What Is Cryptocurrency and Should I Invest in It? (2024)


11 Min Read | Sep 9, 2022

What Is Cryptocurrency and Should I Invest in It? (1)

By Ramsey Solutions

What Is Cryptocurrency and Should I Invest in It? (2)

What Is Cryptocurrency and Should I Invest in It? (3)

Cryptocurrency. It’s the hot buzzword of the investing world these days. But what is cryptocurrencyreally? Ever heard of Bitcoin, Dogecoin, Litecoin, XRP or Ethereum? Nope—they aren’t embarrassing rock band names from the ’90s. They’re actually types of cryptocurrencies (aka digital money). And they’re trending everywhere you look.

But here’s the million-dollar (or million-bitcoin?) question: Should you invest in cryptocurrency? Despite what every loudmouth on the internet yells at you from their digital soapbox, buying cryptocurrency isn’t a safe bet for your investing future.

But we’ll get more into that in a minute. Let’s unpack what in the world crypto is first.

What Is Cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrencies are digital assets people use as investments and for online purchases. You exchange real currency, like dollars, to buy “coins” or “tokens” of a certain kind of cryptocurrency.

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Think of it this way: Cryptocurrency is kind of like swapping out your money in a new country. A Benjamin can buy you a nice dinner in the States, but if you want to enjoy fine dining in Italy, you’ll need some euros. We value dollars and euros because weknowwe can purchase goods or services with them. The same goes for cryptocurrency. You exchange your money for crypto and use it just like real money (at places that accept it as a type of payment).

So where the heck do we get the wordcryptocurrencyfrom, anyway? We’re glad you asked. It comes from the wordcryptography—meaning the art of writing or solving codes. Sounds like the setup of anIndiana Jonesmovie, right? Each coin of cryptocurrency is a unique line of code. And cryptocurrencies can’t be copied, which makes them easy to track and identify as they’re traded.

You’ve probably heard of people making (or losing!) hundreds of thousands of dollars by investing in cryptocurrency. It feels like a modern-day gold rush all of a sudden.

How Does Cryptocurrency Work?

Cryptocurrency is exchanged person-to-person on the Web without a middleman, like a bank or government. It’s like the Wild West of the digital world—but there’s no marshal to uphold the law.

Here’s what we mean: Have you ever hired a kid in your neighborhood to mow your lawn or watch your dog while you were out of town? Chances are, you paid them in cash. You didn’t need to go to the bank to make an official transaction.

That’s what it’s like to exchange cryptocurrencies. They’redecentralized—which means no government or bank controls how they’re made, what their value is, or how they’re exchanged. Because ofthat, cryptocurrencies are worth whatever people are willing to pay or exchange for them. Yep, it’s pretty wild.

With us so far? Okay, good. Because we’re about to get into the tech weeds evenmore.

How Does Someone Earn Cryptocurrency?

There are basically two ways someone can get their hands on cryptocurrency: They can buy it, or they can “mine” for it. Wait, what does that even mean? (Don’t worry, you won’t need to raid your garage for a shovel or pickaxe.)

Cryptocurrencies are based on something called blockchain technology. A blockchain is like a really long receipt that keeps growing with each exchange of crypto. It’s a public record of all the transactions that have ever happened with a given type of cryptocurrency. Yes, it sounds like it’s straight out ofThe Matrix. Just think of it like a ledger that shows the history of that piece of currency.

In the crypto world,mininghappens when people use their computers to solve super complicated math problems that make sure new crypto transactions are correct. Then, those transactions get added to the blockchain (aka the receipt). As a reward for making sure a purchase made with crypto is legit, these people mining are then paid in cryptocurrency.

How Do You Store Your Cryptocurrency?

You store your cryptocurrency in something called a digital wallet—usually in an app or through the vendor where you purchase your coins. Your wallet gives you a private key—a unique code that you enter in order to digitally sign off on purchases. It’s mathematical proof that the exchange was legit.

What Types of Cryptocurrencies Are There?

Bitcoin is the top dog that everyone knows about, but it’s not the only kind of cryptocurrency out there. There’s Litecoin, Polkadot, Chainlink, Mooncoin . . . and, oh, just about 10,000 other kinds of weirdly named coins coming up the ranks. Let’s hit on the top contenders:


Yeah, it’s the household name that most people think of when you talk about cryptocurrency. That’s because it was the first cryptocurrency, and it’s been around for a while now.Bitcoinwas created in 2009 by an unknown person who goes by the alias Satoshi Nakamoto—whoever that is.1And that big secret is part of its underground feel that people like. But there’s no denying the fact that everything anonymous is super shady.

Even though cryptocurrency is rocky, crypto investors seem to like Bitcoin because they think it has a little more strength and stability than the rest. It’s also valued much higher than its competitors (for now).


This one is the next most popular cryptocurrency after Bitcoin. And even though Ethereum is like Bitcoin with its crypto coins (called Ether), it’s a little different too. While Bitcoin was created to become an alternative option to traditional currencies like the dollar, Ethereum has evolved into a network that can be used to do old things (like buying art) in new ways.

For example, NFTssparked a cryptocurrency digital art craze where you buy digital art with digital money—NFT stands for non-fungible token . . . seriously, who comes up with these names? NFTs are supported by Ethereum’s blockchain technology, creating a brand-new way for folks to get into (digital) fine art collecting.


Dogecoin(pronounced “dohj-coin”) started as a joke back in 2013 and is now the hottest thing to invest in. At the time, there was a meme going around of a Shiba Inu (that’s a kind of dog) who was given the nickname “Doge.” The creators of Dogecoin named their cryptocurrency after the Doge meme, it became their mascot, and the rest is internet history. Oh, we’re serious. Youcan’tmake this stuff up.

So, all ofthatto say, there’s no shortage of coins to invest in out there in cryptocurrency land. And depending on what’s trending that day (Dogecoin, anyone?), you’ll see the value on these coins go up and down like one of those swinging pirate ship rides at a carnival. If you chase crypto based on what’s hot that day, you’ll probably wind up sick too (just like you would from that dang carnival ride).

What Can You Buy With Cryptocurrency?

At this point, most people still see cryptocurrencies as an investment. But cryptocurrency is quickly gaining speed and becoming more widely accepted as currency. And using crypto in this way could become even more popular as these cryptocurrencies keep gaining trust.

Some major retailers—like Whole Foods, Nordstrom, Etsy, Expediaand PayPal—are now letting people pay using crypto. And of course, any two people who value the tokens can exchange them for goods or services with each other.

You could also buy thoseNFTswe were just talking about with cryptocurrency, if owning the world’s first digital perfume or digital toilet paper with flowers is your thing. Yes, those are “real”—but that’s a story for another day.

Is Cryptocurrency a Good Investment? 4 Things to Know

Before you say goodbye to your dollars and hello to Bitcoin, Ether or Doge, there are a few things you need to know up front.

1. Cryptocurrency is unstable.

It’s true—crypto is about as hot-tempered as a 2-year-old. Its value swings way up only to come plunging back down, and you never really know what you’re going to get each day.

The value of cryptocurrencies goes through extreme ups and downs. There’s no denying that some are really hot right now—but for how long? Someone sneezes and the price drops! Investing in cryptocurrency is risky, to say the least.

News flash: Cryptocurrency definitely isn’t a sure thing—it carries ahugeamount of risk. Let’s be real here, all investing comes with some level of risk. But why jump all the way into the deep end with something this up and down?

2. Cryptocurrency has lots of unknowns.

There’s still a lot that needs to be ironed out with how cryptocurrencies work. Think about it: Nobody even knows who the founder of Bitcoin is! Only a small percentage of people in the worldreallyunderstand the system and know how to operate it. Ignorance makes you vulnerable. We always tell people that if you can’t explain your investments to a 10-year-old, you have no business investing in them to begin with. You’re setting yourself up for a big mess.

P.S. Even though it might seem likeeveryoneand their grandpa is investing in crypto, most people say they are still hesitant to put any money into it (72%) or don’t trust cryptocurrency at all (68%).2

3. Cryptocurrency makes fraud easier.

All it takes is five minutes on the internet to know not everyone has your best interests at heart. Scammers will stop at nothing to get access to your personal information and passwords—even your bank account.

And guess what? Cryptocurrency makes it that much easier for them to target people like you. In fact, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) reported that nearly 7,000 people reported losses of more than $80 million on cryptocurrency scams since October 2020.3

Now look, we’re not saying everyone who uses cryptocurrency is a bad guy who’s dodging the government and making shady deals on the black market. Butifsomeone wanted to commit a crime and fly under the radar without being tracked, cryptocurrency is going to call their name.4

4. Cryptocurrencies have an unproven rate of return.

Trading in cryptocurrency is kind of like gambling. Because it’s exchanged person-to-person withoutanyrealregulations, there’s no pattern to the rise and fall of its value. You can’t figure out the changes or calculate returns like you can with growth stock mutual funds. There just isn’t enough data, or enough credibility, to create a long-term investing plan based in cryptocurrency. Don’t play poker with your financial future here.

Should I Invest in Cryptocurrency?

Listen, you can try your hand at cryptocurrency if you want to. If you have some money you’re willing to lose, money that you might have thrown away on a roulette wheel in Vegas instead, knock yourself out. We’re not going to be mad at you for that. But we want you guys to win with money and secure your retirement future—and there is just no evidence that cryptocurrency is going to do that for you.

Plain and simple—investing in cryptocurrency is not a good way to build wealth for your future. Now, we’re not saying that cryptocurrency is going to go away. And we’re not saying it's horrible. But we are saying that crypto doesn’t have a proven track record of building wealth.

If you really want to invest in something with a solid track record, here’s the better plan: If you’re out of debt, have an emergency fund that will cover three to six months of expenses, and you’re ready to invest, then focus oninvesting 15% of your incomein growth stock mutual funds—which are way more secure than crypto.

Don’t give in to a craze just because there’s a lot of hype. We’ve talked to people who havetaken out a mortgageorcashed out their entire 401(k) earlyto invest in cryptocurrency—heck no! Don’t put it all on the line and risk your financial future, your retirement dreams and your family’s well-being. If you can’t afford to lose the money, don’t invest it in something as unstable as crypto.

A Better Way to Invest

Bottom line? The road to building wealth is slow and steady, and there are stillway too many unknowns when it comes to cryptocurrency. Could crypto become a more legit way to invest later on down the road? Sure. But as things stand today, just say no.

Get-rich-quick schemes are just thatschemes.Don’t risk it and pour all your hopes, dreams and money into them. Instead, sit down with aSmartVestorwho knows what they’re doing. Let them walk you through a solid strategy for investing that doesn’t involve trying to build wealth through risky investments like crypto. And don’t knock that 401(k), folks. It’s the number 1 wealth-building tool of millionaires!

This article provides generalguidelines about investingtopics. Your situation may beunique. If you havequestions, connect with aSmartVestorPro.RamseySolutions is a paid, non-clientpromoter ofparticipating Pros.

About the author

Ramsey Solutions

Ramsey Solutions has been committed to helping people regain control of their money, build wealth, grow their leadership skills, and enhance their lives through personal development since 1992. Millions of people have used our financial advice through 22 books (including 12 national bestsellers) published by Ramsey Press, as well as two syndicated radio shows and 10 podcasts, which have over 17 million weekly listeners. Learn More.

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What Is Cryptocurrency and Should I Invest in It? (2024)


What is cryptocurrency and should I invest in it? ›

Cryptocurrency (or “crypto”) is a digital currency used as an alternative payment method or as an investment. Cryptocurrencies get their name from the cryptographic techniques that enable people to buy, sell or trade them securely without the need for a central authority, such as a government or financial institutions.

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There are several risks associated with investing in cryptocurrency: loss of capital, government regulations, fraud and hacks. Loss of capital. Mark Hastings, partner at Quillon Law, warns that investors must tread carefully in crypto's unique financial environment or risk significant losses.

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Cryptocurrency, sometimes called crypto-currency or crypto, is any form of currency that exists digitally or virtually and uses cryptography to secure transactions. Cryptocurrencies don't have a central issuing or regulating authority, instead using a decentralized system to record transactions and issue new units.

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Binance Coin (BNB) – One Of The Most Demanded Crypto To Soar This Year. Avalanche (AVAX) – The Best Altcoin That Could Bring Big Returns In 2023. Algorand (ALGO) – Best DeFi Coin Set To Explode In Value. Axie Infinity (AXS) – The P2E Game Token With A Highly Promising Future.

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As crypto grows in popularity and adoption, it may be used more frequently for purchases. Right now, it is not recognized as real currency by the U.S. government. However, it can be used in the same way as U.S. fiat money in many circ*mstances.

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Lower potential for extreme gains: Broad stock indexes such as the S&P 500 likely have less potential for the extreme gains that can sometimes be found among cryptocurrencies. Stocks have returned about 10 percent over the long term, whereas it's not uncommon for cryptocurrencies to move 10 percent in a single day.

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In the last 10 Years, the Bitcoin (^BTC) Commodity obtained a 80.25% compound annual return, with a 171.93% standard deviation.

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A well-hedged stock portfolio can sometimes offer a more stable home for your money than crypto investments. How much are you hoping to make? Stocks can generally offer more stable returns, but crypto can potentially offer higher gains.

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12 Best Crypto Coins To Invest In 2023: The Ultimate Guide With ApeMax, AiDoge, Ecoterra, Tamadoge, BNB And More
  • This is the Definitive List of the 12 Best Crypto Coins to invest in 2023: ApeMax - Boost to Earn Big instantly with this New Smartly Designed Coin. ...
  • ApeMax. ...
  • AiDoge. ...
  • BNB. ...
  • Cosmos. ...
  • Decentraland Coin. ...
  • Ecoterra. ...
  • Ethereum.
May 30, 2023

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Printed cash can be prone to counterfeiting. Cryptocurrencies are designed to avoid counterfeiting, thanks to the complex network of computers that record and verify each transaction. By storing crypto transactions on a public, immutable blockchain, they cannot be changed or deleted, and everyone can see them.

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A Stable, Censorship-Resistant Store of Value

Another common reason to invest in cryptocurrency is the desire for a reliable, long-term store of value. Unlike fiat money, most cryptocurrencies have a limited supply, capped by mathematical algorithms.

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A cryptocurrency is a digital currency, which is an alternative form of payment created using encryption algorithms. The use of encryption technologies means that cryptocurrencies function both as a currency and as a virtual accounting system.

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List of 10 Crypto Coins with 1000x Potential:
  • ApeMax – New crypto coin with revolutionary Boost-to-Earn staking tokenomics.
  • Chainlink – Blockchain bridge connecting smart contracts with real-world data sources.
  • Big Eyes – Cute crypto coin with one of the most successful crypto presales of the year.
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Here are top 10 Ways to make money with Cryptocurrency in 2023:
  1. Investing. Investing in cryptocurrency is an excellent way to profit from it. ...
  2. Lending. Another way to monetize cryptocurrency is through lending. ...
  3. Trading. ...
  4. Mining. ...
  5. Staking. ...
  6. Traditional Buy and Hold. ...
  7. Earning Interest. ...
  8. Affiliate Programs.
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Nonetheless, 2023 seems to be a good year for Bitcoin advocates, who always consider it as a “safe-haven investment” or “digital gold” which can offer investors a good hedging opportunity or attractive return in times of mayhem.

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If you invest $100 into Bitcoin today, don't expect to make a fortune. However, you could still make some solid gains if your bet on Bitcoin pays off. Many people who are interested in crypto would like to get started with smaller amounts, which is entirely reasonable given that cryptocurrencies are risky investments.

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After you've acquired your first crypto investment, try any or all of these tactics for making money with crypto:
  1. Trading.
  2. Staking.
  3. Lending.
  4. Giveaways.
  5. Mining.
  6. Gaming.
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Top 10 Cryptocurrencies for Beginners
  • Bitcoin - Oldest Gem.
  • Ethereum - A Smart Network.
  • Binance Coin - Stable Investment.
  • Cardano - Faster and Cheaper Coin.
  • Polygon - A Multi-Chain System.
  • Dogecoin - The First Memecoin.
  • Avalanche - Scalability at its Finest.
  • Chainlink - The Most Dominant Digital Payment.
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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

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Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.