What are some of the key factors that influence customer willingness to pay? (2024)

Last updated on Aug 9, 2024

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What are some of the key factors that influence customer willingness to pay? (1)

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  • Stefan Michel Professor of Management, Ph.D.

    What are some of the key factors that influence customer willingness to pay? (3) What are some of the key factors that influence customer willingness to pay? (4) 13

  • What are some of the key factors that influence customer willingness to pay? (6) What are some of the key factors that influence customer willingness to pay? (7) 11

  • What are some of the key factors that influence customer willingness to pay? (9) What are some of the key factors that influence customer willingness to pay? (10) 10

What are some of the key factors that influence customer willingness to pay? (11) What are some of the key factors that influence customer willingness to pay? (12) What are some of the key factors that influence customer willingness to pay? (13)

1 Product quality

One of the most obvious factors that influence WTP is product quality. Customers are generally willing to pay more for products that have higher quality, durability, performance, reliability, and features. Quality signals value and creates trust and loyalty among customers. However, quality alone is not enough to justify a high price, as customers also compare your product with alternatives and substitutes in the market. Therefore, you need to communicate your quality clearly and differentiate your product from competitors.

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  • Stefan Michel Professor of Management, Ph.D.
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    Does product quality really increase willingness-to-pay? The obvious answer is "yes", the more general answer is, "it depends", the controversial answer is "no". Let me explain: Product quality means different things to different people. From the perspective of value-based pricing, product quality needs to be translated into perceived customer benefits, which ultimately address customer value. For example, if my car breaks down less often because of product quality, I am willing to pay more. If my car has 2% more horsepower because of product quality, I am not interested in paying more. Remember: product quality is related to attributes and features, and customers never buy attributes! They buy benefits.


    What are some of the key factors that influence customer willingness to pay? (22) What are some of the key factors that influence customer willingness to pay? (23) 13

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    Apple excels at this by consistently emphasizing the superior quality, design, and innovation of its products. Through strategic marketing and clear messaging, Apple positions its products as premium, justifying higher prices in the minds of consumers. This approach has allowed Apple to maintain strong brand loyalty and command a significant market share, despite the availability of less expensive alternatives.


    What are some of the key factors that influence customer willingness to pay? (32) What are some of the key factors that influence customer willingness to pay? (33) 7

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    Product quality pays into two sources of price acceptance: Objective value, i.e. value that can be quantified in monetary units and measured by determining the price/costs of the next-best alternative and adding the net differentiated value (additional revenue / saved costs/time/risks) (economics value analysis).Subjective value, i.e. value that is associated with the brand/company/person and doesn't have a monetary equivalent. For example, in luxury goods, the higher quality of a Rolex doesn't not have a monetary equivalent that the owner can realize (it is not much more accurate and durable that much cheaper watches), but still justifies an significant price premium.


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    Take Tesla, for example. Tesla's vehicles are renowned for their high quality, including cutting-edge technology, exceptional performance, and superior safety features. This high quality allows Tesla to command premium prices. However, Tesla doesn't rely solely on quality; it also differentiates its products through a strong brand image, innovative design, and a unique customer experience. By clearly communicating these aspects and distinguishing its products from competitors, Tesla justifies its higher prices and maintains strong customer loyalty. This approach highlights the importance of not only delivering quality but also effectively differentiating and communicating that quality to the market.


    What are some of the key factors that influence customer willingness to pay? (51) What are some of the key factors that influence customer willingness to pay? (52) 4

  • Lorenzo Buongarzone I help companies monetise value | Global Senior Pricing Manager | Guest speaker in pricing courses 👨🏫


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    What really counts is NOT product quality, but PERCEIVED product quality. The section touches on it when referring to communication. However from my point of view it’s not stressed enough.


    What are some of the key factors that influence customer willingness to pay? (61) 2

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2 Customer preferences

Another factor that influences WTP is customer preferences. Customers have different needs, wants, tastes, and expectations that affect how they perceive and value your product or service. For example, some customers may prefer convenience, speed, or customization, while others may value sustainability, social impact, or exclusivity. To understand and cater to customer preferences, you need to segment your market, identify your target customers, and conduct research and feedback. You can also use techniques such as value-based pricing, bundling, or dynamic pricing to align your pricing with customer preferences.

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    Starbucks has mastered the art of catering to customer preferences by offering a wide range of customizable options, from drink flavors to milk choices. They segment their market effectively and provide tailored experiences, whether through premium blends for coffee connoisseurs or sustainable options for environmentally conscious consumers. This approach allows Starbucks to justify premium pricing, as customers feel their specific needs are being met, enhancing their perceived value of the product.


    What are some of the key factors that influence customer willingness to pay? (70) What are some of the key factors that influence customer willingness to pay? (71) 7

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    This is another way of saying that "perceived value" varies by customer (and her "preferences"), and how it translates into WTP also varies by customer (in no small measure, moderated by that other important concept "ability to pay"). Since for many customers ability to pay, or other demographics, are not related to their "preferences", and of course whatever preferences there are, can change with time, location, etc, we cannot limit ourselves to preferences to explain the variation across customers in WTP.


    What are some of the key factors that influence customer willingness to pay? (80) What are some of the key factors that influence customer willingness to pay? (81) What are some of the key factors that influence customer willingness to pay? (82) 5

  • Anurag Poddar Director - Revenue Growth Management (RGM) at Coca-Cola India || Ex-Diageo, Ex-Maruti Suzuki || IIM Alumnus
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    Several factors influence customer willingness to pay, notably perceived value, brand reputation, product quality, and unique features. Perceived value includes both functional benefits and emotional satisfaction. A strong brand reputation, established through consistent quality and customer service, fosters trust and justifies premium pricing. High product quality, evidenced by durability and reliability, assures customers of their purchase's value. Additionally, unique features or innovations tailored to customer needs can warrant higher prices. Recognizing these elements is vital for businesses to tailor pricing strategies effectively, align with customer preferences, and optimize revenue.


    What are some of the key factors that influence customer willingness to pay? (91) 3

  • Prabhu Rajendran Pricing @Thermo Fisher |Designing intelligent, profitable pricing strategies using analytics |
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    Customers' willingness to pay hinges on the value they perceive a product delivers. Companies need effective marketing that aligns with the product's performance to bridge the gap between perceived and actual value. When this gap widens, customers may churn. The key lies in identifying the economic benefit your product brings to the customer and strategically pricing it to offer additional perceived value after purchase. This can increase their willingness to pay.


    What are some of the key factors that influence customer willingness to pay? (100) What are some of the key factors that influence customer willingness to pay? (101) 3

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    Shifting from a product-centric mindset to a solution-centric one is crucial. Solutions are tailored to address specific customer pain points, making pricing variable based on the value we deliver and the impact we have on each customer's unique challenges.


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3 Reference prices

A third factor that influences WTP is reference prices. Reference prices are the prices that customers use as a benchmark or a point of comparison when evaluating your product or service. Reference prices can come from various sources, such as competitors, substitutes, historical prices, or suggested prices. Reference prices affect how customers perceive your price as fair, reasonable, or attractive. To influence reference prices, you need to understand how customers form them and how you can position your product or service accordingly. You can also use techniques such as anchoring, framing, or decoy pricing to manipulate reference prices in your favor.

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    Apple effectively leverages reference pricing by introducing higher-end models with premium pricing before offering a lower-cost alternative. For example, the introduction of a high-end iPhone model sets a reference price in the customer’s mind, making the subsequent introduction of a more affordable model seem like a great deal, even though the latter is still priced at a premium compared to other brands. This strategic use of reference pricing allows Apple to maintain a premium brand image while catering to different customer segments.


    What are some of the key factors that influence customer willingness to pay? (119) What are some of the key factors that influence customer willingness to pay? (120) What are some of the key factors that influence customer willingness to pay? (121) 6

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    Also put yourself in the shoes of the customer, how will they quantify value and benchmark your products. Make it simple for customers to compare and how your differentiators impact their business outcomes.


    What are some of the key factors that influence customer willingness to pay? (130) What are some of the key factors that influence customer willingness to pay? (131) What are some of the key factors that influence customer willingness to pay? (132) 5

  • Maciej Kraus
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    Reference prices play a pivotal role in shaping customer willingness to pay. These are the benchmarks customers use to assess the value of a product or service, often influenced by competitors, historical prices, or even suggested retail prices. For instance, a $50,000 car might be deemed a bargain if it's a new luxury model but overpriced for an older, high-mileage vehicle. This highlights the relative nature of pricing.Understanding how customers form these reference points is key. Techniques like anchoring, framing, or decoy pricing can strategically influence these perceptions..


    What are some of the key factors that influence customer willingness to pay? (141) 4

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    Incumbents tend to make it hard for customers to compare features to competitors; the more effort a customer needs to invest to assess whether switching would be beneficial, the less likely they are to indeed switch. New market entrants can help customers by being transparent about their pricing and provide detailed feature comparisons to inform potential customers. Customers who understand the value you're creating (or the money you're saving them versus a competitor), are more likely to pay you more.


    What are some of the key factors that influence customer willingness to pay? (150) 1

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    BASF successfully utilized a reference pricing strategy for its Ultramid line of high-performance polyamides, commonly used in the automotive and electronics industries. Extensive market research revealed that customers were willing to pay a premium for Ultramid due to its superior strength, durability, and thermal stability, which are critical for demanding applications in automotive parts and electronic components. By clearly communicating these advantages and benchmarking Ultramid against other high-performance polymers, BASF justified its premium pricing. This reference pricing strategy made customers perceive Ultramid as a valuable investment relative to other options, reinforcing BASF's reputation.


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4 Context and situation

A fourth factor that influences WTP is context and situation. Context and situation refer to the external factors that affect how customers perceive and value your product or service at a given time and place. For example, context and situation can include seasonality, availability, urgency, scarcity, social norms, or emotions. Context and situation can have a significant impact on WTP, as they can create or reduce demand, trigger or inhibit purchase decisions, or increase or decrease perceived value. To leverage context and situation, you need to monitor and anticipate changes in the market and customer behavior and adjust your pricing accordingly. You can also use techniques such as peak pricing, surge pricing, or psychological pricing to exploit context and situation.

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    Amazon's dynamic pricing is a prime example of leveraging context and situation. During peak shopping periods like Black Friday or when demand for a specific product surges, Amazon adjusts its prices in real-time to match the context, often raising prices on in-demand items to maximize profit. Conversely, during off-peak times or when inventory levels are high, prices may be lowered to encourage purchases. This flexible pricing approach allows Amazon to capitalize on situational factors, ensuring they extract the maximum possible value from each sale.


    What are some of the key factors that influence customer willingness to pay? (168) What are some of the key factors that influence customer willingness to pay? (169) 10

  • Stefan Michel Professor of Management, Ph.D.
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    When engaging with B2B clients, their willingness-to-pay is often at its peak when they require solutions to pressing problems. This presents an opportunity to incorporate additional services like data cleaning into the offering. However, it's crucial to seize this opportunity because charging extra becomes challenging once the work is completed. Clients may resist additional charges for data issues that existed prior to the project, emphasizing the importance of aligning expectations and scope from the outset to avoid potential billing disputes. Effective communication and clarity in project terms are vital to maintaining a harmonious client relationship.


    What are some of the key factors that influence customer willingness to pay? (178) What are some of the key factors that influence customer willingness to pay? (179) 4

  • Felipe Sant'Anna Pricing Manager | Revenue | Product Management
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    The external factors of context and situation wield substantial influence over WTP. Not everything is under our control!Leveraging elements such as seasonality and scarcity can impact both demand and perceived value. COVID-19 is a good example: people would be willing to pay much more for certain health goods, like hand sanitizer.


    What are some of the key factors that influence customer willingness to pay? (188) 2

  • Abhinav Adya Consumer Retention Marketing at DoorDash
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    An example of context or situation is how the end product is used. For example, in the B2B semiconductor industry that is highly specialized, there are only 3 companies (Applied Materials, LAM research, ASML) that make and sell semiconductor equipments to chipmakers such as Samsung, Intel and TSMC to produce silicon wafers, the foundation for making chips. The application of the semiconductor equipment greatly influences the willingness to pay of the customer - a customer would be willing to pay a lot more for a chip that goes into an advanced processor (think the next Apple M3 Max or Intel Core i9) vs. a traditional memory drive (think a USB flash drive that is ubiquitous)


    What are some of the key factors that influence customer willingness to pay? (197) 2

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    The timing and location of spend can have a huge impact on WTP. Amazon and Costco charge membership fees up front and offer free shipping / lower purchase prices on regular purchases. Stores located inside airports can charge a premium on every day products due to lack of alternatives.


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5 Brand image

A fifth factor that influences WTP is brand image. Brand image is the perception and reputation that customers have of your business, product, or service. Brand image affects how customers recognize, remember, and trust your offering and how they associate it with certain attributes, benefits, or emotions. Brand image can enhance or diminish WTP, as it can create or erode customer loyalty, satisfaction, or advocacy. To build and maintain a strong brand image, you need to deliver consistent quality, value, and service and communicate your brand identity and values clearly and effectively. You can also use techniques such as premium pricing, skimming pricing, or prestige pricing to reinforce your brand image.

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    A brand's image is not just a reflection of its product quality but also a powerful driver of a customer’s willingness to pay (WTP). A strong brand image resonates with trust, prestige, and emotional connection, which can significantly enhance the perceived value of its offerings. This perception often leads customers to associate the brand with superior quality, status, or unique experiences, justifying a higher price point. However, maintaining a consistent and positive brand image requires continuous effort, from delivering consistent quality to effective communication of the brand’s values.


    What are some of the key factors that influence customer willingness to pay? (215) What are some of the key factors that influence customer willingness to pay? (216) 7

  • Utkarsh Narnaware SIIB | MBA(IB)-Marketing’25 | Weikfield | Ex- Myntra | 4X LinkedIn Top Voice | Symbiosis International University | Senior Team Lead - Ksh*tij | Member - Drishyam | Delhi University
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    The fifth factor influencing willingness to pay (WTP) is brand image, which shapes how customers perceive, trust, and emotionally connect with your business or product. A strong brand image can boost WTP by enhancing customer loyalty and satisfaction, while a weak image can erode it. To build a strong brand image, consistently deliver quality and value, and clearly communicate your brand identity. Pricing strategies like premium, skimming, or prestige pricing can also reinforce your brand's image.


    What are some of the key factors that influence customer willingness to pay? (225) 1

  • Vidhi Agrawal Product Management | Monetization | Growth Driver
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    Brand image can certainly affect WTP - One example that comes to mind is the luxury bottled industry - In the luxury bottled water market, brands like Voss and Fiji are well-known for their premium pricing. For instance, a typical 500ml bottle of Fiji water might cost around $2.50 at a retail store, whereas a regular 500ml bottle of generic brand water could be priced as low as $0.50. Voss, known for its distinctive cylindrical glass bottles, might charge around $3.00 for a 375ml bottle. These prices contrast starkly with the much lower cost of generic bottled water, highlighting how brands can effectively mark up prices for a basic commodity like water by emphasizing luxury and exclusivity.

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    Customers' willingness to pay is influenced by factors like perceived value, product quality, brand reputation, unique features, ease of use, support, scarcity, social proof, personalization, convenience, economic conditions, psychological factors, etc. Understanding these influences and key purchase considerations can help businesses set prices that resonate with customers and maximize revenues

  • Burc Tanir The E-Commerce Pricing Guy
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    A strong brand reputation and positive associations can command higher prices. Customers are often willing to pay a premium for brands they trust, perceive as high-quality, or associate with positive values and experiences. Are you a customer-friendly service? A premium one? Super supportive and 7/24 active? Or trustworthy but cheaper? Your brand image depends on you and your team's effort (+pricing).


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6 Customer relationship

A sixth factor that influences WTP is customer relationship. Customer relationship is the level of connection and engagement that you have with your customers throughout their journey with your business. Customer relationship affects how customers perceive and value your product or service and how they respond to your pricing. Customer relationship can increase or decrease WTP, as it can foster or hinder customer retention, loyalty, or referrals. To establish and nurture a positive customer relationship, you need to provide excellent customer service, support, and feedback and offer incentives, rewards, or discounts to encourage repeat purchases and referrals. You can also use techniques such as subscription pricing, loyalty pricing, or referral pricing to strengthen your customer relationship.

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    The customer's willingness to pay is closely tied to the salesperson's presence, as, ultimately, business is about people. Consider when you buy a kitchen; the salesperson skillfully guides the conversation, subtly shifting the power of willingness to pay from the customer to the organization. Additionally, they emphasize excellent after-sales service, often backed by the salesperson's genuine interest. To foster loyalty, the salesperson typically also offer future cash vouchers from the organization. And slowly the WTP fades away with the cash voucher for future engagement.


    What are some of the key factors that influence customer willingness to pay? (258) 2

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    Imagine a coffee shop that prioritizes building strong relationships with its customers. The baristas take the time to learn each customer's name, favorite drink preferences, and even engage in friendly conversations during their visits. As a result of this personalized approach to customer relationship management, customers feel valued and appreciated, leading to higher levels of satisfaction with their overall experience at the coffee shop. When the coffee shop introduces new specialty drinks or premium blends at slightly higher prices, loyal customers are more willing to pay the premium because of the positive relationship they have developed with the establishment.


    What are some of the key factors that influence customer willingness to pay? (267) 2

  • Utkarsh Narnaware SIIB | MBA(IB)-Marketing’25 | Weikfield | Ex- Myntra | 4X LinkedIn Top Voice | Symbiosis International University | Senior Team Lead - Ksh*tij | Member - Drishyam | Delhi University
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    The sixth factor influencing willingness to pay (WTP) is customer relationship, which reflects the connection and engagement you maintain with customers throughout their journey with your business. Strong customer relationships enhance how customers perceive your product and can increase WTP by fostering retention, loyalty, and referrals. To build positive relationships, offer excellent customer service, support, and feedback, along with incentives like discounts or rewards. Techniques such as subscription, loyalty, or referral pricing can further strengthen customer relationships.


    What are some of the key factors that influence customer willingness to pay? (276) 1

  • Burc Tanir The E-Commerce Pricing Guy
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    Loyal customers may be willing to pay more due to their emotional connection with the brand, the added value they receive, or the desire to maintain the relationship. Ask for reviews from your users. The comments and reflections online will affect future customers' decision-making and comparison process with your competitor services.


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7 Here’s what else to consider

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    Ironically the pricing model itself can influence WTP. Offering flexible pricing options, and multiple methods to consume your products is invaluable to align with customer expectations


    What are some of the key factors that influence customer willingness to pay? (293) What are some of the key factors that influence customer willingness to pay? (294) 11

  • James Vaughn Author and B2B Pricing Consultant
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    For the sake of conversation I’m going to conflate WTP with price elasticity of demand, the biggest thing to remember is that all of the mentioned ideas directly tie into Price sensitivity. So the only way to discern the answer to would a similar opportunity in the future be willing to pay incrementally more is to model the price segmentation accurately and then understand the % chg in price vs the % chg qty slope. Many will say that’s almost impossible. I will say I’ve been doing it successfully for over 30 yrs, bake offs to prove it. It’s do-able in the real world. You just have to keep at it, think differently about how to get at very granular estimates of elasticity thru very granular segmentation.


    What are some of the key factors that influence customer willingness to pay? (303) What are some of the key factors that influence customer willingness to pay? (304) 2

  • Lorenzo Buongarzone I help companies monetise value | Global Senior Pricing Manager | Guest speaker in pricing courses 👨🏫


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    Key to remember that WTP is not influenced by Value, but by Perceived Value. I’ve often seen cases where price acceptance was increased without changing the product or service, but simply by better communicating the value delivered. Communication and marketing and just as important as the product or service.When doing so, make sure to talk about benefits and not features - and also ensure that communication is focused on those key benefits bringing the most value.


    What are some of the key factors that influence customer willingness to pay? (313) 2

  • Utkarsh Narnaware SIIB | MBA(IB)-Marketing’25 | Weikfield | Ex- Myntra | 4X LinkedIn Top Voice | Symbiosis International University | Senior Team Lead - Ksh*tij | Member - Drishyam | Delhi University
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    Several factors impact a customer's willingness to pay. Reference prices act as benchmarks for comparison, affecting perceived value. Context and situation influence demand based on external factors like seasonality or urgency. Brand image shapes customer perception and trust, impacting WTP. Customer relationships foster loyalty and influence pricing receptiveness. Understanding and managing these factors can significantly impact sales and revenue.


    What are some of the key factors that influence customer willingness to pay? (322) 2

  • Danique van Lunteren
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    Psychological trick to make discounts seem larger without incurring further costs by increasing the physical distance between prices. This strengthens the discount power and perceived price difference. Placing the from price (old) and for price (new) further apart leads to higher purchase intentions,(This only works for horizontal price displays)


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What are some of the key factors that influence customer willingness to pay? (2024)
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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

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Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.