Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (2024)

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How Wefunder has raised $20 million from its customers since 2012


Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (4)

Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (5)

  • Since its founding in 2012, Wefunder has raised nearly $20 million through Community Rounds.
  • In fact, even as it evolved from a scrappy civics project for America to the largest startup investing platform in the world, Wefunder has only raised money from its community.
  • Today, Wefunder helps thousands of startups across the country get funded by their most passionate customers, fans, and community members.
  • But what many don’t know is that Wefunder literally had to get Congress to change the law ten years ago to make their mission possible.
  • In this special feature, we hear from Wefunder Founder & CEO Nick Tommarello, who takes us through the personal story of his entrepreneurial origins to his reflections on running Wefunder over the last ten years and his visions for what’s next.


Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (6)

I grew up in a rural county in upstate New York. My dad was an entrepreneur, and he was always starting businesses. Sometimes they were successful, but four times, to be exact, he went bankrupt with nothing but $20,000 of credit card debt to his name.

Because of that, I was never your typical student. I had to work 50 hours a week. Throughout high school, I worked as a dishwasher, busboy, omelet maker, construction worker, barista, supermarket express line cashier, waiter, food runner, and, of course, my dad’s helping hand every time he started another business.

My dad didn’t do tech companies. His businesses were in construction, real estate, and restaurants. One summer, we spent every hour of two and a half months building a whole nightclub from the ground up.

Building businesses with my dad was the impetus for who I am now. To me, he was living proof that you could create your own rules in the world—that if you really wanted to do something, the world could adapt around you.

As early as I can remember, I knew I would never be a cog in someone else’s machine or settle for a normal job. I would start my own company—I just didn’t know what that would look like at the time.

As early as I can remember, I knew I would never be a cog in someone else’s machine or settle for a normal job. I would start my own company—I just didn’t know what that would look like at the time.

Nick TommarelloFounder & CEO at Wefunder

After graduating business school, I spent two years developing nearly a dozen iPhone apps. All of them focused on finding non-creepy ways to help people make new friends in the real world. All of them failed. But in the process, I met my first investors, who changed my life.

Bill Warner sat next to me in the coworking space where I worked back then. We became friends, and he wrote me my first $25,000 check to build what would become Wefunder. He had already made his money in life, and helping founders was his way of giving back and getting fulfillment.

That was the first of many times that I would be intrigued with the relationship between the investor and the founder—especially an early-stage founder who doesn't yet know what they're capable of.

I wanted to do the same thing for others. Not with $25,000, because I didn’t have that, but at least with a couple hundred bucks. And I had an instinct that it wasn’t just me. Other ordinary people would probably also like to invest small sums of money in very risky things, for reasons beyond just making a return.

That was the first of many times that I would be intrigued with the relationship between the investor and the founder—especially an early-stage founder who doesn't yet know what they're capable of.

Nick TommarelloFounder & CEO at Wefunder

From 1933 to 2016, it was illegal to make an investment in a private company unless you were an accredited investor (i.e. rich). However, by 2012, there was growing bipartisan support to allow everyday people to invest in small businesses and therefore generate more jobs. A law reform had passed through the House already, but it was a non-starter in the Senate.

Newly passionate about this issue, I was thinking, “How do I get this unstuck in the Senate?” With my friends Greg and Mike, who would become my cofounders at Wefunder, we launched a website to build more momentum around the law that was being debated.

The original wefunder.com explained why everyday people should be allowed to invest in startups, and it ended with a petition. The critical thing I did at the time was to require visitors not just to sign their names on the petition, but also the amount of money they would invest if they were allowed to.

Within an hour of launching the site, the petition reached over $5 million from over 2000 people. The message was clear: There are actually people who want to invest in small businesses and help create jobs, if only Congress would allow them to.

It didn’t take long for the press to write about our site. Two days later, our petition was put in front of Congress.

Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (7)

A week later, Greg, Mike, and I got flown to DC. In a day, we met three different senators, a Congressman, the President’s office, and their staff. By the end of our back-to-back meetings, we watched President Obama sign the JOBS Act into place at the Rose Garden.

We just had one problem: it would take the SEC 4 years to make the new laws a reality, and another 4 years on top of that to truly make Community Rounds appealing for top-tier founders.

Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (8)

Within an hour of launching the site, the petition reached over $5 million from over 2000 people.

Nick TommarelloFounder & CEO at Wefunder

The joke at Wefunder is that we always thought the rule change was just 9 months away. From 2012 until 2016, we did Rich People Crowdfunding, aka crowdfunding-but-still-for-accredited-investors-only.

Personally, I didn’t get much fulfillment from it. That business looked like this: begging founders who don’t need the money to get in on their hot rounds, and then helping wealthy people get wealthier by investing in those companies. It was soul-sucking, honestly.

Still, we kept unaccredited investors top of mind as we built the product, knowing that the laws would change in their favor one day. For instance, we set the minimum investment amount to $100—that made no sense for any of our accredited investor users at the time.

We were also constantly exposed to high-caliber founders with great companies. Subconsciously, that affected how we thought. One of Wefunder’s core strengths is that we intuitively understand how high-caliber founders think.

Fortunately, the laws we’d lobbied for became a reality on May 16, 2016. With that, our era of Rich People Crowdfunding came to a close.

As of April 2022, Wefunder has helped 1900+ founders raise over $250 million. Over 500,000 people have invested on Wefunder, with a median investment of $250.

Nick TommarelloFounder & CEO at Wefunder

Finally, it was official: anyone could now invest a minimum of $100 into any pre-IPO company.

Our team of eight had set up 25 companies to raise money from unaccredited investors on Wefunder. After months of preparation, we planned for them to launch simultaneously without a hitch.

That morning, we had a massive spike in traffic. We were suddenly tasked with a challenge we hadn’t expected: making sure the website wouldn’t go down.

Unfortunately, we had all gone three days with no sleep, and as my cofounder Greg was deploying some code, he literally passed out.

I then had to make the call that I thought it would be better for the company if Greg took a half-hour nap, even though the website was getting very unstable. At the end of 30 minutes, I went, “Hey, Greg—I have this guy in Germany on the phone who thinks he can solve our problems by changing all of our DNS settings. Is that a good idea?” He woke up right away and fixed the problem.

By the end of that day, we had helped 25 companies raise millions of dollars cumulatively from unaccredited investors, who had invested in pre-IPO startups for the first time in history.

For founders, pulling off a Community Round is one of the strongest indicators that you’ve built something successful. It’s the highest validation from the market.

Nick TommarelloFounder & CEO at Wefunder

In March 2021, another set of legal reforms made it even more attractive for top-tier founders to raise Community Rounds.

Now, Community Round investors occupy a single line on the cap table, thanks to what’s called a special purpose vehicle (SPV). Founders choose just one lead investor to have voting rights for the SPV.

The maximum you can raise from unaccredited investors is $5M a year, when it used to be $1.07M.

As of July 2022, Wefunder has helped 2000+ founders raise over $500 million. Over 500,000 people have invested on Wefunder, with a median investment of $250. And Community Rounds have proven themselves to work great in conjunction with VC funding too.

Companies raising Community Rounds range from a16z-backed startups like Mercury, Levels, and Replit to small businesses across the country: a fruit and bison bar company on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota; a neighborhood restoration in Chicago’s South Side; an artificial pancreas for people with type 1 diabetes; a literal flying car company; and many, many more.

For founders, pulling off a Community Round is one of the strongest indicators that you’ve built something successful. It’s the highest validation from the market.

For investors, backing a Community Round helps a founder take their shot. There’s a power to that that can never be underestimated.

I’ve never done a traditional venture capital funding round. I've simply let my users invest in me, and that’s allowed us to build this whole company.

Nick TommarelloFounder & CEO at Wefunder

We eat our own dog food, as they say.

From 2012 to 2022, Wefunder has only raised money through Community Rounds. I’ve never done a traditional venture capital funding round. I've simply let my users invest in me, and that’s allowed us to build this whole company.

In our first Community Round in 2012, we raised $500,000 from accredited investors, because that was the legal maximum. In our most recent 2021 Community Round, we raised the new legal maximum of $5 million from unaccredited investors.

In total, over the last 10 years, thousands of users have helped us raise nearly $20 million to get the company to where it is today.

If you want to see for yourself, check out our Community Round page. We’ve been opening it up for investments roughly once or twice a year for the last decade: wefunder.com/wefunder

To read more about Wefunder, you can check out our Public Benefit Charter, our Impact Report, and the companies raising Community Rounds with us today.

Thank you for being on this journey with us.

"I've wanted to be an investor for decades and didn't have any capital. With the new regulations Wefunder was the first that I researched and is still my trusted resource for finding excellent investing opportunities."

Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (9)Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (10)

John V Nicholson

"We think that ordinary people should be able to invest, not just the wealthy. Keep up the good work."

Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (11)Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (12)

Catherine Burgard

"From one founder to another, thanks for decentralizing startup investments! Hope to use your service one day."

Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (13)Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (14)

Bradley Harris

"Like the vision/mission of the company and the fight you fought to create a level playing field for all people."

Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (17)Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (18)

Raj Gurung

"I look forward to seeing this company grow until it's as big or bigger than the NYSE!"

Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (19)Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (20)

James Bellefeuille

"Wefunder tackles one of the major injustices in our financial system, and it has the potential to completely disrupt the current archaic system. Thank you for letting me be a small part of your journey."

Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (21)Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (22)

Casey Melcher

"I really love the concept of Wefunder; you can tell they truly want to democratize access to investments for non-accredited investors and help startups and small businesses get access to capital."

Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (23)Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (24)

Richard Jared Dorminey

"I invested in Wefunder to help people all over the country take their shot."

Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (25)Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (26)

Roger Austin

"This company is providing a platform for people to attempt amazing feats. I want to help promote this initiative. Thanks for providing the opportunity."

Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (27)Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (28)

Sharrod Greene

"Because it's a good company that owns a sizable market position in a sector that has never existed before, until the Jobs Act was passed."

Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (29)Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (30)

David Lanfair

"Hey guys, good luck with the fundraising! Thanks for helping democratize investing! Would love to see you keep investing and providing opportunities for female and minority-owned companies! Thanks!"

Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (31)Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (32)

Al Sparks

"You've got a winning vision. I'm all in."

Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (33)Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (34)

Herman T.K. Awai

"Love Wefunder and it looks like it's going places."

Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (35)Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (36)

Linda Paquette-Bachelder

"I've used Wefunder to invest in other companies so i believe in the company!"

Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (37)Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (38)

Jennifer Menite

"I love your company. I continually tell people who are developing products and services to use it. Thank you for building mutual aid networks and strong businesses in a conscious, aligned way."

Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (39)Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (40)

Amy Herman

"It's a great business model that's help all of us "little guys." I wish I had more to invest. If this works out well, then I will. 🙏🏾🙏🏿🙏🏽"

Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (41)Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (42)

Angela Pryor

"I've wanted to be an investor for decades and didn't have any capital. With the new regulations Wefunder was the first that I researched and is still my trusted resource for finding excellent investing opportunities."

Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (43)Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (44)

John V Nicholson

"We think that ordinary people should be able to invest, not just the wealthy. Keep up the good work."

"From one founder to another, thanks for decentralizing startup investments! Hope to use your service one day."

Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (47)Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (48)

Bradley Harris

"Amazing vision and relentless execution."

Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (49)Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (50)

Jonathan Rath

"Like the vision/mission of the company and the fight you fought to create a level playing field for all people."

Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (51)Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (52)

Raj Gurung

"I look forward to seeing this company grow until it's as big or bigger than the NYSE!"

Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (53)Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (54)

James Bellefeuille

"Wefunder tackles one of the major injustices in our financial system, and it has the potential to completely disrupt the current archaic system. Thank you for letting me be a small part of your journey."

Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (55)Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (56)

Casey Melcher

"I really love the concept of Wefunder; you can tell they truly want to democratize access to investments for non-accredited investors and help startups and small businesses get access to capital."

Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (57)Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (58)

Richard Jared Dorminey

"I invested in Wefunder to help people all over the country take their shot."

Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (59)Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (60)

Roger Austin

"This company is providing a platform for people to attempt amazing feats. I want to help promote this initiative. Thanks for providing the opportunity."

Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (61)Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (62)

Sharrod Greene

"Because it's a good company that owns a sizable market position in a sector that has never existed before, until the Jobs Act was passed."

Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (63)Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (64)

David Lanfair

"Hey guys, good luck with the fundraising! Thanks for helping democratize investing! Would love to see you keep investing and providing opportunities for female and minority-owned companies! Thanks!"

Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (65)Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (66)

Al Sparks

"You've got a winning vision. I'm all in."

Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (67)Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (68)

Herman T.K. Awai

"Love Wefunder and it looks like it's going places."

Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (69)Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (70)

Linda Paquette-Bachelder

"I've used Wefunder to invest in other companies so i believe in the company!"

Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (71)Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (72)

Jennifer Menite

"I love your company. I continually tell people who are developing products and services to use it. Thank you for building mutual aid networks and strong businesses in a conscious, aligned way."

Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (73)Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (74)

Amy Herman

"It's a great business model that's help all of us "little guys." I wish I had more to invest. If this works out well, then I will. 🙏🏾🙏🏿🙏🏽"

Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (75)Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (76)

Angela Pryor

"I've wanted to be an investor for decades and didn't have any capital. With the new regulations Wefunder was the first that I researched and is still my trusted resource for finding excellent investing opportunities."

Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (77)Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (78)

John V Nicholson

"We think that ordinary people should be able to invest, not just the wealthy. Keep up the good work."

Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (79)Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (80)

Catherine Burgard

"From one founder to another, thanks for decentralizing startup investments! Hope to use your service one day."

Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (81)Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (82)

Bradley Harris

Wefunder raised $20 million from 6,000+ investors over a decade of Community Rounds.

Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (83)

Snapshot of Wefunder' Community Round (source wefunder.com/wefunder)

The Raise

  • Raised $20M from 6000+ investors
  • Raising Community Rounds 1-2 times a year since 2012
  • First Community Round in 2012 raised $500,000.
  • Latest Community Round in 2021 raised $8,404,355.
  • As of Q2 2022, helping 500+ startups raise Community Rounds concurrently
February 23, 2022Advancing Financial Security for AllHow Doorvest raised $205,308 in 3 months from its customers and the crowd
April 5, 2022Turning Passionate Customers into InvestorsHow Levels raised $5M from its members with a single email
April 5, 2022A Community-Led VC FundHow Calm Company Fund raised $1.3M to share the VC upside with unaccredited investors
September 12, 2023A New Economic Engine for CultureHow Substack raised $7,809,219 and welcomed 6,688 writers and readers to become part of the company
February 26, 2022Breaking a Wefunder RecordHow Mercury raised $5M in 90 minutes from customers and fans
July 26, 2022Sharing the UpsideHow Replit invited users on its journey to bring the next billion software creators online
March 1, 2023Fighting Cancer in DogsHow LEAH Labs raised $865K from pet lovers and closed $2.1 in seed funding as a result
February 15, 2024Reviving the Historic Heart of AppalachiaHow Harlan County Beer Co raised $240K from 356 investors to open a community-funded brewery
January 8, 2024A Customer-Funded Kombucha BrandHow Elixir Kombucha raised $527,250 from 131 kombucha lovers, including Render Capital’s $100K Match
December 10, 2023Funded by BelieversHow Yornest raised a $103,150 community round to find product-market fit
August 8, 2023No Stone UnturnedHow Wefunder Studio helped RAD AI go from $2M to $4.35M from 3,990 investors
August 1, 2023A Cannabis Brand with a Story to TellHow Cornbread Hemp raised $725,000 from customers and multiplied revenue by 3x–10x every year since 2019
May 11, 2023Europe’s Fastest-Growing Camera Sharing CommunityHow Wedio raised €156K and became the first company to close a Community Round in the EU
February 10, 2023A Fan-Owned Soccer TeamHow MNWOSO raised $1M from 3000+ fans to build the 1st community-owned women’s soccer team
January 26, 2023Sharing Korean Alcohol with the WorldHow Sool raised $124,000 in 4 hours from excited supporters
January 20, 2023By and For the Black CommunityHow CurlMix raised $4.5M from 6,948 investors and secured the upside for its earliest supporters
December 21, 2022This Restaurant is Yours, TooHow Cassava raised $403,912 from 207 customers to open in a grand new location
November 21, 2022Making News Readers SmarterHow Ad Fontes Media raised $600K from 900 community members to rate the news for reliability and bias
July 1, 2022Letting Teachers and Parents InvestHow Synthesis filled up its $3M Community Round with a single email
March 15, 2022Raising Bridge Rounds from the CommunityHow Immersed raised $9M in 2 weeks from supporters—and attracted VC funding as a result
February 23, 2022Advancing Financial Security for AllHow Doorvest raised $205,308 in 3 months from its customers and the crowd
April 5, 2022Turning Passionate Customers into InvestorsHow Levels raised $5M from its members with a single email
April 5, 2022A Community-Led VC FundHow Calm Company Fund raised $1.3M to share the VC upside with unaccredited investors
September 12, 2023A New Economic Engine for CultureHow Substack raised $7,809,219 and welcomed 6,688 writers and readers to become part of the company
February 26, 2022Breaking a Wefunder RecordHow Mercury raised $5M in 90 minutes from customers and fans
July 26, 2022Sharing the UpsideHow Replit invited users on its journey to bring the next billion software creators online
March 1, 2023Fighting Cancer in DogsHow LEAH Labs raised $865K from pet lovers and closed $2.1 in seed funding as a result
February 15, 2024Reviving the Historic Heart of AppalachiaHow Harlan County Beer Co raised $240K from 356 investors to open a community-funded brewery
January 8, 2024A Customer-Funded Kombucha BrandHow Elixir Kombucha raised $527,250 from 131 kombucha lovers, including Render Capital’s $100K Match
December 10, 2023Funded by BelieversHow Yornest raised a $103,150 community round to find product-market fit
August 8, 2023No Stone UnturnedHow Wefunder Studio helped RAD AI go from $2M to $4.35M from 3,990 investors
August 1, 2023A Cannabis Brand with a Story to TellHow Cornbread Hemp raised $725,000 from customers and multiplied revenue by 3x–10x every year since 2019
May 11, 2023Europe’s Fastest-Growing Camera Sharing CommunityHow Wedio raised €156K and became the first company to close a Community Round in the EU
February 10, 2023A Fan-Owned Soccer TeamHow MNWOSO raised $1M from 3000+ fans to build the 1st community-owned women’s soccer team
January 26, 2023Sharing Korean Alcohol with the WorldHow Sool raised $124,000 in 4 hours from excited supporters
January 20, 2023By and For the Black CommunityHow CurlMix raised $4.5M from 6,948 investors and secured the upside for its earliest supporters
December 21, 2022This Restaurant is Yours, TooHow Cassava raised $403,912 from 207 customers to open in a grand new location
November 21, 2022Making News Readers SmarterHow Ad Fontes Media raised $600K from 900 community members to rate the news for reliability and bias
July 1, 2022Letting Teachers and Parents InvestHow Synthesis filled up its $3M Community Round with a single email
March 15, 2022Raising Bridge Rounds from the CommunityHow Immersed raised $9M in 2 weeks from supporters—and attracted VC funding as a result
February 23, 2022Advancing Financial Security for AllHow Doorvest raised $205,308 in 3 months from its customers and the crowd
April 5, 2022Turning Passionate Customers into InvestorsHow Levels raised $5M from its members with a single email
April 5, 2022A Community-Led VC FundHow Calm Company Fund raised $1.3M to share the VC upside with unaccredited investors
Wefunder Case Study | Community Round by Wefunder (2024)


Has anyone made money from Wefunder? ›

As of July 2022, Wefunder has helped 2000+ founders raise over $500 million. Over 500,000 people have invested on Wefunder, with a median investment of $250.

What is a community round? ›

A community round is a type of investment raise where startups raise funds from their community allowing anyone to invest for a relatively small amount. In a community round, investors exchange their cash for a security interest in the startup they are investing in.

How do you make money on Wefunder? ›

If you invest through a WeFund, you will hold an interest in the WeFund instead of holding the company's securities directly. We will manage and sell the company's securities on your behalf, and distribute any proceeds to you upon such a sale.

What percentage does Wefunder take? ›

It's free to create a company profile on Wefunder.

For Reg CF, Wefunder charges only 7.9% of the total raise if successful. For instance, if a company raises $100,000, we charge $7,900 upon close. We charge no upfront fees.

Can you get your money back from Wefunder? ›

Yes. You can change your mind anytime up until 48 hours before your funds are transferred to the company that you are investing in and you will receive a full refund, including any fees. Unfortunately, investments cannot be canceled after that time.

Is it safe to give SSN to Wefunder? ›

We encrypt and store Social Security Numbers (SSNs) on a separate group of servers from wefunder.com. We use an RSA key to encrypt the SSN and isolate the private key from production machines. Access to the database storing encrypted SSNs is restricted within Wefunder on a need-to-know basis.

What counts as my community? ›

In the field of sociology, a community is conceptualized as a group of individuals who share common geographic, social, or cultural characteristics and are bound by a sense of belonging and mutual interdependence.

What is a community VC? ›

CVC® is a community of early believers gathering around founders seeking to raise capital. It's free to register your company as a founder, your skills as an expert or interest to be an investor. Website https://community-vc.com/ External link for Community VC. Industry Venture Capital and Private Equity Principals.

What is a VC round? ›

A venture round is a type of funding round used for venture capital financing, by which startup companies obtain investment, generally from venture capitalists and other institutional investors. The availability of venture funding is among the primary stimuli for the development of new companies and technologies.

Is it safe to invest in Wefunder? ›

Is Wefunder right for you? Wefunder is not for the risk-averse. The website is full of disclaimers explicitly stating that investing in early-stage startups is riskier than the stock market, and there is a very real potential of losing all of your investment.

What is the difference between Kickstarter and Wefunder? ›

We help everyone invest as little as $100 in the startups they love. You can think of us as “Kickstarter for investing.” Unlike Kickstarter, you are not buying a product or donating to an artist. Instead, you are investing in a business hoping to earn a return on your investment.

What is a Wefunder worth? ›

Wefunder, with a valuation of $175 million, is raising funds on Wefunder via Reg D 506(c) raise. The crowdfunding platform allows investors to invest in a variety of startups. Wefunder is building a stock market for startups to raise money in pre-IPOs and is a market leader in crowdfunding with over 40% market share.

Can I sell my Wefunder shares? ›

While there is no public market for your investment, you may sell your stake to another investor if they are a family member or an accredited investor during the first year of your investment. After the first year, you may sell your stake to any interested buyer. In either case, you'll need to find a buyer first.

How to exit Wefunder? ›

You can change your mind anytime up until a fundraise closes (or 4 days after you invest, if later) and you will receive a full refund, including any fees. Unfortunately, investments cannot be cancelled after that time. You'll receive a five-day notice via e-mail when a fundraise is about to close.

Is Wefunder all or nothing? ›

Regulation CF Equity Crowdfunding

Each platform has its pros and cons, for example, WeFunder is all-or-nothing when it comes to crowdfunding– literally. If your fundraising goals aren't met, you don't get to keep the funds raised.

Has anyone made money from crowdfunding? ›

Yes, on several occasions. With a lot of hard work, study of best practices, and perseverance, because crowdfunding is definitely not easy money.

Is crowd funding profitable? ›

Key Takeaways

Equity crowdfunding involves exchanging relatively small amounts of cash allowing investors to own a proportionate slice of equity in the business. A business capitalized through equity crowdfunding can run the risk of failure, fraud, or may take years for profits to be realized.

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Article information

Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Views: 6180

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (43 voted)

Reviews: 90% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.