Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (2024)

Table Of Contents

VLAN and Bridge


Local Management Domain

Create VLAN

Delete VLAN

Modify VLAN

Using VLAN & Bridge

The VLAN & Bridge application allows you to configure groups of ports independent of their physical location as a virtual LAN. This arrangement is called a logical grouping the logical group is called a virtual LAN (VLAN). Ports or groups of ports in a VLAN are called VLAN members. VLANs prevent traffic, including broadcasts and multicasts, from being propagated to members of other VLANs.

Switches are interconnected by the Inter-Switch Link (ISL) port so that VLAN traffic can cross multiple switches. A Layer-2 switch is basically a bridge. Both switches and bridges allow multiple ports to be active simultaneously.

Every VLAN has an equivalent bridge. Most of the configuration required for bridging is related to the spanning-tree algorithm, which allows the connected network topology to contain multiple physical paths between two stations but constrains the active topology to a single-span tree. If a port on one bridge fails, the other bridges can reconfigure the topology and switch traffic to new paths. A VLAN, therefore, can be considered equivalent to a bridged LAN.

Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (1)

NoteUsing VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (2)If the spanning-tree algorithm is not enabled, no backup path exists to maintain bridge connectivity.

To start the VLAN & Bridge application from CiscoView, select Configure>device>VLAN & Bridge.

VLAN and Bridge

The main window for VLAN and bridging configuration is the VLAN & Bridge window. The VLAN & Bridge window contains information about the currently configured VLANs in the device.

Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (3)

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Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (5)

You can drag-and drop a port directly into a VLAN. Click on the port in the device display, drag it onto the opened VLAN & Bridge Table, then drop in into one of the VLAN fields. The system automatically assigns the port to the designated VLAN.

Hints for Configuring VLAN and Bridge Information for the Device.

VLANs can be of 5 types: Ethernet, FDDI, Token Ring, FDDI Net, and TRNet.

Use the action buttons in the VLAN & Bridge window as follows:

Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (6)The View Ports section contains the following action buttons:

Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (7)VLAN Members—Highlights in red the ports on the switch that belong to the selected VLAN.

Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (8)Inter Switch—Highlights in blue the ports on the switch that are running in ISL mode. To highlight the ports in a VLAN that are running in ISL mode in blue, select a VLAN, and click Inter Switch.

Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (9)Clear Ports—Clears the highlights in the device display. To clear the highlights in the device display, click Clear Ports.

Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (10)VLAN Non-Trunk Members—Displays a summary of ports that are non-trunk members of a selected VLAN.

Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (11)The Bridges section contains the following action buttons:

Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (12)

NoteUsing VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (13)The buttons in the Bridges section depend on whether you select a TrVlan or a TrNetVlan entry from the VLAN table:
— If you select a TrVLAN entry, only Configure... and Forwarding... are displayed.
— If you select a TrNet VLAN entry, only Configure... is displayed.

Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (14)Configure... —Opens the Configure Bridge window and displays Bridge MIB variable information. See "VLAN Bridge Configuration" for more information.

Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (15)Forwarding... —Displays the bridge forwarding information for the selected device. See "Bridge Forwarding" for more information.

Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (16)Static... —Displays manually configured forwarding information about the bridge; this information is displayed in table form. See "Bridging Statics (Applicable to TR Ports only)" for more information.

Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (17)The VTP-VLAN section contains the following action buttons:

Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (18)Local Mgmt Domain—Displays the VTP Local Management Domain window. This is the domain from which all VLANs on the module can communicate with each other and with other ports on other Catalyst 5000 series modules. See "Local Management Domain" for more information.

Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (19)Create VLAN...—Displays the Create VLAN window. See "Create VLAN" for more information.

Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (20)Delete VLAN...—Deletes the selected VLAN. See "Delete VLAN" for more information.

Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (21)Modify VLAN...—Opens the Modify VLAN window. See "Modify VLAN" for more information.


This section contains procedures for using the VTP-VLAN section tools.

Local Management Domain

The Local Management Domain window allows you to create a new VTP management domain and define the boundary of a defined VLAN or to modify or display the existing domain information.

Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (22)

NoteUsing VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (23)You must provide a domain name to each VLAN to ensure the VLAN functions properly.

To create, modify, or display a management domain, perform the following steps:

Step1Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (24)From the VLAN & Bridge, click Local Mgmt Domain. The VTP management Domain window opens.

Step2Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (25)Enter information into (or review values in) the following fields:

Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (26)

NoteUsing VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (27)A domain name must be entered. If a domain name is not specified, ports cannot be assigned to any VLAN, regardless of the access level.

Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (28)Domain Index.

Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (29)Domain Name.

Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (30)Domain Local Mode (select either VTP client mode, VTP server mode, or transparent mode). Transparent mode is a non-client-server mode.

Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (31)

NoteUsing VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (32)The Domain Local Mode must be set to server mode to create, modify, or delete a VLAN. When selected, server mode sets the switch to act as a server from which other servers will receive VLAN information.

Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (33)Domain Config Revision Number. This number is used for synchronization.

Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (34)Domain last Updater's IP. For example, this number is the server's IP address when VTP server mode is selected.

Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (35)Domain lastChange. This entry should display a date.

Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (36)Domain PruningState: Select either the enabled or disabled state.

Step3Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (37)Click Modify to save the input and refresh the VLAN & Bridge window. If the device returns any errors during this operation, CiscoView displays the information.

Step4Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (38)Repeat Steps 1 through 3 for each domain as required.

Step5Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (39)Click Cancel to exit the window.

Create VLAN

The Create VLAN window allows you to create a new VLAN.

For additional information regarding the fields within the windows, click Help to access the online help.

To create a VLAN, perform the following steps:

Step1Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (40)From the VLAN & Bridge table, click Create VLAN. The Create VLAN dialog box opens.

Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (41)

NoteUsing VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (42)Although all the fields are shown in the dialog box, any field not appropriate for the VLAN type is grayed out.

Step2Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (43)Enter values into the following fields:

Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (44)VLAN Number. For VLANs of Ethernet type, enter any existing VLAN number from the preceding VLAN & Bridge table. For VLANs of (Token Ring) trCrf type, use a number that is not already assigned from the preceding VLAN & Bridge table.

Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (45)VLAN State (operational is the default setting; the other option is suspended).

VLAN Type (default is ethernet; other options are fddi, trcrf, fddiNet, or trbrf.)

For VLANs of type trBrf, you must create a net first, then use the Create VLAN window and select VLAN Type trCrf to create Token Ring VLANs inside the net. See Note below for more information.

Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (46)

NoteUsing VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (47)The trCrf VLAN type is used for Token Ring VLANs made up of (at most) one transparently bridged LAN segment. The trbrf type is used for VLANs that represent the scope of many trCrf VLANs connected via a source routing bridge. The Token Ring trBrf type can be said to represent the bridged broadcast domain.

Step3Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (48)Enter values into the following optional fields or leave the fields blank:

Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (49)VLAN Name. Enter any name, if desired. This name is used as the ELAN name for the ATM LAN Emulation segment of this VLAN.

Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (50)VLAN MTU Size. The range is 1500 through 18190 for all VLAN types. The MTU size is defined as the largest MAC-layer of the data frame that can be transmitted on the VLAN. For Token Ring VLANs, the default is 1500.

Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (51)VLAN SAID Field (Integer). This is the value of the 802.10 SAID field for the VLAN. For VLANs of Ethernet type, enter a unique number; no range is established but enter a number starting with 100,000 plus (+) the VLAN number, for example, 100015. This field is disabled for other VLAN types. This field is disabled for Token Ring VLANs.

Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (52)VLAN Ring Number. The range is 0x1 through 0xfff. This field is available for VLANs of type FDDI or Token Ring. Note: Source Routing (srb) must be configured for use on this VLAN. For Token Ring VLANs, use the Token Ring number here; or give any number within the sepcified range that is not duplicated in any other VLAN.

Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (53)VLAN Bridge Number. This is the bridge number of theVTP-capable switches for this VLAN. This field is disabled for VLANs of Ethernet and Token Ring types but enabled for VLAN types. This object is available only for VLANs that are involved with emulating token ring segments.

Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (54)VLAN STP Type. The type of the spanning-tree-protocol running on this VLAN. This field is disabled for VLANs of Ethernet and Token Ring types, but enabled for VLAN types.

Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (55)Parent VLAN ID. The parent VLAN for this VLAN, available only for VLANs of type FDDI or Token Ring when source-route bridging (SRB) is configured for use on this VLAN. This field is disabled for VLANs of Ethernet type. For Token Ring VLANs, enter the trBrf VLAN number here.

Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (56)Translational VLAN1 Number. A VLAN to which this VLAN is being translationally bridged. For VLANs of Ethernet type, enter any existing VLAN number from the original VLAN & Bridge window's table. This field is disabled for Token Ring VLANs.

Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (57)Translational VLAN2 Number. Another VLAN to which this VLAN is being translationally bridged. This field is disabled for Token Ring VLANs.

Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (58)VLAN Bridge Type. The type of the bridging mode in use on this VLAN. Choose either srt for source-route transparent bridging or srb for source-route bridging.

Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (59)VLAN ARE Hop Count (1...14). The maximum number of bridge hops in All Routes Explorer frames on this VLAN. This field is applicable to FDDI and Token Ring VLANs.

Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (60)VLAN STE Hop Count (1...14). The maximum number of bridge hops allowed in Spanning Tree Explorer frames on this VLAN. This field is applicable to FDDI and Token Ring VLANs.

Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (61)Backup CRF. Choose On if this VLAN is of type trCrf and also is acting as a backup trCrf for the ISL-distributed BRF.

Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (62)

NoteUsing VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (63)If your system is a Catalyst5000 series switch, skip Steps 4 and 5 and proceed to Step 6. If your system is a Catalyst3000 series switch, proceed to Step 4.

Perform Steps 4 and 5 only on Catalyst3000 series switches loaded with Software Release 2.2(2) or later.

Step4Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (64)From the VLAN & Bridge table, select the newly created VLAN and click Modify VLAN.

Step5Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (65)Change the Preferred VLAN value to yes and click Apply.

Step6Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (66)Use the drag and drop technique to assign the ports to the VLAN.

Step7Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (67)Click Apply to save the input and refresh the VLAN & Bridge table. If the device returns any errors during this operation, CiscoView displays the information.

Step8Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (68)Repeat Steps 1 through 3 and Steps 6 and 7 for each new VLAN on the Catalyst5000 series switch, and Steps 1 through 7 for each new VLAN on the Catalyst3000 series switch.

Step9Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (69)Click Cancel to exit the window.

Delete VLAN

To delete a VLAN, perform the following steps:

Step1Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (70)From the VLAN & Bridge table, select a VLAN, and click Delete. A confirmation window opens.

Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (71)

NoteUsing VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (72)Removal of a VLAN deactivates all the ports in the VLAN.

Step2Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (73)Click Apply to confirm the deletion of the VLAN or Cancel to exit the window. If deleted, the VLAN is removed from the device VLAN table.

Step3Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (74)Click Cancel to exit the window.

Modify VLAN

To modify a VLAN, select a VLAN from the VLAN table and click Modify VLAN. A dialog box similar to the one for creating a VLAN appears.

For additional information on the fields in the windows, click Help to access the online help.

To modify a VLAN, perform the following steps:

Step1Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (75)From the VLAN & Bridge table, select a VLAN and click Modify VLAN. A dialog box similar to the one for creating VLAN appears.

Step2Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (76)Change the value(s) as appropriate and click Apply. If the device returns any errors during this operation, CiscoView displays the information.

Step3Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (77)Click Cancel to exit the window.

Using VLAN and Bridge  [Support] (2024)


What is the difference between bridge and VLAN? ›

A bridge is a bridge and is mainly used to bridge multiple interfaces. And a VLAN interface is a VLAN interface. If you don't have several interfaces to bridge, you can also do without the bridge and assign an address directly to the VLAN interface.

What is bridge VLAN filtering? ›

A bridge is basically just an unmanaged switch, implemented in software (possibly abstracting a hardware switch). Bridge VLAN filtering is basically adding the 802.1q VLAN capabilities to the bridge, allowing you to specify the VLAN port membership and tagged/untagged status on each port.

How do switches, bridges, and VLANs function together? ›

Switches are interconnected by the Inter-Switch Link (ISL) port so that VLAN traffic can cross multiple switches. A Layer-2 switch is basically a bridge. Both switches and bridges allow multiple ports to be active simultaneously. Every VLAN has an equivalent bridge.

What is bridge vs VLAN vs link aggregation? ›

Bridge creates a logical link between multiple networks. Link Aggregation combines multiple network connections into a single interface. A virtual LAN (VLAN) partitions and isolates a segment of the connection.

What are the 3 benefits of a VLAN? ›

VLANs provide a number of advantages including ease of administration, confinement of broadcast domains, reduced network traffic, and enforcement of security policies.

Why use VLAN instead of a router? ›

Here are some reasons why you would use a VLAN: VLANs are very cost-effective. This is because workspaces communicate via VLAN switches rather than routers, which are only needed when data is being transferred outside the VLAN. This reduces the need for physical devices, hardware, and cabling.

What is VLAN bridge setup? ›

Bridging divides a single physical LAN (now called a single broadcast domain) into two or more virtual LANs, or VLANs. Each VLAN is a collection of some of the LAN nodes grouped together to form individual broadcast domains.

How does a VLAN reduce network traffic? ›

Solve broadcast problems and reduce broadcast domains: When a network is partitioned into many VLANs, broadcast traffic is confined within each VLAN, preventing it from congesting the whole network. This separation decreases broadcast storms while also increasing network efficiency and overall performance.

Does a bridge filter network traffic? ›

Quick Definition: A network bridge connects and filters traffic between two or more network segments.

How to bridge two VLANs? ›

You can short circuit two VLANs by using two layer 2 switches which individually connected ports are in the two respective VLANs. For instance, connect switch 1 port 1 in access VLAN 2 with switch 2 port 1 in access VLAN 3. Then traffic can flow from VLAN 2 to VLAN 3 and vice versa.

Can different VLANs communicate without a router? ›

In a properly designed IP network, a VLAN should map to a single broadcast domain, which should map to a unique IP network. For ease of troubleshooting (and for avoiding trouble!), traffic from one VLAN should not reach another VLAN without an OSI Layer 3 device, such as a router.

How many VLANs can be created in a switch? ›

A switch supports a maximum of 4096 VLANs, among which VLANs 0 and 4095 are reserved for system use, and VLAN 1 is the default VLAN. Therefore, you can only create VLANs 2 to 4094.

When should I use link aggregation? ›

It is most commonly used in data centers where multiple servers need to be connected to the same physical port for communication. With ethernet port aggregation, you can combine two or more ports into one logical port with increased throughput and lower latency.

What are the 2 main reasons we use link aggregation? ›

Link aggregation offers the following benefits:
  • Increased reliability and availability. If one of the physical links in the LAG goes down, traffic is dynamically and transparently reassigned to one of the other physical links.
  • Better use of physical resources. ...
  • Increased bandwidth. ...
  • Cost effectiveness.
Mar 11, 2023

Is a bridge domain a VLAN? ›

A bridge domain is a set of logical ports that share the same flooding or broadcast characteristics. Like a virtual LAN (VLAN), a bridge domain spans one or more ports of multiple devices.

Is a bridge domain the same as a VLAN? ›

A bridge domain is a set of logical ports that share the same flooding or broadcast characteristics. Like a virtual LAN (VLAN), a bridge domain spans one or more ports of multiple devices.

What is the difference between bridge and LAN switch? ›

Multiple Port Channels: Unlike bridges, switches allow multiple groups of ports to operate simultaneously. This means that a switch combines the functionalities of multiple bridges rather than just acting as a single bridge. While bridges typically have two ports, switches offer a high density of ports.

What is the main difference between LAN and VLAN? ›

While LAN is used to connect a group of devices such as computers and printers to a server via cables, VLANs allow multiple LANs and associated devices to communicate via wireless internet.

What's the difference between VLAN and interface? ›

The VLAN is based on the 802.1Q VLAN, to achieve network isolation, but currently the controller cannot set up the PVID, so in fact this option is not useful at this moment. The Interface can provide more options such as set up DHCP range, and devices in different IP range can communicate with each other.

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Name: Aron Pacocha

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.