What are the key factors to consider when entering a new market? (2024)

Last updated on Sep 5, 2024

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Market size and potential


Customer segments and preferences


Competitive advantage and differentiation


Legal and cultural factors


Sales channels and processes


Sales skills and capabilities


Here’s what else to consider

Entering a new market can be a lucrative opportunity for your business, but it also comes with many challenges and risks. You need to have a clear understanding of the market conditions, the customer needs, the competitive landscape, and the legal and cultural factors that may affect your sales strategy. In this article, we will discuss some of the key factors to consider when entering a new market and how to adapt your sales approach accordingly.

Key takeaways from this article

  • Conduct market analysis:

    Dive deep into audience needs, competitive landscape, and potential risks to ensure your product fits the new market like a glove. This groundwork will guide you to make informed decisions and tailor your approach effectively.

  • Adapt to local context:

    Take the time to understand the legal requirements and cultural nuances of the new market. By doing so, you can adapt your sales strategy to be both compliant and culturally resonant, ensuring a smoother entry into unfamiliar territory.

This summary is powered by AI and these experts

  • Binsu Savsani Global Business Development Consultant…
  • Nick Palasz Founder @ Slyleadz | I help startups…

1 Market size and potential

One of the first factors to consider is the size and potential of the new market. How big is the demand for your product or service? How fast is the market growing? How much market share can you realistically capture? You need to conduct a thorough market research and analysis to answer these questions and identify the opportunities and threats in the new market. You also need to estimate the costs and revenues of entering the new market and compare them with your existing markets to determine the profitability and feasibility of your expansion.

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  • Binsu Savsani Global Business Development Consultant | SaaS Sales, Outbound Sales
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    To ensure your product aligns perfectly with the market, conducting thorough market analysis is essential. This includes understanding audience needs, conducting competitive analysis, assessing deployment risks, and providing comprehensive post-sales support.


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    Determinar el tamaño y el potencial de crecimiento del nuevo mercado es esencial para evaluar la viabilidad de la entrada. Esto implica considerar factores como la población objetivo, el ingreso disponible y las tendencias de gasto.



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    When entering a new market, it is crucial to conduct comprehensive market research to identify opportunities and mitigate potential threats. Through diligent analysis, you can uncover a rising trend in your product or service. However, it is important to acknowledge the presence of established competitors in the market. To overcome this challenge, you must act swiftly by developing innovative features and a unique selling proposition for your offering. Simultaneously, you should remain vigilant in identifying potential threats, such as shifting consumer preferences or disruptions in the supply chain. By adopting this proactive approach, you can effectively address challenges and maintain a competitive edge in the new market.


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    It all starts with a solid strategy. It is key to analyze as much of your target market as possible, looking for opportunities for quick wins but also having the harder challenges on the horizon to work on and gain progress over time. Every market analysis is different, and the size, sector and market climate are all critical to good decision making.


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    From a tech sales perspective the best way to go to market, above and beyond research, is to send your best salesperson when there are 5+ inbound leads that become MRR (3+ months)You can research to your heart's content but having a week of meetings with prospective clients over brunch/lunch/co*cktails/dinner is the best way to get market insights (competitors, pricing etc) quickly. It's better to market into a country with an inbound strategy than to deploy capital (offices etc) into something that might not generate revenue at all.


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2 Customer segments and preferences

Another factor to consider is the customer segments and preferences in the new market. Who are your target customers and what are their pain points, needs, and goals? How do they differ from your current customers in terms of demographics, behaviors, attitudes, and expectations? How do they make purchasing decisions and what are their preferred channels of communication and distribution? You need to segment your potential customers and create buyer personas to understand their motivations and challenges. You also need to tailor your value proposition and messaging to address their specific problems and benefits.

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    Es crucial realizar una investigación exhaustiva del mercado objetivo para comprender el panorama competitivo, las tendencias del mercado, las preferencias del consumidor y las regulaciones relevantes. Esto implica recopilar datos tanto cuantitativos como cualitativos a través de encuestas, grupos focales, análisis de la competencia y otras metodologías.



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    Customer segmentation is essential for businesses to understand their target market and create compelling value propositions. By dividing customers into distinct segments based on characteristics and behaviors, companies can customize their offerings to meet specific needs. This strategic approach enhances customer engagement, differentiates the business from competitors, and improves customer satisfaction and loyalty. Effective segmentation allows for resource optimization and maximizes return on investment.


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  • Nick Palasz Founder @ Slyleadz | I help startups build cold outbound systems that generate qualified meetings | 💌 slyleadz.us
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    Understanding customer segments and preferences is crucial when entering a new market. It's not just about knowing who they are, but understanding their needs, behaviors, and how they make purchase decisions. This helps in creating effective marketing strategies that resonate with them. Tailoring your value proposition to address their specific problems can significantly improve your market penetration. Remember, a one-size-fits-all approach rarely works in sales, customization based on customer insights is key.


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  • Josh Erceg U.S. Capital Equipment Manager | Healthcare Capital Equipment | Dental Sales Strategy
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    Understanding customer segments and preferences is crucial when entering a new market. Identify who your target customers are and analyze their specific pain points, needs, and goals. Note how these customers differ from your existing ones in demographics, behaviors, attitudes, and purchasing behaviors. Consider their decision-making processes and preferred communication and distribution channels. Creating detailed buyer personas can help you grasp their motivations and challenges effectively. This insight allows you to customize your value proposition and messaging to specifically address the unique problems and benefits relevant to these new customer segments, ensuring your offering resonates well with them.


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3 Competitive advantage and differentiation

A third factor to consider is the competitive advantage and differentiation of your product or service in the new market. Who are your main competitors and how do they position themselves in the market? What are their strengths and weaknesses and how do they compare to yours? How can you differentiate yourself from them and create a unique value proposition for your customers? You need to conduct a competitive analysis and benchmarking to assess your relative position and performance in the new market. You also need to develop a clear and compelling positioning statement and unique selling proposition that highlight your competitive edge and value proposition.

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    Desarrollar una estrategia de entrada al mercado adecuada es crucial para alcanzar el público objetivo y establecer una presencia en el nuevo mercado. Esto implica considerar factores como la distribución, la promoción y el precio.Es posible que sea necesario adaptar el producto o servicio para que se ajuste a las preferencias y necesidades del nuevo mercado. Esto podría implicar cambios en las características del producto, el empaque, la estrategia de precios o la estrategia de marketing.Identificar y analizar a los competidores existentes en el mercado objetivo es fundamental para comprender la dinámica del mercado y desarrollar una estrategia de diferenciación efectiva.



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    In the insurance industry, one example of competitive advantage and differentiation is through personalized underwriting. By utilizing advanced data analytics and artificial intelligence, insurance companies can gather extensive information about potential customers and offer tailored coverage and pricing based on individual risk profiles. This approach sets them apart from competitors who rely on traditional underwriting methods. The ability to provide customized solutions not only enhances customer satisfaction but also gives the insurance company a competitive edge by delivering superior value and addressing specific customer needs.


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    It's easy to say that we need to "differentiate" ourselves but a lot of times businesses venture into a new market even though their products/services are not that differentiated (from a features perspective).Thus, it becomes a commodity and so a good salesperson will have a tough challenge in thinking about differentiating outside of features which is beyond their control.For example, it could be servicing, local support, integration into platforms etc.


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  • Nick Palasz Founder @ Slyleadz | I help startups build cold outbound systems that generate qualified meetings | 💌 slyleadz.us
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    Understanding your competitive advantage and differentiation is crucial when entering a new market. It's not just about knowing your product's strengths, but also understanding the competition and their positioning. A thorough competitive analysis can reveal gaps in the market that your product can fill. Creating a unique selling proposition that highlights your product's unique value can help you stand out. Remember, it's not just about being different, but about being better in a way that matters to your customers.


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  • Josh Erceg U.S. Capital Equipment Manager | Healthcare Capital Equipment | Dental Sales Strategy
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    When entering a new market, evaluating your competitive advantage and differentiation is essential. Start by identifying your main competitors and understanding their market positioning. Analyze their strengths and weaknesses in comparison to yours to identify opportunities for differentiation. Conduct a thorough competitive analysis and benchmarking to understand your relative position in the market. From this analysis, develop a clear and compelling positioning statement and unique selling proposition that clearly articulate how your product or service stands out. This approach will help you emphasize your competitive edge and create a unique value proposition that appeals directly to the new market’s customers.


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4 Legal and cultural factors

A fourth factor to consider is the legal and cultural factors that may affect your sales strategy in the new market. What are the laws and regulations that govern your industry and product or service in the new market? How do they differ from your current market and what are the implications for your compliance and risk management? What are the cultural norms and values that influence the behavior and preferences of your customers and stakeholders in the new market? How do they differ from your current market and what are the implications for your communication and relationship building? You need to familiarize yourself with the legal and cultural environment of the new market and adapt your sales strategy accordingly.

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  • Nick Palasz Founder @ Slyleadz | I help startups build cold outbound systems that generate qualified meetings | 💌 slyleadz.us
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    Understanding the legal and cultural landscape of a new market is crucial for a successful sales strategy. Laws and regulations can significantly impact your product's viability, while cultural norms can shape customer behavior and preferences. It's not just about translating your current strategy, but adapting it to fit the new context. This involves a deep dive into the new market's legal requirements and cultural nuances, ensuring your approach is both compliant and resonant with local customers.


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    Es fundamental cumplir con todas las leyes y regulaciones relevantes en el nuevo mercado. Esto puede implicar obtener licencias y permisos, así como cumplir con las leyes laborales, fiscales y de protección al consumidor.Ingresar a un nuevo mercado implica riesgos potenciales, como la competencia inesperada, las fluctuaciones del mercado y los cambios en las regulaciones. Es importante desarrollar una estrategia de gestión de riesgos para mitigar estos riesgos.



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    Culturally, I have always found that hiring local is better than bringing someone foreign who comes and goes. You might even consider a consultant to represent you (old CEO, director, board member) who gets a rev share to build trust and deploy networks.


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    Legal and cultural factors can significantly impact distribution practices in the insurance industry. For example, in certain countries, there may be strict regulations on the sale and distribution of insurance products, requiring specific licenses or certifications for agents or brokers. Additionally, cultural norms and preferences can influence distribution channels, such as the preference for in-person interactions or reliance on digital platforms. Understanding and adapting to these legal and cultural factors is crucial for insurance companies to effectively navigate local markets, establish trust with customers, and optimize their distribution strategies for success.


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    I'm not going to talk to the legal considerations, you can speak to your local friendly counsel for that.What I will speak to is the cultural factors. And in my experience can be often overlooked.I'm going to hand over to Erin Meyer on this point. Read her book The Culture Map. Insightful, and actionable. Thank me later (don't, thank her!!)


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5 Sales channels and processes

A fifth factor to consider is the sales channels and processes that you will use in the new market. How will you reach and engage your potential customers in the new market? What are the best channels and methods to generate leads, nurture prospects, close deals, and retain customers? How will you align your sales channels and processes with your customer segments, preferences, and journeys? You need to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of your current sales channels and processes and determine whether you need to modify, add, or eliminate any of them in the new market. You also need to establish clear and consistent sales goals, metrics, and incentives for your sales team.

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  • Josh Erceg U.S. Capital Equipment Manager | Healthcare Capital Equipment | Dental Sales Strategy
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    When entering a new market, evaluating your sales channels and processes is crucial. Consider how you will reach and engage potential customers. Identify the most effective methods for lead generation, prospect nurturing, deal closure, and customer retention, ensuring alignment with customer segments and preferences in the new market. Review the effectiveness of your existing sales channels and processes to decide if adjustments, additions, or eliminations are needed. Also, set clear and consistent sales goals, metrics, and incentives to motivate your sales team effectively in the new environment. This strategic approach will optimize your operations and enhance your market entry success.


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  • Pankaj G. Leadership | Strategy | Operations | Advisory
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    When adapting processes for a new market, it's important to consider cultural nuances, customer engagement strategies, & local business practices. Example- in a market where personal relationships drive business decisions, a direct sales approach with emphasis on building trust & personal connections might be more effective. On the other hand, in a highly digitized market, leveraging online sales platforms & digital marketing strategies could yield better results. Tailoring the sales pitch to resonate with local values and needs is crucial. Additionally, training the sales team to navigate these new dynamics, possibly with local expertise, ensures a more effective and culturally sensitive approach.


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    Technology is revolutionizing sales channels and processes in the insurance industry. One example is the rise of insurtech companies that leverage digital platforms to offer insurance products directly to customers. These companies streamline the sales process, providing convenient and user-friendly interfaces for purchasing policies. Furthermore, technology enables personalized quoting, automated underwriting, and real-time data analysis, allowing insurers to offer tailored solutions and expedite the sales cycle. Additionally, digital tools like chatbots and virtual assistants enhance customer service and engagement.


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6 Sales skills and capabilities

A sixth factor to consider is the sales skills and capabilities that you will need in the new market. What are the specific skills and competencies that your sales team will need to succeed in the new market? How do they differ from your current sales skills and capabilities and what are the gaps and opportunities for improvement? How will you train, coach, and support your sales team to develop and enhance their sales skills and capabilities in the new market? You need to conduct a sales skills assessment and gap analysis to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your sales team. You also need to design and implement a sales training and development plan that addresses the needs and goals of your sales team.

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    Es posible que sea necesario contratar personal local o formar a los empleados existentes para que comprendan la cultura y las prácticas comerciales del nuevo mercado.



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    While a market analysis is critical to avoid wasting time and money, it needs to be proportionate to the revenue opportunities.It can be very easy to preoccupy yourself with sales planning and strategy - and not actually sell anything! So keep the medium and long term strategy in mind, but also look for the short term opportunities that may be gone before your strategy document is finished!


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    It's critical to understand your teams capabilities. In today's world, there's a lot of focus on SaaS selling. Most SaaS organizations have a prescribed organization where there's a team of SDR's and AE's. This may work well in the world of software... but if you're selling capital equipment or high-end medical or other high-dollar, one-off items... you're probably not going to have same success by hiring a SDR go-to-market team. The type of sales skills you'll need will vary greatly depending upon your industry and the $$$ value of the product/services you're selling.


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7 Here’s what else to consider

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    En mi experiencia, al ingresar a un nuevo mercado, es fundamental considerar las condiciones del mercado, las necesidades del cliente, el panorama competitivo y los factores legales y regulatorios para garantizar el éxito y la sostenibilidad de la expansión empresarial.



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    Ingresar a un nuevo mercado requiere un compromiso de tiempo y recursos a largo plazo. Es importante tener expectativas realistas y estar preparado para invertir en el desarrollo del mercado a largo plazo.



    What are the key factors to consider when entering a new market? (259) What are the key factors to consider when entering a new market? (260) What are the key factors to consider when entering a new market? (261) 4

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    As businesses expand to new markets, it's important to approach it strategically. One effective approach is to leverage remote and digital channels to enter the market safely. To maximize success, it's wise to conduct regular market visits every quarter before establishing a physical presence in the country. Another smart move is to offer pricing discounts and special trial bundles for new customers. This helps to reduce entry barriers and allows potential customers to experience the value of your products and services.


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    Understanding Regulations : its crucial to comprehend the local laws and regulations that govern your industry. Compliance: Ensure your business operations, products, or services comply with these regulations. Non-compliance can lead to legal issues, fines, or even business closure.Intellectual Property (IP) Protection: Consider local laws regarding IP protection or infringement. Regulatory Barriers: These can either hinder or encourage foreign business operations. Countries with bilateral trade agreements or free trade zones might offer several advantages.Local Partnerships: Establish partnerships with local entities can help navigate the regulatory landscape.


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    Also important: timeliness. Why does the prospective customer need this now? Today's simplest example: AI. We're all trying to discern its business implications and stay up with the latest tools while not becoming distracted. For us, this presented an opportunity we didn't anticipate.In recent months, Microsoft has introduced powerful new tools within 365, some AI-driven. We wrote a few blog posts about these features and realized most clients didn't know about them so we've been holding training sessions. This has been a retention play for us -- adding value beyond our traditional IT services -- but we are also prepping a marketing push around these tools.If IT competitors aren't educating their customers similarly, we'll be glad to!


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What are the key factors to consider when entering a new market? (2024)
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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

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Job: Investor Mining Engineer

Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.