What are RPC Nodes and Endpoints (2024)

Source: nownodes.io/blog/what-are-rpc-nodes-and-endpoints/

In the dynamic landscape of blockchain technology, certain foundational components play a crucial role in enabling seamless interaction and communication within decentralized networks. Among these components are RPC Nodes and Endpoints, which serve as essential bridges connecting users, developers, and researchers to networks.

In this article, we will delve into the fundamentals of RPC nodes and endpoints, clarifying their significance and exploring their practical applications. Join us as we unravel the complexities of RPC and uncover its pivotal role in the cryptocurrency landscape. Discover how NOWNodes can assist you on your node development path within web3.

What are RPC Nodes and Endpoints (2)

RPC stands for Remote Procedure Call. In the context of blockchain nodes, particularly in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum, RPC allows you to interact with a node remotely, as the name suggests. Here’s a simple rundown of the pivotal points:

  • Remote: you can access the node from a different computer or location. You don’t have to be physically present where the node is running.
  • Procedure Call: You can call specific functions or procedures that the node provides. These functions can vary depending on the network protocol and the capabilities of the node software.
  • Blockchain Nodes: Nodes are essentially computers running software that enables them to participate in the network. They store a copy of the blockchain and can validate transactions and blocks.

So, when you use RPC nodes, you’re essentially sending commands or requests to the node from a remote location to perform certain actions like sending transactions, querying information about the blockchain, or even configuring the node itself. It’s a way to interact with the network programmatically, enabling automation and integration with other software systems.

What are RPC Nodes and Endpoints (3)

Let’s take a look at one example: Ethereum Node. In simple terms, an Ethereum node is like a computer that is connected to the Ethereum network. These nodes play a crucial role in the Ethereum network by maintaining a copy of the entire blockchain, which contains all the transactions and smart contracts ever executed on Ethereum.

An example of RPC in the context of an Ethereum node involves a client application (e.g., dApp) making RPC calls to interact with an Ethereum node. The Ethereum node acts as the server, providing services related to accessing the Ethereum, querying data, sending transactions, deploying smart contracts, and more. For instance, a dApp might use RPC to:

  • Query the balance of an Ethereum account.
  • Send a transaction to transfer Ether (the native cryptocurrency of Ethereum) from one account to another.
  • Deploy a new smart contract on the Ethereum.
  • Call functions within an existing smart contract to perform specific actions.

In this scenario, the dApp acts as the RPC client, making requests to the Ethereum node (server) using RPC calls, and the Ethereum node processes these requests, executes the necessary actions on the Ethereum, and returns the results back to the dApp.

RPC endpoints are specific addresses or URLs through which you can access the Remote Procedure Call functionality provided by a node. These endpoints act as entry points for making RPC requests to interact with the node’s services and functionalities remotely. For example, blockchain nodes like Ethereum, RPC endpoints allow you to programmatically communicate with the node to perform various operations on the network. Each RPC endpoint typically corresponds to a specific set of functions or procedures that the node supports, such as:

  • Querying blockchain data
  • Sending transactions
  • Managing accounts
  • Deploying smart contracts, and more

Also, RPC endpoints can use different transport protocols, such as HTTP or WebSocket. HTTP endpoints are accessed via HTTP requests, making them suitable for one-off requests or interactions. WebSocket endpoints provide a persistent connection, enabling real-time communication and updates between the client and the node.

Authentication and authorization mechanisms may be required for accessing RPC endpoints to ensure secure access to node functionalities. This can involve providing API keys, access tokens, or other forms of credentials to authenticate the client making the RPC requests.

In the case of an Ethereum node, examples of RPC endpoints include:

  • http://localhost:8545: This HTTP endpoint allows you to make RPC requests to interact with the Ethereum node running on your local machine.
  • ws://localhost:8546: This WebSocket endpoint provides a persistent connection for real-time communication with the Ethereum node.

When configuring your dApp or client application to communicate with an Ethereum node, you specify the RPC endpoint(s) it should connect to. Then, your application can make RPC calls to these endpoints to perform various operations on the Ethereum.

Developers interact with RPC nodes using Node APIs, which provide a standardized interface for making requests and receiving responses from the node. Data exchange between the application and the node typically occurs in the JSON format, a lightweight and widely-used data interchange format that is easy to parse and understand.

In summary, RPC nodes are foundational components that empower decentralized applications across various domains, enabling secure, efficient, and decentralized interactions within the Blockchain Infrastructure Services.

To understand RPC Nodes better, you need to look into the different types and what makes each one unique. RPC nodes come in different types, each serving specific purposes:

  • Dedicated nodes: These are like private servers offering top-notch performance.
  • Private nodes: They limit access to certain users or applications for added security.
  • Shared nodes: These are like shared servers, offering a more budget-friendly option for multiple users.

These nodes are crucial for various decentralized applications like wallets, DeFi platforms, and web3 development. To facilitate communication between applications and RPC nodes, various technologies are employed, including gRPC and Websocket. These technologies allow for efficient and real-time data exchange between the application and the node, enhancing performance and responsiveness.

For many users, RPC nodes are essential, although their operation is mostly automated. Often, the inner workings of these nodes remain unknown, especially when performing routine tasks in the cryptocurrency landscape. Here are some simple examples of RPC Nodes in action:

  • Sending a Transaction: Imagine you have a cryptocurrency wallet application on your phone. When you initiate a transfer of cryptocurrency from your wallet to another person’s wallet, your wallet app sends an RPC request to a node on the network. This RPC request contains information about the transaction, such as the recipient’s address and the amount of cryptocurrency to send. The node processes this request and adds the transaction to the blockchain.
  • Querying Blockchain Information: Let’s say you want to check the balance of your cryptocurrency wallet or view the details of a particular transaction. You can send an RPC request to a node on the network asking for this information. The node then retrieves the requested data from the blockchain and sends it back to you as an RPC response.
  • Executing a Smart Contract: In Ethereum and other networks that support smart contracts, you can use RPC to interact with these contracts. For example, if you have a decentralized application (dApp) that allows users to trade digital assets, you can send RPC requests to the Ethereum network to execute functions in your smart contract, such as buying or selling assets.

Who can use RPC Nodes? RPC allows various parties to interact with blockchain nodes, providing a gateway to perform actions or retrieve information from the network. Besides using the RPC nodes unknowingly by individual users with sending crypto, RPC Nodes can be wildly used by developers.

For developers building dApps or DeFi platforms, RPC is invaluable. It allows dApps to query blockchain information or execute smart contracts. For example, a developer creating a dApp for trading digital assets can use RPC to interact with smart contracts on the Ethereum network, enabling functionalities like buying or selling assets.

Additionally, Blockchain researchers that are studying blockchain data can also benefit from RPC. They can use it to query specific information stored on the network, such as transaction histories or contract states, for analysis and research purposes.

In summary, RPC serves as a bridge between users, developers, researchers, and the network, enabling seamless communication and interaction with data and functionalities.

For those who seek ‌development support in order to maintain the dApp or DeFi platform they like, NOWNodes comes right into the place. NOWNodes provides developers with access to a network of dependable RPC Nodes across multiple networks. This approach simplifies the process of building and deploying blockchain-based applications.

Whether you’re a seasoned developer or a burgeoning entrepreneur, NOWNodes offers a user-friendly interface and flexible pricing plans to suit your needs. Let NOWNodes empower you to bring your vision to life.

So how does NOWNodes work? Getting started with NOWNodes is a breeze with a few simple steps:

  • Sign up for an account and verify it by email. No KYC required.
  • Choose a tariff plan. There are a variety of plans that fit any development needs, including a START FREE plan!
  • Explore the available RPC Nodes for their desired networks.
  • Create an API key. On the “DASHBOARD” page find and click the “ADD API KEY” button.
  • Use the provided endpoint and the methods from the “DOCS” page to interact with the blockchain.
  • Retrieve data.
  • And execute transactions seamlessly.

With NOWNodes by your side, you can focus on unleashing your creativity and driving innovation in ‌decentralized development.

Get Access to 100+ Nodes

In the dynamic decentralized landscape, the significance of RPC Nodes and Endpoints cannot be overstated. These components serve as vital conduits, facilitating seamless communication and interaction within decentralized networks. As we conclude our exploration of RPC, it becomes evident that RPC nodes enable remote access to blockchain functionalities, empowering developers, businesses, and researchers to use the full potential of web3.

Through RPC nodes, users can initiate transactions, query blockchain data, and execute smart contracts, all with the convenience of remote access. Furthermore, the versatility of RPC endpoints allows for flexible communication protocols, catering to diverse needs and preferences.

The nuanced understanding of RPC nodes reveals a spectrum of possibilities, from dedicated nodes offering exclusive resources to shared nodes providing cost-effective solutions. Whether it’s sending transactions, querying information, or executing smart contracts, RPC nodes play a pivotal role in driving innovation and efficiency in the decentralized ecosystem.

Moreover, the accessibility of RPC nodes extends beyond individual users, encompassing developers seeking to build decentralized applications (dApps), entrepreneurs venturing into the realm of decentralized finance (DeFi), and researchers delving into data analysis.

In this context, NOWNodes emerges as a valuable resource, offering developers access to a reliable network of RPC nodes across various networks. With user-friendly interfaces and flexible pricing plans, NOWNodes empowers individuals and organizations to realize their visions, facilitating the seamless integration of blockchain technology into diverse applications and use cases.

As we embark on this journey of innovation and exploration, let NOWNodes be your trusted companion, providing the infrastructure and support needed to unlock the full potential of decentralized ecosystems. Together, let’s continue to push the boundaries of what’s possible and shape the future of web3.

  • What role do RPC Nodes play in blockchain development? RPC Nodes serve as intermediaries, enabling developers to interact with the blockchain network and execute transactions without the need to run a full node.
  • How do I choose the right RPC Node provider for my project? When selecting an RPC Node provider, consider factors such as reliability, scalability, and security. NOWNodes offers a comprehensive solution with access to reliable RPC Nodes across multiple blockchain networks.
  • Can I access RPC Nodes for different blockchain networks through NOWNodes? Yes, NOWNodes provides access to RPC Nodes for various blockchain networks, allowing developers to build applications on their preferred platforms.
  • What are the benefits of using NOWNodes for accessing RPC Nodes NOWNodes offers a user-friendly interface, reliable infrastructure, and flexible pricing plans, making it an ideal choice for developers seeking to leverage blockchain technology in their applications. Moreover, we provide our users with 24/7 customer support service and we are committed to maintain high service quality standards.
What are RPC Nodes and Endpoints (2024)


What are RPC Nodes and Endpoints? ›

The RPC node then processes the request, retrieves the requested information, or performs the requested action, and sends back a response to the client. In other words, an RPC endpoint serves as the designated access point where Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs) are initiated and processed.

What are RPC nodes? ›

A Remote Procedure Call or RPC node is a type of computer server that allows users to read data on the blockchain and send transactions to different networks.

What are RPC endpoints? ›

An RPC (remote procedure call) endpoint is like a node's address: it's a URL which requests for blockchain data can be sent to. The Ethereum JSON-RPC spec defines the methods which you can use to retrieve data from a node.

What is the difference between RPC node and validator node? ›

RPC Nodes (which might otherwise be referred to as 'Lite Nodes' or just 'Full Nodes') differ from Validators in that they hold a copy of the Nyx blockchain, but do not participate in consensus / block-production.

What is the difference between RPC and rest endpoints? ›

In Remote Procedure Call (RPC), the client makes a remote function (also known as method or procedure) call on a server. Typically, one or more data values are passed to the server during the call. In contrast, the REST client requests the server to perform an action on a specific server resource.

What is an endpoint in crypto? ›

The Crypto Exchange endpoint allows you to get the exchange of any crypto currency compared against USD or any other local currency.

What are RPC used for? ›

The RPC interface is generally used to communicate between processes on different workstations in a network. However, RPC works just as well for communication between different processes on the same workstation. The Port Mapper program maps RPC program and version numbers to a transport-specific port number.

What is an example of a RPC? ›

Other Examples

In fact a program which is a server from one point of view may also be a client of another facility. A client may call back routines within the client it is serving. (picture ommitted): RPC allows software modules responsible for different areas to call each other irrespective of processor boundaries.

What are endpoints in protocol? ›

An endpoint is a targeted outcome of a clinical trial that is statistically analyzed to help determine the efficacy and safety of the therapy being studied. Endpoints for a clincial trial may include one or more clinical outcome assessment and/or surrogate endpoint.

What is a RPC endpoint mapper used for? ›

What is the RPC endpoint mapper? The RPC endpoint mapper allows RPC clients to determine the port number currently assigned to a particular RPC service. An endpoint is a protocol port or named pipe on which the server application listens to for client remote procedure calls.

What are nodes and validators? ›

A validator node is a special type of full node that participates in “consensus.” By participating in consensus, validator nodes become responsible for verifying, voting on, and maintaining a record of transactions.

What is the difference between node and agent? ›

Key Differences Between Agent and Node

The main difference between an agent and a node is that an agent represents the entire pipeline or a specific stage runs while a node represents a specific machine within the Jenkins infrastructure.

What are the two main types of nodes in blockchain network? ›

The types of Blockchain Nodes are:
  • Full Nodes. As they maintain a complete copy of the Blockchain ledger, Full Nodes are the most essential type of node in the Blockchain network. ...
  • Light Nodes. ...
  • Miner Nodes. ...
  • Node. ...
  • Miner. ...
  • Pruned Full Nodes. ...
  • Archival Full Nodes. ...
  • Authority Nodes.
Apr 26, 2024

What is an RPC endpoint used for? ›

RPC endpoints play a pivotal role in enabling seamless communication and interaction within the Web3 ecosystem, empowering developers to build decentralized applications, smart contracts, and blockchain infrastructure.

What are endpoints in REST? ›

A REST Service Endpoint is an endpoint which services a set of REST resources. The URI for REST Service Endpoints entities is: http://www.ibm.com/xmlns/prod/serviceregistry/profile/v8r0/RESTModel#RESTServiceEndpoint.

Why use RPC over API? ›

Here are some advantages of RPC APIs: They're simple to implement. They're easy to extend—you just add another function/endpoint. They're performance oriented—RPC is a great option when performance and/or low-latency writes are critical.

What are RPC ports used for? ›

Summary. RPC dynamic port allocation is used by server applications and remote administration applications, such as Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Manager, Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) Manager, and so on.

Should I disable RPC? ›

You should disable RPC if you do not need it. Remote Procedure Call (RPC) is a protocol that programs can use to request services from other programs located on different computers.

What does RPC mean in crypto? ›

The acronym RPC stands for Remote Procedure Call. RPCs allow communications with servers remotely and provide the ability to execute programs in a separate location. In blockchain terms, an RPC allows access to a server node on the specified network and allows you to communicate and interact with that blockchain.

What is an RPC node Solana? ›

An RPC node responds to requests about the blockchain and also allows users of the RPC node to submit new transactions to be included in blocks.

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