What Can Homeschoolers Deduct on Their Taxes? (2024)

A Production of the Ultimate Homeschool Podcast Network.

What Can Homeschoolers Deduct on Their Taxes? (1)

Taxes and Homeschoolers

This is a popular topic. What does Carol say?

Are there any tax breaks for homeschoolers?

One of the most popular questions asked on my website, HomeschoolCPA.com, is, “Are there any tax breaks for homeschoolers?” Unfortunately, there are no tax deductions or tax credits for homeschool expenses from the federal government, but there may be tax deductions from your state income tax.

Arizona, Illinois, Iowa, Louisiana, and Minnesota have educational tax credits for individuals. The tax credit is available to any public or private school student, so it is not unique to homeschoolers. Home School Legal Defense Association has a detailed explanation of each of these state programs and tax credits. Visit http://HSLDA.org and search “Education Tax Credits.”

Clever Ideas to Find Tax Deductions (That Don’t Work)

Homeschoolers sometimes get creative and wonder if they could start a business or a nonprofit organization for their homeschool activities and then deduct their expenses.

Jim, a homeschool dad, thought he could start a business, hire his wife to teach his children and deduct the business’s expenses (curriculum, field trips, mileage, etc.). This won’t work for several reasons: the wife would have to report her wages as taxable income, wiping out any tax benefit; Jim does not have a trade because he has no paying customers and no revenue; and finally, the IRS would disallow the homeschool expenses because they are personal expenses, not legitimate business deductions.

A new homeschool parent, Jena, asked if she could receive donations to cover her homeschooling expenses. Jena can accept gifts from generous people, but they will not be tax-deductible donations to the donor because Jena’s family is not a 501(c)(3) qualified charitable organization.

What the IRS Says About Homeschool Deductions

The IRS will not grant qualified charity status to an individual family or any organization that is formed solely to benefit the founder’s family. So, while a homeschool co-op may be eligible to receive tax-deductible donations (if it has 501(c)(3) qualified charity status), a family cannot receive tax-deductible donations. The best Jena can hope for is that friends and family might offer her gifts of curriculum, school supplies, or cash. These gifts are not tax deductions for her generous friends, but neither does Jena report these gifts as income on her tax return.

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Can Homeschoolers Use 529 Funds?

In late 2017, Congress expanded 529 college savings plans to be used for K-12 expenses, but. Congress specifically excluded homeschool expenses from using 529 funds. That seemed unfair to a lot of homeschoolers. But there may be a way for homeschoolers to use their 529 savings accounts for some K-12 expenses.

There are two conditions for using 529 funds for K-12 expenses:

1) the costs must be for tuition and

2) the institution the family pays must be “a public, private, or religious school.”

Some homeschooled students take classes from private schools (locally or online). The tuition payments to these schools can use 529 funds. But the cost of books, supplies, equipment, and payments to organizations that are not schools cannot use 529 funds. Be careful that the tuition payments go to a public, private, or religious school. In my experience, most homeschool programs (co-ops, tutorials, etc.) are not schools. If you have any concerns about their school status, do not use 529 funds to pay for the tuition. Withdrawals from a 529 fund that are not “qualified” (i.e. tuition paid to a public, private, or religious school), then you pay income tax and a penalty of 10% on the funds withdrawn from the 529 plan.

About the Author:

Carol Topp, CPA, is a retired homeschool mom and author of 13 books, including Homeschool Co-ops: How to Start, Run,and Not Burn Out. She hosts a podcast for homeschool group leaders at http://DollarsAndSenseShow.com. Her website is http://HomeschoolCPA.com.


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What Can Homeschoolers Deduct on Their Taxes? (2024)


What Can Homeschoolers Deduct on Their Taxes? ›

You won't find any tax deductions or credits specifically for homeschool families, but there are some tax breaks available to help. One of these tax breaks is that you can deduct the cost of some special education

Education is the transmission of knowledge, skills, and character traits and manifests in various forms. Formal education occurs within a structured institutional framework, such as public schools, following a curriculum.
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Education
expenses such as tutors in specialized topics and the cost of tuition for special instruction.

What can homeschoolers deduct from taxes? ›

Unfortunately, while homeschooling can get quite expensive, at the current time, there are no tax breaks designated specifically for homeschoolers by the federal government. Tuition costs are a personal expense and therefore not deductible, and this includes things like ballet or piano lessons.

What education items are tax-deductible? ›

Qualified education expenses
  • Tuition and fees.
  • Room and board.
  • Books, supplies and equipment.
  • Other necessary expenses (such as transportation).

What can I write-off on my taxes? ›

If you itemize, you can deduct these expenses:
  • Bad debts.
  • Canceled debt on home.
  • Capital losses.
  • Donations to charity.
  • Gains from sale of your home.
  • Gambling losses.
  • Home mortgage interest.
  • Income, sales, real estate and personal property taxes.
Jun 14, 2024

How much can a teacher deduct from taxes? ›

For the current tax season (i.e., the 2023 tax year), the maximum educator expense deduction is $300. If you are an eligible educator (more on that later), you can deduct up to $300 of out-of-pocket classroom expenses when you file your 2023 federal income tax return.

What are qualified education expenses? ›

Qualified expenses are amounts paid for tuition, fees and other related expense for an eligible student that are required for enrollment or attendance at an eligible educational institution. You must pay the expenses for an academic period* that starts during the tax year or the first three months of the next tax year.

Is tuition paid by parents tax deductible? ›

You can claim the American opportunity tax credit (AOTC) on 100% of the first $2,000 of your child's college tuition and expenses and 25% of the next $2,000 in tuition and related expenses, up to a maximum of $2,500 per year. The eligible expenses include: Qualified tuition and fees.

Does the IRS ask for proof of school expenses? ›

Yes. The Form 1098-T is a form provided to you and the IRS by an eligible educational institution that reports, among other things, amounts paid for qualified tuition and related expenses. The form may be useful in calculating the amount of the allowable education tax credits.

Can I claim my computer as a tax deduction for school? ›

Education Credits and Deductions - Cost of a Computer. For purposes of the education credits and tuition deduction, the cost of a computer qualifies as an education expense if it is needed as a condition of enrollment.

How do I get the full $2500 American Opportunity Credit? ›

Be pursuing a degree or other recognized education credential. Have qualified education expenses at an eligible educational institution. Be enrolled at least half time for at least one academic period* beginning in the tax year. Not have finished the first four years of higher education at the beginning of the tax year.

What deduction can I claim without receipts? ›

What does the IRS allow you to deduct (or “write off”) without receipts?
  • Self-employment taxes. ...
  • Home office expenses. ...
  • Self-employed health insurance premiums. ...
  • Self-employed retirement plan contributions. ...
  • Vehicle expenses. ...
  • Cell phone expenses.
May 31, 2024

How do I get the biggest tax refund? ›

4 ways to increase your tax refund come tax time
  1. Consider your filing status. Believe it or not, your filing status can significantly impact your tax liability. ...
  2. Explore tax credits. Tax credits are a valuable source of tax savings. ...
  3. Make use of tax deductions. ...
  4. Take year-end tax moves.

Can you write off a car payment? ›

When can you deduct car loan interest from your taxes? Only those who are self-employed or own a business and use a vehicle for business purposes may claim a tax deduction for car loan interest. If you are an employee of someone else's business, you cannot claim this deduction.

Can homeschoolers deduct educator expenses? ›

You won't find any tax deductions or credits specifically for homeschool families, but there are some tax breaks available to help. One of these tax breaks is that you can deduct the cost of some special education expenses such as tutors in specialized topics and the cost of tuition for special instruction.

Can teachers write off cell phones? ›

Computers, extra monitors, webcams, and microphones needed to teach are write-offs. Turnitin, Copyscape, or other software you use to grade papers or teach can be written off. Part of your actual phone's cost, monthly phone bill, and any accessories you use for work can be written off.

Can you write off school supplies? ›

Credits for school supplies, equipment and course materials

For the American Opportunity Credit only, expenses for books, supplies, and equipment the student needs for a course of study are included in qualified education expenses, even if it is not paid to the school.

Is there a downside to homeschooling? ›

Common disadvantages of homeschooling include a lack of real-life socialization, limited access to resources and facilities, the demanding load on parents, and potential legal challenges.

Is paying grandchild tuition tax deductible? ›

According to the Internal Revenue Service, tuition that you pay for someone else is exempt from the federal gift tax. There is no limit to how much you may contribute towards your grandchild's tuition, said O'Connell, but the special gift tax exclusion only allows donors to pay for college tuition.

What is the tuition and fees deduction? ›

The Tuition and Fees Deduction allows eligible taxpayers to deduct up to $4,000 from taxable income to help cover higher education costs for themselves, a spouse and dependent children.

What is the unschooling method? ›

What Is Unschooling? Unschooling is a style of home education that allows the student's interests and curiosities to drive the path of learning. Rather than using a defined curriculum, unschoolers trust children to gain knowledge organically.

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Name: Frankie Dare

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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.