What are some tips for transitioning from management to an executive role in the Strategy field? (2024)

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Understand the difference


Develop new skills


Seek feedback and mentorship


Demonstrate your potential


Be flexible and adaptable


Be patient and persistent


Here’s what else to consider

If you are a manager in the Strategy field, you might aspire to become an executive someday. However, the transition from management to executive is not easy. It requires a shift in mindset, skills, and responsibilities. In this article, we will share some tips for making this career change successfully.

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  • John O'Grady Advisor to executives, startups, and sports coaches and athletes on the intersection of culture, leadership, and…

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1 Understand the difference

The first tip is to understand the difference between management and executive roles in the Strategy field. As a manager, you are focused on executing the strategic plans and objectives of your organization. You oversee a team of analysts, consultants, or specialists who help you deliver the projects and tasks. You are accountable for the quality, budget, and timeline of your work.

As an executive, you are responsible for setting the strategic direction and vision of your organization. You lead a group of managers who report to you and align their work with the overall goals and priorities. You are accountable for the performance, growth, and impact of your organization. You also have to communicate and collaborate with other executives, stakeholders, and external partners.

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  • John O'Grady Advisor to executives, startups, and sports coaches and athletes on the intersection of culture, leadership, and teamwork. Helping leaders develop a culture of trust with intention and purpose.
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    Transitioning from a manager to an executive requires a shift in mindset, skills, and responsibilities.1. Cultivate a Strategic Mindset: Move beyond tactical execution to the broader context. Know long-term goals, market trends, and how your department aligns with the company's.2. Hone Leadership Skills: Executives are leaders who inspire and guide. Focus on improving communication, emotional intelligence, and decision-making. Learn to motivate, delegate, and foster collaboration.3. Expand Business Acumen: Executives need a comprehensive understanding of the business. This broader perspective will inform your decisions and benefit the company. In addition, seek mentorship, strategic networking, and be ready to take calculated risks.


    What are some tips for transitioning from management to an executive role in the Strategy field? (20) 10

  • Corrado Giaquinto Managing Director Ex Colgate I Kellogg MBA I Top Voice I Fractional CXO I Consultant I Business Coach I Public Speaker


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    The mantra is "What got you here, will not get you there". The skills that made you a successful manager are no longer sufficient to land you the next job. As a manager, you are transaction/project-oriented, and manage a timeline, a team, a budget, and problems. As an executive, you must excel in soft skills like managing ambiguity, scenario planning, managing stakeholders, negotiation, and motivation to mention a few.


    What are some tips for transitioning from management to an executive role in the Strategy field? (29) 3

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    Transitioning from a management role to an executive one, particularly in the strategy domain, necessitates a profound understanding of the divergences between these levels. It's about comprehending the breadth and depth of decision-making, where executives often navigate through more complex, high-stake, and far-reaching strategic choices. Familiarising oneself with the nuanced responsibilities, expectations, and challenges inherent to executive roles becomes a vital starting point in this upward journey.


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  • Georges Remboulis Strategic Advisor - Selective Projects.
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    The transition from a manager to a strategy executive requires a deep understanding of the entire organization and the players in the affected value chain. Part of this executive role is to shed light on sensitive areas which may cause different reaction of the status quo. As in this transition, you will affect others, it is critical to be a diplomat whiles maintaining a very simple, step-by-step approach so as to advance without always rocking the boat.


    What are some tips for transitioning from management to an executive role in the Strategy field? (47) 1

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    The best advice I got when I moved into C-suite and board director roles was that I needed to become a “nose-in, fingers-out” leader.What that meant was even though an operational manager or action officer was going to do something differently than I may have done, I always needed to give them the space to execute their own plan.It was a matter of driving strategy and direction - as opposed to dictating execution and operations.It’s a skill I still seek feedback on from managers in any organization. I ask open-ended questions and I seek detail on how well managers understand their business - but I always have to fight that urge to “just do it myself.”Executive roles require shaping culture and strategy, not executing operations.


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2 Develop new skills

Developing new skills is essential for executive roles in the Strategy field. Leadership is key to inspiring, motivating, and empowering managers and teams to reach strategic outcomes, while also fostering a culture of innovation, learning, and collaboration. Communication is necessary to articulate and convey the strategic vision of the organization to different audiences. Additionally, decision-making requires complex and high-stakes decisions that affect the future of the organization, while balancing competing interests, risks, and opportunities. Lastly, influence is needed to persuade and influence others to support and implement strategic initiatives, as well as build and maintain strong relationships with key influencers.

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    3 for executive leadership1️⃣ Multi-Stakeholder Engagement: Strategy at the C-suite or board of directors level requires working with a whole ecosystem of customers, team members, partners, ownership or equity interests, finance, and all kinds of external stakeholders including media and government. 2️⃣ Finance: Learning how finance and accounting works is critical. We don’t need to be CPAs, but we do need to know basics of financial accounting like balance sheets, income statements, cash flow, and cap tables. 3️⃣ Communications: As an executive leader we find that our conversations, our leadership by example, and our written communications are the most valuable tools we have. Refining our ability to leverage each of this is critical.


    What are some tips for transitioning from management to an executive role in the Strategy field? (65) 2

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    Escalating to an executive position demands the honing of a distinct skill set, which often intertwines advanced strategic thinking, leadership acumen, and stakeholder management. This development involves not only enhancing existing managerial skills but also acquiring new competencies related to governance, risk management, and strategic leadership, ensuring you are well-equipped to navigate the multifaceted executive landscape.


    What are some tips for transitioning from management to an executive role in the Strategy field? (74) 1

  • Corrado Giaquinto Managing Director Ex Colgate I Kellogg MBA I Top Voice I Fractional CXO I Consultant I Business Coach I Public Speaker
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    Communication is probably the most important of all. The leader is the glue for the organization, connecting remote departments and unifying them through an inspiring and clear vision.Ensure the organization's competency level and resources are adequate for the strategic initiative. Lastly, the leader must concert the complex information gathering and consensus building, critical to make the most complex decisions.

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    Transitioning from a management role to an executive position in the strategy field requires not only developing new skills but also refining your leadership abilities and strategic mindset. Here are some tips to help you make this transition successfully: Master Strategic Thinking, Leadership Development, Financial Acumen, Decision-Making Skills, Change Management, Stakeholder Management, Mentorship and Coaching…etc

  • Brian Holler Chief Revenue Officer at Beard Bros. Pharms | Chief Marketing Officer at Concept Matrix Solutions, Inc. | Strategist/Advisor
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    Develop new skills, specifically your strategic thinking skills. This includes being able to see the big picture, identify and assess trends, and develop and implement innovative strategies. You should also be able to think critically and make sound decisions under pressure.


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3 Seek feedback and mentorship

The third tip is to seek feedback and mentorship from people who have experience in executive roles in the Strategy field. You can ask them for advice, guidance, and insights on how to prepare and succeed in your career transition, as well as learn from their successes and failures. To find and connect with mentors, you can join professional networks and associations related to the Strategy field, reach out to senior executives in your organization or industry, and enroll in executive education or coaching programs that offer mentorship opportunities and peer support.

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    You must identify a mentor who can guide you through this transition. It helps you create the roadmap for your journey in the right direction. Study various strategy frameworks to develop your views and improvise based on the situation.


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    Embedding oneself within a cocoon of continuous growth involves actively seeking feedback and engaging in mentorship. This is about embracing a perpetual learning mindset, wherein insights from peers, subordinates, and, crucially, mentors, become invaluable in shaping your executive presence, strategic prowess, and leadership style. It’s a journey of constantly refining your approach, informed by a rich tapestry of diverse perspectives.


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  • Corrado Giaquinto Managing Director Ex Colgate I Kellogg MBA I Top Voice I Fractional CXO I Consultant I Business Coach I Public Speaker
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    There are many soft skills and tricks to be learned that you cannot find in management books. A mentor, and a network will pay huge dividends. Attend executive networks and learn by observing the dynamic and nonverbal communications.

  • Brian Holler Chief Revenue Officer at Beard Bros. Pharms | Chief Marketing Officer at Concept Matrix Solutions, Inc. | Strategist/Advisor
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    Experienced executives in the field can provide you with guidance and support as you transition into an executive role. Also, make sure to network. This can help you learn about new opportunities, find mentors, and get your foot in the door for executive roles. Start by attending industry events, joining professional organizations, and connecting with people on LinkedIn.


4 Demonstrate your potential

The fourth tip for demonstrating your potential and readiness for executive roles in the Strategy field is to take on more strategic and cross-functional projects and assignments that showcase your skills and impact. Additionally, volunteering to lead or participate in initiatives that address the challenges and opportunities of your organization or industry can help you stand out. Sharing your ideas and insights on strategic issues and trends with your managers, peers, and executives, while also seeking their feedback and input, can further demonstrate your potential. Lastly, updating your resume and portfolio to highlight your achievements and contributions to the Strategy field is key.

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  • Corrado Giaquinto Managing Director Ex Colgate I Kellogg MBA I Top Voice I Fractional CXO I Consultant I Business Coach I Public Speaker
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    Express to your manager your interest in this field and start leading small strategic projects. It can be a low-priority market entry assessment, or a taskforce. The importance of the project is irrelevant, you will learn regardless and you can demonstrate your ability in managing some of the related challenges.


    What are some tips for transitioning from management to an executive role in the Strategy field? (141) 1

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    Visibility is key in a transition to an executive role. It’s imperative to not only cultivate but also demonstrably showcase your strategic capabilities. This involves proactively identifying and engaging in opportunities where your strategic aptitude, leadership capabilities, and executive potential can shine, thereby positioning yourself as a credible candidate for executive roles in strategy.


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5 Be flexible and adaptable

The fifth tip for succeeding in executive roles in the Strategy field is to be flexible and adaptable to changing demands and expectations. You must be ready to face new and unfamiliar situations, problems, and opportunities, as well as adjust your style and approach to different contexts, cultures, and personalities. To do this, you should embrace change and uncertainty as opportunities to innovate and improve, seek and apply feedback from your experiences and mistakes, experiment with new methods that might work better or differently, and respect the perspectives of others.

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    An executive role, especially within strategy, often demands a nimble and adaptive mindset, capable of navigating through the intricate and dynamic organisational landscapes. Flexibility and adaptability become paramount, involving an ability to pivot strategies, realign approaches, and navigate through uncertainties, all while maintaining a firm grasp on the overarching organisational objectives.


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  • Corrado Giaquinto Managing Director Ex Colgate I Kellogg MBA I Top Voice I Fractional CXO I Consultant I Business Coach I Public Speaker
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    Executives are expected to be great firefighters, quick to adapt to new demands, and always ON. Able to remain cool under pressure and craft a contingency plan to address an unforeseen emergency.


6 Be patient and persistent

The sixth tip is to be patient and persistent in pursuing your career goals. The transition from management to executive roles in the Strategy field may take time, effort, and luck, and you may face rejections and frustrations along the way. You should also strive to balance your personal and professional life and responsibilities. To remain patient and persistent, set realistic and achievable milestones to celebrate your progress, seek and offer support to others in the same journey, remind yourself of your purpose and passion for the Strategy field, review and revise your career plan as needed, and take advantage of opportunities as they arise.

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    You mentioned it yourself, but it’s worth repeating. The transition can take time, so stay patient and persistent in pursuing your goal. Remember that the journey to an executive role is often a marathon, not a sprint. Persistence, continuous learning, and a strategic mindset will help you make a successful transition.


    What are some tips for transitioning from management to an executive role in the Strategy field? (176) 2

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    The ascent to an executive role is often a journey, not a sprint. It’s about embodying patience and persistence, recognising that each step, each role, and each challenge encountered forms a pivotal chapter in your overarching career narrative. This involves maintaining a steadfast commitment to your executive aspirations, patiently navigating through the myriad experiences that gradually shape your executive pathway.Transitioning from management to an executive role in strategy is a nuanced, multifaceted journey, where understanding the role, continuous skill development, seeking wisdom through feedback & mentorship, and embodying patience and persistence converge to sculpt your pathway into the executive echelons of the strategy domain.


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7 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Damien Tan Dream Builder
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    Building strong relationships both within and outside your organization is paramount. As you move up, you'll need to collaborate with diverse stakeholders, including other executives, board members, and external partners. Invest time in networking and nurturing these relationships.Uphold the highest ethical standards in your decision-making and actions. Your integrity and reputation are invaluable assets that will define your effectiveness as an executive.In my own journey, I've found that a commitment to continuous learning and a passion for making a positive impact have been guiding principles. It requires hellava dedication, but the rewards of impact and influence are well worth the effort.


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  • Jayant Sharma United Nations Officer ● Innovation and Technology for Sustainable Development ● Global Program Leader for Humanitarian and Social Impact Initiatives ● LinkedIn Top Voice
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    The overarching thread in making the transition successfully is to know your WHY. The decisions become more complex, the downside of decisions is a lot lower than their upside, and honest feedback is a lot rarer in executive positions. So, knowing your why will help one push through without a loss in motivation and energy which is even more vital in executive roles in the strategy domain.


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  • Brian Holler Chief Revenue Officer at Beard Bros. Pharms | Chief Marketing Officer at Concept Matrix Solutions, Inc. | Strategist/Advisor
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    Volunteering for cross-functional projects and initiatives will give you the opportunity to gain experience working with different teams and departments, and to demonstrate your leadership skills.Getting involved with professional organizations is a great way to network with other professionals, learn about new trends and developments, and stay up-to-date on the latest research.Publishing articles, blog posts, and other types of content will help you establish yourself as a thought leader in the field and will also help build your personal brand.


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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

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Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.