What are 3 Rights Tenants have in California: Protect yourself as a Tenant (2024)

Table of Contents
What Are the Basic Rights of Tenants in California? The Right to a Livable Rental Unit Landlord Entry and Your Right to Privacy Getting Your Security Deposit Back Protection Against Retaliation and Discrimination Local Rent Control Ordinances Proper Notice for Rent Increases and Lease Terminations What Should You Do if Your Landlord Violates Your Rights? Providing Maximum Representation Know Your Rights as a Tenant in California: Protecting Yourself in Rental Agreements Can my landlord enter my unit without notice? How much can my landlord raise the rent? What happens if my landlord doesn’t make the necessary repairs? Can I sublease my rental unit? What are “just cause” eviction protections? Landlord-Tenant Laws in California: Understanding Tenant Rights 3 Crucial Rights California Tenants Must Know to Protect Themselves The Right to a Habitable Home What can you do if your home isn’t habitable? The Right to Fair Eviction Procedures FAQ – Renting in California: 3 Legal Protections for Tenants 1. What are the key rights of a tenant in California? 2. What responsibilities does a landlord have towards their tenant in California? 3. What is the process for requesting repair work on rental property in California? 4. Can a tenant terminate a lease early in California under certain circ*mstances? 5. How does rent control work in California and what are the protections for renters? Rent Increase Caps Just Cause Eviction Protections Local Rent Control Laws Statewide Rent Control Law Notice Requirements Key Takeaways We're Social Areas of Law 1. What are the main differences between California landlord-tenant law and landlord-tenant laws in other states? 2. Can a landlord in California evict a tenant without proper notice? 3. What are a tenant’s rights in California regarding repairs and maintenance? 4. How often can a landlord in California raise the rent? 5. Can a landlord withhold a tenant’s security deposit in California? California Landlord Tenant Rental Laws & Rights for 2024 FAQs

What are 3 Rights Tenants have in California: Explore the 3 fundamental rights that strengthen the position of tenants and foster stable rental relationships.
As a tenant in California, it’s crucial to understand your rights and protections under state law. Landlord-tenant laws can be complex, but arming yourself with knowledge is key to advocating for yourself in rental situations.
In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive into the essential rights every California tenant should know, from security deposits to repairs to eviction proceedings.
By the end, you’ll feel empowered to navigate any issues that may arise in your landlord-tenant relationship.

What Are the Basic Rights of Tenants in California?

California has some of the strongest tenant protection laws in the country. As a renter, you have the right to:

  1. A habitable and safe living space
  2. Proper notice for entry by the landlord
  3. Return of your security deposit
  4. Protection from retaliation and discrimination
  5. Rent control in some cities and counties
  6. Advance notice for rent increases or lease terminations

Let’s unpack each of these fundamental tenant rights.

The Right to a Livable Rental Unit

Your landlord is legally required to provide you with a rental property that meets basic habitability standards. This includes:

  • Effective weatherproofing and waterproofing
  • Plumbing and gas facilities are in good working order
  • Hot and cold running water
  • Heating and electrical systems are in good repair
  • Clean and sanitary buildings and grounds free of debris, filth, rubbish, garbage, rodents, and vermin
  • Adequate trash receptacles are in good repair
  • Floors, stairways, and railings are in good repair

If your rental unit doesn’t meet these standards, you have the right to request repairs. The landlord must make the fixes within a reasonable timeframe. If they fail to do so, you may be able to withhold rent, pay for repairs yourself and deduct it from the rent, or even move out without further rent obligation.

Landlord Entry and Your Right to Privacy

While the landlord owns the property, California law still protects your privacy as a tenant. The landlord may enter the rental unit only for specific reasons and must provide proper written notice:

  • To make necessary or agreed-upon repairs, alterations, or improvements
  • To show the unit to prospective tenants, purchasers, or lenders
  • In case of emergency or tenant abandonment
  • When the tenant has moved out or requested entry
  • By court order

For most entries, the landlord must give you 24-hour notice, unless you agree to less. Entry can only occur during normal business hours. If the landlord violates these rules, you can sue for actual damages or $2,000, whichever is greater.

Getting Your Security Deposit Back

Most California landlords require a security deposit, often equal to one or two months’ rent. This covers any damages beyond normal wear and tear. When you move out, the landlord has 21 days to:

  1. Return your full deposit
  2. Provide an itemized statement of deductions along with any remaining deposit money

If the landlord fails to follow this procedure or makes improper deductions, you can sue for up to three times the withheld amount plus court costs and reasonable attorney’s fees.

The landlord can only use the deposit for:

  • Unpaid rent
  • Cleaning the unit to restore it to move-in condition
  • Repair of damages (excluding ordinary wear and tear)

Protection Against Retaliation and Discrimination

It’s illegal for a landlord to retaliate against you for exercising your legal rights, such as:

  • Complaining to a government agency about unsafe conditions
  • Withholding rent for failure to provide a habitable unit
  • Organizing or participating in a tenant union

Retaliatory actions could include raising the rent, decreasing services, or evicting you. If the landlord takes adverse action within 180 days of your exercising tenant rights, the law presumes it was retaliatory. You can sue for actual and punitive damages.

California law also prohibits landlords from discriminating against tenants based on race, color, religion, sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, ancestry, familial status, disability, or veteran or military status. If you experience housing discrimination, you can file a complaint with the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing.

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What are 3 Rights Tenants have in California: Protect yourself as a Tenant (1)

Local Rent Control Ordinances

Some cities and counties in California have rent control laws that limit how much landlords can increase rent each year for existing tenants. These ordinances usually apply to older buildings and certain types of housing.

For example, under the Los Angeles Rent Stabilization Ordinance (RSO), landlords can only raise rents by a set percentage tied to the Consumer Price Index. Rent-controlled units are also subject to “just cause” eviction rules, meaning the landlord must have a valid reason to terminate the tenancy.

Rent control is complex and varies by locality. Research the laws in your area to see if you’re covered. If you are, your landlord must provide notice of the rent control rules.

Proper Notice for Rent Increases and Lease Terminations

Even if you’re not in a rent-controlled unit, California law mandates advance written notice for certain landlord actions:

  • 30 days’ notice for a rent increase of 10% or less
  • 60 days’ notice for a rent increase greater than 10%
  • 30 days’ notice to terminate a month-to-month tenancy (60 days if the tenant has lived there for a year or more)
  • 30 days’ notice to change other terms of a month-to-month rental agreement

For fixed-term leases (like a one-year lease), the landlord generally can’t change terms or raise the rent during the lease period unless the agreement allows it. At the end of the lease, the landlord can change terms with proper notice. If the tenant stays on after the notice period, they have accepted the new terms.

What Should You Do if Your Landlord Violates Your Rights?

If you believe your landlord has violated your rights, take these steps:

  1. Document everything in writing, including dates, times, and details of the issue. Keep copies of any communications with your landlord.
  2. Try to resolve the matter directly with your landlord. Explain your concerns and how you’d like the situation remedied. Follow up in writing.
  3. If the landlord is unresponsive or uncooperative, consult with a local tenant rights organization or housing counselor. They can advise you on next steps and connect you with legal aid if needed.
  4. File a complaint with the appropriate government agency, such as the local housing department, health department, or California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (for discrimination issues).
  5. Consider legal action. You may be able to sue your landlord in small claims court for damages, or get help from a lawyer for more significant cases.

Remember, the law is on your side as a tenant. Don’t be afraid to assert your rights and hold your landlord accountable.

What are 3 Rights Tenants have in California: Protect yourself as a Tenant (2)

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Know Your Rights as a Tenant in California: Protecting Yourself in Rental Agreements

Can my landlord enter my unit without notice?

Generally, no. The landlord must provide 24 hours’ written notice to enter for specific reasons, like making repairs or showing the unit. Exceptions are emergencies, tenant abandonment, or by court order.

How much can my landlord raise the rent?

It depends. If you’re in a rent-controlled unit, increases are capped annually. If not, the landlord must give 30 days’ notice for increases of 10% or less, or 60 days’ notice for increases over 10%. During a fixed-term lease, the landlord can’t raise rent unless the lease allows it.

What happens if my landlord doesn’t make the necessary repairs?

You have options. First, notify the landlord in writing of the needed repairs. If they don’t fix the issues in a reasonable time, you can withhold rent, pay for repairs yourself and deduct them from rent (up to one month’s rent), or even move out without further rent liability. Document everything.

Can I sublease my rental unit?

It depends on your lease. If the lease prohibits subletting, then no. If the lease allows it or is silent on the issue, you can typically sublease with the landlord’s consent. The landlord can withhold consent only for a valid reason, like the replacement tenant’s inability to pay rent.

What are “just cause” eviction protections?

In cities with “just cause” ordinances, a landlord must have a valid reason to evict a tenant or terminate a lease. Permissible reasons usually include nonpayment of rent, violation of lease terms, nuisance behavior, or the landlord taking the unit off the rental market. If you’re covered by such a law, the landlord can’t evict you on a whim or for retaliatory reasons.

Landlord-Tenant Laws in California: Understanding Tenant Rights

To summarize, as a California tenant, you have the right to:

  • A safe and livable rental unit
  • Proper notice for landlord entry
  • Return of your security deposit, minus allowable deductions
  • Freedom from landlord retaliation and discrimination
  • Rent control protections in some locations
  • Advance notice for rent increases and lease terminations
  • Withhold rent, make repairs, or move out if the landlord fails to maintain the unit

Knowing your rights is the first step to advocating for yourself as a renter. If you face issues with your landlord, document the situation, communicate in writing, and seek help from tenant organizations or legal professionals.

California has robust laws to protect tenants – use them to your advantage. With knowledge and assertiveness, you can ensure a positive and stable rental experience.

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3 Crucial Rights California Tenants Must Know to Protect Themselves

Facing eviction or unfair treatment from your landlord can be scary and overwhelming. But knowledge is power, and understanding your rights as a tenant in California can make all the difference. This article will equip you with three essential rights you possess and how to exercise them effectively.
Whether you’re currently facing a dispute or simply want to be prepared, knowing your rights can help you navigate the complex world of tenant-landlord relationships with confidence.

The Right to a Habitable Home

This fundamental right ensures your rental unit meets basic living standards. California law requires landlords to provide a dwelling that is:
Safe and structurally sound: This includes functioning plumbing, heating, and electrical systems, as well as a roof that doesn’t leak and walls free from significant damage.
Free from major health hazards: Mold, vermin infestations, and lead paint are all considered serious health risks that your landlord must address.

Equipped with essential amenities: landlords must provide working smoke detectors, hot and cold running water, and adequate trash receptacles.

What are 3 Rights Tenants have in California: Protect yourself as a Tenant (3)

What can you do if your home isn’t habitable?

Notify your landlord in writing: Clearly detail the specific problems and request repairs within a reasonable timeframe.
Document everything: Take photos and videos of the issues, and keep copies of all communication with your landlord.
Exercise your “repair and deduct” right: In some cases, you may be able to arrange for repairs yourself and deduct the cost from your rent.

Contact your local housing authority: They can inspect your unit and take action against the landlord if necessary.
Seek legal advice: An attorney specializing in tenant rights can help you understand your options and pursue legal action if needed.

What are 3 Rights Tenants have in California: Protect yourself as a Tenant (4)

The Right to Fair Eviction Procedures

Landlords cannot simply evict tenants on a whim. California law outlines specific procedures that must be followed, and tenants have the right to defend themselves against wrongful eviction attempts.

Here’s what you need to know:
Landlords must have a valid reason for eviction: This could include non-payment of rent, violation of lease terms, or causing substantial damage to the property.
Proper notice must be given: Depending on the reason for eviction, landlords must provide tenants with written notice, typically 30 or 60 days in advance.

Tenants have the right to a court hearing:

You can challenge the eviction in court and present your defense.

Protecting yourself against wrongful eviction:
Understand your lease agreement:
Be familiar with the terms and conditions, including grounds for eviction.
Communicate with your landlord: If you’re facing financial hardship or other issues, try to work out a solution with your landlord before things escalate.
Seek legal assistance:
An attorney can help ensure your rights are protected throughout the eviction process.

The Right to Privacy
Your rental unit is your home, and you have the right to privacy within its walls. This means your landlord cannot:
Enter your unit without proper notice: Except in emergencies, landlords must provide reasonable notice before entering your home, typically 24 hours.
Harass or intimidate you: Landlords cannot engage in behavior that threatens your sense of security or disrupts your peaceful enjoyment of the property.
Discriminate against you:

California law prohibits discrimination based on race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, and other protected characteristics.

What to do if your privacy is violated:
Document the incident: Keep a record of the date, time, and details of what happened.
Confront your landlord: Politely but firmly remind them of your right to privacy and request they respect your boundaries.
Contact local authorities or a legal professional: If the behavior continues, you may need to seek outside intervention.
Remember, knowing your rights is crucial to ensuring fair treatment and protecting yourself from unlawful practices. Don’t hesitate to seek help from legal professionals or tenant advocacy groups if you face challenges or have further questions.

FAQ – Renting in California: 3 Legal Protections for Tenants

1. What are the key rights of a tenant in California?

As a tenant in California, you have various legal protections, including the right to a habitable rental unit, privacy rights, and protection against unlawful eviction.

2. What responsibilities does a landlord have towards their tenant in California?

In California, a landlord must provide a safe and habitable living environment, make necessary repairs promptly, and adhere to the terms of the rental agreement.

3. What is the process for requesting repair work on rental property in California?

If there are repair issues in your rental unit in California, you should notify your landlord in writing and give them a reasonable time to address the problems. If they fail to do so, you may have the right to repair and deduct the costs from your rent.

4. Can a tenant terminate a lease early in California under certain circ*mstances?

Under certain circ*mstances, such as the landlord violating the rental agreement or failing to provide habitable living conditions, a tenant in California may have the right to terminate the lease early.

5. How does rent control work in California and what are the protections for renters?

Rent control in California is a set of laws and ordinances that limit how much landlords can raise rent on certain properties. The rules vary by city and county, but generally, rent control applies to older buildings (usually built before a certain year) and certain types of housing, like apartments and duplexes.

Here’s a breakdown of how rent control works and the protections it offers renters in California:

Rent Increase Caps

In rent-controlled units, landlords can only raise the rent by a set percentage each year. This percentage is typically tied to the Consumer Price Index (CPI), a measure of inflation. For example, under Los Angeles’ Rent Stabilization Ordinance (RSO), landlords can only increase rent by a certain percentage that changes annually based on the CPI.

Just Cause Eviction Protections

In addition to limiting rent hikes, many rent control laws also prohibit landlords from evicting tenants without a valid reason, known as “just cause.” Under these ordinances, permissible reasons for eviction might include:

  • Nonpayment of rent
  • Violation of the lease agreement
  • Nuisance or criminal activity
  • The landlord taking the unit off the rental market (Ellis Act evictions)

If a landlord wants to evict a tenant in a rent-controlled unit, they must state the reason and usually give proper notice (like 30 or 60 days).

Local Rent Control Laws

Not all cities in California have rent control. It’s up to each locality to adopt its own ordinance. Some cities with rent control include:

  • Los Angeles
  • San Francisco
  • Oakland
  • Berkeley
  • Santa Monica
  • West Hollywood

Each ordinance is a little different in terms of what properties it covers, how much rents can increase, and the specific eviction rules. Renters should research the laws in their area to understand their rights.

Statewide Rent Control Law

In 2019, California passed a statewide rent control law known as the Tenant Protection Act (AB 1482). This law caps annual rent increases at 5% plus inflation for many properties built more than 15 years ago. It also requires just cause for evictions of tenants who have lived in the unit for at least one year.

The statewide law applies in cities that don’t have their own rent control ordinances. If a city has its own rent control law, that takes precedence over the state law.

Notice Requirements

If a rental unit is covered by rent control, the landlord must disclose this to the tenant. Usually, this notice is included in the lease agreement. Landlords must also provide advance written notice of any rent increases, typically 30 days for increases of 10% or less, and 60 days for increases over 10%.

Key Takeaways

  • Rent control limits how much landlords can raise rent each year on covered properties.
  • Many rent control laws also require just cause for evictions.
  • Rules vary by city – renters should research local ordinances.
  • California has a statewide rent control law that applies in cities without their own ordinances.
  • Landlords must disclose if a unit is rent-controlled and give proper notice for rent increases.

Rent control offers important protections for California renters, promoting housing stability and preventing excessive rent hikes. If you think your rental might be covered, look into the specific laws in your area. Assert your rights and push back if your landlord tries to raise the rent more than the law allows.

1. What are the main differences between California landlord-tenant law and landlord-tenant laws in other states?

In California, both landlords and tenants have specific rights and responsibilities outlined in the state law. These laws cover aspects such as rent control, rental agreements, repair and deduct policies, and security deposit regulations. Understanding these laws is crucial for protecting the rights of both parties involved in a rental agreement.

2. Can a landlord in California evict a tenant without proper notice?

California law requires landlords to provide notice to the tenant before proceeding with an eviction. The specific notice period depends on the reason for eviction, such as non-payment of rent or violation of the rental agreement. Without following the proper eviction procedures, a landlord cannot legally remove a tenant from the rental unit.

3. What are a tenant’s rights in California regarding repairs and maintenance?

Tenants in California are entitled to livable conditions in their rental units, which means that the landlord must provide necessary repairs promptly. If the landlord fails to make repairs within a reasonable time after receiving a written request, the tenant may have the right to repair and deduct the costs from the rent.

4. How often can a landlord in California raise the rent?

California rent control laws govern how often and by how much a landlord can raise the rent for residential properties. Typically, landlords must provide notice to the tenant before implementing a rent increase, and the increase cannot be arbitrary but must comply with the state’s regulations.

5. Can a landlord withhold a tenant’s security deposit in California?

In California, a landlord can only withhold a tenant’s security deposit for specific reasons allowed by law. These include covering unpaid rent, repairing damages beyond normal wear and tear, and cleaning the unit to restore it to its original condition (minus expected wear and tear).

The landlord cannot make arbitrary deductions or withhold the deposit for unjustified reasons. After the tenant moves out, the landlord has 21 days to either return the full deposit or provide an itemized statement of deductions along with any remaining deposit funds.

If the landlord fails to follow this process or makes improper deductions, the tenant can sue for up to three times the withheld amount, plus court costs and attorney fees. California law is designed to prevent landlords from unfairly keeping security deposits and to ensure tenants have recourse if their deposit is wrongly withheld.

California Landlord Tenant Rental Laws & Rights for 2024

In 2024, California landlord-tenant laws continue to provide strong protections for renters. Key rights include limits on rent increases through state and local rent control ordinances, just cause eviction requirements, and the right to a habitable living space.

Landlords must follow strict rules around security deposits, providing proper notice for entry into rental units, and not discriminating against tenants based on protected characteristics.

Tenants can withhold rent, make repairs and deduct costs, or break the lease if the landlord fails to maintain the property. Landlords cannot retaliate against tenants for asserting their legal rights.

As always, it’s crucial for both landlords and tenants to understand their rights and obligations under California law to promote fair and stable rental relationships.

What are 3 Rights Tenants have in California: Protect yourself as a Tenant (2024)


What are 3 Rights Tenants have in California: Protect yourself as a Tenant? ›

Under California civil code, tenants without leases maintain rights like limits on rent increases, proper notice before eviction, and requiring the landlord to maintain habitable living conditions. Be aware that without a lease, landlords only need to provide 30 days' notice to increase rent or terminate tenancy.

What are three rights landlords have in California? ›

According to the California Civil Code (1940-1954.05), the landlord has the right to collect rent, withhold security deposit return in case of property damages, evictions in case of agreement breaches, and many more.

What is the tenant Protection Act in California? ›

The California Tenant Protection Act of 2019 (AB 1482) is a statewide law that goes into effect on January 1, 2020 and expires on January 1, 2030. It is amended by SB 567. Requires a landlord to have a “just cause” to terminate a tenancy.

How do I protect myself as a landlord in California? ›

How to Protect your Rental Property and Yourself
  1. Secure Your Property. ...
  2. Regular Maintenance and Inspections. ...
  3. Screen Tenants Thoroughly. ...
  4. Have a Solid Lease Agreement. ...
  5. Understand and Enforce Legal Protections. ...
  6. Obtain Adequate Insurance. ...
  7. Keep Accurate Records. ...
  8. Foster Good Tenant Relationships.
Jan 30, 2014

What are the rights of a Section 8 tenant in California? ›

under Section 8

You have the right to live in decent, safe, and sanitary housing that's free from environmental hazards such as asbestos insulation and lead-based paint. You have the right to have repairs performed in a timely manner, upon request, and to have a quality maintenance program run by management.

What are the rights of tenants in common in California? ›

Much like a sole owner, a tenant in common is considered to be in control of his or her share of the property. Each tenant has the freedom to give away or sell his or her interest in the property and to leave it to whomever he or she chooses at death.

What is the new law for renters in California 2024? ›

At a glance: What a landlord cannot do in California in 2024

The Tenant Protection Act caps rent increases for most residential tenants in California. Landlords can't raise rent more than 10% total or 5% + CPI increase (whichever is lower) over a 12-month period.

What is tenant harassment in California? ›

Harassment can include many things, like threats, verbal abuse, refusing to make needed repairs, and other things defined by Los Angeles' Tenant Anti-Harassment law (which some people call TAHO).

What is the new law for eviction in California? ›

California passed a new landlord-tenant law that will provide additional protections for renters around just cause evictions. Set to take effect on April 1, 2024, the law will require landlords to have just cause to terminate tenancy after a tenant has been placed in the unit for 12 months.

Can a renter refuse to leave in California? ›

Under California law, the only lawful way to evict a tenant is to file a case in court. As a tenant, you have a right to remain in your home until a court orders you to move out.

Can you protect yourself in your home in California? ›

California recognizes the Castle doctrine. This is a legal principle that permits residents to use deadly force within their home when an intruder unlawfully forces their way into their residence.

Can a landlord enter your home in California? ›

In California, landlords must respect tenants' privacy and cannot repeatedly or unjustly enter their homes without proper notice or valid reasons.

How to protect against bad tenants? ›

Avoiding bad tenants is a game of risk, but it's a game you can win. By pre-screening effectively, interviewing carefully, saying 'no' when necessary, and fostering positive relationships, you can mitigate the risk and feel confident in your ability to attract and retain great tenants.

What are the tenant protection laws in California? ›

The Tenant Protection Act caps rent increases for most residential tenants in California. Landlords cannot raise rent more than 10% total or 5% plus the percentage change in the cost of living – whichever is lower – over a 12-month period.

What is the tenant protection exemption in California? ›

The TPA applies to most properties in California, but there are some exceptions including: properties that are less than 15 years old (unless a mobile home), some types of government-subsidized housing, or housing where rent is already limited to provide affordable housing to very low, low, and moderate-income ...

What is SB 567 California? ›

For SB 567, Governor Newsom signed SB 567 on September 30, 2023, authored by State Sen. María Elena Durazo, (D-Los Angeles), called the Homelessness Prevention Act, that strengthens the 2019 Tenant Protection Act bill capping rent hikes at 10 percent and prevents landlords from evicting tenants with no legal reason.

What can't a landlord do in California? ›

Landlords are prohibited from discriminating against tenants based on the tenant's race, national origin, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, ancestry, disability status, marital status, familial status, source of income (Section 8 vouchers, for example), veteran status, or ...

Can a tenant deny access to a landlord in California? ›

Quick Summary: In California, landlords can enter a rental property without prior notice only in emergencies, with tenant approval, for abandoned property, or under court orders.

How long does a landlord have to fix something in California? ›

Your landlord must make urgent repairs, like those just mentioned, quickly. Non-urgent defects that do not put your health and safety at risk should be made within 30 days.

How much notice does a landlord have to give a tenant to move out in California? ›

A landlord uses a 30-day Notice to Quit (move out) to end a month-to-month tenancy if the tenant has been renting for less than 1 year. A landlord uses a 60-day Notice to Quit if their tenant has been renting for 1 year or more.

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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.