What Is Cheaters Karma and Does It Actually Work? (2024)

What Is Cheaters Karma and Does It Actually Work? (1)

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The idea behind cheaters’ karma is that there are consequences to the actions of cheating. The question is if there is karma for cheaters, as many people claim. You will learn more in this article.

From time immemorial, people have been cheating on each other in relationships. It is an unpleasant and unethical behavior at its core. It does hurt not only the other person but also threatens the foundation of their relationship.

Sometimes, it’s not even about the action but the things it destroys. You lose the trust, your investment, and your effort in the relationship. Even if everything goes back to normal, it’s hard to forget that such an event happened.

As a result, it can lead to negative consequences for the cheated person. This effect is also called the karmic consequences of cheating. Many believe that some divine forces or the universe will eventually punish cheaters.

Going by these assertions, it is only right to ask, is karma real for cheaters? Is karma real when it comes to relationships? How does karma work in relationships? In this article, we will explore the idea of cheaters’ karma and whether it’s real for cheaters.

What is cheaters’ karma?

Cheater karma describes the consequences of an act of cheating on one spouse. It revolves around the statement that what goes around comes around. It means if a person cheats on their spouse, they will get punished by some universe effects.

This consequence may relate to someone else cheating on them, or they may experience a bad situation. It may take time, but cheaters’ karma indicates that a cheater will eventually get the repercussions of their actions.

Cheaters’ karma is similar to hope. The elixir upon which many people ride after experiencing the pain of cheating on their partner. But do we blame them? Absolutely not. Anyone who has been cheated on will tell you how painful it felt. The action can eat away at your happiness.

In addition, cheating can cause long-term emotional pain and increase your distrust for future relationships.

People grieve differently, and individuals who experience emotional and psychological distress from cheating can engage in more risky behaviors. For example, someone cheated on can resort to alcohol or other substances to cope with the pain.

Is karma real in relationships?

Indeed, cheating is not nice behavior. However, you need to ask whether karma is real for cheaters. How does karma work in relationships?

It would help to dig deeper into the foundation of the word karma itself to answer the above questions. We all believe karma to be about cause and effect. The source of karma can be traced to Hinduism and Buddhism ideology.

These two religions believe that karma deals with the principle of actions and reactions.

In other words, if you act in a good way, you will get good results in the future. If you act otherwise, you will get it in return as well. Also, they believe you can structure your destiny through your actions, words, and thoughts.

It means that bad actions tend to reproduce bad outcomes in another time and place, and good actions can produce great results somewhere else and in time. Some of the common quotes in Buddha’s teachings are:

“Do not think a small virtue won’t return to you in your future lives.”

“Do not think a small sin will not return in your future lives.”

The little sins that steadfastly accumulate will completely overwhelm you.”

So, to answer the question, is karma real in relationships? Yes, it is. Karma plays a huge role in your romantic relationship and others’. Acting right in a relationship will give you peace of mind and everlasting joy.

What Is Cheaters Karma and Does It Actually Work? (3)

When you put in the right effort, act accordingly and take care of your partner. There is a tendency that they will reciprocate. However, this does not guarantee that your relationship will last.

On the other hand, If you are bent on breaking people’s hearts, you might be stuck in a toxic relationship yourself. This is you paying the price of your actions in the past. You can tell karma is real by observing some signs in your relationship.

What are they? Check the following paragraphs for answers.

15 signs karma is real when it comes to relationships

Here are 15 signs of karma in a relationship. Knowing them will guide you to make the best decision.

1. The connection feels natural

A top sign of karma in relationships is that there is an instant connection between the two of you. That is a typical situation of love at first sight, and you believe proceeding to have a relationship won’t have any bad effects.

It’s so clear that you’re both attracted to and emotionally connected to each other from the outset. The butterflies won’t stop flying in you, which will guide you appropriately going forward.

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2. You rely on each other

The spark you both feel in an instant will naturally lead you to rely on each other. There is nothing to hide, no fear or need to hide anything. You feel safe around and in the arms of this person.

It’s easy to rely on them because of the strong emotional connection developed at the beginning of the relationship. It becomes nearly impossible to leave them alone as your partner becomes your haven. You don’t have any problem because the co-dependence is mutual.

Also, you will find a friend, family, colleague, and acquaintance in your partner. It could affect your other relationships as your partner fulfills all roles.

3. There is a lot of drama and issues in your relationship

One of the signs of karma in a relationship is that it is full of many issues. You can’t just have enough of it. There is bound to be an argument, miscommunication, and fights every time. Often, this drama revolves around some issues that could have otherwise been resolved amicably.

According to Psychologist Mert Şeker:

The emergence of many drama and relationship problems can bring about many adverse effects. These negativities may include emotional stress, anxiety, depression, and relationship insecurity. Additionally, constant conflicts and problems can reduce happiness in the relationship, make communication difficult, and cause the bond between partners to weaken.

However, because the energy between the couple needs to be aligned, there are bound to be problems. Some feel uneasy even when there is peace because they know it’s not permanent.

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What Is Cheaters Karma and Does It Actually Work? (4)

4. You have communication problems

Another sign of cheaters’ karma is that you and your partner will have trouble communicating appropriately. Despite the deep connection you might have felt, it always feels like this person doesn’t get you. Every small issue escalates.

In a karmic relationship, partners struggle to understand each other, leading to miscommunication. Once you can’t work through your issues as a couple, problems seep through and crumble the relationship. You start arguing over little things.

One minute, it feels like your partner is your soulmate, and the next, you can’t tell who they are.

5. You experience some repetitive behavior

One of the karma spells for cheaters is that you notice some patterns in your relationship. These may include constant miscommunication, intentional misunderstanding each other, bickering, nagging, and so on. These issues happen in many relationships once in a while.

However, they become the norm in a karmic relationship. It just feels like that’s how it will be for a long time. Going through issues like that constantly can be emotionally draining. Just because you feel emotionally connected initially doesn’t mean it will stay that way.

The incompatibility in a karmic relationship leads to more fights.

6. There are many red flags

When does karma hit? It does win if you notice many red flags. No one is perfect in a relationship, as we all have flaws and weaknesses. Many people go ahead despite these weaknesses because they believe they are manageable.

However, in a karmic relationship, the red flags are so many and constant. It is hard to overlook and sometimes affects the couples involved. Sometimes, you may ignore and make excuses for them, but it’s important to recognize them for what they are.

Some common red flags include aggressive behavior, screaming at each other, controlling behaviors, manipulative behavior, and so on. You might even notice these behaviors in yourself. However, you can’t change or act properly around your partner because they bring out the worst in you.

7. The relationship is exhausting

When you reach an exhausting stage in a relationship, you lose any energy or hope you have left. The thought of your relationship should bring a smile to your face. If you feel drained just thinking about it, it is a sign of a karmic relationship.

Psychologist Mert Şeker noticed that:

A karmic relationship is a type of relationship that focuses on karmic balance and learning opportunities from previous lives in a context based on beliefs in reincarnation. The exhaustion of the relationship refers to the intensity of deep internal issues or karma connections that need to be resolved in this type of relationship.

It is often a result of repetitive fights and arguments, miscommunication, codependency, etc.

Sometimes, you might not even have the energy to argue or talk back to your partner. At this stage, you want some peace and quietness. Also, the fear of whether the relationship will work out is enough to cripple you emotionally.

8. It’s addicting

In a karmic relationship, despite the miscommunication and misunderstanding, you realize you can’t get enough of each other. When your partner isn’t around, you’re preoccupied with their thoughts. They become the only person on your mind at that moment.

Also, despite the issues you both have, you want to spend your time with them.

This situation looks like deep affection and love for each other, but it isn’t. True love isn’t limiting and doesn’t prevent you from doing other things. It gives you breathing room and the space to grow as an individual while growing together as a couple.

Karmic relationships are addictive and difficult to break free from. You Find yourself on a roller coaster of emotion, unsure of your next step.

What Is Cheaters Karma and Does It Actually Work? (5)

9. You want out

Do cheaters get their karma? Yes, they do. One sign that confirms this is that you become exhausted from all the repetitive and draining issues and want a way out. However, you need to learn how.

You are stuck with the thought of how to leave your partner all day, but when you see them, these thoughts disappear. You can’t imagine leaving them in the real sense, yet you are tired.

10. You wish for others’ relationship

How does karma work in relationships? First, you might begin to wish you had other relationships. People judge relationships by what they see outside. For example, you may see a man tying his partner’s shoelaces in public.

This little act of service becomes a big deal to you. Then, you wish it had been you. While it’s romantic to see couples helping each other out, it doesn’t guarantee their relationship is perfect. Hoping for them to show issues are going on in your relationship.

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11. You don’t know them

One of the karmic consequences of cheating is that your partner becomes another person entirely. You can’t place who they are because of the several disputes and misunderstandings in the past.

Psychologist Mert Şeker suggests,

From a karmic perspective, transforming one partner into someone completely different may indicate a sign or balancing process of karmic ties and learning opportunities from previous lives. This change may indicate that the person is trying to understand or balance karmic teachings from past lives. However, such a transformation can have negative effects on the relationship.

“Could this be the person that promised me heaven and earth?” “Could my partner be the same person who promised to pamper me all day?” Questions and thoughts like these keep your mind busy. Everything has changed, and you have lost track.

12. You can’t let go

The relationship is unhealthy for you, but you can’t let go. You are exhausted, tired, and have had enough, and you know that the relationship might not last. You also understand that it has affected you negatively in many ways.

However, the idea of leaving the relationship flies out of the window when you think about your effort and investment. You can’t break the bond you have both built all these months. It is so sacred that you blame yourself for thinking about it.

13. Someone else confirms it

Do cheaters get their karma? Yes. Suppose someone else has confirmed the toxicity of your relationship. In that case, it might be best to reassess the goals of the relationship.

When you go for relationship counseling, you will get a trustworthy person to help you understand ways to resolve the common problems in your relationship.

14. You both agree about the relationship

When does karma hit? When the partners agree that the relationship isn’t right for them. At this stage, it is the best form of self-realization. It might not be easy when partners still believe they are perfect for each other. Once they agree that something is wrong, things become clearer.

15. You finally leave

Finally, you agree that leaving is the best option. All your efforts and investments don’t matter anymore. Peace is better, and you choose it as a reflection of cheaters’ karma.

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How do cheaters get their karma?

Cheaters’ karma will eventually happen, but how does it occur? Well, cheaters get their karma through the same way they hurt their partners. A cheater may either get cheated on by their partner whom they had cheated on or the partner in their next relationship.

Despite doing it to others, cheaters feel the pain of their actions when someone else does it to them. They then realize how their actions have affected their partner or previous partners. But it’s often too late.

To look at infidelity in a different way, watch this conversation with Psychotherapist Esther Perel:

What Is Cheaters Karma and Does It Actually Work? (6)


We hope you have a fair idea of what cheaters’ karma is and how it functions in a relationship. In case you’ve got more questions, keep reading this section.

  • Do cheaters ever regret it?

While some cheaters may act like they don’t regret their actions, others regret causing their partners pain. Even if they don’t say it, most cheaters feel guilty and show it in their efforts.

Psychologist Mert Şeker says:

The act of cheating has a complex web of psychological dynamics, and regret can be part of this process. From a psychological perspective, regret can arise due to a person’s conscience and moral values.

However, this regret is shaped by the conflict with the cheater’s values and ethical rules and the emotional devastation that occurs as a result of cheating.

  • How do you know if a cheater is truly sorry?

The best way to know if a cheater is truly sorry is through their actions. First, they apologize to you. Then, they will try to remedy the situation by showing behavior that makes their partners happy or reduces their pain. Notably, they will stop cheating and erase any sign of their cheating act.

  • Why do people believe in cheaters’ karma?

Cheaters’ karma is a belief rooted in the concept of cosmic justice. Many people believe that if someone cheats, they will eventually face negative consequences due to the imbalance they created.

This belief stems from a desire for fairness and the hope that wrongdoers will receive their just rewards in the long run. It provides comfort to those who have been cheated on, offering a sense of validation and closure.

  • Can forgiveness prevent cheaters’ karma?

Forgiveness may have the power to disrupt or alleviate cheaters’ karma. By forgiving a cheater, individuals may choose to release negative feelings and seek closure for themselves, minimizing the long-term effects of the betrayal.

However, forgiveness doesn’t guarantee that cheaters won’t face consequences; it simply allows the victim to move forward without carrying the burden of resentment. Whether or not cheaters’ karma is ultimately prevented depends on various factors, including the cheater’s actions and their own personal growth.

  • What should I do if I cheated on my partner?

If you have cheated on your partner, it is crucial to take responsibility for your actions. Start by examining the reasons behind your betrayal and seek to understand the impact it has had on your partner and the relationship.

Communication is vital: have an honest conversation, express remorse, and allow your partner to share their feelings. Together, the couple can decide if rebuilding trust is possible, possibly seeking guidance from a therapist.

Accept that healing takes time and effort, and be prepared for the potential consequences, such as the end of the relationship.

Every action must have a reaction!

Cheater karma means a cheater, somewhere and somehow, will get punished for hurting their partner. The idea of karma is rooted in the religions of Buddhism and Hinduism, and it states that our actions have repercussions in the future.

If you are curious if karma is real in relationships, this guide gives a detailed answer on cheaters karma and its effects on relationships.

What Is Cheaters Karma and Does It Actually Work? (2024)


What Is Cheaters Karma and Does It Actually Work? ›

It means if a person cheats on their spouse, they will get punished by some universe effects. This consequence may relate to someone else cheating on them, or they may experience a bad situation. It may take time, but cheaters' karma indicates that a cheater will eventually get the repercussions of their actions.

Does karma work for cheaters? ›

As you sow, so shall you reap. That's karma in simple words. Cheaters karma is quite similar as well. If you have made bad decisions in your relationship and treated your partner poorly, deceived them, and broken their heart by fooling around, then there are chances you will face karma's wrath.

Does karma exist and will it punish the one who cheated you in love? ›

Even doing nothing is also some sort of Karma and will come back to you. So, coming to the point if KARMA will punish the one who cheated you in love, the answer is YES and it is not just in case of love, it is in every step of life until you die, KARMA is playing its role until your last breathe.

Do cheaters realize what they lost? ›

Do Cheaters Realize What They Lost? In the wake of a relationship torn apart by infidelity, many cheaters confront a profound sense of loss. This realization often surfaces once the immediate gratification of their actions fades, leaving behind a stark reflection of what was sacrificed.

Do cheaters regret what they do? ›

Many cheaters do feel remorse and guilt for their actions, especially when they recognize the pain they've caused their partner. However, the degree of remorse varies among individuals, and some may not feel guilty until they confront the consequences.

What is an example of karma for cheaters? ›

You experience some repetitive behavior. One of the karma spells for cheaters is that you notice some patterns in your relationship. These may include constant miscommunication, intentional misunderstanding each other, bickering, nagging, and so on. These issues happen in many relationships once in a while.

Can cheaters ever be faithful? ›

Can a cheating man change and be faithful? Not one bride had had this question at the back of her mind when she was walking down the aisle. And the answer is – yes, they can. Although they don't necessarily have to.

What does cheating say about a person? ›

Cheating doesn't say anything about the person who's been unfaithful—but it might indicate they are prone to making impulsive or irresponsible, thoughtless decisions. People will often judge immediately when they hear that infidelity has occurred, deciding that the unfaithful person is a horrible individual.

Do cheaters stay with the person they cheated with? ›

According to a study conducted by psychologist Dr. Shirley Glass, only about 25% of relationships that began as affairs actually end up lasting.

What happens to the person who cheats? ›

Consequences for cheaters

This emotional burden can weigh heavily on their conscience. It may cause them to live in constant anxiety or fear because they are worried about their infidelity being discovered. Socially, a cheater's reputation can be severely damaged once their actions come to light.

Do cheaters ever miss you? ›

Conclusion. The answer to “Do cheaters miss their ex?” is not a straightforward one. While some cheaters may miss their ex-partners, others may not. Ultimately, it depends on the individual and their feelings towards their past relationship.

Do cheaters always cheat again? ›

No, cheaters do not always cheat again. While infidelity can indicate a breach of trust in a relationship, it's essential to recognize that people can change and learn from their mistakes.

Do cheaters ever find love again? ›

It may still be possible to rebuild a relationship after infidelity and find love—even if you truly believe that you or your partner never experienced true love in the first place. You could claim that cheating doesn't necessarily mean you never loved someone, although it might mean you don't respect or honor them.

Do cheaters feel guilty while cheating? ›

Among men, 68% feel guilty after having an affair. Even if they haven't confessed to the affair, most cheating husbands feel guilty and express that guilt in their behavior. You may notice subtle changes in their behavior that make you wonder if your spouse is displaying cheating husband guilt.

How does a cheater act after being caught? ›

They may act hurt, even if they admit to cheating.

It's natural for someone who's had an affair to feel sad or remorseful about what happened. However, some cheaters will take it a step further and try to make their partner feel sorry for them, or even try to make their significant other feel guilty for being upset.

Do cheaters ever stop lying? ›

For many cheaters, the immediate and seemingly best response to the discovery of their betrayal is to dig in with more secrets and lies, but this time to do it more effectively. So they continue to keep secrets, they continue to tell lies, and sometimes they even continue their infidelity.

Does karma really work in relationships? ›

Karma is real and plays a huge role not just in your romantic relationships but also in your relationships at work, within the family, and with friends. Good Karma will let your relationships flourish and make your life harmonious and peaceful. But it doesn't mean that all your relationships will last.

What is a karma quote for cheaters? ›

Cheat on a good woman and karma makes sure you end up with the terrible person you deserve.” “Cheating is the most disrespectful thing one human being can do to another. If you aren't happy in a relationship, end it before starting another one.” “Karma is like a boomerang, worse the karma, bigger the force.”

Do betrayers get karma? ›

Often, karma comes for cheaters in the form of a slow realization of the pain they have caused their partner. This realization can occur as the cheated-on partner expresses their hurt and anger or as the cheater begins to see the negative consequences of their actions.

Is it true that karma comes back? ›

Not only is one affected by past karma, one creates new karma whenever one acts with intent – good or bad. If intent and act can be proven beyond reasonable doubt, new karma can be proven, and the process of justice can proceed against this new karma.

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