What Is Cardano & How Does It Work? Who Created ADA? (2024)

Learn about Cardano

What is Cardano (ADA)?

Cardano is a Proof of Stake (PoS) general purpose blockchain project. Known as a “third-generation” blockchain, Cardano has set about solving the common scalability issues plaguing most “second-gen” blockchains (such as Ethereum and it’s ever-increasing gas fees).

Cardano’s development is defined by a rigorous scientific philosophy along with copious amounts of academic research and peer-review.

The Cardano project has put together an in-depth development roadmap consisting of five primary stages:

  • Phase 1 – Byron: The network goes live with basic functionality (transferring ADA).
  • Phase 2 – Shelley: Steps are taken towards decentralization with community-run nodes.
  • Phase 3 – Goguen: Smart Contracts are enabled on the network.
  • Phase 4 – Basho: Sidechains are introduced, enhancing scalability and interoperability.
  • Phase 5 – Voltaire: Governance and self-funding makes ADA fully decentralized.

Each phase in the Cardano roadmap enables an integral piece of the final network, and when complete, the network will be fully decentralized – governed by ADA holders and funded by a portion of its own small transaction fees.

How Does Cardano Work?

Cardano is what’s considered a “third-generation” blockchain. Designed, in essence, to solve the scaling issues typically associated with both generation one (Bitcoin) and generation two (Ethereum), Cardano (ADA) is proving to be a constant source of innovation.

Where previous generation blockchains are prone to high transaction fees and low TPS (transactions per second) as a result of certain limitations in their design, Cardano is being built from the ground up to provide a truly decentralized, low-fee, high-TPS Proof of Stake (PoS) network solution.

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What Is Cardano & How Does It Work? Who Created ADA? (2)


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Cardano aims to improve the speed and overall capability of its network in multiple ways. Standing at the forefront is ADA’s own Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus protocol, dubbed Ouroboros. Designed with efficiency in mind, Ouroboros greatly reduces the energy cost of the network – especially when compared to a Proof of Work (PoW) mechanism – without sacrificing security.

The upcoming layer 2 solution for the Cardano project is known as Hydra. Designed to enable theoretically infinite scalability, Hydra allows for an increase in throughput as each new node joins the network.

Cardano also boasts another unique feature – the Hard Fork Combinator. Essentially, this innovation allows the network to hard-fork without any real interruption to the blockchain. This was put to the test with the recent Shelley phase update, and it worked flawlessly.

Who Are the Founders of Cardano?

Cardano (ADA) was founded by Charles Hoskinson – one of the co-founders of the Ethereum network. He is the CEO of IOHK, who is developing the Cardano project.

Hoskinson first got involved in cryptocurrencies in 2011, when he began mining and trading. His first professional step into the world of cryptocurrency was later, in 2013, when he developed an educational course about Bitcoin that was taken by over 80,000 students.

After helping with the early development of Ethereum and the establishment of the Ethereum Foundation, Hoskinson left to pursue his own vision of a “third-generation” blockchain. Having seen the scaling bottlenecks traditional blockchains would inevitably face, the Cardano project was formed in 2015 as a means to usher in a new era of blockchain.

What Is Cardano & How Does It Work? Who Created ADA? (5)

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What Is Cardano & How Does It Work? Who Created ADA? (7)

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What Is Cardano & How Does It Work? Who Created ADA? (8)


What Makes Cardano Unique?

One thing that makes Cardano rather unique is the fact that it is one of the biggest blockchains to successfully use a Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus mechanism. PoS is a far less energy-intensive mechanism than the Proof of Work (PoW) algorithm relied upon by Bitcoin.

Ethereum is in the process of upgrading to PoS, having witnessed the inherent benefits that come with it being enjoyed by other projects. Ethereum’s transition, however, is going to take place over time and could face difficulties at any stage. Cardano is already running a full-fledged PoS network.

The developers of Cardano have taken pride in ensuring that all of the technology developed is subjected to a rigorous process of peer-reviewed research, meaning every single idea pertaining to the network can be challenged before they are committed. This level of academic rigor helps the Cardano blockchain in both its resilience and stability – ensuring that many possible future issues are identified before ever becoming a real problem.

What Gives Cardano (ADA) Value?

ADA is the Cardano network’s native token, named after 19th-century mathematician Ada Lovelace. 57.6% of the total ADA supply was distributed to investors in an Initial Coin Offering (ICO), in which Cardano raised $62.2 million USD.

The ADA token is both a digital currency and a way to make transactions on the Cardano network (in the same way you need ether/ETH to transact on the Ethereum network).

ADA holders also have a literal stake in the Cardano network. The ADA tokens can be used in stake pools to earn staking rewards, and in the future the direction of the network will be entirely governed by ADA holders, using their stake to vote on developmental decisions.

What Is Cardano & How Does It Work? Who Created ADA? (11)

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How Many Cardano (ADA) Tokens Are in Circulation?

There will only ever be a maximum supply of 45 billion ADA.

At the time of writing, the current circulating supply of Cardano (ADA) is roughly 31 billion. Between September 2015 and January 2017, IOHK hosted five separate rounds of public sales, allowing interested investors the chance to obtain ADA tokens and support early development.

An estimated 2.5 billion ADA was allocated to IOHK once the network launched, while an additional 2.1 billion ADA was given to EMURGO, an international blockchain development company, for their work on the early foundation of the Cardano protocol. Additionally, 648 million ADA was given to the Cardano Foundation for promotion of the platform and a push for adoption.

When all was said and done, about 16% of ADA’s circulating supply went to the project’s founders – with the remaining 84% being split among investors.

How Is the Cardano Network Secured?

Cardano is secured through a custom-built Proof of Stake (PoS) protocol, dubbed Ouroboros.

Described as a mix of innovative technology and mathematically authenticated mechanisms, Ouroboros also has a dash of behavioral psychology and economic philosophy thrown in for good measure. The primary goal of Ouroboros is to achieve sustainable and ethical growth – with little to no impact on the environment.

The Cardano project has stated that Ouroboros improves upon the security of Proof of Work (PoW) consensus mechanisms while at the same time consuming far less energy – at a rate reported to be upwards of 4x more energy efficient than Bitcoin.

To ensure active participation from all nodes in the network, an incentive mechanism has been baked directly into Cardano’s design. Participants in the network are regularly rewarded with ADA for their involvement.

How is Cardano Used?

Cardano’s native ADA token can be used as a transfer of value, similar to how cash is currently used. Though many cryptocurrencies can boast this feature, ADA has other uses built into its design as well.

A central feature of the Cardano project is its Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus protocol where ADA is staked on the Cardano blockchain in order to verify transactions. Those who stake their ADA to the blockchain enjoy rewards for their participation – in the form of more ADA. This staking protocol ensures active participation and uptime while also helping to maintain security throughout the blockchain.

Another use ADA has on the Cardano network is in voting and governance. Cardano, unlike other blockchain projects, does not have miners to determine its future development – that duty falls to the ADA stakers as well. When a new change or enhancement to the network’s functionality is proposed, ADA holders use their tokens to vote on these proposals. This will eventually build to make Cardano a fully decentralized project, governed by those who invest in it.

With the launch of Phase 3 – Goguen, the ADA token will also be used to power the various smart contracts that will be enabled on the Cardano blockchain. Developers will utilize ADA to create and power these smart contracts and decentralize applications (dApps).

How To Choose a Cardano Wallet

Since Cardano (ADA) is a well-known cryptocurrency, it is supported by many wallets – both software and hardware varieties. There are more than enough options for users to pick and choose from, and each user will have to decide based on their specific needs.

Kriptomat offers a secure storage solution, allowing you to both store and trade your ADA tokens without hassle. Storing your ADA with Kriptomat provides you with enterprise-grade security and user-friendly functionality.

Buying and selling ADA tokens, or exchanging them for any other cryptocurrency, is done in mere moments when you store on our platform.

The Bottom Line

Cardano is an innovative and unique project that aims to provide a new form of blockchain infrastructure, combining the benefits of many bleeding-edge technological and mathematical concepts.

This third-generation blockchain project has the potential of becoming a dominant smart contract platform in the sector, but it still has much of its development ahead of it.

A truly ambitious project, only time will tell what the lasting effects of Cardano will be on the world of crypto and the world at large – but the future is definitely looking bright.

Cardano FAQ

How to Buy Cardano (ADA)

Buying Cardano (ADA) is as easy as visiting our guide on how to buy Cardano.

How to Sell Cardano (ADA)

If you already own ADA and hold it on a Kriptomat exchange wallet, you can easily sell it by navigating the interface and choosing your desired payment option.

Cardano Price

The current Cardano price is What Is Cardano & How Does It Work? Who Created ADA? (12) EUR.

The 24-hour trading volume of ADA is What Is Cardano & How Does It Work? Who Created ADA? (13) EUR. ADA is currently ranked of all cryptocurrencies by total market capitalization, with a market cap of What Is Cardano & How Does It Work? Who Created ADA? (14) EUR. It has a circulating supply of What Is Cardano & How Does It Work? Who Created ADA? (15) ADA.

Register now to begin your journey into the world of ADA and cryptocurrencies with Kriptomat!


If you’re experiencing any issues or have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to reach our Customer Support Team. We’re always here to help!

As a blockchain technology enthusiast and cryptocurrency expert, I have a comprehensive understanding of Cardano and its underlying principles. My expertise stems from continuous research, active involvement in blockchain communities, and a track record of discussing, analyzing, and applying various blockchain concepts.

To address the information provided in the article:

What is Cardano (ADA)?

Cardano is a third-generation blockchain, employing a Proof of Stake (PoS) mechanism to tackle scalability issues seen in earlier blockchains like Bitcoin and Ethereum. Its development involves a scientific approach with extensive academic research and peer-reviewed processes.

How Does Cardano Work?

Cardano aims for decentralization and low-fee, high-throughput transactions. It implements Ouroboros, a PoS consensus protocol that reduces energy consumption while maintaining security. Hydra, its layer 2 solution, promises infinite scalability, and the Hard Fork Combinator enables seamless network updates.

Who Are the Founders of Cardano?

Founded by Charles Hoskinson, a co-founder of Ethereum, Cardano is developed by IOHK. Hoskinson's experience in cryptocurrencies since 2011 and involvement in Ethereum's early stages led him to envision a more scalable, decentralized blockchain.

What Makes Cardano Unique?

Cardano's adoption of PoS is a standout feature, distinguishing it from PoW blockchains. Its meticulous peer-reviewed approach ensures robustness and stability, and its phased development roadmap emphasizes decentralization, smart contracts, sidechains, and governance.

What Gives Cardano (ADA) Value?

ADA, Cardano's native token, facilitates transactions on the network and serves as a stake for governance and staking rewards. Its limited maximum supply of 45 billion ADA contributes to its value proposition.

How Many Cardano (ADA) Tokens Are in Circulation?

With a maximum supply of 45 billion ADA, around 31 billion ADA is currently in circulation. Distribution occurred through ICO rounds and allocations to development entities, with 16% going to project founders.

How Is the Cardano Network Secured?

Cardano's security relies on Ouroboros, a PoS protocol designed for efficiency, security, and sustainability. Its incentive mechanism rewards participants with ADA for network engagement.

How is Cardano Used?

ADA serves multiple purposes on the Cardano network, including transaction facilitation, staking for rewards, governance voting, and powering smart contracts and dApps (decentralized applications) in Phase 3.

How To Choose a Cardano Wallet

Several software and hardware wallets support ADA storage, offering various features and security levels. Choosing a wallet depends on individual needs, with platforms like Kriptomat providing secure storage and easy trading options.

The Bottom Line

Cardano represents an innovative blockchain infrastructure with potential dominance in smart contract platforms. However, its development journey is ongoing, and its full impact on the crypto and global spheres remains to be seen.

Cardano FAQ (Not explicitly covered in the article)

  • How to Buy Cardano (ADA): Guides exist to facilitate the purchase of ADA.
  • How to Sell Cardano (ADA): Platforms like Kriptomat simplify the selling process.
  • Cardano Price: The current price, trading volume, market cap, and ranking among cryptocurrencies vary and can be tracked on platforms like Kriptomat.

This comprehensive overview of Cardano covers its technology, governance, value proposition, usage, security, and future potential, highlighting its position in the ever-evolving blockchain landscape.

What Is Cardano & How Does It Work? Who Created ADA? (2024)


What is Cardano and how does it work? ›

Cardano uses what's called a “proof-of-stake” system, in which owners of the currency are tasked with validating transactions in exchange for a reward. This “staking” reward can be an attractive way to earn income, and the best crypto brokers let you participate in staking with little or no cost.

Who created Cardano ADA? ›

Cardano (ADA) was founded by Charles Hoskinson – one of the co-founders of the Ethereum network. He is the CEO of IOHK, who is developing the Cardano project. Hoskinson first got involved in cryptocurrencies in 2011, when he began mining and trading.

How is ADA created? ›

Spurred by a draft bill prepared by the National Council on Disability, an independent federal agency whose members were appointed by President Reagan, Senator Weicker and Representative Coelho introduced the first version of the ADA in April 1988 in the 100th Congress.

How can I make money with ADA? ›

There are several ways people can earn money by holding Cardano (ADA) in their wallets for a long period of time without actively trading it: 1. Staking Rewards: - Staking: Cardano uses a proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus algorithm, which allows holders to stake their ADA to validate transactions and earn rewards.

Will Cardano make me money? ›

The current estimated reward rate of Cardano is 1.91%. This means that, on average, stakers of Cardano are earning about 1.91% if they hold an asset for 365 days. The reward rate has not changed over the last 24 hours. 30 days ago, the reward rate for Cardano was 1.95%.

Is it safe to invest in Cardano? ›

Cardano offers a different approach compared to big players like Bitcoin and Ethereum, focusing on being more secure, scalable, and environmentally friendly. This makes it worth considering for anyone looking to invest in cryptocurrencies.

Does Cardano have a future? ›

Cardano ADA Overview

Our real-time ADA to USD price update shows the current Cardano price as $0.432553 USD. According to our Cardano price prediction, ADA price is expected to have a -0.85% decrease and drop as low as by July 24, 2024.

Is ADA a good coin to buy? ›

The investment potential of Cardano depends on several factors, such as individual risk tolerance, investment objectives, and market conditions. Many experts believe Cardano is an undervalued investment with significant growth potential due to its wide range of applications in the coming years.

How much will ADA be worth in 2025? ›

Cardano (ADA) Price Prediction 2030
2024$ 0.427312
2025$ 0.448678
2026$ 0.471112
2027$ 0.494667
1 more row

What is ADA and how does it work? ›

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in several areas, including employment, transportation, public accommodations, communications and access to state and local government' programs and services.

Who was against the ADA? ›

A broad bipartisan coalition of legislators supported the ADA, while the bill was opposed by business interests (who argued the bill imposed costs on business) and conservative evangelicals (who opposed protection for individuals with HIV).

How was the ADA created? ›

In April 1988, in the 100th Congress, Senator Lowell Weicker of Connecticut and Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa introduced the legislation envisioned by the National Council on Disabilities: S. 2345, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1988. S. 2345 included an expansive civil rights policy.

Can you be a millionaire with Cardano? ›

Imagine transforming a modest investment into a fortune with one wise decision, much like the Cardano investor – a teacher who invested in Cardano and turned it into a million dollars. This isn't just a tale of luck; it's a blueprint for cryptocurrencies' potential.

Can you sell Cardano for cash? ›

Enjoy selling Cardano with transaction fees as low as 1% for bank transfers and 4.5% for cards. MoonPay customers can buy Cardano and store it in any supported wallet, and later cash out ADA for fiat directly to their bank account.

How does ADA get money? ›

We are funded through private investment, as well as commercial relationships with several health systems, insurers, and life science companies to provide services for their users.

What is so special about Cardano? ›

Energy efficiency – Cardano is a proof-of-stake blockchain. In contrast to proof-of-work blockchains, Cardano requires much less energy and computational power. The Bitcoin network is secured through computers doing ever-more-energy-intensive computations – proof of work – which is unsustainable in the long term.

Will Cardano reach $10? ›

Crypto analyst Ali Martinez, believes Cardano (ADA) might reach $10, echoing the cryptocurrency's past bullish trends. With the total market cap of cryptocurrencies revisiting the $2.5 trillion mark, a level last seen in 2021, Cardano, despite its lagging performance, is showing signs of potential explosive growth.

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Name: Velia Krajcik

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Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.