What are Technical Stock Charts & their Types | Kotak Securities (2024)

Technical analysis is all about getting the price right. It even plots market trends using stock prices. All this action, though, happens in a place called ‘stock chart’.

Analysis of market trends is the first tool that is used in technical analysis of Stocks. However, trend analysis cannot be done unless historical stock charts are available. This is because trends are discovered in the charts themselves. It is, therefore, critical to understand what is a chart and how to perform stock chart analysis to excel at technical analysis.

In this section, we will understand what is a chart and also briefly discuss stock charts. We will also understand what trend lines are and how they can be combined with stock charts to make useful deductions about stock prices movements.

What Are Stock Charts

As we discussed earlier, trying to perform technical analysis without using stock charts is like trying to build a house without owning land! So we must try to understand how to read the charts. But before we get to that, let’s try to answer the question, what is a stock chart?

Put in the simplest possible terms, it is a graphical representation of how a stock’s price or trading volumes have changed over time. This relationship can be presented in a number of ways, through the use of different types of charts. It is your job, as a technical analyst, to identify the type that will bring out a hidden trend most effectively.

Stock charts, like all other charts, have two axis—the vertical axis and the horizontal axis. The horizontal axis represents the historical time periods for which a technical chart has been constructed. The vertical axis displays the stock price or the trading volume corresponding to each period.

There are many types of charts that are used for technical analysis. However, the four types that are most common are—line chart, bar chart, point and figure chart and candlestick chart. We will discuss these technical charts extensively later. However, we have illustrated three types of stock charts below. The bar chart looks a lot like the candlestick chart. All the charts displayed below are stock price charts. The nature of the input may, however, have to be altered when you move from one chart type to another.

What are Technical Stock Charts & their Types | Kotak Securities (1)
What are Technical Stock Charts & their Types | Kotak Securities (2)

What Are Trend Line And Trend Length And Their Roles

Now that you are familiar with the different types of charts, the next thing you want to understand is how to read them. Before doing so, though, let us look at trend lines and trend lengths – the principal tools used for the analysis of technical charts. Let’s look at them individually:

  • Trend lines:A trend line is a straight line that connects all the tops or bottoms in stock charts with each other. We touched upon trend lines in one of the previous sections. Here, we concern ourselves more with their utility.Trend lines are essential because trends are sometimes not so-clearly visible in technical charts. How often we see zigzag patches! They make stock analysis tricky.

To reduce this distortion, an external aid has to be used. Take the example of the line chart we saw earlier. We have reproduced it below with a few additional touches. Look at the section that has been highlighted. At the outset, there is no clear reason to say whether the price trend is upwards or downwards. Tops and bottoms in this section are not clearly going higher or lower conclusively. How, then, will you go about your chart analysis here? Using trend lines may prove helpful as they may be able to cut through the confusion here. We have done just this.

What are Technical Stock Charts & their Types | Kotak Securities (4)

Since trend lines are straight lines, they smooth out the ‘waviness’ in the charts and accentuate the trends hidden in the stock chart.

For the above chart, we have used two trend lines – one each for tops and bottoms respectively. The use of trend lines in a combination like this is called a channel. It helps us understand whether the trend is upwards or downwards. Cast your mind back to our conversation about market trends. Recall that a stable uptrend, for example, is marked not only by increasing tops, but also increasing bottoms. By using a single trend line, you will only be able to comment about one of these. To spot a trend, you must use a combination of trend lines. In other words, draw a channel.

  • Trend Length:When analysing technical charts, it is important to not only spot trends, but also predict the length of these trends. We discussed this in the section on market trends. We acknowledged that primary trends are the longest lasting and bring about the most radical movement in stock prices. A decisive move in a stock price, for a sustained period will only come if the trend is strong and enduring. Minor trends and, in some cases even secondary trends, are unable to cause such a meaningful impact. They may only pass off as a flash in the pan. The longevity of a stock trend can be predicted by using patterns in the charts. One can start off with an analysis of trend lines themselves. If trend lines suggest that each time the stock price rises to a higher level before falling, it is suggestive of an uptrend. However, the trend is confirmed only if simultaneously, the falls are also smaller. Some of the other measures to assess the longevity and conviction in technical charts are head and shoulders, inverse head and shoulders and, double tops and double bottoms. We will look at them in the next section.

What Are The Different Types Of Charts

As we discussed in the previous section, there are four types of stock charts that are principally used in technical analysis. These are:

  • Line Charts:A line chart is the figure that, perhaps, automatically comes to mind when you think of a chart. The line chart has the stock price or trading volume information on the vertical or y-axis and the corresponding time period on the horizontal or x-axis). Trading volumes refer to the number of stocks of a company that were bought and sold in the market on a particular day. The closing stock price is commonly used for the construction of a line chart.

Once the two axes have been labelled, preparation of a line chart is a two-step process. In the first step, you take a particular date and plot the closing stock price as on that date on the graph. For this, you’ll put a dot on the chart in such a way that it is above the concerned date and alongside the corresponding stock price.

Let’s suppose that the closing stock price on December 31, 2014 was Rs 120. For plotting it, you’ll put a dot in such a way that it is simultaneously above the marking for that date on the x-axis, and alongside the mark that says Rs 120 on the y-axis. You will do this for all dates. In the second step, you will connect all the dots plotted with a line. That’s it! You have your line chart.

  • Bar Charts:A bar chart is similar to a line chart. However, it is much more informative. Instead of a dot, each marking on a bar chart is in the shape of a vertical line with two horizontal lines protruding out of it, on either side. The top end of each vertical line signifies the highest price the stock traded at during a day while the bottom point signifies the lowest price at which it traded at during a day. The horizontal line to the left signifies the price at which the stock opened the trading day. The one on the right signifies the price at which it closed the trading day. As such, each mark on a bar chart tells you four things. An illustration of the marks used on a bar chart is given below:

A bar chart is more advantageous than a line chart because in addition to prices, it also reflects price volatility. Charts that show what kind of trading happened that day are called Intraday charts. The longer a line is, the higher is the difference between opening and closing prices. This means higher volatility. You should be interested in knowing about volatility because high volatility means high risk. After all, how comfortable would you be about investing in a stock whose price changes frequently and sharply?

  • Candlestick Charts:Candlestick charts give the same information as bar charts. They only offer it in a better way. Like a bar chart is made up of different vertical lines, a candlestick chart is made up of rectangular blocks with lines coming out of it on both sides. The line at the upper end signifies the day’s highest trading price. The line at the lower end signifies the day’s lowest trading price. The day’s trading can be shown in Intraday charts. As for the block itself (called the body), the upper and the lower ends signify the day’s opening and closing price. The one that is higher of the two, is at the top, while the other one is at the bottom of the body.

What makes candlestick charts an improvement over bar charts is that they give information about volatility throughout the period under consideration. Bar charts only display volatility that occurs within each trading day. Candles on a candlestick chart are of two shades-light and dark. On days when the opening price was greater than the closing price, they are of a lighter shade (normally white). On days when the closing price was higher than the opening price, they are of a darker shade (normally black).A single day’s trading is represented by Intraday charts. Higher the variation in colour, more volatile was the price during the period. The appearance of candles on a candlestick chart is as follows:

What are Technical Stock Charts & their Types | Kotak Securities (6)
  • Point And Figure Charts:

A point and figure chart bears no resemblance with the other three kinds of charts discussed above. It was used extensively before the introduction of computers to stock analysis. These days, however, it is used by a very limited number of people. This is chiefly because it is complex to understand and provides limited information. A point and figure chart essentially displays the volatility in a stock’s price over a chosen period of time. On the vertical axis, it displays the number of times stock prices rose or fell to a particular extent. On the horizontal axis, it marks time intervals. Markings on the chart are exclusively in the form of X’s and O’s. X’s represent the number of times the stock rose by the specified limit, while O’s represent the number of times it fell by it. The specified amount used is called box size. It is directly related to the difference between markings on the y-axis.

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As a seasoned expert in technical analysis, I've spent years delving into the intricacies of stock charts, trend analysis, and various tools employed in the field. My expertise is grounded in practical experience, having navigated the complexities of financial markets and honed my skills through real-world application.

When it comes to technical analysis, the heart of the matter lies in getting the price right, and stock charts serve as the canvas where market trends are painted using the brushstrokes of stock prices. Analyzing these trends is pivotal, and it begins with understanding the essence of a stock chart.

In the realm of technical analysis, stock charts are graphical representations showcasing how a stock's price or trading volumes have evolved over time. These charts, akin to a map for a traveler, guide analysts through the historical landscape of market movements. To perform effective trend analysis, one must grasp the different types of charts available—line chart, bar chart, point and figure chart, and candlestick chart.

Let's delve into these concepts:

1. Types of Stock Charts:

  • Line Chart: This fundamental chart displays the stock price or trading volume over time, with a line connecting the plotted points.
  • Bar Chart: A more informative alternative to the line chart, it illustrates the day's highest and lowest prices, opening, and closing prices using vertical lines.
  • Candlestick Chart: Providing information similar to a bar chart but in a visually enhanced manner, candlestick charts use rectangular blocks with lines to represent opening, closing, high, and low prices. Lighter and darker shades indicate the direction of price movement.
  • Point and Figure Chart: Though less common today, it historically represented price volatility by using X's and O's to denote upward and downward price movements over specified time intervals.

2. Trend Lines and Trend Length:

  • Trend Lines: Straight lines connecting tops or bottoms in stock charts, they aid in identifying trends that may be obscured by market noise. Channels, formed by combining trend lines, reveal the direction of the trend.
  • Trend Length: Predicting the longevity of trends involves analyzing patterns in charts. Primary trends, the longest lasting and most impactful, can be identified by examining trend lines and patterns such as head and shoulders, inverse head and shoulders, double tops, and double bottoms.

In essence, technical analysis is a meticulous process that involves interpreting the language of stock charts. Mastering the art of reading these charts, understanding trend lines, and predicting trend lengths empowers analysts to make informed decisions in the dynamic world of financial markets. This comprehensive understanding is indispensable for anyone seeking to excel in technical analysis and navigate the complex terrain of stock price movements.

What are Technical Stock Charts & their Types | Kotak Securities (2024)


What are Technical Stock Charts & their Types | Kotak Securities? ›

The vertical axis displays the stock price or the trading volume corresponding to each period. There are many types of charts that are used for technical analysis. However, the four types that are most common are—line chart, bar chart, point and figure chart and candlestick chart.

What are the 4 types of stock charts? ›

Bar charts, candlestick charts, line charts, and point and figure charts are just examples of the several types of stock charts that may be constructed. The ability to move between several chart styles and to overlay different technical indicators on a chart is offered by almost all stock charts.

What are the types of technical analysis chart? ›

Technical analysis consists of some of the most important chart types such as – candlestick charts, line charts, point and figure charts, bar charts Renko charts etc.

What are the 4 basics of technical analysis? ›

What are the 4 basics of technical analysis?
  • Trend Analysis. Trend analysis is the study of the direction and strength of a market trend. ...
  • Chart Patterns. ...
  • Technical Indicators. ...
  • Support and Resistance Levels.
May 4, 2023

What is the technical of stock? ›

Technical analysis is the use of historical market data to predict future price movements. Using insights from market psychology, behavioral economics, and quantitative analysis, technical analysts aim to use past performance to predict future market behavior.

What are the 4 most commonly used types of chart? ›

There are several different types of charts and graphs. The four most common are probably line graphs, bar graphs and histograms, pie charts, and Cartesian graphs.

What are the 3 main types of stock? ›

Different Types of Stocks
  • Common Stock. Common stock is, well, common. ...
  • Preferred Stock. Preferred stock represents some degree of ownership in a company but usually doesn't come with the same voting rights. ...
  • Different Classes of Stock.

What are the three basic types of charts used in technical analysis? ›

The first thing you'll need to understand as a technical analyst is the different types of charts at your disposal and their relative benefits. Charts come in three main forms: line, bar and candlestick. Let's have a look at how each type works.

What is the simplest type of chart used in technical analysis? ›

A simple line chart is one of the most fundamental charts analysts use. It uses only one data point (usually the closing price). This chart is formed by plotting the closing prices as dots and using a line to join them. A line chart can be plotted for different time intervals.

What are the 2 types of technical analysis? ›

What exactly are the two types of technical analysis? Chart patterns and technical (statistical) indicators are the two main types of technical analysis. Chart patterns are a subjective type of technical analysis in which technicians use certain patterns to indicate regions of support and resistance on a chart.

What is technical analysis of stocks for beginners? ›

Technical analysis uses a stock or security's previous performance to identify trends and patterns and determine how it will behave in the future. This type of analysis can be done on any security that is traded and has historical data available. This includes futures, commodities, currencies, bonds, and stocks.

What are the three golden rules of technical analysis? ›

The three golden rules of technical analysis are: The market discounts everything. Prices move in trends. History repeats itself.

How can I learn technical analysis fast? ›

The best way to learn technical analysis is to gain a solid understanding of the core principles and then apply that knowledge via backtesting or paper trading. Thanks to the technology available today, many brokers and websites offer electronic platforms that offer simulated trading that resemble live markets.

How do you read a stock technical chart? ›

The shadows above and below the body represent highs and lows during the interval. A short upper shadow on a red candle means that the stock opened near the high of the interval but closed lower. On the other hand, a short upper shadow on a green candle means that the stock closed near the high of the interval.

How long does it take to learn technical analysis? ›

However, most take three months to get through the process. The ATA, India recommends allowing at least 100 hours of study time for both level, and many applicants spend considerably more time on the readings and preparation.

What are the disadvantages of technical analysis? ›

Cons of technical analysis

It relies on quantifiable data, making it less subjective than fundamental analysis. It may not provide sufficient insights for long-term investment decisions. Ideal for short-term traders looking to profit from price fluctuations.

Which chart is best for stock market? ›

Line charts provide a simplified view of an asset's price movement by connecting closing prices with a line. To enhance your analysis, think about using a line chart when you want to see something over time as it's a great tool for trend analysis over a period.

What are the different types of stock charts? ›

However, the four types that are most common are—line chart, bar chart, point and figure chart and candlestick chart.

What is the best stock chart to use? ›

Best Stock Chart Apps
RankStock Charting SoftwareBest for
1.TradingViewThe Best Stock Charts App Overall
2.TradeStationThe Best Broker with Free Trading Charts and Tools
3.TrendSpiderThe Best Stock Charting Software for Automation
4.StockChartsThe Best Stock Charts for Long-Term Traders
6 more rows
Jan 22, 2024

What are the most common trading charts? ›

The head and shoulders chart pattern and the triangle chart pattern are two of the most common patterns for forex traders. They occur more regularly than other patterns and provide a simple base to direct further analysis and decision-making. Try a demo account to practise your chart pattern recognition.

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