What is a Health Savings Account, or HSA? - Fun Cheap or Free (2024)

A health savings account, or HSA, is such an invaluable account that you should have! Tax-free money saved for your medical bills? Yes, please!

What is a Health Savings Account, or HSA? - Fun Cheap or Free (1)

If you know me, you know I'm a fan of having multiple bank accounts. In fact, I recommend having AT LEASTseven accounts, though my family has over 20 at this point (true story). Are you hyperventilating yet? Don't! I promise it's not that weird!

My “7 Bank Accounts Every Family Should Have” post has broken the internet several times, because apparently, it's super weird for people to think about havinglots of accounts. Let me tell you from experience that the more accounts you have, the EASIER it is to manage and organize your money.

One of those 7 accounts that everyone MUSThave is a health savings account. Want to know more about that? You're in luck! I've got a quick little video that I recorded back in 2017 that'll explain exactly what that is, along with why you should have one!

Watchthe health savings account video online or click and watch below:

See, that wasn't so bad right?? Now let's go over exactly what a health savings account is to really tip you over the edge to run and get one! 😉


No! An HSA, or health savings account, isnot a virus. It's a legitimate, life-saving (literally, in some cases) TAX-FREE savings account that helps make healthcare more affordable for you and your family!

Think of it the same as any other bank account that you have… It's YOURS! You, your spouse, your family, and even your employer can deposit money into it. Your employer will deduct the amount that you want to contribute to it from each paycheck and deposit it into the account before you get paid, meaning that you're not taxed on the money that goes into that account!

You're able to save your HSA money and then pay for qualified medical expenses when they arrive, such as:

  • Medical care
  • Vision care
  • Dental care
  • Prescriptions
  • Long-term care and services

Getting the itch to join the cool kids and get a health savings account already?!


You can get one through your employer, healthcare provider, bank or credit union when you are enrolled in a high-deductible health plan. This can really save you some money! If your family rarely gets sick, then you should consider moving from the low-deductible health plan. You can then take part of that money that you were paying monthly and put it towards your HSA. Throw the rest of it to your budget to help pay off other things!

(Note: I don't recommend doing this if your family gets sick often or if you have medical reasons that you have to visit the doctor regularly. You're better off with the low-deductible health plan!)


What is a Health Savings Account, or HSA? - Fun Cheap or Free (2)

I believe that everyone should have a health savings account, even though everyone may not qualify for one. How can you do this? Make one on your own!

If you don't qualify for a formal HSA, I recommend having a savings account, and setting money aside just for medical expenses. Sure, it's not tax-free like an HSA is. But the concept of setting money aside so a medical bill doesn't eat up your grocery budget is INVALUABLE. A real HSA is top choice, obviously, but second best is a good ol' savings account, just for medical expenses.

And a bonus? Whatever money you put in your HSA with after-tax dollars is tax-deductible! So you may not be getting the benefits of it being tax-free, but you can still deduct the money that you contribute from your gross income on your tax return, which will help you out with your taxes for the year. Score!


With your HSA, you'll get a debit card to use when you go to the doctor or buy your prescriptions. If you're billed in the mail, you can also call in and give them your debit card number to pay, just like with any other card. It's so convenient to use!


There is an annual limit with how much you can put in your HSA. A single individual can contribute up to $3,500, and a family can contribute up to $7,000. If you're 55 or older, you can bump those amounts up by $1,000.

The good thing? If you don't use everything that's in your health savings account by the end of the year, it'll roll over to the next year! There's no worrying about losing out on that money if you didn't have to use it all. So you could end up having more in your account than the yearly amount that you contribute.

Now you see just why the health savings account is so. darn. important. to our family! It has really changed our life and I can bet that it will do the same for yours!

What is a Health Savings Account, or HSA? - Fun Cheap or Free (3)

While you're here, don't forget about my fun video program, Budget Boot Camp! In this online budgeting program, I go into detail on the 7 bank accounts principle, plus many others.

You really don't wanna miss out on this fun! Plus, use the code FCFBLOG at checkout to get 10% off, just because. 😉

Wanting some more great budgeting ideas?

  • Save money fast by doing a spending freeze… this week!
  • Learn how to spend, save and invest on ANY income by applying the 70% rule.
  • Need more help focusing on your finances? Do these weekly challenges and get your finances in order!

Happy saving!

What is a Health Savings Account, or HSA? - Fun Cheap or Free (4)
  1. What is a Health Savings Account, or HSA? - Fun Cheap or Free (5)

    Valerie K.on January 7, 2017 at 8:58 am

    Your title is very misleading because “EVERYONE” should NOT have an HSA. EVERYONE CAN’T have an HSA. Only those with high deductible plans can. My husband is not self employed. He has an awesome job with awesome health coverage. Last year we maybe spent $300 for our family of 4 on health care costs because our deductible is so low. This year I will be having a baby and 100% of my maternity care will be covered. And we will spend much less than $6000 on our premiums because his employer pays for 70% of the premiums. So yes, if I needed a high deductible plan, I would get an HSA, but for those of blessed to have great health coverage by our employers, an HSA is not even an option or good idea.


    • What is a Health Savings Account, or HSA? - Fun Cheap or Free (6)

      FunCheapOrFreeon January 7, 2017 at 10:34 pm

      Good call – I shouldn’t have said everyone, because it’s true, not everyone can (or should!) have one. That was poor wording on my part, simply didn’t think it through! Thanks for your comment!


      • What is a Health Savings Account, or HSA? - Fun Cheap or Free (7)

        Valerie K.on January 8, 2017 at 10:33 pm

        Thanks for the clarification. and i like the idea of having money set aside just for medical expenses. Yes, I would love for it to be tax free, but I’m just thankful that we will still spend much less using our current health plan than we would with a high deductible plan. Having great employer sponsored insurance is more and more rare, so I’m thankful for the savings that provides for my family. Love your blog, excited to implement some of your strategies this year and be debt free except for our mortgage by 2018! Hurray!


  2. What is a Health Savings Account, or HSA? - Fun Cheap or Free (8)

    Staceyon January 7, 2017 at 1:32 pm

    Hey Jordan. In Canada we don’t have or need an HSA, but I’m commenting because you mention having like 20 bank accounts. I’m wondering if this is similar to what I do and would like to learn more. I need to find a way to squeeze an extra $70 per month out of my budget and I’m struggling. I’m wondering if we could even make it work on your budgeting system. I’m not sure we could live on just 70% of our income. Our only debt is our house, thankfully, but we are a family of 6 living on one income. Any advice? I already budget every dollar that comes into our hands. We live within our means.


    • What is a Health Savings Account, or HSA? - Fun Cheap or Free (10)

      FunCheapOrFreeon January 7, 2017 at 10:31 pm

      Honestly, I’m not sure! I’m not familiar with co-ops. I know you can get an HSA through a credit union, bank, employer, or health insurance company – but you qualify only if you have a high deductible plan. So I’m not sure how that would work with co-ops, might be worth a few phone calls to find out though!


  3. What is a Health Savings Account, or HSA? - Fun Cheap or Free (11)

    Allisonon January 8, 2017 at 11:21 am

    Hey Jordan! I loved this post particularly because my husband and I work for the same school district which contributes to our HSAs for us. I also contribute out of my pay check more because we knew we were ready to start having a family. One thing that I am looking into is can I use my husband’s HSA on my medical expenses as I am expecting our first child. He signed up for his as a requirement of employment before we were married. I would also love to see a post on questions to ask your insurance provider when you are pregnant.


  4. What is a Health Savings Account, or HSA? - Fun Cheap or Free (12)

    Rachelon January 25, 2017 at 9:12 am

    I looked on united healthcare and only could see short term plans. Is that what they classify them as? Only short term options?


  5. What is a Health Savings Account, or HSA? - Fun Cheap or Free (13)

    Kamryn Carlsonon February 24, 2018 at 5:01 am

    This is something totally new! I am so glad. Thanks!


  6. What is a Health Savings Account, or HSA? - Fun Cheap or Free (14)

    Heather Bon February 24, 2018 at 7:27 pm

    I really appreciated this video! When I first watched it, I think it was the first time I really understood what an HSA was! Haha


  7. What is a Health Savings Account, or HSA? - Fun Cheap or Free (15)

    Christineon February 25, 2020 at 1:26 pm

    I am curious, what would be considered “high deductable” ? Also if my daughter has insurance thought my ex-husband would I be able to use money from my HSA if I signed up for one to pay her medical/dental expences? Thank you!!


    • What is a Health Savings Account, or HSA? - Fun Cheap or Free (16)

      Fun Cheap or Freeon February 26, 2020 at 6:11 am

      There are different types of health plans, such as HMOs and PPOs. The HDHP, or high deductible health plan, is what you can get an HSA through your insurance provider with. You would need to ask your insurance provider what kind you have if you’re not sure. You would also want to check with your insurance provider on if you could use the money from your HSA to pay for someone in your family who isn’t on your insurance. From a quick Google search, it looks like you could pay for your daughter as long as she’s a tax dependent, but whatever you pay wouldn’t go towards his deductible. But again, talk to your health care provider about this to be sure! 🙂 If you’re not able to get a “real” HSA account and make your own savings account for this, then you could definitely pay for her expenses without a problem!


  8. What is a Health Savings Account, or HSA? - Fun Cheap or Free (17)

    Emilyon January 27, 2021 at 9:05 pm

    Do you have any advice about FSA’s? I was fortunate to be able to benefit from an HSA because I had a qualifying high deductible healthcare plan. Sadly, that’s no longer the have but my employer offers an FSA. Any tips?


    • What is a Health Savings Account, or HSA? - Fun Cheap or Free (18)

      Fun Cheap or Freeon January 28, 2021 at 7:57 am

      Usually, the biggest difference between the two is you can roll over any unused funds in an HSA from year to year. But usually you can’t roll over any unused funds from an FSA, unless your employer allows a rollover and those are usually capped by the IRS at $500. So you have to be careful with how much money you’re adding to it a year. An FSA also usually won’t transfer with you if you move jobs unless you’re eligible for a continuation through COBRA. If you usually come pretty close to using all of your funds by the end of the year, then an FSA probably wouldn’t be a bad option for you. But if you don’t usually use them and you more want the funds for peace of mind, then you may be better off just getting a savings account and putting a certain amount of money in it each month for those major UH OH moments that you hope never happen. You could also set up the FSA for the minimum amount that you usually do use during the year, and put more money into a savings account for peace of mind for those hope-they-never-happen moments. Hope this helps! 🙂


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What is a Health Savings Account, or HSA? - Fun Cheap or Free (2024)


What is a Health Savings Account, or HSA? - Fun Cheap or Free? ›

A type of savings account that lets you set aside money on a pre-tax basis to pay for qualified medical expenses. By using untaxed dollars in an HSA to pay for deductibles, copayments, coinsurance, and some other expenses, you may be able to lower your out-of-pocket health care costs.

Are HSA accounts free? ›

Benefits of an HSA

No initial contribution to open an account. No setup fees and no monthly administration fees.

How much does an HSA cost? ›

Compare Health Savings Accounts
HSA ProviderInterest APY on $4,300Monthly Fee
HSA Bank0.05%$2.50
6 more rows
Jan 22, 2024

Is a healthcare HSA worth it? ›

Is an HSA worth it? An HSA is worth it if you expect to have any health expenses, ever, an HSA allows you to pay them with pretax dollars. Since almost everyone eventually faces health expenses, using an HSA to pay for them with pretax dollars can help your money go further.

What is the HSA account? ›

What's a Health Savings Account? A Health Savings Account (HSA) is a type of personal savings account you can set up to pay certain health care costs. An HSA allows you to put money away and withdraw it tax free, as long as you use it for qualified medical expenses, like deductibles, copayments, coinsurance, and more.

Does HSA have a monthly fee? ›

HSA providers sometimes charge monthly account maintenance fees. But it should be noted that if you participate in an HSA through your employer, they'll often take care of these fees for you. Your enrollment paperwork should detail this, but if you're unclear, check with your plan administrator.

Does HSA Bank charge a monthly fee? ›

Fees for Individuals (Non-Employer Group)

The best HSAs for spenders are characterized by low maintenance fees. HSA Bank has eliminated their maintenance fee.

Can I withdraw money from my HSA? ›

Yes. You can take money out any time tax-free and without penalty as long as it is used to pay for qualified medical expenses.

Which HSA has no monthly fee? ›

Best Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) Of April 2024
CompanyForbes Advisor RatingMonthly Maintenance Fee
Fidelity HSA®5.0$0
Consumers Credit Union HSA4.9$0
Lively HSA4.9Up to $24 annual fee with Schwab or 0.50% annual management fee with Devenir
First Tech Federal Credit Union HSA4.8$0
1 more row

Who qualifies for an HSA? ›

HSA: Eligibility

You must participate in a High Deductible Health Plan, have no other insurance coverage other than those specifically allowed, and not be claimed as a dependent on someone else's tax return in order to be eligible for an HSA.

What is the downside of an HSA? ›

HSA Cons. The big drawback of an HSA is that you have to sign up with a high deductible health plan to be eligible for one. It is difficult to forecast medical expenses accurately.

Can I use HSA for dental? ›

HSAs can help pay for a variety of dental services and orthodontic procedures. Here are some of the specific dental procedures your HSA can help cover: Crowns (when non-cosmetic, and may need a letter of medical necessity (LMN)) Sealants (if used for the prevention or treatment of a dental disease)

What is a potential downside of HSA? ›

Meeting the Mark: One major hurdle with an HSA is the high-deductible health insurance plan (HDHP) requirement. Before your insurance kicks in, you need to pay a significant amount out-of-pocket. This can be a challenge, especially if unexpected medical costs arise early in the year.

Can I open a health savings account on my own? ›

Yes, you can open a health savings account (HSA) even if your employer doesn't offer one.

How does an HSA work for dummies? ›

You (or your employer — see Chapter 2) put pre-tax dollars into an investment account that grows your money tax-free, then you spend that money on qualified health care costs without paying tax on it — it's a tax-free triple treat! HSAs are one tool in the ever-expanding toolbox of consumer- driven health care plans.

What happens to money in an HSA? ›

Do I have to spend all my contributions by the end of the plan year? No. HSA money is yours to keep. Unlike a flexible spending account (FSA), unused money in your HSA isn't forfeited at the end of the year; it continues to grow, tax-deferred.

Which HSA has no fees? ›

Best Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) Of April 2024
CompanyForbes Advisor RatingMonthly Maintenance Fee
Fidelity HSA®5.0$0
Consumers Credit Union HSA4.9$0
Lively HSA4.9Up to $24 annual fee with Schwab or 0.50% annual management fee with Devenir
First Tech Federal Credit Union HSA4.8$0
1 more row

Why is HSA so expensive? ›

Because HSA-qualified health plans have higher deductibles, the burden of upfront medical costs is more immediately apparent to those who have this type of coverage. The plans usually have smaller monthly premiums, but the trade-off is more out-of-pocket expenses before insurance kicks in.

What happens if you don't use HSA money? ›

If you don't spend the money in your account, it will carryover year after year. Your HSA can be used now, next year or even when you're retired. Saving in your HSA can help you plan for health expenses you anticipate in the coming years, such as laser eye surgery, braces for your child, or paying Medicare premiums.

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Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

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Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.