What are 5 networking strategies for beginners to make the most of opportunities? (2024)

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Set a goal


Do your research


Be authentic and curious


Follow up and follow through


Keep in touch and add value


Here’s what else to consider

Networking is a valuable skill that can help you advance your career, learn from others, and discover new opportunities. However, if you are new to networking, you might feel intimidated, overwhelmed, or unsure how to start. Here are five networking strategies for beginners to make the most of opportunities and build meaningful connections.

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  • Joel Gurprit Singh, MBA A passionate academic fully invested in creating future business leaders

    What are 5 networking strategies for beginners to make the most of opportunities? (3) 7

  • Tomas Kucera Head Of Business Operations at Tricentis

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  • Siham Jami Human Resources

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1 Set a goal

Before you attend a networking event, online or offline, you should have a clear idea of what you want to achieve. Do you want to meet potential mentors, collaborators, or clients? Do you want to learn more about a specific industry, topic, or role? Do you want to expand your network in a certain area or niche? Having a goal will help you focus your efforts, choose the right events, and prepare your introduction and questions.

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  • Joel Gurprit Singh, MBA A passionate academic fully invested in creating future business leaders
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    My 5 networking strategies for beginners:1. Keep humble but do not project incompetence, aim for quiet confidence.2. It's not how much you speak to others, rather its the quality of your conversation; avoid being crass and unimaginative.3. Networking is a 2-way street, always aim to make the other party comfortable by listening instead of yakking away. 4. Personalise your approach. Talk about current trends, your aspirations, challenges faced, etc. Avoid mundane topics.5. Start early and don't be afraid to be brushed off! If someone does that to you, remember the problem is with them and not with you. This also serves as an excellent filtering mechanism to ensure you connect with quality people.


    What are 5 networking strategies for beginners to make the most of opportunities? (20) 7

  • Dr. Sreeveni V LinkedIn Top Voice 2024 🎯Author📕 Keynote Speaker🎤 Image Specialist 🧲Transformational Catalyst for Self-Transformations💎Enabling People to Excel, to become a Better Version of Themselves.🚀✔💯
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    Here are my top 5 underrated networking strategies:1. After networking events, send personalized follow-ups referencing specific conversations. Stand out by including a small detail that resonated with you & build a more memorable connection.2. Beyond in-person networking, refine your online presence. Optimize LinkedIn, maintain a professional tone in emails, and engage thoughtfully in digital discussions.3. Instead of scattering your efforts across numerous events, strategically choose events aligned with your goals.4. Flip the script and offer assistance before seeking it. This builds goodwill and establishes you as resourceful.5. Beyond traditional events, explore niche communities, online forums, and industry-specific groups.


    What are 5 networking strategies for beginners to make the most of opportunities? (29) What are 5 networking strategies for beginners to make the most of opportunities? (30) 5

  • Swati Mathur 4𝐌 𝐕𝐢𝐞𝐰𝐬 | Personal Development Content Creator 🤓 MBA Gold medalist 🥇| Featured on LinkedIn News 🏆 | Collaborated with 10+ Esteemed Brands 🤝 | Open for Collaboration
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    Networking is a powerful skill. If you're a beginner, you can follow some tips to do networking. Firstly, start small. I mean, network with people whom you are already familiar with, like friends, family, or colleagues. Attend local events so you get the chance to meet new people. During conversations, focus on what the other person is saying. Be a good listener; it gives a good impression in front of other people. You can leverage platforms like LinkedIn to connect with professionals in your field. Share your thoughts in comments on others' posts. These are easy and effective ways to do networking.


    What are 5 networking strategies for beginners to make the most of opportunities? (39) What are 5 networking strategies for beginners to make the most of opportunities? (40) 5

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    As per my experience and the results I got from various interactions with experts we must believe that in current era your Net Worth is your Network !1. If you want to reach to the top in your area of work first identify the potential leaders, experts who can add value in you and you both win !2. Look for some platforms, associations, clubs, expo’s where you can meet them3. Do homework about the discussions, groom well to maintain decorum of that event, have update of current affairs4. Listening skills are very important hence let others to speak more by showing genuine interest and ask open ended questions to lengthen the discussion 5. Look for opportunities to go back to them through LinkedIn connections, texts, thank them, wish them


    What are 5 networking strategies for beginners to make the most of opportunities? (49) 4

  • Swati Mathur 4𝐌 𝐕𝐢𝐞𝐰𝐬 | Personal Development Content Creator 🤓 MBA Gold medalist 🥇| Featured on LinkedIn News 🏆 | Collaborated with 10+ Esteemed Brands 🤝 | Open for Collaboration
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    I am an introvert, and I know exactly how it feels when we start networking. Whenever I join networking events or connect with people over a call, I prefer to speak less and listen more. It helps me to understand the other person's interests. I always choose to be authentic, and when people see your authentic self, they enjoy your company, which helps you to build genuine connections. I try to make others feel comfortable around me, and it makes others feel better.


    What are 5 networking strategies for beginners to make the most of opportunities? (58) 4

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2 Do your research

Once you have a goal, you should do some research on the event, the organizers, the speakers, and the attendees. This will help you identify who you want to talk to, what you can offer them, and what you can learn from them. You can also prepare some icebreakers, compliments, or comments based on their background, interests, or achievements. Researching will also help you avoid awkward situations, such as asking someone what they do when they are the keynote speaker.

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  • Tomas Kucera Head Of Business Operations at Tricentis
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    Before you leave to attend a networking event, it is important to know who will be in attendance. Ideally, you should even have some prior knowledge of these individuals, even if it is just a little bit. If you have already interacted with them and had a conversation, it will be easier for you to integrate into the event. Go online and do some research beforehand. Often, you can find out who will be participating in the event and identify the people you want to approach. This will make your networking efforts more strategic.


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  • Ashraf Kamel Khalifa, Ph.D. Expert I Psychological Business Consultant | Business Innovation I Organization Culture I Business Development
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    first of all,ask yourself do you really want to do that?Can you?Did you make it before? Otherwise, you can just search for how to solve the complex icebreaker, and how to start to communicate smarter.then search value is the most helpful.

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    I’d add one more key thing to prepare - a digital business card that has all your contacts & social link, one scan away of a QR codeMake it so easy for you & them to get connected during a busy event so you can follow up on the introduction afterwards

  • Jorge Villanueva Best in Class Solutions for scientific, audiovisual, cinema, industrial, aerospace and defense. Co-host @SenderistaEspiritual Podcast/YouTube
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    be prepared for the room, be prepared specially about how you talk about yourself and what do you say. Prepare it in advance... relax breathe deeply and let be yourself, if you force it people will feel youre deceiving them

  • Tim Multon Sales Manager at Clubb Concrete Ltd
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    See who’s attending, always do your research first be it on forthcoming or previous projects, check out their website if they have one or use the tools such as ABI / Glenigan for projects past, present and future, never be afraid to ask if they are venturing into different prospects/builds later on or where they might see themselves in XYZ years, show an interest in their history, research research research, go armed with as much ammo as needed but don’t over load it on one to one’s , be confident, always be keen to engage with passer by’s.


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3 Be authentic and curious

One of the most important networking strategies for beginners is to be yourself and show genuine interest in others. Don't try to impress people with fake credentials, exaggerated claims, or rehearsed pitches. Instead, be honest, humble, and respectful. Ask open-ended questions that invite conversation, such as "What are you working on right now?" or "What are some of the challenges you face in your field?" Listen actively and attentively, and show appreciation and empathy.

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  • Tomas Kucera Head Of Business Operations at Tricentis
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    Identifying your niche is closely connected to your strengths, which in turn leads to your passions. Most are comfortable discussing topics they are passionate about. This passion is evident in your words and helps to captivate attention. Furthermore, it alleviates stress and boosts confidence, allowing you to be genuine. By specializing in a specific area, you become a reliable resource for specific needs and are motivated to build a network.


    What are 5 networking strategies for beginners to make the most of opportunities? (108) What are 5 networking strategies for beginners to make the most of opportunities? (109) 7

  • Siham Jami Human Resources
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    From my perspective networking can help to land jobs and gain access to new opportunities. But it can also be about making genuine connections, knowledge sharing, and giving back to others. My recommendation would be to focus on finding people who you can learn from. Begin by seeking out “lateral connections” within your organization, or people who are at your same job level. They could be peers on your team, or people in other departments who are working on projects that you’re curious about.lateral connections can not only teach new skills, but they can also provide a more varied outlook on the organization, help shape the individual performance, and provide access to opportunities in different areas of the company.


    What are 5 networking strategies for beginners to make the most of opportunities? (118) 6

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    Fake people are obvious and in events they can easily be recognized and you don’t really want to be seen this way as it can really harm your reputation and personal brand! Be authentic and curious to learn about people you’re meeting, be open to have authentic conversations whether you will gain out of them or not! You never know what happens in the future, don’t focus on fame! Taking photos and selfies with well recognized leaders and public figures… etc Be very very authentic with your intentions


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  • Jad Wehbe University lecturer | Stress management coach | Founder of The Bridge Institute
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    Keep in mind 2 basic principles:1- your talent/passion will get you in the room but your personality will keep you in it.2- 60-80% of communication is non verbal, body language, tone of voice, facial expressions, etc.1- there are scientific evidence that your career growth depends a lot on your personality traits. Keep working on this. Improve your, openness, consciousness, agreeableness, extraversion, and reduce your neuroticism. This is a lot of work on the self, it’s backed up with scientific evidence. Always go for coaching to teach you improve these traits. it’s one of your main assets.2- identity your fears, anxieties, limiting beliefs and work on them, get professional help to do so These are life and career changing criteria.


    What are 5 networking strategies for beginners to make the most of opportunities? (136) 3

  • Aleksandra Waterreus-Jurczynska (MA)
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    I've experienced hondreds of networking events in the past 15 years, both as a participant and as an organiser. I observed one major difference in appearance (and effectiveness) between people who were "externally oriented" and those who were "internally centered". While the first groep would be desperately trying to achieve their goal (e.g. contacting new potential clients/employers) leaving a chaotic and agitated impression, the second groep would emanate centeredness which would actually attract people to them. While the first group would compare to others and try to impress them, the other group would be focussed on own values, purpose and value added.So which kind of networker do you prefer to be :)? Enjoy the opportunities!!

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4 Follow up and follow through

Networking doesn't end when the event is over. You should follow up with the people you met within 24 hours, preferably with a personalized message that reminds them of who you are, what you talked about, and what value you can provide. You can also suggest a next step, such as a coffee chat, a phone call, or a collaboration. If you promised to do something, such as sending a resource, making an introduction, or giving feedback, make sure you follow through and deliver on your word.

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  • Tomas Kucera Head Of Business Operations at Tricentis
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    There is little point in having a great conversation at the event, making all sorts of promises, and then not following up. Great relationships require regular nurturing, and it applies doubly when the relationship is just starting.


    What are 5 networking strategies for beginners to make the most of opportunities? (154) 3

  • Merrilee McCoy
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    I would also suggest only following up with people you shared a genuine connection with. Building relationships takes time, and whether they're a potential lead, a mentor, or a future employer, I believe in the 'gut check' to determine whether you should connect again.In the past I've tried to force connections that didn't feel right to me from the start, and they rarely came through in the long run. If you've found a genuine moment of connection, use that as your springboard to reconnect and continue your conversations.


    What are 5 networking strategies for beginners to make the most of opportunities? (163) 2

  • Eddy O'Shaughnessy Entrepreneur - Investor
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    Attending a networking event is just the first step , to build relationships you need to follow up , ask permission to connect on Linkedin so that you can learn more about the person and their business , and message them once in a while to keep in touch , building relationships takes time


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    Follow ups close the loop whether online or offline. Actually in a lot of times a need of collaboration or business is triggered during the follow up that wasn’t even there Make sure you take the conversation forward after the introduction especially with those you felt are potential leads, time is KING. If you didn’t make this phone call next day someone else will and you pay the price of a lost opportunity

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    Your word should be your bond, so when you say you’re going to follow up make sure that you do.Remember, once you’ve lost that trust of not following through on your word, you’ll have a hard time building that trust again


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5 Keep in touch and add value

Networking is not a one-time transaction, but a long-term relationship. You should keep in touch with your contacts regularly, but not too frequently, and provide value whenever you can. You can share relevant articles, podcasts, or events, offer help or advice, congratulate them on their achievements, or introduce them to other people in your network. By keeping in touch and adding value, you will build trust, credibility, and rapport with your contacts, and increase the chances of mutual benefit.

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  • Ashraf Kamel Khalifa, Ph.D. Expert I Psychological Business Consultant | Business Innovation I Organization Culture I Business Development
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    Keep in touch is the connection lights from you to others, depending on how you are communicating.adding value, the exciting session from you to others the way you give the more you'll be wanted by others


    What are 5 networking strategies for beginners to make the most of opportunities? (197) What are 5 networking strategies for beginners to make the most of opportunities? (198) 2

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    One tip that helps me a lot is rather than thinking of what I could get from others or the event, to think about how I might help others I meet in some way, shape or form. This helps me to stay curious about others and connect with them in a different way. “Helping” them might look like connecting them to someone else with common interests, suggesting a book/podcast/event they might find interesting. Another tip I love is to practice Big Talk rather than small talk (makebigtalk.com). Oh and watch the 100 Days of Rejection TED talk for inspiration on how to overcome a fear of rejection if that’s holding you back!


    What are 5 networking strategies for beginners to make the most of opportunities? (207) 2

  • Raschel Smith 🟡🔴🟢🔵 Passionate about innovative social care outcomes and leadership to deliver best practices.
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    Keeping in touch should be a two way process to understand how your new connections would like this to look. What do they need or want to see and can they also share insights and updates with you. Foster a partnership approach to your relationship. Create and keep updated your key networking contacts database centrally. Those contacts shouldn't be lost if a key member of your team moves on.


    What are 5 networking strategies for beginners to make the most of opportunities? (216) 1

  • Samantha Amit 🎗️ 🌍 I help managers with remote teams be strategic, present and calm 📙Author of Mindfulness at Work, Creator of Conscious Leadership Online Programs
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    When you combine all of these points by holding your goal in mind, contacting the relevant people, being in your integrity and being authentic, really listening to contribute and add value, then when you reach out to maintain and sustain your relationship this is appreciated because YOU are appreciated!


    What are 5 networking strategies for beginners to make the most of opportunities? (225) 1

6 Here’s what else to consider

This is a space to share examples, stories, or insights that don’t fit into any of the previous sections. What else would you like to add?

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  • Alfredo 🤘 Torres Vocational Rehabilitation Specialist at VA


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    What is the purpose/reason you are trying to build a network? That is the 1st question you should ask yourself. This will help you to develop a strategy on who to network with. Remember it is not only the value they bring to you, but what value do you bring to them? If you show that you are bring something to the table (and it can be as simple as youthful energy or as valuable as your own network). As a self proclaimed "guy who knows a guy", who works in a military transitioning space, people connect to me to be connected to others. So when I reach out to network with someone, I have "collateral" in my network and a reputation that I can leverage. Utilize your knowledge, connections, skills or energy to your advantage


    What are 5 networking strategies for beginners to make the most of opportunities? (234) What are 5 networking strategies for beginners to make the most of opportunities? (235) 6

  • Lila Ressler HR Business Partner | Organizational Development | Talent Acquisition l Leadership Development l Employee Relations | Leadership Coaching I Performance Management
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    When meeting people, ask them questions instead of talk about yourself. When they share things with you, look for opportunities to help them. For example ask them what they do, who is their customer, what support do they need to reach their next level of success? Focus more on being interested than you focus on being interesting and you will gain a following that will just grow and grow!


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    Be clear and transparent with your intent as you network. This will ensure trust is established and maintained through the course of the relationship.

  • Jorge Villanueva Best in Class Solutions for scientific, audiovisual, cinema, industrial, aerospace and defense. Co-host @SenderistaEspiritual Podcast/YouTube
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    You can use your network for several different things. I started my linkedin network for product sales...and now thar U started my podcast on spirituality... all my contacts are possible viewers and listeners to my content

  • Theresa Cross Embracing uncertainty while helping others navigate change and see possibility!
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    Remember that it's okay if you don't feel a connection with someone or feel like someone wants to move on from talking more quickly than you do. They may have different goals for the event. Make sure to take advantage of your time and not get stuck in a corner all night with the same person, get out there and shine!


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What are 5 networking strategies for beginners to make the most of opportunities? (2024)
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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.