What is Assessment | IGI Global (2024)

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Chapter 26

What is Assessment | IGI Global (1)

Process of deciding about the measured quality by comparing the measurement results with a criterion.

Published in Chapter:

Views of Academic Staff About the Assessment Processes of Online Courses During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Ayşen Karamete (Balikesir University, Turkey) and Gülcan Öztürk (Balıkesir University, Turkey)

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8701-0.ch026


This study aimed to determine views of academic staff about the assessment processes of online courses during the COVID-19 pandemic. In the study, the case study method, one of qualitative research methods, was used. The participants of the study were 42 academic staff teaching in six faculties from nine universities in Turkey. The research data were collected using the semi-structured interview method, and content analysis was conducted on the collected data. According to the research results, most of the participants used more than one method for assessment, and the most common methods were homework, tests with multiple choice questions, tests with open-ended questions, projects, and reports. It was found that the most important problem reported by the participants in relation to assessment was the cheating done by students in online exams. In line with the opinions at the end of the research, suggestions were put forward regarding the academic staff's assessment processes of online courses during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Chapter 5

What is Assessment | IGI Global (2)

The measurement of learning using instruments appropriate for the content.

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Chapter 13

What is Assessment | IGI Global (3)

The routine measurement of student progress, which also involves providing immediate and relevant feedback to both teacher and student in order to guide instructional strategies toward successful learning experiences.

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Chapter 3

What is Assessment | IGI Global (4)

Comparison of the state of a variable in a specific condition with the standard value of such variable for that condition. Such comparison helps determine if the state of the variable is acceptable or not.

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Chapter 15

What is Assessment | IGI Global (5)

Permanent process that allows to improve the quality of the object of study in terms of its progress and achievements, identifying obstacles and designing improvement actions.

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Chapter 10

What is Assessment | IGI Global (6)

Or educational assessment seeks to determine how well students are learning and is an integrated part of the quest for improved education. It provides feedback to students, educators, parents, policy makers, and the public about the effectiveness of educational services. It is the process of seeking and interpreting evidence for use by learners and their teachers to decide where the learners are in their learning, where they need to go and how best to get there.

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Chapter 33

What is Assessment | IGI Global (7)

Evaluation aligned with particular skills we value for students.

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Chapter 3

What is Assessment | IGI Global (9)

Variety of methods or tools used by educators to evaluate, measure and document academic readiness, learning progress, skill acquisition or needs of students (Education Glossary).

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Chapter 1

What is Assessment | IGI Global (10)

Educational assessment is the process of documenting, usually in measurable terms, knowledge, skill, attitudes, and beliefs.

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Chapter 18

What is Assessment | IGI Global (11)

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Chapter 1

What is Assessment | IGI Global (12)

Is the deliberate process of collecting information about students’ learning, using any of a number of different formats, to evaluate their learning and to make instruction-related decisions.

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Chapter 9

What is Assessment | IGI Global (13)

The process of defining, selecting, designing, collecting, analyzing, interpreting, and using information to understand and improve services.

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Chapter 16

What is Assessment | IGI Global (14)

Assessment is the systematic process of collecting empirical data (knowledge, skill, attitudes, and beliefs), reviewing (identify weaknesses and strengths), and using the empirical data for the purpose of improving learning and development.

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Chapter 11

What is Assessment | IGI Global (15)

The process of collecting information about student learning. Throughout the learning process, assessment is used to inform teaching and student learning. As a result of assessment, teachers can adjust their teaching. Students also benefit from assessment. They need to receive a considerable amount of descriptive feedback to enable them to continue or adjust what they are doing to be effective learners.

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Chapter 21

What is Assessment | IGI Global (16)

The process of documenting knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs acquired in educational settings. Assessment can focus on individual learners, a course, an institution or educational system.

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Chapter 12

What is Assessment | IGI Global (17)

The process of examining a problem to determine its cause, severity, and course which is necessary to design an effective intervention plan. Assessment is done at all levels of practice (Garthwait, 2012).

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Chapter 20

What is Assessment | IGI Global (18)

Evaluation of a behavior at one specific time under one specific condition.

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Chapter 6

What is Assessment | IGI Global (19)

Assessing a learners language level in different skills like speaking, listening, writing, or reading with different methods.

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Chapter 6

What is Assessment | IGI Global (20)

It is referring, in an educational context, as the method or tool used to evaluate, measure, and document the learning progress, skill acquisition, or educational needs of students.

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Chapter 13

What is Assessment | IGI Global (21)

The systematic collection and analysis of information to improve student learning.

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Chapter 15

What is Assessment | IGI Global (22)

The measurement of the ability of a person, the quality or success of a training course, or the compliance of a person’s outcome with certain standards or requirements.

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Chapter 199

What is Assessment | IGI Global (23)

Methods of determining success, gaps, further directions, etc. in marketing activities.

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Chapter 1

What is Assessment | IGI Global (24)

The evaluation or estimation of the nature, quality, or aptitude of someone or something.

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Chapter 8

What is Assessment | IGI Global (26)

Another name for the evaluation of student learning outcomes as related to the stated goals of a course or program. Also used to describe the “assurance of learning” activities required by accreditation bodies such as AACSB and SACS.

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Chapter 10

What is Assessment | IGI Global (27)

It is defined as the process of evaluating the quality of learning among students. It is an integral part of classroom-based teaching.

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Chapter 4

What is Assessment | IGI Global (28)

Evaluation of a behavior at one specific time under one specific condition.

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Chapter 44

What is Assessment | IGI Global (29)

The process of documenting, usually in measurable terms, knowledge, skills, attitudes and beliefs.

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Chapter 5

What is Assessment | IGI Global (30)

The systematic collection, review, and use of information about educational programs undertaken for the purpose of improvement (formative assessment) or to judge the quality or worth of the program (summative assessment).

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Chapter 10

What is Assessment | IGI Global (31)

A procedure used to estimate student’s learning, independently of the final purpose.

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Chapter 2

What is Assessment | IGI Global (32)

Involves the use of tools or methods to measure student learning.

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Chapter 11

What is Assessment | IGI Global (33)

The process of evaluating students’ weaknesses and strengths with the purpose of monitoring their educational progress and informing the instructional practices.

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Chapter 234

What is Assessment | IGI Global (34)

Determining how much someone has learned or how well someone understands a particular subject.

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Chapter 9

What is Assessment | IGI Global (35)

Evaluation of a behavior at one specific time under one specific condition.

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Chapter 16

What is Assessment | IGI Global (37)

Learning results cannot be converted directly into learning achieved; rather, they must be analyzed in terms of whether skills have been achieved. The temporal dimension of the assessment snapshots of different moments and its progression have to be taken into account, forming different types of demands that provide complementary information. Students, through the assessment process, must be able to transform the information into knowledge, that is, endow it with meaning in order to understand it.

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Chapter 5

What is Assessment | IGI Global (38)

The ability of measuring or judging the using/ applying of something in certain activity or task. It refers to how frequent each one of the six LLSs is used more by EFL learners to learn/acquire English within the information and communication technology (ICT) environment.

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Chapter 13

What is Assessment | IGI Global (40)

The process of gathering information using different methods to check the understanding of students in a certain lesson or course.

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Chapter 12

What is Assessment | IGI Global (41)

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Chapter 14

What is Assessment | IGI Global (42)

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Chapter 13

What is Assessment | IGI Global (43)

Assessment is an important part of blended learning. Teachers need to use a variety of assessment methods to measure student learning. These methods should be aligned with the learning objectives of the course and should provide feedback to students on their progress.

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Refers to (a) a series of processes (b) meant to offer information about a student's development, growth, and achievement (c) in comparison to a standard.

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Chapter 3

What is Assessment | IGI Global (45)

A periodic assessment of effectiveness, efficiency, impact, sustainability and relevance in the context of the stated objectives.

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Chapter 3

What is Assessment | IGI Global (46)

Herein defines the consideration of students for their eligibility to pass an academic or applied course, usually through examinations.

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Chapter 7

What is Assessment | IGI Global (47)

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Chapter 10

What is Assessment | IGI Global (48)

The process of determining the extent to which student teachers have acquired the desired knowledge, skills and values. It includes the all forms of assessment use to determine what students know and can do.

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Chapter 18

What is Assessment | IGI Global (49)

Is used usually to refer to the role in formal education of judging the students’ attainment of educational objectives for a specific course.

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Chapter 6

What is Assessment | IGI Global (51)

“The process used to identify, collect, and prepare data to [assess] meeting program learning outcomes” (Hill, p. 55).

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Chapter 1

What is Assessment | IGI Global (52)

The process or tool used to collect student or institutional information to measure learning/achievement, evaluate performance, and to inform and foster future learning.

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Chapter 5

What is Assessment | IGI Global (53)

The gathering of information for purposes of making instructional decisions, and grading defined as the provision of high quality feedback, which is at times operationalized into symbolic numbers or letters.

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Chapter 2

What is Assessment | IGI Global (54)

The segment of the lesson planning cycle in which an instructor measures how well students meeting a set of objectives. “Assessment” can also refer to an individual measure such as a paper, project, or test. “Assessment” can also refer to the overall process of collecting student data, evaluating that data, and then making instructional decisions.

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Chapter 3

What is Assessment | IGI Global (56)

Making inferences based on students’ learning and development to design new learning opportunities for students.

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Chapter 4

What is Assessment | IGI Global (57)

An educational term refers to the process of measuring students’ knowledge and skills.

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Chapter 2

What is Assessment | IGI Global (59)

refers to the process of determining a person’s competence for a particular type of employment

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Chapter 2

What is Assessment | IGI Global (60)

A process of gathering, analyzing, and reflecting on evidence about learning. It is intended to provide purposeful evidence of what a leaner knows, can do, or believes.

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Chapter 132

What is Assessment | IGI Global (61)

Measurement of the degree to which a learner acquired the skills, knowledge, and/or attitudes that a learning experience was designed to facilitate.

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Chapter 6

What is Assessment | IGI Global (62)

Assessment refers to any instructor evaluation of work submitted by the language learner, whether formative assignments (such as daily homework, reading quizzes, classroom participation, or low-stakes collaborative activities) or summative tasks (such as chapter tests, longer compositions, or high-stakes oral interviews).

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Chapter 1

What is Assessment | IGI Global (63)

A tool used to determine academic, social, and/or behavior strengths and support needs of students with and without disabilities.

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Chapter 15

What is Assessment | IGI Global (65)

Assessment can be either be pre-assessment, formative, or summative. It is used to provide data on student learning or achievement. Pre-assessment delivers information on what is already known, while formative assessment provides the educator with information on how students are learning new content. Summative assessment gives a comprehensive understanding of what has been learned.

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Chapter 24

What is Assessment | IGI Global (67)

The process of systematically collect data about someone, using a variety of methods and tools, in order to measure and evaluate her/his work qualities.

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Chapter 2

What is Assessment | IGI Global (68)

Educational assessment refers to the wide variety of methods, tools and strategies that is used in teaching and learning evaluate, measure, and document the academic readiness, learning progress, skill acquisition, or educational needs of students according to learning outcomes.

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Chapter 6

What is Assessment | IGI Global (69)

Assessment refers to the tools or process of evaluating students with disabilities.

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Chapter 8

What is Assessment | IGI Global (70)

Tool(s) used to identify the strengths and weaknesses of students’ development of course objectives (Taras, 2015 AU75: The in-text citation "Taras, 2015" is not in the reference list. Please correct the citation, add the reference to the list, or delete the citation. ).

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Chapter 4

What is Assessment | IGI Global (71)

A process of gathering information about a learner's knowledge, language skills, improvements, and weaknesses in a variety of ways.

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Chapter 16

What is Assessment | IGI Global (72)

The process of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data to make decisions.

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Chapter 32

What is Assessment | IGI Global (73)

The evaluation of student performance and understanding of course concepts. Effective assessment is both a reliable and valid examination of student performance and understanding. In this chapter, the terms assessment and evaluation are used interchangeably.

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Chapter 1

What is Assessment | IGI Global (74)

Institutional measurements of student academic achievement, learning success, and student retention (Maki, 2012).

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Chapter 17

What is Assessment | IGI Global (75)

Evaluation of a behavior at one specific time under one specific condition.

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Chapter 8

What is Assessment | IGI Global (76)

The process of gathering and discussing information from multiple and diverse sources to develop a deep understanding of what students know, understand, and can do with their knowledge as a result of their educational experiences.

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Chapter 10

What is Assessment | IGI Global (77)

A systematic process of evaluating and measuring an individual's knowledge, skills, abilities, or performance in a specific area or subject.

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Chapter 6

What is Assessment | IGI Global (78)

Activities used for identifying students' learning difficulties, holding them accountable for their learning, improving teaching, holding schools and educators accountable, and improving students' learning.

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Chapter 30

What is Assessment | IGI Global (79)

Evaluation used to determine the degree to which learning outcomes are being met.

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Chapter 7

What is Assessment | IGI Global (80)

This refers to the wide variety of methods or tools that educators use to evaluate, measure, and document the academic readiness, learning progress, skill acquisition, or educational needs of students. In the last twenty years, various types of assessment have been promoted, such as continuous assessment, feedback, self-assessment, or peer-assessment.

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Chapter 30

What is Assessment | IGI Global (82)

A systematic and ongoing process of gathering and interpreting information in order to find out if an educational program is meeting established objectives and then using that information to enhance the program.

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Chapter 6

What is Assessment | IGI Global (83)

An ongoing process aimed at understanding and improving student learning by collecting data and deriving institutional improvement processes as a result.

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Chapter 7

What is Assessment | IGI Global (84)

These are evaluation processes and protocols that form an integral part in measuring learner achievement. They are essential for the learner, educator, parents, and other stakeholders involved in the education process.

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Chapter 15

What is Assessment | IGI Global (85)

Ongoing process which evaluates the quality of the object of study in their progress and achievements, identifying strengths and weaknesses in order to develop strategies for improvement.

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Chapter 7

What is Assessment | IGI Global (87)

An assessment is a methodical evaluation of processes and/or controls to determine whether they are functioning as intended. Assessments may be driven by industry requirements such as the payment card data security standard (PCI-DSS) or may be performed as part of a well-managed security program.

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Chapter 5

What is Assessment | IGI Global (88)

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Chapter 2

What is Assessment | IGI Global (89)

Measurement of student learning and achievement through different methods.

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Chapter 16

What is Assessment | IGI Global (90)

The term assessment refers to the wide variety of methods or tools that educators use to evaluate, measure, and document the academic readiness, learning progress, skill acquisition, or educational needs of students.

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Chapter 12

What is Assessment | IGI Global (91)

Formal and informal activities used to measure student performance and progression.

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Chapter 15

What is Assessment | IGI Global (92)

In general, assessment refers to the way of evaluating, and documenting an educational issue such as learning progress, skill acquisition, or educational needs of students. In this study, assessment is employed in relation to primary ELT teachers’ perceptions of assessing the curriculum.

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Chapter 7

What is Assessment | IGI Global (93)

The ongoing process of using a range of data to understand and make informed judgments to improve student learning.

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Chapter 114

What is Assessment | IGI Global (95)

An ongoing activity that is intended to improve and inform the quality of instruction and student learning. Assessment should be designed to support learning rather than to select learners.

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Chapter 346

What is Assessment | IGI Global (96)

The process and/or the instruments for determining a student’s mastery of the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to earn a WGU degree. At WGU, assessments include objective tests, essays, performance tasks, and portfolio presentations

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Chapter 10

What is Assessment | IGI Global (97)

Making inferences based on students’ learning and development in order to design new learning opportunities for students.

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Chapter 11

What is Assessment | IGI Global (98)

The exercises or activities that learners do to demonstrate the expected knowledge or skill.

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Chapter 6

What is Assessment | IGI Global (99)

It is a process in which teachers can measure students’ outcomes through some assessment tools.

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Chapter 15

What is Assessment | IGI Global (100)

Refers to the methods and processes used by educators to evaluate the wide variety of student outputs submitted or enacted as evidence of learning to a specified standard.

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Chapter 7

What is Assessment | IGI Global (102)

A method used to determine what content, skills, or knowledge a student has retained from a series of learning activities and lessons.

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Chapter 11

What is Assessment | IGI Global (103)

The broad concept involving making judgmental decisions on learners. This attempts to provide valid and reliable answers to what, why, who, and how questions.

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Chapter 8

What is Assessment | IGI Global (104)

The process of gathering information about student understanding/learning of content that informs teaching ( Davies, 2000 ).

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Chapter 5

What is Assessment | IGI Global (105)

A cyclical, ongoing process of establishing clear, measurable expected outcomes of student learning. Educational assessment is differentiated in a formative distinction (assessment for learning) and a summative distinction (assessment of learning).

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Chapter 10

What is Assessment | IGI Global (107)

A method of acquiring information about the consumer, the environment and the required task in order to recommend an appropriate AT tool. Assessment differs from evaluation in that it is not standardized and it is ongoing over time.

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Chapter 8

What is Assessment | IGI Global (108)

A cognitive situated-context schema that varies within and between subject matters. As a formalized concept, it is related to the measurement or to the recording of the achievement based criterion-referenced norm.

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Chapter 218

What is Assessment | IGI Global (109)

A process by which learning is measured, often through content-related assignments such as papers, projects, or tests.

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Chapter 242

What is Assessment | IGI Global (110)

The evaluation of the amount, value, quality, or importance of something.

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Chapter 47

What is Assessment | IGI Global (111)

Process by which learning gains or performance chance are measured and labelled according to a consistent scoring criterion.

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Chapter 11

What is Assessment | IGI Global (112)

The process of analyzing student learning before, during, and after instruction. In this case, assessment is the analysis of student competency levels through measurement of the core assessment for the course.

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Chapter 1

What is Assessment | IGI Global (113)

The process of gathering data in order to make decisions. Assessment is the collection of data while evaluation (see below) uses these data to determine the quality of that which is being assessed and whether or not the goals have been met (Jackman, 2001).

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Chapter 47

What is Assessment | IGI Global (115)

A systematic and ongoing process of gathering and interpreting information in order to find out if an educational program is meeting established objectives and then using that information to enhance the program.

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Chapter 66

What is Assessment | IGI Global (116)

Systematic evaluation of student work and learning based on scoring criteria and leading to a mark or grade.

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Chapter 1

What is Assessment | IGI Global (118)

Evaluation, using judgments that will guide decision making or establish competency.

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Chapter 6

What is Assessment | IGI Global (119)

An evaluative determination of students’ work quality to identify their level of achievement. Early childhood assessments provide an appraisal of young children and programs where information from multiple sources are organized and interpreted.

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Chapter 44

What is Assessment | IGI Global (120)

Assessment is the process of documenting, usually in measurable terms, knowledge, skills, attitudes, and beliefs. Assessment in this chapter refers to the graded class activities conducted by the instructor.

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Chapter 7

What is Assessment | IGI Global (121)

Assessment is a consideration of someone or something and a judgment about them. In reference to cognition, it is the assessment of different cognitive capabilities of an individual for diagnostic, therapeutic and research purpose.

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Chapter 50

What is Assessment | IGI Global (122)

To estimate or judge the quality or quantity of a specific concept; in this case the process to assess problematic use of mobile phones.

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Chapter 9

What is Assessment | IGI Global (123)

The process of making a judgment about one’s action, activity or performance.

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Chapter 1

What is Assessment | IGI Global (124)

Assessment can be defined as the systematic and ongoing method of gathering, analyzing, and using information from measured outcomes to improve student learning in terms of knowledge acquired, understanding developed, and skills and competencies gained.

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Chapter 7

What is Assessment | IGI Global (127)

Assessment is a systematic process of application of methods and tools for drawing conclusions and recommendations from its output.

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Chapter 13

What is Assessment | IGI Global (128)

Systematic collection, review, and use of information about educational programs undertaken for the purpose of improving student learning and development.

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Chapter 9

What is Assessment | IGI Global (129)

Process included within the planning of an intervention in which the achievement of certain learning contents by the students is valued, through instruments and methods with different perspectives.

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Chapter 25

What is Assessment | IGI Global (130)

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Chapter 13

What is Assessment | IGI Global (131)

Defines the needs that justify funding a medical education program. A need is a gap between as-is and should-be results. An assessment also prioritizes those gaps based on their consequences and costs to the organization. An assessment differs from an analysis, which determines the causes of the gaps and identifies feasible solutions to address the identified program needs.

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Chapter 3

What is Assessment | IGI Global (133)

The act of judging or deciding the value, quality, or importance of something.

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Chapter 14

What is Assessment | IGI Global (134)

A guide set up by the Council of Europe to provide international standards which describe language ability.

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Chapter 145

What is Assessment | IGI Global (135)

A process of measuring learner performance either before or after a teaching intervention, or both is the aim of assessment. “Asessment can be part of evaluation, but assessment and evaluation are not synonymous.” (Lockee, Moore, Burton, 2002, p. 21)

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Chapter 8

What is Assessment | IGI Global (136)

The use of valid and reliable data to determine achievement of measurable student learning outcomes or to improve achievement of student learning outcomes. This is a process that typically seen as a mechanism to improve student learning through curricular or instructional changes. .

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Chapter 48

What is Assessment | IGI Global (138)

A tool to support learning and to evaluate progress towards the achievement of specific learning outcomes.

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Chapter 134

What is Assessment | IGI Global (139)

A related series of measures used to determine a complex attribute of an individual or group of individuals. Generally, the term connotes a broader implication than measurement, although the terms are often used interchangeably.

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Chapter 7

What is Assessment | IGI Global (140)

It is seen as a dynamic, continuous and systematic process focused on the changes in the student's behavior, through which we verify the achievements acquired according to the proposed objectives, all of which refers to the characteristics, also called principles that from the current pedagogical theory are assigned to the assessment and that we see below together with the different legal provisions that regulate the assessment in Physical Education including the existing relationship with the curriculum for Primary Education.

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Chapter 1

What is Assessment | IGI Global (141)

A variety of methods or tools that are used to measure and document student progress.

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Chapter 4

What is Assessment | IGI Global (142)

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Chapter 14

What is Assessment | IGI Global (143)

The process of gathering, analyzing, and interpreting evidence in order to better understand and improve a particular program, curriculum, or intervention.

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Chapter 16

What is Assessment | IGI Global (144)

A range of methods or tools used for evaluating, measuring, and documenting the academic readiness, learning progress, or skill acquisition of students.

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Chapter 13

What is Assessment | IGI Global (145)

A tool or method of obtaining information from tests or other sources about the achievement or abilities of individuals. Often used interchangeably with test.

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Chapter 4

What is Assessment | IGI Global (146)

An ongoing process, protocol, and measurement that has the goal of gathering evidence on students’ learning, achievement, and performance.

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Chapter 6

What is Assessment | IGI Global (147)

A cognitive schemata that vary within and between subject matters. As a formalized concept, it is related to the measurement or to the recording of the achievement-based, criterion-referenced, or norm-referenced.

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Chapter 20

What is Assessment | IGI Global (148)

Educational assessment is the process of documenting, usually in measurable terms, knowledge, skills, attitudes and beliefs.

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Chapter 9

What is Assessment | IGI Global (149)

The process of determining the level of student dispositions, skills, and understandings.

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Chapter 10

What is Assessment | IGI Global (150)

The processes of examining learners’ understanding of concepts and their performance in a variety of ways.

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Chapter 10

What is Assessment | IGI Global (151)

The evaluation of student learning within a formal or information instructional environment. Assessment is an opportunity to understand the extent to which a person has learned the appropriate information and can appropriately reflect the learning as a competency-based approach that is normally aligned with the designated learning objective.

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Chapter 205

What is Assessment | IGI Global (152)

An ongoing activity that intend to improve and inform the quality of instruction and student learning. Assessment should be designed to support learning rather than to select learners.

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Chapter 201

What is Assessment | IGI Global (153)

The process of judging or evaluating a learner’s progress towards course objectives

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Chapter 4

What is Assessment | IGI Global (155)

The act of determining the extent of compliance with requirements.

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Chapter 13

What is Assessment | IGI Global (156)

An evaluated activity or task used by a program or unit to determine the extent to which specific learning proficiencies, outcomes, or standards have been mastered by candidates. Assessments usually include an instrument that details the task or activity and a scoring guide used to evaluate the task or activity.

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Chapter 27

What is Assessment | IGI Global (158)

The process of gathering qualitative and quantitative data to validate that stated objectives are met, while providing feedback for areas of improvement.

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Chapter 23

What is Assessment | IGI Global (159)

In a writing program context, assessment involves the systematic evaluation of the efficacy of a particular course, series of courses, or programmatic element/attribute.

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Chapter 9

What is Assessment | IGI Global (160)

The creation of a constant, sustainable, intentional feedback loop. When a new program is created, specific outcomes are expected from the program. Identifiable/tangible items are then associated with the program, allowing the program stakeholders to assess whether they met the outcomes they wanted to. After assessing, improvements are made and the process repeats itself, allowing for better version of the program to occur.

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Chapter 10

What is Assessment | IGI Global (161)

The process (the verb) or tool (the noun) used for collecting information to monitor progress and make educational decisions.

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Chapter 13

What is Assessment | IGI Global (162)

It refers to the process of judging how much learning has taken place.

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Chapter 5

What is Assessment | IGI Global (163)

A method used to measure the capabilities of a student at a given time or over a specific period of time.

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Chapter 10

What is Assessment | IGI Global (164)

The systematic process of examining the learning and development of students. It is the process of defining, selecting, designing, collecting, analyzing, interpreting, and using information to increase students' learning and development to reach their full potential and realize their goals.

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Chapter 6

What is Assessment | IGI Global (165)

A composite of the use of assessment for learning (formative assessment) and assessment of learning (summative assessment).

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Chapter 14

What is Assessment | IGI Global (166)

This is a general term that refers to the wide variety of methods and tools educators use to determine and document student academic readiness, learning progress, skill development milestones, and educational gaps.

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Chapter 1

What is Assessment | IGI Global (167)

The gathering, analysis, and use of data to demonstrate program effectiveness and individual student learning achievement as well as improve practice.

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Chapter 9

What is Assessment | IGI Global (168)

Part of the teaching-learning process; the process by which the teacher collects evidence of student progress (or lack thereof) (Scaramucci, 2006 AU65: The in-text citation "Scaramucci, 2006" is not in the reference list. Please correct the citation, add the reference to the list, or delete the citation. ).

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Chapter 1

What is Assessment | IGI Global (169)

It is basically defined as the activities assigned to learners by teachers in order to diagnose learning proficiency, or achievement, which are directly influenced by their learning experiences ( Cheng, Rogers, & Wang, 2007 ).

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What is Assessment | IGI Global (189)

What is Assessment | IGI Global (190)What is Assessment | IGI Global (191)What is Assessment | IGI Global (192)

What is Assessment | IGI Global (2024)


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IGI Global takes pride in its rigorous editorial processes, which ensure that every book published meets the highest scholarly standards. From rigorous, double-anonymized peer review to careful editing, the publisher maintains strict quality control measures at every stage of the publishing process.

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It measures a patients overall response to treatment.

What is global assessment center? ›

The Global Assessment Center designs, develops and implements international large-scale comparative surveys of both adult and school-age populations. Surveys focus on: core literacies such as reading, math/numeracy and science.

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IGI Global specializes in publishing niche reference books to provide a wide range of quality research resources to the academic community, and we value the availability of specialized research over profiteering from our book sales.

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Publishing with IGI Global has been an amazing experience for me for sharing my research. The strong academic production support ensures quality and timely completion. For me, IGI Global represents creative communication of quality research.”

What is the global assessment? ›

The Global Assessment of Functioning, or GAF, scale is used to rate how serious a mental illness may be. It measures how much a person's symptoms affect their day-to-day life on a scale of 0 to 100. It's designed to help mental health providers understand how well the person can do everyday activities.

What is the global assessment tool? ›

The GAT assesses your personal readiness and resilience defined by five dimensions of strength--social, emotional, family, spiritual and physical--and by the Performance Triad of sleep, activity and nutrition.

What is the Global Assessment Questionnaire? ›

The Global Assessment Scale (GAS; Endicott et al., 1976) was developed to be a single scale (item) for evaluating the overall functioning of a subject during a specified time period on a continuum from psychological or psychiatric illness to health.

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Welcome to the Global Assessment Report. The UN Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction (GAR) is the flagship report of the United Nations on worldwide efforts to reduce disaster risk.

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help identify strengths, gaps, needs and barriers to achieving and sustaining global restoration goals at scale; and. • guide the Decade's system-wide capacity development efforts by mainstreaming restoration capabilities into regional and national knowledge and learning. action plans.1.

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Fluctuations are reduced. However, the assessment centre does not just bring benefits. Most obvious drawbacks are the costs involved. Since a company will in most cases opt for an external company to carry out the AC tasks, it can be expected that the AC is cost heavy.

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.