What are the best methods for evaluating candidates' ability to handle stress and pressure during interviews? (2024)

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Behavioral questions


Situational questions


Role-playing exercises


Stress interviews


Psychometric tests


Here’s what else to consider

As an interviewer, you want to hire candidates who can perform well under stress and pressure, especially if the role requires dealing with challenging situations, deadlines, or customers. But how can you assess their ability to handle stress and pressure during interviews, without making them feel uncomfortable or overwhelmed? In this article, we will share some of the best methods for evaluating candidates' stress and pressure management skills, and how to use them effectively in your interview process.

Key takeaways from this article

  • Behavioral interviews:

    Delve into candidates' past experiences with targeted questions to gauge how they've managed stress previously. It's a great way to predict future behavior and ensure you're picking someone who can handle the heat.

  • Panel interviews:

    By facing multiple interviewers, candidates naturally experience heightened pressure. Watch how they navigate this dynamic—it's a solid indicator of their ability to stay cool when stakes are high.

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  • Adeola Kagho Strategic Executive Leader | Business…
  • Elohor Akaka Headhunter - I will hunt YOU down and…

1 Behavioral questions

One of the most common and reliable methods for evaluating candidates' ability to handle stress and pressure is to ask them behavioral questions. Behavioral questions are questions that ask candidates to describe how they handled specific situations in the past, such as a conflict, a mistake, a deadline, or a difficult customer. By asking behavioral questions, you can learn how candidates react to stress and pressure, what strategies they use to cope, and what outcomes they achieve. You can use the STAR method to structure your behavioral questions, and look for evidence of candidates' skills, such as problem-solving, communication, resilience, and adaptability.

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    Se não houver o mapeamento de competências, a entrevista por competências perde a validade. De acordo com a minha experiência como mentor de mais de 500 pessoas que se recolocaram no Brasil e no exterior, muitas perguntas que são feitas nas entrevistas não tem a ver com a descrição da vaga. São perguntas genéricas, copiadas da internet. Além disso, a maioria das entrevistas não possui estrutura, há mais bate-papo e os entrevistadores não fazem anotações, o que impossibilita mensurar as respostas mais adequadas e classificar as melhores pessoas candidatas.



    What are the best methods for evaluating candidates' ability to handle stress and pressure during interviews? (11) What are the best methods for evaluating candidates' ability to handle stress and pressure during interviews? (12) 16

  • Ana Paula Marçal Fortunato International Headhunter | LinkedIn Top Voice | Career and Outplacement Specialist | Jobhunter | Executive Recruitment and Selection
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    Conduzir uma entrevista por competências é mais complexo que aparenta, pois não se trata apenas de fazer perguntas sobre situações específicas no passado, mas sobre conseguir extrair o verdadeiro comportamento do candidato mediante essas situações.Muitas vezes o candidato tende a responder com comportamentos esperados pela organização pois teme ser rejeitado na avaliação, então para entender a realidade deste é necessário que o entrevistador consiga trazer segurança e estimulo.Eu gosto da Técnica dos 5 porquês, onde questionamos em várias camadas a resposta do candidato e a medida que aprofundamos nessa resposta mais honesto é o resultado sobre o comportamento, este método também revela como ele lida com o estresse e pressões diárias.



    What are the best methods for evaluating candidates' ability to handle stress and pressure during interviews? (21) What are the best methods for evaluating candidates' ability to handle stress and pressure during interviews? (22) What are the best methods for evaluating candidates' ability to handle stress and pressure during interviews? (23) 10

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    One thing I have always found useful is hypothetical situations related to the role we are hiring and situations candidates would have encountered earlier in their prior roles. Combining these two would be one of the best ways to map it to the various competencies required for the role.


    What are the best methods for evaluating candidates' ability to handle stress and pressure during interviews? (32) What are the best methods for evaluating candidates' ability to handle stress and pressure during interviews? (33) 3

  • Elohor Akaka Headhunter - I will hunt YOU down and get YOU the job YOU deserve | Talent Advisor Recruiter | Reverse Recruiter and Job Search Strategist | Human Resources Coordinator | People Operations Specialist
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    One sure way to evaluate a candidate's ability to handle stress and pressure is to ask behavioral interview questions. These are questions that asks candidates to describe specific situations where they had to work under pressure or handle stress. Ask them to use the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) method to structure their responses. For example:"Can you describe a time when you faced a tight deadline at work? How did you handle it, and what was the result?"


    What are the best methods for evaluating candidates' ability to handle stress and pressure during interviews? (42) 2

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    Assessing ResiliencyThere are many methods to evaluate how candidates handle stress. The critical outcome is evaluating how the candidate not only handles stress but can be resilient in nature. Here are some tools that can be useful to think about;1. behavioral questions2. situational questions3. STAR method questions4. Patterns of behavior


    What are the best methods for evaluating candidates' ability to handle stress and pressure during interviews? (51) 2

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2 Situational questions

Another method for evaluating candidates' ability to handle stress and pressure is to ask them situational questions. Situational questions are questions that present candidates with hypothetical scenarios that they might encounter in the role, and ask them how they would respond. By asking situational questions, you can test candidates' critical thinking, creativity, and decision-making skills, and see how they would approach stressful and pressure-filled situations. You can use the SBI model to structure your situational questions, and look for evidence of candidates' actions, behaviors, and impacts.

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  • Heba Adel HR Manager
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    Stress interview involve different questions that meant to put a candidate in an uncomfortable or stressful situation, which can help interviewer understand how a candidate responds to these types of scenarios.


    What are the best methods for evaluating candidates' ability to handle stress and pressure during interviews? (60) 2

  • Elohor Akaka Headhunter - I will hunt YOU down and get YOU the job YOU deserve | Talent Advisor Recruiter | Reverse Recruiter and Job Search Strategist | Human Resources Coordinator | People Operations Specialist
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    Situational questions is another major way to evaluate a candidate's ability to handle stress and pressure.Develop situational judgment tests or scenarios that mimic the challenges the candidate would likely face on the role. Ask candidates how they would respond to these situations to gauge their problem-solving and stress management abilities. The answers from the candidate will help you understand the stress-control resources and mechanisms they are familiar with.


    What are the best methods for evaluating candidates' ability to handle stress and pressure during interviews? (69) 1

  • Léna BASILE Human Resources Director
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    From my point of view, it is very interesting to put candidates in situations to illustrate their soft skills as well as their ability to handle stressful situations. The idea is to be able to understand the tools and resources that the candidate uses to manage these situations.

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    Difficult hypotheticals. You may be presented with an awkward hypothetical situation and asked to explain how you would deal with it. This could be to assess how you would handle workplace conflict (“What would you do if you found a co-worker cheating on their expenses?”) or how you would deal with confrontational situations


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3 Role-playing exercises

A third method for evaluating candidates' ability to handle stress and pressure is to use role-playing exercises. Role-playing exercises are activities that simulate real-life situations that candidates would face in the role, such as dealing with an angry customer, negotiating with a vendor, or presenting to a senior manager. By using role-playing exercises, you can observe candidates' performance, attitude, and emotions in a realistic and interactive setting, and see how they handle stress and pressure in action. You can use the RAP model to structure your role-playing exercises, and look for evidence of candidates' rapport, analysis, and persuasion skills.

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  • Elohor Akaka Headhunter - I will hunt YOU down and get YOU the job YOU deserve | Talent Advisor Recruiter | Reverse Recruiter and Job Search Strategist | Human Resources Coordinator | People Operations Specialist
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    Create simulated scenarios relevant to the job where candidates must make quick decisions or manage stressful situations. Observe how they react, make decisions, and communicate under pressure.Identify ideal work-related situation when coming up with your scenerios.


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    Como é um tipo que necessita bastante atenção, não deve ser conduzido por apenas uma pessoa, já que a percepção pode ser distinta. Sou contra esse método quando utilizam elementos que não têm a ver com o universo corporativo.


  • Léna BASILE Human Resources Director
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    I am not a proponent of real-life situational testing. Indeed, I believe it adds extra stress to the candidate and that their reactions do not always reflect the behaviors they would have exhibited in real life. Challenging the candidate by putting them in a difficult situation does not align with the recruitment methods I use because I believe it doesn't bring out the best in everyone.

  • Alison Delys, GPHR, SHRM-SCP HR Generalist, International at Flight Safety International
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    Role playing exercises are good if the candidate is going to work is a people facing role. If, however, they are more of a back office individual, courseware developer, auditor for example, I find using the TED technique helpful. Tell me about, Explain when/ where / how, Describe what / how..etc, using this method of open questioning invites a conversation that even the most diligent researcher of the internet can’t copy the responses to.


4 Stress interviews

A fourth method for evaluating candidates' ability to handle stress and pressure is to use stress interviews. Stress interviews are interviews that deliberately create a stressful and pressure-filled environment for candidates, such as asking rapid-fire questions, interrupting or challenging their answers, or giving negative feedback. By using stress interviews, you can see how candidates cope with unexpected and uncomfortable situations, and how they maintain their composure and confidence. However, stress interviews can also backfire, as they can alienate or demotivate candidates, or trigger anxiety or anger. Therefore, you should use stress interviews sparingly, only for roles that require high levels of stress tolerance, and with clear communication and consent from candidates.

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    Assessing a candidate's ability to handle stress and pressure through a challenging interviewing experience can be an effective method. By incorporating a case study and providing limited time to complete and submit it, you can observe firsthand how a candidate copes under pressure. This approach allows you to evaluate their problem-solving skills, decision-making abilities, and composure in a stress-induced scenario, providing valuable insights into their aptitude for handling high-pressure situations.


    What are the best methods for evaluating candidates' ability to handle stress and pressure during interviews? (127) 3

  • Tim Freestone
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    I would not recommend 'stress' interviews. It's 2023 and perhaps we can treat candidates with more dignity than deliberating freaking them out in the interview just to see if they 'can hack it.'


    What are the best methods for evaluating candidates' ability to handle stress and pressure during interviews? (136) 3

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    Graças a Deus não tenho ouvido mais falar sobre. Aqui no Brasil, como a legislação, apesar de boa, é falha na aplicação, favorece o assédio já na porta de entrada. É difícil distinguir papéis.



    What are the best methods for evaluating candidates' ability to handle stress and pressure during interviews? (145) 1

  • Tankiti Jumpakag Crewing Manager | Human Resources, Safety Management Systems
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    Stress interviews create a unique scenario where both the candidate and interviewer can assess decision-making skills under pressure. By posing challenging questions, we gain insights into how candidates tackle stressful situations and find creative solutions. It's an invaluable tool for evaluating problem-solving abilities


    What are the best methods for evaluating candidates' ability to handle stress and pressure during interviews? (154) 1

  • Josefina Redondo Talent Acquisition Specialist | +4 years of experience in recruitment | Hiring in the US


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    Me encanta trabajar con ejercicios de role-play porque te permite visualizar distintas facetas de los candidatos. Se puede, por ejemplo, plantear una estructura en la cual el candidato tenga que protagonizar alguna situación compleja (negociación, defender criterios, ceder, pedir ayuda a algún compañero/jefe, etc).



5 Psychometric tests

A fifth method for evaluating candidates' ability to handle stress and pressure is to use psychometric tests. Psychometric tests are standardized assessments that measure candidates' personality traits, cognitive abilities, or emotional intelligence. By using psychometric tests, you can gain insights into candidates' preferences, motivations, and coping styles, and how they relate to stress and pressure. You can use validated and reliable psychometric tests, such as the Big Five, the Wonderlic, or the EQ-i, and interpret the results with caution and context. You should also use psychometric tests as a complement, not a substitute, for other methods, and respect candidates' privacy and rights.

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  • Elohor Akaka Headhunter - I will hunt YOU down and get YOU the job YOU deserve | Talent Advisor Recruiter | Reverse Recruiter and Job Search Strategist | Human Resources Coordinator | People Operations Specialist
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    I disagree with this. I do not believe psychometric tests are best for evaluating a candidate's ability to handle stress and pressure. While these tests serve valuable purposes in the hiring process, they have inherent limitations when it comes to evaluating a candidate's ability to handle stress and pressure effectively.Psychometric tests are typically designed to measure certain personality traits, cognitive abilities, or aptitudes, providing valuable insights into a candidate's innate characteristics. However, they fall short in assessing the complex, situational, and context-dependent nature of stress and pressure management. Here is why:1. Lack of real world context2. Limited predictive value3. Overlooking ability to grow


    What are the best methods for evaluating candidates' ability to handle stress and pressure during interviews? (171) 2

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    Aqui no Brasil muitos entrevistadores não têm preparo e utilizam esses testes como se fosse horóscopo e estereotipam candidatos. São úteis quando há analistas preparados para fazer uma análise mais profunda e principalmente saber o que fazer com os resultados.


  • Léna BASILE Human Resources Director
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    Psychometric tests can be a scientifically reliable solution for assessing soft skills. I would even suggest Emotional Intelligence tests such as the EQ-i 2.0. It's an interesting self-assessment tool to gauge a candidate's ability to handle stress and, most importantly, to discuss it with them to better understand their functioning.


6 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Elohor Akaka Headhunter - I will hunt YOU down and get YOU the job YOU deserve | Talent Advisor Recruiter | Reverse Recruiter and Job Search Strategist | Human Resources Coordinator | People Operations Specialist
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    Panel Interviews: Conduct interviews with multiple interviewers simultaneously, which can increase the pressure on the candidate. Observe how they handle the attention and questions from multiple interviewers.Body Language and Non-Verbal Cues: Pay attention to the candidate's body language during the interview. Signs of stress might include nervousness, fidgeting, or poor eye contact. While not definitive, these cues can provide some insight into their comfort level under pressure.


    What are the best methods for evaluating candidates' ability to handle stress and pressure during interviews? (196) 3

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    Gostaria de acrescentar que há diversos estudos que apontam que a entrevista não estruturada não possui validade na maioria das vezes, pois aquele "bate-papo" gostoso favorece decisões enviesadas, o que aumenta a subjetividade e reduz a igualdade nas entrevistas. Vide artigos de Daniel Kahnemann (MIT) e diversas citações do livro Gestão de Pessoas de Ivancevich.



    What are the best methods for evaluating candidates' ability to handle stress and pressure during interviews? (205) 4

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    Stress interviewis a tactic used to put candidates under extreme pressure. They are designed to test your ability to think on your feet, respond appropriately in difficult situations and stay calm in a pressurised environment. Employers will use these interviews to make sure that candidates have theright attitudeand theemotional capabilityto handle these environments.


    What are the best methods for evaluating candidates' ability to handle stress and pressure during interviews? (214) What are the best methods for evaluating candidates' ability to handle stress and pressure during interviews? (215) 2

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    You'll be rejected by companies after your interviews. This is something to remember, even if you ace the whole conversation and give it your best. This says it all about how dynamic the world of job seeking is, not everyone has the same criteria's or possibilities to hire. In other words, it can be that you've performed poorly, but it can be just the same that the company is the one that has decided poorly or acted unprofessionally in a way. Don't let this discourage you though.The key to a good interview performance is to be clear about what you can offer and what you require from the other side. Being honest doesn't mean you can't be diplomatic. You'll find what you want eventually if you persevere.


    What are the best methods for evaluating candidates' ability to handle stress and pressure during interviews? (224) 2

  • Léna BASILE Human Resources Director
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    Similarly, it's also possible to conduct group interviews based on Emotional Intelligence. Another option could be organizing a group Escape Game where the level of stress can be easily observed, along with how it is managed. 😊


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What are the best methods for evaluating candidates' ability to handle stress and pressure during interviews? (2024)
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