What are the ways to change NAT type? (2024)

Like most people, you probably don’t think about your internet connection often. But did you know there are different types of connections, and each has benefits and drawbacks? This article will look at the NAT type, what it is, and what to consider when choosing your connection.

For example, a strict NAT type can cause issues when trying to play multiplayer games. This guide will walk you through the various methods for changing your NAT type. Learn how to configure your router and troubleshoot connection issues.

What Is NAT and What Is Its Purpose?

Network Address Translation (NAT) is a technology most commonly used by firewalls and routers to allow multiple devices on a LAN with ‘private’ IP addresses to share a single public IP address.

The primary purpose of NAT is to improve security by hiding the internal network structure and IP addresses from the outside world. NAT also has the added benefit of conserving limited public IP addresses.

However, NAT can cause problems with specific Internet applications requiring all users to have a public IP address. For example, NAT can prevent two-way voice communication (e.g., VoIP), gaming, or other real-time applications from working correctly.

What Are the NAT Types?

A NAT type is a configuration setting on a router that determines how the router handles incoming and outgoing traffic. There are three main NAT types:

  • Open: This is an ideal NAT type as it allows your computer to connect to any other computer or network without restrictions.
  • Moderate: This NAT type allows your computer to connect to most other computers and networks, but some restrictions may exist.
  • Strict: This is the least ideal NAT type as it severely restricts your computer’s ability to connect to other computers and networks. In some cases, it may not be possible to connect at all.

Which NAT Type Is the Best?

The ideal NAT type is Open, allowing your computer to connect to any other computer or network without any restrictions. However, Moderate and Strict NAT types are also common and can often still provide good speeds and reliability.

If you have difficulty connecting to other computers or networks, try using a VPN, which can often bypass NAT-type restrictions.

Hopefully, this article has helped you to understand NAT types and how to change them. Now we will proceed to change the NAT Types.

How to Moderate NAT Type With a Router?

What are the ways to change NAT type? (1)

NAT can be a useful tool for moderating traffic on your network. It can also be used for security purposes, by hiding the real IP addresses of devices on your network. If you want to use NAT to moderate your traffic, you need to enable it on your router and create a mapping between the internal and external IP addresses.

However, to do it right, you must follow some rules. We will describe these rules in the next two blocks.

Check Your Router’s Documentation

Before making any changes to your router, it is always a good idea to check the documentation first. Many routers have a web-based interface that you can use to change the NAT type. Consult your router’s documentation for specific instructions on how to do this.

Change the router’s NAT settings

If your router does not have a web-based interface, or if you can’t find the appropriate settings, you may need to change the NAT settings directly on the router. Again, consult your router’s documentation for specific instructions on how to do this.

How to Change Nat Type on PC

Changing the NAT type on your computer may help resolve these issues. There are a few different ways to change the NAT type, which we will outline below:

  • Use port forwarding: Port forwarding is a technique that can improve some applications’ connection speed and reliability. When you use port forwarding, you are essentially creating a rule that tells the router to send traffic from a specific port on your computer to a particular port on another. To use port forwarding, you need to know the computer’s IP address to which you want to forward traffic.
  • Use a VPN: A Virtual Private Network (VPN) can be used to improve the connection speed and reliability of some applications. A VPN creates a secure, encrypted tunnel between your computer and another computer or network.
  • Use UPnP: Universal Plug and Play is a technology that allows devices on a network to discover and configure themselves automatically. Many routers support UPnP, and it can be used to change the NAT type. To use UPnP, ensure it is enabled on your router.

How to Do It on Windows

It depends on the Windows version:

  • Windows 7/8/10/11:
    1. Open the ‘Network and Sharing Center and click ‘Change adapter settings.
    2. Right-click on the network adapter you are using and select ‘Properties.’
    3. Click the ‘Advanced’ tab and select ‘Internet Connection Firewall.’
    4. Click ‘Settings’ and select the ‘UPnP’ tab.
    5. Check the ‘Enable UPnP’ box and click ‘OK.’
  • Windows Vista:
    1. Open the ‘Control Panel and click ‘Network and Internet.
    2. Click ‘Network and Sharing Center and click ‘Manage network connections.
    3. Right-click on the network adapter you use and go to ‘Properties.’
    4. Click the ‘Advanced’ tab and select ‘Internet Connection Firewall.’
    5. Click ‘Settings’ and Select the ‘UPnP’ tab.
    6. Check the ‘Enable UPnP’ box and click ‘OK.’

As you can see, the Windows Vista instruction differs only in one paragraph.

How to Do It on Mac OS X

Open the System Preferences application and click ‘Network .’Select the network adapter you are using from the list on the left and click ‘Advanced .’Click the ‘TCP/IP’ tab and select ‘Using DHCP with manual address. Enter your router’s IP address in the ‘Router’ field and click ‘OK.’

How to Do It on Linux

Most Linux distributions come with a UPnP client called ‘MiniUPnPc.’ To install it, open a terminal and enter the following command (delete quotes when using these commands):

  • ‘sudo apt-get install miniupnpc’

Once MiniUPnPc is installed, you can use it to change the NAT type. Open a terminal and enter the following commands:

  • ‘sudo su’
  • ‘echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward’
  • ‘iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE’
  • ‘miniupnpc -a $(ip addr show eth0 | grep “inet ” | cut -d’ ‘ -f6 | cut -d/ -f1)’

Replace ‘eth0’ with the name of your network adapter.

How to Change NAT Type With a VPN?

What are the ways to change NAT type? (2)

A VPN can be used to improve the connection speed and reliability of some applications by creating a secure, encrypted tunnel between your computer and another computer or network. This can often bypass NAT type restrictions and other types like content or links restrictions.

You must sign up for a VPN service and install the VPN software on your computer to use a VPN. Once you have done this, connect to a VPN server, and your traffic will be routed through the VPN tunnel.

Is It Secure to Modify Your Nat Type?

Yes, it is perfectly safe to modify your NAT type. NAT types are simply configuration settings on your router and have no bearing on the security of your network.

In fact, in some cases, modifying your NAT type can improve your network’s security as it can help prevent malicious traffic from reaching your computer.

Can I Change My Nat Type Permanently?

Yes, you can change your NAT type permanently by changing your router’s configuration. However, if you are using a VPN, you must keep the VPN software installed on your computer to maintain a secure, encrypted connection.

Do All Games Require an Open Nat Type?

No, not all games require an Open NAT type. However, some games may have difficulty connecting or run less smoothly if you have a Moderate or Strict NAT type.
If you have difficulty connecting to other players or your game is running slowly, try using a VPN, as this can often bypass NAT type restrictions.


NAT types are configuration settings on your router that determine how the router handles incoming and outgoing traffic. The ideal NAT type is Open, allowing your computer to connect to any other computer or network without restrictions.

However, Moderate and Strict NAT types are also common and can often still provide good speeds and reliability. Hopefully, this article has helped you to understand NAT types and how to change them.

And if you decide to use a VPN for changing NAT type, you should find the best VPN among the others. Read reviews, watch videos on YouTube, and test the service on your own.


  1. How do I check my NAT type?

    Recheck your NAT type once you've obtained a public IP address from your ISP (Profile & system > Settings > General > Network settings > Test NAT type).

  2. Is Open NAT type safe?

    While open NAT ensures a smooth online experience with minimal lag and buffering, it is not a particularly secure option. Because it lacks firewall protection, it makes you more vulnerable to hacking attacks when used.

  3. Does NAT type affect Ping?

    It affects who you can connect to, which could affect the quality of your connection, but it does not.

  4. Is it dangerous to use a VPN?

    A trustworthy virtual private network (VPN) can provide secure internet access. VPN security can protect against IP spoofing and encrypt internet history, which is increasingly used to prevent government snooping.

As an enthusiast in networking technology with a robust understanding of NAT (Network Address Translation) and related concepts, I'll delve into the comprehensive breakdown of the information provided in the article about NAT types, their implications, and how to manage them effectively.

Network Address Translation (NAT) Overview:

NAT's Purpose: NAT primarily functions as a technology utilized by routers and firewalls to enable multiple devices on a Local Area Network (LAN) with private IP addresses to share a single public IP address. This offers security benefits by concealing internal network details and conserves limited public IP addresses.

Drawbacks of NAT: While NAT enhances security and IP conservation, it can impede specific internet applications that necessitate public IP addresses, such as VoIP, gaming, and real-time applications.

NAT Types:

1. Open NAT:

  • Ideal for allowing unrestricted connections between your computer and any other computer or network.

2. Moderate NAT:

  • Allows connections to most computers and networks but might have some limitations or restrictions.

3. Strict NAT:

  • Least ideal, significantly limiting your computer's ability to connect to other computers or networks, sometimes even preventing connections altogether.

Choosing the Best NAT Type:

  • Open NAT is optimal for seamless connectivity. Moderate and Strict NAT types can still offer decent speeds and reliability but may encounter connection issues.
  • VPNs can often bypass NAT-type restrictions, offering a potential solution for connectivity problems.

Modifying NAT Type:

Router Configuration:

  • Enabling NAT settings through the router's web-based interface or directly on the router itself, as per the router's documentation, is crucial.
  • The process involves creating mappings between internal and external IP addresses.

Changing NAT Type on Devices:

  • For Windows, the process involves adjusting firewall settings, enabling UPnP, or utilizing port forwarding.
  • Mac OS X and Linux offer similar functionalities through network settings and specific command-line instructions.

Using VPN for NAT Type:

  • VPNs create secure, encrypted tunnels between your device and another network, potentially bypassing NAT-type restrictions and other content limitations.

Security and Permanence:

  • Modifying NAT types via router settings is safe and doesn't compromise network security. In some cases, it might even enhance security by preventing malicious traffic.
  • Changing NAT type permanently is feasible through router configuration, but VPN usage requires ongoing software installation for a secure connection.

Game Compatibility and Conclusion:

  • Not all games require an Open NAT type, but some may face connectivity issues with Moderate or Strict NAT.
  • Understanding NAT types helps optimize connectivity, and using VPNs can circumvent some limitations.

In summary, NAT types significantly impact network connectivity, and understanding their implications and how to modify them can enhance your online experience, especially in gaming and real-time applications. VPNs serve as a valuable tool to overcome NAT-related hurdles, ensuring smoother and more reliable connections.

What are the ways to change NAT type? (2024)


What are the ways to change NAT type? ›

Yes, there are multiple ways that you can manually change your NAT type. They are: The UPnP method, port forwarding, the Network Discovery method, using a configuration file, and enabling DMZ mode.

How do I change my NAT type? ›

How do I change my NAT type to open?
  1. Open your web browser and type your IP address into the address bar.
  2. Fill in your login info.
  3. Look for UPnP settings (usually goes under Settings / Advanced Settings / Network Settings).
  4. Enable UPnP, reset the router, and restart your device.

How to make Xbox NAT Type open? ›

To begin, access the Settings menu from your Xbox Series X/S console and select “Network”. Click “Advanced Settings” from here and then choose “Alternate MAC Address”. You should then see an option for “NAT Type”, which you can select to choose either Open or Moderate from the available options.

Is NAT type 3 good? ›

In fact, type 3 connections can only connect to NAT type 1 connections, and none of the others. This seriously limits how many different players you can connect to, and can sometimes interfere with connections to game servers as well. That's why it's generally not recommended to use NAT 3 for gaming at all.

How to make NAT type open on PS4? ›

Step 1: Find and enable your router's DMZ settings. Step 2: Input your PS4's IP address and save the changes. By removing restrictions and firewall settings, Open NAT types facilitate unrestricted external connections to your systems.

What determines my NAT type? ›

The three different NAT types are Open, Moderate, and Strict. Your NAT type is typically the result of the network you are using to connect to the Internet, and influenced by the settings or features of the router or gateway on that network.

What does UPnP mean? ›

UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) is a service that allows devices on the same local network to discover each other and automatically connect through standard networking protocols (such as TCP/IP HTTP, and DHCP).

Can I play Xbox with a strict NAT type? ›

Strict NAT: You're only able to play multiplayer games with people who have an OPEN NAT type. You can't be chosen as the host of a match. Unavailable NAT: If NAT is unavailable, you'll be unable to use party chat or connect to multiplayer games for some Xbox titles.

How to fix double NAT on Xbox? ›

Connect your Xbox console directly to the modem

Try connecting your Xbox console directly to the modem and then restarting both the Xbox and the modem. Check your network settings to make sure the NAT message is gone. If you're still seeing the NAT message, contact your service provider for more help.

Why is my NAT type D? ›

NAT Type D indicates that your network will make it difficult to connect with other players. Generally, players with NAT Type D are only able to connect to players with NAT Type A. If this is your NAT type, use our troubleshooting to try and improve your network's NAT type.

Is NAT type 2 ok? ›

Moderate NAT types operate with a few open ports. This enables your connections to third-party servers, but still offers some protection from external traffic. Your router modifies your private IP address. You can play games online with NAT Type 2 but some options might be limited.

Is changing NAT type safe? ›

While adjusting the NAT type itself doesn't inherently pose security risks, any time you modify network settings, there is a potential for unintended consequences. Ensure that your router's firmware is current, and consider changing default login credentials to enhance security.

Is NAT type F good? ›

NAT Type F:

This status indicates that your Nintendo Switch unit cannot communicate with other devices and can't play with any other people online. Consider changing either your network or router configuration with port forwarding or a VPN.

How to change NAT type on Xbox? ›

Just follow these steps:
  1. Navigate to your router login page. ...
  2. Log in to your router using the required credentials.
  3. Navigate to the UPnP menu on your router. ...
  4. Enable UPnP.
  5. Save your changes.
  6. Open the Settings app on your Xbox One.
  7. Select the Network tab.
  8. Select the Test NAT type tile.
May 12, 2023

Why does my NAT type keep failing? ›

Strict NAT severely restricts connectivity due to the router firewall blocking most traffic. A NAT Type Failed error usually means your ps4's NAT configuration is Strict or unknown to the router. As a result, the router blocks connectivity between your PlayStation and the game servers, preventing online play.

Does NAT type affect ping? ›

It affects who you can connect to, which could in turn affect your connection quality, but no. Having a moderate NAT type will not make your ping magically increase by 20ms to the same host. A moderate NAT is nothing to worry about, really.

How to fix NAT type issues on PS4? ›

With the right troubleshooting steps, you can get back online quickly.
  1. What is NAT and Why NAT Type Failed Errors Occur. ...
  2. Fix 1: Power Cycle the PS4. ...
  3. Fix 2: Use a Static IP Address. ...
  4. Fix 3: Enable DMZ for PS4. ...
  5. Fix 4: Configure Port Forwarding. ...
  6. Fix 5: Enable UPnP in Router. ...
  7. Fix 6: Clone Your PS4's MAC Address.
Dec 28, 2023

How to change NAT type 3 to 2 PS5? ›

It's not currently possible to switch from NAT Type 3 to NAT Type 2 on PS5, so NAT Type 1 is your only option. Remember, an Open NAT is not the safest option. You can get CyberGhost VPN to secure your connection which will help reduce the risks associated with having Nat Type 1.

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