What Are API Keys and How Are They Used? - DreamFactory Software- Blog (2024)

Spencer Nguyen - August 14, 2023

What Are API Keys and How Are They Used? - DreamFactory Software- Blog (1)

Application programming interface keys are an essential part of using APIs. But what are API keys, exactly? API keys are authentication tokens in the form of unique strings of characters that allow you to access the data or web services an API offers. They act as a form of user authorization, proving that you are authorized to make requests to the API. In this article, we will discuss how API keys work and how you can use them to access the data offered by APIs.

Here’s the key things to know about API Keys:

  • API keys control access to specific application features and are used for restricting anonymous traffic, rate limiting, authentication, and data analysis.
  • There are two main types of API keys: Public, for accessing public data, and Private, for server-to-server communications.
  • Proper handling of API keys includes not embedding them in code, using different keys for applications, rotating them regularly, and deleting unused keys.
  • Common errors when working with APIs can include invalid or missing keys, and testing involves authentication, rate-limiting, permission, data integrity, and security checks.
  • Correct management of API keys is vital for meeting regulatory compliance standards like GDPR in Europe, HIPAA in healthcare, and CCPA in California.

Table of Contents

  • When to Use API Keys
  • The Different Types of API Keys
  • Tips for Using API Keys
  • Common Errors When Working With APIs and How to Fix Them
  • Testing APIs with Keys
  • Managing API Keys for Regulatory Compliance
  • Manage your API with DreamFactory
  • Frequently Asked Questions: What are API Keys?

What Are API Keys and How Are They Used? - DreamFactory Software- Blog (2)

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When to Use API Keys

API keys are unique identifiers that give developers a set of access rights for certain features or data of an application. For example, a developer may need a specific API key to access a database user interface or API server. Or an IoS or Android user may be looking to load a mobile app that draws data from Google Cloud. Keys are usually assigned by the web application owner and can be revoked at any time.

There are many different ways to use API keys, but themost common use casesinclude:

  • Restrict anonymous traffic:By requiring an API key, you can ensure that only authorized users access your data.
  • Rate limiting:You can use API keys to help control how much traffic your application can handle. You can prevent malicious use by attackers who attempt to overload your system with API calls. This is done by rate-limiting requests that include an API key.
  • Authentication:In some cases, API keys can be used as a form of authentication. For example, if you have a private API that requires user authentication, you may require each user to provide their API key to access the data. For businesses looking to increase security through authentication, consider using an integration platform like DreamFactory. DreamFactory allows you to integrate many different authentication APIs from different providers like Facebook, Salesforce, and Google with a few clicks of a button.
  • Data analysis:By tracking API keys, you cangain insightsinto how your application is being used. For example, you may see which users make the most requests or which API keys are associated with high-traffic applications.

The Different Types of API Keys

There are two main types of API keys:

  • Public API keys:These are usually generated by the owner of the application and made available to developers or users. They allow developers to access public data or features of an application.
  • Private API keys:Private keys are used in server-to-server communications. They are typically used to authenticate requests or access data that is not publicly available. Private Keys should be kept secret and not shared with anyone.

Tips For Using API keys

API keys are a great way tokeep your data safe and secure. Here are a few tips for using them:

  • Avoid embedding API keys in code:Keys should be treated like passwords. They should never be hard-coded into your applications or committed to version control systems. If you must store them somewhere, use a secure location not accessible to the public.
  • Avoid storing API keys in the application source tree:If someone gains access to your source code, they will also be able to see any API keys that are hard-coded into your application. Instead, store API keys in a secure location outside the application source tree.
  • Use a different API key for each application:Each application that uses an API should have its own unique API key. This helps to ensure that if one application is compromised, the other applications will not be affected.
  • Rotate your API keys regularly: Just like passwords, it is essential to rotate and generate new keys regularly. This helps prevent attackers from using old keys that may have been compromised. For businesses looking to regularly generate new keys, consider using a platform like DreamFactory. DreamFactory allows users to generate and manage API keys easily.
  • Delete unused API keys: Keys that are no longer in use should be deleted to prevent them from being used by attackers. Unused keys may mistakenly be left in code posted online or in configuration files that are accidentally committed to version control.

Common Errors When Working With APIs and How to Fix Them

Errors can occur when working with APIs. Here are some of the most common ones and how to fix them:

  • Invalid API key:This error usually indicates that the API key is missing or incorrect. To fix this, check the documentation for the API to see what the requirements are for the API key. Ensure that you provide the correct key and that it is included in all API requests.
  • Missing required parameters:This error indicates that one or more of the required parameters is missing from the request. Parameters may consist of the API key, the format of the data, or the ID of the resource you are trying to access.
  • Rate limit exceeded:This error indicates that the API has been rate-limited. This means that too many requests have been made in a short period. To fix this, check the API documentation to see the rate limits and ensure you are not exceeding them. You may also need to wait for some time before making more requests.

Testing APIs with Keys

API testing is a critical part of ensuring that the APIs are working as intended, and when it comes to APIs that require keys, special considerations must be taken into account. API keys are crucial for securing access to specific resources, so testing them involves validating both the functionality and the security of the APIs. Below, we’ll explore the essential aspects of testing APIs with keys.

1. Authentication Testing

  • Valid Keys: Test the API with valid keys to ensure that it allows access to the intended data or functionality.
  • Invalid Keys: Testing with invalid or expired keys should result in proper error handling, returning an unauthorized error.
  • Missing Keys: Omitting the key entirely should also lead to an unauthorized error, ensuring that no unauthorized access is possible.

2. Rate Limiting Testing

API keys often come with rate limits to prevent abuse. The testing process must include understanding these limits and ensuring that the API enforces them accurately.

3. Permission Testing

Different keys may provide different levels of access. Thorough testing should ensure that a key grants access only to the data or functionality that it’s supposed to, with no unintended permissions.

4. Data Integrity Testing

When accessing data through an API key, it’s vital to validate that the data returned is accurate and consistent with what’s expected.

5. Security Testing

Ensuring that the transmission of API keys is secure is paramount. This involves making sure that keys are sent over HTTPS and that proper encryption is used where necessary.

Penetration testing to identify vulnerabilities in the system that could lead to unauthorized access to the keys.

6. Usability Testing

The end user’s experience should not be negatively affected by the security measures taken with API keys. Usability testing involves ensuring that legitimate users can easily access the data they need without undue friction.

Managing API Keys for Regulatory Compliance

API keys play an integral role in securing access to sensitive data and services. Managing these keys correctly is not just a best practice for security but can also be essential for meeting regulatory compliance in various regions and industries. Here’s how managing API keys aligns with some major regulations:

1. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe

  • Data Protection: Under GDPR, organizations are required to implement appropriate security measures to protect personal data. Managing API keys securely helps ensure that only authorized parties can access this data.
  • Accountability and Transparency: Proper management of API keys includes logging and monitoring their usage. This aligns with GDPR’s requirement for accountability and transparency in how personal data is accessed and used.
  • Data Breach Notification: GDPR requires prompt notification of data breaches. Secure API key management can prevent unauthorized access, and monitoring can enable quicker detection and response to any breaches.

2. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in Healthcare

  • Access Controls: HIPAA requires that access to Protected Health Information (PHI) be controlled and limited to authorized individuals. API keys, when managed correctly, act as access controls to ensure only authorized access to PHI.
  • Audit Controls: Proper logging and monitoring of API key usage provide an audit trail, aligning with HIPAA’s requirements for audit controls to record and examine activity in systems containing PHI.
  • Transmission Security: Securely transmitting API keys over HTTPS, as part of managing them correctly, aligns with HIPAA’s requirement for transmission security to guard against unauthorized access to PHI during electronic transmission.

3. California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in California

  • Consumer Rights: CCPA provides consumers with specific rights regarding their personal information, including the right to access and delete their data. Managing API keys correctly ensures that these rights can be exercised securely, without unauthorized access.
  • Reasonable Security Measures: CCPA requires businesses to implement reasonable security procedures and practices. Secure management of API keys, such as encrypting keys in transit and at rest, and rotating them regularly, falls under these reasonable measures.
  • Accountability: Similar to GDPR, CCPA emphasizes accountability and transparency. Properly managing API keys, including monitoring their usage, helps in demonstrating compliance with these principles.

Manage your API with DreamFactory

Implementing API keys isjust one factorin creating and securing a high-quality API. API management platforms provide comprehensive security, scalability, and management features for businesses looking to build numerous APIs. DreamFactory is a complete API management platform that offers all of these features so that you can focus onbuilding great APIswithout worrying about the details.

Some of the top benefits of DreamFactory are:

Ease of use

DreamFactory is a RESTful API platform that can be set up by non-technical individuals with little or no IT knowledge. With a low code platform, you can quickly connect to any data source without having to write complex code. For more information on DreamFactory’s low code platform, check our page here.


Compliance is a top concernfor any business, and DreamFactory provides a secure platform with multiple layers of security. With features like user management, role-based access control, and API keys, you can ensure that your data is safe.

Unlimited API creation

With DreamFactory, there are no limits on the number of APIs you can create. This means that you can easily create APIs for all of your company’s data, no matter how many different data sources you have.

Fine-grained control over API access

API keys give you fine-grained control over which users and applications can access your data. You can easily revoke or regenerate a key if it is compromised without affecting other users or applications.

What Are API Keys and How Are They Used? - DreamFactory Software- Blog (3)

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Generate a full-featured, documented, and secure REST API in minutes.

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Getting Started With DreamFactory

API keys are a necessary part of working with APIs. You can avoid common errors and build secure, scalable API solutions by understanding what they are and how to use them. DreamFactory is an excellent option for businesses that need to deploy and manage APIs at scale. With its simple platform and robust API security features, DreamFactory can help you focus on building outstanding apps without having to worry about the details.Start your free trial today.

Frequently Asked Questions: What are API Keys?

What are API keys?

API keys are unique identifiers that control access to specific features or data in an application, such as restricting anonymous traffic, rate limiting, and authentication.

What are the different types of API keys?

There are two main types: Public API keys, which allow access to public data, and Private API keys, which are used for secure server-to-server communications.

How should I manage API keys?

API keys should be handled with care, avoiding embedding them in code, storing them securely, using different keys for different applications, rotating them regularly, and deleting unused keys.

What are some common errors with API keys, and how can I fix them?

Common errors include invalid or missing keys and exceeding rate limits. Solutions may involve checking the API’s documentation, ensuring correct key usage, adhering to rate limits, and waiting before making more requests.

How does API key management align with regulatory compliance?

Proper API key management is essential for complying with regulations like GDPR in Europe, HIPAA in healthcare, and CCPA in California. This includes secure access, transmission, and proper logging and monitoring.

Can API keys be used for data analysis?

Yes, by tracking API keys, you can gain insights into how your application is being used, such as understanding which users make the most requests or which keys are associated with high-traffic applications.

What’s the difference between Public and Private API keys?

Public API keys allow access to public data or features, while Private API keys are used for secure server-to-server communications and must be kept secret.

How can I test APIs that require keys?

Testing involves validating functionality and security, including Authentication Testing, Rate Limiting Testing, Permission Testing, Data Integrity Testing, Security Testing, and Usability Testing.

How does API key management relate to security?

API keys are crucial for securing access, and proper management includes secure transmission, encryption, and regular rotation, which helps in preventing unauthorized access.

What platform can I use for generating and managing API keys?

Platforms like DreamFactory allow users to generate and manage API keys easily, offering comprehensive security, scalability, and management features.

What Are API Keys and How Are They Used? - DreamFactory Software- Blog (4)

Spencer Nguyen

As a seasoned content moderator with a keen eye for detail and a passion for upholding the highest standards of quality and integrity in all of their work, Spencer Nguyen brings a professional yet empathetic approach to every task.

What Are API Keys and How Are They Used? - DreamFactory Software- Blog (2024)


What Are API Keys and How Are They Used? - DreamFactory Software- Blog? ›

API keys control access to specific application features and are used for restricting anonymous traffic, rate limiting, authentication, and data analysis. There are two main types of API keys: Public, for accessing public data, and Private, for server-to-server communications.

What are API keys and how do you use them? ›

An application programming interface (API) key is a code used to identify and authenticate an application or user. API keys are available through platforms, such as a white-labeled internal marketplace. They also act as a unique identifier and provide a secret token for authentication purposes.

What is an API key for ChatGPT? ›

So, if you want to leverage this AI tool, there is the ChatGPT API key for you. This API enables you to effortlessly integrate GPT's capabilities into your applications, systems, or platforms. That means all you need to do is generate a ChatGPT API key and integrate it with your application.

What are Google API keys used for? ›

API keys are useful for accessing public data anonymously, and are used to associate API requests with the consumer Google Cloud project for quota and billing.

What is the difference between API key and application key? ›

They provide the same level of access. Application keys are useful if you want to grant access to a specific app, because you can revoke or update just that one key if necessary. If you use your API key then it will be the same for all applications. If you want to change/revoke access them it will affect all apps.

What is an API key for dummies? ›

An application programming interface key (API key) is a unique identifier used to authenticate a user, developer, or calling program to an API. However, they are typically used to authenticate a project with the API rather than a human user. Different platforms may implement and use API keys in different ways.

Is API key necessary? ›

API's are used for software applications to send and receive data. API's can also connect one program to another, to share functionality. In order to connect to or communicate with another API, an API key is necessary. API keys provide an initial step for cloud API security.

Does it cost money to use ChatGPT API keys? ›

Is API access included in the ChatGPT Plus subscription? No, OpenAI APIs and ChatGPT Plus subscriptions are billed separately. The API has its own pricing, which can be found at https://openai.com/pricing. The ChatGPT Plus subscription covers usage on chat.openai.com only and costs $20/month.

How do I generate my API key? ›

Create API keys
  1. Go to the Google Maps Platform > Credentials page. Go to the Credentials page.
  2. On the Credentials page, click Create credentials > API key. The API key created dialog displays your newly created API key.
  3. Click Close. The new API key is listed on the Credentials page under API keys.

Where is the best place to store API keys? ›

Keep API keys isolated from the main code and away from the public eye by storing them in environmental variables. Always keep API keys in safe key management solutions for storage. Make sure that the keys are encrypted both in transit and at rest. Alternate your API keys regularly to minimize exposure concerns.

What is an example of an API? ›

APIs are mechanisms that enable two software components to communicate with each other using a set of definitions and protocols. For example, the weather bureau's software system contains daily weather data. The weather app on your phone “talks” to this system via APIs and shows you daily weather updates on your phone.

Where do I put Google API key? ›

Setting up API keys
  1. Go to the API Console.
  2. From the projects list, select a project or create a new one.
  3. If the APIs & services page isn't already open, open the left side menu and select APIs & services.
  4. On the left, choose Credentials.
  5. Click Create credentials and then select API key.

Can you use an API without a key? ›

Using APIs without a key is uncommon, as API keys are a standard method to control access and identify users. However, there are a few exceptions and alternatives: Public APIs:Explanation: Some APIs are designed for public use and do not require a key.

Are API keys free? ›

API Keys is free of charge. If you use Cloud Endpoints to manage your API, you might incur charges at high traffic volumes. For more information, see Endpoints pricing.

What is an API used for? ›

APIs are mechanisms that enable two software components to communicate with each other using a set of definitions and protocols. For example, the weather bureau's software system contains daily weather data. The weather app on your phone “talks” to this system via APIs and shows you daily weather updates on your phone.

How to pass API key in browser? ›

To configure an API key:
  1. Install a browser plugin to modify header requests, such as ModHeader.
  2. Add an Authorization header with the value as shown below. Type the word Bearer, a blank space, and then your API key. For example: Bearer apk-abc12d-EF-abcdefg... ...
  3. Refresh the Crunch API URL that requires a key.

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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