What is 4 Way Matching in Accounts Payable? (2024)

Table of Contents
What is 4 way matching? What are the four key components of 4 way matching? Purchase order (PO) Receiving report Invoice Inspection or quality report What are the benefits of 4-way matching? 1. Accuracy and error reduction 2. Enhanced control and compliance 3. Improved vendor relations 4. Financial transparency 5. Detection of fraud and unauthorized transactions 6. Efficiency and cost savings 7. Scalability 8. Data analysis and insights 9. Quality assurance Step-by-step process of 4-way matching 1. Initiating the purchase order 2. Receiving goods and generating a receiving report 3. Receiving an invoice from the supplier 4. Inspection or quality report 5. Matching all four components 6. Resolving discrepancies 7. Approval and payment 8. Recordkeeping and documentation Challenges with 4-way matching and its solutions Data discrepancies Automated data validation Delays in processing Clear communication channels Streamlining workflow Vendor disputes How automation can streamline the 4-way matching process? 1. Data extraction 2. Data comparison 3. Discrepancy resolution 4. Approval workflow 5. Documentation and storage 6. Reporting and analytics 7. Integration with ERP system 8. Accuracy and error reduction 9. Streamlined communication 10. Compliance and audit trail How is 4-way matching different from 3-way and 2-way matching? 2 way invoice matching 3 way invoice matching 4 way invoice matching Best practices for successful 4-way matching 1. Document management 2. Training and education 3. Continuous improvement 4. Standardize procedures 5. Automation and integration 6. Regular reconciliation Automate your invoice management with Volopay FAQs on 4 way matching in accounts payable

Accounts payable

What is 4 way matching in accounts payable?

Apr 05, 2024

Accounts payable plays a pivotal role in a company's financial health by managing the timely settlement of supplier invoices. Procurement and invoicing, while essential, can be hectic due to varying terms, discounts, and international regulations.

Handling multiple vendors, payment methods, and compliance requirements adds complexity. Streamlined systems in these processes are vital to mitigate errors, avoid late payments, and optimize cash flow.

This is why automation, efficient workflows, digital tools, and processes like 4-way matching in accounts payable are crucial for modern businesses.

What is 4 way matching?

4-way matching in accounts payable is a rigorous process used to verify the accuracy of invoices and purchase orders by comparing three key documents: the purchase order, the invoice, the receiving report, and a fourth step of inspection. This comprehensive approach ensures that the goods or services were both ordered and received as specified before payment is made.

If discrepancies are identified, they can be addressed before authorizing the invoice for payment, thereby decreasing the chances of overpaying, encountering fraudulent activity, or facing disputes with suppliers.

What are the four key components of 4 way matching?

Knowing what the key components are and how they are utilized is important to get a comprehensive understanding of what is 4-way matching in accounts payable.

These 4 key components typically include:

Purchase order (PO)

The purchase order is the initial document in the procurement process. It outlines the specifics of the goods or services to be acquired, including quantity, price, delivery dates, and any special terms or conditions.

In the four-way matching process, the PO acts as the foundation, serving as the benchmark against which other documents are compared. It helps verify that the goods or services were indeed ordered following established terms.

What is 4 Way Matching in Accounts Payable? (2)

Receiving report

The receiving report, also known as a goods receipt or delivery note, is generated when the ordered items are physically received by the company. It details the actual quantity and condition of the items received, ensuring that they match the information specified in the purchase order.

This step is crucial as it confirms the goods have been received as intended and in an acceptable condition, helping to prevent fraudulent invoices or discrepancies.

What is 4 Way Matching in Accounts Payable? (3)


The invoice is the supplier's formal request for payment, detailing the products or services provided, their quantities, prices, and any applicable taxes or discounts.

In the context of 4-way matching in accounts payable, the invoice is compared to the purchase order, receiving report, and inspection or quality report to validate that it accurately reflects the agreed-upon terms and the actual receipt of goods or services.

Any discrepancies, such as incorrect quantities or pricing, can be identified and resolved during this step.

What is 4 Way Matching in Accounts Payable? (4)

Inspection or quality report

In some industries, especially those involving manufacturing or complex services, an inspection or quality report may be a vital component of the four-way matching process. This report provides a detailed assessment of the quality, specifications, or compliance of the received goods or services with established standards.

It ensures that the items received not only match the purchase order but also meet the expected quality and safety criteria.

What is 4 Way Matching in Accounts Payable? (5)

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What are the benefits of 4-way matching?

The practice of 4-way matching in accounts payable offers a multitude of advantages, contributing to financial precision, operational efficiency, and robust supplier relationships.

Here, we explore key benefits that range from bolstering accuracy and control to fostering vendor goodwill and transparency.

What is 4 Way Matching in Accounts Payable? (6)

1. Accuracy and error reduction

4-way matching significantly enhances accuracy in the accounts payable process. By cross-referencing the purchase order, receiving report, invoice, and inspection or quality report, discrepancies and errors are promptly identified and rectified.

This meticulous verification reduces the likelihood of overpayments, underpayments, and other invoicing mistakes, which can be costly and time-consuming to resolve.

What is 4 Way Matching in Accounts Payable? (7)

2. Enhanced control and compliance

Maintaining control and ensuring compliance with procurement policies and contractual agreements is crucial for organizations.

4-way matching provides a structured framework to enforce compliance by confirming that supplier invoices align with pre-established purchase orders and agreed-upon terms.

It empowers businesses to uphold internal controls, reducing the risk of unauthorized payments or non-compliant transactions.

What is 4 Way Matching in Accounts Payable? (8)

3. Improved vendor relations

The 4-way match accounts payable system also contributes to the improvement of vendor relations. When suppliers receive accurate and timely payments without complications, it nurtures trust and positive rapport.

In turn, suppliers are more inclined to offer favorable terms, and discounts, and prioritize orders from reliable clients, creating a mutually beneficial partnership.

What is 4 Way Matching in Accounts Payable? (9)

4. Financial transparency

Financial transparency is essential for sound business operations. 4-way matching provides clear visibility into the entire procurement and payment cycle.

Organizations can track expenditures accurately, maintain comprehensive records, and easily access supporting documentation. This transparency aids in budgeting, auditing, and financial reporting.

What is 4 Way Matching in Accounts Payable? (10)

5. Detection of fraud and unauthorized transactions

Fraudulent activities, such as submitting fake invoices or billing for goods or services never delivered, pose a significant threat to organizations.

The stringent validation process of 4-way matching helps detect anomalies and irregularities, making it difficult for fraudsters to exploit the system. Suspicious transactions can be flagged and investigated promptly.

What is 4 Way Matching in Accounts Payable? (11)

6. Efficiency and cost savings

Implementing 4-way matching streamlines the accounts payable workflow. Automation and standardized processes reduce manual effort and the time required to reconcile invoices.

This efficiency leads to cost savings by optimizing labor resources and minimizing the potential for costly errors. Organizations can allocate their financial resources more effectively.

What is 4 Way Matching in Accounts Payable? (12)

7. Scalability

As businesses grow and expand, their procurement volumes increase. 4-way matching is scalable and adaptable to accommodate higher transaction volumes and more complex procurement needs.

It provides a reliable framework that can evolve with the organization, ensuring continued accuracy and control even as operations expand.

What is 4 Way Matching in Accounts Payable? (13)

8. Data analysis and insights

The wealth of data generated during the 4-way matching process can be leveraged for valuable insights.

Organizations can analyze spending patterns, supplier performance, and payment trends. These insights inform strategic decisions, such as negotiating better terms with suppliers or optimizing procurement strategies for cost efficiency.

What is 4 Way Matching in Accounts Payable? (14)

9. Quality assurance

The inclusion of an inspection or quality report as part of the matching process ensures that received goods meet the required quality standards. This quality assurance component is especially vital in industries where product or service quality directly impacts operations, safety, or customer satisfaction.

By validating quality alongside other transaction details, organizations can maintain consistent standards and mitigate the risk of subpar deliveries.

What is 4 Way Matching in Accounts Payable? (15)

Step-by-step process of 4-way matching

An efficient 4-way match in accounts payable involves a structured sequence of steps that ensures accuracy, compliance, and seamless financial transactions.

The process might seem simple at first glance, but there are many crucial steps involved in it.

Here's a detailed breakdown of each step:

What is 4 Way Matching in Accounts Payable? (16)

1. Initiating the purchase order

The process of 4-way matching in accounts payable commences with the creation of a purchase order (PO) when a department within the organization requires goods or services.

The PO delineates the specifics of the transaction, encompassing item descriptions, quantities, pricing, delivery dates, and any unique terms or conditions. It functions as a legally binding document and serves as the foundation for the subsequent 4-way matching process.

What is 4 Way Matching in Accounts Payable? (17)

2. Receiving goods and generating a receiving report

Following the delivery of goods or the completion of services, the receiving department or designated personnel are responsible for accepting the items and conducting an assessment for accuracy and quality.

In this phase, a receiving report also recognized as a goods receipt or delivery note, is generated to formally document the actual receipt. This report catalogs crucial information such as the quantities received, the condition of the items, and any deviations from the agreed-upon specifications.

Its primary role is to serve as tangible proof that the goods or services were indeed received in accordance with the specifications outlined in the purchase order.

What is 4 Way Matching in Accounts Payable? (18)

3. Receiving an invoice from the supplier

The supplier subsequently issues an invoice, requesting payment for the delivered goods or services. The invoice includes itemized details, quantities, unit prices, applicable taxes, and payment terms.

It is essential to ensure that the invoice matches the purchase order to prevent discrepancies and facilitate smooth processing.

What is 4 Way Matching in Accounts Payable? (19)

4. Inspection or quality report

An inspection or quality report is also typically part of the 4-way match accounts payable process. This report assesses the quality, specifications, or compliance of the received goods or services with established standards.

It ensures that the items meet the required quality standards, especially critical for industries where product or service quality directly impacts operations, safety, or customer satisfaction.

What is 4 Way Matching in Accounts Payable? (20)

5. Matching all four components

The heart of the 4-way matching process is the comparison of all four components: the purchase order, receiving report, invoice, and, if applicable, the inspection or quality report. These documents are cross-referenced to validate that they align in terms of item descriptions, quantities, prices, and delivery dates.

A successful match indicates that the goods or services were ordered, received, and invoiced correctly.

What is 4 Way Matching in Accounts Payable? (21)

6. Resolving discrepancies

Inevitably, discrepancies may arise during the matching process. These discrepancies could involve incorrect quantities, pricing errors, damaged goods, or quality issues.

When discrepancies are identified, they must be resolved before proceeding further. Communication with the supplier or internal departments may be necessary to clarify and rectify the issues.

What is 4 Way Matching in Accounts Payable? (22)

7. Approval and payment

Once all discrepancies are resolved, the validated invoice can proceed for approval. The appropriate personnel, often within the accounts payable department, review the matched documents and approve the invoice for payment. This step ensures that payments are only made for legitimate and accurate transactions.

Suggested reads: Invoice payment explained - Guide to paying vendors

What is 4 Way Matching in Accounts Payable? (23)

8. Recordkeeping and documentation

Comprehensive recordkeeping is essential for compliance, auditing, and financial transparency. All documents involved in the 4-way matching process, including the purchase order, receiving report, invoice, and inspection or quality report, are meticulously documented and stored.

This documentation serves as an audit trail, allowing for easy retrieval of transaction details and supporting financial reporting and analysis.

What is 4 Way Matching in Accounts Payable? (24)

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Challenges with 4-way matching and its solutions


Data discrepancies

Data discrepancies are a common issue in 4-way matching, often arising due to inconsistencies in quantities, pricing, or item descriptions among the purchase order, receiving report, and supplier's invoice.

To address this, organizations can implement comprehensive data validation tools and regularly audit and update master data. Clear data entry standards and employee training also help minimize errors in a 4-way match accounts payable system.


Automated data validation

Manual data validation in 4-way matching can be time-consuming and prone to errors. Organizations should embrace automation by using software solutions that automate data validation. These systems can scan and compare data from different sources, flagging discrepancies for review.

Automation improves accuracy and accelerates the matching process, significantly reducing processing times and costs.


Delays in processing

Delays in processing invoices and resolving discrepancies in a 4-way match accounts payable system can harm supplier relationships and result in missed payment deadlines.

To mitigate this, organizations should streamline accounts payable workflows, set clear timelines, and standardize processes.

Automated notifications and cross-functional collaboration between departments can expedite issue resolution. Implementing electronic invoicing and approval systems also helps speed up the process.


Clear communication channels

Effective communication between departments involved in 4-way matching is essential. Establishing clear communication channels and protocols is key.

Regular meetings and check-ins between procurement, receiving, and AP teams ensure alignment and awareness of roles.

Collaborative software tools and training programs emphasizing the importance of cross-functional collaboration and communication can also help in addressing this challenge.


Streamlining workflow

Inefficient workflow processes can lead to bottlenecks and hinder timely document matching. Digital tools and automation can streamline workflows.

Workflow automation systems route documents for approval electronically, reducing the need for manual intervention.

Standardized approval hierarchies, clearly defined roles and responsibilities, and cloud-based document management systems all enhance workflow efficiency.


Vendor disputes

Vendor disputes can arise when suppliers disagree with the results of the 4-way matching process, potentially delaying payment and straining relationships.

Open and transparent communication with suppliers is crucial. Documenting discrepancies and sharing them promptly with suppliers facilitates resolution.

Implementing a dispute resolution process and building strong supplier relationships based on trust and collaboration can help mitigate disputes.

How automation can streamline the 4-way matching process?

Here's how automation can enhance each step of the process:

1. Data extraction

Purchase orders (POs) - Automation tools can extract data from electronic or scanned POs, such as product descriptions, quantities, and prices.

Receiving reports - Similarly, data from receiving reports can be extracted automatically.

Invoices: Automation software, including OCR invoice processing, can capture data from electronic and scanned invoices, reducing manual data entry and ensuring accuracy.

Inspection/Quality reports - If applicable, automation can extract data from inspection or quality reports.

What is 4 Way Matching in Accounts Payable? (25)

2. Data comparison

One of the primary functions of automation in a 4-way match accounts payable system is its ability to swiftly and accurately compare data from multiple sources.

Automated systems can cross-reference the purchase order, receiving report, supplier's invoice, and, if applicable, the inspection or quality report. By doing so, automation ensures that the details align, such as item descriptions, quantities, prices, and delivery dates.

This level of data comparison reduces the risk of human error, ensuring that discrepancies are promptly identified.

What is 4 Way Matching in Accounts Payable? (26)

3. Discrepancy resolution

When discrepancies are detected in the matching process, automation can facilitate their resolution. Automated workflows can be configured to alert the appropriate personnel or departments, expediting the review and resolution of issues.

Notifications can be sent to procurement, receiving, or accounts payable teams, ensuring that discrepancies are addressed promptly and efficiently. This not only accelerates the matching process but also minimizes disruptions and potential disputes with suppliers.

What is 4 Way Matching in Accounts Payable? (27)

4. Approval workflow

Automation can significantly streamline the approval workflow within the 4-way matching process. Instead of relying on manual routing of documents for approval, automated systems can route documents electronically based on predefined approval hierarchies.

This eliminates the need for physical signatures and reduces the time it takes to secure approvals. Electronic approvals can also be tracked in real-time, providing visibility into the progress of each transaction.

What is 4 Way Matching in Accounts Payable? (28)

5. Documentation and storage

Automated systems excel at managing and storing documents efficiently. They can capture, organize, and store all relevant paperwork, including purchase orders, receiving reports, invoices, and inspection records, in digital formats.

This reduces the risk of document misplacement, eliminates the need for physical paperwork, and simplifies retrieval during audits or inquiries. Advanced search and indexing capabilities make it straightforward to locate specific documents when required.

What is 4 Way Matching in Accounts Payable? (29)

6. Reporting and analytics

Automation equips organizations with robust reporting and analytical tools. By consolidating data from 4-way matching in accounts payable, businesses gain valuable insights into expenditure patterns, supplier performance, and payment trends.

These insights inform strategic decisions, such as renegotiating terms with suppliers, optimizing procurement strategies, and identifying cost-saving opportunities. Automated reporting also enhances transparency and supports data-driven decision-making.

What is 4 Way Matching in Accounts Payable? (30)

7. Integration with ERP system

Many organizations rely on Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems for their financial and operational processes. Automation solutions can seamlessly integrate with ERP systems, creating a unified ecosystem.

This integration ensures that data flows seamlessly between the accounts payable system and the ERP, eliminating the need for manual data entry and reducing the risk of data discrepancies. It also enables real-time updates and synchronization, enhancing accuracy and efficiency.

What is 4 Way Matching in Accounts Payable? (31)

8. Accuracy and error reduction

Automation's greatest strength lies in its ability to consistently deliver high levels of accuracy. By automating data entry and validation, the risk of human errors, such as typos or transpositions, is significantly reduced.

Additionally, automated checks ensure that all necessary documents are available and that they align with each other, minimizing the chances of overpayments, underpayments, or other invoicing mistakes.

What is 4 Way Matching in Accounts Payable? (32)

9. Streamlined communication

Effective communication between departments involved in the 4-way matching process is crucial. Automation streamlines this communication by providing a centralized platform where stakeholders can access and collaborate on documents.

Automated notifications and alerts keep all relevant parties informed about the status of transactions, approval requirements, and discrepancies that need attention. This streamlined communication fosters greater collaboration and transparency among teams.

What is 4 Way Matching in Accounts Payable? (33)

10. Compliance and audit trail

Automation enhances compliance and provides a robust audit trail. Automated systems can enforce compliance with internal policies and external regulations by flagging discrepancies or non-compliant transactions for review.

Detailed logs and audit trails capture every step of the 4-way matching process, from document creation to approval and payment. This audit trail simplifies the process of demonstrating compliance during audits, reducing the administrative burden and ensuring that organizations meet their regulatory obligations.

What is 4 Way Matching in Accounts Payable? (34)

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How is 4-way matching different from 3-way and 2-way matching?

While 2-way, 3-way, and 4-way invoice matching share the common goal of confirming the accuracy of invoices, they differ in the number of components involved and the depth of verification.

Some of the ways in which these differences exist include:

2 way invoice matching


Purchase Order (PO): -This is the initial document that outlines the goods or services to be procured, including quantities and prices.

Invoice - The supplier's invoice is a formal payment request, itemizing the goods or services provided and their costs.

Matching factors

In 2-way matching, the primary matching factor is comparing the purchase order with the supplier's invoice. The goal is to ensure that the invoiced amount aligns with the purchase order, particularly in terms of quantity and pricing.


The primary purpose of 2-way matching is to confirm that the goods or services ordered have been delivered as specified in the purchase order and that the invoiced amount is accurate. It serves as a basic verification step to prevent overpayment or payment for goods or services not received.


If discrepancies arise in 2-way matching, typically involving quantity or pricing differences, the accounts payable team must resolve them. This may involve communicating with the supplier to clarify or negotiate the discrepancies. Once resolved, the invoice can be approved for payment.

What is 4 Way Matching in Accounts Payable? (35)

3 way invoice matching


Purchase order (PO) - The purchase order specifies the goods or services to be acquired.

Invoice - The supplier's invoice requests payment.

Receiving report - This report documents the receipt of goods or services, detailing quantities and conditions.

Matching factors

In 3-way matching, the process involves comparing the purchase order, supplier's invoice, and the receiving report. The focus is on verifying that the quantities and conditions of the received goods or services match both the purchase order and the invoice.


The primary purpose of 3-way matching is to ensure that the invoiced amount accurately reflects the quantity and quality of goods or services received. It adds an additional layer of verification compared to 2-way matching, reducing the risk of discrepancies going unnoticed.


If discrepancies occur in 3-way matching, typically involving quantity, pricing, or quality differences, the discrepancies must be resolved.

Communication with the supplier, as well as internal departments like receiving or procurement, may be necessary to clarify and rectify the issues. Once resolved, the invoice can proceed for approval and payment.

What is 4 Way Matching in Accounts Payable? (36)

4 way invoice matching


Purchase order (PO): The PO details the goods or services to be procured.

Invoice: The supplier's invoice requests payment.

Receiving report: This report documents the receipt of goods or services, including quantities and conditions.

Quality report (If applicable): The quality report assesses the quality and compliance of received goods or services with established standards.

Matching factors

In 4-way matching, the process involves comparing the purchase order, supplier's invoice, receiving report, and, when applicable, the quality report. The focus is on verifying that the quantities, quality, and condition of the received goods or services match both the purchase order and the invoice.


The main objective of the 4-way matching in accounts payable is to verify that the billed amount precisely corresponds to the quantity, quality, and state of the received goods or services.

This process introduces an extra level of quality validation beyond what is found in 3-way matching, which is especially pertinent in industries where the quality of products or services holds paramount importance.


If discrepancies arise in 4-way matching, typically involving quantity, pricing, quality, or condition differences, they must be promptly resolved.

Communication with the supplier and internal departments, such as receiving and quality control, may be necessary to clarify and rectify the issues. Once resolved, the invoice can proceed for approval and payment.

What is 4 Way Matching in Accounts Payable? (37)

Best practices for successful 4-way matching

What is 4 Way Matching in Accounts Payable? (38)

1. Document management

Effective document management is fundamental to a 4-way match accounts payable system. Organizations should establish a centralized system for storing and organizing purchase orders, invoices, receiving reports, and quality reports in digital formats.

Implement robust indexing and search capabilities to facilitate easy retrieval. Document management systems not only reduce the risk of document loss but also support audits and inquiries by providing a comprehensive digital trail.

What is 4 Way Matching in Accounts Payable? (39)

2. Training and education

Invest in training and education for personnel involved in the 4-way matching process. Ensure that employees understand the importance of accuracy, compliance, and timely processing.

Training programs should cover document handling, data entry standards, and familiarity with the matching process. Keeping staff well-informed and up-to-date on best practices and industry standards is vital.

What is 4 Way Matching in Accounts Payable? (40)

3. Continuous improvement

Regularly assess and refine the 4-way matching process to identify areas for improvement. Encourage feedback from staff involved in the process to identify bottlenecks, challenges, and opportunities for streamlining.

Continuous improvement efforts should focus on enhancing accuracy, reducing processing time, and optimizing resource allocation.

What is 4 Way Matching in Accounts Payable? (41)

4. Standardize procedures

Standardizing procedures ensures consistency and reduces errors. Develop clear and comprehensive guidelines for each step of the 4-way matching process, including data entry, approval workflows, and discrepancy resolution.

These standardized procedures should be documented and readily accessible to all team members. Regularly review and update them to reflect evolving business needs and industry regulations.

What is 4 Way Matching in Accounts Payable? (42)

5. Automation and integration

Leverage automation and integration technologies to streamline 4-way matching in accounts payable. Implement software solutions that can automatically compare data from purchase orders, invoices, receiving reports, and quality reports.

Integration with ERP systems enables seamless data flow, reducing manual data entry and synchronization issues. Automation not only accelerates the process but also enhances accuracy and reduces the risk of human errors.

What is 4 Way Matching in Accounts Payable? (43)

6. Regular reconciliation

Establish a schedule for regular reconciliation of accounts payable data. Conduct periodic audits to ensure that the 4-way matching process is functioning effectively.

Reconciliation should include a thorough review of matched and unmatched transactions, as well as any outstanding discrepancies. Identify and address discrepancies promptly to prevent prolonged payment delays or disputes with suppliers.

What is 4 Way Matching in Accounts Payable? (44)

Automate your invoice management with Volopay

Volopay is a versatile financial technology solution designed to streamline corporate spending and enhance expense management for businesses. Among its suite of features, Volopay offers robust invoice management capabilities tailored to simplify the accounts payable process.

One standout feature is automated invoice capture, which eliminates manual data entry, saving time and ensuring data accuracy. Volopay also facilitates efficient invoice approval workflows, enabling designated personnel to review and approve invoices electronically, reducing delays in processing.

Another key benefit is vendor integration, allowing vendors to submit invoices directly to the platform electronically, eliminating paper invoices, and fostering stronger vendor relationships. Real-time tracking provides users with visibility into invoice statuses, enhancing financial control, and decision-making.

Moreover, Volopay offers automated payment scheduling based on invoice due dates, ensuring timely payments and avoiding late fees. The platform's secure document management feature enables digital storage and easy retrieval of invoices and related documents, simplifying audits and inquiries.

Volopay's comprehensive invoice management features seamlessly integrate with expense reporting, empowering businesses to track and analyze spending patterns and budgets effectively.

Additionally, the platform maintains a detailed audit trail, ensuring compliance with internal policies and external regulations, simplifying audit processes, and reducing administrative burdens.

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FAQs on 4 way matching in accounts payable

What discrepancies should I look for during 4-way matching?

During 4-way matching, look for discrepancies in quantities, pricing, quality, and condition of received goods or services compared to the purchase order, invoice, receiving report, and quality report.

Can 4-way matching be automated?

Yes, 4-way matching can be automated using specialized software that compares data from these documents, expediting the process and reducing errors.

Is 4-way matching suitable for all types of purchases?

While 4-way matching enhances accuracy, it may not be necessary for all purchases. It is most valuable for critical purchases where quality and compliance are paramount.

What tools or software are commonly used for 4-way matching?

Commonly used tools and software for 4-way matching include enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, accounts payable automation software, and document management systems.

Can 4-way matching help prevent invoice fraud?

Yes, 4-way matching helps prevent invoice fraud by rigorously verifying the accuracy and authenticity of invoices, reducing the risk of unauthorized or fraudulent transactions.

What is 4 Way Matching in Accounts Payable? (2024)
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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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