What are the most effective ways to measure an influencer's credibility and authenticity? (2024)

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Check their social proof


Analyze their content quality


Evaluate their audience alignment


Review their brand partnerships


Ask for their media kit


Test their responsiveness


Here’s what else to consider

Influencer marketing is a powerful strategy to reach your target audience, boost your brand awareness, and generate trust and loyalty. But how do you know if the influencers you work with are credible and authentic? How can you avoid wasting your budget and reputation on fake or unengaged influencers? In this article, we will explore some of the most effective ways to measure an influencer's credibility and authenticity, and how to apply them to your influencer marketing campaigns.

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  • What are the most effective ways to measure an influencer's credibility and authenticity? (3) What are the most effective ways to measure an influencer's credibility and authenticity? (4) What are the most effective ways to measure an influencer's credibility and authenticity? (5) 10

  • Armando Nader Co-fundador na Pilea Labs | Marketing de influência, Dados, e Inteligência de negócios

    What are the most effective ways to measure an influencer's credibility and authenticity? (7) What are the most effective ways to measure an influencer's credibility and authenticity? (8) 5

  • Anjali Kumari Marketing at Unacademy | Brand Marketing | Influencer Marketing

    What are the most effective ways to measure an influencer's credibility and authenticity? (10) What are the most effective ways to measure an influencer's credibility and authenticity? (11) 5

What are the most effective ways to measure an influencer's credibility and authenticity? (12) What are the most effective ways to measure an influencer's credibility and authenticity? (13) What are the most effective ways to measure an influencer's credibility and authenticity? (14)

1 Check their social proof

One of the first indicators of an influencer's credibility and authenticity is their social proof. Social proof refers to the evidence that other people trust and value the influencer's opinions, recommendations, and content. You can check an influencer's social proof by looking at their follower count, engagement rate, comments, reviews, testimonials, and mentions. A credible and authentic influencer will have a large and loyal following, a high and consistent engagement rate, positive and relevant comments, credible and satisfied reviews, and frequent and organic mentions from other influencers and brands.

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    When checking if an influencer is believable, it's not just about their popularity or who they work with. Look at whether they're honest about ads, how they talk with their followers, and if their style matches your brand. Real trust isn't just about big numbers; it's about making real connections and being genuine with your audience.


    What are the most effective ways to measure an influencer's credibility and authenticity? (23) What are the most effective ways to measure an influencer's credibility and authenticity? (24) What are the most effective ways to measure an influencer's credibility and authenticity? (25) 10

  • Armando Nader Co-fundador na Pilea Labs | Marketing de influência, Dados, e Inteligência de negócios
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    Sempre olhar para Alcance e Engajamento como balizador para novas contratações.É conhecimento comum que bases de seguidores podem ser compradas a torto e a direito. E que existem muitas pessoas se aproveitando de números de seguidores não engajados para fechar parcerias com marcas.Ainda por cima, o alcance das postagens recentes vai poder te dar uma ideia de como uma nova postagem deve performar se bem construída. Além disso, com dados suficientes ainda é possível entender o quanto esse alcance poderia gerar de sessões, leads e conversões, com ferramentas como a Pilea Labs.



    What are the most effective ways to measure an influencer's credibility and authenticity? (34) What are the most effective ways to measure an influencer's credibility and authenticity? (35) 5

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    Numbers: While follower count can be inflated, a large and loyal following suggests trust and value from a significant audience.Engagement: A high and consistent engagement rate indicates genuine interest and interaction, not just passive followers.Quality of engagement: Look beyond numbers. Positive and relevant comments, credible reviews, and testimonials paint a clearer picture of genuine audience connection.Organic mentions: Frequent mentions from other influencers and brands, without paid promotion, further solidify authenticity and credibility.


    What are the most effective ways to measure an influencer's credibility and authenticity? (44) What are the most effective ways to measure an influencer's credibility and authenticity? (45) 4

  • Prince Khanna Building CreatorTag | Founder - Eleve Solutions | Investing in creator economy
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    Some measures we can take are-- Focus on engagement rates, quality of follower interactions, and consistency in content. - Analyse the relevance of their audience to your brand, and scrutinise for fake followers.- However, the problem of verifying an influencer's authenticity is a common and persistent issue. Keeping this, and numerous other such problem statements in mind, we have developed CreatorTag : an influencer discovery and outreach platform that enables brands to create and grow influential micro-communities to amplify their brand affinity. - One of CreatorTag's features is that it can identify the authenticity of an influencer by giving us an insight of the number of fake vs authentic followers they have.


    What are the most effective ways to measure an influencer's credibility and authenticity? (54) What are the most effective ways to measure an influencer's credibility and authenticity? (55) 4

  • Aman Rawat Building Product for Influencers (Faym.co : 5M+ MAU) | Backed by an influencer marketing agency (Grynow.in : 300+ brands)
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    After working with 10000+ influencers over the past 3 years, we measured influencer's credibility on the basis of the following 3 parameters - 1) Followers to views ratio 2) Views to (comments + like + shares) ratio3) And the last but most important one is the quality of comments. Comments must not be just emojis but genuinely about the content posted.


    What are the most effective ways to measure an influencer's credibility and authenticity? (64) 3

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2 Analyze their content quality

Another way to measure an influencer's credibility and authenticity is to analyze their content quality. Content quality refers to the relevance, originality, consistency, and value of the influencer's posts, stories, videos, podcasts, blogs, or any other format they use. A credible and authentic influencer will create content that is relevant to their niche and audience, original and creative, consistent with their brand and tone, and valuable and informative for their followers. You can analyze an influencer's content quality by looking at their topics, keywords, hashtags, captions, images, videos, audio, links, and calls to action.

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  • Anjali Kumari Marketing at Unacademy | Brand Marketing | Influencer Marketing
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    ER plays an important role-Engagement metrics:Engagement rate: Calculate the percentage of followers who actively interact (like, comment, share) with their content. High engagement points to a genuine audience.Sentiment analysis: Analyze the tone and content of comments and mentions. Look for positive interactions and genuine discussions, not just generic praise.Reach and impressions: While important, high numbers can be inflated by bots or paid services. Pay more attention to organic reach and genuine interactions.


    What are the most effective ways to measure an influencer's credibility and authenticity? (73) What are the most effective ways to measure an influencer's credibility and authenticity? (74) 5

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    Analyzing an influencer's content quality is one of the most effective ways to gauge their credibility and authenticity. Content quality encompasses factors such as relevance, originality, consistency, and value. Credible and authentic influencers produce content that is pertinent to their niche and audience, innovative and unique, aligned with their brand persona, and provides meaningful information to their followers. By examining aspects like topics, keywords, hashtags, captions, media elements, and engagement strategies, one can assess the overall quality and authenticity of an influencer's content, offering insights into their credibility and trustworthiness within their community.

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    Niche & Expertise: Does their content stay true to their chosen niche? Does it showcase genuine knowledge and passion for their area of expertise? Are they up-to-date on trends and experimenting with formats?Originality & Creativity: Are they copycats or creators? Do they have a distinct voice and style that resonates with their audience? Do they experiment with different formats and engage their audience in new ways?Consistency & Branding: Do they maintain a consistent tone and aesthetic across their content? Does it align with their overall brand image and values? Do they post regularly and maintain a predictable schedule?


    What are the most effective ways to measure an influencer's credibility and authenticity? (93) 2

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    Assess the quality of the influencer's content in terms of relevance, originality, and consistency. Consistently high-quality content suggests that the influencer is dedicated to providing valuable information to their audience, enhancing their credibility.


    What are the most effective ways to measure an influencer's credibility and authenticity? (102) 2

  • Qendresa I. Senior Influencer Marketer in Beauty and Fashion
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    If you are in a very specific niche, like skincare or beauty, you can check the relevance and accuracy of the information shared. Once you have a good feeling about them, review the consistency and authenticity of their posts.Engagement metrics are important but don't stress to much on that, as many nano-influencers might have a small audience but a very strong relationship, meaning they can really convert.


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3 Evaluate their audience alignment

A third way to measure an influencer's credibility and authenticity is to evaluate their audience alignment. Audience alignment refers to the match between the influencer's followers and your target market. A credible and authentic influencer will have an audience that is similar to your ideal customers in terms of demographics, psychographics, interests, needs, and preferences. You can evaluate an influencer's audience alignment by using tools like social media analytics, surveys, polls, or interviews to get insights into their follower profile, behavior, and feedback.

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  • Nomfanelo Mabona
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    To evaluate an influencer's audience alignment, use social media analytics tools like Instagram Insights, YouTube Analytics, and Twitter Analytics to analyze demographics. Third-party tools like Socialbakers and Hootsuite provide more detailed demographic data. Engagement analysis tools like Social Blade and HypeAuditor evaluate engagement rates, authenticity, and growth trends. Content analysis helps identify resonated topics with the audience. Surveys and polls can gather insights into audience preferences and perceptions. Influencer Relationship Management (IRM) platforms like AspireIQ and Traackr offer advanced features. Comparing the influencer's demographics and engagement metrics with competitors can validate audience alignment.


    What are the most effective ways to measure an influencer's credibility and authenticity? (119) 3

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    Demographics:Age, gender, location, income, etc.: Do their followers closely resemble your target audience in these basic characteristics? Consider tools like social media analytics or influencer platforms to access demographic data.Psychographics:Values, interests, lifestyle: Dig deeper than just numbers. Do their followers share your target audience's values, interests, and lifestyle choices? Analyze content themes, comments, and engagement to get a feel for their audience's personality.


    What are the most effective ways to measure an influencer's credibility and authenticity? (128) What are the most effective ways to measure an influencer's credibility and authenticity? (129) 2

  • Danielle Wiley
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    When figuring out if an influencer's audience really matches what you're looking for, it's crucial to go deeper than just guessing. You need to be able to access detailed searches based on creator and audience interests, brand affinities, and demographic information. At our agency, we partnered up with CreatorIQ in order to be able to analyze creators and their audiences with great precision.Doing the audience detective work ahead of time helps in identifying mismatches that might not be immediately apparent — like discovering a female gaming influencer mainly has male fans. It's all about making sure there's a real match between the influencer and your target audience, using solid data instead of just hunches.


    What are the most effective ways to measure an influencer's credibility and authenticity? (138) 1

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    Assessing an influencer's credibility and authenticity involves various strategies. One effective method is evaluating their audience alignment. This entails examining the match between the influencer's followers and your target market. A credible influencer typically attracts followers who mirror your ideal customers in demographics, interests, and preferences. Tools like social media analytics, surveys, and interviews can provide insights into the influencer's audience profile, behavior, and feedback, aiding in the assessment of their alignment with your brand's objectives.

  • Qendresa I. Senior Influencer Marketer in Beauty and Fashion
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    This part is crucial for effective campaigns. The unique value influencers bring compared to traditional paid ads, is that they already have a relationship with their audience and you are earning that with each collaboration. Therefore, before deciding to move on with an influencer ensure they match your target demographic in interests, age, location, and other relevant factors.


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4 Review their brand partnerships

A fourth way to measure an influencer's credibility and authenticity is to review their brand partnerships. Brand partnerships refer to the collaborations and endorsem*nts that the influencer has with other brands, products, or services. A credible and authentic influencer will have brand partnerships that are relevant to their niche and audience, transparent and ethical, selective and strategic, and effective and successful. You can review an influencer's brand partnerships by looking at their previous and current campaigns, disclosure practices, contract terms, performance metrics, and results.

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  • Sristi Priya SEO pro|Video editor|Website developer|Social Media Ninja|Digipex co-founder
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    Not all sponsorships are created equal. Do they partner with brands that fit their values and interests, or just chase the biggest paycheck? Can you imagine them genuinely using the product themselves? Authenticity matters more than just a fancy logo next to their name.

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    Take note of the brands the influencer has previously partnered with. Assess the relevance of these partnerships to their niche and audience. Look for collaborations that demonstrate a genuine alignment between the influencer and the brand, rather than purely promotional relationships. A history of authentic brand partnerships can enhance an influencer's credibility.


    What are the most effective ways to measure an influencer's credibility and authenticity? (172) 1

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    Relevance & Niche: Do their past collaborations make sense within their niche and expertise? Aligning with brands outside their wheelhouse might signal inauthenticity.Transparency & Ethics: Do they clearly disclose sponsored content? Ethical disclosure builds trust and shows respect for their audience.Selectivity & Strategy: Are their partnerships carefully chosen and aligned with their overall brand image? Frequent, random collaborations might suggest desperation, not discernment.


    What are the most effective ways to measure an influencer's credibility and authenticity? (181) 1

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    Once you've found some potential influencers for your campaign, be sure to see if they've had brand partnerships in the past that you can use as a reference point for overall performance and the quality of their creative. If they've never worked with brands in your category, you may need to provide them with additional resources and education in the upfront.


    What are the most effective ways to measure an influencer's credibility and authenticity? (190) 1

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    To gauge an influencer's credibility and authenticity, assessing their brand partnerships is crucial. These collaborations should align with their niche and audience, uphold transparency and ethics, demonstrate selectivity and strategy, and yield successful outcomes. Examining their past and ongoing campaigns, disclosure practices, contract terms, performance metrics, and results offers valuable insights into their reliability and authenticity.


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5 Ask for their media kit

A fifth way to measure an influencer's credibility and authenticity is to ask for their media kit. A media kit is a document that showcases the influencer's profile, portfolio, statistics, rates, and testimonials. A credible and authentic influencer will have a media kit that is professional and updated, accurate and verifiable, comprehensive and detailed, and persuasive and compelling. You can ask for an influencer's media kit by contacting them directly, through their website, email, or social media platforms, or through an influencer marketing platform or agency.

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    Professional & Updated: First impressions matter. A polished, recently updated media kit speaks volumes about their professionalism and dedication.Accuracy & Verification: Look for accurate statistics, verifiable data, and clear contact information. Don't shy away from double-checking key metrics to ensure transparency.Comprehensive & Detailed: A good media kit goes beyond basic bio and follower count. It should showcase their content formats, niche expertise, past collaborations, and audience demographics. The more details, the better you can understand their potential fit for your campaign.


    What are the most effective ways to measure an influencer's credibility and authenticity? (207) 1

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    Assess engagement metricsAnother effective method is to analyze the influencer's engagement metrics across various platforms. High levels of engagement, such as likes, comments, shares, and saves, indicate genuine interaction with their audience, suggesting credibility and authenticity. Look for consistent engagement patterns over time and across different types of content to gauge their influence authentically. Additionally, monitor the quality of interactions, focusing on meaningful conversations and feedback rather than just superficial interactions.

  • Sristi Priya SEO pro|Video editor|Website developer|Social Media Ninja|Digipex co-founder
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    Don't be fooled by fancy stats. Dig deeper! Ask for engagement rates, demographics, and case studies of successful campaigns. Can they actually show their impact beyond inflated numbers? Remember, it's not just about reach, but about real connection.


6 Test their responsiveness

A sixth way to measure an influencer's credibility and authenticity is to test their responsiveness. Responsiveness refers to the speed and quality of the influencer's communication and interaction with you, their followers, and their partners. A credible and authentic influencer will have a responsiveness that is fast and timely, clear and courteous, helpful and informative, and respectful and professional. You can test an influencer's responsiveness by initiating a conversation, asking questions, requesting feedback, or proposing a collaboration, and observing how they reply, follow up, and deliver.

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    Ein unterschätztes Kriterium ist dabei definitiv der qualitative Umgang im Kommentar-Marketing. Geht ein Influencer/ eine Influencerin auf Kommentare und Fragen ein? Und wenn ja, wie? Ein gewisses Maß an Empathie ist hier Grundvoraussetzung, der Dialog ist wichtig und sollte auf Augenhöhe stattfinden. Hier findet man bspw. auch auf beiden Seiten Indizien für die Qualität der "Authentizität". Zeigen die FollowerInnen Wertschätzung in den Kommentaren? Und interagiert der Creator/ die Creatorin mit Wertschätzung? Ein qualitativer Hint für einen echten Umgang!



    What are the most effective ways to measure an influencer's credibility and authenticity? (232) What are the most effective ways to measure an influencer's credibility and authenticity? (233) 2

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    One effective method to gauge an influencer's credibility and authenticity is by testing their responsiveness. This entails assessing the speed, quality, and manner of their communication with you, their followers, and their partners. A credible influencer will exhibit prompt, clear, and courteous responses, offering helpful and informative interactions while maintaining a professional demeanor. Initiating conversations, posing questions, seeking feedback, or suggesting collaborations can provide insights into their responsiveness and overall credibility.


    What are the most effective ways to measure an influencer's credibility and authenticity? (242) 1

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    Initiate a Conversation: Reach out through comments, direct messages, or email. Do they acknowledge your message promptly?Ask Questions: Engage in genuine conversation. Are their responses thoughtful, informative, and relevant?Request Feedback: Seek their opinion on a relevant topic. Do they offer helpful insights and demonstrate active listening?Propose a Collaboration: Outline a potential project. Do they express interest, ask clarifying questions, and communicate transparently?


    What are the most effective ways to measure an influencer's credibility and authenticity? (251) 1

  • Gabriel Corrêa Conecto sua marca com Creators UGC | COO na Amplify UGC | Creator Economy
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    One of the greatest and most effective qualities a creator can possess is being assertive in their communication.The time wasted on non-professional creators (those who don't respond, abandon campaigns midway, etc.) is something that leads many companies to give up on hiring new creators or to consistently stick with the same ones (which can directly impact the results of their campaigns).The basics of assertive communication include always being available, knowing how to negotiate, and not disregarding the company's requests right from the start. It's about being quick to respond.It's a simple thing, but it directly impacts your relationship with employers in the influencer marketing field.

  • Sristi Priya SEO pro|Video editor|Website developer|Social Media Ninja|Digipex co-founder
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    This is the ultimate authenticity test. Do they interact with their audience, answer questions thoughtfully, and seem genuinely interested in connecting? Imagine them replying to your DM, not just a faceless corporation.


7 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Anthony Rochand Co-fondateur de LEW 🎓Formateur - Enseignant - Consultant ☞ Social Media Listening, Veille E-réputation, AI Gen ✍️ Créateur de contenus B2B (certifié ARPP) 📢 Top Influenceur Marketing X (Twitter)
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    Voici quelques éléments à considérer :Taux d'interaction : Comparez le nombre de likes, de commentaires et de partages par rapport au nombre total de followers pour déterminer l'engagement réel.Qualité des interactions : Examinez si les commentaires sont pertinents et personnalisés, ce qui peut indiquer une communauté engagée.



    What are the most effective ways to measure an influencer's credibility and authenticity? (276) 1

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    The first step to take will be to audit their accounts for fake followers, then see their engagement rates once satisfied. Check how they respond to inquiries and how easy they are to work with.


    What are the most effective ways to measure an influencer's credibility and authenticity? (285) 1

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    You're gonna hear (or see) me repeat this again and again, but it's critical: talk to your top community voices. Ya know, the people who care about your brand and aren't expecting any level of compensation? Some of them might even be who you need as "influencers." However, most of them will likely be able to tell you - based upon their own intuition and experience - who the most authentic and credible creators... er, "influencers" are. Being data-driven is one thing, but being human-driven is another thing entirely. Guess which one houses credibility and authenticity? So, turn to other humans to get a straight answer with minimal effort (and maximum return). ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


    What are the most effective ways to measure an influencer's credibility and authenticity? (294) 1

  • Matt Anthes Digital Strategist | Entrepreneur | Techstars Mentor | Angel Investor | Start-up Advisor | West Winger White House | Influencer Marketing | PiedPiper Portfolio: Upstart Factory, Advocators.AI, BevLogis, Distillers.AI
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    To measure an influencer's credibility and authenticity, look beyond superficial follower count metrics. Personally faced with this challenge, we built a proprietary AI algorithm that assigns an "Advocator" score based on symmetry of an influencer's passion and topics that resonate with their audience. This score is calculated by analyzing an influencer's interests, matching them with the issues their followers truly care about. The Advocators.ai approach offers a nuanced understanding of an influencer's potential impact, focusing on the authenticity of their passion and the relevance to their audience- pulling on the audience's heartstrings. This has become a vital tool for identifying influential advocates for specific causes or topics.


    What are the most effective ways to measure an influencer's credibility and authenticity? (303) 1

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    It's essential to delve into the influencer's overall online presence beyond just their social media profiles. Check out their website, blog, or YouTube channel, if available, to learn more about their content style, expertise, and audience engagement on different platforms. Lastly, leverage tools like influencer marketing platforms or third-party analytics services to gather additional data and insights on the influencer's performance and reputation in the industry. To make better decisions and build stronger partnerships with influencers, it's important to consider their credibility and authenticity from a holistic perspective.


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Influencer Marketing What are the most effective ways to measure an influencer's credibility and authenticity? (312)

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What are the most effective ways to measure an influencer's credibility and authenticity? (2024)
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Author: Frankie Dare

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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.