What Is an Unsecured Business Loan? (2024)

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If you’re a business owner with limited or no collateral for a business loan, you may find it harder to get the financing you need to support your business. Some traditional lenders, like banks and credit unions, generally require collateral to secure a loan — in the event that borrowers are unable to pay back the funded loans.Collateral-backed lending can include secured small business loans. When a lender does not require collateral, it is known as an unsecured business loan.Below is an overview of the information you may need to find and apply for unsecured business funding.

Unsecured Business Loans Explained

An unsecured business loan is one in which the lender usually does not require collateral. Instead, the lender relies heavily upon the creditworthiness of the applicant. In contrast, with a secured loan, lenders may require collateral in the form of real estate, equipment, or another type of asset. Collateral can help lenders to offset the risk of loaning out money, but not all businesses or business owners (even established ones) have adequate funds or assets to offer as collateral. What Is an Unsecured Business Loan? (2)In the event that a business owner doesn’t have necessary collateral, they may opt to apply for an unsecured business loan. While unsecured business funding may not require a borrower to pledge specific business collateral, like real estate or equipment, some lenders may still ask for a personal guarantee from applicants.A personal guarantee is a written promise to personally pay back the loan in the event that your business cannot. This differs from collateral because a personal guarantee is not linked to any specific asset, which may offer some borrowers more freedom when looking for small business loans.However, it’s important to keep in mind that, when a business defaults on the loan repayment, the personal guarantee may allow the lender to seize personal assets, which could include checking and savings accounts, cars, and housing of the business owner. Naturally, loan terms and the fine print may vary from lender to lender.Not all unsecured business loans require a personal guarantee or collateral. But borrowers may still find that unsecured business loan rates are higher than the interest charged on a secured loan, because the lender is taking on more risk. Even without the collateral or personal guarantee, lenders can still take legal recourse when an unsecured loan isn’t repaid. They may send outstanding accounts to debt collection or sue to ensure the loan gets paid back. Additionally, failing to repay a loan may severely impact a borrower’s credit score, which can affect the likelihood of getting approved for lender financing in the future.Recommended: Getting a Business Loan Without Collateral

Unsecured vs Secured Business Loans

The primary difference between an unsecured business loan and a secured business loan comes down to collateral. Secured business loans are those that require collateral in the form of a valuable asset, while unsecured loans do not.What Is an Unsecured Business Loan? (3)While collateral is the main factor that separates these two types of loans, there are a few other differences to note:
  • Secured loan amounts are typically determined by the loan-to-value ratio (LTV) of your collateral. Lenders use loan-to-value ratio to determine how much they choose to loan out based on the value of the collateral. Asset values can vary depending on the type of asset. For example, real estate that’s not considered “ready-to-go” may result in a loan amount that’s smaller than a piece of property that’s completely paid off. Lenders may also look at LTV differently, so it’s important to consult with individual lenders about how they calculate asset values..
  • Collateral can be business or personal assets. These may include real estate, vehicles, jewelry, collectibles, stocks and bonds, cash savings, and assets that can be converted into cash.
  • Secured loans typically have longer repayment terms. Because a secured loan poses less risk, lenders typically give longer repayment periods compared to unsecured loans.
  • Examples of secured loans: Mortgages, secured auto loans, home equity lines of credit, and commercial equity lines of credit (CELOC).
  • Examples of unsecured loans: Student loans, unsecured personal loans, and business signature loans.
When comparing secured vs. unsecured loans, secured loans can offer some potential benefits for borrowers with valuable assets, but they also come with some potential complications — including:
  • Risk of losing any pledged collateral (if the borrower defaults on repayment)
  • Longer repayment terms mean you’re paying the loan for a longer period of time compared with unsecured business loans that typically have shorter terms
  • Some secured loans may actually offer less financing than you’re looking for, because they’re based on the value of collateral, not just on the financial history of your business or your personal creditworthiness.
  • Loan applications can take weeks or months to process if the lender requests to appraise the value of the collateral and how it’s tracked.

Pros and Cons of Unsecured Business Loans

Some business owners may pursue unsecured business loans, but there are pros and cons to be aware of before choosing a lender and loan product. The following pros and cons might be helpful when deciding if unsecured business financing is right for you:

Pros of Unsecured Business Loans

  • Faster potential turnaround time: No matter what type of business loan you’re seeking, lenders will likely conduct a thorough check on your qualifications. But an unsecured business loan typically requires less time to approve (since lenders do not need to vet and verify collateral). With a secured business loan, lenders generally need to assess the value and legitimacy of collateral, which can require more time. For borrowers who need fast business loans, an unsecured loan may be a good option.
  • Lenders can’t seize property (without a court order): One of the risks of a secured business loan is having valuable assets seized if you default on the loan. With an unsecured business loan, lenders cannot seize business or personal property (without a court order), because no collateral has been pledged to the lender.
  • Unsecured loans may be discharged if you file for bankruptcy: In the unfortunate event that your business has to file for bankruptcy, an unsecured business loan may be discharged, meaning you may not be liable for a business debt. Most unsecured loans are considered non-priority debt under various laws and, in some cases, may be discharged in bankruptcy. In contrast, discharging a secured loan in bankruptcy may not prevent a creditor from seizing the collateral.
  • Lenders may have fewer restrictions on how you use funds: Unsecured business loans may give you more flexibility on how you can use the funds compared with secured business loans. Borrowers cannot, of course, use business loan funds for illegal purposes.

Cons of Unsecured Business Loans

  • Unsecured loans may have higher interest rates: The risk involved with providing an unsecured business loan can be significantly higher for lenders. Consequently, unsecured loans typically have higher interest rates for borrowers than the rates on a secured loan.
  • Eligibility requirements: Without collateral, lenders may rely more heavily upon other eligibility requirements — factors like a loan applicant’s credit score, financial history, and business revenue. If you have poor credit or lack sufficient revenue, a lender may deny your application for an unsecured business loan and you may need to seek other loan options, like bad credit business loans.
  • Smaller loan amounts: Due to the increased risk that comes with no collateral, lenders may not offer larger loan amounts. With a collateralized loan, lenders are more protected and may offer more funding.
  • Personal guarantee may be required: Even though an unsecured business loan doesn’t require specific collateral, lenders may want a personal guarantee so they know the loan will be paid in the event of default. When you sign a personal guarantee, you are still responsible for paying back the loan even if your business dissolves, and lenders can still legally pursue a borrower’s personal assets, even if they aren’t noted as collateral.

Types of Unsecured Business Funding

Financing a business with unsecured business loans offers a number of options for different types of small businesses. Check out the following unsecured loan types to learn more about your options as a small business owner:

Short-Term Loan

What is it? Short-term business loans give borrowers a sum of money upfront, which is then repaid with interest over a time set by the lender. Short-term unsecured business loans typically have terms of 18 months or less.Why choose it? If you need a fast business loan that’s unsecured and can repay in a shorter time period, a short-term loan may help. Short-term loans may also be easier to get with poor credit, no credit, or minimal business history.Keep in mind: Unsecured, short-term loans usually have much higher interest rates than other loan options because lenders are taking on more risk. Borrowing amounts may also be lower.

Loan with Personal Guarantee

What is it? Unsecured business loans with a personal guarantee are those in which the borrower signs a legal promise to repay the loan if the business defaults on the loan.Why choose it? Loans with a personal guarantee can help borrowers get financing when they don’t have a well-established business, collateral, or creditworthiness to qualify for other forms of business financing on their own.Keep in mind: There are limited and unlimited personal guarantees. Limited guarantees give lenders the ability to collect a certain amount of money or a specific percentage of the outstanding balance. Unlimited personal guarantees mean that the borrower is responsible for the entire balance of the loan and the lender can legally pursue payment for the outstanding balance.

Business Line of Credit

What is it? A small business line of credit with no personal guarantee is a type of short-term loan that can help with managing cash flow. Borrowers receive a set credit limit and use funds up to that limit, with interest paid on the money that gets withdrawn. Some lines of credit are revolving (aka able to be replenished), while others terminate when the balance is paid off.Why choose it? If your business experiences seasonal fluctuations, a cyclical sales cycle, or has emergency expenses, a business line of credit can be helpful in supplementing cash flow. It’s typically easier to qualify for a business line of credit, because funding amounts are generally smaller and limited to shorter terms.Keep in mind: Starting a business line of credit may have additional fees and costs to be aware of. In some cases, lines of credit offer smaller borrowing limits than a long-term loan.

Invoice Factoring

What is it? Getting business funding without personal credit may be challenging, but options like invoice factoring may be an additional option. Businesses receive a sum of cash when a factoring company purchases unpaid invoices at a discount. Funds can be used toward working capital and other smaller expenses. The factoring company takes ownership of the invoices, so they are responsible for collecting payment directly from customers. Technically, invoice factoring is not a loan but rather a cash advance based on invoices.Why choose it? Invoice factoring can assist businesses that offer products and services with irregular billing cycles and B2B companies that deal regularly in customer invoices. Factoring companies offer a percentage of the value on outstanding invoices, giving the business faster access to cash.Keep in mind: The cost of unsecured business financing via invoice factoring can be quite high. It may include additional fees and a variable APR if there are late payments from customers. Businesses also lose control over collections, so it’s important to make sure that factoring companies use ethical collections processes.

Peer-to-Peer Lending

What is it? With peer-to-peer (P2P) business lending borrowers receive funding directly from other individuals, thus eliminating the need for a financial institution to act as a go-between. Borrowers and private investors connect using online platforms, and funding can happen quickly.Why choose it? For small businesses and entrepreneurs that need cash quickly with competitive rates, P2P loans are one possible option.Keep in mind: Loaned amounts are typically smaller than traditional loan offerings, and you may need excellent credit to qualify for larger loan amounts.

Merchant Cash Advance

What is it? A merchant cash advance (MCA) gives cash up front in return for repayment taken as a percentage of the borrower’s credit card sales. Automatic withdrawals are often set up for daily or weekly payments to make the repayment process quick and timely.Why choose it? If you need quick access to cash for working capital or emergency expenses or are in search of a bad credit business loan with no collateral, merchant cash advances may help.Keep in mind: You pay for the convenience of merchant cash advances, making them one of the most expensive unsecured business loan options — which means borrowers need to be extra careful about the lenders they work with.

6 Steps To Follow When Applying

Since unsecured business funding doesn’t rely on collateral, many lenders will need adequate proof that a borrower is able to repay their loan. Whether you’re seeking a loan from a bank or an alternative small business loan provider, it could be helpful to review these steps when preparing to apply:

1. Determine how much funding you need

The amount of funding you need plays a role in the type of unsecured business financing you apply for. If you simply need quick cash to cover a repair or emergency expense, you may consider a business line of credit or short-term loan. In contrast, if you need enough to cover larger expenses over a period of time, you may seek an unsecured loan with a personal guarantee.Here are some factors you may want to keep in mind when deciding how much cash is needed:
  • What is the loan going to pay for? Is it absolutely necessary?
  • How often will you be able to make payments?
  • What is your ideal loan term?
  • What is your budget?
  • Do you have other sources of funding?

2. Understand what your business qualifies for

Each lender or funding company will have their own eligibility requirements that can also vary depending on the type of financing you apply for. Before applying, make sure that you meet general eligibility requirements for unsecured business funding.Without collateral, some lenders may need more proof that you are capable of repaying the loan. The following factors may contribute to your eligibility:
  • Personal and business credit history
  • Minimum amount of time in business
  • Business finances/revenue
  • Monthly cash flow
  • Business bank accounts

3. Decide which type of unsecured business funding is right for you

You can now assess which type of unsecured business funding aligns with your needs and qualifications (and it may not be a loan). Some options include:
  • Short-term loans
  • Loan with a personal guarantee
  • Business line of credit
  • Invoice factoring
  • Merchant cash advance
  • P2P lending

4. Compare lenders and financing options

Many lenders offer some type of unsecured business loan, including banks, credit unions, P2P platforms, and commercial lenders. Their loan products may differ, so it’s important to review their fees, interest rates, loan terms, qualifications, and any other conditions associated with the specific type of financing you’re pursuing.

5. Prepare documentation

Before completing an application for an unsecured business loan, gather all necessary documentation. This may include:
  • Business financial records
  • Personal and business credit reports
  • Cash flow projections
  • Business plan
  • Identifying information, which may include citizenship
  • Business legal documents
  • Business and personal tax returns

6. Submit an application

After you’ve chosen a lender or financing company and gathered the necessary documents, follow the company’s instructions to apply. You may want to check with them to determine the average turnaround time — following up, as necessary, on the application.

Examples of Unsecured Business Loans

Business signature loans and unsecured business lines of credit for startups are examples of unsecured financing for your enterprise.The following platforms may offer unsecured financing options for small business owners:
  • Fundera
  • Lendio
  • OnDeck
  • Seek Capital

Alternatives to Unsecured Business Loans

If you have collateral to offer, or simply desire alternatives to an unsecured loan, the following loan options may be helpful:

Restaurant Loans

Restaurant loans are useful for financing costs associated with starting or expanding a restaurant business. Many different types of lenders offer restaurant loans, including traditional banks, alternative lenders, or P2P lenders.

Franchise Financing

A franchising loan can help with the expenses associated with starting or expanding a franchise business. Traditional lenders may offer franchise financing, but there are also franchise companies who specialize in providing loans to franchise owners.

Equipment Financing

Equipment loans help businesses purchase business-related equipment. Loan terms are typically equal to the expected life span of the equipment and equipment acts as collateral for the loan. Interest rates can vary depending on the industry, type of equipment, and borrower qualifications.

Personal Business Loans

A personal business loan may be useful if you don’t qualify for other types of business loans. Borrowers can use the funds for personal and business expenses, offering more financial flexibility. Not all lenders wish to make personal loans for business purposes. You can check with any lender you’re considering before you apply to make sure there are no restrictions against business use. Again, some lenders may not permit borrowers to use personal loans for business purposes.

Inventory Financing

Inventory financing is a type of short-term loan that relies on the inventory as collateral for the loan. Inventory is paid for up front with this type of financing.


Microloans may help support small business owners who do not have access to larger sources of funding. They are generally offered by nonprofits, government agencies, or private lenders and can be used for a variety of business-related expenses.

Commercial Real Estate Loans

Commercial real estate loans (CREs) are specifically for the purchase, refinance, or renovation of a commercial property. “Commercial” refers to the property as one that produces income for the business. These types of properties can include offices, retail storefronts, or warehouses.

The Takeaway

An unsecured business loan can be a great option for business owners who don’t want to pledge collateral when applying for financing.If you need funding to grow your business, Lantern by SoFi can help. Just fill out a simple form and find the right financing for your business.Lantern can help you find fast funding for your small or medium-sized enterprise.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the average interest rate for an unsecured business loan?

How much money can I get with an unsecured loan?

Does the SBA offer unsecured loans?


About the Author

What Is an Unsecured Business Loan? (4)


Lantern is a product comparison site that makes it easy for individuals to shop for products and compare offers with top lenders. Lantern is owned and operated by SoFi Lending Corp., the digital personal finance company that has helped over one million people get their money right.

What Is an Unsecured Business Loan? (2024)


What is an unsecured business loan? ›

Updated: 16-05-2024 06:27:15 AM. Unsecured loans are a type of funding, which is offered without the applicant having to provide any collateral to the bank or NBFC. These unsecured business loans are offered on the basis of an applicant's financial documents, credit score, income, etc.

What is an unsecured loan quizlet? ›

unsecured loan. A loan that is issued and supported only by the borrower's creditworthiness, rather than by a type of collateral.

What is an unsecured loan best described as? ›

An unsecured loan is supported only by the borrower's creditworthiness, rather than by any collateral, such as property or other assets. Unsecured loans are riskier than secured loans for lenders, so they require higher credit scores for approval.

How do you qualify for an unsecured business loan? ›

Unsecured Business Loans
  1. Personal credit above 700 FICO® Score is typically required.
  2. 2 years in business.
  3. $100,000 in annual revenue.

What is unsecured loan example? ›

What is an unsecured loan? An unsecured loan requires no collateral, though you are still charged interest and sometimes fees. Student loans, personal loans and credit cards are all example of unsecured loans.

What does unsecured mean in business? ›

An unsecured business loan is a type of business loan that doesn't require any collateral. Collateral is an item of value that you use to secure a loan. Having collateral reassures the lender that you will pay the loan, or it can seize the asset to pay back the loan.

What is meant by an unsecured loan? ›

An unsecured loan simply means you don't have to provide any type of collateral for securing the loan, such as a home or vehicle. You'll find many examples of these types of loans, such as when we use credit cards, take out student loans, or apply for a personal loan.

Which of the following describes an unsecured loan? ›

Unsecured loans are loans that don't require collateral. They're also referred to as signature loans because a signature is all that's needed if you meet the lender's borrowing requirements.

Is unsecured a loan? ›

Unsecured loans allow you to borrow money without offering up security based on a major asset, such as your home. Here, we explore some key facts.

What is bad about an unsecured loan? ›

These loans often come with less demanding qualification and application requirements than secured loans, and many lenders offer same- or next-day funding. That said, unsecured loans pose more risk to lenders so you may be faced with higher rates and less favorable terms compared to secured loans.

What is the limit of an unsecured loan? ›

Both salaried and self-employed individuals can apply for unsecured loans. You can avail a loan amount of up to Rs. 25 lakhs* Interest rate is as low as 13%* per annum.

What are examples of unsecured debt? ›

Examples of unsecured debt include credit cards, medical bills, utility bills, and other instances in which credit was given without any collateral requirement. Unsecured loans are particularly risky for lenders because the borrower might choose to default on the loan through bankruptcy.

What happens if you can t pay back an unsecured business loan? ›

Bottom line. If unexpected circ*mstances arise and you can't repay an unsecured loan, it's important to be proactive. If you fail to take action and continue to miss loan payments, the ramifications include the loan being called due, assets being seized and your credit score taking a nosedive.

Are unsecured loans hard to get? ›

An excellent credit score can get you access to the lowest unsecured loan rates and largest loan amounts. Bad-credit borrowers who qualify will likely get the highest rates. Lenders also look at the length of your credit history. Many require borrowers to have at least two years of credit history, but longer is better.

What is the interest rate on an unsecured business loan? ›

Compare unsecured business loan interest rates
Loan typeAverage interest rates
Term loansBank: average 7.85% to 8.79% APR Online lender: 9.00% to 75.00% APR
Business lines of creditBank: average 7.58% to 9.35% APR Online lender: 7.00% to 30.00% APR
Business credit cards18.00% to 35.99% APR
3 more rows
Jul 24, 2024

Are unsecured loans a good idea? ›

Since secured loans will often have lower interest rates and higher borrowing limits, they may be the best option if you're confident about being able to make timely payments. That said, an unsecured loan may be the best choice if you don't want to place your assets at risk.

Does an unsecured loan hurt credit score? ›

Does Taking Out a Personal Loan Hurt my Credit Score? Your credit score will take a slight hit when you apply for a loan, as the lender takes a hard look at your credit. However, if you make your payments on time, your credit score should improve.

What happens if I dont pay unsecured loan? ›

If your loan is unsecured, the lender or debt collector can take you to court to seek repayment through wage garnishment or place a lien on an asset you own such as your house.

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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.