What Are Derivatives and Can You Make Money Trading Them? (2024)

What Are Derivatives and Can You Make Money Trading Them? (1)

Trading Education Trading Help Learn to Trade

  • ByBullish Bears
  • Updated April 14, 2024

7 min read

  • Reviewed by Angelica Rieder
  • Fact checked by Lucien Bechard


So, how exactly does one make money trading derivatives? It doesn’t sound very easy, but it’s quite simple. Follow simple game rules, educate yourself, and pick a strategy. Then profits will follow. Before we get there, it’s important to understand what a derivative is.

Table of Contents

  • Make Money Trading Derivatives Introduction
    • Value and Price to Make Money Trading Derivatives
    • Common Underlying Assets for Derivatives
  • Why Do We Trade Derivatives?
    • Common Way to Trade Derivatives
    • Common Forms of Derivatives
    • Let’s Talk Futures Derivatives
  • Derivative Trading Example
    • Speculating
    • Final Thoughts: Make Money Trading Derivatives

Make Money Trading Derivatives Introduction

A derivative is also known as afinancialsecurity. The derivative itself is a contract between two or more parties. And the derivative derives its price from fluctuations in the underlying asset.

In this context, the term “security” refers to a financial instrument that is fungible and negotiable while holding some type of monetary value.

It represents an ownership position in a publicly-traded corporation viastock, a creditor relationship with a governmental body, or a corporation represented by owning that entity’s bond or ownership rights as defined by an option.

What Are Derivatives and Can You Make Money Trading Them? (3)

Value and Price to Make Money Trading Derivatives

A derivative’s value depends on or is derived from an underlying asset or group of assets referred to as a benchmark.

So what price does a derivative depend to make money trading derivatives?The derivative derives its price from fluctuations in the underlying asset.

The most common underlying assets for derivatives are the following:

  • Stocks
  • Bonds
  • Commodities
  • Currencies
  • Interest rates
  • Marketindexes

Why Do We Trade Derivatives?

For many reasons. You can make money trading derivatives, so why wouldn’t you want to? For some, it’s just preference. On the other hand, you might have a smaller account and want to use the leveragethey offer.

Depending on the type of derivative, you can use them for risk management, speculation, and leverage.

Common Way to Trade Derivatives

Derivatives commonly trade OTC (over-the-counter) or on an exchange. On the whole, we mainly trade derivatives OTC. However, one major downside of OTC-traded derivatives is their high potential for counterparty risk. For those of you unfamiliar with counterpartyrisk, let me explain.

Counterparty risk is the danger that one of the two parties involved in the trade might default. And the answer as to why comes as no surprise. The trades happen between two unregulated private parties.

Conversely, if counterparty risk concerns you, stick with exchange-traded derivatives. Fortunately, exchange-traded derivatives are not only standardized but heavily regulated.

What Are Derivatives and Can You Make Money Trading Them? (4)What Are Derivatives and Can You Make Money Trading Them? (5)What Are Derivatives and Can You Make Money Trading Them? (6)
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Common Forms of Derivatives

  • Futures
  • Forwards
  • Swaps
  • Options

Did you know that the derivative market is growing and offers products to fit nearly any need, budget, or risk tolerance? With everything from futures to forwards, swaps, and options, anyone with little training can make money trading derivatives.

Let’s break it down with a few examples.

Let’s Talk Futures Derivatives

Futures are exchange-traded derivatives —also known as futures—contracts that lock in the delivery of a commodity or security in the future at a price set today.

Traders utilize futures contracts for many reasons, such as to hedge their risk or even speculate on the price of an underlying asset.

Both parties (the buyer and seller) of the futures contract must fulfill their contractual obligations on the settlement date.

Regardless of the price at expiration, the buyer must buy, or the seller must sell at the pre-determined price.

What Are Derivatives and Can You Make Money Trading Them? (7)

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Derivative Trading Example

Let’s take a real-life example of someone making money trading futures derivatives. On November 6th, 2019, my company purchased a futures contract on oil. We’re anticipating an increase in demand and a price increase in December. We’re being wise and wanting to lock in a price before they go up. The contract, which expires on December 19th, 2019, costs me $62.22 a barrel. Our oil futures contract hedges our risk against a rise in price as the seller is obligated to deliver the oil to us at $62.22 a barrel by December 19th, 2019.

Hence, oil prices rose to $80 on December 19th, 2019. Unfortunately, the seller on the other side of the contract has to deliver the oil to me at $62.22 a barrel.

At this point, I have one of two options. I can accept the oil delivery from the futures contract’s seller. But what if I no longer need it? Since I have no use for the oil, I can sell the contract before expiration and keep the profits. How awesome is that!

In the scenario above, it’s possible both the buyer and the seller of the oil futures contract were hedging their risk or bets. We’re both trying to minimize the risk of being wrong or incurring loss by pursuing two coursesof action simultaneously.

My company needs oil in December, but I’m worried prices will skyrocket, so I buy a long position, hedging my bets. Conversely, the seller could be an oil company worried about falling oil prices.

Consequently, they want to eliminate that risk by selling or “shorting” a futures contract that fixed the price in December.


We also have another possible scenario. What if both the buyer and seller of the futures contract were speculators?

Both have the opposite opinion about the direction of December oil. If both were speculators, it’s unlikely they would want to deliver or have to accept oil barrels at homes.

As speculators, they have a ticket out of jail card. Luckily, they can end their obligation to buy or deliver the underlying commodity. They accomplish this by closing or “unwinding” their contract before the expiration date with an offsetting contract.

Have I lost you yet? Don’t worry; I’ll explain this in detail below.

For example, the futures contract for West Texas Intermediate (WTI) oil equals 1,000 barrels of oil. What if the price of oil rose from $62.22 to $80 per barrel?

For starters, the trader with the long position- the buyer (me)- in the futures contract would have profited $17,780 [($80 – $62.22) X 1,000 = $17,780]. Yay!!! Conversely, the trader in the short position—the contract seller—would have lost $17,780.

Final Thoughts: Make Money Trading Derivatives

Not all futures contracts get settled at expiration by delivering the underlying asset. Who wants 1000 barrels of oil showing up at their doorstep? Not me, thanks. Because of this, most derivatives are cash-settled.

To summarize, the gain or loss in the trade shows up in the trader’s brokerage account. Along the same token, manyFuturescontracts are cash-settled.

These include interest rate futures, stock index futures, and even volatility and weather futures.

Can you make money trading derivatives? While trading derivatives may seem complicated at a glance, it doesn’t have to be. Now, I only talked about futures derivatives on oil. But you can easily trade options contracts on stocks like Facebook.One of the ways to limit risks with derivatives is by trading spreads, such ascall credit spreads. I would look into them if you’d like to get more into the world of options.

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What Are Derivatives and Can You Make Money Trading Them? (16)

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What Are Derivatives and Can You Make Money Trading Them? (2024)


What Are Derivatives and Can You Make Money Trading Them? ›

A derivative is a financial instrument whose value derives from an underlying asset such as a stock, a bond, interest rates, a commodity, an index, or even a basket of cryptocurrencies such as spot ether ETFs. Derivatives can be complex financial instruments that subject novice users to increased risk.

Can you make money trading derivatives? ›

By making a calculated bet on the future value of the underlying asset, such financial instruments can help derivatives traders earn a profit. Hence, their value is thereby derived from that asset, which is why they are referred to as 'Derivatives'. Underlying assets change their value every now and then.

Is derivatives trading profitable? ›

Derivatives trading may offer several advantages for hedging or increasing profits when invested with prior knowledge and extensive research. However, such financial instruments are complex and have certain disadvantages for market participants.

How risky is derivative trading? ›

Another risk associated with derivatives is credit risk—the risk that the counterparty to the derivative contract will default on their obligations. If a counterparty defaults on a derivative contract, the investor may not receive the full value of the contract, leading to losses.

Is derivative good for trading? ›

Derivative trading lets you hedge your position in the cash market. For example, if you buy a positional stock in the cash market, you can buy a Put option in the derivative market. If the stock tumbles in the cash market, the value of your Put option will increase. Hence, your losses will be minimal or nil.

What are the 4 types of derivatives? ›

There are four main types of derivatives: forward contracts, futures contracts, options contracts, and swap contracts. Derivatives provide investors with tools to manage risk and enhance portfolio returns.

Can you realistically make money trading options? ›

Options trading can make you as much money as you'd like – you just need to develop a trading plan that aligns with your financial goals, risk tolerance, and time horizon. Consider what you want to achieve with options trading, whether it's income generation, capital appreciation, or portfolio protection.

Why do people lose money in derivatives? ›

Lack of a clear strategy: Futures and options trading requires a well-defined strategy. If investors do not have a clear plan, exit strategy, or risk management, they may make impulsive decisions that lead to losses.

How much do derivatives traders make? ›

The average Derivatives Trader salary in the United States is $78,724 as of August 27, 2024, but the salary range typically falls between $63,255 and $95,496.

What are the cons of derivatives? ›

Disadvantages. Derivatives are difficult to value because they are based on the price of another asset. The risks for OTC derivatives include counterparty risks that are difficult to predict or value.

Does Warren Buffett use derivatives? ›

In spite of Buffett famously calling derivatives “weapons of mass destruction,” yes, he uses them.

How do I become a derivative trader? ›

Requirements for being a derivative trader

Derivative traders often have a bachelor's degree in finance, accounting, business management, economics or another related field. Prospective traders can typically complete their degrees in most finance and economics fields.

How to start derivatives trading? ›

Read and understand the basics of derivatives market, trading in futures and options and much more before you start trading in Derivatives. By proceeding, you agree to the T&C. Derivatives trading occurs through futures or options contracts between two parties at stock exchanges like NSE and BSE and...

Is derivatives trading a good job? ›

A career in derivatives can be quite lucrative. Salaries in derivatives will vary depending on the role, location, company, and educational background, but the average salary is $79,000 a year. Those who continue up the ladder in the derivative field will likely go on to make six figures.

Is it possible to make money trading futures? ›

In the world of futures trading, success can mean significant profits—but mistakes can be extremely costly. That's why it's so important to have a strategy in place before you start trading.

Can you make a living as an option trader? ›

If you're interested in trading options for a living, you should know that only about 5% of options traders make money. Therefore, to make money with options, you need to become one of the 5% by having the right trading skill, knowledge, temperament, and financial risk tolerance.

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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

Phone: +5931039998219

Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.