Upload image or PDF files to Amazon S3 through API Gateway (2024)

I want to upload an image or PDF file to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) through Amazon API Gateway. I also want to retrieve an image or PDF file.

Short description

To upload an image or PDF as a binary file to an Amazon S3 bucket through API Gateway, activate binary support.

To grant your API access to your S3 bucket, create an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role. The IAM role must include permissions for API Gateway to perform the PutObject and GetObject actions on your S3 bucket.


Create an IAM role for API Gateway

1.Open the IAM console.

2.In the navigation pane, choose Roles.

3.Choose Create role.

4.In the Select type of trusted entity section, choose AWS service.

5.In the Choose a use case section, choose API Gateway.

6.In the Select your use case section, choose API Gateway.

7.Choose Next: Permissions.
Note: This section shows the AWS managed service that permits API Gateway to push logs to a user's account. You add permissions for Amazon S3 later.

8.(Optional) Choose Next: Tags to add tags.

9.Choose Next: Review.

10.For Role name, enter a name for your policy. For example: api-gateway-upload-to-s3.

11.Choose Create role.

Create and attach an IAM policy to the API Gateway role

1.Open the IAM console.

2.In the navigation pane, choose Roles.

3.In the search box, enter the name of the new API Gateway role that you created. Then, choose that role from the Role name column.

4.On the Roles detail page tab, choose Add permissions.

5.Choose Create inline policy.

6.On the Visual editor tab, in the Select a service section, choose Choose a service.

7.Enter S3, and then choose S3.

8.In the Specify the actions allowed in S3 box, enter PutObject, and then choose PutObject.

9.Enter GetObject, and then choose GetObject.

10.Expand Resources, and then choose Specific.

11.Choose Add ARN.

12.For Bucket name, enter the name of your bucket. Include the prefix, if applicable.

13.For Object name, enter an object name.
Note: The bucket name specifies the location of the uploaded files. The object name specifies the pattern that the object must adhere to for policy alignment. For more information, see Bucket naming rules and Amazon S3 objects overview.

14.Choose Add.

15. (Optional) Choose Next: Tags to add tags.

16.Choose Next: Review.

17.For Name, enter the name of your policy.

18.Choose Create policy.

19.In the policy search box, enter the name of the policy that you created in step 17, and then select that policy.

20.Choose Policy actions, and then choose Attach. A list of IAM roles appears.

21.Search for the API Gateway role that you created earlier. Then, select the role.

22.Choose Attach policy.

Create an API Gateway REST API

Create an API to serve your requests

1.Open the API Gateway console.

2.In the navigation pane, choose APIs.

3.Choose Create API.

4.In the Choose an API type section, for REST API, choose Build.

5.For API Name, enter a name for your API, and then choose Next.

6.Choose Create API.

Create resources for your API

1.In the Resources panel of your API page, select /.

2.For Actions, choose Create Resource.

3.For Resource Name, enter folder.

4.For Resource Path, enter {folder}.

5.Choose Create Resource.

6.In the Resources panel, select the /{folder} resource that you created in step 5.

7.Choose Actions, and then choose Create Resource.

8.For Resource Name, enter object.

9.For Resource Path, enter {object}.

10.Choose Create Resource.

Create a PUT method for your API for uploading image or PDF

1.Choose Actions, and then choose Create Method.

2.From the dropdown list, choose PUT, and then choose the check mark icon.

3.Under the Integration type category, choose AWS Service.

4.For AWS Region, choose us-east-1 or the AWS Region you see on the Bucket properties page.

5.For AWS Service, choose Simple Storage Service (S3).

6.Keep AWS Subdomain empty.

7.For HTTP method, choose PUT.

8.For Action Type, choose Use path override.

9.For Path override (optional), enter {bucket}/{key}.

10.For Execution role, enter the ARN for the IAM role that you created earlier. ARN creation is part of the Create and attach an IAM policy to the API Gateway role section.

11.For Content Handling, choose Passthrough.

12.Choose Save.

Configure parameter mappings for the PUT method

1.In the Resources panel of your API page, choose PUT.

2.Choose Integration Request.

3.Expand URL Path Parameters.

4.Choose Add path.

5.For Name, enter bucket.

6.For Mapped from, enter method.request.path.folder.

7.Choose the check mark icon at the end of the row.

8.Repeat steps 4–7. In step 5, set Name to key. In step 6, set Mapped from to method.request.path.object.

Create a GET method for your API for retrieving an image

1.In the Resources panel of your API page, choose /{object}.

2.Choose Actions, and then choose Create Method.

3.From the dropdown list, choose GET, and then choose the check mark icon.

4.Under the Integration type category, choose AWS Service.

5.For AWS Region, choose us-east-1, or the Region that you see on the Bucket properties page.

6.For AWS Service, choose Simple Storage Service (S3).

7.Keep AWS Subdomain empty.

8.For HTTP method, choose GET.

9.For Action Type, choose Use path override.

10.For Path override (optional), enter {bucket}/{key}.

11.For Execution role, enter the ARN for the IAM role that you created earlier. ARN creation is part of the Create and attach an IAM policy to the API Gateway role section.

12.For Content Handling, choose Passthrough.

13.Choose Save.

Configure parameter mappings for the GET method

1.In the Resources panel of your API page, choose GET.

2.Choose Integration Request.

3.Expand URL Path Parameters.

4.Choose Add path.

5.For Name, enter bucket.

6.For Mapped from, enter method.request.path.folder.

7.Choose the check mark icon at the end of the row.

8.Repeat steps 4–7. In step 5, set Name to key. In step 6, set Mapped from to method.request.path.object.

Set up response mapping to see the image or PDF in browser

1.In the Resources panel of your API page, choose GET.

2.Choose Method Response.

3.Expand 200.

4.Under Response Body for 200, remove application/json.

5.Under Response headers for 200, choose Add header.

6.For Name, enter content-type.

7.Choose the check mark icon to save.

8.Choose Method execution to go back to the Method Execution pane.

9.Choose Integration Response.

10.Expand 200, and then expand Header Mappings.

11.Choose the pencil icon at end of the row named content-type.

12.Enter 'image/jpeg' to see an image file.
Enter 'application/pdf' to see a PDF file.

Set up binary media types for the API

1.In the navigation pane of your API page, choose Settings.

2.In the Binary Media Types section, choose Add Binary Media Type.

3.In the text box, add the following string: */*
Note: Don't put the string in quotes. You can substitute a wildcard for a particular Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) type that you want to treat as a binary media type. For example, to have API Gateway treat JPEG images as binary media types, choose 'image/jpeg'. If you add */*, then API Gateway treats all media types as binary media types.

4.Choose Save Changes.

Resolve CORS error with binary settings for API

1.If you use the previously noted APIs (PUT and GET) in a web application, then you might encounter a CORS error. For more information, see CORS errors on the Mozilla website.

2.To resolve the CORS error with binary settings turned on, start CORS from the API Gateway console.

3.In the Resources panel of your API page, select /{object}.

4.For Actions, choose Enable CORS.

5.Choose Enable CORS and replace existing CORS headers.

6.To update the content handling property, run the update-integration CLI command. This update allows the binary content to handle preflight options requests with mock integration.

7.Update the API ID, Resource ID, and AWS Region to run the following two CLI commands. To obtain the API ID and Resource ID, select the {object} resource from the top of the Gateway API console.

aws apigateway update-integration --rest-api-id API_ID --resource-id RESOURCE_id --http-method OPTIONS --patch-operations op='replace',path='/contentHandling',value='CONVERT_TO_TEXT' --region AWS_REGION
aws apigateway update-integration-response --rest-api-id API_ID --resource-id RESOURCE_id --http-method OPTIONS --status-code 200 --patch-operations op='replace',path='/contentHandling',value='CONVERT_TO_TEXT' --region AWS_REGION

Deploy your API

1.In the navigation pane on your API page, choose Resources.

2.In the Resources pane, choose Actions, and then choose Deploy API.

3.In the Deploy API window, for Deployment stage, choose [New Stage].

4.For Stage name, enter v1.

5.Choose Deploy.

6.In the navigation pane, choose Stages.

7.Choose the v1 stage. The invoke URL for making requests to the deployed API snapshot appears.

8.Copy the invoke URL.

Note: For more information, see Deploying a REST API in Amazon API Gateway.

Invoke your API to upload an image file to S3

Append the bucket name and file name of the object to your API's invoke URL. Then, make a PUT HTTP request with a client of your choice. For example, with the Postman external application, choose PUT method from the dropdown. Choose Body, and then choose binary. When the Select File button appears, select a local file to upload.

For more information, see Invoking a REST API in Amazon API Gateway.

Example curl command to make a PUT HTTP request to upload an image or PDF

In the following example, abc12345 is your API ID, testfolder is your S3 bucket, and testimage.jpeg is the local file that you upload:

curl -i --location --request PUT 'https://abc12345.execute-api.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/v1/testfolder/testimage.jpeg' --header 'Content-Type: text/plain' --data-binary '@/Path/to/file/image.jpeg'

Important: If */* is included in the binary media types list, then you can make a PUT request to upload the file. If image.jpeg is included in the binary media types list, then you must add Content-Type header to your PUT request. You must set Content-Type header to 'image/jpeg'.

You now see the image or PDF in a web browser with the same URL. This is because the web browser makes a GET request.

Related information

Activating binary support using the API Gateway REST API

Upload image or PDF files to Amazon S3 through API Gateway (2024)


Upload image or PDF files to Amazon S3 through API Gateway? ›

In the Amazon S3 console, choose the bucket where you want to upload an object, choose Upload, and then choose Add Files. In the file selection dialog box, find the file that you want to upload, choose it, choose Open, and then choose Start Upload.

How do I upload a PDF to AWS S3? ›

In the Amazon S3 console, choose the bucket where you want to upload an object, choose Upload, and then choose Add Files. In the file selection dialog box, find the file that you want to upload, choose it, choose Open, and then choose Start Upload.

How to upload files to Amazon S3 via an API? ›

In the integration settings, the integration type is set to AWS Service (S3), with the action as PUT. Then, we use the path override feature to set the bucket name and object key, {bucket}/{key} . To ensure the API Gateway can handle JPEG images, we declare the expected binary content type as image/jpeg.

How do I upload images to AWS S3? ›

Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon S3 console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/s3/ .
  1. In the left navigation pane, choose Buckets.
  2. In the Buckets list, choose the name of the bucket that you want to upload your folders or files to.
  3. Choose Upload.
  4. In the Upload window, do one of the following:

How do I automatically upload files to my S3 bucket? ›

1 Answer
  1. Create a script file for example name it script.sh.
  2. Install AWS CLI.
  3. Create a IAM user that has access to that S3 bucket and add his AWS Key and Key secret to AWS Configure Link.
  4. Set up a cron job for 1 hour. And you are done those files will be copied to S3 bucket each hour.
Sep 19, 2016

How do I upload an image or PDF file to Amazon S3 through API gateway? ›

Create an API Gateway REST API
  1. Create an API to serve your requests. Open the API Gateway console. ...
  2. Create resources for your API. In the Resources panel of your API page, select /. ...
  3. Create a PUT method for your API for uploading image or PDF. ...
  4. Example curl command to make a PUT HTTP request to upload an image or PDF.

Can I upload PDF to Amazon? ›

Import PDF supported personal documents from your PC. In the Kindle for PC app top menu, select File then Import PDF. From the screen that pops up, find the PDF you wish to upload.

What is the upload file size limit for AWS API gateway? ›

tl;dr; The AWS API Gateway has a payload size limit of 10MB, which was determined based on customer feedback and load testing during the service launch[1]. Currently, it is not possible to configure this limit, but AWS may consider enhancing this feature in the future for customers who require further limitations[1].

How to upload any type of binary file to S3 via API gateway? ›

Step 0 - Configuration
  1. You will need to enable binary encoding types for each API gateway that you want to process binary files with.
  2. Navigate to AWS Console -> API Gateway -> Select your API -> Settings -> Binary Media Types.
  3. Add */*
  4. Click 'Save Changes' OR update your IAC to modify the API Gateway for you.
Feb 21, 2023

How to upload files to AWS S3 using API PHP? ›

File can be uploaded to AWS S3 in Core PHP as below:
  1. Install AWS S3 PHP SDK. composer require aws/aws-sdk-php.
  2. Create File Upload Form.
  3. upload-to-S3.php file.
May 11, 2023

How to upload files from local to S3? ›

2. Upload Files from the S3 Console:
  1. Open the S3 console.
  2. Select the desired bucket.
  3. Click on the “Upload” button.
  4. Add the files or folder you want to upload.
  5. Configure additional settings if required.
  6. Start the upload process.
  7. Monitor the upload progress in the console.
Jun 17, 2023

How do I upload multiple pictures to my S3? ›

With the File Input component, you can set the Selection type to Multiple files to upload more than one file. You can then create queries to upload all the selected files to GCS or AWS S3 through a connected resource.

What format are images in AWS S3? ›

Upload an image that contains one or more objects—such as trees, houses, and boat—to your S3 bucket. The image must be in . jpg or . png format.

How to upload the PDF file in S3 bucket using Spring Boot? ›

We need to choose the POST method, in the Body we need to add json with two fields: fileName and base64. You can convert any file to base64 using online converter. The endpoint url is: http://localhost:8080/files/upload. And if you open your S3 bucket on Amazon then you should see one uploaded image there.

How do I upload files to my S3 bucket folder? ›

"When you upload a folder, Amazon S3 uploads all of the files and subfolders from the specified folder to your bucket. It then assigns an object key name that is a combination of the uploaded file name and the folder name. For example, if you upload a folder named /images that contains two files, sample1.

How do I download a PDF from S3 bucket? ›

Downloading a File from an S3 Bucket
  1. Configure your AWS credentials, as described in Quickstart.
  2. Create an S3 bucket and upload a file to the bucket.
  3. Replace the BUCKET_NAME and KEY values in the code snippet with the name of your bucket and the key for the uploaded file.

How do I upload a CSV file to my S3 bucket? ›

Once you have created your S3 bucket and IAM user, you can set up the data export in the Adjust dashboard.
  1. Navigate to your app and select your app options caret ( ^ ).
  2. Navigate to All Settings > Raw Data Export > CSV Upload.
  3. Toggle the switch to ON.
  4. Select Amazon S3 Bucket from the dropdown menu.
Aug 14, 2022

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Name: Rueben Jacobs

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Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.