Wealth Building Concierge (2024)

Wealth Building Concierge (1)

Remove the overwhelm and stress about your financial future and keep the part where you grow wealthy and live happily ever after.

Wealth Building Concierge (2)

You CAN do it!

(1)CLARITY on your finances and real estate goals

(2) ACTION by partnering you with our trusted alliances

(3) NEED to understand education so you are clear about the process throughout.

We’ve made it easy for professional women to invest in real estate with our alliance partners and removed the burden of these bothersome questions:

Where should I buy?

We got you.

Can I afford this?

We got you.

Is this a good deal?

We got you.

Who will manage the property?

We got you.

Who will handle construction and mainence?

We got you.

Can I do this with a group of women, not alone?

We got you.

By raising hand to our four month private + group coaching, you will be owning one to several properties in only four months.

Here is the Breakdown of the topics we will cover together:

Wealth Building Concierge (3)

Take the financial Self-assessment and The Millionairess Mentality Mindset + 45 minute private review for clarity

Dive into your current finances.

What do you have to spend and where do you want to get?

Do you have this long-term plan?

What is stopping you from your goals?

Wealth Building Concierge (4)

Real Estate Investing Options + meet your personal concierge partner in one of our vetted locations across the country

There are many ways to grow wealth through Real Estate Investing. Determine which works best for you.

Stop needing to make all the hard choices yourself. Your partner will stay with you through the entire process.

Wealth Building Concierge (5)

Real Estate Investing Numbers

The key to successful Real Estate Investing. A deal works when the numbers work. We’ll walk through step by step so that you can analyze your own deals with confidence.

Wealth Building Concierge (6)

Real Estate Investing Strategy

Once you know your options and how the numbers work, you need to put together a strategy and a plan to take action. Remember, someone will be with you every step of the way.

Wealth Building Concierge (7)

Real Estate Investing offers, buying and closing

Work with your partner to close the deal while understanding the transaction with the group.

Wealth Building Concierge (8)

Get The Ins and Outs of Property management and teams

Figure out all there is to know about managing properties, hiring someone else to do it, and what you need to it, and expenses associated with it. We will introduce you to the right managers, contractors, and support you need for success.

Wealth Building Concierge (9)

Budget, plans, market timing and monopoly

Analyze your budget and plan to have the money you need to do the deals you want. Figure out how to gauge when to hold or sell based on variables in the market and profit projections so that you can keep your money working to meet your financial goals. See how to build on profits using 1031 exchanges, leveraging, partnerships, and pension funds.

Wealth Building Concierge (10)

Take the big money freedom stretch

Finally, look at how to hit your financial goals in investing with a time-line for your financially free future. How to build a nest egg for your kids, create college funds, retirement, and protect all your assets so that your financial security is ensured. Put your goals together with a mastery over your mindset and you will understand how to get and stay wealthy forever.

Wealth Building Concierge (11)

“You have completely changed my life, my friend. If you hadn’t insisted, in your sweet Tamar way, two years ago that I join your group, I would not own four properties, including two short-term rentals and a coffee shop on the Oregon Coast. Thanks for the “white glove” service and your alliance partners who helped find me these properties. You are a true mentor, and I thank you daily for my financial freedom. And so do my loved ones.

– Maria Bernhard, Entrepreneur and Real Estate Investor

Wealth Building Concierge (12)

“ I wanted to sell a few properties and move them into deals with solid returns and less work. Tamar introduced me to some great partners in Denver and supported me on the ins and outs of selling my rentals. I have a better handle on my finances and am on a great path to building my wealth. I’m more confident in my investment choices and the entire process of real estate by working with Tamar! “

-Shawna Bigby Davis, Creative Do-Gooder, Marketing Maven, Autoimmune Vigilante

Wealth Building Concierge (13)

“ I have gotten incredible advice and insight about my career and financial strategies. It has saved me thousands of dollars, and I am now ready to buy property! Thanks to Tamar’s “white glove service” for making the process move quickly. I never thought of myself as a property owner, and I love that the dream is closer than ever now. “

– Kim Colwell, Interior Designer; Feng Shui Master,

Wealth Building Concierge (14)

“ I have wanted to diversify my portfolio forever but could not get past all the details of buying real estate and was worried about losing money. Tamar made the process manageable, and I am happy to say that I closed on my first investment six months ago. I have a sense of pride and connection to my wealth building that did not exist with the stock market. Thanks for getting me over the hump, Tamar! I highly recommend joining the group and taking advantage of her alliance partners.“

-Kavita Daswani, writer and author

Wealth Building Concierge (15)

I went from growing up poor to putting millions in the bank. I was scared about my future and wanted a life of choice and freedom I didn’t have as a kid.

Like you, I worked hard in businesses and careers. While working, I was always stressed about my financial future. I disliked feeling like I had to keep doing jobs that weren’t my calling to live a comfortable life.I had no idea how I would afford to have kids, a nice big home, take great vacations, and retire.

In one of my stuck moments, wondering how to save more money, I thought, “Why am I paying rent?” and bought my first investment property.Over twenty years later, I bought several more properties, which increased exponentially in value and created an additional income stream that pays predictably every month and provides financial security for myself and my family.
It hasn’t been all roses. I have gotten many calls about broken toilets over the years!

Because I understand the power of real estate investing in creating time freedom and a lucrative additional income stream, I want to make it easy for all women to buy some! Since I know the barriers for women after working with hundreds, I created the white glove service.

Wealth Building Concierge (17)


Where do I start?

How do I keep from losing money?

Where do I find the time?

How can I understand all the variables?

Can I actually own real estate? (And lots of it?)


Wealth Building Concierge (21)

Wealth Building Concierge (22)

Wealth Building Concierge (23)

Have you ever felt like…

You’re living well now, but you aren’t sure what your financial future looks like?

You’ve savings is sitting in the bank earning a .01% interest rate because you don’t have the time to do anything else?

You’re waiting on the sidelines while other people keep making smart investment choices and getting rich?


Wealth Building Concierge (24)


Have confidence in the Real Estate investing process

Feel worthy and ready to grow wealth knowing your goals

Have a clear idea about your financial goals and how to get there

Have taken action with one or more properties in your portfolio

Feel a sense of pride and excitement about owning property

Have a group of women alongside you that support is never far away

Wealth Building Concierge (26)

Let’s talk about this investment for a second:


You will never be 100% ready.

If you are interested and hesitating, please give yourself permission to create the financial independence or additional income stream you want and take advantage of this opportunity.

You don’t want to grab a deal that doesn’t work, but you always want to grab the deal that does.

Wealth Building Concierge (27)

Can you guarantee that I will find a property?

No. I can tell you that if you follow the steps, put in the time, and are intentional about your investment goal, you will be successful. I promise the price tag relevant to the ROI (Return on investment) will pay for itself in multiples. I can guarantee you that there is always a deal out there. Remember, the white glove service takes a lot of the heavy lifting off your plate.

Will I get private access to you?

I want you to succeed, so anytime you tag me in the Facebook group and I will respond within 24 hours. You can also discuss deals and offers in the Q & A in the coaching sessions every other week. If you need my support 1:1, I coach couples and individuals as schedule permits for a substantially higher rate.

What if I can’t make a coaching session?

All of our calls will be held on Zoom and recorded so you will have access. Part of the reason you get four months is to ensure you have enough time to get through te entire process.

Do you offer a money-back guarantee?

You are playing to get the results and you will succeed if you do the work. I am confident that just from the first financial assessment session, you will get back more than your investment in the course. I am so invested in you taking action, I offer a 30-day money-back guarantee as long as you show you did the homework and were not satisfied with the results. (No one has ever taken it!) You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain! All you are missing is the knowledge and confidence to enter the real estate investing world with the support to get there.

The market seems to be going down; should I wait to buy?

Now is a fantastic time to start looking for a deal. You can do it while working a full-time job, being a mom, or being a busy entrepreneur. “You can find a way or an excuse,” says Jim Rohn. You can always be an investor. Wealthy people own real estate in addition to everything else they have happening in their lives.

I don’t have the money or am unsure if this is worth it. Any words of wisdom from the money coach?

If you don’t see the value in the offer by now, it is not the right choice for you. Being a real estate investor is about finding solutions, seeing opportunities and taking them. The price has been set to be doable for anyone. Most of my students make at least six figures, as investing is harder when you don’t have your essential financial needs in order. If it is something else, you need to figure out what is holding you back from getting support to get the desired results.

Are you a licensed Real Estate agent?

Yes, but you don’t need to be to invest in real estate. As an investor, it can be helpful but is not critical.

Can’t I do this alone? There is so much free information online.

Yes, you can do this alone. The fact that I never had access to a resource like the one I offer, and I was so hesitant and missed so many opportunities, is why I offer this opportunity today. Given the cost of real estate, it is worth the small investment for added support and education. There is a lot to understand, and a lot can go wrong. Additionally, it would help if you thumbed through a lot of material online that isn’t organized to figure out what works for you on the internet. I’m offering access to my vetted connections that have taken me years to create.

Wealth Building Concierge (28)

FREE: The Millionairess Mentality pt 2:

An Entrepreneur's Guide to Building Generational Wealth with Real Estate!

  • Shatter Your Financial Barriers

  • Build Your Real Estate Portfolio

  • Leverage Your Assets For Wealth Creation

Wealth Building Concierge (2024)


What is the secret to building wealth? ›

While get-rich-quick schemes sometimes may be enticing, the tried-and-true way to build wealth is through regular saving and investing—and patiently allowing that money to grow over time. It's fine to start small. The important thing is to start and to start early. Earn money and then save and invest it smartly.

What are the six steps to building wealth and being wealthy? ›

  • Step 1: Manage your money well. ...
  • Step 2: Increase your income. ...
  • Step 3: Invest your money wisely. ...
  • Step 4: Bring all the pieces together. ...
  • Step 5: Preserve your wealth. ...
  • Step 6: Estate and trust considerations.

What are the best practices for building wealth? ›

It's really common sense, but budgeting, maintaining a consistent savings habit, avoiding or paying off debt, stashing money away in an emergency fund and spending less than you make are all pillars of building wealth. Investing is the more glamorous side, and that's also necessary, of course.

How to build wealth quickly? ›

Here are a few tools that make wealth creation easier:
  1. Opt for an automatic savings program.
  2. Take advantage of your company's 401(k) retirement plan.
  3. Get checking accounts with better rates and less ATM use and transaction fees.
  4. Explore money market funds.
  5. Try out Certificates of Deposits (CDs)
  6. Invest in stocks.

What is the biggest secret to wealth? ›

7 Money Secrets All Wealthy People Know — And How You Can Use Them, Too
  • They Look at the Big Picture. Some wealthy people get rich quick. ...
  • They Avoid Debt. ...
  • They Search For Ways to Save. ...
  • They Always Want More. ...
  • They Know Time is Money. ...
  • They Have Patience. ...
  • They Believe Knowledge is Power.
Dec 12, 2023

What is your most powerful wealth building tool? ›

“Your most powerful wealth-building tool is your income. And when you spend your whole life sending loan payments to banks and credit card companies, you end up with less money to save and invest for your future.

What is the golden rule to create more wealth? ›

Spend Less and Save More

However, it is the key to your financial success. Though it is boring, only by spending less and saving will help you through your wealth management process. To create wealth, you need to have surplus funds to invest. Simply exhausting your income and not saving is not going to make you rich.

What are the three rules to be rich? ›

Here are three of those habits you can start right away that can put you on a path toward building wealth.
  • Tracking your spending. ...
  • Keeping an emergency fund. ...
  • Investing for the future.
Apr 10, 2024

What is the formula to become rich? ›

There's no magic formula for building wealth and getting rich. It's simple, really: Spend less than you earn, and save as much money as you possibly can.

What is the greatest barrier to wealth-building? ›

But beyond that, it could also impede your ability to achieve some long-term financial goals. In a recent survey by Edelman Financial Engines, 39% of respondents say that credit card debt is their biggest threat to building wealth. And 32% of wealthy respondents feel the same. It's easy to see why.

What are the 4 stages of building wealth? ›

Barbara Stanny describes the four stages of wealth as Survival, Stability, Wealth, and Affluence. Based on thousands of hours as both a client and a counselor in the money coaching process, here is my understanding of each stage.

What is the #1 way to accumulate wealth? ›

Invest. Investing puts the money you save to work, increasing your wealth. It's also the most effective way Americans can build their net worth and achieve long-term goals like retirement. The stock market is an ideal place for long-term investments.

What is the secret of getting wealth? ›

Wealthy people typically invest their money wisely, seeking professional advice when needed. They understand that growing their wealth requires making informed investment decisions. They don't simply let their money remain sitting in savings accounts; instead, they use it wisely through investments.

How to get rich from scratch? ›

Work with a financial professional with the expertise and experience to keep you on track.
  1. Start Saving Early. ...
  2. Avoid Unnecessary Spending and Debt. ...
  3. Save 15% of Your Income—or More. ...
  4. 4. Make More Money. ...
  5. Don't Give in to Lifestyle Inflation. ...
  6. Get Help If You Need It.
Apr 11, 2024

What is the simple secret to wealth? ›

The secret to wealth is simple: Find a way to do more for others than anyone else does. Become more valuable. Do more. Give more.

How can I attract wealth easily? ›

Here are eight actionable steps that complement the Law of Attraction.
  1. Face your fears. To become successful, you must overcome your fears. ...
  2. Create reminders everywhere. ...
  3. Execute big ideas. ...
  4. Mimic others. ...
  5. Exercise. ...
  6. Give with emotion. ...
  7. Invest in your team. ...
  8. Enjoy it — and keep it up.
Mar 28, 2019

What are the three things to build wealth? ›

Basically, to accumulate wealth over time, you need to do just three things: (1) Make money, (2) save money, and (3) invest money. This article looks at each step in turn.

What is the secret of rich person? ›

They know how to spend money in the right way

They understand that frivolous spending will only lead to short-term satisfaction and long-term financial troubles. Instead, wealthy people prioritize their expenses and focus on investing their money in smart and profitable ways.

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Author: Jonah Leffler

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Views: 6089

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (45 voted)

Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

Phone: +2611128251586

Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.