What Is a Bull Market, and How Can Investors Benefit From One? (2024)

What Is a Bull Market?

A bull market is the condition of a financial market in which prices are rising or are expected to rise. The term "bull market" is most often used to refer to the stock market but can be applied to anything that is traded, such as bonds, real estate, currencies, and commodities.

Because prices of securities rise and fall essentially continuously during trading, the term "bull market" is typically reserved for extended periods in which a large portion of security prices are rising. Bull markets tend to last for months or even years.

Key Takeaways

  • A bull market is a period of time in financial markets when the price of an asset or security rises continuously.
  • The commonly accepted definition of a bull market is when stock prices rise by 20%.
  • Traders employ a variety of strategies, such as increased buy and hold and retracement, to profit off bull markets.
  • The opposite of a bull market is a bear market, when prices trend downward.

What Is a Bull Market, and How Can Investors Benefit From One? (1)

Understanding Bull Markets

Bull markets are characterized by optimism, investor confidence, and expectations that strong results should continue for an extended period of time. It is difficult to predict consistently when the trends in the market might change. Part of the difficulty is that psychological effects and speculation may sometimes play a large role in the markets.

There is no specific and universal metric used to identify a bull market. Nonetheless, perhaps the most common definition of a bull market is a situation in which stock prices rise by 20% or more from recent lows.

Since bull markets are difficult to predict, analysts can typically only recognize this phenomenon after it has happened. A notable bull market in recent history was the period between 2003 and 2007. During this time, the S&P 500 increased by a significant margin after a previous decline; as the 2008 financial crisis took effect, major declines occurred again after the bull market run.

What Causes Bull Markets

Bull markets generally take place when the economy is strengthening or when it is already strong. They tend to happen in line with strong gross domestic product (GDP) and a drop in unemployment and will often coincide with a rise in corporate profits. Investor confidence will also tend to climb throughout a bull market period. The overall demand for stocks will be positive, along with the overall tone of the market. In addition, there will be a general increase in the amount of IPO activity during bull markets.

Notably, some of the factors above are more easily quantifiable than others. While corporate profits and unemployment are quantifiable, it can be more difficult to gauge the general tone of market commentary, for instance. Supply and demand for securities will seesaw: supply will be weak while demand will be strong. Investors will be eager to buy securities, while few will be willing to sell. In a bull market, investors are more willing to take part in the (stock) market in order to gain profits.

Characteristics of Bull Markets

During a bull market, there are several characteristics that can be observed. These include an increase in trading volume, as more investors are willing to buy and hold onto securities in the hopes of realizing capital gains. Securities in a bull market also tend to receive higher valuations, as investors are willing to pay more for them due to the perceived potential for price appreciation.

In addition, a bull market is often characterized by greater liquidity in the market, as there is more demand for securities and fewer sellers, making it easier for investors to buy and sell quickly at a reasonable price. Companies that are performing well in a bull market may also choose to reward their shareholders by increasing dividends, which can be attractive for income-focused investors. Finally, there may be an increase in the number of companies going public and raising capital through initial public offerings (IPOs) during a bull market, providing investors with the opportunity to participate in the growth of new, promising companies.

Bull vs. Bear Markets

The opposite of a bull market is a bear market, which is characterized by falling prices and typically shrouded in pessimism. The commonly held belief about the origin of these terms suggests that the use of "bull" and "bear" to describe markets comes from the way the animals attack their opponents. A bull thrusts its horns up into the air, while a bear swipes its paws downward. These actions are metaphors for the movement of a market. If the trend is up, it's a bull market. If the trend is down, it's a bear market.

Bull and bear markets often coincide with the economic cycle, which consists of four phases: expansion, peak, contraction, and trough. The onset of a bull market is often a leading indicator of economic expansion. Because public sentiment about future economic conditions drives stock prices, the market frequently rises even before broader economic measures, such as gross domestic product (GDP) growth, begin to tick up. Likewise, bear markets usually set in before economic contraction takes hold. A look back at a typical U.S. recession reveals a falling stock market usually comes several months ahead of GDP decline.

Market Mentalities: Bulls Vs. Bears

How to Take Advantage of a Bull Market

Investors who want to benefit from a bull market should buy early in order to take advantage of rising prices and sell them when they’ve reached their peak. Although it is hard to determine when the bottom and peak will take place, most losses will be minimal and are usually temporary. Below, we'll explore several prominent strategies investors utilize during bull markets. However, because it is difficult to assess the state of the market as it exists currently, these strategies involve at least some degree of risk.

Buy and Hold

One of the most basic strategies in investing is the process of buying a particular security and holding onto it, potentially to sell it at a later date. This strategy necessarily involves confidence on the part of the investor: why hold onto a security unless you expect its price to rise? For this reason, the optimism that comes along with bull markets helps to fuel the buy and hold approach.

Increased Buy and Hold

Increased buy and hold is a variation of the straightforward buy and hold strategy, and it involves additional risk. The premise behind the increased buy and hold approach is that an investor will continue to add to their holdings in a particular security so long as it continues to increase in price. One common method for increasing holdings suggests that an investor will buy an additional fixed quantity of shares for every increase in the stock price of a pre-set amount.

Retracement Additions

A retracement is a brief period in which the general trend in a security's price is reversed. Even during a bull market, it's unlikely that stock prices will only ascend. Rather, there are likely to be shorter periods of time in which small dips occur as well, even as the general trend continues upward.

Some investors watch for retracements within a bull market and buy the dip during these periods. The thinking behind this strategy is that, presuming that the bull market continues, the price of the security in question will quickly move back up, retroactively providing the investor with a discounted purchase price.

Full Swing Trading

Perhaps the most aggressive way of attempting to capitalize on a bull market is the process known as full swing trading. Investors utilizing this strategy will take very active roles, using short-selling and other techniques to attempt to squeeze out maximum gains as shifts occur within the context of a larger bull market.

Examples of Historic Bull Markets

There have been several significant bull markets throughout history, each with its own unique characteristics and drivers. Here are a few examples of some of the biggest bull markets:

  1. The Roaring Twenties: This bull market, which took place in the 1920s, was fueled by speculation and lasted until the stock market crash of 1929. It was characterized by rapid economic growth, rising asset prices, and increased consumer spending.
  2. The Japanese Bull Market of the 1980s: This bull market, which took place in Japan in the 1980s, was characterized by rapid economic growth and rising asset prices. It ultimately ended with the bursting of the Japanese asset price bubble in the 1990s.
  3. The Reagan Bull Market of the 1980s: In the 1980s, the stock market experienced a bull market that was driven by the economic policies of the Reagan administration and the strong performance of the technology sector. This bull market lasted from 1982 to August 1987 and saw the S&P 500 index gain over 100%. It ended with the Black Monday stock market crash in October 1987, which saw the S&P 500 index decline by over 20% in a single day.
  4. The 1990s Bull Market: This bull market, also known as the dot-com bubble, was driven by the rapid growth of the internet and technology sectors. It lasted from the early 1990s until the early 2000s, and saw the S&P 500 index gain over 200%.
  5. The 2009 Bull Market: This bull market began in March 2009 and lasted until February 2020, making it the longest bull market in history. It was driven by strong earnings growth, low interest rates, and investor optimism, and saw the S&P 500 index gain over 300%.

These are just a few examples of some of the biggest bull markets in history. There have been many others, each with its own unique set of circ*mstances and drivers.

The longest bull market in the history of the S&P 500 index lasted from March 2009 to February 2020 and saw the index gain over 300%. This bull market was characterized by strong earnings growth, low interest rates, and investor optimism. Despite its length, the bull market was relatively volatile, with several corrections and pullbacks along the way. The technology sector significantly outperformed the broader market during this bull market.

Why Is It Called a "Bull" Market When Prices Go Up?

The actual origin of the term "bull" is subject to debate. The terms "bear" (for down markets) and "bull" (for up markets) are thought by some to derive from the way in which each animal attacks its opponents. That is, a bull will thrust its horns up into the air, while a bear will swipe down. These actions were then related metaphorically to the movement of a market. If the trend was up, it was considered a bull market. If the trend was down, it was a bear market.

Others point to Shakespeare's plays, which make reference to battles involving bulls and bears. In"Macbeth," the ill-fated titular character says his enemies have tethered him to a stake but "bear-like, I must fight the course." In"Much Ado About Nothing," the bull is a savage but noble beast. Several other explanations also exist.

Are We in a Bull Market As of 2023?

The S&P 500 entered a bull market on June 8, 2023, after rising 20% from its October 2022 lows. The index had been in a bear market since June 2022. The Dow Jones Industrial Average and Nasdaq had been in bull markets since Nov. 30 and May 8, respectively.

What Makes Stock Prices Rise in a Bull Market?

Bull markets often exist alongside a strong and growing economy. Stock prices are informed by future expectations of profits and the ability of firms to generate cash flows. A strong production economy, high employment, and rising GDP all suggest profits will continue to grow, and this is reflected in rising stock prices. Low interest rates and low corporate tax rates also are positive for corporate profitability.

Why Do Bull Markets Sometimes Falter and Become Bear Markets?

When the economy hits a rough patch, for instance in the face of recession or spike in unemployment, it becomes difficult to sustain rising stock prices. Moreover, recessions are often accompanied by a negative turn in investor and consumer sentiment, where market psychology becomes more concerned with fear or reducing risk than greed or risk-taking.

The Bottom Line

A bull market is a financial market characterized by rising prices and investor optimism. It is most commonly used to refer to the stock market, but can also refer to the bond, real estate, currency, and commodity markets. Bull markets tend to last for extended periods of time and are marked by increased demand for securities, rising corporate profits and GDP, and declining unemployment. The opposite of a bull market is a bear market, which is characterized by falling prices and investor pessimism. The terms "bull" and "bear" are believed to come from the way these animals attack their opponents.

What Is a Bull Market, and How Can Investors Benefit From One? (2024)


What Is a Bull Market, and How Can Investors Benefit From One? ›

Bull markets generally start when the economy is strengthening or is already strong. They tend to coincide with a strong gross domestic product (GDP), a drop in unemployment, and a rise in corporate profits. Growing investor confidence can keep bull markets moving.

Why is a bull market good for the investor? ›

As asset prices go up and deliver gains, more people are encouraged to buy and continue the rally. Since bull markets tend to happen when the economy is strong, investors generally feel good about their financial situation and have more money to put into the market.

What is a bull market? ›

A bull market is commonly defined as a period of time when major stock market indexes are generally rising, with market indexes eventually reaching new highs.

What are the advantages of a bull market? ›

High trading volumes and increasing liquidity

During a bullish market, the volume of traded stocks tends to rise significantly. This increase in trading activity suggests heightened investor interest and confidence in the market.

How do investors react to a bull market? ›

Investor Psychology

In a bull market, investors willingly participate in the hope of obtaining a profit. During a bear market, market sentiment is negative; investors begin to move their money out of equities and into fixed-income securities as they wait for a positive move in the stock market.

How do bull market investors make a profit? ›

Investors who want to benefit from a bull market should buy early to take advantage of rising prices and sell them when they've reached their peak. Of course, it is hard to determine when the bottom and peak will take place.

Should you buy in a bull market? ›

In general, bull markets are a better time to invest. Yes, stock prices are higher, but it's an overall less risky time to invest. You'll have a greater chance of selling assets for a higher value than when you bought them.

Why is a bull market a bad time? ›

There are bad days even during bull markets. Long-term investors need to expect them, because a pullback of 10% for a broad index is common within any 12-month period, even if the overall trend is strong. And some bull markets can last for many years, even with those corrections or a crash or two along the way.

Why do you bear a bull market? ›

The use of “bull” and “bear” to label financial markets has several different possible origins. However, the terms could come from how these animals attack: a bull thrusts its horns upward, symbolizing rising prices, while a bear swipes its paws downward, representing falling prices.

What are the disadvantages of the bull market? ›

Bull markets can intensify market volatility, making prices more unpredictable. Excessive speculation in bullish trends may inflate market bubbles, leading to significant losses. Over-optimism in bull markets may cause investors to overlook risks, potentially resulting in poor investment decisions.

Where to invest in the bull market? ›

Buy companies with strong fundamentals – Invest in companies with a history of growth. Check the demand for the product that the company makes, its sales and earnings. Exercise call options – In a call option, the investor can buy a stock at a particular price called the strike price at a specified date.

What happens after a bull market? ›

The opposite of a bull market is a bear market, which is typically defined as stocks falling by 20% or more from a recent peak. Bear markets are often accompanied by recessions, falling investor confidence, and declines in corporate profits.

What is a bull market and what do investors expect from it? ›

A bull market is an extended period of time when stock prices rise and investors are optimistic. Bull markets can last for months or even years, and stocks tend to outperform other investments like bonds.

What does the bull market mean for Americans? ›

A bull market is an extended period when prices for stocks or other assets are steadily on the rise, usually during the expansion phase in the business cycle. Bull markets are usually accompanied by high investor confidence and a strong overall economy.

What sectors do best in a bull market? ›

The types of stocks that do best in a bull market

In a young bull market (early in an economic expansion), the cyclical sectors that are most sensitive to interest rates and economic growth do best, including financials, consumer discretionary (companies that provide nonessential goods or services) and industrials.

Is a bear or bull market better for investors? ›

A bull market describes a period of continuous growth in the stock market of at least 20% and often coincides with a strengthening economy. Bull markets are generally a more profitable and less risky time to invest, but investing during bear markets can be beneficial, too.

What are the advantages of stock bull? ›

The stock bull on your farm is key to maintaining a compact calving period, maximising the genetic potential and value of the calf crop, and overall herd profitability.

Is a bull market good for the economy? ›

Bull markets indicate that the economy is strong and unemployment rates are generally low, which can instill investors with even more confidence and provide people with more income to invest.

Why are investors bullish? ›

Simply put, "bullish" means an investor believes a stock or the overall market will go higher. Conversely, "bearish" is the term used for investors who believe a stock will go down, or underperform.

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