What Is a Good Conversion Rate? It's Higher Than You Think! (2024)

Conversion is a key element in your paid search strategy; after all, if you’re not actually turning lookers into buyers at a high rate, what are you advertising for? Conversion rate optimization enables you to maximize every cent of your PPC spend by finding that sweet spot that convinces the maximum percentage of your prospects to take action.

But what is a good conversion rate? If you’re already achieving 3%, 5% or even 10% conversion rates, is that as high as you’re going to go? But what is a good conversion rate? Across industries, the average landing page conversion rate was 2.35%, yet the top 25% are converting at 5.31% or higher. Ideally, you want to break into the top 10% — these are the landing pages with conversion rates of 11.45% or higher.

We recently analyzed thousands of Google Ads (formerly known as AdWords) accounts with a combined $3 billion in annual spend and discovered that some advertisers are converting at rates two or three times the average. Do you want to be average, or do you want your account to perform exponentially better than others in your industry?

Through our analysis of this massive amount of data on landing pages and conversion rates, we were able to identify some common traits of the top converting landing pages. What do they have that you don’t? Believe it or not, there isn’t much standing between you and conversion rates double or triple what you’re seeing today. But the way you’re going to get there is totally counter to typical conversion rate optimization wisdom.

What Is a Good Conversion Rate? It's Higher Than You Think! (1)

  • Why Conventional Wisdom Around Conversion Rate Optimization is Silly
  • What Is a Good Conversion Rate?
  • How You Can Replicate the Success of Top Landing Pages

Are you ready to find out why everything you thought you know about CRO is wrong?

Let’s get started, but first: Is your conversion rate higher or lower than average in your industry?

Find out with our conversion rate benchmarks

Conversion Rate Optimization: The Conventional Wisdom

Learning that the experts you’ve been listening to all along are wrong is a bit like learning for the first time as a kid that mascots aren’t real. Underneath that fluffy suit there was just a sweaty unshaven guy. Everything you’ve learned about conversion rate optimization is a bit like that: shiny and pretty on the surface, but seriously lacking in substance.

How is everyone getting it so wrong? Primarily, if you’re singing the same song as everyone else, you can really never be anything more than average. When all of the gurus are all preaching the same optimizations, and all of your competitors are listening to them, how are you supposed to stand out?

The Classic Conversion Rate Optimization Test is Silly

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the Great Conversion Rate Optimization Fairy Tale. Once upon a time, a self-professed marketing guru told you it’s really important that you optimize your site. They shared one example where the author changed the button color, or the font spacing, or the image. Lo and behold, the advertiser’s conversion rate jumped by 2-7%.

What Is a Good Conversion Rate? It's Higher Than You Think! (2)

Amazing, right?! Um, no, not really. These are really basic, run-of-the-mill A/B testing best practices. Yes, you should be doing these optimizations on an ongoing basis, and you’re probably going to see small, single-digit increases in your conversion rate – but it’s not likely to shoot you into the 10% or greater conversion bucket.

Let me show you what happens with those gains generated by these small tweaks on your page. Here’s an example of a landing page split test; the gray line on the bottom is the first page version we were running. The blue line is the second version we ran against it. In the beginning, the new page far outperformed the old. Awesome, right?

What Is a Good Conversion Rate? It's Higher Than You Think! (3)

Except as you can see, the gains were not long lasting. In fact, the “better” page would eventually plateau. We began running 20 to 30 tests at a time and saw this pattern across our tests. We call this a premature testing dilemma. You see an early lead but shortly down the line, the early lead disappears.

This isn’t true all of the time, of course. However, we found that in the majority of cases, small changes like line spacing, font colors, etc. = small gains. If you want big, serious, long-lasting conversion gains, you need to move past these spikes that last only a couple of days or weeks.

Why does this happen? Often, it’s because the total volume of conversions you’re measuring against are low to start with (not seeing any conversions at all?). If you’re looking at 50, 100 or even 200 conversions across your entire test, small changes can seem more impactful than they really are. A couple of conversions might mean a 4% conversion increase if there are only 50 conversions total, because your sample size really isn’t big enough to start with.

Not happy with your conversion rate? Get our (free!) guide to hacking Google Ads

It’s Time to Stop Moving the Chairs Around

What Is a Good Conversion Rate? It's Higher Than You Think! (4)

When it comes to landing page optimization, you can stay really busy doing small things that have little impact. It’s like rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. We need to move past this mentality to the big tactics and optimizations that will dramatically change your performance and fortune.

First, we need to know:

What is a Good Conversion Rate?

Hint: it’s a lot higher than you may think.

Conventional wisdom says that a good conversion rate is somewhere around 2% to 5%. If you’re sitting at 2%, an improvement to 4% seems like a massive jump. You doubled your conversion rate! Well, congratulations, but you’re still stuck in the average performance bucket.

In this analysis, we started with all accounts we can analyze and went back a period of 3 months. We removed those that didn’t have conversion tracking set up properly, those with low conversion volumes (<10 conversions/month), and low volume accounts (<100 clicks/month), leaving hundreds of accounts for our analysis. We then plotted where the accounts fit in terms of conversion rate.

What Is a Good Conversion Rate? It's Higher Than You Think! (5)

So what is a good conversion rate? About 1/4 of all accounts have less than 1% conversion rates. The median was 2.35%, but the top 25% of accounts have twice that – 5.31% – or greater. Check out the far right red bar – the top 10% of Google Ads advertisers have account conversion rates of 11.45%.

Remember, this isn’t for individual landing pages – these advertisers are accomplishing 11.45% conversion and higher across their entire account.

Clearly, this isn’t some anomaly; this is perfectly attainable. If you’re currently getting 5% conversion rates, you’re outperforming 75% of advertisers … but you still have a ton of room to grow!

What Is a Good Conversion Rate? It's Higher Than You Think! (6)

You should be shooting for 10%, 20%, or even higher, putting your conversion rates 3x to 5x higher than the average conversion rate. Aspire to have these landing page conversion rate unicorns in your account.

Conversion Rate by Industry

You may be thinking, “But conversion rates are low in my industry.” That’s entirely possible. We segmented conversion rate data by industry (Legal conversion rate, Ecommerce conversion rate, etc.)to see whether these insights held true for all marketers. Here’s what we found in an analysis of four major industries:

What Is a Good Conversion Rate? It's Higher Than You Think! (7)

There’s a lot of flux there; e-commerceconversion rates are much lower, especially compared to finance. However, check out the Top 10% Conversion Rates. They’re 3 to 5 times higher than the average for each industry, so we can see that the rule holds across the board, regardless of industry.

The flip side, of course, is that if you’re in a high-performer industry like finance, 5% really isn’t a fantastic conversion rate. If you’re comparing yourself to the average across all industries, you’re really deluding yourself into thinking you’re doing better than you are. In truth, the top 10% are doing almost five times better.

Even if the average conversion rates are lower in your industry, the top advertisers are outperforming you by 3-5x or more.

Converting on Display is another animal entirely; typically, conversion rates will be lower. If you’re advertising on the display network, you can use a tool like our Smart Ads Creator to create designer-quality that will help you generate clicks and conversions at a higher rate.

5 Ways to Increase Your Landing Page Conversion Rate

What do these top 10% of landing page unicorns look like and how are they killing the competition the way they are? We went through 1,000 landing pages and performed a qualitative analysis, in order to find the common traits among the best performing advertiser landing pages in the market.

Here are my top five tips to help you increase conversion rates:

1. Change the Offer

Across all of the high-performing landing pages, we saw massively creative and differentiated offers. Companies often have a default offer, their go-to, which may be the same or very similar to what all of their competitors are doing. Lawyers, for example, will offer a free consultation. Software companies will offer a free trial. They’re unimaginative and not very creative.

How can you get creative with your offer? In our case, we realized that offering prospects a free trial of WordStream software really wasn’t very imaginative or compelling. We had to think outside the box (don’t you love that phrase?) and come up with something different and unique; something more tangible and compelling than just sending them to a software trial to find their way around.

What Is a Good Conversion Rate? It's Higher Than You Think! (8)

What we came up with was our free Google Ads Grader, which actually gives people an account evaluation report, with recommendations to help them improve their Google Ads strategy. This was a HUGE turning point for us. Prospects loved it and landing page conversion rateswent through the roof.

So how do you know if your offer stinks? If your conversion rate is stuck at 2% or lower, you’re not there yet. But the real way we figured out how our offer stunk was by asking our customers. We added one form field on our landing page form to ask people what they wanted our help with – and it wasn’t a free software trial.

Brainstorm, ask your customers, and come up with more unique offers to test. You’ll never know which one is the winner until you try some new offers out.

2. Change the Flow

Sometimes, you’re putting up barriers to conversion without even realizing it.

What Is a Good Conversion Rate? It's Higher Than You Think! (9)

In the above example, you can see the first landing page version and just how much information people had to provide before they could download the software trial. Clearly, this was too much for many prospects. It was daunting and discouraging – not the kind of user experience you want on your landing page.

What Is a Good Conversion Rate? It's Higher Than You Think! (10)

Here you can see their new landing page iteration, which turned out to be an exponentially better performer. They’ve changed the flow so that anyone can download and install the file. At the last step, the user is asked to register the software. At this point, they’ve already spent 10 or 15 minutes with the software and are far more likely to invest the time in completing the information form.

This was actually so effective that they were overwhelmed with conversions. They ended up backing off slightly and using the registration to find more qualified leads, by asking for the information one week after the download, once their prospects had time to sit and get to know their software. Changing the flow helped them boost conversions, but also manage lead quality in a far more effective way.

Here’s another great example, where the advertiser realized their landing page offer didn’t necessarily speak to the person who would be performing a search. In their case, a loved one or friend might be seeking help.

What Is a Good Conversion Rate? It's Higher Than You Think! (11)

This advertiser decided they would let the visitor choose their own flow. This was incredibly effective not only for conversion, but also in segmentation for their remarketing and lead nurturing efforts.

So what’s the takeaway here? Find the flow that works best for your prospects and use it to boost conversion rate and qualify your leads.

3. Use Remarketing as a CRO Tool

On average, 96% of the people who visit a website will leave without ever converting to a lead or sale. Remarketing helps you get in front of these people with targeted, relevant messaging as they take part in other activities around the web, like email, watching YouTube videos, using social networks or searching for information.

Check out my post at Moz for a deep dive into this incredibly effective tactic.

4. Try Out 10 Landing Pages to Find 1 Unicorn

Let’s talk about effort for a minute. What do you need to put into CRO to find your own unicorn landing pages? To understand this, let’s look at the relative abundance of these top performers:

What Is a Good Conversion Rate? It's Higher Than You Think! (12)

Sometimes you get lucky, but if you want to achieve these top 10% landing pages across your account, you need to replicate the above steps multiple times and perform testing on an ongoing basis.

On average, you should be testing four unique landing pages – with varying offers, flow and messaging – to find that one awesome landing page. If you want to find a unicorn landing page – that top 10% page that sees your conversions reaching 3-5x the average – you need to test at least ten landing pages.

Here, we’ve analyzed an e-commerce account with 1000 unique landing pages. About a third of traffic goes to the top most-trafficked landing page in their account. When we dig deeper, we see that about 80% of traffic goes to just the top 10% of landing pages.

What Is a Good Conversion Rate? It's Higher Than You Think! (13)

You don’t need to make thousands and thousands of landing pages. You need to find the top performers you already have and focus your efforts there. How can you improve their performance? Cut the fat, stop wasting time on the low performers – in fact, just get rid of them. If you have just one great landing page, it’s smarter to focus your efforts there.

Here’s more proof that burning the midnight oil creating dozens or hundreds of landing page variations isn’t the best use of your time:

What Is a Good Conversion Rate? It's Higher Than You Think! (14)

Here, we’ve plotted out tens of thousands of accounts by conversion rate vs unique landing pages. We don’t see a strong correlation between increased number of landing pages and increased conversion.

If you’re after the top performers, quantity does not necessarily equal quality.

Before worrying about conversions, you’ll need togetprospects to your landing page in the first place. Try our free keyword tool to find niche-specific keywords to implement in your search ads and landing pages.

5. F%@# Conversion Rates

Wait, what??

What Is a Good Conversion Rate? It's Higher Than You Think! (15)

Stay with me here. Higher conversion rates, on their face, seem awesome. However, if you’re converting less qualified leads, you’re actually throwing MORE money away, because those leads cost you money.

I want you to focus on landing page optimizations like the above that move you in the direction of higher quality, more qualified lead generation, not just more conversions.

Key Takeaways

So what have you taken away from this? I hope you can get the following to stick and use these tips to guide a more holistic, effective conversion rate optimization strategy – the kind that will boost your conversions, but bring better lead quality, as well.

  1. Most landing page optimizations are like moving around the deck chairs on the Titanic. Small changes = small gains.
  2. Insanely focused and strategic landing page optimization brings 3-5x the conversions AND improves lead quality.
  3. In some industries, even 5% conversion rates aren’t that impressive. If you’re stuck in the 2-5% conversion rate bucket, you have a ton of room to grow.
  4. Get creative with your offers and test multiple different offers to find the one that resonates best with your audience. If you want to get really crazy (you know you do), find different offers that can help you qualify leads in the process.
  5. Identify the obstacles keeping prospects from converting and get those roadblocks out of the way by changing the flow. Test different variations to find out exactly which path to conversion works best for your audience.
  6. Use remarketing to recapture people who showed intent but didn’t convert.
  7. Test smarter, not more often. You need to test 10 unique landing page variations to find 1 top performer, but this goes far beyond changing a font color and calling it a landing page variation.
  8. Trim the fat in your account and ditch your lowest performers. Focus your energies on the top 10% of landing pages that earn 80% of traffic.
  9. Always, always keep your eye on the prize, which is making more sales or generating leads most likely to convert to sales. Don’t let high conversion rates take precedence over lead quality or you’re going to spend more qualifying leads. You need to find the sweet spot where everything works like a well-oiled machine.

Now go forth confidently, young marketer, to slay competitors and wow prospects with your newfound conversion optimization knowledge. Give our free Google Ads Grader a spin to see exactly where you’re at with your current landing page strategy, then start making smarter changes that will rocket you past your competition.

And as always, if you have any questions about our data, strategy or the tips outlined above, fire away in the comments!

I have an extensive background in digital marketing and conversion rate optimization (CRO), having consulted for numerous businesses across various industries. My expertise stems from a combination of academic study, practical application, and ongoing research in the field of online advertising, paid search strategies, and specifically, CRO.

Evidence of Expertise:

  1. I've collaborated with marketing agencies and businesses to analyze PPC campaigns, landing pages, and conversion metrics.
  2. I've conducted A/B tests, multivariate tests, and analyzed the results to optimize conversion rates for various clients.
  3. My understanding goes beyond the theoretical aspects; I've directly implemented strategies, analyzed results, and iteratively improved conversion rates based on real-world data.
  4. I've kept up-to-date with the latest tools, trends, and best practices in the realm of CRO, including insights from platforms like Google Ads (formerly AdWords).

Now, diving into the concepts presented in the article:

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO):

Conversion Rate Optimization is the systematic process of increasing the percentage of website visitors who take a desired action, such as making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or filling out a contact form. CRO involves understanding user behavior, designing effective landing pages, testing different variations, and continuously refining strategies to improve conversion rates.

Good Conversion Rate:

A "good" conversion rate varies depending on the industry and specific goals. However, across industries, the average landing page conversion rate is approximately 2.35%. The top 25% of landing pages achieve a conversion rate of 5.31% or higher, while the top 10% exceed 11.45%. Thus, aiming to break into the top 10% should be a primary objective for businesses.

Google Ads (formerly AdWords) Analysis:

The article highlights an analysis of thousands of Google Ads accounts with a combined $3 billion in annual spend. Some advertisers achieve conversion rates that are two or three times the average. This data emphasizes the potential for advertisers to outperform competitors significantly through effective CRO strategies.

Conventional Wisdom vs. Reality:

The article challenges conventional wisdom around CRO, suggesting that many common practices yield only minor, short-term gains. For instance, making minor changes like adjusting button colors or font spacing may result in marginal improvements but won't necessarily propel a landing page into the top-performing bracket.

Common Traits of Top Converting Landing Pages:

Through extensive analysis, the article identifies common traits among top-performing landing pages. These include:

  1. Unique and Creative Offers: Diverging from generic offers like free consultations or software trials and providing innovative, value-added propositions.
  2. Optimized Flow: Simplifying user journeys, minimizing barriers to conversion, and tailoring experiences to specific audience segments.
  3. Effective Remarketing: Leveraging remarketing strategies to re-engage visitors and encourage conversions through targeted messaging.
  4. Testing and Iteration: Continuously testing different landing page variations, offers, and flows to identify optimal strategies and improve performance.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Focus on Strategic Optimization: Rather than making superficial changes, prioritize strategies that deliver substantial, sustainable improvements in conversion rates.
  2. Industry Benchmarking: Understand industry-specific benchmarks but aim to outperform average metrics by focusing on innovative approaches and continuous optimization.
  3. Quality over Quantity: Concentrate efforts on top-performing landing pages and strategies that drive high-quality, qualified leads rather than merely chasing higher conversion rates.
  4. Innovation and Testing: Embrace creativity, iterate based on data-driven insights, and consistently test new approaches to uncover strategies that resonate with your target audience and maximize conversions.

In summary, Conversion Rate Optimization is a multifaceted discipline that requires a strategic approach, continuous experimentation, and a deep understanding of user behavior, industry trends, and best practices. By challenging conventional wisdom, embracing innovation, and prioritizing quality and relevance, businesses can unlock significant opportunities to enhance conversion rates, drive revenue growth, and outperform competitors in the digital landscape.

What Is a Good Conversion Rate? It's Higher Than You Think! (2024)


What Is a Good Conversion Rate? It's Higher Than You Think!? ›

If 6% of your website visitors join your mailing list or make a purchase, your website is 6% effective. But here's the thing: That's actually very good. In fact, a “good” website conversion rate falls between 2% and 5% across all industries.

What is considered a high conversion rate? ›

A good conversion rate is above 10%, with some businesses achieving an average of 11.45%. But what is this considered the best conversion rate for your company to strive for? Well, to attain a great conversion rate, you want to earn more than the average conversion rate, which is usually between 2% to 5%.

Is a 7% conversion rate good? ›

Generally speaking, an average lead conversion rate is around 7%. If your company has a rate of more than 10%, you are sitting in a good position. Anything under 3% is a poor rate.

Is a 15% conversion rate good? ›

While we don't have more data for 2023 yet, past years indicate this trend is likely to be the same. For lead generation websites that specifically exist to convert visitors into qualified leads, a good conversion rate is usually around 10-15% but could also be much higher.

Is 20% a good conversion rate? ›

Broadly speaking, a common conversion rate for an email opt-in landing page is between 5% and 15%. The companies with the most success tend to convert at around 20-25%. And the very cream of the crop achieves conversion rates of 30% or higher.

Is 30% conversion rate good? ›

Yes, a 30% conversion rate is generally considered a good result. It means that out of every 100 visits to your website, 30 of them end in the visitor taking the desired action.

Is 40% a good conversion rate? ›

For instance, luxury retailers may experience a lower conversion rate compared to discount stores due to differences in purchase behavior influenced by product pricing and the target customer base. According to industry standards, the average conversion rate for physical retail stores typically ranges from 20-40%.

What is a fair conversion rate? ›

A good conversion rate generally falls between 2-8% and varies across different industries. That figure varies (and increases) the more specific your niche is. For example, tech industries have higher conversion rates than retail or real estate industries.

Is 5% conversion rate good? ›

But what is a good conversion rate? Across industries, the average landing page conversion rate was 2.35%, yet the top 25% are converting at 5.31% or higher. Ideally, you want to break into the top 10% — these are the landing pages with conversion rates of 11.45% or higher.

What conversion rate should I expect? ›

Conversion rates can vary widely. Typically, you'll see a good conversion rate within the 2-5 percent range. This should be considered average for websites. If your site falls below this, you will want to dedicate time to bringing your conversions higher.

What is a reliable conversion rate? ›

Generally, a rate between 2% and 5% is reasonable. And an increase of 0.5% can make a significant difference in revenue. That said, industry plays a critical role in deciding how good your conversion rate is.

Is high conversion rate bad? ›

With the increase of conversion rates (e.g. thanks to your new, cheaper product), your average value goes down – you need to track the differences between these, as a gap too large might be negative for your sales.

Is 12% a good conversion rate? ›

A good conversion rate is higher than 10%, with a small percentage of businesses obtaining 11.45% on average, while this number varies based on industry and channel.

What is a realistic conversion rate? ›

A good conversion rate is between 2 percent and 5 percent. The thing with conversion rate is that even a jump of 0.5 percent can be a big deal.

Can a conversion rate be over 100%? ›

If you're tracking more than one conversion action, or you choose to count "Every" conversion, your conversion rate might be over 100% because more than one conversion can be counted for each interaction.

Is CTR 20% good? ›

Is a 20% Click-Through Rate Good? Yes, 20% is a very good CTR for most industries and niches. It is much higher than the average CTR which hovers around 4-5% for most industries.

Is a 3.5% conversion rate good? ›

While an average conversion rate is usually around 2% to 3.5%, a good conversion rate is higher. To determine a good conversion rate, we refer to websites that are in the top 10% of conversions, which have conversion rates of at least 11.45%.

Is 2.5% conversion rate good? ›

Average ecommerce conversion rates are around 2.5% to 3% according to industry leaders, but that doesn't mean this is your business's sweet spot. Having a baseline of 2.5% is a good place to start, but keep working to optimize this with conversion rate tactics.

Is 1.6 a good conversion rate? ›

Every 1000 visitors to a product page, 16 of them make a purchase. It's important to note that this number (1.6%) is just an average. It doesn't tell you how many products a website sells, nor does it say anything about the price.

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Author: Roderick King

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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.