What are some techniques for answering questions in a concise and clear manner? (2024)

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Prepare in advance


Listen attentively


Use the PREP method


Be honest and respectful


Practice and improve

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Here’s what else to consider

Answering questions from your audience is an important part of any presentation. It shows that you are confident, knowledgeable, and responsive to their needs and interests. However, it can also be challenging to answer questions in a concise and clear manner, especially if you are nervous, unprepared, or faced with difficult or hostile queries. In this article, we will share some techniques that can help you handle Q&A sessions more effectively and professionally.

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What are some techniques for answering questions in a concise and clear manner? (1)

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  • Righteous Keitt Giving Officer, Board Member, Public Speaker

    What are some techniques for answering questions in a concise and clear manner? (3) 5

  • What are some techniques for answering questions in a concise and clear manner? (5) 4

  • Helen von Dadelszen

    What are some techniques for answering questions in a concise and clear manner? (7) 3

What are some techniques for answering questions in a concise and clear manner? (8) What are some techniques for answering questions in a concise and clear manner? (9) What are some techniques for answering questions in a concise and clear manner? (10)

1 Prepare in advance

One of the best ways to answer questions in a concise and clear manner is to anticipate them in advance and prepare some key points or examples that you can use to support your main message. You can do this by researching your topic, your audience, and the context of your presentation, and by thinking of possible questions that they might ask. You can also practice answering them with a friend, a colleague, or a coach, and get feedback on your clarity, brevity, and relevance.

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  • Helen von Dadelszen
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    You can collect potential questions (good, bad and ugly) in a file and keep adding to it as you prepare your presentation/intervention. Asking colleagues and other experts in the field what questions they’ve been asked would add to this library. Along with the list, have 2 or 3 points for each question that help prompt your answer. You can also group questions into themes to help recall & keep your answers relevant.

  • Oscar Castellanos Director for Initiative for Parish Renewal at Marian University Indianapolis
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    Answering questions from the audience, especially at the end, could determine how well your presentation is perceived. Being concise and clear depends on how well you understand the question and the context in which it is asked. If the question is open/open-ended, it requires a complete response; it might help if you address or reframe the question to be more specific. Another way of interpreting the different questions is through an adaptive leadership approach, where we try to differentiate between technical and adaptive issues. Technical is straightforward, adaptive requires a more complex approach; therefore, you might respond through another question, like for example, "What do you understand when you I mentioned the word...",


2 Listen attentively

Another technique that can help you answer questions in a concise and clear manner is to listen attentively to the question and make sure you understand it before you respond. You can do this by maintaining eye contact, nodding, and using verbal or non-verbal cues to show that you are paying attention. You can also repeat or rephrase the question to confirm that you have heard it correctly, and to buy yourself some time to think of an answer. If you are not sure what the question is, you can ask for clarification or more details.

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    Listening is essential. If you don't fully process the question, you will have a really hard time answering it. Don't be afraid to ask the person asking the question to ask it again if you didn't hear it or hear it fully the first time.


    What are some techniques for answering questions in a concise and clear manner? (35) 4

  • Emily Green TEDx Speaker | CEO/Founder Emily Green LLC| Marketing Agency Founder |Charlotte Area Chamber of Commerce Women in Business Committee Co-Chair
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    To ensure you’re truly listening don’t fall into the three traps of: selective, inattentive, and defensive listening. With selective listening you’re essentially highlighting just the parts you want to hear. Inattentive listening is what we all do when multitasking. Lastly, defensive listening is only listening to the things that reinforce your viewpoint. To effectively listen means that you give that person your undivided attention so you can then respond sincerely. Authentic listening and responding are the building blocks of great communication and relationships.


3 Use the PREP method

The PREP method can help you answer questions in a concise and clear manner. This formula involves stating your main point or opinion, explaining the reason or evidence behind it, providing an example or illustration to support it, and restating your point or linking it to your presentation. For example, if someone asks why public speaking is an important skill, you can say that it helps you communicate effectively with different audiences and situations. Effective communication is essential for personal and professional success as it allows you to express your ideas, persuade others, and build relationships. To illustrate this point, if you are a manager, you need to speak clearly and confidently to your team, clients, and superiors while adapting your style and tone to their expectations and needs. Thus, public speaking is an important skill that can benefit you in many ways.

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  • Helen von Dadelszen
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    Another useful structure is STAR. SituationTaskResultAction Using this structure will keep you focused and ensure you include all the necessary information.


    What are some techniques for answering questions in a concise and clear manner? (52) 3

4 Be honest and respectful

A fourth technique that can help you answer questions in a concise and clear manner is to be honest and respectful to your questioner and your audience. You can do this by acknowledging their perspective, avoiding jargon or technical terms, and using simple and direct language. You can also admit if you don't know the answer or if you need more information, and offer to follow up later or refer them to another source. You can also thank them for their question and invite them to share their feedback or comments.

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  • Righteous Keitt Giving Officer, Board Member, Public Speaker
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    One thing I love to do while on panels, aside from always answering the question last, is to ackowledge the questioner by their name and GENUINELY compliment them or their question.People like to feel important, and they love to be recognized! I've found that asking someone in a gentle tone. "May I ask what your name is again? I want to make sure I pronounce it correctly." followed up by a compliment, will disarm both the questioner and the audience.It's a quick and honest way to build a safe space with your audience, and it gives you a little more time to think on your answer. I highly reccomend trying it out!(Unless, for some reason, you cant find anything about them to compliment. If it's not genuine the audience will know.)


    What are some techniques for answering questions in a concise and clear manner? (61) 5

5 Practice and improve

A fifth technique that can help you answer questions in a concise and clear manner is to practice and improve your skills regularly. You can do this by seeking opportunities to speak in public, such as in meetings, workshops, or events, and by asking for questions and feedback from your audience. You can also record yourself answering questions and review your performance, or join a public speaking club or course that can provide you with guidance and support.

Answering questions in a concise and clear manner is a valuable skill that can enhance your public speaking and your credibility. By using these techniques, you can prepare, listen, structure, and deliver your answers more effectively and confidently, and engage your audience more positively and productively.

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6 Here’s what else to consider

This is a space to share examples, stories, or insights that don’t fit into any of the previous sections. What else would you like to add?

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  • Dan Potenzieri Business Development Director | Sales Team Builder and Leader | Business and Operations Strategist | Fractional COO | Entrepreneur
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    Don’t rush to fill quiet space. Many people feel uncomfortable with silence between conversation, so we often begin to formulate our response before allowing the other person to finish their line of thought. Go ahead and let the person finish their entire question before starting to think of your response. Take a moment or two to think about how you’d like to respond before speaking. It may feel awkward at first, but with practice, you’ll find your interactions much more productive and positive as a result.


    What are some techniques for answering questions in a concise and clear manner? (70) 3

  • Lisa Valene Thomas The OG Lawmom for 'baby lawyers' on LinkedIn and YouTube!
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    In situations where you cannot prepare, one way to answer questions concisely is to note the different parts to a question. People often have multiple questions in one question. Another way to answer concisely is to note HOW the person wants you to answer. Watch out for words like 'how' 'why' 'describe' etc.


Public Speaking What are some techniques for answering questions in a concise and clear manner? (79)

Public Speaking

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What are some techniques for answering questions in a concise and clear manner? (2024)


What are some techniques for answering questions in a concise and clear manner? ›

Summarize Key Points: Identify and condense the main elements of the question. Plan Your Response: Outline the structure of your answer, noting key ideas. Concise Opening: Start with a clear, direct response to the question. Support with Details: Provide brief, relevant examples or details to support your answer.

How do you answer questions clearly and concisely? ›

Summarize Key Points: Identify and condense the main elements of the question. Plan Your Response: Outline the structure of your answer, noting key ideas. Concise Opening: Start with a clear, direct response to the question. Support with Details: Provide brief, relevant examples or details to support your answer.

How do you communicate in a clear and concise manner? ›

To maintain conciseness in your message, consider using bullet points to present information clearly and succinctly. Eliminate unnecessary words and repetition, focusing on key points while avoiding excessive details. Keep sentences and paragraphs short for a concise communication style.

What are question answering techniques? ›

What's the answer? Techniques for answering questions
  • Listen to the Question. It may sound simple, but listening to the question properly is important:
  • Less Can Be More. Time tends to be limited in interview situations. ...
  • Structure. ...
  • Storytelling. ...
  • Practice and Feedback.
Apr 27, 2021

What are some strategies for answering questions? ›

If you're feeling challenged, here are strategies to provide a response that limits your emotional reaction:
  • Keep your answer short.
  • Respond specifically to the question and avoid tangents.
  • Use facts to support your answer.
  • Move on from the question quickly to redirect your attention.
Aug 15, 2024

How to make answers more concise? ›

Writing Concisely
  1. Eliminate redundant pairs. When the first word in a pair has roughly the same meaning as the second, choose one. ...
  2. Delete unnecessary qualifiers. ...
  3. Identify and reduce prepositional phrases. ...
  4. Locate and delete unnecessary modifiers. ...
  5. Replace a phrase with a word. ...
  6. Identify negatives and change them to affirmatives.

What are concise responses? ›

: marked by brevity of expression or statement : free from all elaboration and superfluous detail.

What are the three 3 questioning techniques that are commonly used? ›

Probing questions help you gain detail and clarity. Leading questions are a good technique if you're trying to persuade someone, but they can leave the other person feeling they have little or no choice. Rhetorical questions encourage reflection and are another useful persuasion technique.

How to answer questions smartly? ›

Avoid common pitfalls by responding to questions positively and enthusiastically while keeping your answers brief and focused. Above all, to go back to the first point, don't be afraid to admit what you don't know. It is better to admit the limits of your knowledge than attempt an uninformed answer.

What is a good way to answer a question? ›

Notice what happens.
  • Listen to the Question. Sounds simple, but with so many things calling for our attention, it's easy to be distracted and not hear what the question really is. ...
  • Pause. The second step is to pause long enough to take a breath from your diaphragm. ...
  • Repeat the Question. ...
  • Respond Honestly. ...
  • Know When to Stop.

What technique is answering your own question? ›

Hypophora, also referred to as anthypophora or antipophora, is a figure of speech in which the speaker poses a question and then answers the question.

What is the strategic way of questioning and answering? ›

A strategic question avoids "Yes or No" answers. Again, these type of questions ("Have you considered...") don't really encourage people to dig deeper into their issues. A question that is answered with a "Yes" or "No" reply almost always leaves the person being asked in an uncreative and passive state.

Which techniques helps in answering the question is this weird? ›

Classification technique helps in answering the question "Is this weird?". Explanation: Classification is the process of a predictive modeling problem where a class label is predicted based on the given example of inputted data. It works on supervised learning.

How do you speak clearly and concisely? ›

How to speak more concisely
  1. Plan what you want to say. One of the best ways to ensure you speak concisely is to plan what you would like to say before you start speaking. ...
  2. Be mindful of over-explaining. ...
  3. Try to refrain from using filler words. ...
  4. Use a specific example. ...
  5. Consider your audience. ...
  6. Record yourself speaking.
Jul 2, 2024

How do you speak clearly and concisely in an interview? ›

Verbal Communication:
  1. Allow the interviewer to direct your interview and never interrupt.
  2. Use clear, concise answers – don't ramble.
  3. Don't use fillers when answering questions, such as “you know,” “uh,” or “like”
  4. Don't exaggerate and don't be negative about any thing in any way.

How do you ensure you are writing clearly and concisely? ›

Writing Concisely
  1. Eliminate unnecessary phrases and redundancies. ...
  2. Use clear and straightforward language. ...
  3. Write in active voice. ...
  4. Shorten wordy phrases. ...
  5. Avoid starting sentences with "there is", "there are", or "it is". ...
  6. Eliminate extra nouns. ...
  7. Eliminate filler words such as "that", "of", or "up".

How do you answer concisely interview questions? ›

To avoid verbal wandering, plan a clear path. Put together a list of questions you're likely to be asked, then write a simple, bare-bones outline for your answer to each one. Think “talking points,” not full sentences, otherwise you'll end up sounding like you're reciting a script.

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Author: Catherine Tremblay

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Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.