What Does Out for Delivery Mean in USPS & Why It's Important - PostGrid (2024)

If you have ever ordered something from eCommerce websites, you already know about the excitement that follows it. Customers are always thrilled to check the delivery updates now and then to see whether their items have started moving! Notifications like ‘arrival scan,’ ‘USPS out for delivery,’ etc., help them stay updated about their order status.

73% of customers consider delivery a prime factor in their overall buying experience. And it is crucial to offer accurate mail tracking to promote efficiency and boost sales! Also, most online shoppers tend to check their order status an average of 3.5 times per purchase. Hence, order tracking has become a signature customer expectation today.

Customers get several updates like USPS ‘out for delivery’ and ‘in transit’ while tracking their orders. These updates have different meanings and allow customers to be prepared to collect their mailpiece at the right time!

However, seeing the ‘out for delivery’ status does not imply that customers get their packages in a few minutes. It is easy for recipients to misinterpret this message and get confused because most people don’t know what ‘out for delivery’ means.

In this blog, let us talk about the different delivery statutes, especially the meaning of out for delivery. Also, we will discuss how long customers should wait after seeing this update to get their package.

What Does Out for Delivery Mean?

‘Out for delivery' implies that your mail item is arriving at your address right now. This tracking update shows up after the postal workers load your package on a vehicle or truck. But it does not mean that it will arrive in a specific number of minutes or hours.

It says that your package is on a carrier with other mailpieces- also on their way. Hence, the truck driver may take a while before they reach your place after dropping off all the other items on the same delivery route.

But some people ask- does out for delivery mean I get it today?

Well, ‘out for delivery’ means that your order will arrive anywhere between a few minutes to a couple of hours. Sometimes, it may even reach you the next day if there are too many packages on the carrier or due to other reasons.

How Often Should Customers Check Their Order Statuses?

Now that you know what does ‘out of delivery’ mean, it would also help to learn how often you should check your tracking information. It is crucial to be alert so that you can inquire with the USPS if something goes wrong.

But, there is no correct answer to how many times you should check your order status. Most customers check their tracking details immediately after placing an order and then a few times every day until arrival.

During this time, they might see numerous updates following the final one- USPS out for delivery. It is how they know that their package has reached the nearest postal outlet and they should expect it to arrive soon.

It is best to opt for USPS informed delivery to receive mail notifications right on your phones. This option helps you get updates, like ‘departure scan,’ ‘on the vehicle,’ ‘USPS out for delivery,’ etc.

Informed delivery also enables people to see greyscale images of the outer side of their letters. Customers can sign up for this postal service for free on the USPS website.

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What Are the Different USPS Tracking Updates?

Before seeing the USPS out for delivery messages, you may come across numerous other updates that you should learn. It helps you understand where your packages have reached in their shipping journey.

Below, we have mentioned the most commonly seen updates that give more context into what does out for delivery means USPS.

Arrival Scan

You may get the ‘arrival scan’ message a couple of times throughout your mail journey. So, don’t be alarmed if the USPS changes your tracking status back and forth to ‘arrival scan.’ It means that your mailpiece has arrived at a new postal facility.

Naturally, the postal services drop your items at many spots before you see ‘USPS out for delivery.’ Also, there could be several days between every arrival scan, depending on the distance between the origin and destination.

Thankfully, you can also see the names of all shipping facilities where your items go through a scan.

Departure Scan

The ‘departure scan’ message is another update you may see before USPS out for delivery. It is the opposite of an arrival scan and informs people that their mailpiece is on the move.

Every departure scan is good news for recipients because it tells them that their item has left the shipping facility. It is now loaded on the truck again and headed to another postal outlet or its destination.

It might still take a few days for your mailpiece to reach you. Hence, wait for at least three to five days to get the USPS ‘out for delivery’ notification and receive your item.

In Transit

‘In transit’ shows up when your items start moving towards their destination via some shipping carrier. Unlike the ‘out for delivery’ meaning, this update may mean that:

  • Your mailpiece is onboard a vehicle sent across the city or state
  • Your item is traveling across the country via train or truck
  • Your item is on board an airplane for delivery across the country or internationally

Hence, the destination location decides how many days you will see this status and when it will change to USPS ‘out for delivery.’ The next message you receive would be an ‘arrival scan’ when your mailpiece reaches a postal hub nearer to your address.

There is another version of this tracking message known as ‘in transit, arriving late.' In contrast to the USPS out for delivery status, it might be worrying to most recipients because it implies that:

  • The USPS is facing a slowdown or backlog
  • There is some issue with your mail item (it's either lost or misplaced)
  • The USPS had to reschedule your mail delivery because of some other problems

Please note that there is a broad difference between in transit vs. out for delivery. The ‘in transit’ update only says that your item moves from one place to another. It does not mean that you will receive it soon. On the other hand, ‘out for delivery’ means that your item might arrive the same day.

Remember to refresh your tracking information page and check every few hours to get a new update.

On Vehicle

‘On vehicle’ is an update that you may see in the early morning before 8 AM. Hence, most people miss this status and directly see the ‘in transit’ or USPS ‘out for delivery’ message. It indicates that your item is now on a vehicle and being prepared to get delivered.

The ‘on vehicle’ update shows up bright in the morning because most carrier services, including the USPS, load their vehicles early. You can see their trucks hitting the road by 8 AM or 9 AM. Again, you may get this notification several days before you receive the USPS ‘out for delivery’ status.

Hence, ‘on vehicle’ is one of those updates you see at the last stages of your mail journey. But, it is tricky! You can never anticipate when this status will pop up on your page or what it means, unlike the meaning of ‘out for delivery.’

Some facilities don’t find it essential to upload this tracking information for every box. So, it may get hard to pin down the current location of your packages. The USPS ‘out for delivery’ status might appear just a few scans later.

Destination Scan

It is one of the most awaited tracking updates for customers because a destination scan indicates that your packages are at their last postal outlet. The USPS workers complete this scan a few moments before changing the status update to USPS ‘out for delivery.’

You can see the name of the postal outlet where this scan takes place. Often, it is at a nearby facility in your neighborhood. If you don’t see the USPS ‘out for delivery’ update in one or two working days after getting this message, you should contact the Post Office.

Returned to Sender

As unpleasant as it may sound, the ‘returned to sender’ message appears more often than you would expect. It means that something went wrong in the shipping infrastructure, and the USPS could not complete the mail delivery. Hence, it sent back the item to the return address. In such cases, you can never get the notification that says- USPS out for delivery.

It implies that the mailing process was incomplete because of some unsolvable issues. You can contact the sender to see what’s going on or call the Post Office and drop an inquiry into the matter.

Sometimes, you may get a refund if the Post Office changes your tracking status to ‘returned to the sender instead of USPS ‘out for delivery. Hence, keep in touch with the postal workers and stay updated always.

Here are some prime reasons why the postal workers might send your items back to the senders:

Incorrect Addresses

If you mention an incorrect or invalid address on your mailpiece, the USPS cannot complete your delivery. In such cases, your tracking status shows ‘returned to the sender instead of USPS ‘out for delivery.’ The postal workers might try to call you up and get the correct address, but it is rare.

Hence, it is advisable to use an address verification API like PostGrid to standardize and validate your mailing lists beforehand. It helps you avoid problems of lost items, misplacements, inaccurate deliveries, mail returns, etc. Thus, your items can travel through the logistics structure properly, allowing you to receive the USPS ‘out for delivery’ message quicker.

Certified Mail Restricted Delivery

After understanding what does out for delivery mean UPS, you should also know that it depends on the mailing service you select. The USPS carriers can only deliver your item to the addressed recipient if you choose Certified Mail Restricted Delivery. It helps you ensure that your mail only reaches the right hands. But, there is one downside to this service!

If the intended recipient is unavailable to collect the item, the carrier takes it back to the Post Office. After a few more delivery attempts, they send back the mailpiece to the sender. Thus, your USPS out for delivery update changes to ‘returned to sender,’ owing to such issues.


The USPS delivers 425.3 million items successfully every day. Thus, millions of people see the ‘delivered’ status right after getting the USPS ‘out for delivery’ notification. It means that the recipient has received the mailpiece accurately, and the process is complete.

On some days, you may have to wait for a couple of minutes or hours to see the update change because the carrier might upload the details after getting back to the Post Office. However, it does not matter if your tracking page shows USPS ‘out for delivery’ as long as you get your item.

Delivery Failed, Will Attempt Again

This update is not like ‘returned to sender’ that tells you that your delivery has failed. But, it is still not good to get this message on your item’s estimated arrival date, especially after you have already been alerted about USPS ‘out for delivery.’

The ‘delivery failed, will attempt again’ update means that the carrier tried to drop off your item but couldn’t do so for some reason. If you are an Informed Delivery customer- you get a mobile notification after receiving the USPS ‘out for delivery’ message. Hence, have an eye out for these updates and be prepared to collect your mail.

There can be several reasons for delivery failures that we will discuss ahead in this blog, like unforeseen weather, vehicle repairs, etc. You can collect the item yourself after seeing the USPS ‘out for delivery’ update if you think the carrier cannot deliver your mail correctly.

Also Read: Benefits of Mail Scanning Services

How Long Does ‘Out for Delivery’ Take?

After learning the meaning of out for delivery, it is also crucial to know that you can never determine the time when your mail will arrive. Once you get this update on your tracking page, there are chances that you will get the item the same day.

It is almost impossible to know the duration between every scan and the final delivery. But, it ranges anywhere from a few minutes to up to 12 hours.

A few houses stand right at the beginning of the delivery route, so the people residing there get their items delivered faster. However, some homes are situated in the middle or towards the end. Hence, they get their mailpieces a couple of hours after receiving the USPS ‘out for delivery’ notification.

If you receive mail regularly from the Post Office, you probably have a ballpark idea of the USPS timings. These services are always consistent! So, if you get your mailpieces around 3 PM every time, you might get your upcoming items around the same time.

Last-Mile Delivery

‘Last mile delivery’ describes the short trip the postal workers take from the last postal outlet to your mailing address. It is similar to the tracking update USPS ‘out for delivery.’

This phrase refers to dropping items on the customers’ doorsteps rather than having them visit the Post Office. Now, delivering mailpieces directly to the customers’ mailing addresses may seem obvious to you. But, the USPS ‘out for delivery’ stage is the most complicated logistics step and costs more than the whole journey.

Often, the last mile delivery poses several challenges to courier companies. It is also time-draining, leading to the possibility of delivery delays. But why is the USPS ‘out for delivery’ process so problematic?

Most packages travel in bulk, but the last-mile delivery demands that postal workers drop off items individually. Hence, the USPS can no longer avail of the economies of scale and bear the burden of higher rates.

Moreover, a vehicle driver may travel several miles between every drop-off. Planning all the delivery routes most efficiently can get tricky. Thus, you may notice that it sometimes takes forever for your items to arrive even after getting the USPS ‘out for delivery’ update.

The surge in demand for eCommerce orders and other packages can complicate the matter even further. Plus, customers want free and expedited shipping, which restricts companies from solving these issues related to USPS ‘out for delivery.’

Below, we discuss more reasons why your package might arrive late even when it is out for delivery:

Bad Traffic

Nine out of ten times, the meaning of out for delivery is that you will get your packages the same day. But, traffic can slow down deliveries significantly and prevent the truck driver from reaching you the same day. In such cases, the USPS sends out the leftover items again the next day. Until then, your tracking update remains the same.

Holiday Season

The holiday season occurs between Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day and witnessed a massive rise in mail demand. Hence, your USPS ‘out for delivery’ package may take longer than usual to arrive.

Almost everyone sends out greeting cards and letters to their clients, family, and friends. Thus, the USPS gets millions of formal and informal mailpieces to deliver. Also, many people order online during this period, leaving the USPS short of staff to fulfill all the deliveries.

Hence, always expect your items to be a little late if you order something in November and December. It is best to wait for at least two working days after seeing the USPS ‘out for delivery’ tracking update.

Inclement Weather

It is one of the most uncontrollable reasons for late deliveries. Also, you can never predict how specific weather conditions can affect the mailing schedule. Hence, expect the USPS ‘out for delivery’ status to show up for a while if the weather in your state or city is unfavorable.

Rural Delivery

Delivery in rural areas works differently than in urban or metropolitan localities. Most places only have a PO box address which you can mail to because there is no door-to-door delivery available. Hence, the people residing in rural areas might find it hard to decipher the actual ‘out for delivery’ meaning.

Some carriers may not have the necessary infrastructure or resources to reach specific places on time. So, you can expect massive delivery delays even when your mailpieces are USPS ‘out for delivery.’

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Why Does My Tracking Update Show USPS Out For Delivery Even After My Item Is Delivered?

The meaning of ‘out of delivery’ is that the postal workers have loaded your packages on a truck. It indicates that the items are on route right now, and your status will reflect the ‘delivered’ message soon.

But, occasionally, you may notice that your tracking page still shows the out-for-delivery update after you have already received your item. It can happen because the carrier forgot to do a destination scan and upload the details online. Hence, it does not imply that you got the wrong mailpiece or there could be a problem with it.

However, you can always contact the Post Office and have them change the USPS ‘out for delivery’ update if it is bugging you.

On Which Days Does the USPS Deliver?

The USPS delivers items between Mondays and Saturdays, although the Priority Mail Express service offers an optional Sunday delivery. Hence, you may get your mailpieces on any day of the week after they are USPS ‘out for delivery.’

The timings for mail deliveries range from 9 AM to 9 PM. But, it is unlikely that you get your item at 9 AM unless your mailing address falls first on the USPS delivery routes. As said earlier, these houses or offices get their items just a few minutes after getting the USPS ‘out for delivery’ message.

Also, remember that most USPS vehicles head back to the postal facilities by 8.30 PM or 9 PM. They might drop off a few items on their way, but it is rare to get your packages after 8.30 PM.

Tracking Your Items by Using the USPS Mailing Services

The USPS has a plethora of shipping options, and you must choose one according to your needs. A few of these services offer free tracking, and you can benefit from this feature majorly.

It allows you to get updates, like ‘departure scan,’ USPS ‘out for delivery,’ and ‘delivered.’ Hence, you can stay informed about your order statuses always.

Here, we have mentioned the most popular USPS services that help you mail your items efficiently:

First-Class Mail

This mailing option lets you deliver your items within one to five business days. It is the most standard and convenient way to ship something in the US. Also, it is very affordable compared to other postal services. But, it does not provide a USPS ‘out for delivery’ message because there is no tracking included.

The USPS might deliver your letter-sized envelopes in one working day, whereas small packages take at least two days. But, First-Class Mail does not provide tracking even as a chargeable add-on. So, you cannot receive any notifications, including USPS ‘out for delivery.’ Therefore, select this option only when you are not in a hurry and don't need tracking.

Priority Mail

Priority Mail is an apt choice for customers who want to send rush mail. It helps you deliver packages within one to three business days. You can check the Priority Mail delivery map to check if your mailing address is eligible for one-day mailing. In that case, you would see several updates, including ‘arrival scan’ and USPS ‘out for delivery’ on the same day. The best part is that you get a tracking number for free with this service. You can track your mailpieces on the postal website and check your delivery status.

You might see the USPS ‘out for delivery’ update the upcoming morning if your locality comes under one-day delivery. Otherwise, you would have to wait for two more days. Yet, Priority Mail is a speedier option than First-Class Mail.

Priority Mail Express

You can opt for Priority Mail Express to send time-critical documents and packages. It allows you to ship at flat rates with a 2-day delivery guarantee. The timeframe of this service ranges from one to two business days—you can claim a refund only if you don’t get your mailpieces by 6 PM on the second day.

You can check your delivery updates, like USPS ‘out for delivery’ and ‘destination scan' by tracking your items. Also, you can pay extra for deliveries on holidays and Sundays.

Certified Mail

Customers who need proof of mailing and delivery can select Certified Mail. It gives you a mailing receipt and signature on delivery. You can request a digital Return Receipt or an offline one by paying more.

The mailing receipt has a tracking number that is helpful to stay informed when your item update changes to USPS ‘out for delivery.’ Furthermore, the Post Office maintains the signature record for two years from the day of shipping. Hence, if you didn’t request a Return Receipt earlier, you can also do it later.

You need to pair up Certified Mail with some other service, like Priority Mail. Therefore, the number of days the USPS might take to update the USPS ‘out for delivery’ status depends on your mailing choice.

Registered Mail

Registered Mail is the most secure USPS option to ship valuable objects or packages. It uses several types of sealed containers, cages, and safes to travel your mailpieces safely. Again, it provides proof of mailing and signature upon delivery. But, it does not allow you to receive the USPS ‘out for delivery’ notification because there is no tracking with this service.

We hope this section helps you understand what ‘out for delivery' means and the services that are offered to track. It is advisable to select an option that best suits your requirements which may change from time to time.

PostGrid’s automated direct mail API helps you send Certified and Registered Mail affordably. Also, you need not fill out any forms or track every item manually if you use our services.

Also Read: Direct Mail vs. Email

What Can You Do If Your Mail Does Not Arrive On Time?

Most customers get uneasy if there is no sign of their arriving mail item even after its status reflects USPS ‘out for delivery.’ Along with waiting for the mailpiece, there are a couple of things you can do if you don’t get it on time, like:

Call the Post Office

It is one of the easiest ways to connect with the USPS and inquire about your mailpiece. You can call the Post Office where you lodged your item as it can make your work faster.

Let the representative know that your tracking update shows USPS ‘out for delivery,’ but you haven’t received the item yet. Also, give your correct tracking number to help them locate your mailpiece effectively.

Here are two USPS numbers you can call on:

  • 1800-275-8777
  • 1800-222-1811 (Delivery Tracking Department)

It can help you expedite your item’s shipping, primarily because its tracking status is already USPS ‘out for delivery.’

Visit the Post Office

If the Post Office is near your home or office, it is better to visit the Post Office and talk with a representative. Carry your mailing receipt if you have one and inform them that your delivery status is still stuck on USPS ‘out for delivery.’

Also, it would help if you stated some more details, like the appearance of your mailpiece, size, weight, etc. Using this information, a USPS employee might tell you an estimated delivery date and the reason for the delay.

Drop a Missing Mail Search Request

There is a possibility that the postal workers lost your mailpiece if it did not arrive within seven business days of getting the USPS ‘out for delivery’ status. The meaning of ‘out for delivery' dictates that your package will reach your doorstep within 12 hours. Hence, such broad delays indicate there is something wrong with your mailpiece.

You can file a missing mail search request with the USPS and then wait for a callback.

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How Can PostGrid’s Direct Mail Services Help You Track Your Items?

PostGrid allows you to stay up-to-date with your tracking status with several updates, like ‘arrival scan,’ ‘on the vehicle,' and USPS ‘out for delivery.

Our services are curated to help businesses print and mail their marketing and transactional items. You can integrate our API into your CRM and start shipping to your customers right from your system.

Using PostGrid, you don’t need to worry about your status showing as USPS ‘out for delivery.’ With a 2-business day SLA and 99.99% deliverability, you can rest assured that your items will reach their destinations on time. Here are some helpful features of PostGrid that aid your mailing and tracking processes:

  • Design templates: Our dashboard and API offer several professionally-built templates to help create your artwork quickly. You can choose and download your favorite template in HTML and PDF formats.
  • Print and Mail Fulfillment: PostGrid helps produce and mail your items in one go. Hence, you can see the USPS ‘out for delivery’ update sooner than expected. You can automate the entire procedure and let our solutions handle everything on your behalf.
  • Tracking and campaign monitoring: You can track your items in real time and see how far they are in the USPS infrastructure. PostGrid’s print and mail services allow you to get notifications, like USPS ‘out for delivery', etc. You can also check your mailing campaign performance by logging into your PostGrid account and navigating your dashboard.

The USPS website only allows you to track up to 35 items. But, you can use PostGrid to see which items have the status- USPS out for delivery and which ones are still in transit. It gives you a consolidated view of all your sent items for better efficiency.

If you send and receive mailpieces via the USPS regularly, you might have an idea of what does out of delivery mean. This tracking update allows recipients to stay prepared to collect their items. Hence, they can ditch their plans and remain home to receive their mailpiece, especially if the sender opted for Certified Mail Restricted Delivery. Otherwise, the carrier would drop off the item in their mailboxes.

We hope this blog helps you know the meaning of ‘out for delivery’ and how it works. Also, we have tried to bust the myths around different tracking updates to enable you to know their correct meanings.

PostGrid’s direct mail automation solutions can help companies create, print, and ship their items with a few clicks. Hence, they can skip thinking about printers and logistics and focus on crucial business areas. Also, they can avoid interpreting updates like USPS ‘out for delivery,’ ‘destination scan,’ etc. All you need to do is login into your account and view your delivery statuses.

Request a demo to see how PostGrid helps you send mailpieces and get tracking updates such as USPS ‘out for delivery!’

What Does Out for Delivery Mean in USPS & Why It's Important - PostGrid (2024)
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Name: Duncan Muller

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Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.