What are the best ways to present your findings and recommendations? (2024)

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Understand your audience


Structure your report logically


Use visuals and stories


Focus on the benefits and actions


Review and refine your report


Practice and prepare for your presentation


Here’s what else to consider

As a consultant, you have to deliver your findings and recommendations to your clients in a clear, concise, and convincing way. But how do you do that effectively? Here are some tips to help you craft and present your reports with confidence and impact.

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  • Steven James Hill Founder of @tfpasia. Smart Passive Fire Protection Solutions.

    What are the best ways to present your findings and recommendations? (3) What are the best ways to present your findings and recommendations? (4) 4

  • Rama Raghava Kumar Kotti Freelance Plant Operations Consultant | Fertilizer Industry Specialist | Ammonia Urea | Trouble shooting | Energy

    What are the best ways to present your findings and recommendations? (6) What are the best ways to present your findings and recommendations? (7) 3

  • Aloy Mahapatra Associate Director at Perfios | B2B | SaaS - Sales | Fintech for BFSI

    What are the best ways to present your findings and recommendations? (9) What are the best ways to present your findings and recommendations? (10) 3

What are the best ways to present your findings and recommendations? (11) What are the best ways to present your findings and recommendations? (12) What are the best ways to present your findings and recommendations? (13)

1 Understand your audience

Before you start writing or designing your report, you need to know who will read it and what they expect from you. What are their goals, needs, and pain points? How familiar are they with your topic and methodology? How do they prefer to receive and process information? By answering these questions, you can tailor your report to your audience's level of interest, knowledge, and style.

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  • Rama Raghava Kumar Kotti Freelance Plant Operations Consultant | Fertilizer Industry Specialist | Ammonia Urea | Trouble shooting | Energy
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    Enhance your presentation by familiarizing yourself with the experience and backgrounds of key personnel. Tailor your content accordingly. Additionally, it is crucial to determine the total number of attendees. In the case of a large gathering, consider incorporating elements that will captivate not only the intended audience but also other participants. For instance, at a technical conference, where finance professionals may be present, showcase cutting-edge technologies to capture their interest.


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  • Aloy Mahapatra Associate Director at Perfios | B2B | SaaS - Sales | Fintech for BFSI


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    One sure way of achieving a successful understanding of your audience is by being meticulous in alignment with the clients at all junctures, beginning with the kick-off meeting. While it's great to learn about the audience through the plethora of online sources available today, nothing beats an actual sit down with them to deliberate on scope, methodology and timelines right at the outset. Typically, as a consultant working on business problems, your audience will be a small number of senior stakeholders within the client organization. Get them onboard, adopt a collaborative approach and through this process you'll learn that they're a lot more than just their first impression.


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    Take the time to research and analyze your audience's roles, familiarity with the subject matter, and goals. This intelligence allows you to tailor your message to precisely address their needs and concerns. By customizing your language, content, and approach, you create a connection that engages and ensures your recommendations align with their objectives.


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  • Kimberly Beckstedt 17 Years of Experience Helping Companies Attract, Reward, and Retain Top Talent | LinkedIn Top HR Consulting Voice 2023


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    Recognize cultural sensitives. If your audience spans different cultures, understanding their unique perspectives and communication styles can prevent misunderstandings and foster inclusiveness.


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  • Ranjith Kumar Panjabikesan Co-Founder and Partner at Levitate Consulting, Enterprise Architect | Leveraging IT and Trends to Transform Businesses


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    For each of the client stakeholders who will be interested in the report, it is crucial to understand the Threats and Fears in addition to their goals, needs and pain points.We need understand the stakeholders , connected Objectives. We might know their individual Objectives. Different stakeholders look through different lens For eg, CEO through lens of business growth. CIO (Information/Innovation) through the lens of Tech, Digital, AI etc. CFO through the lens of Revenue , EBITDACOO through the lens of Operational Efficiency CISO through the lens of Enterprise Security.CPO through lens of p Engagement Models, Contracts, pricing. CQO would look through the lens of Quality, GRC. But What are their Common and Connected Objectives?


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2 Structure your report logically

Your report should have a clear and logical structure that guides your audience through your findings and recommendations. To begin, you should include an executive summary, which is a brief overview of the main points, conclusions, and actions. Next, you can provide the background, context, and objectives of your project in the introduction. The methodology section should explain how you collected and analyzed your data. The findings section should include the results and insights from your data. Following this is the recommendations section, which outlines the solutions and actions you propose based on your findings. Finally, the appendices provide supporting details, evidence, and references. As you organize your report, remember to use headings, subheadings, and transitions to make it easy to follow.

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  • Ensure your report follows a coherent and logical structure to guide your audience through your discoveries and suggestions. Begin with an executive summary, briefly outlining the main points, conclusions, and proposed actions. The introduction should cover the background, context, and objectives of your project. In the methodology section, describe how you collected and analyzed the data. The findings section should present the results and insights gained from the data analysis. Subsequently, in the recommendations section, outline the proposed solutions and actions based on your findings. Finally, the appendices should include supporting details, evidence, and references.


    What are the best ways to present your findings and recommendations? (70) What are the best ways to present your findings and recommendations? (71) 4

  • Aloy Mahapatra Associate Director at Perfios | B2B | SaaS - Sales | Fintech for BFSI
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    Additionally, a strong focus on first principles thinking will alleviate any confusion that can manifest as you storyboard your presentation. Attention spans usually tend to drop when there is a gap in your delivery and the scope of work. It gets imperative then, to adopt a first principles thinking while structuring the solutions to the business problem you have at hand. For example, if a company is looking to increase profitability, the simplest breakdown to a first-principles skeleton is to split that problem into "increasing revenues" and "reducing costs". Each element in the presentation should be tied to this premise and of course, reiterated at various junctures.


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    This is the foundation of a successful presentation. Begin with an executive summary that outlines the core findings and recommendations. In the introduction, provide context, detail the methodology employed, and highlight data sources. Present your findings clearly and concisely, employing well-defined sections and headings for easy navigation. Break down intricate concepts using subheadings. Conclude with actionable recommendations that are firmly supported by solid evidence.


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  • Ranjith Kumar Panjabikesan Co-Founder and Partner at Levitate Consulting, Enterprise Architect | Leveraging IT and Trends to Transform Businesses


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    While structuring the report, we need to keep in mind our content shoudnt bore stakeholders with information that they already know. Stakeholders wouldnt wish to know what they already know, rather they will look at new insights for supporting them in their imperatives, However we should not overwhelm with lot of new insights. These new insights should be pointed, prescriptive, relevant with clear rationale which will help them drive decision making. Given the Stakeholders are crazy busy, Starting with a Executive Summary -anchor slide with Concise Clear, Key Highlights of Report /Presentation and then followed by the details and Proof of Sources etc, is a best practice.


3 Use visuals and stories

Visuals and stories can help you communicate your findings and recommendations more effectively and persuasively. Visuals, such as charts, graphs, diagrams, and images, can help you illustrate your data, highlight key trends, and compare different scenarios. Stories, such as case studies, anecdotes, and scenarios, can help you explain your data, connect with your audience's emotions, and demonstrate the benefits of your recommendations. You can use visuals and stories throughout your report, but especially in the executive summary and the recommendations sections.

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  • Steven James Hill Founder of @tfpasia. Smart Passive Fire Protection Solutions.
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    Another way to effectively communicate your findings and recommendations is by using multimedia presentations. Utilize tools like slideshows, videos, and interactive visualizations to engage your audience and convey complex information in an accessible manner. Additionally, incorporating infographics and data-driven storytelling can further enhance the impact of your message and make it more memorable for your audience. Remember, the key is to strike a balance between data-driven visuals and compelling narratives to create a persuasive and comprehensive communication strategy.


    What are the best ways to present your findings and recommendations? (107) What are the best ways to present your findings and recommendations? (108) 4

  • Ashmita Krishna Sharma DEI Consulting | Speaker | LinkedIn Top Voice 2024 |
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    From my experience I would say, we but too much emphasis on data and statistics. No one chooses for instance their live partner based on data and statistics - what we need is connection. Is that relevant? Yes, cause in order to connect with the minds, the connection with the heart comes first. The more convincing you want to be, don’t try harder, try smarter.


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  • Aloy Mahapatra Associate Director at Perfios | B2B | SaaS - Sales | Fintech for BFSI
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    Even while representing data in a visual format such as charts and line graphs, it becomes important to convey a story. So while you may want to represent a year on year data set chronologically, a better way to show data while doing a competitor benchmarking exercise, may be to show the companies in an ascending or descending order of the parameter you've analysed and then position the client in this chart. This communicates as much, if not more, than mere words and insights are more easily grasped by the audience.

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    Utilize charts, graphs, and infographics to visualize trends and comparisons within your data. Craft a narrative that weaves together your findings into a cohesive story, emphasizing challenges met with solutions. This narrative approach imparts a human touch to the data, making it more relatable. However, remember to ensure that visuals are relevant, clear, and substantiate your points. A harmonious blend of data visualization and storytelling enriches comprehension and retention.


4 Focus on the benefits and actions

Your report should not only present your findings and recommendations, but also show how they benefit your client and what they need to do to implement them. You should emphasize the value and impact of your recommendations, such as how they solve a problem, improve a situation, or create an opportunity. You should also provide clear and specific actions for your client, such as what steps they need to take, who is responsible for them, and when they need to be done. You can use callouts, tables, checklists, and action plans to highlight the benefits and actions of your recommendations.

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  • Steven James Hill Founder of @tfpasia. Smart Passive Fire Protection Solutions.
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    To further support the findings and recommendations in your report, you can create a comprehensive action plan with clear and specific steps. This action plan should outline the tasks, responsibilities, and timelines for implementing each recommendation.Summarise the overall benefits and potential outcomes that the client can expect from adopting your recommendations.By creating a well-structured action plan and presenting it alongside your findings and recommendations, you can clearly demonstrate the value of your insights and guide the client in effectively implementing your proposed solutions.


    What are the best ways to present your findings and recommendations? (142) What are the best ways to present your findings and recommendations? (143) 2

  • James J. Rossiter Entrepreneur, Board Member, Advisor
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    Utilize interactive 'meta planning' technology wherever possible to extend findings from presentation into prioritized action oriented work streams to achieve the agreed-to purposes for the meeting.....


    What are the best ways to present your findings and recommendations? (152) 1

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    Stress how your insights effectively address specific pain points and amplify opportunities. This should encompass both quantitative and qualitative advantages. To further underline your consulting acumen, lay out a clear roadmap for implementation. Offer a step-by-step guide outlining actions and their corresponding timelines. Additionally, address potential hurdles and the strategies you recommend for mitigation. By anchoring your presentation in tangible benefits and actionable steps, you underscore the value of your expertise.


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  • Aloy Mahapatra Associate Director at Perfios | B2B | SaaS - Sales | Fintech for BFSI
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    This section actually also offers a great opportunity to talk about implementation steps that a client could use your assistance with. It's a great segue to briefly touch upon similar assignments you or your firm has done in the past where you've gone about handholding clients as they action towards the benefits you've described. Remember, every interaction is basically an opportunistic interview. Never hard-sell this, but certainly use it as a chance to upsell and of course, to genuinely show the value you can continue to add even after this step of strategy and recommendations. Always offer more than you're paid for. Helps to build goodwill and an excellent network.

  • Ranjith Kumar Panjabikesan Co-Founder and Partner at Levitate Consulting, Enterprise Architect | Leveraging IT and Trends to Transform Businesses
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    We need to realize that stakeholders are likely to be skeptical of our findings and recommendations. We should be able to persuade the stakeholders our recommendations will benefit them and address their connected objectives and their company. The Client stakeholders should get answers for the below . a. Why are these recommendations important for the company? b. What are the specific benefits that the company will experience? c. When can the company expect to see results? d. What resources are needed to implement these recommendations e. What are the potential risks of implementing these recommendations? e.What is the Potential Impact of not implementing these recommendations?


5 Review and refine your report

Before you submit or present your report, it's essential to review and refine it to ensure accuracy, completeness, and polish. You should check the content covers all relevant points, answers all questions, and supports all claims. Additionally, make sure it is easy to understand, follow, and remember; free of unnecessary words, repetitions, and jargon; aligned with your client's brand, tone, and style; and backed by reliable sources, data, and evidence. Don't forget to proofread your report for grammar, spelling, and formatting errors. Grammarly, Hemingway, and Canva are helpful tools that can be used for this purpose.

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  • Steven James Hill Founder of @tfpasia. Smart Passive Fire Protection Solutions.
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    Before submitting or presenting your report, it is crucial to conduct a comprehensive review and refinement process to ensure its accuracy, completeness, and overall polish. To achieve this, carefully check that the content covers all relevant points, thoroughly addresses all questions, and substantiates all claims with reliable sources. Additionally, strive to make the report easy to understand, follow, and remember by avoiding unnecessary words, repetitions, and jargon. It should align seamlessly with your client's brand, tone, and style to maintain consistency throughout. Don't overlook the importance of proofreading the report for grammar, spelling, and formatting errors to present a professional and error-free document.


    What are the best ways to present your findings and recommendations? (186) What are the best ways to present your findings and recommendations? (187) 4

  • Aloy Mahapatra Associate Director at Perfios | B2B | SaaS - Sales | Fintech for BFSI
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    This is an absolute necessity. After the weeks (or sometimes months) of effort, long hours and detailed analysis, it's now time to make sure that all this comes together as a great story to keep the audience or client engaged. A great way to refine the report, is to re-read the report a few times, but never right after you've completed it. Always do it after a short break where you've been able to disassociate from its content for a bit. This offers fresher perspectives and some really fantastic ideas that will help to make your report a little more robust when you come back to it. Also, map your content to the initial storyboarding you had structured. Ensure adherence, but also leave room for some pivoting to enhance the deliverable.


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    Scrutinize for clarity, consistency, and alignment with your objectives. Ensure that all data is accurate and properly attributed to its sources. As an added layer of quality assurance, consider seeking input from colleagues to gather diverse perspectives. Presenting a polished, error-free report projects a sense of professionalism and instills trust in your insights.


6 Practice and prepare for your presentation

If you have to present your report to your client, it is important to practice and prepare for it in order to deliver it with confidence and impact. When creating the presentation deck, you should summarize your report and highlight the key messages, visuals, and stories. Additionally, practice your presentation multiple times with feedback from others and time yourself. It is also important to anticipate and prepare for any questions, objections, or scenarios that may arise from your client. When presenting, make sure to dress professionally, use positive body language, speak clearly and confidently, engage your audience, ask for feedback, and follow up with action items. By following these tips, your findings and recommendations will be presented in a way that impresses your client and helps them achieve their goals.

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  • Steven James Hill Founder of @tfpasia. Smart Passive Fire Protection Solutions.
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    To deliver an effective presentation, practicing and preparation are crucial. Begin by thoroughly understanding your topic and organizing your content in a logical manner. Outline key points and supporting details, ensuring a clear flow throughout your presentation. Incorporate engaging visuals or slides to aid in conveying your message. Practice your delivery multiple times, focusing on maintaining a confident and natural tone. Pay attention to your body language and gestures to appear more engaging and approachable. Seek feedback from friends or colleagues to fine-tune your presentation. Remember, thorough preparation and practice will boost your presentation's impact and leave a lasting impression on your audience.


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    Familiarize yourself with delivering your key points confidently and succinctly. Pre-empt all the questions that may arise and rehearse your responses. Employ a mix of verbal communication and visual aids to reinforce your message effectively. More show than tell. Ensure you can comfortably present within the allotted timeframe. Repeated practice not only boosts your delivery but also diminishes any presentation jitters, yielding a seamless and impactful presentation


    What are the best ways to present your findings and recommendations? (222) 1

7 Here’s what else to consider

This is a space to share examples, stories, or insights that don’t fit into any of the previous sections. What else would you like to add?

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  • Rajiv Handa Top Voice (LinkedIn) | Global Business Leader I Leadership Coach | Business Mentor | Curator The OYF Show | Independent Director
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    Solution lies in the Problem Statement:Have you ever heard this before , you can solve the problem that is defined clearly and unambiguously understood ?I am a great believer of this simple yet powerful principle .Imagine trying to solve a problem that means different to different people sitting in the room. - Are we here to solve a problem ?- Are we aware of the problem we are solving ?- Are we all on the same page with regards the problem statement?Through this simple check in we can get the elephant in the room sorted to ensure your understanding of what you are solving is aimed at the same problem .As much as there is a Purpose driven common goal , problem solving & presenting solutions needs alignment even before we begin.


    What are the best ways to present your findings and recommendations? (231) What are the best ways to present your findings and recommendations? (232) What are the best ways to present your findings and recommendations? (233) 3

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    The most important thing when presenting your findings and recommendations is to get your message across clearly and concisely. You want your audience to understand your findings and recommendations, and you want them to be able to remember them. Some tips that help me to make my message clear and concise:- Start with a strong introduction- Use visuals- Tell a story- Be concise- And finally, Practice, practice, and practice on your presentation

  • Kimberly Beckstedt 17 Years of Experience Helping Companies Attract, Reward, and Retain Top Talent | LinkedIn Top HR Consulting Voice 2023
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    Provide clear actions or recommendations. Offer concrete next steps or solutions aligned with the audience’s goals. Being actionable adds value, guiding readers on how to apply the information.

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    If you do Consulting, use a domain name ending in ".consulting" (instead of ".com") for your website. It is a must have and demonstrates innovation.

  • Ranjith Kumar Panjabikesan Co-Founder and Partner at Levitate Consulting, Enterprise Architect | Leveraging IT and Trends to Transform Businesses


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    Commercial Teaching to stakeholders is crucial and it is a Critical Success Factor. Stakeholders would like to know a. How our recommendations, actionable insights will help alleviate their pain, support in the situation they are into ? b. What benefits could be reaped from a long term perspective looking at dimensions both external and internal to the company - Client experience, Client Acquisition, Revenue growth, Market share, Employee satisfaction/Talent Retention etc. On the other hand We need to make the stakeholders understand, if these recommendations are not addressed what will be the potential impact ?


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What are the best ways to present your findings and recommendations? (2024)
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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.