Versioned Key/value secrets engine | Vault | HashiCorp Developer (2024)

This tutorial demonstrates the K/V Secrets Engine version 2 with secret versioning.

The KV secrets engine v1 does not provide away to version or roll back secrets. This made it difficult to recover fromunintentional data loss or overwrite when more than one user is writing at thesame path.


Run the version 2 of KV secrets engine which can retain a configurablenumber of secret versions. This enables older versions' data to be retrievablein case of unwanted deletion or updates of the data. In addition, itsCheck-and-Set operations can be used to protect the data from being overwrittenunintentionally.

Versioned Key/value secrets engine | Vault | HashiCorp Developer (1)

What this tutorial covers

This tutorial will walk you through the basic features of the KV v2 secretsengine:

  • Step 1: Check the KV secrets engine version
  • Step 2: Write secrets
    • Patch the existing data
    • Add custom metadata
  • Step 3: Retrieve a specific version of secret
  • Step 4: Specify the number of versions to keep
  • Step 5: Delete versions of secret
  • Step 6: Permanently delete data
  • Step 7: Configure automatic data deletion
  • Step 8: Check-and-Set operations

To perform the tasks described in this tutorial, you need to have a Vaultenvironment. Refer to the GettingStarted tutorial to install Vault.

Launch Terminal

This tutorial includes a free interactive command-line lab that lets you follow along on actual cloud infrastructure.

Versioned Key/value secrets engine | Vault | HashiCorp Developer (2)

Policy requirements


For the purpose of this tutorial, you can use root token to workwith Vault. However, it is recommended that root tokens are only used forinitial setup or in emergencies. As a best practice, use tokens withappropriate set of policies based on your role in the organization.

To perform all tasks demonstrated in this tutorial, your policy must include thefollowing permissions:

# Write and manage secrets in key-value secrets enginepath "secret*" { capabilities = [ "create", "read", "update", "delete", "list", "patch" ]}# To enable secrets enginespath "sys/mounts/*" { capabilities = [ "create", "read", "update", "delete" ]}

Vault version

The -output-policy flag requires Vault 1.11.0 or later.

To perform all tasks demonstrated in this tutorial, you are going to need to runa number of vault CLI commands. Adding the -output-policy flag does notexecute the command, but instead prints the ACL policy needed to successfullyexecute the command.

Check the policy needed for kv put:

$ vault kv put -output-policy secret/customer/acme customer_name="ACME Inc." \ contact_email="[email protected]"


path "secret/data/customer/acme" { capabilities = ["create", "update"]}

Now, check the ACL policy needed for kv get:

$ vault kv get -output-policy secret/customer/acmepath "secret/data/customer/acme" { capabilities = ["read"]}

If you are not familiar with policies, complete thepolicies tutorial.

Lab setup


If you do not have access to an HCP Vault Dedicated cluster, visit the Create a Vault Cluster on HCP tutorial.

  1. Launch the HCP Portal and login.

  2. Click Vault in the left navigation pane.

  3. In the Vault clusters pane, click vault-cluster.

  4. Under Cluster URLs, click Public Cluster URL.Versioned Key/value secrets engine | Vault | HashiCorp Developer (3)

  5. In a terminal, set the VAULT_ADDR environment variable to the copiedaddress.

    $ export VAULT_ADDR=<Public_Cluster_URL>
  6. Return to the Overview page and click Generate token.Versioned Key/value secrets engine | Vault | HashiCorp Developer (4)

    Within a few moments, a new token will be generated.

  7. Copy the Admin Token.Versioned Key/value secrets engine | Vault | HashiCorp Developer (5)

  8. Return to the terminal and set the VAULT_TOKEN environment variable.

    $ export VAULT_TOKEN=<token>
  9. Set the VAULT_NAMESPACE environment variable to admin.

    $ export VAULT_NAMESPACE=admin

    The admin namespace is the top-level namespace automatically created by HCPVault. All CLI operations default to use the namespace defined in thisenvironment variable.

  10. Type vault status to verify your connectivity to the Vault cluster.

    $ vault statusKey Value--- -----Recovery Seal Type shamirInitialized trueSealed falseTotal Recovery Shares 1Threshold 1Version 1.9.2+entStorage Type raft...snipped...

The Vault Dedicated server is ready.

(Persona: admin)

The Vault server started in devmode, automatically enables v2of the KV secrets engine at the secret/ path. Verify that KV secrets engineis enabled and is set to version 2.

Display all the enabled secrets engine.

$ vault secrets list -detailedPath Type Accessor ... Options Description---- ---- -------- ------- -----------cubbyhole/ cubbyhole cubbyhole_9d52aeac ... map[] per-token private secret storageidentity/ identity identity_acea5ba9 ... map[] identity storesecret/ kv kv_2226b7d3 ... map[version:2] key/value secret storage...

The results display a table of all enabled secrets engines. One entry in thetable has the Path of secret/ with the Type of kv. The Optionscolumn displays the version number.

Enable KV v2 at secret/.

$ vault secrets enable -path=secret kv-v2

If the KV version is version:1, upgrade it to version:2.

$ vault kv enable-versioning secret/

Display all the enabled secrets engine.

$ curl --header "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" \ --header "X-Vault-Namespace: $VAULT_NAMESPACE" \ $VAULT_ADDR/v1/sys/mounts | jq


This example uses jq toprocess the JSON output for readability.

Example output:

...snip... "secret/": { "accessor": "kv_f42ae9d1", "config": { "default_lease_ttl": 0, "force_no_cache": false, "max_lease_ttl": 0 }, "description": "key/value secret storage", "external_entropy_access": false, "local": false, "options": { "version": "2" }, "seal_wrap": false, "type": "kv", "uuid": "b3ffe87c-4479-552c-7338-946deda76b39" },...snip...

The results display all the enabled secrets engines. One entry in the resultshas the path of secret/ with the type of kv. The options displays theversion number.

Enable KV v2 at secret/.

$ curl --header "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" \ --header "X-Vault-Namespace: $VAULT_NAMESPACE" \ --request POST \ --data '{ "type": "kv-v2" }' \ $VAULT_ADDR/v1/sys/mounts/secret

If the KV version is 1, upgrade it to 2.

Create an API request payload specifying the version.

$ tee payload.json <<EOF{ "options": { "version": "2" }}EOF

Upgrade the secrets engine at path secret to version 2.

$ curl --header "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" \ --header "X-Vault-Namespace: $VAULT_NAMESPACE" \ --request POST \ --data @payload.json \ $VAULT_ADDR/v1/sys/mounts/secret/tune

Open a web browser and launch the Vault UI (e.g. http://localhost:8200/ui) andthen login. Versioned Key/value secrets engine | Vault | HashiCorp Developer (6)


If secret/ does NOT indicate as v2 you can upgrade it from v1 to v2.

Click the Vault CLI shell icon (>_) to open a command shell. Execute thefollowing command to upgrade it to v2:

$ vault write sys/mounts/secret/tune version=2

Versioned Key/value secrets engine | Vault | HashiCorp Developer (7)


If KV secrets engine is not enabled, enable KV v2 secrets engineat secret/ path.

  1. Click Enable new engine. Select KV from the list, and then clickNext. Versioned Key/value secrets engine | Vault | HashiCorp Developer (8)

  2. Enter secret in the Path field.

  3. Expand Method Options and make sure the Version is set as 2.

  4. Click Enable Engine to complete.

Step 2: Write secrets

To understand how the versioning works, let's write some test data.

Create a secret at the path secret/customer/acme with a name andcontact_email.

$ vault kv put secret/customer/acme customer_name="ACME Inc." \ contact_email="[email protected]"

New in Vault 1.11.0: The following command is equivalent to the abovecommand.

$ vault kv put -mount=secret customer/acme customer_name="ACME Inc." \ contact_email="[email protected]"

Example output:

====== Secret Path ======secret/data/customer/acme======= Metadata =======Key Value--- -----created_time 2022-06-13T13:41:45.673767Zcustom_metadata <nil>deletion_time n/adestroyed falseversion 1

The secret stores metadata along with the secret data. The versionis an auto-incrementing number that starts at 1.

Create secret at the same path secret/customer/acme but with differentsecret data.

$ vault kv put secret/customer/acme customer_name="ACME Inc." \ contact_email="[email protected]"

Example output:

====== Secret Path ======secret/data/customer/acme======= Metadata =======Key Value--- -----created_time 2022-06-13T13:41:45.673767Zcustom_metadata <nil>deletion_time n/adestroyed falseversion 2

The secret is fully replaced and the version is incremented to 2.

Get the secret defined at the path secret/customer/acme.

$ vault kv get secret/customer/acme

New in Vault 1.11.0: The following command is equivalent to the abovecommand.

$ vault kv get -mount=secret customer/acme

Example output:

====== Secret Path ======secret/data/customer/acme======= Metadata =======Key Value--- -----created_time 2022-06-13T12:59:47.15049Zcustom_metadata <nil>deletion_time n/adestroyed falseversion 2======== Data ========Key Value--- -----contact_email [email protected]name ACME Inc.

The output displays version 2 of the secret. Creating a secret at the same pathreplaces the existing data; fields are not merged together. The secret datastored in earlier versions is still accessible but it is no longer returned bydefault.

Patch the existing data

While vault kv put fully replaces the current version of the secret;therefore, you need to send the entire set of data including the values thatremain the same. To partially update the current version of the secret, you canuse vault kv patch command instead.

Use case: Think of an application that does not have read permission, butcaptures partial data updates. The vault kv patch command allows theapplication to send only the changing values to Vault.

ACL Policy

KV v2 secrets engine honors the distinction between thecreate and update capabilities inside ACL policies. The patch capabilityis also supported which is used to represent partial updates whereas theupdate capability represents full overwrites. To permit partial updates, besure to add patch capability in the ACL policy.

Update the contact_email value to [email protected] (current value is[email protected]).

$ vault kv patch secret/customer/acme contact_email="[email protected]"

Example output:

====== Secret Path ======secret/data/customer/acme======= Metadata =======Key Value--- -----created_time 2022-06-13T13:40:17.992243Zcustom_metadata <nil>deletion_time n/adestroyed falseversion 6

The patch command creates a new version of the secret which merges the fieldswithin the secret data.

Read the secret at secret/customer/acme to verify the change.

$ vault kv get secret/customer/acme====== Secret Path ======secret/data/customer/acme======= Metadata =======Key Value--- -----created_time 2022-06-13T13:41:45.673767Zcustom_metadata <nil>deletion_time n/adestroyed falseversion 3======== Data ========Key Value--- -----contact_email [email protected]customer_name ACME Inc.

The contact_email value is updated to [email protected], and the version isnow 3.

Add custom metadata

You saw that the secret's key (in this example, secret/customer/acme) hasmetadata associated with it. An organization may wish to add custom metadatadescribing further details (technical contact, mission criticality, etc.) aboutthe secret.

When you are running Vault 1.9.0 or later, you can add custom metadata usingcustom_metadata parameter. This feature stores a map of arbitrarystring-to-string valued user-provided metadata meant to describe the secret.

$ vault kv metadata put -custom-metadata=Membership="Platinum" secret/customer/acmeSuccess! Data written to: secret/metadata/customer/acme

The -custom-metadata flag can be repeated to add multiple key-value pairs.

$ vault kv metadata put -custom-metadata=Membership="Platinum" \ -custom-metadata=Region="US West" secret/customer/acme


Success! Data written to: secret/metadata/customer/acme

Now, when you read the secret, the returned secret metadata displays the custommetadata.

$ vault kv get secret/customer/acme

Example output:

====== Secret Path ======secret/data/customer/acme======= Metadata =======Key Value--- -----created_time 2022-06-13T13:41:45.673767Zcustom_metadata map[Membership:Platinum Region:US West]deletion_time n/adestroyed falseversion 3======== Data ========Key Value--- -----contact_email [email protected]customer_name ACME Inc.

Create an API request payload containing some test data.

$ tee payload.json <<EOF{ "data": { "name": "ACME Inc.", "contact_email": "[email protected]" }}EOF

Write some data at secret/customer/acme.

$ curl --header "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" \ --header "X-Vault-Namespace: $VAULT_NAMESPACE" \ --request POST \ --data @payload.json \ $VAULT_ADDR/v1/secret/data/customer/acme | jq

Example output:

{ "request_id": "e8021c29-394e-faee-ecab-9a2d55a6f622", "lease_id": "", "renewable": false, "lease_duration": 0, "data": { "created_time": "2021-10-29T02:08:37.389337Z", "custom_metadata": null, "deletion_time": "", "destroyed": false, "version": 1 }, "wrap_info": null, "warnings": null, "auth": null}

Notice that the endpoint for KV v2 is /secret/data/<path>; therefore towrite secrets at secret/customer/acme, the API endpoint becomes/secret/data/customer/acme.

Create an API request payload containing the data to update the current data.

$ tee payload_2.json <<EOF{ "data": { "customer_name": "ACME Inc.", "contact_email": "[email protected]" }}EOF

Update the secret to create another version.

$ curl --header "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" \ --header "X-Vault-Namespace: $VAULT_NAMESPACE" \ --request POST \ --data @payload_2.json \ $VAULT_ADDR/v1/secret/data/customer/acme | jq

Example output:

{ "request_id": "8fcdec0f-99bb-a62a-20be-e3239e8a2d7a", "lease_id": "", "renewable": false, "lease_duration": 0, "data": { "created_time": "2021-10-29T02:09:32.112647Z", "custom_metadata": null, "deletion_time": "", "destroyed": false, "version": 2 }, "wrap_info": null, "warnings": null, "auth": null}

Now you have two versions of the secret/customer/acme data.

Read back the secret.

$ curl --header "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" \ --header "X-Vault-Namespace: $VAULT_NAMESPACE" \ $VAULT_ADDR/v1/secret/data/customer/acme | jq -r ".data"

Example output:

{ "data": { "contact_email": "[email protected]", "customer_name": "ACME Inc." }, "metadata": { "created_time": "2021-10-29T02:09:32.112647Z", "custom_metadata": null, "deletion_time": "", "destroyed": false, "version": 2 }}

Patch the existing data

While POST fully replaces the current version of the secret; therefore, youneed to send the entire set of data including the values that remain the same.When you are running Vault 1.9.0 or later, you can use PATCH to partiallyupdate the current version of the secret.

Use case: Use case: Think of an application that does not have readpermission, but captures partial data updates. The PATCH operation allows theapplication to send only the changing values to Vault.

ACL Policy

KV v2 secrets engine honors the distinction between thecreate and update capabilities inside ACL policies. The patch capabilityis also supported which is used to represent partial updates whereas theupdate capability represents full overwrites. To permit partial updates, besure to add patch capability in the ACL policy.

Update the contact_email value to [email protected] (current value is[email protected]).

Create an API request payload containing the data to update the current data.

$ tee payload_patch.json <<EOF{ "data": { "contact_email": "[email protected]" }}EOF

Update the secret to create another version.

$ curl --header "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" \ --header "X-Vault-Namespace: $VAULT_NAMESPACE" \ --header "Content-Type: application/merge-patch+json" \ --request PATCH \ --data @payload_patch.json \ $VAULT_ADDR/v1/secret/data/customer/acme | jq

This uses JSON mergepatchand must be specified using a Content-Type header value ofapplication/merge-patch+json.

Example output:

{ "request_id": "deadc6ad-473d-2433-ae2c-5c4a2fecbbc6", "lease_id": "", "renewable": false, "lease_duration": 0, "data": { "created_time": "2021-10-29T02:11:45.005824Z", "custom_metadata": null, "deletion_time": "", "destroyed": false, "version": 3 }, "wrap_info": null, "warnings": null, "auth": null}

Read back the secret.

$ curl --header "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" \ --header "X-Vault-Namespace: $VAULT_NAMESPACE" \ $VAULT_ADDR/v1/secret/data/customer/acme | jq -r ".data"

Example output:

{ "data": { "contact_email": "[email protected]", "customer_name": "ACME Inc." }, "metadata": { "created_time": "2021-10-29T02:11:45.005824Z", "custom_metadata": null, "deletion_time": "", "destroyed": false, "version": 3 }}

The contact_email value is updated to [email protected], adn the version isnow 3.

Add custom metadata


This section describes new feature introduced in Vault 1.9.0.

You saw that the secret's key (in this example, secret/customer/acme) hasmetadata associated with it. An organization may wish to add custom metadatadescribing further details (technical contact, mission criticality, etc.) aboutthe secret.

When you are running Vault 1.9.0 or later, you can add custom metadata usingcustom_metadata parameter. This feature stores a map of arbitrarystring-to-string valued user-provided metadata meant to describe the secret.

Create an API request payload containing the custom metadata.

$ tee payload_metadata.json <<EOF{ "custom_metadata": { "Membership": "Platinum", "Region": "US West" }}EOF

Update the secret key metadata.

$ curl --header "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" \ --header "X-Vault-Namespace: $VAULT_NAMESPACE" \ --request POST \ --data @payload_metadata.json \ $VAULT_ADDR/v1/secret/metadata/customer/acme

Read back the secret.

$ curl --header "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" \ --header "X-Vault-Namespace: $VAULT_NAMESPACE" \ $VAULT_ADDR/v1/secret/data/customer/acme | jq -r ".data"

Example output:

{ "data": { "contact_email": "[email protected]", "customer_name": "ACME Inc." }, "metadata": { "created_time": "2021-10-29T02:11:45.005824Z", "custom_metadata": { "Membership": "Platinum", "Region": "US West" }, "deletion_time": "", "destroyed": false, "version": 3 }}

The returned secret metadata displays the custom metadata.

  1. In the Web UI, select secret/ and then click Create secret. Entercustomer/acme in the Path for this secret field.

  2. Under Secret data, enter name in the key field, and ACME Inc. in itsvalue field. You can click on the sensitive information toggle to show theentered secret values.

  3. Click Add.

  4. Enter contact_email in the second key field, and [email protected] as itsvalue.Versioned Key/value secrets engine | Vault | HashiCorp Developer (9)

  5. Click Save.

  6. To update the existing secret, select Create new version.sVersioned Key/value secrets engine | Vault | HashiCorp Developer (10)

  7. Change the contact_email value (e.g. [email protected]) and then clickSave.

Add custom metadata


This section describes new feature introduced in Vault 1.9.0.

You saw that the secret's key (in this example, secret/customer/acme) hasmetadata associated with it. An organization may wish to add custom metadatadescribing further details (technical contact, mission criticality, etc.) aboutthe secret.

  1. Select the Metadata tab, and then click Add metadata.Versioned Key/value secrets engine | Vault | HashiCorp Developer (11)

  2. Under Custom metadata, enter Membership in the key field, and Platinum inits value field.

  3. Click Add.

  4. Enter Region in the second key field, and US West in its value field.Versioned Key/value secrets engine | Vault | HashiCorp Developer (12)

  5. Click Save. Now, metadata is set on the secret/customer/acme key.

You may run into a situation where you need to view the secret before an update.

Get version 1 of the secret defined at the path secret/customer/acme.

$ vault kv get -version=13 secret/customer/acme====== Secret Path ======secret/data/customer/acme======= Metadata =======Key Value--- -----created_time 2022-06-13T15:09:01.710331Zcustom_metadata map[Membership:Platinum Region:US West]deletion_time n/adestroyed falseversion 13======== Data ========Key Value--- -----contact_email [email protected]customer_name ACME Inc.

Get the metadata of the secret defined at the path secret/customer/acme.

$ vault kv metadata get secret/customer/acme======= Metadata Path =======secret/metadata/customer/acme========== Metadata ==========Key Value--- -----cas_required falsecreated_time 2021-10-31T00:08:46.869191Zcurrent_version 3custom_metadata map[Membership:Platinum Region:US West]delete_version_after 0smax_versions 0oldest_version 0updated_time 2021-10-31T00:10:14.147236Z====== Version 1 ======Key Value--- -----created_time 2021-10-31T00:08:46.869191Zdeletion_time n/adestroyed false====== Version 2 ======Key Value--- -----created_time 2021-10-31T00:09:32.659503Zdeletion_time n/adestroyed false====== Version 3 ======Key Value--- -----created_time 2021-10-31T00:10:14.147236Zdeletion_time n/adestroyed false

Get version 1 of the secret defined at the path secret/customer/acme.

$ curl --header "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" \ --header "X-Vault-Namespace: $VAULT_NAMESPACE" \ $VAULT_ADDR/v1/secret/data/customer/acme\?version=1 | jq -r ".data"

Example output:

{ "data": { "contact_email": "[email protected]", "name": "ACME Inc." }, "metadata": { "created_time": "2021-10-29T02:08:37.389337Z", "custom_metadata": { "Membership": "Platinum", "Region": "US West" }, "deletion_time": "", "destroyed": false, "version": 1 }}

Get the metadata of the secret defined at the path secret/customer/acme.

$ curl --header "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" \ --header "X-Vault-Namespace: $VAULT_NAMESPACE" \ $VAULT_ADDR/v1/secret/metadata/customer/acme | jq -r ".data"

Example output:

{ "cas_required": false, "created_time": "2021-10-29T02:08:37.389337Z", "current_version": 3, "custom_metadata": { "Membership": "Platinum", "Region": "US West" }, "delete_version_after": "0s", "max_versions": 0, "oldest_version": 0, "updated_time": "2021-10-29T02:11:45.005824Z", "versions": { "1": { "created_time": "2021-10-29T02:08:37.389337Z", "deletion_time": "", "destroyed": false }, "2": { "created_time": "2021-10-29T02:09:32.112647Z", "deletion_time": "", "destroyed": false }, "3": { "created_time": "2021-10-29T02:11:45.005824Z", "deletion_time": "", "destroyed": false } }}
  1. Click the Secret tab.

  2. Select the down-arrow next to Version 2 and then Version 1Versioned Key/value secrets engine | Vault | HashiCorp Developer (13)

  3. The version changes from Version 2 to Version 1. To view the raw values,click on the sensitive information toggle.Versioned Key/value secrets engine | Vault | HashiCorp Developer (14)

  4. To create a new version of the secrets based on the Version 1 data, Createnew version +.Versioned Key/value secrets engine | Vault | HashiCorp Developer (15)

    This can help revert an older version of the secrets.

Step 4: Specify the number of versions to keep

By default, the kv-v2 secrets engine keeps up to 10 versions. Let's limit themaximum number of versions to keep to be 4.

Configure the secrets engine at path secret/ to limit all secrets to amaximum of 4 versions.

$ vault write secret/config max_versions=4Success! Data written to: secret/config

Every secret stored for this engine are set to a maximum of 4 versions.

Display the secrets engine configuration settings.

$ vault read secret/configKey Value--- -----cas_required falsedelete_version_after 0smax_versions 4

Configure the secret at path secret/customer/acme to limit secrets toa maximum of 4 versions.

$ vault kv metadata put -max-versions=4 secret/customer/acmeSuccess! Data written to: secret/metadata/customer/acme

The secret can also define the maximum number of versions.

Create four more secrets at the path secret/customer/acme.

$ vault kv put secret/customer/acme name="ACME Inc." \ contact_email="[email protected]"

Get the metadata of the secret defined at the path secret/customer/acme.

$ vault kv metadata get secret/customer/acme

Example output:

======= Metadata Path =======secret/metadata/customer/acme========== Metadata ==========Key Value--- -----cas_required falsecreated_time 2021-10-31T00:08:46.869191Zcurrent_version 7custom_metadata map[Membership:Platinum Region:US West]delete_version_after 0smax_versions 4oldest_version 4updated_time 2021-10-31T00:15:04.591209Z====== Version 4 ======Key Value--- -----created_time 2021-10-31T00:14:59.830407Zdeletion_time n/adestroyed false====== Version 5 ======Key Value--- -----created_time 2021-10-31T00:15:01.892226Zdeletion_time n/adestroyed false====== Version 6 ======Key Value--- -----created_time 2021-10-31T00:15:03.418051Zdeletion_time n/adestroyed false====== Version 7 ======Key Value--- -----created_time 2021-10-31T00:15:04.591209Zdeletion_time n/adestroyed false

The metadata displays the current_version and the history of versions stored.Secrets stored at this path are limited to 4 versions. Version 1 and 2 aredeleted.

Verify that version 1 of the secret defined at the path secret/customer/acmeare deleted.

$ vault kv get -version=1 secret/customer/acmeNo value found at secret/data/customer/acme

Create an API request payload specifying the max_versions to 4.

$ tee payload-config.json<<EOF{ "max_versions": 4, "cas_required": false}EOF

Configure the secrets engine at path secret/ to limit all secrets to amaximum of 4 versions.

$ curl --header "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" \ --header "X-Vault-Namespace: $VAULT_NAMESPACE" \ --request POST \ --data @payload-config.json \ $VAULT_ADDR/v1/secret/config

Every secret stored for this engine are set to a maximum of 4 versions.

Display the secrets engine configuration settings.

$ curl --header "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" \ --header "X-Vault-Namespace: $VAULT_NAMESPACE" \ $VAULT_ADDR/v1/secret/config | jq -r ".data"

The output should as follow:

{ "cas_required": false, "delete_version_after": "0s", "max_versions": 4}

Configure the secret at path secret/customer/acme to limit secrets toa maximum of 4 versions.

$ curl --header "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" \ --header "X-Vault-Namespace: $VAULT_NAMESPACE" \ --request POST \ --data @payload.json \ $VAULT_ADDR/v1/secret/metadata/customer/acme

The secret can also define the maximum number of versions.

Create four more secrets at the path secret/customer/acme.

$ curl --header "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" \ --header "X-Vault-Namespace: $VAULT_NAMESPACE" \ --request POST \ --data @payload.json \ $VAULT_ADDR/v1/secret/data/customer/acme

Get the metadata of the secret defined at the path secret/customer/acme.

$ curl --header "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" \ --header "X-Vault-Namespace: $VAULT_NAMESPACE" \ $VAULT_ADDR/v1/secret/metadata/customer/acme | jq -r ".data"

Example output:

{ "cas_required": false, "created_time": "2021-10-29T02:08:37.389337Z", "current_version": 7, "custom_metadata": { "Membership": "Platinum", "Region": "US West" }, "delete_version_after": "0s", "max_versions": 0, "oldest_version": 4, "updated_time": "2021-10-29T02:57:54.601033Z", "versions": { "4": { "created_time": "2021-10-29T02:55:31.078902Z", "deletion_time": "", "destroyed": false }, "5": { "created_time": "2021-10-29T02:57:13.519347Z", "deletion_time": "", "destroyed": false }, "6": { "created_time": "2021-10-29T02:57:21.096945Z", "deletion_time": "", "destroyed": false }, "7": { "created_time": "2021-10-29T02:57:54.601033Z", "deletion_time": "", "destroyed": false } }}

The metadata displays the current_version and the history of versions stored.Secrets stored at this path are limited to 4 versions. Version 1, 2, and 3 aredeleted.

Verify that version 1 of the secret defined at the path secret/customer/acmeare deleted.

$ curl --header "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" \ --header "X-Vault-Namespace: $VAULT_NAMESPACE" \ $VAULT_ADDR/v1/secret/data/customer/acme\?version=1 | jq

The output should look as follow:

{ "errors": []}
  1. Click the Vault CLI shell icon (>_) to open a command shell. Execute thefollowing command to tune the maximum number of versions to keep:

    $ vault write secret/config max_versions=4

    Versioned Key/value secrets engine | Vault | HashiCorp Developer (16)

  2. Click the icon (>_) again to hide the shell.

  3. Overwrite the data a few more times to see what happens to its versions.Versioned Key/value secrets engine | Vault | HashiCorp Developer (17)

    In this example, the current version is 6. Notice that version 1 and 2 do notshow up in the metadata. Because the kv secrets engine is configured to keep only4 versions, the oldest two versions are permanently deleted and you won't beable to read them.

Delete version 4 and 5 of the secrets at path secret/customer/acme.

$ vault kv delete -versions="4,5" secret/customer/acmeSuccess! Data deleted (if it existed) at: secret/customer/acme

Get the metadata of the secret defined at the path secret/customer/acme.

$ vault kv metadata get secret/customer/acme##...snip...====== Version 4 ======Key Value--- -----created_time 2021-10-31T00:14:59.830407Zdeletion_time 2021-10-31T00:16:25.860618Zdestroyed false====== Version 5 ======Key Value--- -----created_time 2021-10-31T00:15:01.892226Zdeletion_time 2021-10-31T00:16:25.860619Zdestroyed false##...snip...

The metadata on versions 4 and 5 reports its deletion timestamp(deletion_time); however, the destroyed parameter is set to false.

Undelete version 5 of the secrets at path secret/customer/acme.

$ vault kv undelete -versions=5 secret/customer/acmeSuccess! Data written to: secret/undelete/customer/acme

Delete version 4 and 5 of the secrets at path secret/customer/acme.

$ curl --header "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" \ --header "X-Vault-Namespace: $VAULT_NAMESPACE" \ --request POST \ --data '{ "versions":[4,5] }' \ $VAULT_ADDR/v1/secret/delete/customer/acme

Get the metadata of the secret defined at the path secret/customer/acme.

$ curl --header "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" \ --header "X-Vault-Namespace: $VAULT_NAMESPACE" \ $VAULT_ADDR/v1/secret/metadata/customer/acme | jq -r ".data.versions"

Example output:

{ "4": { "created_time": "2021-10-29T02:55:31.078902Z", "deletion_time": "2021-10-29T03:05:26.946674Z", "destroyed": false }, "5": { "created_time": "2021-10-29T02:57:13.519347Z", "deletion_time": "2021-10-29T03:05:26.946675Z", "destroyed": false }, "6": { "created_time": "2021-10-29T02:57:21.096945Z", "deletion_time": "", "destroyed": false }, "7": { "created_time": "2021-10-29T02:57:54.601033Z", "deletion_time": "", "destroyed": false }}

The metadata on versions 4 and 5 reports its deletion timestamp(deletion_time); however, the destroyed parameter is set to false.

You can undelete version 5 of the secrets at path secret/customer/acme if itwas deleted accidentally.

$ curl --header "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" \ --header "X-Vault-Namespace: $VAULT_NAMESPACE" \ --request POST \ --data '{ "versions":[5] }' \ $VAULT_ADDR/v1/secret/undelete/customer/acme

Delete versions 4 and 5.

  1. At the secret/customer/acme path, select the down-arrow next to Version 6 and then select Version 5, and then click Delete.Versioned Key/value secrets engine | Vault | HashiCorp Developer (18)

  2. At the confirmation dialog, the Delete this version radio button, and then click Delete to proceed.Versioned Key/value secrets engine | Vault | HashiCorp Developer (19)

  3. If version 5 was deleted by mistake and you wish to recover, selectUndelete from then menu.

  4. Delete Version 4. Now, Version 4 should be marked as deleted.

  5. Select Version 4 and then View version history. Here you can see the state of all versions.

Step 6: Permanently delete data

Destroy version 4 of the secrets at path secret/customer/acme.

$ vault kv destroy -versions=4 secret/customer/acmeSuccess! Data written to: secret/destroy/customer/acme

Get the metadata of the secret defined at the path secret/customer/acme.

$ vault kv metadata get secret/customer/acme##...snip...====== Version 4 ======Key Value--- -----created_time 2021-10-31T00:14:59.830407Zdeletion_time 2021-10-31T00:16:25.860618Zdestroyed true##...snip...

The metadata displays that Version 4 is destroyed.

Delete all versions of the secret at the path secret/customer/acme.

$ vault kv metadata delete secret/customer/acmeSuccess! Data deleted (if it existed) at: secret/metadata/customer/acme

Destroy version 4 of the secrets at path secret/customer/acme.

$ curl --header "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" \ --header "X-Vault-Namespace: $VAULT_NAMESPACE" \ --request POST \ --data '{ "versions":[4] }' \ $VAULT_ADDR/v1/secret/destroy/customer/acme

Get the metadata of the secret defined at the path secret/customer/acme.

$ curl --header "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" \ --header "X-Vault-Namespace: $VAULT_NAMESPACE" \ $VAULT_ADDR/v1/secret/metadata/customer/acme | jq -r ".data.versions"

Example output:

{ "4": { "created_time": "2021-10-29T02:55:31.078902Z", "deletion_time": "2021-10-29T03:05:26.946674Z", "destroyed": true }, "5": { "created_time": "2021-10-29T02:57:13.519347Z", "deletion_time": "", "destroyed": false }, "6": { "created_time": "2021-10-29T02:57:21.096945Z", "deletion_time": "", "destroyed": false }, "7": { "created_time": "2021-10-29T02:57:54.601033Z", "deletion_time": "", "destroyed": false }}

The metadata indicates that Version 4 is destroyed.

Delete all versions of the secret at the path secret/customer/acme.

$ curl --header "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" \ --header "X-Vault-Namespace: $VAULT_NAMESPACE" \ --request DELETE \ $VAULT_ADDR/v1/secret/metadata/customer/acme

To permanently delete a version of secret, simply select Permanently destroyversion from its menu.

  1. Select Version 4 from the menu and switch to Version 3.

  2. Select Delete, choose Destroy this version and then click Delete.

  3. Select Version 3 from the menu and switch to View version history.

  4. You can see that Version 3 is Destroyed and Version 4 is Deleted.

As of Vault 1.2, you can configure the length of time before a version getsdeleted. For example, if your organization requires data to be deleted after 10days from its creation, you can configure the K/V v2 secrets engine to do so bysetting the delete_version_after parameter.

For demonstration, configure the secrets at path secret/test to deleteversions after 40 seconds.

$ vault kv metadata put -delete-version-after=40s secret/test 10:52:05Success! Data written to: secret/metadata/test

Create a secret at the path secret/test.

$ vault kv put secret/test message="data1"

Again, create a secret at the path secret/test.

$ vault kv put secret/test message="data2"

Again, create a secret at the path secret/test.

$ vault kv put secret/test message="data3"


You can use upper-arrow key to recover the previously executedcommand.

Get the metadata of the secret defined at the path secret/test.

$ vault kv metadata get secret/test

Example output:

=== Metadata Path ===secret/metadata/test========== Metadata ==========Key Value--- -----cas_required falsecreated_time 2021-05-28T19:03:03.618924Zcurrent_version 3delete_version_after 40smax_versions 0oldest_version 0updated_time 2021-05-28T19:03:20.857496Z====== Version 1 ======Key Value--- -----created_time 2021-05-28T19:03:09.818797Zdeletion_time 2021-05-28T19:03:49.818797Zdestroyed false====== Version 2 ======Key Value--- -----created_time 2021-05-28T19:03:16.991649Zdeletion_time 2021-05-28T19:03:56.991649Zdestroyed false====== Version 3 ======Key Value--- -----created_time 2021-05-28T19:03:20.857496Zdeletion_time 2021-05-28T19:04:00.857496Zdestroyed false

The metadata displays a deletion_time set on each version. After 40 seconds,the data gets deleted automatically. The data has not been destroyed.

Get version 1 of the secret defined at the path secret/test.

$ vault kv get -version=1 secret/test== Secret Path ==secret/data/test====== Metadata ======Key Value--- -----created_time 2021-05-28T19:03:09.818797Zdeletion_time 2021-05-28T19:03:49.818797Zdestroyed falseversion 1===== Data =====Key Value--- -----message data1

For demonstration, configure the secrets at path secret/test to deleteversions after 40 seconds.

$ curl --header "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" \ --header "X-Vault-Namespace: $VAULT_NAMESPACE" \ --request POST \ --data '{ "delete_version_after": "40s" }' \ $VAULT_ADDR/v1/secret/metadata/test

Create a secret at the path secret/test.

$ curl --header "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" \ --header "X-Vault-Namespace: $VAULT_NAMESPACE" \ --request POST \ --data '{"data": {"message": "data1"}}' \ $VAULT_ADDR/v1/secret/data/test | jq -r ".data"

Example output:

{ "created_time": "2021-10-29T03:15:39.375151Z", "custom_metadata": null, "deletion_time": "2021-10-29T03:16:19.375151Z", "destroyed": false, "version": 1}

Again, create a secret at the path secret/test.

$ curl --header "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" \ --header "X-Vault-Namespace: $VAULT_NAMESPACE" \ --request POST \ --data '{"data": {"message": "data2"}}' \ $VAULT_ADDR/v1/secret/data/test

Again, create a secret at the path secret/test.

$ curl --header "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" \ --header "X-Vault-Namespace: $VAULT_NAMESPACE" \ --request POST \ --data '{"data": {"message": "data3"}}' \ $VAULT_ADDR/v1/secret/data/test

Get the metadata of the secret defined at the path secret/test.

$ curl --header "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" \ --header "X-Vault-Namespace: $VAULT_NAMESPACE" \ $VAULT_ADDR/v1/secret/metadata/test | jq -r ".data"

Example output:

{ "cas_required": false, "created_time": "2021-10-29T03:15:31.743167Z", "current_version": 3, "custom_metadata": null, "delete_version_after": "40s", "max_versions": 0, "oldest_version": 0, "updated_time": "2021-10-29T03:16:11.848245Z", "versions": { "1": { "created_time": "2021-10-29T03:15:39.375151Z", "deletion_time": "2021-10-29T03:16:19.375151Z", "destroyed": false }, "2": { "created_time": "2021-10-29T03:16:03.366448Z", "deletion_time": "2021-10-29T03:16:43.366448Z", "destroyed": false }, "3": { "created_time": "2021-10-29T03:16:11.848245Z", "deletion_time": "2021-10-29T03:16:51.848245Z", "destroyed": false } }}

The metadata displays a deletion_time set on each version. After 40 seconds,the data gets deleted automatically. The data has not been destroyed.

Get version 1 of the secret defined at the path `secret/test.

$ curl --header "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" \ --header "X-Vault-Namespace: $VAULT_NAMESPACE" \ $VAULT_ADDR/v1/secret/data/test\?version=1 | jq -r ".data"

Example output:

{ "data": null, "metadata": { "created_time": "2021-10-29T03:15:39.375151Z", "custom_metadata": null, "deletion_time": "2021-10-29T03:16:19.375151Z", "destroyed": false, "version": 1 }}


This section describes the new UI feature introduced in Vault1.9.0. If you are running Vault 1.2 or later, but earlier than 1.9, use theVault CLI or API to configure automatic data deletion.

For demonstration, configure the secrets at path secret/test to deleteversions after 40 seconds.

  1. In the Web UI, select secret/ and then click Create secret.

  2. Enter test in the Path for this secret field.

  3. Under Secret data, enter message in the key field, and data1 in itsvalue field.

  4. Expand Show secret metadata.

  5. Slide the Automate secret deletion toggle to enable it, and enter 40 toset the secrets at this path to be deleted after 40 seconds.Versioned Key/value secrets engine | Vault | HashiCorp Developer (20)

  6. Click Save.

  7. Click Create new version +, and then click Save to create a newversion of the secret.

  8. Repeat the step a couple of more times to create multiple versions of thesecret.

  9. Select the Metadata tab, and you should see that the Delete versionafter parameter is set to 40s.Versioned Key/value secrets engine | Vault | HashiCorp Developer (21)

  10. Wait for 40 seconds and select the Secret tab.Versioned Key/value secrets engine | Vault | HashiCorp Developer (22)

    Because all created secrets were deleted automatically after 40 seconds, theUI shows no key values.

Step 8: Check-and-Set operations

The v2 of KV secrets engine supports a Check-And-Set operation to preventunintentional secret overwrite. When you pass the cas flag to Vault, it firstchecks if the key already exists.

Display the secrets engine configuration settings.

$ vault read secret/configKey Value--- -----cas_required falsedelete_version_after 0smax_versions 4

The cas_required setting is false. The KV secrets engine defaults to disablethe Check-And-Set operation.

Configure the secrets engine at path secret/ to enable Check-And-Set.

$ vault write secret/config cas_required=true

Configure the secret at path secret/partner to enable Check-And-Set.

$ vault kv metadata put -cas-required=true secret/partner

Once check-and-set is enabled, every write operation requires the casparameter with the current version of the secret. Set cas to 0 when a secretat that path does not already exist.

Create a new secret at the path secret/partner.

$ vault kv put -cas=0 secret/partner name="Example Co." partner_id="123456789"Key Value--- -----created_time 2021-05-28T19:05:50.165496Zdeletion_time n/adestroyed falseversion 1

Overwrite the secret at the path secret/partner.

$ vault kv put -cas=1 secret/partner name="Example Co." \ partner_id="ABCDEFGHIJKLMN"

Example output:

Key Value--- -----created_time 2021-05-28T19:06:57.350072Zdeletion_time n/adestroyed falseversion 2

Create an API request payload that sets cas_required to true.

$ tee payload-cas.json<<EOF{ "max_versions": 10, "cas_required": true}EOF

Configure the secrets engine at path secret/ to enable Check-And-Set.

$ curl --header "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" \ --header "X-Vault-Namespace: $VAULT_NAMESPACE" \ --request POST \ --data @payload-cas.json \ $VAULT_ADDR/v1/secret/config

Configure the secret at path secret/partner to enable Check-And-Set.

$ curl --header "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" \ --header "X-Vault-Namespace: $VAULT_NAMESPACE" \ --request POST \ --data '{"cas_required": true}' \ $VAULT_ADDR/v1/secret/metadata/partner

Once check-and-set is enabled, every write operation requires the casparameter with the current version of the secret. Set cas to 0 when a secretat that path does not already exist.

Create an API request payload with secret data and the cas value to 0.

$ tee payload_3.json <<EOF{ "options": { "cas": 0 }, "data": { "name": "Example Co.", "partner_id": "123456789" }}EOF

Create a new secret at the path secret/partner.

$ curl --header "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" \ --header "X-Vault-Namespace: $VAULT_NAMESPACE" \ --request POST \ --data @payload_3.json \ $VAULT_ADDR/v1/secret/data/partner | jq -r ".data"

Example output:

{ "created_time": "2021-10-31T01:08:29.152955Z", "custom_metadata": null, "deletion_time": "", "destroyed": false, "version": 1}

Create an API request payload with updated secret data and the cas value to1.

$ tee payload_4.json <<EOF{ "options": { "cas": 1 }, "data": { "name": "Example Co.", "partner_id": "ABCDEFGHIJKLMN" }}EOF

Overwrite the secret at the path secret/partner.

$ curl --header "X-Vault-Token: $VAULT_TOKEN" \ --header "X-Vault-Namespace: $VAULT_NAMESPACE" \ --request POST \ --data @payload_4.json \ $VAULT_ADDR/v1/secret/data/partner | jq -r ".data"

Example output:

{ "created_time": "2021-10-31T01:09:11.106648Z", "custom_metadata": null, "deletion_time": "", "destroyed": false, "version": 2}


If you are running Vault 1.9.0 or later, the PATCHverb also supports check-and-set.

To enable the Check-And-Set operation, select the Require Check andSet check-box when you create secrets.

Versioned Key/value secrets engine | Vault | HashiCorp Developer (23)


UI will always write a new version with cas even if thecheck-and-set operation is not required.

Q: How do I enter my secrets without exposing the secret in my shell's history?

As a precaution, you may wish to avoid passing your secret as a part of the CLIcommand so that the secret won't appear in the history file. Here are a fewtechniques you can use.

Option 1: Use a dash "-"

An easy technique is to use a dash "-" and then press Enter. This allows you toenter the secret on a new line. After entering the secret, press Ctrl+d toend the pipe which will write the secret to the Vault.

$ vault kv put kv-v1/eng/apikey/Google key=-AAaaBBccDDeeOTXzSMT1234BB_Z8JzG7JkSVxI<Ctrl+d>

Option 2: Read the secret from a file

The key-value pairs for a secret may be defined in a file.

Create a file named apikey.json that defines the key field.

$ tee apikey.json <<EOF{ "key": "AAaaBBccDDeeOTXzSMT1234BB_Z8JzG7JkSVxI"}EOF

Create a secret at path kv-v1/eng/apikey/Google with keys and values definedin apikey.json.

$ vault kv put kv-v1/eng/apikey/Google @apikey.json

Option 3: Disable all vault command history

The first two options ensure that the contents of the secret do not appear inthe shell history. The secret path would still be accessible through the shellhistory.

You can configure your shell to avoid logging any vault commands to yourhistory.

In bash, set the history to ignore all commands that start with vault.

$ export HISTIGNORE="&:vault*"


This prevents vault commands from appearing when using the Uparrow or when searching command history with <Ctrl-r>.

Q: How do I save multiple values at once?

The tutorial examples demonstrating a secret with a single key-value pair.Multiple key-value pairs may be provided in a single command.

Create a secret at path kv-v1/dev/config/mongodb that sets the url,db_name, username, and password.

$ vault kv put kv-v1/dev/config/mongodb \ \ db_name=users \ username=admin password=passw0rd

Multiple key-value pairs may be defined in a file provided to the command.

Create a file named mongodb.json that defines the url, db_name, username,and password fields.

$ tee mongodb.json <<EOF{ "url": "", "db_name": "users", "username": "admin", "password": "pa$$w0rd"}EOF

Create a secret at path kv-v1/dev/config/mongodb with keys and values definedin mongodb.json.

Q: How do I store secrets generated by Vault in KV secrets engine?

Assuming that you have AppRole auth method enabled (refer to theAppRole Pull Authentication tutorial).

The following command retrieves the Secret ID of the jenkins role, encode itwith base64, and stores the value in the kv-v1/secret-id path.

$ vault kv put kv-v1/secret-id \ jenkins-secret-id="$(vault write -f -field=secret_id auth/approle/role/jenkins/secret-id | base64)"


Success! Data written to: kv-v1/secret-id

Next steps

This tutorial demonstrated the versioned KV secrets engine (kv-v2) feature. Tointegrate the KV secrets engine into your existing application, you mustimplement the Vault API to accomplish that. Alternatively, you can leverageVault Agent which significantly reduces the amount of code change introduced toyour application.

The Vault Agent Templates tutorial providesan end-to-end example.

Help and reference

  • KV Secrets Engine - Version 2
  • KV Secrets Engine - Version 2 (API)
Versioned Key/value secrets engine | Vault | HashiCorp Developer (2024)
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Name: Jerrold Considine

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Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.