculate the EMA, follow this simple formula. The Exponential Moving Average is equal to the closing price multiplied by the multiplier, plus the EMA of the previous day and then multiplied by 1 minus the multiplier.

How to calculate moving average formula? ›

Key Highlights
  1. A moving average is a technical indicator that investors and traders use to determine the trend direction of securities.
  2. It is calculated by adding up all the data points during a specific period and dividing the sum by the number of time periods.

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