Venture Capital Careers | Investment Thesis: An Argument in Support of Investing Decisions (2024)

An investment thesis is a well-reasoned argument that supports a specific investment decision, playing a vital role in the strategic planning process for individual investors and businesses alike. It comprises detailed research and analysis to evaluate an investment's potential profitability. A good investment thesis serves multiple purposes, including helping in the decision-making process, providing a comprehensive framework for monitoring and assessment, and offering a structured approach to identifying potential opportunities.

There are different types of investment strategies, such as venture capital, private equity, and long-term value investments. The core of an investment thesis involves identifying key parameters for evaluating an investment, understanding the unique market dynamics and competitive landscape, and realizing how to create value through strategic planning. To ensure a comprehensive and detailed investment thesis, it is crucial to involve thorough research, considering emerging trends and opportunities, and incorporating industry case studies for better understanding. Ultimately, financial statements and valuation metrics play a significant role in determining a well-suited investment decision.

Key Takeaways

  • An investment thesis is a well-reasoned, research-based argument supporting a specific investment decision
  • There are several types of investment strategies, and a well-structured investment thesis addresses market dynamics and competition to create value
  • Research, valuation metrics, and understanding emerging trends are crucial in crafting a compelling investment ideas

Defining an Investment Thesis

An investment thesis is a well-structured, logical argument that justifies a particular investment decision, based on thorough research and analysis. It is essential for investors, as well as financial professionals in the domains of investment banking, private equity, hedge funds, and venture capital funds. A confident and knowledgeable investor will build out clear investment criteria to successfully navigate the investment landscape.

The primary purpose of an investment thesis is to outline the reasons and expected outcomes of a proposed investment, often focusing on the potential for growth and profit. This document offers a roadmap for investors, guiding them through their decision-making process, and helping to ensure that they arrive at rational and informed conclusions. A comprehensive investment thesis should consider various aspects, such as market conditions, competitive landscape, and financial performance of the targeted asset or company.

A strong investment thesis is built on rigorous market research and analysis. This involves evaluating historical and current financial information, as well as scrutinizing industry trends and the overall economic environment. Skilled investors will also incorporate their expertise in the industry to better assess the merits of an investment opportunity. This level of thoroughness creates a confidently expressed thesis, allowing investors to remain steadfast in their investment decisions, even amid market volatility.

In summary, an investment thesis plays a pivotal role in the investing process. It presents a well-reasoned argument, grounded in extensive research and clear analysis, that supports an investment decision. Crafting a robust investment thesis is crucial for both individual and institutional investors as it provides a solid foundation for investment choices and ensures the alignment of investment strategies with long-term objectives.

Importance of Research in Crafting an Investment Thesis

Thorough research is a crucial aspect of creating a solid investment thesis. It allows investors to gather vital information and insights that will help guide their investment decisions. There are several elements to consider while conducting this research, with data analysis, understanding risks, and returns being essential components.

Data Analysis

Data analysis forms the backbone of any research conducted for crafting an investment thesis. It involves collecting, organizing, and interpreting various types of data, such as financial statements, market trends, and industry forecasts, to identify patterns and make informed predictions about a potential investment opportunity. A comprehensive data analysis can help investors make confident choices based on reliable information, which is essential for a successful investment strategy.

Some key data analysis techniques used in crafting an investment thesis include:

  • Comparative analysis: Comparing the performance of different companies within the same industry to identify investment opportunities.
  • Trend analysis: Monitoring historical data to determine patterns and potential future developments.
  • Financial statement analysis: Examining the financial health of a company through its balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements.

Understanding Risks and Returns

One of the primary goals of research in developing an investment thesis is to assess the risk/reward profile of a potential investment. This involves evaluating the potential risks associated with the investment and weighing them against the expected returns. A sound investment thesis should demonstrate a clear understanding of these risks and offer a rationale for why the investment’s potential returns make it a worthwhile addition to a portfolio.

Some common risks to consider when crafting an investment thesis include:

  • Market risk: The risk of an investment losing value due to fluctuations in the market.
  • Credit risk: The risk that a company or issuer of a financial instrument may default on its obligations.
  • Operational risk: The risk of losses arising from failed internal processes, systems, or personnel within a business.

Evaluating these risks requires investors to develop a deep understanding of the investment opportunity, its industry, and the factors that may impact its performance. A diligent and systematic approach to research can help investors identify potential risks and gains, leading to informed and confident decision-making in crafting a strong investment thesis.

Types of Investment Strategy

When it comes to crafting an investment thesis, selecting an appropriate investment strategy is crucial. In this section, we will discuss two popular strategies: Value Investing and Growth Investing.

Value Investing

Value investing is a strategy that focuses on identifying undervalued stocks or assets in the market. These investments typically have lower valuations, which are reflected in their price-to-earnings ratios or book values. The central idea behind value investing is that the market may sometimes undervalue a company or asset, presenting an opportunity for investors willing to do thorough research and analysis.

The process of value investing involves:

  1. Fundamental analysis: Evaluating a company's financial health, management, and competitive advantages
  2. Value metrics: Identifying various valuation metrics, such as price-to-earnings, price-to-book, and dividend yield
  3. Margin of safety: Discovering investment opportunities with a built-in cushion to reduce the risk of loss

Famous investors, such as Warren Buffett and Benjamin Graham, have implemented value investing strategies to achieve long-term success.

Growth Investing

On the other hand, growth investing centers on companies that are expected to grow at an above-average rate compared to their industry. Growth investors seek opportunities in businesses they believe will offer substantial capital appreciation through rapid expansion or market-share gains. They prioritize the potential for future profit over the stock's valuation.

Features of growth investing include:

  • High expectations: Companies targeted by growth investors typically have a history of robust revenue and profit growth
  • Momentum: Investors seek stocks with upward price momentum, as increasing demand for these stocks may drive prices even higher
  • Risk tolerance: Growth stocks can be volatile, and investors must be prepared to weather price swings

Renowned growth investors like Peter Lynch and Phil Fisher have demonstrated the effectiveness of growth investing throughout their careers.

Both value and growth investing strategies have their unique advantages and require different levels of risk tolerance. Investors should carefully consider their investment thesis and select a strategy that aligns with their objectives and risk appetite.

Venture Capital and Private Equity Investment Theses

When considering investments in private companies, venture capital (VC) and private equity (PE) firms each have their own unique strategies encapsulated within their respective investment theses. These theses provide guidance on the focus of investments, the sectors or geographies of interest, and the stage of the target companies.

Learn more about the differences between private equity and venture capital.

Venture Capital Investment Thesis

A venture capital investment thesis outlines how a VC fund aims to make money for its investors, typically referred to as Limited Partners (LPs). This strategy identifies crucial factors such as the stage of companies the fund will invest in, commonly early-stage companies, the targeted geography, and specific sectors of focus.

The thesis may vary depending on a venture capitalist's unique specialization, with some firms concentrating on a specific vertical and stage, while others invest more broadly without a core thesis driving their decisions. The underlying objective of a VC investment thesis is to outline how the firm will achieve high returns on investment by supporting and nurturing the growth of portfolio companies.

Private Equity Investment Thesis

In contrast, a private equity investment thesis is an evidence-based case in support of a particular investment opportunity. It usually begins with a concise argument illustrating how the potential deal supports the fund's general investment strategy. The thesis then provides details that substantiate this preliminary conclusion.

Private equity firms often target more established companies compared to venture capital firms, focusing on businesses with a proven track record. The PE investment thesis may identify areas where operational improvements, strategic mergers, or better capital structures could enhance value, ultimately generating a good return for the firm and its investors.

Overall, both venture capital and private equity investment theses serve as critical frameworks guiding investment decisions. They not only help align these decisions with a firm's specialized strategy but also provide a basis for evaluating potential deals to ensure they contribute to the firm's goals and long-term value creation.

Key Parameters for Evaluating an Investment

When assessing the viability of an investment, it is essential to examine various key parameters to make informed decisions. By analyzing these factors, investors can gain a deeper understanding of a company's financial health and its potential for growth.

One vital metric to consider is earnings per share (EPS), which represents the portion of a company's profit attributed to each outstanding share of its common stock. A higher EPS indicates higher earnings and suggests that the company may be a lucrative investment opportunity.

Another fundamental metric is the return on assets (ROA), which measures the effectiveness of a company in using its assets to generate profit. The higher the ROA, the better the company is at utilizing its assets to generate earnings. Similarly, return on equity (ROE) is a measure of financial performance that calculates the proportion of net income generated by a company's equity. A higher ROE demonstrates the efficient usage of shareholders' investments.

Conducting a thorough analysis of the company's financial statements is crucial. This includes reviewing income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements. By doing so, investors can gain insights into the company's profitability, liquidity, and solvency.

Another important factor to consider is a company's cash position. Adequate cash reserves enable a company to meet its short-term obligations and invest in growth opportunities. On the other hand, a lack of cash can leave a company vulnerable to market fluctuations and financial stress.

It is also essential to evaluate a company's capital structure, which refers to the proportion of debt and equity financing it uses to fund its operations. A balanced capital structure ensures financial stability, while excessive debt may lead to financial distress.

Examining a company's debt level is crucial, as it can directly impact the company's financial flexibility and risk profile. A high level of debt can hinder a company's ability to grow and adapt to changes in the market, making it a less attractive investment option.

Assessing a company's assets and how they're managed plays a significant role in evaluating an investment opportunity. This includes tangible assets, such as property and equipment, and intangible assets, such as patents and trademarks. Effective asset management contributes to a company's ability to generate profit.

Finally, it is important to scrutinize a company's costs associated with its operations, such as production costs and overhead expenses. A company that efficiently manages its costs will likely generate higher profitability and provide better returns for investors.

Creating Value through Strategic Planning

Strategic planning plays a crucial role in creating value for investors and businesses. It serves as the foundation for effective decision-making and guides companies towards achieving their goals. Through strategic planning, management teams can identify and focus on core competencies that contribute to a company's competitive advantage.

One way to create value is to prioritize revenue growth. By identifying key growth drivers, such as product innovation or market expansion, companies can allocate resources accordingly to boost earnings. Such targeted investments in growth engines allow firms to capture a larger market share and drive long-term profitability.

Another aspect of strategic planning involves optimizing a company's holdings. By assessing the existing portfolio, management can decide whether to divest underperforming assets or make strategic acquisitions that align with their investment thesis. The right combinations and adjustments can significantly enhance a company's overall performance and shareholder value.

Risk management is also an essential aspect of strategic planning. Companies must assess potential risks and incorporate suitable mitigation measures in their plans. This ensures that organizations are prepared for unforeseen circ*mstances, which can safeguard profits and protect the company's assets.

Furthermore, creating value requires continuous improvement and adaptation to market trends. Companies should routinely reevaluate their strategies to identify both internal and external factors that may impact their current position. By setting clearly defined objectives and quantifiable financial targets, management teams can measure their progress effectively and adjust their strategic plans as needed.

In summary, creating value through strategic planning involves a combination of focusing on core competencies, prioritizing revenue growth, optimizing holdings, managing risk, and continuously reassessing the company's strategic direction. This holistic approach can help businesses enhance their profitability, strengthen their market position, and ultimately deliver strong value creation to investors.

Understanding the Market and Competition

Before developing an investment thesis, it is crucial to have a deep understanding of the market and its competition. The stock market is influenced by various factors such as economic supercycles, bear markets, and secular trends. Analyzing these elements will provide a solid foundation to recognize potential investment opportunities.

An economic supercycle is a long-term pattern that occurs over several decades, during which the economy undergoes periods of growth and contraction. Investors need to be aware of the current phase and how it may impact their investment decisions. For instance, during a growth period, certain industries tend to outperform, while others may underperform during a contraction phase.

In addition to analyzing these market conditions, investors must also pay heed to the competitive landscape of the sector in which they plan to invest. Examining the competitors within the industry enables one to identify companies with competitive advantages, which may lead to superior performance. These advantages can stem from factors such as lower costs, innovation, or a dominant market share.

A bear market occurs when the stock market experiences a prolonged decline, typically characterized by a decrease of 20% or more from recent highs. In such environments, it becomes even more crucial for investors to understand the competitive dynamics within an industry to identify resilient companies that can withstand market downturns.

A secular trend is a long-term movement in a particular direction that can last for several years or even decades. Identifying secular trends within industries is essential to spotting opportunities for long-term growth. For example, investors may capitalize on sectors benefiting from a shift towards clean energy usage or the increasing importance of artificial intelligence.

In summary, understanding the market and competition requires a deep analysis of the stock market, economic supercycles, bear markets, and secular trends. By researching industry trends, evaluating market opportunities, and assessing the strengths and weaknesses of competitors, investors can develop a robust investment thesis that increases the likelihood of achieving long-term returns.

Industry Case Studies

In the investment world, the importance of an investment thesis cannot be overstated. By examining various industry case studies, we can gain insight into how businesses make strategic investments to enhance their value. In this section, we'll discuss notable examples from companies such as DuPont, General Motors, Rexam PLC, and Clear Channel Communications.

DuPont is a leading science and innovation company with a focus on agriculture, advanced materials, and industrial biosciences. During its acquisition of Dow Chemical, DuPont developed a robust investment thesis to justify the merger. Their investment case relied on the belief that the combined entity would benefit from increased operational efficiencies, new market opportunities, and enhanced innovation capabilities. This approach provided a strong rationale for the deal, which has created a more competitive company in the global market.

General Motors (GM), a multinational automobile manufacturer, crafted its investment thesis in response to evolving trends in the automotive industry, such as the increasing importance of emissions reduction, electrification, and autonomous technology. GM's investment case centered on embracing these trends, focusing on innovation, and expanding its product offerings through strategic M&A, investments, and partnerships. For example, GM has made significant investments in electric vehicles and autonomous driving technology, positioning the company for future growth in these areas.

Next, we have Rexam PLC, a former British packaging manufacturer that was a leading producer of beverage cans globally. When Ball Corporation sought to acquire Rexam, they developed an investment thesis based on the value derived from combining the two companies' strengths. This thesis outlined the strategic fit between both companies, synergies from combining production capabilities, and projected growth, particularly in developing markets. The successful acquisition helped Ball Corporation consolidate its position as a global leader in the packaging industry.

Lastly, Clear Channel Communications is a media company specializing in outdoor advertising. As the company sought to expand its presence in this sector, it created an investment thesis centered around leveraging its core competence in outdoor advertising and acquiring strategic assets. One example is Clear Channel's acquisition of crucial billboard locations to solidify its competitive edge in the outdoor advertising market. This targeted growth strategy has allowed Clear Channel to remain a dominant player in the industry.

In conclusion, these industry case studies demonstrate the value of a well-crafted investment thesis. Effective investment theses provide a roadmap for companies to pursue strategic acquisitions and investments that create long-term value, while also helping investors evaluate the viability of proposed deals. By understanding how companies like DuPont, General Motors, Rexam PLC, and Clear Channel Communications have strategically invested in the market, we can better appreciate the importance of a well-structured investment thesis.

Long-Term Investment Strategies

A long-term investment strategy refers to an approach where investors hold onto their investments for an extended period, typically more than one year. This type of strategy aims to achieve the investment goal by allowing assets to grow through market fluctuations and capitalizing on the power of compounding interest. Diversification and patience play pivotal roles in ensuring the success of a long-term investment strategy.

Portfolio managers often use various techniques and methods to craft long-term investment portfolios. Some of these techniques include targeting undervalued sectors or stocks, dividend reinvestment plans, dollar-cost averaging, and asset allocation. By employing these strategies, portfolio managers increase chances of achieving their clients' investment goals over time.

In order to develop long-term investment strategies, investors should first define their investment goal. This could include objectives such as saving for retirement, funding a child's college education, or purchasing a home. Clear investment goals help in designing an appropriate investment strategy, taking into account factors like the investor's risk tolerance, time horizon, and available capital.

One key aspect of a successful long-term strategy is diversification. Diversifying across asset classes and industries allows investors to spread risks and potentially achieve higher risk-adjusted returns. A well-diversified portfolio will typically consist of a mix of stocks, bonds, and other asset types, with variations in investment size, industry sector, and geographical location. This diversified approach minimizes the impact of underperforming investments on the overall portfolio.

Another crucial element in long-term investing is patience. Market fluctuations can be tempting for investors to react to their emotions and make impulsive decisions, which could derail a well-thought-out investment strategy. Maintaining a disciplined approach and sticking to one's investment plan, even during periods of market volatility, is paramount to achieving long-term success.

In conclusion, long-term investment strategies require investors to define clear goals, diversify their portfolio, and exercise patience in the face of market fluctuations. By adhering to these principles, investors and portfolio managers can steer a course towards achieving their investment objectives.

Emerging Trends and Opportunities

In recent years, various emerging trends have presented attractive opportunities for investors. Among these trends, renewable energy, megatrends, and the coffee shop market stand out as sectors with significant potential for growth.

Renewable energy has gained considerable attention and investment as a response to the global push for addressing climate change and reducing emissions. Solar, wind, and hydroelectric power are some of the most prominent technologies in this sector. With an increased interest in clean energy from both governments and consumers, companies in this space are poised to experience substantial growth.

Megatrends such as urbanization, aging populations, and technological advancements are also influencing investment opportunities. These large-scale shifts provide a backdrop for businesses to tap into new markets and adjust their strategies to capitalize on these changes. For instance, companies working in healthcare and biotechnology may benefit from catering to the needs of an aging population, while businesses focused on artificial intelligence (AI) and automation may find increased demand due to technological advancements.

The coffee shop market, too, presents investment opportunities. This industry has experienced robust growth in recent years as consumers increasingly seek out unique, high-quality coffee experiences. Independent and specialty coffee shops are at the forefront of this trend. Niche coffee shops that offer novel and authentic experiences have seen success by catering to the specialized preferences of today's consumers. As the demand for artisanal and premium beverages continues to rise, businesses operating in this space can expect to have ample opportunities for growth.

In conclusion, current emerging trends such as renewable energy, megatrends, and the coffee shop market offer a wealth of investment opportunities. As these sectors continue to develop and evolve, investors with well-informed investment theses stand to benefit from the potential rewards in these growing industries.

Role of Financial Statements and Valuation Metrics

Financial statements play a vital role in the investment thesis by providing crucial information about a company's financial health and performance. They consist of the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement, which offer insights into the company's assets, liabilities, revenues, expenses, and cash flows. Investors use these statements to assess the company's past performance, current financial condition, and potential for future growth.

Valuation metrics, on the other hand, are vital yardsticks that investors use to compare different investment opportunities and make informed decisions. These metrics include price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio, price-to-sales (P/S) ratio, price-to-book (P/B) ratio, dividend yield, and return on equity (ROE), among others. By analyzing these ratios, investors can gauge a company's value relative to its peers and make better investment choices.

Analysts and investors scrutinize financial statements to identify growth trends, profitability, and financial stability. For instance, they may calculate the gross margin, operating margin, and net profit margin to determine the company's profitability across different stages of its operations. Additionally, they examine liquidity ratios, such as the current ratio and quick ratio, to assess the company's ability to meet its short-term obligations.

Valuation metrics provide a quantitative basis for comparing investment opportunities within the same industry or across different sectors. For example, a lower P/E ratio may indicate that a stock is undervalued, while a high P/E ratio might suggest overvaluation. Moreover, the P/B ratio can help investors determine if a stock is undervalued by comparing its market price to its book value.

Another key valuation metric is the dividend yield, which measures the annual dividend income per share relative to the stock's price. A higher dividend yield may attract income-oriented investors, while a lower yield might be more appealing to growth-focused investors. Furthermore, the ROE ratio, which measures a company's profitability in relation to its equity base, is an essential metric for evaluating the efficiency of management in creating shareholder value.

In conclusion, financial statements and valuation metrics are indispensable tools for investors to evaluate a company's financial health and investment attractiveness. By analyzing these data points, investors can make well-informed investment decisions that align with their risk tolerance and investment objectives.

Concluding Thoughts on Crafting a Compelling Investment Thesis

Crafting a compelling investment thesis is crucial for informed investing decisions, as it helps investors thoroughly analyze a potential opportunity. A well-researched investment thesis demonstrates the investor's conviction level and reinforces their confidence in the investment choice. This process involves a deep understanding of the business, its value drivers, and its potential growth trajectories.

A strong investment thesis should be definitive, clearly articulating the reasoning behind the opportunity and the expected returns. This allows investors to stay focused on their goals and maintain their conviction, even when the stock's price movement does not align with their expectations.

By adopting a confident, knowledgeable, and neutral tone, investors can effectively communicate their investment thesis to others. Clarity in presenting the investment case is essential for persuading potential partners or stakeholders to support the opportunity. Utilizing formatting tools such as tables and bullet points can aid in conveying essential information efficiently and ensuring the investment thesis is easy to understand.

In summary, crafting a compelling investment thesis enables investors to make well-informed decisions that align with their financial goals. By developing a thorough understanding of the investment opportunity and maintaining a strong conviction level, investors can better navigate the market and achieve long-term success.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you develop a strong investment thesis?

A strong investment thesis begins with thorough research on the company or asset in question. This may include looking at the financials, competitive position, management team, industry trends, and future prospects. It's essential to critically analyze the available information, identify potential risks and rewards, and establish a clear rationale for the investment based on this analysis. Staying focused on the long-term outlook and maintaining a disciplined approach to the investment process can also contribute to developing a robust investment thesis.

What are the key elements to include in an investment thesis?

An investment thesis should include the following key elements:

  1. Overview of the company or asset: Provide a brief background of the company or asset, including its market, size, and competitive positioning.
  2. Investment rationale: Detail the reasons for investing, such as attractive valuation, strong revenue growth, or a unique business model.
  3. Risk assessment: Identify potential risks and how they could impact the investment returns.
  4. Expected return: Estimate the potential financial return based on the identified growth drivers or catalysts.
  5. Time horizon: Indicate the investment period, typically long-term, during which the thesis is expected to play out.
  6. Fund size: Specify the amount of invested capital that will be allocated to this particular investment, considering its impact on portfolio construction, liquidity, and potential returns within the overall portfolio strategy

How can one evaluate the success of an investment thesis?

Evaluating the success of an investment thesis involves tracking the progress of the company or asset against its initial expectations and underlying assumptions. This may involve measuring financial performance, analyzing key developments in the industry and the company's position within it, and monitoring potential changes in overall market conditions. It is helpful to revisit the investment thesis regularly to assess its validity and make adjustments as necessary.

What's the difference between an investment thesis for startups and publicly traded companies?

An investment thesis for a startup often focuses on the growth potential of a new or emerging market, considering the innovative products or services the startup offers in that market. Here, the focus may be more on the potential for long-term value creation, the management team's ability to execute on their vision, and market fit.

For publicly traded companies, the investment thesis may include analysis of current financial performance, valuation multiples, and overall market trends. Publicly traded companies have more historical data and financial performance information available, allowing investors to make more informed decisions based on these factors.

How does an investment thesis guide decision-making in private equity?

In private equity, the investment thesis helps guide the selection of companies to invest in, as well as the structuring of deals to acquire those companies. It provides a blueprint for how the private equity firm aims to create value, including plans for operational improvements, financial engineering, or growth strategies. This thesis serves as a basis for monitoring the progress of an investment and helps make decisions on the timing of potential exits.

How can real estate investment theses differ from other sectors?

Real estate investment theses may focus on factors such as location, property type, market dynamics, and demographic trends to identify attractive investment opportunities. The analysis may also take into account macroeconomic factors, such as interest rates and economic growth, which can influence real estate markets. Additionally, real estate investments may be structured as either direct property investments or through financial instruments like Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), affecting the underlying investment thesis.

What considerations should a first-time fund manager have when developing a fund's investment thesis?

For a first-time fund manager, crafting a compelling and robust fund's investment thesis is paramount for attracting investors. Given their lack of a track record, these managers need to lean heavily on the research, clarity, and vision articulated in their investment thesis. The thesis should detail how the fund aims to identify ideal investments, especially those in industries with high margins. It should also benchmark the strategies against industry standards to highlight the manager's acumen and awareness of market norms.

How is a stock pitch related to an investment thesis and what role does a target price play in it?

A stock pitch is essentially a condensed, persuasive form of an investment thesis, often presented to stakeholders to advocate for investing in a particular publicly-traded company. A key element of any stock pitch is the target price, which is an estimation of what the stock is worth based on projections and valuation models. This target price serves as a quantitative anchor for the investment thesis, giving stakeholders a specific metric against which to measure potential returns and risks.

Venture Capital Careers | Investment Thesis: An Argument in Support of Investing Decisions (2024)
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Name: Frankie Dare

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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.