What are the most important features of your minimum viable product? (2024)

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Solve a real problem


Validate with data


Prioritize with criteria


Simplify with design


Communicate with marketing


Iterate with feedback


Here’s what else to consider

If you are building a startup, you probably have heard of the term minimum viable product, or MVP. An MVP is a version of your product that has enough features to test your value proposition and get feedback from early adopters. But how do you decide what features to include in your MVP and what to leave out? Here are some tips to help you prioritize and validate your MVP features.

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1 Solve a real problem

The first and most important feature of your MVP is that it solves a real problem for your target customers. You need to identify the pain points, needs, and goals of your potential users and focus on the core value proposition of your product. What is the main benefit that your product offers to your customers? How does it make their lives easier, better, or more enjoyable? Your MVP should deliver this value clearly and effectively, without unnecessary distractions or complications.

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    Addressing a Clear NeedQuick ValidationLow Development CostsScalableMeasurableFeedback LoopThese factors contribute to a successful product by initially addressing a genuine market need with a simplified solution, enabling rapid user feedback and validation. The low development costs, scalability, and measurability facilitate iterative improvements and sustainable growth, while the feedback loop ensures continuous alignment with user needs and market dynamics, fostering a product that evolves effectively over time.


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    It's tempting to chase shiny solutions, but the magic happens when you find a real itch to scratch.Listen More, Assume Less: Too many startups build solutions and then go hunting for problems. Flip that. Listen to the market, and let it guide you.Depth Matters: Some problems are like puddles, others like oceans. Dive deep. The bigger the pain, the more eager the market is for relief.Feel the Emotion: Beyond dollars and cents, there's an emotional side to every problem. Tap into that. If you can make someone's day a tad bit easier or brighter, you're onto something.In short, real problems have faces and stories. Find them, listen to them, and build for them. That's where the real startup magic lies.


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    Real users ;-)…… and feedback loop capabilities including analytics, interviews etc so you can validate or invalidate your hypothesis.


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    Show material understanding of the need, as this is merely an MVP, it does not need to be perfect, but its design must be functional for the need identified.Ensure you speak to your target audience/market in order to refine and build appropriate iterations of the product for full market alignment.


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    All right, here's the deal from my own startup adventures:First-time founders: Focused on the ProductSecond-time founders: Focused on DistributionThird-time founders: Focused on the TeamSo, MVP? If you've got a killer team, that's your gold. Flying solo? Get laser-focused on distribution. The startup graveyard is littered with MVPs that zeroed in on solving the problem but botched the distribution. Result? They faded into oblivion while competitors with maybe not-as-cool products triumphed. They were onto something, but the delivery? That's where they tripped.So, I'd say the #1 is distribution!


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2 Validate with data

The second feature of your MVP is that it allows you to validate your assumptions and hypotheses with data. You need to define the key metrics and indicators that measure the success of your product and test them with real users. You can use various methods and tools to collect and analyze data, such as surveys, interviews, analytics, experiments, and feedback loops. Your goal is to learn from your users and iterate on your product based on their behavior, preferences, and feedback.

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  • Nina Alastruey Serial entrepreneur and VC investor focused on strategy for business growth.
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    A part from key performance metrics you will gather when using the product, I would encourage to get ready to validate the hypotheses through qualitative information 'on the phone', during the first 2, 3 months after the MVP launch. On one side, you will know the different use cases of your product deeper. That info may provoke a new alignment of your features roadmap. On the other side, you get to know your buyer personas. That info will give you valueable insights that may help you be more efficient in your go-to-market strategy.


    What are the most important features of your minimum viable product? (65) 4

  • Okay, so based on my time mainly in the B2B world, here's the real deal: Talk is cheap!!! Your friends might tell you your idea is awesome, or some folks at a conference might say they'll totally buy when you launch. But honestly? That doesn’t mean much!The real test? If someone’s actually willing to spend money on your idea. So, before going all-in on your MVP, just make a simple landing page, put a "Buy" button there, and see if people click it after you've advertised a bit. If they do? Awesome! If not, well, you just saved yourself a ton of time and money by checking early.


    What are the most important features of your minimum viable product? (74) 4

  • Christopher Gomez
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    A lot has already been said here, and so I will say this:Incorporating data through user testing and market research can provide valuable insights on customer needs and industry trends. It also displays evidence-based decision making to stakeholders and allows for continuous improvements. Remember, data is an ongoing process, so gather feedback and make data-driven decisions to ensure the best possible product.


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    Indeed, validation through data is paramount in the MVP journey. Defining key metrics and closely monitoring user behavior is like having a compass in uncharted waters. It's not just about building; it's about understanding and adapting. Surveys, analytics, and user feedback aren't just tools; they're the means to shape your product according to the very people it's meant to serve. Data-driven decisions lead to a product that truly resonates with its users.

  • Désirée Melusine 🚀 Helping optimize products to activate and retain users, and increase revenue 💰 by aligning strategically business and product 💡 through a seamless, valuable user experience.
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    I would also add that it is important to previously understand what kind of data and research we want to run and collect. Not only the objective but also the hypotheses. This helps us to centralize data and all the learnings collected from qualitative and quantitative research.


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3 Prioritize with criteria

When creating your MVP, it is important to prioritize the most essential features over the nice-to-haves and optional ones. To do this, you should have a clear and objective criteria to rank and select the features that go into your MVP and those that can wait for later stages. To evaluate and compare the features, you can use a simple matrix or a scoring system based on criteria such as value, effort, risk, and dependency. This will help you choose the features that have the highest value, lowest effort, lowest risk, and lowest dependency.

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    Well, I use the "F**k NO" rule here...It boils down to this: Does the feature you’re thinking about add a bunch of value? Like, does it save someone a ton of time or money, and there's nothing else out there that does it better or cheaper? If so, then it’s probably a winner. But if it's just some random idea that popped into your head during a late-night brainstorm and is just "cool"? then it's F**k NO!


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    Prioritizing features in your MVP is akin to crafting a finely tuned instrument. Imagine having a compass guiding your way through the product development wilderness. To ensure your MVP resonates with users, you need clear and objective criteria, such as value, effort, risk, and dependency. It's about cherry-picking the most potent features, those with the highest value and lowest effort, while minimizing risk and dependency. This methodical approach not only conserves resources but also fine-tunes your MVP to hit the right notes for your audience.


    What are the most important features of your minimum viable product? (117) 1

  • Désirée Melusine 🚀 Helping optimize products to activate and retain users, and increase revenue 💰 by aligning strategically business and product 💡 through a seamless, valuable user experience.
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    Once the prioritization is done, create an MVP roadmap so you can always go back, revisit, and readjust. During this phase and in most cases, we make a lot of adjustments based on data that was collected, helping to identify what needs to be reprioritized or changed.

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    When it comes to prioritization, I always prefer to create a table. On the right, I list down the MUST HAVE FEATURES and on the left I list down the NICE TO HAVES. This will help anyone building not to spend a lot of time building nice to haves when building the MVP. The challenge with this is that when the MVP is taken to the market the customers will see it as nice to have because it has nice to have features.The challenge with this approach is that when the minimum viable product (MVP) is taken for market testing, customers may perceive it as a "nice to have" product because it only includes features that are considered desirable but not essential. This could lead to low adoption rate.


4 Simplify with design

The fourth feature of your MVP is its simplified design and user experience. You can achieve this by using minimalism, consistency, affordance, and feedback principles, as well as wireframes, mockups, prototypes, and user testing. Minimalism requires you to use only the essential elements and remove the unnecessary ones. Consistency ensures your product uses the same colors, fonts, icons, and layouts throughout. Affordance makes the functions and actions of your product obvious and intuitive. Feedback provides clear and timely feedback to your users on their actions and outcomes. All of these techniques will help you validate and improve your design and user experience.

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    Crafting an MVP with a simplified design and user-friendly experience is akin to creating a masterpiece. Wireframes, mockups, and prototypes serve as your artist's tools, allowing you to sculpt a product that resonates with users.Wireframes provide the blueprint, outlining structure and flow. Mockups add color and texture, breathing life into your concept. Prototypes bring interactivity, enabling users to engage as if it's a finished product.It's not just design; it's crafting an immersive journey. Wireframes, mockups, and prototypes refine your MVP, validating your vision while captivating users with elegance and usability.


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  • Désirée Melusine 🚀 Helping optimize products to activate and retain users, and increase revenue 💰 by aligning strategically business and product 💡 through a seamless, valuable user experience.
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    Always make sure that any addition that increases time or more resources, passes through a simple question; "If we don't add this detail to the MVP, will the user get lost, or won't be able to go through the user journey to experience the full value of the feature(s) immediately?" If the answer is no, then don't do it! Keep it simple and focus on what really matters


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  • Heidi Hecht Freelance Copywriter at redOrbit
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    It should be easy and intuitive for the average member of the target audience to use with very little additional technical knowledge. They shouldn't have to care about what goes on in the "back end" beyond an assurance that somebody can go in and see what happened if something goes haywire.

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    Prioritize features with criteria – what is essential, what can be built quickly, and what delivers the most value. This approach ensures that your MVP remains lean and impactful.

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    Simplicity is the key. A well-designed MVP doesn't overcomplicate. It streamlines the user journey, ensuring that your product is intuitive and a joy to use. The user should interact with your MVP seamlessly, leaving them with a smile on their face.


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5 Communicate with marketing

The fifth feature of your MVP is communicating your value proposition and brand identity through marketing. You need to have a clear and compelling message that explains your product, who it's for, and why it's better than the alternatives. Additionally, you must have a consistent visual identity that reflects your product's personality, values, and tone. To reach and attract your target audience, you can use websites, social media platforms, email marketing, content such as blogs and videos, SEO, SEM, and analytics. With these tools, you can nurture and engage leads, demonstrate authority and credibility, optimize performance, and measure results.

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    Your MVP is your story, and to tell it well, is an art of marketing. Create marketing materials that resonate with your audience.


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  • Désirée Melusine 🚀 Helping optimize products to activate and retain users, and increase revenue 💰 by aligning strategically business and product 💡 through a seamless, valuable user experience.
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    Always make sure that the journey and the value of your MVP is in sync with Marketing so the expectation matches with the experience.


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    The most well-designed and developed MVP will be useless if no one knows about it or understands its value.The value of a minimum viable product (MVP) is only as good as its awareness and understanding among its target audience. Mastering the art of crafting a compelling message and using the right channel is a game changer.


6 Iterate with feedback

The sixth and final feature of your MVP is that it iterates and improves with feedback. To achieve this, you must have a continuous and agile process of learning and adapting your product based on the data and feedback collected from users and the market. Lean, agile, and design thinking frameworks can be used to guide your iteration process. For example, the build-measure-learn loop can validate assumptions and hypotheses with experiments and data. The scrum or kanban approach can deliver product features in short cycles and sprints, while the empathize-define-ideate-prototype-test cycle can help you empathize with users and solve their problems with creative solutions. Additionally, tools like roadmaps, backlogs, and retrospectives can be used to plan, prioritize, and evaluate product features and progress.

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    Listen to your users. They're the ones using your MVP, after all.Got feedback? Great. Now act on it.Iterate. Improve. Repeat.Frameworks? They're tools, not rules. Use what works, ditch what doesn’t.Remember: Every piece of feedback is a chance to make your product shine brighter. Don't waste it. Feedback Isn't Just Data; It's Gold.


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    The "empathize-define-ideate-prototype-test" cycle is your canvas. It's where you immerse yourself in users' perspectives, crafting innovative solutions to their challenges. It's akin to an artist finding inspiration in the world around them.


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    Iteration, the crowning feature of your MVP, is the dynamic process of continuous improvement fueled by feedback. To master this art, embrace agile methodologies like Lean, design thinking, and the agile development frameworks.

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    Picture the "build-measure-learn" loop as your compass. It's a methodical journey that validates ideas through experiments and data. It's akin to refining a musical composition, adjusting each note until it resonates perfectly.

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    Think of Scrum and Kanban as your trusted choreographers, guiding you through agile sprints. These methodologies maintain a steady rhythm, ensuring your product keeps pace with user expectations.


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7 Here’s what else to consider

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    After the customer/problem fit (ideation), it's all about the problem/solution fit (validation). So the goal is: Get the validation from customers (or a subgroup) that your
solution solves (at least partially) the problem.So your features should focus solving (at least partially) the problem of your customers. Ideally you get the proof of money (they pay for it).


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  • Severine Herlin Founder and CEO at Vianeo - Let's reveal value 💥 - Innovation enthusiast 💡
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    Make sure your differenciating advantage or unfair advantage is expressed at the heart of your MVP´s functionalities. If it isn’t you will loose your identity and your strength right from the beginning of your innovative journey… too bad…And stay focused on it all along the way and keep in mind that is what makes you unique!


    What are the most important features of your minimum viable product? (261) What are the most important features of your minimum viable product? (262) 3

  • Umang Malhotra Published Author | Master's in Aero Engineering and in Economics.
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    First one must have a passion about the product or service one provides. Know your connections and competition about the product/service. Then provide a cost effective and efficient service at a competitive price. It is very important to build trust with your clients and then keep your word and time. Rest is hard work and persistence, and not giving up even there may be setback’s. Above are just basics for developing a company.


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    When improving a product, it's important to focus on deduction rather than addition. Consider what features could be removed without impacting the core value. Remember the classics - if you're not a little bit ashamed of the product you're releasing, you've released it too late.

  • Árpád Makray-Rózsás Innovation Management Expert - Turning companies large and small into innovation factories
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    When making the MVP, it is essential to keep in mind that the purpose of the thing is not to serve anyone but to acquire knowledge - about the problem, the clients, the way your solution is percepted, accepted or not, how it works etc. You have to be able to measure the impact at all phases of the development journey. (That is why eg a simple, fake landing page is a useful tool to test your business model along with your MVP. Even though it does not sell or solve anything.)


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Name: Roderick King

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Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.