Using the Price to Earnings Ratio and PEG to Assess a Stock (2024)

Theprice-to-earnings ratio(P/E)is one of the most widely used metrics for investors and analysts to determinestock valuation. It shows whether acompany's stock price is overvalued or undervalued and can reveal how astock's valuation compares to its industry group or a benchmark like the S&P 500 index. A good P/E for one group or sector could be a poor P/E for another sector so comparisons should compare similar companies.

The P/E ratio helps investors determinethe market value of a stock as compared to the company's earnings. It shows what the market is willing to pay for a stock based on its past or future earnings.

Key Takeaways

  • The P/E ratio is calculated by dividing the market value price per share by the company's earnings per share.
  • A high P/E ratio can mean that a stock's price is high relative to earnings and possibly overvalued.
  • A low P/E ratio might indicate that the current stock price is low relative to earnings.
  • An investor could look for stocks within an industrythat is expected to benefit from the economic cycle and find companies with the lowest P/Es to determine which stocks are the most undervalued.

What Is a P/E Ratio?

Companies that grow faster than average, such as technology companies, typically have higher P/Es. Ahigher P/E ratio showsthat investors are willing to pay a higher share price now due to growth expectations in the future.The median P/E for the S&P 500 was 14.93 as of May 2023.

Investors not only usethe P/E ratio to determine astock's market valuebut also in determiningfutureearnings growth. Investors might expect the company toincrease its dividendsas a result if earnings areexpected to rise. Higher earnings and rising dividendstypically leadto a higher stock price.

Formula and Calculation of the P/E Ratio

The P/E ratio is calculated by dividing the stock's current price by its latest earnings per share: Current price / most recent earnings per share = P/E ratio.

Earnings per share (EPS) is the amount of a company's profit allocated to each outstanding share of a company'scommonstock. It serves as an indicator of the company’s financial health. Earnings per share is the portion of a company's net income that would be earned per share if all profits were paid out to its shareholders.EPS is typically used by analysts and traders to establish the financial strength of a company. EPS providesthe “E” or earnings portionof the P/E valuation ratio.

Analyzing P/E Ratios

A stock should be compared to other stocks in its sector or industry group to determine whetherit's overvaluedorundervalued. Similar companies should be compared to each other, like insurance to insurance or oil producer to oil producer.

An industry group will benefit during a particular phase of thebusiness cycle in most cases, so many professional investors will concentrate on an industry group when their turn in the cycle is up. Remember that the P/E is a measure of expected earnings. Inflationtends to rise as economies mature. The Federal Reserveincreases interestrates as a result of slowing theeconomyandtaming inflation to prevent a rapid rise in prices.

Certain industries do well in this environment. Banks earn more income as interestrates rise because they can charge higher rates on their creditproducts, such as credit cards and mortgages. Basic materials and energy companies also receive a boost in earnings frominflation because they can charge higher prices for the commodities they harvest.

Interest rates will typicallybe low and banks tend to earn less revenue toward the end of an economic recession. But consumercyclical stocksoften havehigher earnings because consumers may be more willing to purchase on credit when rates arelow.

Limitations to the P/E Ratio

The first part of the P/E equation orpriceis straightforward because the current market price of a stock is easily obtained, but determining an appropriate earnings number can be more difficult. Investors must determinehow to define earnings and the factors that impact earnings. There are some limitations to the P/E ratio as a result as certain factors impact the P/E of a company.

Volatile Market Prices

Volatile market prices can throw off the P/E ratio, but this more commonly happens in the short term.

Earnings Makeup of a Company

The earnings makeup of a company is often difficult to determine. The P/E is typicallycalculated by measuring historical earnings or trailing earnings, but historical earningsaren't of much use to investors because they reveal little about future earnings.

Investors are most interested indetermining future earnings.

Forward earnings orfuture earningsare based on the opinions ofWall Streetanalysts, and they can be overly optimistic in their assumptions during periods of economic expansion. They can be overly pessimistic during times ofeconomic contraction.

One-time adjustments such as thesale of a subsidiarycould inflateearnings in the short term. This complicates the predictions of future earnings because the influx of cash from the salewouldn't be a sustainable contributor to earnings in the longterm.Forward earnings can be useful, but they're prone to inaccuracies.

Earnings Growth

Earnings growth isn't included in the P/E ratio.The biggest limitation of the P/E ratio is that ittells investors littleabout the company's EPS growth prospects. An investor mightbe comfortable buying in ata high P/E ratio expecting earningsgrowth tobring the P/E back down to a lower level if the company is growing quickly. But they might look elsewherefor a stock with a lower P/E if earnings aren't growing quickly enough.

It can be difficult to tell if a high P/E multiple is the result of expected growth or if the stock is simply overvalued.

The PEG Ratio

A P/E ratio doesn't always show whether the P/E is appropriate fora company's forecasted growth rate even when it's calculated using a forwardearnings estimate. Investorsturn to another ratio known as thePEG ratio to address this limitation.

The PEG ratio measures the relationship between the price/earnings ratio and earnings growthto provide investors with a more complete story than the P/E alone.

The PEG ratio allows investorsto calculate whether a stock's priceisovervalued or undervaluedby analyzing bothtoday's earnings and the expectedgrowth rate for the company in the future.

Example of a PEG Ratio

An advantage of using the PEG ratio is that you can compare the relativevaluationsof different industries that may have very different prevailing P/E ratios. This facilitates the comparison of different industries that each tend to each have their own historical P/E ranges. Here's a comparison of the relative valuation of a biotech stock and an integrated oil company.

Biotech Stock ABCOil Stock XYZ
Current P/E35 times earnings16 times earnings
Five-year projected growth rate25%15%
PEG35/25, or 1.4016/15, or 1.07

These two fictional companies have very different valuations and growth rates, but the PEG ratio gives an apples-to-apples comparison of the relative valuations. The PEG ratio of the S&P 500 would be 16 / 12 = 1.33 if the S&P 500 had a current P/E ratio of 16 times trailing earnings and if the average analyst estimate for future earnings growth in the S&P 500 is 12% over the next five years,

What Does It Mean When a Company Has a High P/E Ratio?

A company with a current P/E ratio of 25, which is above the S&Paverage, trades at 25 times its earnings. The high multiple indicatesthat investors expect higher growth from the company compared to the overallmarket. A high P/E does not necessarily mean astock is overvalued. AnyP/E ratio should be considered against the backdrop of the P/E for the company'sindustry.

What Is a Sector?

A sector isa general segment of the economy that contains similar industries. Sectors are made up of industry groups, and industry groups are made up of stocks with similar businesses such as banking or financial services.

What Is a Relative Valuation?

A relative valuation is a mathematical way of determining whether a specific stock or a broad industry is more or less expensive than a broadmarket index such as theor theNasdaq.

The Bottom Line

The price to earnings ratio (P/E) is one of the most common ratios used by investors to determine ifa company's stock price is valued properly relative to its earnings. The P/E ratio is popular and easy to calculate, but it has shortcomings that investors should consider when using it to determine a stock's valuation.

The P/E ratio doesn't factor in future earnings growth, so the PEG ratio provides more insight intoa stock's valuation. The PEG is a valuable tool for investors incalculatinga stock's future prospects because it provides a forward-looking perspective. But no single ratio can tell investors all they need to know about a stock. It's important to use a variety of ratios to arrive ata complete picture of a company's financial healthand its stock valuation.

Every investor wants an edge in predicting a company's future, but a company's earnings guidance statements may not be a reliable source.

Article Sources

Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts. We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate. You can learn more about the standards we follow in producing accurate, unbiased content in oureditorial policy.

  1. "S&P 500 PE Ratio."

  2. EDUCBA. "Price to Earning Ratio Formula."

  3. University of Minnesota. "16.5 The Computation of Earnings per Share."

  4. Corporate Finance Institute. "PEG Ratio."

  5. Cambridge Dictionary. "Sector."

Using the Price to Earnings Ratio and PEG to Assess a Stock (2024)


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Components of P/E ratio

The P/E for a stock is computed by dividing the price of a stock (the "P") by the company's annual earnings per share (the "E"). If a stock is trading at $20 per share and its earnings per share are $1, then the stock has a P/E of 20 ($20/$1).

How can you use the PEG ratio to determine the value of a stock in a start up company? ›

Price/earnings-to-growth ratio

The lower the PEG ratio, the more undervalued the stock. Let's say that stock A, with its P/E of 10, has forward annual earnings growth estimated at 10% for the next five years. To determine the PEG ratio, the P/E ratio is divided by earnings growth, in this case yielding a PEG of 1.

What is PEG vs PE ratio? ›

The price-to-earnings (PE) ratio and price-to-earnings growth (PEG) ratio are very similar. Both ratios are used to understand the company's stock price relative to its earnings-per-share (EPS). The only difference between the two ratios is that the PEG ratio factors in the expected growth rate on earnings.

What is a good PEG ratio for a stock? ›

What Is a Good PEG Ratio? As a general rule, a PEG ratio of 1.0 or lower suggests a stock is fairly priced or even undervalued. A PEG ratio above 1.0 suggests a stock is overvalued.

What does the PE ratio tell you about a stock? ›

Key Takeaways. The P/E ratio is calculated by dividing the market value price per share by the company's earnings per share (EPS). A high P/E ratio can mean that a stock's price is high relative to earnings and possibly overvalued. A low P/E ratio might indicate that the current stock price is low relative to earnings.

How do you know if PE ratio is good? ›

As far as Nifty is concerned, it has traded in a PE range of 10 to 30 historically. Average PE of Nifty in the last 20 years was around 20.* So PEs below 20 may provide good investment opportunities; lower the PE below 20, more attractive the investment potential.

How to check PEG ratio? ›

For example, let's say you're analyzing a stock that is trading with a P/E ratio of 16. Suppose the company's earnings per share (EPS) have been and will continue to grow at 15% per year. By taking the P/E ratio (16) and dividing it by the growth rate (15), the PEG ratio is calculated as 1.07.

What is the PEG ratio rule? ›

It helps investors gauge the relationship between a stock's price and its potential for earnings growth. How is the PEG ratio calculated? The PEG ratio is calculated by dividing the P/E ratio by the annual earnings per share (EPS) growth rate. The formula is: PEG Ratio = (P/E Ratio) / Annual EPS Growth Rate.

How to evaluate stock prices? ›

Price-to-earnings ratio (P/E): Calculated by dividing the current price of a stock by its EPS, the P/E ratio is a commonly quoted measure of stock value. In a nutshell, P/E tells you how much investors are paying for a dollar of a company's earnings.

Why peg is better than PE? ›

PEG ratio evaluates growth

The PE ratio measures the price of a stock relative to its earnings, while the PEG ratio takes into account the company's growth rate. It means that a company with a high growth rate and a high PE ratio may still be undervalued based on its growth potential.

What is a good price-to-earnings ratio? ›

Typically, the average P/E ratio is around 20 to 25. Anything below that would be considered a good price-to-earnings ratio, whereas anything above that would be a worse P/E ratio. But it doesn't stop there, as different industries can have different average P/E ratios.

What is the PEG ratio of meta? ›

Valuation Ratios

Meta Platforms's PEG ratio is 1.16.

What is the PEG ratio of Apple? ›

The trailing PE ratio is 32.27 and the forward PE ratio is 29.73. Apple's PEG ratio is 2.29.

What stocks have the lowest PEG ratio? ›

Low PEG stocks
1.Max Healthcare0.11
2.Bengal & Assam0.18
3.Life Insurance0.22
4.Lloyds Metals0.23
23 more rows

What factors should be considered when using the PEG ratio? ›

Determining a 'good' PEG ratio involves considering factors such as industry norms, prevailing market conditions, and investment goals. A PEG ratio below 1 is commonly viewed as favorable, often indicating that the stock may be undervalued relative to its expected earnings growth.

How do you compare stocks with PE ratio? ›

You can use a P/E ratio to compare a company's cost to that of the broader market or against its peers in the same sector. If, for example, you had one company trading with a P/E ratio of 10 and another with a P/E of 20, you'd say that the lower P/E indicated a cheaper stock.

How to determine if a company is overvalued or undervalued by PE ratio? ›

Investors and analysts consider stocks which have a P/E ratio of 50 or above to be an overvalued share, especially in comparison to a stock which has a ratio at par with or below 10. As it allows investors to determine that its share prices are considerably higher than what a company can afford to pay as dividends.

What is the formula for evaluating a stock? ›

Price-to-earnings ratio (P/E): Calculated by dividing the current price of a stock by its EPS, the P/E ratio is a commonly quoted measure of stock value. In a nutshell, P/E tells you how much investors are paying for a dollar of a company's earnings.

Do you want a high or low PE ratio? ›

The difference between a good and bad P/E ratio is not as cut and dry as it may seem. Generally speaking, investors prefer a lower P/E ratio, but to fully understand if a P/E ratio is good or bad, you'll need to use it in a comparative sense. Typically, the average P/E ratio is around 20 to 25.

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